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Fumana is a diverse genus of the Cistaceae family, consisting of 21 currently accepted species. In this study, nuclear (ITS) and plastid (matK, trnT‐L) molecular markers were used to reconstruct the phylogeny and to estimate divergence times, including 19 species of Fumana. Phylogenetic analyses (Bayesian Inference, Maximum Parsimony and Maximum Likelihood) confirmed the monophyly of Fumana and did not support the infrageneric divisions previously established. The results support four main clades that group species that differ in vegetative and reproductive characters. Given the impossibility to define morphological characters common to all species within the clades, our proposal is to reject infrageneric divisions. Molecular dating and ancestral area analyses provide evidence for a Miocene diversification of the genus in the north‐western Mediterranean. Ancestral state reconstructions revealed ancestral character states for some traits related to xeric and arid habitats, suggesting a preadaptation to the Mediterranean climate.  相似文献   

Phylogeny, character evolution, and classification of Sapotaceae (Ericales)   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
We present the first cladistic study of the largely tropical family Sapotaceae based on both morphological and molecular data. The data were analyzed with standard parsimony and parsimony jackknife algorithms using equally and successive weighted characters. Sapotaceae are confirmed to constitute two main evolutionary lineages corresponding to the tribes Isonandreae‐Mimusopeae‐Sideroxyleae and Chrysophylleae‐Omphalocarpeae. The Sideroxyleae are monophyletic, Isonandreae are polyphyletic as presently circumscribed, and as suggested by the analyses, the subtribe Mimusopeae‐Mimusopinae has evolved within the Mimusopeae‐Manilkarinae, which hence is also paraphyletic. Generic limits must be altered within Sideroxyleae with the current members Argania, Nesoluma and Sideroxylon. Argania cannot be maintained at a generic level unless a narrower generic concept is adopted for Sideroxylon. Nesoluma cannot be upheld in a narrow or broad generic concept of Sideroxylon. The large tribe Chrysophylleae circumscribes genera such as Chrysophyllum, Pouteria, Synsepalum, and Xantolis, but the tribe is monophyletic only if the taxa from Omphalocarpeae are also included. Neither Chrysophyllum nor Pouteria are monophyletic in their current definitions. The results indicate that the African taxa of Pouteria are monophyletic and distinguishable from the South American taxa. Resurrection of Planchonella, corresponding to Pouteria section Oligotheca, is proposed. The African genera Synsepalum and Englerophytum form a monophyletic group, but their generic limits are uncertain. Classification of the Asian genus Xantolis is particularly interesting. Morphology alone is indecisive regarding Xantolis relationships, the combined unweighted data of molecules and morphology indicates a sister position to Isonandreae‐Mimusopeae‐Sideroxyleae, whereas molecular data alone, as well as successive weighted combined data point to a sister position to Chrysophylleae‐Omphalocarpeae. An amended subfamily classification is proposed corresponding to the monophyletic groups: Sarcospermatoideae (Sarcosperma), Sapotoideae (Isonandreae‐Mimusopeae‐Sideroxyleae) and Chrysophylloideae (Chrysophylleae‐Omphalocarpeae), where Sapotoideae circumscribes the tribes Sapoteae and Sideroxyleae as well as two or three as yet unnamed lineages. Morphological characters are often highly homoplasious and unambiguous synapomorphies cannot be identified for subfamilies or tribes, which we believe are the reason for the variations seen between different classifications of Sapotaceae. © The Willi Hennig Society 2005.  相似文献   

Selaginella is the largest and most taxonomically complex genus in lycophytes.The fact that over 750 species are currently treated in a single genus makes Selaginellales/Selaginellaceae unique in pteridophytes.Here we assembled a dataset of six existing and newly sampled plastid and nuclear loci with a total of 684 accessions(74% increase of the earlier largest sampling) representing ca.300 species to infer a new phylogeny.The evolution of 10 morphological characters is studied in the new phylog...  相似文献   

