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Sect. Zygophylla of Calceolaria (Scrophulariaceae) in NW South America is revised. It is characterized by connate leaves with winged petioles, and most of the species have intercalary inflorescences. Fourteen species are recognized in the investigated area, one of which is described as new, viz. C. zamorana. Two new combinations are made, viz. C. nevadensis ssp. meridensis (Pennell) Molau and C. purpurascens (Kranzlin) Molau. The chromosome number 2n = 36 is reported for six of the species, viz. C. calycina, C. dilatata, C. grandiflora, C. lanata, C. lojensis , and C. trilobala. The species of sect. Zygophylla are completely interfertile, and sympatric species are isolated by external barriers, e.g. pollination and habitat ecology. Several cases of natural hybridization and introgression are reported.  相似文献   

Columnea chrysotricha, C. cuspidata (bothColumnea sect.Collandra), andGasteranthus recurvatus are described from Colombia;C. sulcata (Columnea sect.Collandra) from Ecuador and Colombia; andDrymonia anisophylla from the Amazonian lowland rain forests of Brazil, Colombia, Ecuador, and Peru.  相似文献   

Two species of Gesneriaceae are described:Alloplectus purpureus from the lower montane forests of northwestern Ecuador and adjacent Colombia andColumnea nematoloba from the lowland rain forests of western Colombia. The first with its fimbriate calyx lobes is probably nearest toAlloplectus sprucei, occurring in the same region but mostly at lower elevations. The second is in a group with two recently described species from western Ecuador and Colombia,Columnea fililoba andC. incredibilis, all having filiform corolla lobes.  相似文献   

Clematis sect. Brachiatae is revised in this paper. Twenty-four species and four varieties are recognized. They are keyed, described, and illustrated in most cases, and classified into two series. Brief taxonomic history and geographical distribution of the section are given, and its systematic position and origin are discussed. A western Himalayan species, C. graveolens Lindl., which has long been misplaced in the C. orientalis group (sect. Meclatis), is transferred to sect. Brachiatae on the basis of its floral structure being identical with that of C. brachiata Thunb. and its allies. Two new combinations, sect. Brachiatae Snoeijer ser. Wightianae (W. T. Wang) W. T. Wang and ser. Dissectae (W. T. Wang) W. T. Wang, are made, and two species, C. zaireensis W. T. Wang and C. bowkeri Burtt Davy, are described as new.  相似文献   

从大兴安岭和长白山采集到30号蜜环菌(Armillaria mellea)标本,选其中有代表性的10个号的担子果获得单孢株。交配试验表明每一担子果都具有双因子异宗配合系。不同子实体交配型之间交配结果表明,在大兴安岭和长白山地区蜜环菌目前至少存在5个生物种,分别称为生物种A、B、C、D和E。将这5个生物种的单孢菌种与欧洲5个蜜环菌生物种的单孢菌株进行配合,生物种B与欧洲A.gallica,生物种E与欧洲A.ostoyae亲和交配,因此将生物种B和E分别定为A.gallica和A.ostoyae。生物种A、C和D则不与任何欧洲生物种交配。  相似文献   

对毛茛科铁线莲属Clematis L.的对枝铁线莲组sect. Brachiatae进行了全面修订,确定此组共含24种和4变种(包括2新种),写出了此组的分类学简史和地理分布,对其在铁线莲属中的系统位置和起源以及组下分类进行了讨论;还写出了组下分类群检索表,以及每系和每种植物的形态描述、地理分布、生长环境等,并附有多幅插图。本组各种的花构造相当一致:萼片4,镊合状排列,水平开展,白色,通常呈长圆形、卵形或披针形,只在2进化种呈宽椭圆形,外面边缘上密被短绒毛;雄蕊花丝狭条形,被柔毛,花药通常长圆形或狭长圆形,无毛,药隔顶端通常不突出;心皮密被柔毛。上述花构造与威灵仙组欧洲铁线莲亚组sect. Clematis subsect. Clematis 的花构造极为相似,与后者的区别仅在于本组被毛的雄蕊花丝。本组是在1992年由黄花铁线莲组sect. Meclatis (萼片4,通常向斜上方开展,黄色,卵形、长圆形或披针形;花丝由于下部变宽而呈狭披针形,被柔毛)中分出建立的,可能与黄花铁线莲组有亲缘关系,并可能同自威灵仙组欧洲铁线莲亚组演化而出。本组的叶变异较大,自单叶至三出复叶、1-3回羽状复叶,最后到3-4回羽状细裂,表现出一明显演化趋势。根据叶的上述特征,以及萼片形状,本组被划分为2系。第1系,对枝铁线莲系ser. Wightianae: 叶为单叶、三出复叶或1-2(-3)回羽状复叶,萼片呈长圆形至披针形,含22种,其中20种分布于科摩罗、马达加斯加、毛里求斯、非洲大陆和阿拉伯半岛西南部,另2种分别分布于印度南部和喜马拉雅山区西部。第2系,细裂铁线莲系ser. Dissectae: 叶3-4回羽状全裂,萼片呈宽椭圆形,含2种,特产马达加斯加。本组各种植物中具单叶的只有1种,即盒子草铁线莲C. actinostemmatifolia (特产科摩罗)。特产马达加斯加的伏毛铁线莲C. strigillosa和特产毛里求斯及马达加斯加的毛里求斯铁线莲C. mauritiana的叶全部为三出复叶。特产非洲大陆中部的扎伊尔铁线莲C. zaireensis的叶多数为三出复叶,有少数叶为具5枚小叶的羽状复叶;此种与产马达加斯加的伏毛铁线莲相近缘,但比后者进化,可能系由后者或后者的近缘种演化而来,并代表了非洲大陆对枝铁线莲组的原始类型,因为非洲大陆该组的其他13种均具1-2回羽状复叶。此外,特产印度南部的怀特铁线莲C. wightiana具1回羽状复叶,特产喜马拉雅山区西部的浓香铁线莲C. graveolens则具2-3回羽状复叶。根据上述,推测科摩罗、马达加斯加和毛里求斯这一群岛地区可能是对枝铁线莲组的起源中心。  相似文献   

