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ABSTRACT. Geographic variation and genetic aspect of reproductive diapause were studied in Drosophila triauraria Bock & Wheeler and D. quadraria Bock & Wheeler, in relation to their quantitative response to photoperiods. D. quadraria from the subtropical region had no photoperiodic diapause. In D. triauraria strains, diapause was induced under LD 10:14 or 12:12, but not under LD 14:10 or longer photoperiods. Their diapause was induced more effectively and maintained longer by LD 10:14 than by LD 12:12. The duration of diapause was longer in a northern strain, but the diapause inducing process varied little among different geographical strains. Diapause incidence was 50% or lower in F1 hybrids between D. triauraria and D. quadraria and backcross progenies between F1 and D. quadraria , and about 70% in backcross progenies between F1 and D. triauraria under LD 10:14, but very low under LD 12:12. The lower incidence of diapause in these F; and backcross progenies is assumed to be due to the less efficient induction of diapause, since once diapause was induced in them, it was maintained for a long time, especially in the backcross progenies between F1 and D. triauraria. These experiments suggest that diapause induction and maintenance are different physiological processes controlled by different genetic systems.  相似文献   

Abstract:  Diapause induction and photoperiodic response curves were determined for 33 strains of Tetranychus pueraricola derived from kudzu vine at three constant temperatures (15, 18 and 20°C) under a short-day condition (10 : 14 h; light : dark). Females of all but one of the strains entered diapause at all three temperatures with little variation in diapause percentages among the strains. The exception was the southernmost strain, which was found to be a non-diapause (ND) strain. The critical photoperiod gradually decreased towards the south at a rate of about 1 h for each 5 degrees of latitude. The diapause strains (D1 and D2) exhibited 100% diapause, whereas the ND strain exhibited 0% diapause. By crossing these strains, we determined that 'non-diapause' was a dominant character over 'diapause' and the character was controlled by simple Mendelian inheritance. To clarify why the female progeny from the crosses between the D1 and ND strains did not segregate into the diapause and non-diapause phenotypes in a 1:1 ratio in the B1 generation, round-robin crosses were carried out among the three strains. The results showed that the F1 generation was reproductively compatible and showed high egg hatchability with a female-biased sex ratio. In the B1 generation, the crosses between the D1 and ND strains and between the D1 and D2 strains exhibited extremely low egg hatchability and produced mostly female progeny, whereas offspring from the crosses between the D2 and ND strains showed more than 50% hatchability for B1 eggs and a female-biased sex ratio. Thus, the absence of segregation observed in the crosses between the D1 and ND strains appears to be due to the severe hybrid breakdown that occurred in the B1 generation.  相似文献   

Abstract. Recombinant inbred lines were produced from hybrids between diapausing and non-diapausing strains of Drosophila triauraria Bock & Wheeler by twenty generations of full-sib mating. The analysis of these inbred lines suggests that the difference in the photoperiodic response between the original diapausing and non-diapausing strains is due to genes at three or four loci and at least one of these loci is located on the X chromosome. The original diapausing strain and two inbred lines exhibited circadian peaks when subjected to the Nanda-Hamner protocol, although they had different critical daylengths. This suggests that critical daylength is modified independently of the circadian oscillation system in this species. On the other hand, diapause duration was correlated with critical daylength among the inbred lines and the original diapausing strain, suggesting that these two traits are under the control of the same genetic system.  相似文献   

Abstract. Eight strains of the spider mite Tetranychus urticae, originating from different localities in western and central Europe, with latitudes ranging from 40.5 to 60oN, displayed marked differences in the period of chilling at 4oC required for diapause termination under a diapause-maintaining short-day photoperiodic regime at 19oC, to which the mites were transferred after the cold period. The higher the latitude from which the strains originated the longer was the period of chilling required for diapause termination, suggesting the presence of a gradient in diapause intensity, diapause being deeper the more northern the origin of the strains. Two strains originating from higher altitudes appeared to have a much deeper diapause than expected from their latitudinal origin. In addition, these two mountain strains showed mutual differences in diapause intensity, notwithstanding the fact that they originated from similar latitudes and altitudes; local climatic conditions probably act as strong selective forces with regard to diapause depth. All strains appeared to be sensitive to photoperiod during the period of diapause development. Diapause was quickly completed by a long-day photoperiod (LD 17:7 h), but was maintained by a short-day photoperiod (LD 10:14h). However, even under the latter regime sensitivity to photoperiod gradually diminished and eventually disappeared, thus leading to ‘spontaneous’ termination of diapause. The length of the period of diapause development, as measured by the sensitivity to photoperiod of diapausing mites, varied between strains; it was shorter in the southern strains and longer in the northern strains. The results indicate great variation in diapause intensity between strains, which is probably genetically determined and may have adaptive significance for this widespread species. When young females which had just entered diapause were kept for ever longer periods of time under the diapause inducing short-day regime at which they had been reared, before being transferred to the cold room, the duration of the period of chilling required for diapause termination was found to decrease proportionally in all three strains tested. These results suggest that intensification of diapause does not occur in T. urticae; diapause intensity seems to be highest at the beginning of diapause and to diminish gradually during diapause development.  相似文献   

