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The unrelenting rise in global rates of non-communicable disease has necessitated a thorough re-evaluation of the current use of adult- and lifestyle-based strategies to curb the growing epidemic. There is a rapidly emerging set of epidemiological, experimental and clinical data suggesting that developmental factors play a considerable role in determining individual disease risk later in life. This phenomenon is known as the Developmental Origins of Health and Disease (DOHaD). Developmental factors, such as maternal and paternal nutrition, gestational diabetes mellitus, and even the normative range of developmental experiences, may evoke the processes of developmental plasticity which enable an organism to change its developmental trajectory in response to environmental cues. However in the event of a mismatch between the early and mature environment, such anticipatory responses may become maladaptive and lead to elevated risk of disease. The evo-devo and eco-evo-devo framework for DOHaD has more recently been supported by mechanistic insights enabled by rapid advances in epigenetic research. Increasing evidence suggests that developmental plasticity may be effected by epigenetically mediated modulation of the expression of specific genes. These mechanisms include DNA methylation, histone modifications and noncoding RNA activity. A growing number of animal studies also point towards the transgenerational inheritance of epigenetic marks, which may have implications for the perpetuation of ill-health. However early-life epigenotyping may find utility as a prognostic marker of metabolic dysfunction for identification and treatment of at-risk individuals.  相似文献   

The genomic plasticity of Candida albicans, a commensal and common opportunistic fungal pathogen, continues to reveal unexpected surprises. Once thought to be asexual, we now know that the organism can generate genetic diversity through several mechanisms, including mating between cells of the opposite or of the same mating type and by a parasexual reduction in chromosome number that can be accompanied by recombination events (2, 12, 14, 53, 77, 115). In addition, dramatic genome changes can appear quite rapidly in mitotic cells propagated in vitro as well as in vivo. The detection of aneuploidy in other fungal pathogens isolated directly from patients (145) and from environmental samples (71) suggests that variations in chromosome organization and copy number are a common mechanism used by pathogenic fungi to rapidly generate diversity in response to stressful growth conditions, including, but not limited to, antifungal drug exposure. Since cancer cells often become polyploid and/or aneuploid, some of the lessons learned from studies of genome plasticity in C. albicans may provide important insights into how these processes occur in higher-eukaryotic cells exposed to stresses such as anticancer drugs.The purpose of this review is to describe the tools used to detect genome changes, to highlight recent advances in our understanding of large-scale chromosome changes that arise in Candida albicans, and to discuss the role of specific stresses in eliciting these genome changes. The types of genomic diversity that have been characterized suggest that C. albicans can undergo extreme genomic changes in order to survive stresses in the human host. We propose that C. albicans and other pathogens may have evolved mechanisms not only to tolerate but also to generate large-scale genetic variation as a means of adaptation.C. albicans is a polymorphic yeast with a 16-Mb (haploid) genome organized in 8 diploid chromosomes (140, 154, 203). The C. albicans genome displays a very high degree of plasticity. This plasticity includes the types of genomic changes frequently observed with cancer cells, including gross chromosomal rearrangements, aneuploidy, and loss of heterozygosity (reviewed in references 100, 117, and 157). Similar to somatic cancer cells, C. albicans reproduces primarily through asexual clonal division (65, 84). Nonetheless, it has retained much of the machinery needed for mating and meiosis (189), yet meiosis has never been observed (13, 120).C. albicans has two mating-type-like (MTL) alleles, MTLa and MTLα (76). The MTL locus is on the left arm of chromosome 5 (Chr5), approximately 80 kbp from the centromere. Most C. albicans isolates are heterozygous for the MTL locus, but approximately 3 to 10% of clinical isolates are naturally homozygous at MTL (104, 108). Mating can occur between strains carrying the opposite MTL locus, and most strains that were found to be naturally MTL homozygous are mating competent (104, 108). MTL-homozygous strains were also constructed from MTL-heterozygous strains by deletion of either the MTLa or MTLα locus (77) or by selection for Chr5 loss on sorbose (87, 115).Mating between these diploid strains of opposite mating type can occur both in vitro (115) and in vivo (77, 97). The products are tetraploid and do not undergo a conventional meiotic reduction in ploidy (12, 120). Rather, they undergo random loss of multiple chromosomes, a process termed “concerted chromosome loss,” until they reach a near-diploid genome content (2, 12, 53, 85). A subset of these cells also undergoes multiple gene conversion events reminiscent of meiotic recombination, and most remain trisomic for one to several chromosomes (53). While mating and concerted chromosome loss have been induced in the laboratory, the role of the parasexual cycle during the host-pathogen interaction and in the response to stresses, such as exposure to antifungal drugs, remains unclear. The prevailing model is that adaptive mutations (such as those that occur with the acquisition of drug resistance) evolve through somatic events, including point mutations, recombination, gene conversion, loss of heterozygosity, and/or aneuploidy (13).  相似文献   

