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Among polygynous species, males often compete for the possession of mating sites to increase their reproductive success. Weaker individuals frequently adopt alternative non‐territorial mate‐locating tactics, but the adoption of alternative territorial tactics may also occur. Although alternative tactics with territory defence are less common in arthropods, factors that drive its adoption may provide information to understand the organization of different territorial mating systems in the group. Here we investigate the adoption of resource‐based territoriality as an alternative to a non‐resource‐based one by males of the butterfly Paryphthimoides phronius. Male P. phronius commonly defend sunny clearings lacking feeding resources in the forest edge (non‐resource‐based territoriality). However, after experimentally offering fermenting fruit in previously undefended sites, we showed that males also adopt a resource defence tactic. Males in territories with fermenting fruits apparently feed on this resource when they are not defending the territory. However, males in sites without resources did not migrate to territories with resources when given the opportunity. To our knowledge, this is the first experimental investigation to show a non‐resource‐ and an alternative resource‐based mate‐locating tactic in a butterfly. We suggest that this behavioural flexibility may represent an important step to understand the ecological factors responsible for the organization and evolution of different territorial mating systems in insects.  相似文献   

Two spatial tactics are usually distinguished in males of Calopteryx damselflies: territorial and nonterritorial. These tactics are believed to underlie two alternative condition-dependent reproductive tactics in these insects, and territorial males are believed to copulate more often. With age, males become weaker, turn nonterritorial, and only occasionally manage to copulate. However, the details of space use by damselflies are poorly known, which hinders the interpretation of the existing empirical data. We describe the space use by individually marked males of the banded demoiselle C. splendens studied during three field seasons in Vladimir Province, Russia. Each male on each day of observations was characterized as either territorial or non-territorial, and the sites of encounter were mapped. The probability of being territorial declined with the male’s age. The spatial tactics (territorial vs. non-territorial) on a given day strongly influenced the tactics used on the following day. We identified the territorial and non-territorial phases in the life of a male damselfly, which occurred consecutively and had a roughly similar duration. During the territorial phase, the male occupied a certain territory and tried to hold it as long as possible. The male abandoned its territory in two cases: (1) when it was driven onto a different territory as the result of competition with other males, or (2) when it was exhausted and became non-territorial. Thus, the space use by the male changed predictably during its life. Therefore, direct comparison of morphological or other characteristics in territorial vs. non-territorial males, frequently made in the literature, makes little sense. Further progress in studying the so-called “alternative reproductive tactics” in damselflies may be more successfully achieved by comparing individual life trajectories of different males (e.g. duration of territorial and non-territorial periods, the number of consecutively occupied territories, etc.). We performed correlation analysis and found that the above parameters did not depend on the wing and abdomen length of the males.  相似文献   

Males of several animals increase their reproductive success by territorial behaviour. In butterflies, males may defend a territory (i.e., territorial perching tactic), but this is assumed to be an energetically costly way to locate mates. Limitations of the energy budget may affect fight performance, and may, consequently, force males to adopt an alternative non-territorial searching behaviour (i.e., patrolling tactic) to maximize reproductive success. In this study, we tested to what extent behavioural tactics adopted by adult males of the butterfly Pararge aegeria (L.) were affected by the nutritional conditions during the larval stage. We compared the occurrence of territorial versus patrolling behaviour, lipid mass, flight muscle ratio, metabolic rate and spermatophore production of low quality males that were reared as a larva on drought-stressed host plants and control, high quality males. Low quality males were less likely to adopt the territorial perching tactic and emerged as adults with lower lipid mass than high quality males, but they were able to restore their lipid mass through adult feeding (and perhaps the breakdown of flight muscles). Host plant quality also affected spermatophore size. Independent of the larval food treatment, territorial perching males metabolised more lipids than non-territorial males, produced larger spermatophores and copulated for longer than males adopting non-territorial behaviour. We discuss the results relative to the co-existence of the behavioural tactics (perching and patrolling).  相似文献   

