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Life-history theory states that reproductive events confer costs upon mothers. Many studies have shown that reproduction causes a decline in maternal condition, survival or success in subsequent reproductive events. However, little attention has been given to the prospect of reproductive costs being passed onto subsequent offspring, despite the fact that parental fitness is a function of the reproductive success of progeny. Here we use pedigree data from a pre-industrial human population to compare offspring life-history traits and lifetime reproductive success (LRS) according to the cost incurred by each individual's mother in the previous reproductive event. Because producing a son versus a daughter has been associated with greater maternal reproductive cost, we hypothesize that individuals born to mothers who previously produced sons will display compromised survival and/or LRS, when compared with those produced following daughters. Controlling for confounding factors such as socio-economic status and ecological conditions, we show that those offspring born after elder brothers have similar survival but lower LRS compared with those born after elder sisters. Our results demonstrate a maternal cost of reproduction manifested in reduced LRS of subsequent offspring. To our knowledge, this is the first time such a long-term intergenerational cost has been shown in a mammal species.  相似文献   

Objective: Obesity has risen to epidemic proportions in the United States, leading to an emerging epidemic of type 2 diabetes. African‐American women are disproportionately affected by both conditions. While an association of overall obesity with increasing risk of diabetes has been documented in black women, the effect of fat distribution, specifically abdominal obesity, has not been studied. We examined the association of BMI, abdominal obesity, and weight gain with risk of type 2 diabetes. Research Methods and Procedures: During eight years of follow‐up of 49,766 women from the Black Women's Health Study, 2472 incident cases of diabetes occurred. Cox proportional hazard models were used to estimate incidence rate ratios (IRRs), with control for age, physical activity, family history of diabetes, cigarette smoking, years of education, and time period of data collection. Results: Sixty‐one percent of participants had a BMI ≥25 kg/m2 (WHO definition of overweight). Compared with a BMI of <23 kg/m2, the IRR for a BMI of >45 kg/m2 was 23 (95% confidence interval, 17.0 to 31.0). The IRR for the highest quintile of waist‐to‐hip ratio relative to the lowest was 2.3 (95% confidence interval, 2.0 to 2.7) after control for BMI. Furthermore, at every level of BMI, an increased risk was observed for high waist‐to‐hip ratio relative to low. Discussion: Central obesity, as well as overall obesity, is a strong risk factor for diabetes in African‐American women. Efforts to reduce the prevalence of obesity in African‐American women are of paramount importance.  相似文献   


This paper explores issues of belonging and agency among asylum seekers and refugee women of African origin in the UK. It discusses the ways these women engendered resistance in their everyday life to destitution, lack of cultural recognition, and gender inequality through the foundation of their own non-governmental organization, African Women's Empowerment Forum, AWEF, a collective ‘home’ space.

The focus of this account is on migrant women's agency and self-determination for the exercise of choice to be active actors in society. It points to what might be an important phenomenon on how local grassroots movements are challenging the invisibility of asylum seekers’ and refugees’ lives and expanding the notion of politics to embrace a wider notion of community politics with solidarity.

AWEF is the embodiment of a social space that resonates the ‘in-between’ experience of migrant life providing stability to the women members regarding political and community identification.  相似文献   

牧区妇女社会地位的高低对草地生态系统健康具有重要的影响。以祁连山区的天祝藏族自治县抓喜秀龙乡为调查研究区域,随机抽取100户藏族牧户为研究对象,采用问卷、座谈和关键人物座谈等形式,对妇女在社会生产中充当的角色、日常生活中承担的家务状况、受教育程度、参与社会活动情况以及对草地政策的认知等方面进行了系统调查和分析。研究结果表明:在农村社会变革中,女性是畜牧业生产的主力军,承担着将近80%的生产管理工作,74.3%的日常家务。其在家庭经济中的决策权和农村社会中的地位也在逐渐提高,在经济方面占36.5%的支配权,拥有14.5%的决策权。但是,妇女的受教育的程度普遍较低,女性的文盲率达14.4%。因此,妇女对草地生产管理技术的接受程度较低,对草原管理方面的政策及相关的法规缺乏认识,这将会对牧区草地畜牧业的可持续发展产生潜在影响。  相似文献   