In our previous work, we have reported that enforced elongation of human mesenchymal stem cells (hMSCs) through micropatterning promoted their myocardial lineage commitment. However, whether this approach is robust enough to retain the commitment when subsequently subjected to different conditions remains unsolved. This de-differentiation, if any, would have significant implication on the application of these myocardial-like hMSCs either as tissue engineered product or in stem cell therapy. Herein, we investigated the robustness of micropatterning induced differentiation by evaluating the retention of myocardial differentiation in patterned hMSCs when challenged with non-myocardial differentiation cues. Altogether, we designed four groups of experiments; 1) Patterned hMSCs cultured in normal growth medium serving as a positive control; 2) Patterned hMSCs cultured in normal growth medium for 14 days followed by osteogenic and adipogenic media for next 7 days (to study the robustness of the effect of micropatterning); 3) Patterned hMSCs (initially grown in normal growth medium for 14 days) trypsinized and recultured in different induction media for next 7 days (to study the robustness of the effect of micropatterning without any shape constrain) and 4) Patterned hMSCs cultured in osteogenic and adipogenic media for 14 days (to study the effects of biochemical cues versus biophysical cues). It was found that hMSCs that were primed to commit to myocardial lineage (Groups 2 and 3) were able to maintain myocardial lineage commitment despite subsequent culturing in osteogenic and adipogenic media. However, for hMSCs that were not primed (Group 4), the biochemical cues seem to dominate over the biophysical cue in modulating hMSCs differentiation. It demonstrates that cell shape modulation is not only capable of inducing stem cell differentiation but also ensuring the permanent lineage commitment.  相似文献   


Receptor modifications in human posmortem material were studied by quantitative autoradiography. Alterations of several neurotransmitter receptors in neurodegenerative diseases such as senile dementia and Huntington's chorea, in lesions of specific brain pathways, like the visual pathway or after drug treatments, were examined. In all these situations alterions of the density or localization of receptors were seen using autoradiography. The results suggest that several mechanisms of receptor adaptation operate in the human brain. These mechanisms include: 1) compensatory changes in receptor density as a consequence of cell loss, in some cases preceding the neuropathological changes; 2) differential alterations in receptors depending on their location in a given pathway, for example in the visual pathway or 3) selective homologous or heterologous modification of receptors after drug treatment.  相似文献   

Paired associative stimulation (PASLTP) of the human primary motor cortex (M1) can induce LTP-like plasticity by increasing corticospinal excitability beyond the stimulation period. Previous studies showed that two consecutive PASLTP protocols interact by homeostatic metaplasticity, but animal experiments provided evidence that LTP can be augmented by repeated stimulation protocols spaced by ~30min. Here we tested in twelve healthy selected PASLTP responders the possibility that LTP-like plasticity can be augmented in the human M1 by systematically varying the interval between two consecutive PASLTP protocols. The first PASLTP protocol (PAS1) induced strong LTP-like plasticity lasting for 30-60min. The effect of a second identical PASLTP protocol (PAS2) critically depended on the time between PAS1 and PAS2. At 10min, PAS2 prolonged the PAS1-induced LTP-like plasticity. At 30min, PAS2 augmented the LTP-like plasticity induced by PAS1, by increasing both magnitude and duration. At 60min and 180min, PAS2 had no effect on corticospinal excitability. The cumulative LTP-like plasticity after PAS1 and PAS2 at 30min exceeded significantly the effect of PAS1 alone, and the cumulative PAS1 and PAS2 effects at 60min and 180min. In summary, consecutive PASLTP protocols interact in human M1 in a time-dependent manner. If spaced by 30min, two consecutive PASLTP sessions can augment LTP-like plasticity in human M1. Findings may inspire further research on optimized therapeutic applications of non-invasive brain stimulation in neurological and psychiatric diseases.  相似文献   