Summary Alternative tactics used by males to obtain mates usually are associated with genetic and/or phenotypic differences between the behavioral morphs. This system of white-faced dragonfly (Leucorrhinia intacta) alternatives is characterized by plasticity of tactical options for individual males. Males may act either as territorials, and defend small perch-centered territories on the study pond, or they act as transients, spending most of their time in vegetation surrounding the pond and sallying out at intervals in search of mates. The two tactics remain in constant proportions over a broad range of densities, so transients do not result only from a filling in of suitable territorial sites. Males adopt tactics independently from day to day, with no significant influences of phenotypic variation, priority of arrival at the breeding site, or prior success in a role. We interpret this system as based on conditional, frequency-dependent choice of alternatives by a population of males not differing significantly in their abilities to employ one tactic or the other, but we cannot exclude entirely the possibility of mixed strategies. Average daily mating success is equal for territorial and transient males, supporting predictions of mixed and conditional ESS hypotheses. Males of each tactic obtain matings daily in proportion to their representation in the population for most data samples. Deviations from the expected mating success provide no information of use in selecting one or the other tactic on subsequent days. We suggest this system of alternatives represents a conditional mating strategy, in which males adopt tactics based on the availability of perches relative to oviposition substrate and on interactions within and between tactics that are influenced by the relative frequencies of territorial and transient males.  相似文献   

Male territorial defence is a component of many vertebrate mating systems and is often regarded as a tactic for acquiring mates. Traditionally considered within the context of overt site‐specific defence, territoriality actually may have several components which encompass a variety of behavioural tactics (e.g. post‐copulatory mate‐guarding, defence of resources that females need, defence of area around females) that underlie a mating system. The purpose of our study was to evaluate such influences on the territorial behaviour of male Columbian ground squirrels in southwestern Alberta, Canada. Males were dominant and territorial if they defended a minimum convex polygon activity range by chasing other males more within the activity range than they were chased. Subordinate males had no territory and were chased throughout their ranges, but they competed for mates by increasing chases in their activity range when nearby females were oestrous. Dominant males exhibited conditional breeding tactics, tending to chase other dominant males from their territory when nearby females were oestrous, but travelling outside their activity ranges to chase subordinate males when females were not oestrous. Although females mated first with a dominant male on whose territory they resided (and in order from oldest to youngest if several territories overlapped), mating pairs were not exclusive, as females usually mated with additional males. Males also guarded females after copulation and defended females directly just before oestrus, rather than defending territory per se during those times. Thus, males possess a repertoire of behaviours that complement site‐specific territoriality, and territory ownership serves to facilitate a first mating with females that live on the territory.  相似文献   

Hormones underlie the decision of assuming a territorial or a nonterritorial role, with territorial individuals usually having higher hormonal levels than nonterritorial individuals. As a territorial status is linked to higher mating opportunities, it is unclear why animals do not keep high hormonal levels and one explanation is that this would imply survival costs. We have tested this using males of the territorial damselfly Argia emma in the field. We increased juvenile hormone (JH) levels using methoprene in both territorial and nonterritorial males and predicted that: (i) males will keep (the case of territorial males) or become (the case of nonterritorial males) territorial after hormonal increase, and (ii) there will be an increase in mating success for nonterritorial males only and an impaired survival for both male tactics. Hormonally treated males remained or became territorial but had their survival impaired compared with control groups. Also, hormonally treated, ex‐nonterritorial males increased their mating success compared with the other control, nonterritorial males. The reduced survival can be explained proximally by the energy devoted either to the enhanced aggression showed during territory defence or immune function (as detected previously in damselflies). Although nonterritorial males may increase their mating success by switching to a territorial tactic, they are possibly unable to do it naturally as JH is dietary dependent and usually nonterritorial animals are in poorer condition than territorial animals.  相似文献   

Intra-sexual dimorphism is found in the weapons of many male beetles. Different behavioral tactics to access females between major and minor males, which adopt fighting and alternative tactics, respectively, are thought to maintain the male dimorphism. In these species major males have enlarged weapons that they use in fights with rival males. Minor males also have small weapons in some of these species, and it is unclear why these males possess weapons. We examined the hypothesis that minor males might adopt a fighting tactic when their status was relatively high in comparison with that of other males (e.g., ownership of a territory). We observed the behavioral tactics of major and minor males of the beetle Librodor japonicus, whose males have a dimorphism of their mandibles. Major males fought for resources, whereas minor males adopted two status-dependent tactics, fighting and sneaking, to access females, depending on their ownership of a sap site. We suggest that ownership status-dependent mating tactics in minor males may maintain the intra-sexual dimorphism in this beetle.  相似文献   