Alzheimer's disease (AD) is a neurodegenerative disease characterized by formation of amyloid‐β (Aβ) plaques, activated microglia, and neuronal cell death leading to progressive dementia. Recent data indicate that microglia and monocyte‐derived macrophages (MDM) are key players in the initiation and progression of AD, yet their respective roles remain to be clarified. As AD occurs mostly in the elderly and aging impairs myeloid functions, we addressed the inflammatory profile of microglia and MDM during aging in TgAPP/PS1 and TgAPP/PS1dE9, two transgenic AD mouse models, compared to WT littermates. We only found MDM infiltration in very aged mice. We determined that MDM highly expressed activation markers at basal state. In contrast, microglia exhibited an activated phenotype only with normal aging and Aβ pathology. Our study showed that CD14 and CD36, two receptors involved in phagocytosis, were upregulated during Aβ pathogenesis. Moreover, we observed, at the protein levels in AD models, higher production of pro‐inflammatory mediators: IL‐1β, p40, iNOS, CCL‐3, CCL‐4, and CXCL‐1. Taken together, our data indicate that microglia and MDM display distinct phenotypes in AD models and highlight the specific effects of normal aging vs Aβ peptides on inflammatory processes that occur during the disease progression. These precise phenotypes of different subpopulations of myeloid cells in normal and pathologic conditions may allow the design of pertinent therapeutic strategy for AD.  相似文献   

According to Nira Yuval-Davis some of the most important ways in which women are involved in national projects concern their capacity as biological and cultural reproducers of the nation and guardians of its boundaries. In this article I argue that Jewish women in Mandate Palestine not only guarded and reproduced national boundaries, but also redefined them. Middle-class women's organizations acted as agents of ‘nationalization’ and westernization among Mizrahi (lit. Oriental) Jewish communities, who were largely excluded from the imagined community of the nation by Ashkenazi Zionists. I explain the conjunction of gender and ethnicity in the Zionist nation-building project through the life and letters of journalist and social activist Hannah Helena Thon. Two main factors serve as an explanation: the countries from which the leaders of the organizations emerged and their traditions of social work; and the position of middle-class women in the Jewish social field.  相似文献   

Why and how sexual reproduction is maintained in natural populations, the so‐called “queen of problems,” is a key unanswered question in evolutionary biology. Recent efforts to solve the problem of sex have often emphasized results generated from laboratory settings. Here, we use a survey of representative “sex in the wild” literature to review and synthesize the outcomes of empirical studies focused on natural populations. Especially notable results included relatively strong support for mechanisms involving niche differentiation and a near absence of attention to adaptive evolution. Support for a major role of parasites is largely confined to a single study system, and only three systems contribute most of the support for mutation accumulation hypotheses. This evidence for taxon specificity suggests that outcomes of particular studies should not be more broadly extrapolated without extreme caution. We conclude by suggesting steps forward, highlighting tests of niche differentiation mechanisms in both laboratory and nature, and empirical evaluation of adaptive evolution‐focused hypotheses in the wild. We also emphasize the value of leveraging the growing body of genomic resources for nonmodel taxa to address whether the clearance of harmful mutations and spread of beneficial variants in natural populations proceeds as expected under various hypotheses for sex.  相似文献   

土壤植物营养与农产品品质及人畜健康关系   总被引:13,自引:3,他引:10  
综述了土壤中Ca,Mg,S,Zn,Fe等中微量营养元素及Se,I等有益元素的丰缺情况,概述了矿质营养元素和有机物质对农产品品质的影响与人畜健康的关系,展望了今后应预以加强的研究方向,为进一步开展土壤植物营养与产品品质的研究提供参考。  相似文献   

The reproductive effort that a male directs to a familiar female declines over time, suggesting decreasing marginal returns. But is this diminishing returns a function of increasing reproductive costs or decreasing benefits of sustained effort? Here, we use the restoration of male reproductive effort with unfamiliar females to differentiate the role of diminishing returns and lifetime costs of increased reproductive effort of male guppies. We kept males with familiar or unfamiliar females throughout their lives and manipulated their ability to either court or mate with females. We found that increased male reproductive effort with novel mates lead to an immediate trade‐off in the form of reduced foraging effort. Further, males able to mate with a series of unfamiliar females had lower lifetime growth, indicating the primary cost of male reproductive effort in guppies arises from copulation rather than courtship. The lifetime growth trade‐offs were significant only when males mated with unfamiliar mates, suggesting that male reproductive effort with familiar females declines before it is restricted by physical exhaustion. These findings provide some of the first evidence of longitudinal costs of increased male reproductive effort in a vertebrate.  相似文献   

We tested for differences in the predicted optimal ages at first maturity in brook charr ( Salvelinus fontinalis ) in Freshwater River, Newfoundland, when life-history data were collated based on the marker-assisted estimation of the relationship between body size and reproductive success rather than using fecundity as a surrogate for reproductive success. Jointly with capture–recapture data to estimate the growth and survival costs of reproduction, we found that weak relationships between body size and reproductive success generate selection against delayed maturation. This finding would not have held for females if the relationship between body size and fecundity had been used as a surrogate for the relationship between body size and reproductive success. This shows that predictions of optimal life histories can be qualitatively changed when using molecular markers to directly evaluate age- and/or size-specific effects of body size on reproductive success.  相似文献   