Mitotic karyotypes of species of Columnea L. sensu lato (Gesneriaceae) show morphological but not numerical differences in most cases. The differences are more exaggerated in continental species than in Jamaican ones. Changes in karyotype morphology have accompanied speciation, but the present limited karyotype data show no marked correlation with the geography or taxonomy of the species.  相似文献   

对毛茛科铁线莲属Clematis的黄花铁线莲组sect. Meclatis进行了全面修订, 确定此属含13种和13变种(包括1新变种和2新变种等级); 写出了此组的分类学简史和地理分布, 并对其在铁线莲属中的系统位置和组内诸种的亲缘关系进行了讨论; 还写出了此组的分种、分变种检索表, 以及各种植物的形态描述、地理分布、生长环境等, 并附有各种的插图。此组的花构造与对枝铁线莲组sect. Brachiatae的近似, 与后者在亲缘关系上相近, 区别在于此组的萼片通常斜上方开展, 呈黄色, 被毛的花丝下部变宽, 呈狭披针形, 而在对枝铁线莲组, 萼片水平开展, 呈白色, 被毛的雄蕊花丝呈狭条形, 下部不变宽; 二组可能均起源于欧洲铁线莲组的sect. Clematis subsect. Clematis, 因此, 均应是隶属欧洲铁线莲亚属subgen. Clematis的成员。根据对此组植物形态特征的分析, 观察到以下演化趋势: (1)叶的颜色由于适应干旱气候, 由绿色变为灰绿色; (2)卵形或宽卵形、掌状分裂、边缘具齿的小叶可能是原始的特征, 而披针形或条形、不分裂、全缘的小叶是衍生的特征; (3)单独、顶生、只是花梗的花是由具花序梗和二苞片的聚伞花序发生减化(reduction)而衍生的; (4)萼片形状的演化趋势与小叶形状的演化趋势近似, 也由卵形演变到披针形或条形; (5)萼片内面无毛是原始现象, 而被毛则是衍生现象; (6)萼片顶端无突起是原始现象, 出现突起则为衍生现象; (7)花药形状由长圆形演变到狭长圆形和条形。根据上述演化趋势, 推测具较多原始特征的甘川铁线莲C. akebioides和甘青铁线莲C. tangutica为此组的原始种, 而具较多衍生特征的尾尖铁线莲C. caudigera和角萼铁线莲C. corniculata为此组的进化种。组成世界屋脊的青藏高原西缘、帕米尔高原和邻近山地集中分布有此组10种(包括7特有种), 当是此组的分布中心; 而甘川铁线莲和甘青铁线莲二种分布区的主要重叠部分所在的青藏高原东缘则可能是此组的起源中心。过去,一些铁线莲属专家将属于欧洲铁线莲组的C. ispahanica Boiss.和属于对枝铁线莲组的C. graveolens Lindl.误置于黄花铁线莲组中, 对此, 本文予以纠正。  相似文献   