A central focus in the study of lek evolution is to understandthe clustering of male mating territories. Lekking males typicallydefend small clumped territories and experience intense competitionassociated with dense aggregations. We used dynamic state variablemodeling to evaluate three alternative selective pressures proposedto explain the evolution of lekking. These are female matingbias for large clusters, reduction in predation risk in largeclusters, and male harassment of estrous females. We modeledmale mating decisions during a single breeding season usinga lekking ungulate as a model system. Males could choose fromeight alternative tactics that included a nonreproductive tactic,territorial tactics ranging from low to high clustering, andthe option to join a mixed-sex herd. The model predicted a state-and time-dependent strategy that maximizes mating success overthe course of the season. We then simulated a population of100 males that used the optimal strategy and calculated theproportion of the population that adopted each tactic. Our modelgenerated unique predictions for the three selective pressureswe considered. Female mating bias, when nonlinearly relatedto cluster size, had the greatest potential to generate largeclusters of territorial males, whereas predation risk and harassmentof females typically did not promote male clustering. More generally,our model highlights the conditions that will favor lekking.Lek-like clustering was consistently produced when the benefitsin clustering increased in specific nonlinear ways. Our modelthus emphasizes clarifying the shapes of relationships betweenpotential selective factors and the size of territory clusters.  相似文献   

Territorial males may adopt a mating tactic that yields greater reproductive success but that at the same time increases the risk of predation. Plasticity in reproductive behavior can reflect a balance between sexual selection and natural selection. In this study, we sought to verify the effect of predation risk on territorial behavior of males of the solitary bee Ptilothrix fructifera (Apidae). Males of the species employ alternative mating tactics and can be territorial in defense of larval food sources. By manipulating predator models in the field, we tested whether (1) males avoid perch flowers containing predator models; (2) males alternate between mating tactics when their territory is associated with a predation risk; and (3) female foraging on flowers in a territory is altered in the presence of a predator model. We measured the responses of males and females in flowers containing and not containing a model of a spider or a stuffed bird. The results show that territorial males of P. fructifera alter their territorial behavior when faced with a high risk of predation. They do not abandon their territory or change to a non‐territorial mating tactic, but instead change the use of their territory, avoiding flowers containing predator models or perching on other flowers when the previous flower presented a potential predation risk. Female P. fructifera decreases the frequency of their visits to flowers and the length of time spent there in the presence of a spider model. In short, in the face of predation risk, females and males alter their behaviors at the cost of less efficient foraging and searching for partners, respectively.  相似文献   

1. In many species, males can use different behavioural tactics to achieve fertilization, so-called alternative reproductive tactics (ARTs). Few field studies have measured fitness consequences of ARTs under varying environmental conditions. 2. Here, we describe fitness consequences of three phenotypically plastic ARTs in the African striped mouse (Rhabdomys pumilio) and show that relative fitness of ARTs differs between years. Each year represents a different generation. 3. For the generation living under high population density, tactics differed in relative fitness in accordance with the theory of conditional strategies, with highly successful territorial breeding males having 10 times higher success than solitary roaming males and 102 times higher success than adult natally philopatric males. 4. For the generation living under intermediate population density, the territorial breeding and roaming tactics yielded similar fitness, which would be in agreement with the theory of mixed strategies. No philopatric males occurred. 5. For the generation living under low population density, roaming was the only tactic used and some roamers had very high fitness. 6. The main prediction of status-dependent selection for conditional strategies is a correlation between fitness and status, often measured as body mass, but we did not find this correlation within tactics when more than one tactic was expressed in the population. 7. Female distribution seems to have an effect on which reproductive tactics male chose: female defence polygyny when females are clumped (interference competition), but a searching tactic when females are dispersed (scramble competition). In contrast to predictions arising from theory on scramble competition, male body mass was important in determining fitness only in the year when females were dispersed, but not in other years. 8. Our results indicate that the differentiation between conditional and mixed strategies is not an absolute one. In many other species, environmental conditions might fluctuate temporally and spatially so that the normally suboptimal tactic yields similar fitness to the (usually) dominant tactic or that only a single tactic prevails. 9. We suggest the term single strategy, independent of current fitness consequences, for systems where tactics are not genetically determined, in contrast to genetically determined alternative strategies.  相似文献   

