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The question of why birds migrate is still poorly understood despite decades of debate. Previous studies have suggested that use of edge habitats and a frugivorous diet are precursors to the evolution of migration in Neotropical birds. However, these studies did not explore other ecological correlates of migration and did not control for phylogeny at the species level. We tested the evolutionary precursor hypothesis by examining the extent to which habitat and diet are associated with migratory behavior, using a species-level comparative analysis of the Tyranni. We used both migratory distance and sedentary versus migratory behavior as response variables. We also examined the influences of foraging group size, membership in mixed-species flocks, elevational range, and body mass on migratory behavior. Raw species analyses corroborated some results from studies that put forth the evolutionary precursor hypothesis, but phylogenetically independent contrast analyses highlighted an important interaction between habitat and diet and their roles as precursors to migration. Foraging group size was consistently associated with migratory behavior in both raw species and independent contrast analyses. Our results lead to a resource variability hypothesis that refines the evolutionary precursor hypothesis and reconciles the results of several studies examining precursors to migration in birds.  相似文献   

Edge populations are frequently small and subject to stressful conditions that may compromise their long‐term viability. Inbreeding can play an important role in small populations by reducing genetic diversity, leading to the fixation of deleterious mutations and, finally, carrying populations to an extinction vortex through inbreeding depression. Although stressful conditions may enhance the intensity of inbreeding depression, evidence to date is inconclusive in marginal habitats. Local adaptation, promoting native genotypes, and gene flow, reducing allele fixation, are two factors that can have different effects on the intensity of inbreeding depression. Three populations of Silene ciliata distributed across an elevation gradient at the southernmost edge of the species distribution were used for this study. Several fitness components – germination, survival and growth rate – were compared between inbred seedlings and seedlings from within‐ and between‐population outcrosses, both in the field and controlled conditions. Overall, inbred seedlings had lower fitness than outcrossed seedlings. For most of the variables analysed, similar inbreeding depression effects were found in all three populations, but, for seed weight and seedling survival curve, inbreeding depression was only found in the low altitude population. Similarly, inbreeding depression was more evident in the field than in controlled chamber conditions. Outcrosses between populations contributed to an increase in most fitness estimates and populations, suggesting that the benefits of reducing inbreeding depression overrode the potentially deleterious effects of disrupting local adaptation. Our results suggest that inbreeding depression plays an important role in the fitness of early life stages of Silene ciliata at its southernmost distribution limit, but only provided partial support to the hypothesis that stressful conditions enhance the expression of inbreeding depression.  相似文献   

Microplastics (MPs) are widespread in aquatic environments and have become a critical environmental issue in recent years due to their adverse impacts on the physiology, reproduction, and survival of aquatic animals. Exposure to MPs also has the potential to induce sub‐lethal behavioral changes that can affect individual fitness, but these effects are understudied. Many plastic additives introduced during the manufacture of MPs are known endocrine‐disrupting chemicals (EDCs) that mimic the action of natural hormones, alter sexual and competitive behavior, and impair reproductive success in fish. In addition, EDCs and other aquatic contaminants may adhere to MPs in the environment, the latter of which may serve as transport vectors for these compounds (i.e., the vector hypothesis). In this study, we staged territorial contests between control males, and males exposed to virgin MP particles or to MPs previously immersed in one of two environmentally relevant concentrations of 17‐alpha ethinyl estradiol (EE2; 5 ng/L and 25 ng/L) to evaluate the independent and synergistic effects of exposure to MPs and a common environmental estrogen on male–male aggression and competitive territory acquisition in a freshwater fish, Pimephales promelas. Short‐term (30 days) dietary exposure to MPs did not impair the ability of males to successfully compete for and obtain a breeding territory. Overall levels of aggression in control and exposed males were also similar across trial series. These results help to fill a critical knowledge gap regarding the direct and indirect (vector‐borne) effects of MPs on the reproductive behavior of aquatic vertebrates in freshwater systems.  相似文献   

The origin and persistence of mutualism is difficult to explain because of the widespread occurrence of exploitative, ‘cheating’ partners. As a policing strategy stabilising intraspecific cooperation, host sanctions against non-N2 fixing, cheating symbionts have been proposed to stabilise mutualism in legume-rhizobium symbiosis. Mechanism of penalisations would include decreased nodular rhizobial viability and/or early nodule senescence. We tested these potential mechanisms of penalisations in split-root experiments using two soybean varieties and two rhizobial strains, a cooperative, normal N2-fixing strain and an isogenic non-fixing derivative. We found no differences in the number of viable rhizobia recovered from nodules and no differential expression of a nodular senescence molecular marker. Thus, our results do not support the hypothesis of plant sanctions acting against cheating rhizobia in our experimental conditions.  相似文献   

