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The molten globule state of equine lysozyme is more stable than that of alpha-lactalbumin and is stabilized by non-specific hydrophobic interactions and native-like hydrophobic interactions. We constructed a chimeric protein which is produced by replacing the flexible loop (residues 105-110) in human alpha-lactalbumin with the helix D (residues 109-114) in equine lysozyme to investigate the possible role of the helix D for the high stability and native-like packing interaction in the molten globule state of equine lysozyme. The stability of the molten globule state formed by the chimeric protein to guanidine hydrochloride-induced unfolding is the same as that of equine lysozyme and is substantially greater than that of human alpha-lactalbumin, although only six residues come from equine lysozyme. Our results also suggest that the non-native interaction in the molten globule state of alpha-lactalbumin changes to the native-like packing interaction due to helix substitution. The solvent-accessibility of the Trp residues in the molten globule state of the chimeric protein is similar to that in the molten globule state of equine lysozyme in which packing interaction around the Trp residues in the native state is partially preserved. Therefore, the helix D in equine lysozyme is one of the contributing factors to the high stability and native-like packing interaction in the molten globule state of equine lysozyme. Our results indicate that the native-like packing interaction can stabilize the rudimentary intermediate which is stabilized by the non-specific hydrophobic interactions.  相似文献   

Vibrational Raman optical activity (ROA) spectra of the calcium-binding lysozyme from equine milk in native and nonnative states are measured and compared with those of the homologous proteins hen egg white lysozyme and bovine alpha-lactalbumin. The ROA spectrum of holo equine lysozyme at pH 4.6 and 22 degrees C closely resembles that of hen lysozyme in regions sensitive to backbone and side chain conformations, indicating similarity of the overall secondary and tertiary structures. However, the intensity of a strong positive ROA band at approximately 1340 cm(-1), which is assigned to a hydrated form of alpha helix, is more similar to that in the ROA spectrum of bovine alpha-lactalbumin than hen lysozyme and may be associated with the greater flexibility and calcium-binding ability of equine lysozyme and bovine alpha-lactalbumin compared with hen lysozyme. In place of a strong sharp positive ROA band at approximately 1300 cm(-1) in hen lysozyme that is assigned to an alpha helix in a more hydrophobic environment, equine lysozyme shows a broader band centered at approximately 1305 cm(-1), which may reflect greater heterogeneity in some alpha-helical sequences. The ROA spectrum of apo equine lysozyme at pH 4.6 and 22 degrees C is almost identical to that of the holo protein, which indicates that loss of calcium has little influence on the backbone and side chain conformations, including the calcium-binding loop. From the similarity of their ROA spectra, the A state at pH 1.9 and both 2 and 22 degrees C and the apo form at pH 4.5 and 48 degrees C, which are partially folded denatured (molten globule or state A) forms of equine lysozyme, have similar structures that the ROA suggests contain much hydrated alpha helix. The A state of equine lysozyme is shown by these results to be more highly ordered than that of bovine alpha-lactalbumin, the ROA spectrum of which has more features characteristic of disordered states. A positive tryptophan ROA band at approximately 1551 cm(-1) in the native holo protein disappears in the A state, which is probably due to the presence of nonnative conformations of the tryptophans associated with a previously identified cluster of hydrophobic residues.  相似文献   

The enthalpy change of the binding of Ca2+ and Mn2+ to equine lysozyme was measured at 25 degrees C and pH 7.5 by batch microcalorimetry: delta H degrees Ca2+ = -76 +/- 5 kJ mol-1, delta H degrees Mn2+ = -21 +/- 10 kJ mol-1. Binding constants, log KCa2+ = 6.5 +/- 0.2 and log KMn2+ = 4.1 +/- 0.5, were calculated from the calorimetric data. Therefore, delta S degrees Ca2+ = -131 +/- 20 JK-1 mol-1 and delta S degrees Mn2+ = 8 +/- 44 JK-1 mol-1. Removal of Ca2+ induces small but significant changes in the circular dichroism spectrum, indicating the existence of a partially unfolded apo-conformation, comparable with, but different from, the apo-conformation of bovine alpha-lactalbumin.  相似文献   

