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VPg uridylylation is essential for picornavirus RNA replication. The VPg uridylylation reaction consists of the binding of VPg to 3D polymerase (3Dpol) and the transfer of UMP by 3Dpol to the hydroxyl group of the third amino acid Tyr of VPg. Previous studies suggested that different picornaviruses employ distinct mechanisms during VPg binding and uridylylation. Here, we report a novel site (Site-311, located at the base of the palm domain of EV71 3Dpol) that is essential for EV71 VPg uridylylation as well as viral replication. Ala substitution of amino acids (T313, F314, and I317) at Site-311 reduced the VPg uridylylation activity of 3Dpol by >90%. None of the Site-311 mutations affected the RNA elongation activity of 3Dpol, which indicates that Site-311 does not directly participate in RNA polymerization. However, mutations that abrogated VPg uridylylation significantly reduced the VPg binding ability of 3Dpol, which suggests that Site-311 is a potential VPg binding site on enterovirus 71 (EV71) 3Dpol. Mutation of a polymerase active site in 3Dpol and Site-311 in 3Dpol remarkably enables trans complementation to restore VPg uridylylation. In contrast, two distinct Site-311 mutants do not cause trans complementation in vitro. These results indicate that Site-311 is a VPg binding site that stabilizes the VPg molecule during the VPg uridylylation process and suggest a two-molecule model for 3Dpol during EV71 VPg uridylylation, such that one 3Dpol presents the hydroxyl group of Tyr3 of VPg to the polymerase active site of another 3Dpol, which in turn catalyzes VPg→VPg-pU conversion. For genome-length RNA, the Site-311 mutations that reduced VPg uridylylation were lethal for EV71 replication, which indicates that Site-311 is a potential antiviral target.  相似文献   

D2 and D3 dopamine receptors belong to the superfamily of G protein-coupled receptors; they share a high degree of homology and are structurally similar. However, they differ from each other in their second messenger coupling properties. Previously, we have studied the differential coupling of these receptors to G proteins and found that while D2 receptor couples only to inhibitory G proteins, D3 receptor couples also to a stimulatory G protein, Gs. We aimed to investigate the molecular basis of these differences and to determine which domains in the receptor control its coupling to G proteins. For this purpose four chimeras were constructed, each composed of different segments of the original D2 and D3 receptors. We have demonstrated that chimeras with a third cytoplasmic loop of D2 receptor couple to Gi protein in a pattern characteristic of D2 receptor. On the other hand chimeras containing a third cytoplasmic loop of D3 receptor have coupling characteristics like those of D3 receptor, and they couple also to Gs protein. These findings demonstrate that the third cytoplasmic loop determines and accounts for the coupling of dopamine receptors D2 and D3 to G proteins.  相似文献   

3D in vitro models have been used in cancer research as a compromise between 2-dimensional cultures of isolated cancer cells and the manufactured complexity of xenografts of human cancers in immunocompromised animal hosts. 3D models can be tailored to be biomimetic and accurately recapitulate the native in vivo scenario in which they are found. These 3D in vitro models provide an important alternative to both complex in vivo whole organism approaches, and 2D culture with its spatial limitations. Approaches to create more biomimetic 3D models of cancer include, but are not limited to, (i) providing the appropriate matrix components in a 3D configuration found in vivo, (ii) co-culturing cancer cells, endothelial cells and other associated cells in a spatially relevant manner, (iii) monitoring and controlling hypoxia- to mimic levels found in native tumours and (iv) monitoring the release of angiogenic factors by cancer cells in response to hypoxia. This article aims to overview current 3D in vitro models of cancer and review strategies employed by researchers to tackle these aspects with special reference to recent promising developments, as well as the current limitations of 2D cultures and in vivo models. 3D in vitro models provide an important alternative to both complex in vivo whole organism approaches, and 2D culture with its spatial limitations. Here we review current strategies in the field of modelling cancer, with special reference to advances in complex 3D in vitro models.  相似文献   