Abstract Due to the risk of extinction and ornamental value of the swallowtail butterfly, Sericinus montelus Gray (Lepidoptera: Papilionidae) in China, knowledge about local adaptations is important for the conservation and economical utilization of the species. In the present study, photoperiodic diapause induction and diapause intensity of S. montelus populations from Jiamusi (46°37′N), Beijing (40°15′N), Zibo (36°48′N), Fangxian (32°36′N), Wuhan (30°33′N) and Huaihua (27°33′N) were characterized at 25°C. Logistic regression analysis revealed a significant population × hours of light interaction, confirming that photoperiodic responses varied among populations. The critical photoperiod was positively correlated with latitude and increased toward the north at a rate of about 1 h for each 6.67 degrees of latitude. Survival analyses indicated that survival time of diapausing pupae before adult eclosion differed significantly among populations at 25°C and 16 : 8 L : D h. The mean duration of pupal diapause was also positively correlated with latitude. Our study reveals geographic variation in the critical photoperiod for diapause induction and in diapause intensity of S. montelus. These results provide useful information for our general understanding about seasonal adaptation in insects and may also be used to predict how geographic populations respond to climate warming.  相似文献   

Drosophila melanogaster has colonized temperate habitats on multiple continents over a historical time period, and many traits vary predictably with latitude. Despite considerable attention paid to clinal variation in Drosophila, the mechanisms generating such patterns in nature remain largely unidentified. In D. melanogaster, the expression of reproductive diapause can be induced by exposure to low temperatures and shortened photoperiods. Both diapause expression itself and the underlying genetic variance for diapause expression have widespread impacts on organismal fitness, and diapause incidence exhibits a 60% cline in frequency in the eastern United States. The major aim of this study was to evaluate whether the relative fitness of diapause and nondiapause genotypes varies predictably with environment. In experimental population cages in the laboratory, the frequency of genotypes that express diapause increased over time when flies were exposed to environmental stress, whereas the frequency of nondiapause genotypes increased when flies were cultured under benign control conditions. Other fitness traits correlated with the genetic variance for diapause expression (longevity, mortality rates, stress resistance, lipid content, preadult viability, fecundity profiles, and development time) also diverged between experimental treatments. Similarly, sampling of isofemale lines from natural populations revealed that the frequency of diapause incidence cycled over time in seasonal habitats: diapause expression was at high frequency following the winter season and subsequently declined throughout the summer months. In contrast, diapause expression was low and temporally homogeneous in isofemale line collections from human-associated urban habitats. These data suggest that genetic variation underlying the diapause-nondiapause dichotomy may be actively maintained by selection pressures that vary spatially and temporally in natural populations.  相似文献   

Temperate species belonging to the Drosophila auraria species complex, D. auraria Peng, D. biauraria Bock & Wheeler, D. triauraria Bock & Wheeler and D. subauraria Kimura, enter reproductive diapause to pass the winter in response to short daylengths. These species from Japan showed latitudinal clines in critical daylength which is longer in populations from higher latitudes. The slopes of these clines coincided well with that of the cline which is approximately predicted from climatic data, suggesting that these clines result from adaptation of the species to the latitudinal gradient of climatic conditions. Between the mainlands and the surrounding islands of Japan, the slopes of clines did not differ significantly, but the deviation from the regression line was usually smaller in mainland populations. It is assumed that gene flow reduces the genetic variation among mainland populations and results in the development of smooth clines. In the plain of east China, D. triauraria did not show clinal variation in critical daylength, although the development of the cline is expected from climatic data. Extensive gene flow among Chinese populations is considered to prevent the development of a cline.  相似文献   

In Drosophila melanogaster, exposure of females to low temperature and shortened photoperiod can induce the expression of reproductive quiescence or diapause. Diapause expression is highly variable within and among natural populations and has significant effects on life-history profiles, including patterns of longevity, fecundity, and stress resistance. We hypothesized that if diapause expression is associated with overwintering mechanisms and adaptation to temperate environments, the frequency of diapause incidence would exhibit a latitudinal cline among natural populations. Because stress resistance and reproductive traits are also clinal in this species, we also examined how patterns of fecundity and longevity varied with geography and how stress resistance and associated traits differed constitutively between diapause and nondiapause lines. Diapause incidence was shown to vary predictably with latitude, ranging from 35% to 90% among natural populations in the eastern United States Survivorship under starvation stress differed between diapause and nondiapause lines; diapause phenotypes were also distinct for total body triglyceride content and the developmental distribution of oocytes in the ovary following stress exposure. Patterns of longevity, fecundity, and ovariole number also varied with geography. The data suggest that, for North American populations, diapause expression is functionally associated with overwintering mechanisms and may be an integral life-history component in natural populations.  相似文献   