From fluorescence measurements on mixtures of bis-ANS and equine lysozyme and from Ca(2+)-dependent hydrophobic interaction chromatography of equine lysozyme, it is demonstrated that Ca2+ binding induces a conformational change upon which hydrophobic regions in the protein become less accessible. Bis-ANS fluorescence titrations in the absence of Ca2+ and in 2 mM Ca2+ are also performed with equine alpha-lactalbumin variants B and C. These variants differ by an amino-acid exchange Asp----Ile at residue 95. The fluorescence titration curves indicate that the accessibility of the probe to the Ca2+ conformers is clearly influenced by the mutation. The Ca(2+)-dependent exclusion of a hydrophobic domain is used in a new and simplified method for preparing lysozyme and alpha-lactalbumins simultaneously from equine milk whey.  相似文献   

Analysis of the time decay of fluorescence anisotropy of 1-dimethylaminoaphthalene-5-sulfonyl (DNS) and fluorescamine derivatives of bovine alpha-lactalbumin and lysozyme reveals that no significant differences in mean rotational relaxation times are present. While fluorescamine molecules appear to orient randomly on these proteins, DNS is bound with a preferential orientation. Other fluorescence characteristics of the labels are also cited.  相似文献   

For several proteins, a striking resemblance has been observed between the equilibrium partially folded state and the kinetic burst-phase intermediate, observed just after the dead-time in refolding experiments. This has led to the general statement that the conformation of both types of intermediates is similar. We show, at least for one of the proteins investigated here, that, although both states have some common characteristics, they are not identical. LYLA1 is a chimeric protein resulting from the transplantation of the Ca(2+)-binding loop and the adjacent helix C of bovine alpha-lactalbumin into the homologous position (residues 76-102) in human lysozyme. The apo-form of LYLA1 unfolds through a partially folded state, in analogy with the folding behaviour of the structurally homologous alpha-lactalbumin. The folding kinetics of LYLA1 and of its wild-type homologue, human lysozyme, are investigated by means of stopped-flow fluorescence and CD spectroscopy. In the case of human lysozyme, refolding involves parallel pathways as indicated by experiments in the presence of a fluorescent inhibitor. For apo-LYLA1, the burst-phase intermediate is compared with the equilibrium intermediate. At neutral pH, both states correspond, in that an important amount of secondary structure has been established, but the burst-phase intermediate is shown to be significantly less stable than the equilibrium intermediate. At pH 1.85, in the presence of 1.5 M guanidinium hydrochloride (GdnHCl) and at 25 degrees C, the equilibrium partially folded state of LYLA1 is 100% populated. When LYLA1 is rapidly diluted from 6 M GdnHCl to 1.5 M under these conditions, a time-dependent evolution of the fluorescence signal is observed, reflecting the transition from a burst-phase to a different equilibrium intermediate. These results provide strong evidence for the non-identity of both states in this protein.  相似文献   

The N-terminal half of the alpha-domain (residues 1 to 34) is more important for the stability of the acid-induced molten globule state of alpha-lactalbumin than the C-terminal half (residues 86 to 123). The refolding and unfolding kinetics of a chimera, in which the amino acid sequence of residues 1 to 34 was from human alpha-lactalbumin and the remainder of the sequence from bovine alpha-lactalbumin, were studied by stopped-flow tryptophan fluorescence spectroscopy. The chimeric protein refolded and unfolded substantially faster than bovine alpha-lactalbumin. The stability of the molten globule state formed by the chimera was greater than that of bovine alpha-lactalbumin, and the hydrophobic surface area buried inside of the molecule in the molten globule state was increased by the substitution of residues 1 to 34. Peptide fragments corresponding to the A- and B-helix of the chimera showed higher helix propensity than those of the bovine protein, indicating the contribution of local interactions to the high stability of the molten globule state of the chimera. Moreover, the substitution of residues 1-34 decreased the free energy level of the transition state and increased hydrophobic surface area buried inside of the molecule in the transition state. Our results indicate that local interactions as well as hydrophobic interactions formed in the molten globule state are important in guiding the subsequent structural formation of alpha-lactalbumin.  相似文献   