The incidence of both esophageal adenocarcinoma and its precursor, Barrett’s Metaplasia, are rising rapidly in the western world. Furthermore esophageal adenocarcinoma generally has a poor prognosis, with little improvement in survival rates in recent years. These are difficult conditions to study and there has been a lack of suitable experimental platforms to investigate disorders of the esophageal mucosa.A model of the human esophageal mucosa has been developed in the MacNeil laboratory which, unlike conventional 2D cell culture systems, recapitulates the cell-cell and cell-matrix interactions present in vivo and produces a mature, stratified epithelium similar to that of the normal human esophagus. Briefly, the model utilizes non-transformed normal primary human esophageal fibroblasts and epithelial cells grown within a porcine-derived acellular esophageal scaffold. Immunohistochemical characterization of this model by CK4, CK14, Ki67 and involucrin staining demonstrates appropriate recapitulation of the histology of the normal human esophageal mucosa.This model provides a robust, biologically relevant experimental model of the human esophageal mucosa. It can easily be manipulated to investigate a number of research questions including the effectiveness of pharmacological agents and the impact of exposure to environmental factors such as alcohol, toxins, high temperature or gastro-esophageal refluxate components. The model also facilitates extended culture periods not achievable with conventional 2D cell culture, enabling, inter alia, the study of the impact of repeated exposure of a mature epithelium to the agent of interest for up to 20 days. Furthermore, a variety of cell lines, such as those derived from esophageal tumors or Barrett’s Metaplasia, can be incorporated into the model to investigate processes such as tumor invasion and drug responsiveness in a more biologically relevant environment.  相似文献   

This report, compiled by experts on the treatment of mobile targets with advanced radiotherapy, summarizes the main conclusions and innovations achieved during the 4D treatment planning workshop 2013. This annual workshop focuses on research aiming to advance 4D radiotherapy treatments, including all critical aspects of time resolved delivery, such as in-room imaging, motion detection, motion managing, beam application, and quality assurance techniques. The report aims to revise achievements in the field and to discuss remaining challenges and potential solutions. As main achievements advances in the development of a standardized 4D phantom and in the area of 4D-treatment plan optimization were identified. Furthermore, it was noticed that MR imaging gains importance and high interest for sequential 4DCT/MR data sets was expressed, which represents a general trend of the field towards data covering a longer time period of motion. A new point of attention was work related to dose reconstructions, which may play a major role in verification of 4D treatment deliveries. The experimental validation of results achieved by 4D treatment planning and the systematic evaluation of different deformable image registration methods especially for inter-modality fusions were identified as major remaining challenges. A challenge that was also suggested as focus for future 4D workshops was the adaptation of image guidance approaches from conventional radiotherapy into particle therapy. Besides summarizing the last workshop, the authors also want to point out new evolving demands and give an outlook on the focus of the next workshop.  相似文献   

1,25-Dihydroxyvitamin D(3) (1,25-(OH)(2) D(3)) is a potent regulator of cell growth and differentiation, with recent evidence showing inhibition of tumor invasion, angiogenesis and tumor cell death. The growth-inhibitory properties of 1,25-(OH)(2) D(3) could be harnessed in the treatment of patients with cancer if the development of systemic hypercalcemia is avoided. Hepatocellular cancer (HCC) presents a setting where the tumor is accessible for treatment through the hepatic artery and also where the tumor is highly lipiodol avid. On this basis, we hypothesised that, 1,25-(OH)(2) D(3) dissolved in lipiodol and administered through the hepatic artery may prove to be a rational approach to the use of the drug in the treatment of HCCs. In brief, 6 years of work with 1,25-(OH)(2) D(3) at cellular, animal and clinical level has provided us with plenty of support for this hypothesis. Sensitivity of HCCs in cell culture to 1,25-(OH)(2) D(3), growth retardation of human HCC xenografts in nude mice, uptake and retention of 1,25-(OH)(2) D(3)-lipiodol by liver tumors in cell culture and animals, escalation of the 1,25-(OH)(2) D(3) dose by 100x without the development of hypercalcemia in both liver tumor bearing rats and in patients with HCC are some of the evidence that will be discussed in this paper.  相似文献   

AIM: The importance of 3D conformal percutan and brachytherapy treatment planning based on CT and MRI examinations in treatment of oral cavity tumors. Introducing of the planning procedure and the selection aspects. METHOD: We present the treatment planning based on CT and MRI slices of an oral cavity tumor. The percutan or interstitial boost follow the percutan irradiation of the involved regions and lymph nodes, regarding to the target volume and the critical organs. RESULT: Our ADAC 3D planning system gives us the possibility to add the first line and the boost treatment plans, to determine and compare the dose distribution within the planned target volume and the radiation load of the critical organs. CONCLUSION: The comparative 3D radiation planning system allows higher local dose escalation required for the effective radiation treatment of oral cavity tumors with maximal protection of the surrounding healthy tissues.  相似文献   