Little information on evolutionary relationships of Neotropical organisms or on the factors that have shaped the diversity currently encountered in this region is available. However, it is clear that biotic interactions and abiotic aspects have played important roles for species diversification in the region. This study focuses on Dolichandra (Bignonieae, Bignoniaceae), a clade of Neotropical lianas that is distributed broadly across different habitats and with diverse pollination and dispersal systems. We used sequences from two plastid DNA markers (ndhF and rpl32‐trnL) and one nuclear gene (PepC) to infer phylogenetic relationships in Dolichandra using parsimony and Bayesian approaches. We then used this phylogenetic framework as basis to study the biogeographic history, reconstruct the evolution of morphological characters and test the impact of morphology and environment on the diversification of the genus. More specifically, we: (1) time‐calibrate the phylogenetic tree of Dolichandra; (2) estimate the ancestral areas of the various lineages; (3) estimate the ancestral states of discrete and continuous morphological traits; (4) test for phylogenetic signal in environmental and phenotypic data; and (5) test whether morphological characters and/or niche evolution are correlated with cladogenesis. All Dolichandra spp. are monophyletic in the combined molecular phylogeny; relationships among species are generally well resolved, although poorly supported in some instances. The genus is inferred to have originated 36.43–26.23 Mya, possibly in eastern South America. Ancestral state reconstructions of continuous and discrete floral characters inferred a mixed morphology as the ancestral condition for the group. Phylogenetic signal differed between perianth and sexual whorls and gradual evolution was recovered for all traits except style length and anther length. Environmental variables showed no phylogenetic signal and a pattern of variation that was not correlated with branch length, suggesting that environmental transitions were concomitant with speciation. Dispersal is inferred to be the main driver of the differential distribution observed among species. In addition, climatic preferences and floral characters seem to have been important reproductive barriers in Dolichandra. © 2015 The Linnean Society of London, Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society, 2015, 179 , 403–420.  相似文献   

Mapped cpDNA restriction site characters were analyzed cladistically and the resulting phylogenetic hypotheses were used to test monophyly and relationships of the infrageneric classification of Lathyrus (Fabaceae) proposed by Kupicha (1983, Notes from the Royal Botanic Garden Edinburgh 41: 209-244). The validity of previously proposed classification systems and questions presented by these classification schemes were explored. Two cpDNA regions, rpoC (rpoC1, its intron, part of rpoC2, and their intergenic spacer) and IR- (psbA, trnH-GUG, part of ndhF, and their intergenic spacers), were analyzed for 42 Lathyrus and two Vicia species. PCR (polymerase chain reaction) amplified rpoC and IR- products digested with 31 and 27 restriction endonucleases, respectively, resulted in 109 potentially informative characters. The strict consensus tree suggests that several of Kupicha's sections may be combined in order to constitute clades. The widespread section Orobus and the South American section Notolathyrus should be combined. Section Lathyrus, characterized by a twisted style, should either include sections Orobon and Orobastrum or be redefined as three sections, one of which is characterized by a 100 base pair deletion in the IR- region. Finally, a weighted parsimony analysis positions sections Clymenum (excluding L. gloeospermus) and Nissolia, both with phyllodic leaves, as sister sections. The affiliation of Lathyrus gloeospermus (section Clymenum) remains problematic.  相似文献   

A Molecular Phylogeny of Costaceae (Zingiberales)   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The phylogenetic relationships of Costaceae, a tropical monocotyledonous family sister to the gingers (Zingiberaceae), were investigated with a combination of two chloroplast loci (the trnL-F locus, including the trnL intron, the 3'trnL exon, and the trnL-F intergenic spacer, and the trnK locus, including the trnK intron and the matK coding region) and one nuclear locus (ITS1-5.8s-ITS2). The resulting parsimony analysis of selected taxa that demonstrate the range of floral morphological variation in the family shows that the Cadalvena-type [corrected] floral morphology is ancestral to the group and that both Tapeinochilos species and a Monocostus + Dimerocostus clade represent recent divergences. The genus Costus is broadly paraphyletic but Costus subgenus Eucostus K. Schum. represents a large monophyletic radiation that is poorly resolved. Within this clade, secondary analyses suggest that pollination syndrome, traditionally used for taxonomic and classification purposes within the genus Costus, is a relatively plastic trait of limited phylogenetic utility. This represents the first detailed investigation into intrageneric and interspecific evolutionary relationships within the family Costaceae and presents some novel evolutionary trends with respect to floral morphology and biogeography.  相似文献   