Since 1H-NMR spectra of the calcium bound form (holo) and the calcium free form (apo) of equine lysozyme have an overall similarity, the folded structure of apo equine lysozyme seems to be similar to the holo structure at 25 degrees C and pH 7.0, even at low ionic strengths except for subtle conformational change. However, calcium titration experiments showed that a number of resonances change by a slow exchange process. The changes saturated at one calcium ion per one lysozyme molecule, and no more change was observed by further addition of calcium ions. This shows that just one calcium ion binds to equine lysozyme. To make assignments for these changed proton resonances, two-dimensional 1H-NMR studies, correlated spectroscopy (COSY), two-dimensional homonuclear Hartmann-Hahn spectroscopy (HOHAHA) and nuclear Overhauser effect spectroscopy (NOESY) were carried out. A structural model of equine lysozyme based on the crystal structure of human lysozyme was estimated and used to assign some resonances in the aromatic and beta-sheet regions. It was possible to use some proton signals as a probe to determine the specific conformational change induced by calcium ions. The calcium binding constant KCa was estimated from calcium titration experiments in which changes in the proton signal were monitored. The log KCa value was found to be on the order of 6-7, which is in agreement with the calcium binding constant determined by fluorescence probes. This means that the protons are affected by specific calcium binding.  相似文献   

The partly folded states of alpha-lactalbumin (alpha-LA) exposed to acid solution at pH 2.0 (A-state) or at neutral pH upon EDTA-mediated removal of the single protein-bound calcium ion (apo form) have been probed by limited proteolysis experiments. These states are nowadays commonly considered to be molten globules and thus protein-folding intermediates. Pepsin was used for proteolysis at acid pH, while proteinase K and chymotrypsin at neutral pH. The expectations were that these proteolytic probes would detect sites and/or chain regions in the partly folded states of alpha-LA sufficiently dynamic, or even unfolded, capable of binding and adaptation to the specific stereochemistry of the protease's active site. A time-course analysis of the proteolytic events revealed that the fast, initial proteolytic cuts of the 123-residue chain of alpha-LA in its A-state or apo form by the three proteases occur at the same chain region 39-54, the actual site(s) of cleavage depending upon the protease employed. This region in native alpha-LA encompasses the beta-sheets of the protein. Subsequent cleavages occur mostly at chain regions 31-35 and 95-105. Four fragment species of alpha-LA have been isolated by reverse-phase high-performance liquid chromatography, and their conformational properties examined by circular dichroism and fluorescence emission spectroscopy. The single chain fragment 53-103, containing all the binding sites for calcium in native alpha-LA and cross-linked by two disulfide bridges, maintains in aqueous buffer and in the presence of calcium ions a folded structure characterized by the same content of alpha-helix of the corresponding chain segment in native alpha-LA. Evidence for some structure was also obtained for the two-chain species 1-40 and 104-123, as well as 1-31 and 105-123, both systems being covalently linked by two disulfide bonds. In contrast, the protein species given by fragment 1-34 connected to fragment 54-123 or 57-123 via four disulfide bridges adopts in solution a folded structure with the helical content expected for a native-like conformation. Of interest, the proteolytic fragment species herewith isolated correspond to the structural domains and subdomains of alpha-LA that can be identified by computational analysis of the three-dimensional structure of native alpha-LA (Siddiqui AS, Barton GI, 1995, Protein Sci 4:872-884). The fast, initial cleavages at the level of the beta-sheet region of native alpha-LA indicate that this region is highly mobile or even unfolded in the alpha-LA molten globule(s), while the rest of the protein chain maintains sufficient structure and rigidity to prevent extensive proteolysis. The subsequent cleavages at chain segment 95-105 indicate that also this region is somewhat mobile in the A-state or apo form of the protein. It is concluded that the overall domain topology of native alpha-LA is maintained in acid or at neutral pH upon calcium depletion. Moreover, the molecular properties of the partly folded states of alpha-LA deduced here from proteolysis experiments do correlate with those derived from previous NMR and other physicochemical measurements.  相似文献   