测定了金色果蝇复合种(Drosophila auraria species complex)5个姐妹种(sibling species)和D.rufa的period(per)基因的Thr-Gly区段序列。该区段序列分析表明:DNA序列的碱其组成拥有果蝇其他基因的共同特点;颠换数多于转换数,两两种种间的颠换率与转换率的总比值为2~5,密码子第3位的颠换与转换的比值为2.5~5;同义替换/异义替换(Ks/Ka)值远大于10,且有的物种间根本不存在非同义突变,低的Ka值说明该复合种的per基因Thr-Gly区段在进化过程中可能承受着较强的选择压力。运用所得的核苷酸序列构建Drosophila auraria复合种的系统发育树,为澄清该类群的系统演化关系提供了新的线索。  相似文献   

  • 1 Asobara tabida is a parasitoid of Drosophila larvae in fermenting substrates. Because it is a widespread species, it may encounter different biotic and abiotic circumstances in various parts of its range.
  • 2 The species composition of the host population varies over the parasitoid's range: D.obscura-group species (especially D.subobscura) are the main hosts for northwestern and central European parasitoids; D.melanogaster is the main host for southern European parasitoids.
  • 3 D.melanogaster larvae can defend themselves against A.tabida by encapsulating the parasitoid egg, and survival in D.melanogaster is always lower than in D.subobscura.
  • 4 Parasitoids from southern European populations are much better able to survive in D.melanogaster than their northwestern and central European conspecifics; parasitoids from different populations are equally well able to survive in D.subobscura.
  • 5 The lower survival in D.melanogaster may be partly compensated for by the larger size of parasitoids emerging from this host species compared to parasitoids emerging from D.subobscura.
  • 6 Within population groups, larger A.tabida females have more eggs in their ovarioles. Additionally, southern European females have more eggs and less fat than northern and western/central European females. The relationship between size and longevity is ambiguous.
  • 7 It is concluded that parasitoids from different populations are adapted to region-specific circumstances.

Drosophila moriwakii Okada & Kurokawa (Diptera; Drosophilidae) generally has only one generation per year and enters aestivo-hibernal reproductive diapause in Sapporo, northern Japan, but a small fraction of the population produced a second generation in summer at a place where breeding resources were abundant. In this species, diapause seems to be controlled by flight activity. When flies were cultured in cages in which they were able to fly freely, they entered diapause irrespective of photoperiod, but they did not do so at long daylengths when cultured in small vials in which they were prevented from flying. Furthermore, flies with wings removed did not enter diapause at long daylengths even if they were cultured in the cages.  相似文献   

Morphometric and isoenzymatic data have showed little variation among Drosophila antonietae populations. This suggests historic gene flow, due to the distribution of these populations, which are associated with cacti along rivers, and natural selection on these markers. Microsatellite loci have high variability and are ideal for detecting gene flow and analysing population structure. Here we describe the isolation of seven polymorphic microsatellite loci in D. antonietae.  相似文献   

Geographic variation for wing shape in Drosophila serrata   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Geographic variation in wing shape in female Drosophila serrata was examined by characterizing isofemale strains from 19 localities collected along a transect on the eastern coast of Australia. Shape variation was analyzed by Procrustes superimposition of landmark data followed by canonical variate analysis. The first extracted canonical variate showed a nonlinear association with latitude and accounted for 43% of the variance. There was a sharp increase in this variate at low latitudes as well as a gradual increase at high latitudes. These shape changes were associated with two landmarks at the edge of the wing. There was also a linear change in wing aspect. The isofemale heritability for two measures of shape was around 30%. Allometric relationships were weak both between localities and among isofemale strains within localities. The possibility that wing shape parameters are under selection independent of wing size is discussed.  相似文献   