In flocks, individuals can search for their own food using the producer tactic or exploit the discoveries of companions using the scrounger tactic. Models of the producer–scrounger game usually assume that tactic payoffs are independent of individual phenotypic traits. However, factors such as dominance status or foraging efficiency may constrain the use of tactics and lead to asymmetric tactic use among individuals. For instance, in flocks composed of foragers with unequal foraging efficiency, foragers that are less efficient at obtaining food are expected to rely on the scrounger tactic to a greater extent. I examined the role of foraging efficiency and dominance status as potential correlates of scrounging behavior in small aviary flocks of zebra finches (Taenopygia guttata). Individual foraging efficiency was documented in each flock in a treatment that prevented scrounging. In a subsequent treatment that allowed scrounging, higher levels of scrounging occurred as predicted in foragers with lower foraging efficiency. Dominance status was a poor predictor of tactic choice. Birds that arrived later on the foraging grid foraged less efficiently when scrounging was prevented and used scrounging to a greater extent when allowed, suggesting a link between boldness, foraging efficiency and the choice of foraging tactics in small flocks of zebra finches.  相似文献   

TA Baird  TD Baird  R Shine 《PloS one》2012,7(8):e41819
Theory predicts the evolution of alternative male social tactics when intense competition coupled with the superior competitive ability of some individuals limits access to reproductive opportunities by others. How selection has shaped alternative social tactics may be especially interesting in long-lived species where size among sexually mature males varies markedly. We conducted experimental studies on long-lived eastern Australian water dragons living where competition was intense to test the hypotheses that mature males adopt alternative social tactics that are plastic, and that large size and body condition determine resource-holding potential. Approximately one-half of mature males (N = 14) defended territories using high rates of patrol and advertisement display, whereas 16 smaller mature males having lower body condition indices utilized non-territorial social tactics. Although territorial males were larger in absolute size and head dimensions, their heads were not allometrically larger. Territorial males advertised very frequently using displays involving stereotypical movements of the head and dewlap. More aggressive displays were given infrequently during baseline social conditions, but increased during periods of social instability. Female home ranges overlapped those of several territorial and non-territorial males, but females interacted more frequently with territorial males. The extreme plasticity of social tactics in this species that are dependent on body size was confirmed by two instances when relatively large non-territorial males spontaneously evicted territory owners, and by marked shifts in tactics by non-territorial males in response to temporary experimental removals of territory owners, followed (usually) by their expulsion when original owners were reinstated. The high level of social plasticity in this population where same-sex competitors are densely concentrated in preferred habitat suggests that chronic high energetic costs of defense may select for males to cycle between territorial and non-territorial social tactics depending upon their changing energetic status and their current capacity for competition with rivals.  相似文献   

The occurrence of alternative reproductive phenotypes is widespread in most animal taxa. The majority of known examples best fit the notion of alternative tactics within a conditional strategy where the fitness pay-offs depend on an individual's competitive ability or status. Individuals are proposed as "choosing" the tactic that maximizes their fitness, given their status relative to others in the population. Theoretically, status-dependent selection should determine when an animal should switch between alternative tactics. While a number of studies have demonstrated unequal fitness pay-offs associated with alternative tactics, none, to our knowledge, have examined the fitness functions necessary for predicting when individuals should switch between tactics. Here, we use a dimorphic male beetle in order to provide the first empirically derived fitness function across alternative reproductive phenotypes. Our data provide empirical support for a game-theoretic conditional strategy that has evolved under status-dependent selection.  相似文献   