Carex sect. Spirostachyae comprises 25 species displaying the centre of diversity in Eurasia, while sect. Elatae comprises 22 species displaying the centre of diversity in tropical African mountainous regions. Phylogenetic analysis of the 136 ITS and 108 5′trnK intron sequences of 23 species of sect. Spirostachyae and 20 species of sect. Elatae revealed that neither section is monophyletic. With the exclusion of C. montis-eeka (sect. Spirostachyae) and C. insularis, C. iynx and C. longibrachiata (sect. Elatae), the sects. Spirostachyae and Elatae constitute a monophyletic group of 38 species, 22 of which were previously included in sect. Spirostachyae and 16 of which were in sect. Elatae (considering C. thomasii as C. mannii ssp. thomasii). Two main groups with different edaphic preferences were identified in the core Spirostachyae, in congruence with some morphological features. One group comprises primarily acidophilus species including 11 species of sect. Spirostachyae and 16 species of sect. Elatae. The other group includes 11 basophilic species of sect. Spirostachyae. Incongruence between nuclear and plastid genomes was detected, suggesting hybridization or lineage sorting processes in the evolution of the core Spirostachyae.  相似文献   

对毛茛科Ranunculaceae铁线莲属Clematis的菝葜叶铁线莲组sect. Naraveliopsis进行了全面修订, 确定此组共含21种1亚种和1变种; 写出此组的分类学简史和地理分布, 并讨论了此组在铁线莲属中的系统位置; 将此组划分为3亚组, 写出分亚组、分种检索表, 以及各种植物的形态描述、地理分布、生长环境等, 并附有多数种的墨线图。根据对此组植物形态特征的分析, 观察到以下重要演化趋势: (1)叶从单叶演变到二回羽状复叶或二回三出复叶; (2)花从两性到单性, 从无退化雄蕊到有退化雄蕊; (3)雄蕊从无毛到有毛; (4)药隔突起从短(0.5-0.7 mm)到长(8.5-10 mm)。根据上述演化趋势,花两性、雄蕊被毛、退化雄蕊存在的荔波铁线莲亚组subsect. Liboenses(1种,特产贵州荔波)和花由两性变为单性的亚组subsect. Macgregorianae(2种,特产菲律宾)被认为是菝葜叶铁线莲组的进化群。在原始的菝葜叶铁线莲亚组subsect. Smilacifoliae(花两性,雄蕊无毛; 18种,广布亚洲热带地区)中,具单叶,花无退化雄蕊,药隔突起较短的菝葜叶铁线莲C. smilacifolia和滇南铁线莲C. fulvicoma被认为是较原始的种,而具三出复叶和退化雄蕊的C. vietnamensis和丝铁线莲C. loureiriana,以及具羽状复叶和长药隔突起(长达10 mm)的C. papillosa等3种则被认为是此亚组的进化种。自中南半岛北部山地向西经云贵高原南部至喜马拉雅东部山区集中分布有菝葜叶铁线莲组的13种植物,这一山区地带被认为是此组的分布中心。在此山区地带中,菝葜叶铁线莲的分布区和滇南铁线莲的分布区重叠部分的山区可能是此组的起源中心。  相似文献   

Three sections of Calceolaria (Scrophulariaceae) in NW South America are revised, viz. sect. Urticopsis (8 species in the area), Lobatae (4), and Micranthera (2). Sect. Urticopsis is characterized by herbaceous, ovate, petiolate leaves and white to buffish pubescence. Sect. Lobatae is characterized by lobate, petiolate leaves and white to greyish white pubescence. Sect. Micranthera comprises small herbs with a weedy habit, characterized by small anthers and unusually long filaments. Three new species are described, viz. C. obtusa, C. trichanthera , and C. adenocalyx (all in sect. Urticopsis) , and one new combination is made, viz. C. penlandii ssp. puraceensis (sect. Urticopsis). Chromosome numbers (all 2n = 36) are reported for C. lamiifolia, C. obtusa, C. penlandii ssp. penlandii , and C. dichotoma.  相似文献   

Columnea lariensis is described and illustrated as a new species from the Talamanca Mountains, Costa Rica. It is similar to C. canarina from Panama. Alloplectus weirii is here reported for the first time from Mesoamerica and an illustration is provided.
Resumen   Columnea lariensis de la Cordillera de Talamanca, Costa Rica, es descrita e ilustrada. Es similar a C. canarina de Panamá. Alloplectus weirii se reporta para Mesoamérica por primera vez y se incluye una ilustración de la misma.