Radiation and Environmental Biophysics - Monte Carlo codes have been used for approximately 80 years to solve various problems in medical physics. In this paper, the importance of the...  相似文献   

Molecular imprinting is a generic technology that allows for the introduction of sites of specific molecular affinity into otherwise homogeneous polymeric matrices. Commonly this technique has been shown to be effective when targeting small molecules of molecular weight <1500, while extending the technique to larger molecules such as proteins has proven difficult. A number of key inherent problems in protein imprinting have been identified, including permanent entrapment, poor mass transfer, denaturation, and heterogeneity in binding pocket affinity, which have been addressed using a variety of approaches. This review focuses on protein imprinting in its various forms, ranging from conventional bulk techniques to novel thin film and monolayer surface imprinting approaches.  相似文献   

Cairns DA 《Proteomics》2011,11(6):1037-1048
Quality control is becoming increasingly important in proteomic investigations as experiments become more multivariate and quantitative. Quality control applies to all stages of an investigation and statistics can play a key role. In this review, the role of statistical ideas in the design and planning of an investigation is described. This involves the design of unbiased experiments using key concepts from statistical experimental design, the understanding of the biological and analytical variation in a system using variance components analysis and the determination of a required sample size to perform a statistically powerful investigation. These concepts are described through simple examples and an example data set from a 2-D DIGE pilot experiment. Each of these concepts can prove useful in producing better and more reproducible data.  相似文献   

Acyltransferases in plants: a good time to be BAHD   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Acylation is a common and biochemically significant modification of plant secondary metabolites. Plant BAHD acyltransferases constitute a large family of acyl CoA-utilizing enzymes whose products include small volatile esters, modified anthocyanins, as well as constitutive defense compounds and phytoalexins. The catalytic versatility of BAHD enzymes makes it very difficult to make functional predictions from primary sequence alone. Recent advances in genome sequencing and the availability of the first crystal structure of a BAHD member are, however, providing insights into the evolution and function of these acyltransferases within the plant kingdom.  相似文献   

Current vaccination strategies mainly target antigens into the phagosomal, major histocompatibility complex class II antigen-processing pathway and thus lead predominantly to humoral immune responses. The elicitation of cytotoxic T-cell responses instead requires introduction of antigens into the cytosol of professional antigen-presenting cells (APCs). The intracellular bacterium Listeria monocytogenes gains access to the host cell cytosol by means of a cytolysin, listeriolysin O. Vaccine researchers have successfully employed listeriolysin in novel vaccination approaches to provide access to the cytosol of professional APCs for purified protein antigens, attenuated bacterial vaccine strains, DNA vaccines and liposome contents.  相似文献   

Circular genomes, being the largest proportion of sequenced genomes, play an important role in genome analysis. However, traditional 2D circular map only provides an overview and annotations of genome but does not offer feature-based comparison. For remedying these shortcomings, we developed 3D Genome Tuner, a hybrid of circular map and comparative map tools. Its capability of viewing comparisons between multiple circular maps in a 3D space offers great benefits to the study of comparative genomics. The pro...  相似文献   

Since 2009, a 4D treatment planning workshop has taken place annually, gathering researchers working on the treatment of moving targets, mainly with scanned ion beams. Topics discussed during the workshops range from problems of time resolved imaging, the challenges of motion modelling, the implementation of 4D capabilities for treatment planning, up to different aspects related to 4D dosimetry and treatment verification.This report gives an overview on topics discussed at the 4D workshops in 2014 and 2015. It summarizes recent findings, developments and challenges in the field and discusses the relevant literature of the recent years. The report is structured in three parts pointing out developments in the context of understanding moving geometries, of treating moving targets and of 4D quality assurance (QA) and 4D dosimetry.The community represented at the 4D workshops agrees that research in the context of treating moving targets with scanned ion beams faces a crucial phase of clinical translation. In the coming years it will be important to define standards for motion monitoring, to establish 4D treatment planning guidelines and to develop 4D QA tools. These basic requirements for the clinical application of scanned ion beams to moving targets could e.g. be determined by a dedicated ESTRO task group.Besides reviewing recent research results and pointing out urgent needs when treating moving targets with scanned ion beams, the report also gives an outlook on the upcoming 4D workshop organized at the University Medical Center Groningen (UMCG) in the Netherlands at the end of 2016.  相似文献   

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