The view according to which damselfly males practice two alternative reproductive tactics of access to females is critically discussed. It is widely accepted that some males (“territorial” ones) have priority as potential female partners, while others (“sneakers” or “wanderers”) are incapable of retaining an individual territory. They have a chance of mating only by intruding briefly into the area defended by a “territorial” male when a female is present there. Thus, the tactics of a “territorial” male consists in waiting for a female in its territory and copulating with it “by agreement,” whereas non-territorial males resort to forced copulations. By observation of individually marked males (48 out of 118) it was shown that every male could be regarded as “territorial” during a certain period and as a “wanderer” before and after it. Thus, no correlation between the modes of space use by a male (residence/mobility) and the characters of its external morphology and/or signal behavior appears to be possible in principle. According to the data obtained, a more plausible explanation is that the female chooses not the male but the best area for oviposition. In addition, it was ascertained that adherence to forced copulations cannot constitute successful “tactics” since they rarely result in insemination, neither by “territorial” nor “non-territorial” males. In other words, we are dealing not with certain alternative tactics (i.e., specialized adaptive mechanisms that have evolved in the species) but simply with the results of different sets of circumstances at a given moment.  相似文献   

Insect flight is a highly energy demanding type of locomotion. In butterflies, males may locate females by different behavioural tactics. The tactics correspond to different flight types that, in turn, are assumed to reflect different energetic costs. Costs need to be considered to fully understand the pay‐offs of co‐existing alternative tactics relative to the environmental context and the phenotypes of the individuals. We addressed the issue in the speckled wood Pararge aegeria, in which males either adopt a territorial wait‐and‐fight tactic (i.e. territorial perching) in a sunlit patch on the forest floor, or a fly‐and‐search tactic to locate females in a wider area of the forest (i.e. patrolling). Perching corresponds to high frequency of take‐off flights and aerial combats with high levels of manoeuvrability and is assumed to be energetically more costly than longer, continuous flights at lower speed in patrollers. We tested the effect of different flight activity levels and of the behavioural tactics on lipid reserves and lipid use in males by laboratory and outdoor cage experiments. Low‐activity males that had access to honey water were capable of synthesizing lipids; their lipid reserves increased with age. The effect disappeared in males that actively flew in the outdoor cages. Lipid reserves decreased significantly faster in territorial perching males compared to non‐perching males, but resting metabolic rate did not differ between the alternative behavioural tactics. Territorial perching males had larger flight muscle ratio (i.e. thorax/body mass) than non‐perching males. We discuss the evidence of the physiological costs of perching relative to the co‐existence of perching and patrolling tactics.  相似文献   

We tested whether territorial defence is adaptive in male collared lizards by examining the extent to which territory owners monopolize females. We also tested whether females benefit by mating with multiple males using alternative tactics when local sex ratios varied. Surprisingly, neither the number of offspring that males sired, nor the number of females that males mated with varied as a consequence of highly variable local sex ratios. Moreover, both the number of offspring sired and the number of female mates were independent of male social status. Courtship frequency was under positive directional sexual selection for mating success for territorial males. None of the phenotypic traits that we examined were targets of sexual selection in nonterritorial males. Although offspring survivorship decreased with the degree of multiple mating, females mated multiply with similar numbers of territorial and nonterritorial males during all three seasons. Females did not obtain material or genetic benefits that balanced the apparent offspring survival cost imposed by mating with multiple males. Instead, females appeared to be ‘making the best of a bad job’, perhaps because the abundance of hiding places used by subordinate males makes it difficult for females to avoid male harassment. © 2015 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society, 2015, 115 , 423–436.  相似文献   

Abstract A critical step in understanding the evolution and maintenance of alternative reproductive tactics is to obtain accurate comparisons of their fitness and to determine factors influencing individual status. In this study, we first used individual multilocus genotypic information to compare reproductive success between two alternative reproductive tactics of anadromous Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar L.) in their natural environments. We also documented the effects of the quality of the rearing environment and of paternal reproductive tactics on heritability of juvenile growth, which is an important component of individual status. Results showed that large dominant salmon (multisea winter) had higher reproductive success than smaller satellite individuals (grilse). Also, there was a status difference associated with both habitat and male tactic. Overall, offspring produced in streams were bigger than those produced in the main river stretch. Grilse also produced bigger offspring than those fathered by multisea winter males. Heritability of juvenile growth was significant but varied according to quality of habitat: higher heritability estimates were observed in higher quality habitats (streams) than in lower quality habitats (main river stretch). Heritability estimates for juvenile growth varied as well, depending on male tactic, with progeny fathered by multisea winter males having higher values than those fathered by grilse. Together, these results indicate that a combination of additive genetic effects, parental life history and habitat quality will ultimately shape juvenile growth rate, which is the main determinant of status and of subsequent choice of life-history tactics.  相似文献   