Sherk's cytogenetic findings are outlined, as far as they relate to the possible hybrid origin of Columnea querceti Oersted. Morphological evidence is provided to show that a hybrid origin is not impossible because there is a precedent for natural hybridization within the genus.  相似文献   

A hybrid swarm between the hummingbird-pollinated Jamaican endemics Columnea urbanii Stearn and C. rutilans Swartz (Gesneriaceae) is described in terms of morphological, chemical and cytological characters.
The importance of man-made ecological niches to the establishment of hybrids is outlined and contrasted with the paucity of niches in undisturbed Columnea habitats. Niche availability determines the effectiveness of dissemination of both hybrid and pure seed.
With the variation pattern of the Jamaican hybrids in mind, the possibility of hybridization between columneas elsewhere should be considered in systematic assessment of difficult groups in the genus.  相似文献   

Caloglossa intermedia , sp. nov. is described from estuaries and salt marshes of Atlantic North America. This species is related to C. leprieurii (Montagne) G. Martens based on the position of rhizoids, whereas it is more similar to C. monosticha Kamiya in the number of cell rows at the nodes. Rhizoidal development of this alga also shows an intermediate characteristic between C. leprieurii and C. monosticha. Crosses were successful between the strains of C. intermedia from Georgia and South Carolina, but neither strain was interfertile with morphologically related species. C. intermedia from Georgia, New Jersey, and South Carolina had identical DNA sequences in the Rubisco spacer and flanking regions of rbc L and rbc S. This alga was more closely related to C. leprieurii in a molecular phylogenetic analysis. The evolution of each morphological character is discussed.  相似文献   

谭莎  查钱慧  黄永芳  洪文泓  薛克娜 《广西植物》2016,36(12):1422-1425
金花茶分类系统尚未完善,金花茶又极具观赏价值,潜在价值极高,该研究应用扫描电镜观察三种金花茶花粉形态,即平果金花茶、直脉金花茶、金花茶,并运用数理统计和图片分析的方法对其花粉形态进行了探讨.结果表明:三种金花茶花粉均属于大花粉粒,花粉平均极轴在50μm以上,花粉极面观为钝凹三角形,萌发孔为三孔沟,即N3P4C5类型.平果金花茶与直脉金花茶花粉外壁纹饰为拟网状纹饰,平果金花茶网眼较密,网脊稍不平,直脉金花茶网脊稍隆起;金花茶为蠕虫状纹饰,短条状突起.花粉形态对其分类有重要意义,通过花粉外壁纹饰的类型可知金花茶与其二者亲缘关系较远,花粉形态各指标具有种间变异性,种内具有保守性,而平果金花茶和直脉金花茶花粉外壁纹饰相同但具体分类还需进一步研究.该研究结果为金花茶种质资源分类和利用提供了参考,在一定程度上促进了金花茶资源的开发和利用.  相似文献   

Speciation is an ongoing process. Many recognized species are fully divergent from each other and their ancestors, whereas others are in earlier stages in the diversification process. Such incipient speciation may create patterns when one or a few populations are phenotypically distinct, but lack genomic level coalescence from each other or from their ancestral species. As a result, such progenitor-derivative species pairs are likely to lack reciprocal monophyly or generate paraphyletic ancestral species. Here we examine phylogenetic patterns in the Columnea strigosa (Gesneriaceae) complex to evaluate whether populations that have been named C. kucyniakii are reciprocally monophyletic with C. strigosa, its presumed ancestral species. Molecular phylogenetic results do not support reciprocal monophyly of the two species, implying that incipient speciation is occurring within the C. strigosa complex. We hereby recommend that C. kucyniakii be recognized at the specific rank despite the fact that it creates a paraphyletic C. strigosa. These findings bear importance in taxonomic decisions about paraphyletic taxa and recognizing evolutionary and morphologically distinct lineages.  相似文献   

Leaf anatomy of 21 species representing sect. Oleifera H. T. Chang and sect. Paracamellia Sealy in the genus Camellia was investigated using light microscopy. All the shapes of leaf epidermal cells were polygo-nal, and the patterns of anticlinal walls were sinuolate or sinuous, which were important to the classification of these two sections. The stomata were cyclocytic type and only present on the abaxial epidermis in both sampled sections. Seventeen leaf anatomical and cytologic characters were selected and used for the cluster analysis and principle components analyses performed by PAST program. Congruent results were obtained, with sect. Oleifera and sect. Paracamellia consistently grouping in two different clades, and some related species nesting together. This study provided leaf anatomical evidence for the merge of C. lanceoleosa H. T. Chang & J. S. Chiu and C. fluviatilis Hand.-Mazz.; of C. brevistyla Coh. St., C. obtusifolia H. T. Chang, and C. puniceiflora H. T. Chang; and of C. grijsii Hance and C. shensiensis H. T. Chang. In addition, it was also proved that C. tenii Sealy should be segregated from sect. Paracamellia and placed in the sect. Corallina Sealy. For further interest, we suggested that C. phaeoclada H. T. Chang be recognized as a subspecies of C. microphylla (Merr.) Chien. Overall, the results presented provided new insights into the relationships within a number of Camellia plants and sug-gested directions for future studies.  相似文献   

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