Female remating is a widespread behaviour, reported in several insect species. This behaviour can affect the efficiency of sterile insect technique (SIT); however, little is known about the postcopulatory behaviour of some pest species considered as candidates to be controlled by this technique, such as Drosophila suzukii (Matsumura, 1931) (Diptera: Drosophilidae). In this study, we investigated the effects of male and female sterilization on mating and remating behaviour of D. suzukii. First, we tested the occurrence of multiple mating in different combinations between sterile and fertile males and females. Then, we tested the effects of male and female sterility on female propensity to mate and remate. We found an overall low remating rate by D. suzukii females. Male sterility did not influence mating and remating likelihood; however, copula duration of sterile males was shorter compared to fertile males. On the other hand, sterile females were less likely to mate. Our findings encourage further research regarding the use of SIT to control D. suzukii.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT. The incidence of pupal diapause was examined in nine species of the genus Boettcherisca Rohdendorf ( B.peregrina, B.javanica, B.nathani, B.septentrionalis, B. karnyi, B. koimani, B. timorensis, B. formosensis and B.invaria ) collected from various localities in East Asia and Oceanian islands.
Colonies of B.septenrionalis, B. nathani and B.peregrina obtained from temperate regions of Asia and those of B. formosensis and B.peregrina from the continental subtropics entered pupal diapause in response to photoperiod at 20C.
The incidence of pupal diapause showed a geographic gradient in B.peregrina. No photoperiodically induced diapause was observed in the other five species which are indigenous to the tropical or subtropical habitats.
Different species of Boettcherisca seem to have evolved their pupal diapause independently of one another as an ecophysiological mechanism which enabled those species to expand from the tropical to temperate region.  相似文献   

A 2012–13 survey on Penang Island, Malaysia, revealed the existence of both Drosophila ananassae and Drosophila parapallidosa, the latter of which carries chromosomes Y and 4 from D. ananassae and thus is of hybrid origin. We collected the flies again from the same location in 2018. The hybrid population remained present, which suggests that the D. parapallidosa of hybrid origin does not represent a mere transient population but is stable. Why do these two species coexist irrespective of gene flow? We realized that body size is generally larger in D. ananassae than in D. parapallidosa, which constitutes a new character with which to discriminate these species; previously the number of sex comb teeth was the only diagnostic trait. Character displacement was not detected, however, for those traits. We crossed these two species, which resulted in offspring that had an altered genomic constitution. The body size of D. ananassae was dominant, and the presence of chromosomes Y and 4 did not have a significant effect on body size. By contrast, the presence of chromosome 4 from D. ananassae significantly affected the number of sex comb teeth. Even flies having a genomic constitution similar to that of the Penang D. parapallidosa exhibited a number of sex comb teeth that was intermediate between the two species. We propose that the D. parapallidosa sex comb character underwent selection during evolution of the Penang Island population. Reproductive interference between the species, presumably caused by signal jamming, was detected.  相似文献   

Wing shape variation was analysed with geometric morphometric methods in 17 laboratory strains, representing 11 closely related species (including two subspecies) of the Drosophila virilis group: D. virilis, D. lummei, D. novamexicana, D. americana americana, D. americana texana, D. montana, D. lacicola, D. flavomontana, D. borealis, D. littoralis, D. ezoana and D. kanekoi. Overall shape estimated using Procrustes coordinates of 14 landmarks was highly variable among strains and very similar in females and males. The landmarks in the distal part of the wing showed higher variation across strains than those in the proximal part. Procrustes distances between species were not consistent with phylogenetic distances previously suggested for the virilis group. Moreover, Procrustes distances between strains within species and within two major phylads (virilis and montana) were comparable with those between species and between phylads, respectively. The most different from other members of the group was the endemic D. kanekoi species, currently viewed as separate subphylad within the montana phylad. Allometric effects were found to be partly responsible for shape differences between the strains. Three most significant shape transformations were considered using the relative warp analysis and the strains were ordinated in accordance with transformation values. The pattern of relative warp scores could be easily interpreted only for the third warp explaining about 13% of shape variation. It separated the largest species, D. montana, D. ezoana and D. kanekoi, from other ones and was mainly associated with shape changes in the proximal region of the wing. The results of the present work suggest that wing shape in the virilis species group is not related to the speciation process. The observed proximal‐distal contrasts and allometric effects are in agreement with data of other studies, in which wing shape variation was analysed within Drosophila species.  相似文献   

Drosophila (Sophophora) subpulchrella Takamori and Watabe, sp. nov., of the D. suzukii subgroup in the D. melanogaster species group, is described from Japan and southern China, and compared with its sibling species, D. pulchrella Tan et al. distributed in the Yun‐Gui Highland, south‐western China. The results of cross‐experiments show a complete pre‐mating isolation between D. subpulchrella and D. pulchrella.  相似文献   

The Drosophila auraria species complex, especially from the Ryukyu archipelago and Taiwan, was reviewed. A new species, D. neoasahinai Watada and Kondo, sp. nov., was described from Okinawa‐jima and surrounding islands. Two synonymies were proposed on the basis of the present and previous morphological comparisons and cross experiments: (i) D. yuwanensis Kim and Okada, 1988 as a junior synonym of D. asahinai Okada, 1964; and (ii) D. quadraria Bock and Wheeler, 1972 as a junior synonym of D. triauraria Bock and Wheeler, 1972. A laboratory stock (no. 14020–0011.01) maintained in the Drosophila Species Stock Center at the University of California, San Diego and so far designated as D. rufa Kikkawa and Peng, 1938 was identified as D. tani Cheng and Okada, 1985, based on morphology.  相似文献   

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