Animals often use alternative strategies when they compete for resources, but it is unclear in most cases what factors determine the actual tactic followed by individuals. Although recent models suggest that the internal state of animals may be particularly important in tactic choice, the effects of state variables on the use of alternative behavioural forms have rarely been demonstrated. In this study, using experimental wind exposure to increase overnight energy expenditure, we show that flock-feeding house sparrows (Passer domesticus) with lowered energy reserves increase their use of scrounging (exploiting others' food findings) during their first feed of the day. This result is in accordance with the prediction of a state-dependent model of use of social foraging tactics. We also show that scrounging provides less variable feeding rates and patch finding times than the alternative tactic. These latter results support the theoretical assumption that scrounging is a risk-averse tactic, i.e. it reduces the risk of immediate starvation. As the level of energy reserves predicts the use of social foraging tactics, we propose that selection should favour individuals that monitor the internal state of flock mates and use this information to adjust their own tactic choice.  相似文献   

1. Scarabaeus catenatus is a ball-rolling scarab in the subfamily Scarabaeinae. This species, however, makes use of two tactics for nest building: rolling and tunnelling. The tunnelling tactic differs substantially from the rolling tactic in that (1) it always involves repeated movements to and from the dung source and the nest, whereas rolling does not, and (2) it involves a shorter distance between the two sites.
2. Brood-nest founders were usually males and less often females, with about 25% adopting the rolling tactic and 75% adopting the tunnelling tactic. During nest building, the founder paired off with a scarab of the opposite sex, and they co-operated in the work. The female made one to four brood balls from the dung in the nest, each of which contained one egg.
3. Each scarab seemed to be able to employ both tactics. The tactic employed was independent of an individual's status, e.g. body size and timing of nest founding.
4. The rolling tactic offered only male founders a greater nest-defence success than the tunnelling tactic due to a lower intrusion into the rolled nest and a higher intensity of male–male fighting. The tunnelling tactic offered both male and female founders a larger number of brood balls than the rolling tactic because it enabled scarabs to take a larger amount of dung into the nest.
5. The reproductive success for the two tactics was estimated from the product of nest-defence success and the number of brood balls. As a result, the two tactics had equal fitness payoffs for males, but unequal payoffs for females.
6. The results suggest that male alternation of tactics is controlled by a mixed strategy. Female alternation, however, cannot be explained by mixed strategy, alternative strategies or conditional strategy.  相似文献   

Cooperative breeding is paradoxical because some individuals forego independent reproduction and instead help others to reproduce. The ecological constraints model states that such behavior arises because of constraints on independent reproduction. Spatial variation in constraints has been shown to co-vary with the incidence of cooperative breeding in correlational and experimental studies. Here, we examine whether temporally variable ecological constraints can act in a similar way to promote cooperative breeding in the atypical system of long-tailed tits Aegithalos caudatus. In this species, individuals may switch reproductive tactics from breeding to helping within the same breeding season. Using 7 yr of field data, we show that reproductive success declined seasonally because of declines in brood size, nestling weight, and juvenile survival. The survival to breeding age of chicks from nests with helpers was higher than for chicks from nests without helpers, and since helpers usually helped at the nest of a close relative, they accrued inclusive fitness benefits. We used these data to model the expected fitness payoffs of breeding and helping at different times during the season. The model shows that late in the breeding season, the fitness payoff from a kin-directed helping tactic becomes greater than that from independent breeding. The behavioral switch predicted by the model is consistent with the observed switch from breeding to helping, which shows that cooperative breeding may evolve as a way of making the best of a bad job at the end of a temporally constrained breeding season.  相似文献   

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