Crambinae (2047 spp.) and Scopariinae (577 spp.) are two major groups of pyraloid moths with a worldwide distribution. Their larvae feed predominantly on Poales and Bryophyta, with many cereal crop pests. We present the first molecular phylogeny of the two groups based on five nuclear genes and one mitochondrial gene (total = 4713 bp) sampled for 58 crambine species representing 56 genera and all tribes, 33 scopariine species representing 12 genera, and species in several other crambid lineages. Maximum likelihood and Bayesian analyses of the molecular data resolve suprageneric relationships in Crambinae and Scopariinae, whereas relationships between these and other subfamilies remain ambiguous. Crambinae and Scopariinae are each recovered as monophyletic groups, and Erupini, formerly regarded as an ingroup of Midilinae, is recovered as a possible sister group of Crambinae. The tree topology suggests the following two major changes within Crambinae: Prionapterygini Landry syn.n. of Ancylolomiini Ragonot stat. rev. and Myelobiini Minet syn.n. of Chiloini Heinemann. Argyriini Munroe is monophyletic after the transfer of Pseudocatharylla Bleszynski and Vaxi Bleszynski to Calamotrophini. Crambini, Diptychophorini and Haimbachiini are monophyletic after the exclusion of Ancylolomia Hübner, Euchromius Guenée, Micrelephas Dognin and Miyakea Marumo from Crambini, as well as Microchilo Okano from Diptychophorini. Euchromiini tribe n. is described for Euchromius. Microcramboides Bleszynski syn.n. and Tortriculladia Bleszynski syn.n. are synonymized with Microcrambus Bleszynski. In Scopariinae, Caradjaina Leraut syn.n. and Cholius Guenée syn.n. are synonymized with Scoparia Haworth, and, in addition, Dasyscopa Meyrick syn.n. , Dipleurinodes Leraut syn.n. and Eudipleurina Leraut syn.n. are synonymized with Eudonia Billberg. Micraglossa melanoxantha (Turner) (Scoparia) comb.n. is proposed as a new combination. We analysed 27 morphological characters of wing venation, tympanal organs, male and female genitalia, as well as host plant data and egg‐laying behaviour. The ancestral character‐state reconstructions confirmed previous apomorphies and highlighted new apomorphies for some of the newly recovered clades. The derived, nonadhesive egg‐dropping behaviour is found to have evolved at least twice in Crambinae and is associated with the use of Pooideae as host plants. This published work has been registered in ZooBank, http://zoobank.org/urn:lsid:zoobank.org:pub:1A84282D‐930A‐4C32‐8340‐D681BFF27A12 .  相似文献   