Ever since Rudolf Virchow in 1858 publicly announced his apprehension of neuroglia being a true connective substance, this concept has been evolving to encompass a heterogeneous population of cells with various forms and functions. We briefly compare the 19th–20th century perspectives on neuroglia with the up-to-date view of these cells as an integral, and possibly integrating, component of brain metabolism and signalling in heath and disease. We conclude that the unifying property of otherwise diverse functions of various neuroglial cell sub-types is to maintain brain homoeostasis at different levels, from whole organ to molecular.  相似文献   

Hušek et al. (Popul Ecol 55:363–375, 2013 ) showed that the numerical response of storks to vole prey was stronger in regions where variability in vole density was higher. This finding is, at first sight, in contradiction with the predictions of life-history theory in stochastic environments. Since the stork productivity-vole density relationship is concave, theory predicts a negative association between the temporal variability in vole density and stork productivity. Here, we illustrate this negative effect of vole variability on stork productivity with a simple mathematical model relating expected stork productivity to vole dynamics. When comparing model simulations to the observed mean density and variability of thirteen Czech and Polish vole populations, we find that the observed positive effect of vole variability on stork numerical response is most likely due to an unusual positive correlation between mean and variability of vole density.  相似文献   

In a related paper, we showed that mares that reproduced early in life tended to have higher fecundity because of a decrease in the duration of inter-birth intervals relative to mares that reproduced later in life. However, we know that young mares are subordinate to older mares. Hence, costs associated with low dominance rank might offset the benefits of earlier reproduction. We compared harassment of foals of female Jeju ponies that first reproduced at three years of age with that of foals of females that first reproduced at five years of age. As a consequence of their positions in the linear dominance hierarchy, foals born to and guarded by young mares were harassed more frequently than foals whose mothers were older when they first reproduced. A mare that reproduced early in life guarded her offspring more closely and intervened between her foal and neighboring mares more frequently than those mares which first reproduced when older. This need to guard their foals and the harm that might ensue from frequent harassment might counter-balance selection towards earlier reproduction in mares.  相似文献   

Telomere attrition is one of biological aging hallmarks and may be intervened to target multiple aging-related diseases, including Alzheimer's disease and Alzheimer's disease related dementias (AD/ADRD). The objective of this study was to assess associations of leukocyte telomere length (TL) with AD/ADRD and early markers of AD/ADRD, including cognitive performance and brain magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) phenotypes. Data from European-ancestry participants in the UK Biobank (n = 435,046) were used to evaluate whether mid-life leukocyte TL is associated with incident AD/ADRD over a mean follow-up of 12.2 years. In a subsample without AD/ADRD and with brain imaging data (n = 43,390), we associated TL with brain MRI phenotypes related to AD or vascular dementia pathology. Longer TL was associated with a lower risk of incident AD/ADRD (adjusted Hazard Ratio [aHR] per SD = 0.93, 95% CI 0.90–0.96, p = 3.37 × 10−7). Longer TL also was associated with better cognitive performance in specific cognitive domains, larger hippocampus volume, lower total volume of white matter hyperintensities, and higher fractional anisotropy and lower mean diffusivity in the fornix. In conclusion, longer TL is inversely associated with AD/ADRD, cognitive impairment, and brain structural lesions toward the development of AD/ADRD. However, the relationships between genetically determined TL and the outcomes above were not statistically significant based on the results from Mendelian randomization analysis results. Our findings add to the literature of prioritizing risk for AD/ADRD. The causality needs to be ascertained in mechanistic studies.  相似文献   

Summary Queens do not exist inDiacamma sp. from Japan, and a single worker (gamergate) mates and monopolizes reproduction in each colony. We isolated small groups of workers without the gamergate, and confirmed that after 7–15 days many workers were able to oviposit (Tab. 1). These egg-laying individuals engage in stereotyped attacks towards each other. In six groups of individually marked workers (Tabs. 3 to 7), the pattern of aggressive interactions always indicated that one worker was dominant. She usually initiated a large number of attacks, but was herself never attacked. This dominant worker (alpha) also ate the eggs just laid by others. There was no linear dominance hierarchy, although a second highest-ranking worker could be recognized (she was only attacked by alpha). When these workers were dissected 4–6 weeks after being orphaned, only the alpha worker had active ovaries; other individuals that had been observed to oviposit earlier exhibited resorbed ovaries. Dissection of another 12 orphaned groups, kept together for different periods of time (Tab. 2), confirmed that one dominant worker is able to suppress the ovarian activity of all others in her group. We discuss how these aggressive interactions also function to regulate the production of males in other contexts, even when the gamergate is present. This aggression is separate, however, from another competitive interaction, mutilation of the gemmae, that functions as a control of mating activity in this species.  相似文献   

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