Some plant species growing on metalliferous soils are able to accumulate heavy metals in their shoots up to very high concentrations, but the selective advantage of this behaviour is still unknown. The most popular hypothesis, that metals protect plants against herbivores, has been tested several times in laboratory conditions, with contradictory results. We carried out the first large-scale test of the defence hypothesis in eight natural populations of the model Zn hyperaccumulator Thlaspi caerulescens J. and C. Presl (Brassicaceae). In two climatic regions (temperate, Belgium–Luxembourg, and Mediterranean, southern France), we worked in metalliferous and in normal, uncontaminated environments, with plants spanning a wide range of Zn concentrations. We also examined the importance of glucosinolates (main secondary metabolites of Brassicaceae) as antiherbivore defences. When exposed to natural herbivore populations, T. caerulescens suffered lower herbivory pressures in metal-enriched soils than in normal soils, both in Belgium–Luxembourg and in southern France. The trapping of gastropods shows an overall lower population density in metalliferous compared to normal environments, which suggests that herbivory pressure from gastropods is lower on metalliferous soils. In addition, foliar concentration of glucosinolates was constitutively lower in all populations from metal-enriched soils, suggesting that these have evolved towards lower investment in organic defences in response to lower herbivory pressure. The Zn concentration of plants had a protective role only for Belgian metallicolous plants when transplanted in normal soils of Luxembourg. These results do not support the hypothesis that Zn plays a key role in the protection of T. caerulescens against enemies. In contrast, glucosinolates appear to be directly involved in the defence of this hyperaccumulator against herbivores.  相似文献   

Many studies have found elevated cortisol linked to negative events (“stress”) and subsequent negative outcomes, such as reduced immunity and stunted growth, leading to the conclusion that high cortisol is “bad.” However, a growing number of studies have found more advantaged groups showing relatively elevated cortisol. For example, higher morning cortisol followed by a steeper diurnal decline among Caucasians compared to ethnic minorities has been interpreted as a context-specific “adaptive boost” to meet daily demands. We tested the adaptive boost hypothesis using data on socioeconomic status, depressive affect and salivary cortisol among adult men (n = 32) in Botswana. Three findings emerged: (i) depressive affect was associated with lower morning cortisol (r = ? 0.43, p = 0.014); (ii) depressive affect was associated with a diurnal increase in cortisol when comparing morning and evening samples (r = 0.49, p = 0.004); and (iii) depressive affect was associated with lower income (r = ? 0.55, p = 0.001). Findings are consistent with the adaptive boost hypothesis and add to a growing body of evidence that elevated cortisol is not universally bad. Hypothalamic–pituitary adrenal axis (HPAA) activity, such as cortisol, may be adaptive depending on a person's contextual circumstances. Based on our findings and those of previous studies, we develop a “person-in-context” model of the threat appraisal process. Integrated with life history theory, our model facilitates testable hypotheses about intra- and inter-individual variability in HPAA and adaptive consequences.  相似文献   

Amphibians exhibit the greatest diversity of reproductive strategies of all tetrapod vertebrates. While authors have traditionally attributed the evolution of these strategies to factors such as complex topography, unpredictable larval environments, and predation on larvae and eggs, support for any of these hypotheses has been limited. Importantly, most authors have ignored parasites, including unicellular pathogens and multicellular parasites, as selective agents capable of influencing amphibian evolution. Insights in disease transmission, amphibian immunity, and their interaction with various life histories require that we consider parasites to be selective pressures in our exploration of the evolution of amphibian reproductive strategies. I review recent findings and describe how these principles converge to form a novel conceptual hypothesis for the evolution of alternative reproductive strategies in amphibians. I offer some specific predictions and recommend that parasites be considered with other selective pressures when constructing formal, falsifiable hypotheses during evaluative studies of amphibian reproductive behavior.  相似文献   