The phylogeny and classification of tribe Aedini are delineated based on a cladistic analysis of 336 characters from eggs, fourth‐instar larvae, pupae, adult females and males, and immature stage habitat coded for 270 exemplar species, including an outgroup of four species from different non‐aedine genera. Analyses of the data set with all multistate characters treated as unordered under implied weights, implemented by TNT version 1.1, with values of the concavity constant K ranging from 7 to 12 each produced a single most parsimonious cladogram (MPC). The MPCs obtained with K values of 7–9 were identical, and that for K = 10 differed only in small changes in the relationships within one subclade. Because values of K < 7 and > 10 produced large changes in the relationships among the taxa, the stability of relationships exemplified by the MPC obtained from the K = 9 analysis is used to interpret the phylogeny and classification of Aedini. Clade support was assessed using parsimony jackknife and symmetric resampling. Overall, the results reinforce the patterns of relationships obtained previously despite differences in the taxa and characters included in the analyses. With two exceptions, all of the groups represented by two or more species were once again recovered as monophyletic taxa. Thus, the monophyly of the following genera and subgenera is corroborated: Aedes, Albuginosus, Armigeres (and its two subgenera), Ayurakitia, Bothaella, Bruceharrisonius, Christophersiomyia, Collessius (and its two subgenera), Dahliana, Danielsia, Dobrotworskyius, Downsiomyia, Edwardsaedes, Finlaya, Georgecraigius (and its two subgenera), Eretmapodites, Geoskusea, Gilesius, Haemagogus (and its two subgenera), Heizmannia (and subgenus Heizmannia), Hopkinsius (and its two subgenera), Howardina, Hulecoeteomyia, Jarnellius, Kenknightia, Lorrainea, Macleaya, Mucidus (and its two subgenera), Neomelaniconion, Ochlerotatus (subgenera Chrysoconops, Culicelsa, Gilesia, Pholeomyia, Protoculex, Rusticoidus and Pseudoskusea), Opifex, Paraedes, Patmarksia, Phagomyia, Pseudarmigeres, Rhinoskusea, Psorophora (and its three subgenera), Rampamyia, Scutomyia, Stegomyia, Tanakaius, Udaya, Vansomerenis, Verrallina (and subgenera Harbachius and Neomacleaya), Zavortinkius and Zeugnomyia. In addition, the monophyly of Tewarius, newly added to the data set, is confirmed. Heizmannia (Mattinglyia) and Verrallina (Verrallina) were found to be paraphyletic with respect to Heizmannia (Heizmannia) and Verrallina (Neomacleaya), respectively. The analyses were repeated with the 14 characters derived from length measurements treated as ordered. Although somewhat different patterns of relationships among the genera and subgenera were found, all were recovered as monophyletic taxa with the sole exception of Dendroskusea stat. nov. Fifteen additional genera, three of which are new, and 12 additional subgenera, 11 of which are new, are proposed for monophyletic clades, and a few lineages represented by a single species, based on tree topology, the principle of equivalent rank, branch support and the number and nature of the characters that support the branches. Acartomyia stat. nov. , Aedimorphus stat. nov. , Cancraedes stat. nov. , Cornetius stat. nov. , Geoskusea stat. nov. , Levua stat. nov. , Lewnielsenius stat. nov. , Rhinoskusea stat. nov. and Sallumia stat. nov., which were previously recognized as subgenera of various genera, are elevated to generic status. Catageiomyia stat. nov. and Polyleptiomyia stat. nov. are resurrected from synonymy with Aedimorphus, and Catatassomyia stat. nov. and Dendroskusea stat. nov. are resurrected from synonymy with Diceromyia. Bifidistylus gen. nov. (type species: Aedes lamborni Edwards) and Elpeytonius gen. nov. (type species: Ochlerotatus apicoannulatus Edwards) are described as new for species previously included in Aedes (Aedimorphus), and Petermattinglyius gen. nov. (type species: Aedes iyengari Edwards) and Pe. (Aglaonotus) subgen. nov. (type species: Aedes whartoni Mattingly) are described as new for species previously included in Aedes (Diceromyia). Four additional subgenera are recognized for species of Ochlerotatus, including Oc. (Culicada) stat. nov. (type species: Culex canadensis Theobald), Oc. (Juppius) subgen. nov. (type species: Grabhamia caballa Theobald), Oc. (Lepidokeneon) subgen. nov. (type species: Aedes spilotus Marks) and Oc. (Woodius) subgen. nov. (type species: Aedes intrudens Dyar), and seven are proposed for species of Stegomyia: St. (Actinothrix) subgen. nov. (type species: Stegomyia edwardsi Barraud), St. (Bohartius) subgen. nov. (type species: Aedes pandani Stone), St. (Heteraspidion) subgen. nov. (type species: Stegomyia annandalei Theobald), St. (Huangmyia) subgen. nov. (type species: Stegomyia mediopunctata Theobald), St. (Mukwaya) subgen. nov. (type species: Stegomyia simpsoni Theobald), St. (Xyele) subgen. nov. (type species: Stegomyia desmotes Giles) and St. (Zoromorphus) subgen. nov. (type species: Aedes futunae Belkin). Due to the unavailability of specimens for study, many species of Stegomyia are without subgeneric placement. As is usual with generic‐level groups of Aedini, the newly recognized genera and subgenera are polythetic taxa that are diagnosed by unique combinations of characters. The analysis corroborates the previous observation that ‘Oc. (Protomacleaya)’ is a polyphyletic assemblage of species.  相似文献   