Staphylococcal nuclease is found in two folded conformations that differ in the isomerization of the Lys 116-Pro 117 peptide bond, resulting in two different conformations of the residue 112-117 loop. The cis form is favored over the trans with an occupancy of 90%. Previous mutagenesis studies have shown that when Lys 116 is replaced by glycine, a trans conformation is stabilized relative to the cis conformation by the release of steric strain in the trans form. However, when Lys 116 is replaced with alanine, the resulting variant protein is identical to the wild-type protein in its structure and in the dominance of the cis configuration. The results of these studies suggested that any nuclease variant with a non-glycine residue at position 116 should also favor the cis form because of steric requirements of the beta-carbon at this position. In this report, we present a structural analysis of four nuclease variants with substitutions at position 116. Two variants, K116E and K116M, follow the "beta-carbon" hypothesis by favoring the cis form. Furthermore, the crystal structure of K116E is nearly identical to that of the wild-type protein. Two additional variants, K116D and K116N, provide exceptions to this simple "beta-carbon" rule in that the trans conformation is stabilized relative to the cis configuration by these substitutions. Crystallographic data indicate that this stabilization is effected through the addition of tertiary interactions between the side chain of position 116 with the surrounding protein and water structure. The detailed trans conformation of the K116D variant appears to be similar to the trans conformation observed in the K116G variant, suggesting that these two mutations stabilize the same conformation but through different mechanisms.  相似文献   

In the presence of 0.5 M NaCl at pH 7.1, the Ca(2+)-free apo form of recombinant bovine alpha-lactalbumin (BLA) is sufficiently stabilised in its native state to give well-resolved NMR spectra at 20 degrees C. The (1)H and (15)N NMR resonances of native apo-BLA have been assigned, and the chemical-shifts compared with those of the native holo protein. Large changes observed between the two forms of BLA are mainly limited to the Ca(2+)-binding region of the protein. These data suggest that Na(+) stabilises the native apo state through the screening of repulsive negative charges, at the Ca(2+)-binding site or elsewhere, rather than by a specific interaction at the vacant Ca(2+)-binding site. The hydrogen exchange protection of residues in the Ca(2+)-binding loop and the C-helix is reduced in the apo form compared to that in the holo form. This indicates that the dynamic behaviour of this region of the protein is substantially increased in the absence of the bound Ca(2+). Real-time NMR experiments show that the rearrangements of the structure associated with the conversion of the holo to apo form of the protein do not involve the detectable population of partially unfolded intermediates. Rather, the conversion appears to involve local reorganisations of the structure in the vicinity of the Ca(2+)-binding site that are coupled to the intrinsic fluctuations in the protein structure.  相似文献   

The refolding of bovine alpha-lactalbumin (BLA) from its chemically denatured state in 6 M GuHCl has been investigated by a variety of complementary biophysical approaches. CD experiments indicate that the species formed in the early stages of refolding of the apo-protein have at least 85 % of the alpha-helical content of the native state, and kinetic NMR experiments show that they possess near-native compactness. Hydrogen exchange measurements using mass spectrometry and NMR indicate that persistent structure in these transient species is located predominantly in the alpha-domain of the native protein and is similar to that present in the partially folded A-state formed by the protein at low pH. The extent of the exchange protection is, however, small, and there is no evidence for the existence of well-defined discrete kinetic intermediates of the type populated in the refolding of the structurally homologous c-type lysozymes. Rather, both mass spectrometric and NMR data indicate that the rate-determining transition from the compact partially structured (molten globule) species to the native state is highly cooperative. The data show that folding in the presence of Ca2+ is similar to that in its absence, although the rate is increased by more than two orders of magnitude. Sequential mixing experiments monitored by fluorescence spectroscopy indicate that this slower folding is not the result of the accumulation of kinetically trapped species. Rather, the data are consistent with a model in which binding of Ca2+ stabilizes native-like contacts in the partially folded species and reduces the barriers for the conversion of the protein to its native state. Taken together the results indicate that folding of BLA, in the presence of its four disulphide bonds, corresponds to one of the limiting cases of protein folding in which rapid collapse to a globule with a native-like fold is followed by a search for native-like side-chain contacts that enable efficient conversion to the close packed native structure.  相似文献   