The reliable indicator hypothesis proposes that exaggeratedsexual swellings in female primates serve as honest signalsof female quality that function in female—female competitionover mates. We examined a version of this hypothesis usinginterspecific data to test whether exaggerated sexual swellingsare associated with female mating competition, as measured usingthe adult sex ratio, female canine size, and expected femalemating synchrony. The ratio of females to males and relativecanine size declined over evolutionary transitions in swellingstate, thus providing no support for the reliable indicatorhypothesis. Expected female mating synchrony increased over evolutionary transitions in swelling state, but this patterndid not approach significance, and the patterns were oppositeto predictions when controlling for the number of males inthe group. In addition to these comparative tests, we reviewedevidence concerning individual attributes of females relativeto characteristics of their swellings. Contrary to the reliableindicator hypothesis, the least fertile females, or those leastlikely to raise surviving offspring, often have larger swellings.We consider the statistical power of our tests, discuss thetheoretical and empirical bases for our comparative predictions,and consider other lines of evidence needed to test the reliableindicator hypothesis. We also discuss an alternative hypothesis, the graded signal hypothesis, which combines the benefits ofbiasing and confusing paternity through a novel mechanism andis testable in the field and the laboratory.  相似文献   

Aims Distyly is one of the most widespread floral polymorphisms promoting cross-fertilization. Evolutionary transition from obligate cross-fertilized distyly to predominantly self-fertilized homostyly is frequently documented in various groups. However, empirical studies concerning the ecological factors connected with this transition are still lacking. Primula chungensis, suggested to be evolving from distyly to homostyly, provides an ideal model for the study of the ecological factors concerned with this transition. We study P. chungensis to understand if autonomous self-fertilization would provide reproductive assurance for the self-fertilized homo-styled morph in the field.Methods The incompatibility features of P. chungensis were tested with hand-pollination experiments. We compared the capacity of autonomous self-fertilization between the distylous and homo-styled morph of P. chungensis in the field by excluding the pollinators with bags. In addition, the degrees of herkogamy of some P. chungensis plants were between the short-styled and homo-styled morphs. These plants were studied to understand whether they were able to obtain greater reproductive assurance when the herkogamy in the flowers was reduced.Important findings All three morphs of P. chungensis were highly self- and intra-morph compatible. The degree of herkogamy positively correlated with the capacity for autonomous self-fertilization. A negative correlation between the degree of herkogamy and the magnitude of pollen limitation was found, but no significant correlation was found between the degree of herkogamy and the contribution of cross-fertilization to overall fertilization. This study suggests that reducing the degree of herkogamy can significantly increase the reproductive assurance for a self-compatible plant. Our results provided evidence that the homo-styled morph of P. chungensis had the highest capacity for autonomous self-fertilization and the highest seed production in the field, because autonomous self-fertilization provided reproductive assurance for the homo-styled morph. This may cause selection towards the transition from distyly to homostyly.  相似文献   

Li  J.  Loneragan  W.A.  Duggin  J.A.  Grant  C.D. 《Plant Ecology》2004,172(1):11-26
The 'intermediate disturbance hypothesis' (IDH) predicts maximum species diversity at intermediate levels of disturbance. Disturbance levels are measured by intensity or frequency of disturbance or by the time since disturbance. The IDH has been tested over a wide range of studies and communities with results either accepting or rejecting the hypothesis. The objectives of this study were to determine how observed disturbance response patterns for the same herbaceous plant community are influenced by modelling techniques, particularly in relation to the expression of disturbance gradients, choice of species diversity indices, and time of assessment since disturbance. Response patterns were examined using a multi-factorial disturbance experiment involving grazing (absent and present); fire (absent and present); soil cultivation (none, 5 and 20 cm); and amendment (none, fertiliser, and fertiliser plus clover seeds). Generalized linear models with a b-spline function were used to define response patterns for five different disturbance gradients over a 24-month period using three indices of diversity. Seven basic disturbance response models were recognized ranging from the classical IDH bell-shaped pattern through increasing or decreasing trends, to a no-change model with increasing levels of disturbance. Only 6.7% of all models were consistent with the IDH. The no-change model was found in nearly half the cases investigated and increased in occurrence with time since disturbance. The choice of the disturbance intensity gradient, the species diversity index used and the time of assessment after disturbance significantly influenced the frequency of occurrence of the disturbance response models observed. Consequently, the responses of vegetation to disturbance gradients show many patterns depending on how they are defined and modelled rather than the simple bell-shaped curve as predicted by the IDH, but the ecological mechanisms supporting some of these patterns need to be further investigated.  相似文献   