A molecular phylogenetic analysis of most of the species of Perezia reveals that, as traditionally defined, the genus is not monophyletic with two species more closely related to Nassauvia than to Perezia. In addition, our results show that Burkartia (Perezia) lanigera is related to Acourtia and is the only member of that clade in South America. The remaining species are monophyletic and show a pattern of an early split between a western temperate and an eastern subtropical clade of species. Within the western clade, the phylogeny indicates a pattern of diversification that proceeded from southern, comparatively low-elevation habitats to southern high-elevation habitats, and ultimately into more northern high-elevation habitats. The most derived clades are found in the high central Andes, where significant radiation has occurred.  相似文献   

Despite their role in marine systems, Sergestidae remain one of the most poorly understood families amongst planktonic shrimps with regard to phylogeny. Recent morphological and phylogenetic revisions of a number of sergestid genera have disentangled classificatory problems and emphasized the importance of reproductive structures for the taxonomy and phylogeny of the Sergestidae. Only three genera, Acetes, Peisos, and Sicyonella, remain unrevised phylogenetically. We undertook a phylogenetic analysis of these groups based on 124 morphological characters (120 binary, four multistate). Eighteen new characters were based on scanning electron microscopy studies of the clasping organ and petasma. The phylogenetic analysis revealed statistically supported monophyly of the clades Sicyonella and Acetes + Peisos. We combine Peisos and Acetes into a monophyletic genus Acetes, give emended diagnoses and keys to all species of Sicyonella and Acetes, and discuss morphological trends within these genera. We present maps of geographical distribution for all valid species of Acetes. © 2015 The Linnean Society of London  相似文献   

Phylogeny, evolution, and taxonomy of vannellid amoebae   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
We sequenced 18S rRNA genes from 21 vannellid amoebae (Amoebozoa; Vannellidae), including nearly all available type cultures, and performed a comprehensive phylogenetic analysis for 57 Vannellidae sequences. The results show that species of Vannella and Platyamoeba are completely mixed and do not form distinct clades. Several very closely related species pairs exist, each with a Vannella and a Platyamoeba species differing in only a few nucleotides. Therefore, presence (Vannella) or absence (Platyamoeba) of glycostyles in the cell surface coat is an invalid generic distinction; the genera must be merged. As Vannella has priority, we formally transferred Platyamoeba species into Vannella, except for the non-vannellid P. stenopodia, here renamed Stenamoeba stenopodia gen. n. comb. n. and transferred to the family Thecamoebidae. Our trees show that Vannella glycostyles were probably easily and repeatedly evolutionarily lost. We have established a new genus Ripella, with distinct morphology and sequence signatures for Vannella platypodia and morphologically similar species that form a clearly separate clade, very distant from other Vannellidae. Vannellids form four well-separated single-genus clades: Vannella sensu stricto, Ripella, Clydonella, and Lingulamoeba. Species of the revised genus Vannella comprise four closely related, well-supported subclades: one marine and three freshwater. Here, we provide an illustrated checklist for all 40 known Vannellidae species.  相似文献   

The random amplified polymorphic DNA-polymerase chain reaction (RAPD-PCR) was used for the molecular characterisation and identification of Sargassum spp. A total of 17 samples of Sargassum (Sargassaceae, Fucales) was obtained from various localities around Peninsular Malaysia and Singapore. On the basis of morphological characteristics, the samples were tentatively grouped into five species: Sargassum baccularia, S. glaucescens, S. oligocystum, S. polycystum and S. siliquosum. By RAPD-PCR, five of 31 random primers tested generated reproducible amplification products, and polymorphic loci were detected by four of them (OPA02, OPA03, OPA04, OPA13). The RAPD-PCR profiles did not correlate with the morphological grouping into five species and extensive variation was detected between different isolates of the same species. A 450 base pair fragment generated using OPA13 was detected in 12 of 17 samples of Sargassum. This fragment was also present in profiles from Turbinaria (Sargassaceae). This study suggests that RAPD-PCR is useful in discriminating individual samples of the genus Sargassum and in developing fingerprints for them.  相似文献   