Stabilization of a protein using cavity-filling strategy has hardly been successful because of unfavorable van der Waals contacts. We succeeded in stabilizing lysozymes by cavity-filling mutations. The mutations were checked by a simple energy minimization in advance. It was shown clearly that the sum of free energy change caused by the hydrophobicity and the cavity size was correlated very well with protein stability. We also considered the aromatic-aromatic interaction. It is reconfirmed that the cavity-filling mutation in a hydrophobic core is a very useful method to stabilize a protein when the mutation candidate is selected carefully.  相似文献   

A cDNA clone containing the entire coding region for bovine pre-alpha-lactalbumin (LA) together with 27 base pairs of 5'-noncoding and 268 base pairs of 3'-noncoding sequences was isolated from a bovine mammary cDNA plasmid library in the Okayama-Berg vector system using a synthetic oligonucleotide probe and sequenced. The coding segment for mature LA was subcloned into the T7 expression system of Studier and co-workers (Studier, F.W., and Moffatt, B.A. (1986) J. Mol. Biol. 189, 113-130; Rosenberg, A.H., Lade, B.N., Chui, D.S., Lin, S.W., Dunn, J.J., and Studier, F.W. (1987) Gene (Amst.) 56, 125-135) and expressed as a 21-kDa fusion protein that consisted of the mature bovine LA sequence connected to the NH2-terminal 50 residues of human cathepsin D by a linker sequence containing protease cleavage sites. This fusion protein was expressed in an insoluble form and accumulated to about 50% of the total bacterial protein within 3 h after induction of T7 RNA polymerase synthesis. The protein was solubilized, purified by gel filtration, and converted to an active form by treatment with mixtures of reduced and oxidized glutathione in the presence of Ca2+. The maximum specific activity of the fusion protein was about 25% of that of native LA, suggesting that the attachment of an NH2-terminal extension sterically hinders but does not prevent the interaction with galactosyltransferase. The extension also does not block the binding of the regulatory Ca2+ ion that is required for folding from the reduced denatured state. Trypsin cleaved the folded fusion protein specifically at a Lys-Glu bond at the junction with the mature LA sequence to give a product indistinguishable in structure and activity from native LA.  相似文献   

W L Hurley  L A Schuler 《Gene》1987,61(1):119-122
A cDNA clone for the bovine milk protein, alpha-lactalbumin (alpha LA), has been identified using a rat cDNA probe. The bovine cDNA clone is 703 nucleotides (nt) long, contains 8 nt of 5'-untranslated sequence and 269 nt of 3'-untranslated sequence. When compared with previously reported sequences, the bovine alpha LA mRNA sequence has 74% similarity with rat alpha LA mRNA, 79% similarity with human mRNA and 74% similarity with guinea pig mRNA.  相似文献   

K Koga  L J Berliner 《Biochemistry》1985,24(25):7257-7262
The proton nuclear Overhauser effects of bovine alpha-lactalbumin were studied at 200 MHz by irradiation of an upfield ring current shifted methylene at -2.45 ppm (assigned to Ile-95) and two aromatic protons, Tyr-103 (8.36 ppm) and Trp-60 (5.85 ppm). The experimental results were consistent with a putative three-dimensional alpha-lactalbumin model [Warne, P. K., Momany, F. A., Rumball, S. V., Tuttle, R. W., & Scheraga, H. A. (1974) Biochemistry 13, 768-782], which predicted the close proximity of Ile-95, Tyr-103, Trp-60, and Trp-104. Several of the assignments correlated with those previously made from chemically induced dynamic nuclear polarization experiments [Berliner, L. J., & Kaptein, R. (1981) Biochemistry 20, 799-807]. Subtle differences in the structure of this hydrophobic box region in alpha-lactalbumin were found between the Ca(II) and apo forms of the protein. The existence of this "hydrophobic box" in alpha-lactalbumin was strikingly similar to that in lysozyme, as verified in solution.  相似文献   

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