The niche expansion and niche variation hypotheses predict that release from interspecific competition will promote niche expansion in depauperate assemblages. Niche expansion can occur by different mechanisms, including an increase in within-individual, among-individual, or bimodal variation (sexual dimorphism). Here we explore whether populations with larger niche breadth have a higher degree of diet variation. We also test whether populations from depauperate lizard assemblages differ in dietary resource use with respect to variation within and/or among individuals and sexual dimorphism. We found support for the niche expansion and niche variation hypotheses. Populations in assemblages with low phylogenetic diversity had a higher degree of individual variation, suggesting a tendency for niche expansion. We also found evidence suggesting that the mechanism causing niche expansion is an increase in variation among individuals rather than an increase in within-individual variation or an increase in bimodal variation due to sexual dimorphism.  相似文献   

Forty-three years have passed since it was first proposed that a protein could be the sole component of the infectious agent responsible for the enigmatic prion diseases. Many discoveries have strongly supported the prion hypothesis, but only recently has this once heretical hypothesis been widely accepted by the scientific community. In the past 3 years, researchers have achieved the 'Holy Grail' demonstration that infectious material can be generated in vitro using completely defined components. These breakthroughs have proven that a misfolded protein is the active component of the infectious agent, and that propagation of the disease and its unique features depend on the self-replication of the infectious folding of the prion protein. In spite of these important discoveries, it remains unclear whether another molecule besides the misfolded prion protein might be an essential element of the infectious agent. Future research promises to reveal many more intriguing features about the rogue prions.  相似文献   

A silver bullet for the treatment of depression?   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Duman RS 《Neuron》2007,55(5):679-681
The search for a rapid-acting antidepressant has been a subject of intense research interest for several decades. The article by Lucas and colleagues in this issue of Neuron provides compelling evidence from preclinical animal models that drugs acting at the serotonin 5-HT(4) receptor could finally achieve this goal. However, caution is warranted, as results from animal studies are not always predictive of therapeutic actions in humans.  相似文献   

The ‘independent action hypothesis’ (IAH) states that each pathogen individual has a non-zero probability of causing host death and that pathogen individuals act independently. IAH has not been rigorously tested. In this paper, we (i) develop a probabilistic framework for testing IAH and (ii) demonstrate that, in two out of the six virus–insect pathosystems tested, IAH is supported by the data. We first show that IAH inextricably links host survivorship to the number of infecting pathogen individuals, and develop a model to predict the frequency of single- and dual-genotype infections when a host is challenged with a mixture of two genotypes. Model predictions were tested using genetically marked, near-identical baculovirus genotypes, and insect larvae from three host species differing in susceptibility. Observations in early-instar larvae of two susceptible host species support IAH, but observations in late-instar larvae of susceptible host species and larvae of a less susceptible host species were not in agreement with IAH. Hence the model is experimentally supported only in pathosystems in which the host is highly susceptible. We provide, to our knowledge, the first qualitative experimental evidence that, in such pathosystems, the action of a single virion is sufficient to cause disease.  相似文献   

Bennettitales is an extinct group of seed plants with reproductive structures that are similar in some respects to both Gnetales and angiosperms, but systematic relationships among the three clades remain controversial. This study summarizes characters of bennettitalean plants and presents new evidence for the structure of cones and seeds that help clarify relationships of Bennettitales to flowering plants, Gnetales, and other potential angiosperm sister groups. Bennettitales have simple mono- or bisporangiate cones. Seeds are borne terminally on sporophylls. They have a unique structure that includes a nucellus with a solid apex, no pollen chamber, and a single integument, and they are clearly not enclosed by a cupule or other specialized structures. Such features differ substantially from Gnetales, flowering plants, and the seed fern Caytonia, providing no compelling evidence for the origin of the angiospermous carpel. Cladistic tests were performed to assess the strength of the "anthophyte hypothesis" and possible relationships of Bennettitales, Gnetales, and Caytonia to flowering plants. Our results do not support the anthophyte hypothesis for the origin of angiosperms by a transformation of fertile organs that were already aggregated into a cone or flower-like structure. However, the anthophyte topology of the seed plant tree continues to be supported by morphological analyses of living and extinct taxa.  相似文献   

Depression in the elderly is often thought to have a different clinical presentation in many patients. This so-called atypical depression is characterised by less sadness and feelings of guilt and more somatic symptoms, impaired cognition and behavioural symptoms. Studies that compare depressive signs and symptoms in elderly and younger patients are reviewed. Published studies do not support the suggestion that major depression in the elderly often have a different clinical presentation. Vascular depression and depression in patients with severe dementia may be exceptions. Conceptual and methodological issues that play an important role are discussed.  相似文献   

A ceRNA hypothesis: the Rosetta Stone of a hidden RNA language?   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
Salmena L  Poliseno L  Tay Y  Kats L  Pandolfi PP 《Cell》2011,146(3):353-358

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