The yucca moths ( Tegeticula and Parategeticula ; Lepidoptera, Prodoxidae) are well known for their obligate relationship as exclusive pollinators of yuccas. Revisionary work in recent years has revealed far higher species diversity than historically recognized, increasing the number of described species from four to 20. Based on field surveys in Mexico and examination of collections, we describe five additional species: T. californica Pellmyr sp. nov. , T. tehuacana Pellmyr & Balcázar-Lara sp. nov. , T. tambasi Pellmyr & Balcázar-Lara sp. nov., T. baja Pellmyr & Balcázar-Lara sp. nov. and P. ecdysiastica Pellmyr & Balcázar-Lara sp. nov . Tegeticula treculeanella Pellmyr is identified as a junior synonym of T. mexicana Bastida. A diagnostic key to the adults of all species of the T. yuccasella complex is provided. A phylogeny based on a 2104-bp segment of mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) in the cytochrome oxidase I and II region supported monophyly of the two pollinator genera, and strongly supported monophyly of the 17 recognized species of the T. yuccasella complex. Most relationships are well supported, but some relationships within a recent and rapidly diversified group of 11 taxa are less robust, and in one case conflicts with a whole-genome data set (amplified fragment length polymorphism, AFLP). The current mtDNA-based analyses, together with previously published AFLP data, provide a robust phylogenetic foundation for future studies of life-history evolution and host interactions in one of the classical models of coevolution and obligate mutualism.  © 2008 The Linnean Society of London, Zoological Journal of the Linnean Society , 2008, 152 , 297–314.  相似文献   

Relatedness, phylogeny, and evolution of the fungi   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Junta Sugiyama 《Mycoscience》1998,39(4):487-511
Recent advances in fungal systematics are reviewed in relation to our previous studies. The usefulness of the integrated analysis of genotypic (especially 18S rRNA gene sequence comparisons) and phenotypic (especially ultrastructural and chemotaxonomic data) characters has been emphasized for the major groups and selected taxa of the fungi, and the impact to fungal systematics and evolution is discussed. Our noteworthy studies and findings are: 1) polyphyly of the chytridiomycetes and zygomycetes, 2) phylogenetic origin of the entomophthoralean fungi includingBasidiobolus, 3) detection of a major new lineage “Archiascomycetes,” comprisingTaphrina, Protomyces andSaitoella, Schizosaccharomyces, andPneumocystis, within the Ascomycota, and its phylogenetic and evolutionary significance, 4) polyphyletic origins of species in the anamorphic genusGeosmithia, and 5) phylogenetic placement ofMixia osmundae, species correctly and incorrectly assigned to the genusTaphrina, and basidiomyceotus yeasts. The newest 18S rDNA sequence-based neighbor-joining trees of the Ascomycota are demonstrated. “Traditional studies of evolution have amply demonstrated that evolution at the phenotypic level is characterized by adaptation and opportunism, irregularity in pace, and inequality of rates among lineages. In contrast, studies of molecular evolution have revealed quite different features characterized by changes that are conservative in nature, random in pattern (independent of phenotypic characters), and quite regular in pace with equal rates among diverge [sic] lineages for a given protein”. (Kimura, M. 1983. The neutral theory of molecular evolution, pp. 308–309, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge.) Recipient of the 2nd Mycological Society of Japan's Excellent Achievement Award, 1998; the awarding lecture was given at the 42nd Annual Meeting of the Mycological Society of Japan, 16 May, 1998, Kyoto University, Kyoto. This review is based mainly on the publications intended for the Award.  相似文献   

分子信标探针用于PCR检测对虾白斑杆状病毒   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
将对虾白斑杆状病毒的一段特异性DNA设计成分子信标探针,用于该病毒的PCR检测.温度与荧光强度之间的关系表明,所设计探针的发夹既可以形成也可以打开,符合PCR对分子信标探针的要求.结果表明,在PCR同时加入分子信标探针不影响PCR扩增,分子信标探针只能与目的DNA杂交,具有较高的特异性.随着PCR循环数的增加以及含目的DNA的质粒拷贝数的增加,荧光强度都随之增强.  相似文献   