With the aid of novel and powerful molecular biology techniques, recent years have witnessed a dramatic increase in the number of studies reporting the involvement of complex structural variants in several genomic disorders. In fact, with the discovery of Copy Number Variants (CNVs) and other forms of unbalanced structural variation, much attention has been directed to the detection and characterization of such rearrangements, as well as the identification of the mechanisms involved in their formation. However, it has long been appreciated that chromosomes can undergo other forms of structural changes - balanced rearrangements - that do not involve quantitative variation of genetic material. Indeed, a particular subtype of balanced rearrangement – inversions – was recently found to be far more common than had been predicted from traditional cytogenetics. Chromosomal inversions alter the orientation of a specific genomic sequence and, unless involving breaks in coding or regulatory regions (and, disregarding complex trans effects, in their close vicinity), appear to be phenotypically silent. Such a surprising finding, which is difficult to reconcile with the classical interpretation of inversions as a mechanism causing subfertility (and ultimately reproductive isolation), motivated a new series of theoretical and empirical studies dedicated to understand their role in human genome evolution and to explore their possible association to complex genetic disorders. With this review, we attempt to describe the latest methodological improvements to inversions detection at a genome wide level, while exploring some of the possible implications of inversion rearrangements on the evolution of the human genome.  相似文献   

The aim of the study was to uncover mechanisms of central compensation of vestibular function at brainstem, cerebellar, and cortical levels in patients with acute unilateral midbrain infarctions presenting with an acute vestibular tone imbalance. Eight out of 17 patients with unilateral midbrain infarctions were selected on the basis of signs of a vestibular tone imbalance, e.g., graviceptive (tilts of perceived verticality) and oculomotor dysfunction (skew deviation, ocular torsion) in F18-fluordeoxyglucose (FDG)-PET at two time points: A) in the acute stage, and B) after recovery 6 months later. Lesion-behavior mapping analyses with MRI verified the exact structural lesion sites. Group subtraction analyses and comparisons with healthy controls were performed with Statistic Parametric Mapping for the PET data. A comparison of PET A of acute-stage patients with that of healthy controls showed increases in glucose metabolism in the cerebellum, motion-sensitive visual cortex areas, and inferior temporal lobe, but none in vestibular cortex areas. At the supratentorial level bilateral signal decreases dominated in the thalamus, frontal eye fields, and anterior cingulum. These decreases persisted after clinical recovery in contrast to the increases. The transient activations can be attributed to ocular motor and postural recovery (cerebellum) and sensory substitution of vestibular function for motion perception (visual cortex). The persisting deactivation in the thalamic nuclei and frontal eye fields allows alternative functional interpretations of the thalamic nuclei: either a disconnection of ascending sensory input occurs or there is a functional mismatch between expected and actual vestibular activity. Our data support the view that both thalami operate separately for each hemisphere but receive vestibular input from ipsilateral and contralateral midbrain integration centers. Normally they have gatekeeper functions for multisensory input to the cortex and automatic motor output to subserve balance and locomotion, as well as sensorimotor integration.  相似文献   