Efforts to clarify the affinities of the torós or brush-tailed rats (Isothrix) and document the radiation of these distinctive echimyids have been limited. The discovery of a new Andean species prompted a reanalysis of Isothrix and its relatives. Prior morphological analyses of skulls, mandibles, teeth, and external characters permitted robust diagnosis but offered little resolution of within- or between-group relationships. Analyses of mitochondrial cytochrome b sequences (798 bp), which are available for numerous echimyids, confirm the monophyly of recognized genera, including Isothrix, and resolve a number of interspecific relationships. Strikingly, the Andean toró (Isothrix barbarabrownae) is consistently recovered as sister to the remaining species. These are allied into three clades: I. sinnamariensis + I. pagurus in the lower Amazon Basin and Guianan Shield, I. orinoci + I. negrensis in the Rio Negro and Río Orinoco drainages, and I. bistriata across much of the western and southern Amazon Basin. However, the addition of a new basal taxon does not aid in identifying the sister taxon of Isothrix. These relationships are confirmed in combined analyses of cyt-b with sequence variation in the mitochondrial control region (D-loop; 450 bp) and in the nuclear RAG1 gene (1,072 bp). Analyses identify the Andes, or proto-Andes, as an important theater for the group’s evolution and may offer an explanation for the luxuriant fur of this genus. However, neither the biogeographic history of Isothrix nor the remarkable pelage evolution of the Echimyidae can be understood until the deeper nodes within the arboreal spiny rats (Echimyinae) are more fully resolved.  相似文献   

Twelve morphologically similar species of Acrapex Hampson 1894, (Lepidoptera, Noctuidae, Noctuinae, Apameini, Sesamiina), from Western, Central and Eastern Africa are reviewed. Eight of these species are new to science and are described: Acrapex akunamatata n. sp. and A. incrassata n. sp. from Kenya; A. gracilis n. sp., A. iringa n. sp., A. lukumbura n. sp. and A. rungwe n. sp. from Tanzania; A. soyema n. sp. from Ethiopia; and A. zoutoi n. sp. from Benin. All 12 species belong to a species complex that we hereby define as the Acrapex apicestriata group. Host-plants for three of the new species are recorded: Setaria incrassata (Hochst.) Hack. for Acrapex incrassata; Cymbopogon pospishilii (K. Schum.) C.E. Hubb. for A. rungwe; and Andropogon perligulatus Stapf. for A. zoutoi. We also conducted molecular phylogenetic analyses (using maximum likelihood and Bayesian inference) on a six gene multimarker molecular dataset (four mitochondrial and two nuclear gene fragments; 4581 nucleotides in length) consisting of 15 Acrapex species (including seven species from the apicestriata group) and four outgroups species from the subtribe Sesamiina (from genera Busseola Thurau 1904, Sciomesa Tams & Bowden 1953, Pirateolea Moyal, Le Ru, Conlong, Cugala, Defabachew, Matama-Kauma, Pallangyo & Van den Berg 2010 and Sesamia Boisduval & Guenée 1852). Both maximum likelihood and Bayesian inference analyses yield a similar and well-supported topology, which supports the monophyly of the apicestriata group.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT. Rules of zoological nomenclature, morphological data, and robosomal DNA sequence data support the validity of the genus Nucleospora , and its placement in the family Enterocytozoonidae. Although Nucleospora exhibits most of the distinguishing morophological characteristics of the family Enterocytozoonidae Cali and Owne, 1990, the distinctively different hosts (fish and humans, respectively) and sites of development (the nuclei of immature blood cells and the cytoplasm of enterocutes) supprot the placement Nucleospora and Enterocytozoon into separate genera. Ribosomal DNA sequence comparisons between Nucleospora salmonis and Enterocytozoon bieneusi showed 19.8% genetic divergece in the large and small subunit regions. Although more inter- and intrageneric divergence between the two species is sufficiently larg to deter suppression of the genus Nucleospora as a junior synonym of Enterocytozoon. A polymerase chain reaction test for the detection of N. salmonis in chinook salmon ( Oncorhynchus tshawytscha ), based on N. salmonis -specific ribosomal DNA sequence, is described.  相似文献   

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