Heterogeneity in small heat shock proteins (sHsps) spans multiple spatiotemporal regimes—from fast fluctuations of part of the protein, to conformational variability of tertiary structure, plasticity of the interfaces, and polydispersity of the inter-converting, and co-assembling oligomers. This heterogeneity and dynamic nature of sHsps has significantly hindered their structural characterization. Atomic coordinates are particularly lacking for vertebrate sHsps, where most available structures are of extensively truncated homomers. sHsps play important roles in maintaining protein levels in the cell and therefore in organismal health and disease. HspB2 and HspB3 are vertebrate sHsps that are found co-assembled in neuromuscular cells, and variants thereof are associated with disease. Here, we present the structure of human HspB2/B3, which crystallized as a hetero-tetramer in a 3:1 ratio. In the HspB2/B3 tetramer, the four α-crystallin domains (ACDs) assemble into a flattened tetrahedron which is pierced by two non-intersecting approximate dyads. Assembly is mediated by flexible “nuts and bolts” involving IXI/V motifs from terminal regions filling ACD pockets. Parts of the N-terminal region bind in an unfolded conformation into the anti-parallel shared ACD dimer grooves. Tracts of the terminal regions are not resolved, most likely due to their disorder in the crystal lattice. This first structure of a full-length human sHsp heteromer reveals the heterogeneous interactions of the terminal regions and suggests a plasticity that is important for the cytoprotective functions of sHsps.  相似文献   

Angiopoietins have been increasingly implicated to play important roles in blood vessel formation, remodeling, maturation, and maintenance. However, their roles in tumor angiogenesis and hence tumor growth and metastasis still remain uncertain. In this work, angiopoietin 1 expression was amplified in human cervical cancer HeLa cells by stable transfection or recombinant human adenovirus-mediated gene transfer. We show that increased angiopoietin 1 expression promoted in vivo growth of human cervical cancers in mice by promoting tumor angiogenesis and inhibiting tumor cell apoptosis. Furthermore, we also show for the first time that overexpression of angiopoietin 1 also leads to increased tumor vessel plasticity with a large number of vessels lacking periendothelial supporting cells. These results indicate that angiopoietin 1 promotes tumor angiogenesis and tumor vessel plasticity of human cervical cancer in mice.  相似文献   

The Environment and the Microbial Ecology of Human Skin   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
Microbial flora of the skin of three human population groups representing different natural environments was examined quantitatively and qualitatively to determine whether environmental differences in temperature and humidity can influence the microbial flora of normal skin. Five anatomical skin sites - hands, back, axillae, groin, and feet - were sampled from 10 subjects working in a high-humidity, high-temperature environment, 10 subjects from a low-temperature, high-humidity environment, and 10 subjects working in a moderate-temperature and low-humidity environment. Bacterial populations were significantly larger from the back, axillae, and feet in individuals from the high-temperature and high-humidity environment as compared to the moderate-temperature, low-humidity environment. High humidity and low temperature had no significant effect on total populations, but this group showed a higher frequency of isolation of fungi, and gram-negative bacteria from the back and feet. Although there was an indication that increase in the environmental humidity could result in an increased frequency of isolation of gram-negative bacteria, there was no evidence that an increase in either temperature or humidity altered the relative proportions of gram-negative bacteria in the predominantly gram-positive microbial flora found on normal skin. It was concluded that, although climatic changes may cause fluctation in microbial populations from certain sites, they are not a major influence on the ecology of the microbial flora of normal skin in the natural environment. The variables introduced by studying individuals in their natural environment and the influence of these on the results are discussed.  相似文献   

We introduce a distinction between cortical dominance andcortical deference, and apply it to various examples ofneural plasticity in which input is rerouted intermodally orintramodally to nonstandard cortical targets. In some cases butnot others, cortical activity `defers' to the nonstandard sourcesof input. We ask why, consider some possible explanations, andpropose a dynamic sensorimotor hypothesis. We believe that thisdistinction is important and worthy of further study, bothphilosophical and empirical, whether or not our hypothesis turnsout to be correct. In particular, the question of how the distinction should be explained is linked to explanatory gapissues for consciousness. Comparative and absolute explanatorygaps should be distinguished: why does neural activity in aparticular area of cortex have this qualitative expressionrather than that, and why does it have any qualitativeexpression at all? We use the dominance/deference distinction toaddress the comparative gaps, both intermodal and intramodal (notthe absolute gap). We do so not by inward scrutiny but rather by expanding our gaze to include relations between brain, body andenvironment.  相似文献   

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