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SYNOPSIS. Tintinnida of the New York Bight (a bend in the coastline) were identified during the 1-year period August 1973–August 1974. Recurring genera included Stenosemella and Tintinnopsis; seasonal genera were mainly the hyaline Favella, Metacylis, and Helicostomella; exotic or unusual genera included Parafavella and Ptychocylis. Large size differences in loricae were found seasonally, related apparently, to water temperature.  相似文献   

We investigated genetic diversity and structure of urban white‐footed mouse, Peromyscus leucopus, populations in New York City (NYC) using variation at 18 microsatellite loci. White‐footed mice are ‘urban adapters’ that occur at higher population densities as habitat fragments are reduced in area but have a limited ability to disperse through urbanized areas. We hypothesized that this combination of traits has produced substantial genetic structure but minimal loss of genetic variation over the last century in NYC. Allelic diversity and heterozygosity in 14 NYC populations were high, and nearly all of our NYC study sites contained genetically distinct populations of white‐footed mice as measured by pairwise FST, assignment tests, and Bayesian clustering analyses performed by Structure and baps . Analysis of molecular variance revealed that genetic differences between populations separated by a few kilometres are more significant than differences between prehistorically isolated landmasses (i.e. Bronx, Queens, and Manhattan). Allele size permutation tests and lack of isolation by distance indicated that mutation and migration are less important than drift as explanations for structure in urban, fragmented P. leucopus populations. Peromyscus often exhibit little genetic structure over even regional scales, prompting us to conclude that urbanization is a particularly potent driver of genetic differentiation compared to natural fragmentation.  相似文献   

Water and sediment samples were collected during summer and early fall 1999–2004 from coastal waters of New York State, USA, to test for the presence of Pfiesteria piscicida and Pfiesteria shumwayae. Physical and chemical conditions were characterized, and real-time polymerase chain reaction assays were conducted. Both species were relatively common and found at most sites at least once, and the frequency of positive assays was higher in sediments than in the water column. In a subset of the data from Suffolk County, Long Island, the presence of Pfiesteria was related to high chlorophyll a and relatively high nutrient concentrations. Partial SSU rDNA sequences of four PCR amplicons generated using P. shumwayae primers indicated two sequences: three were identical to GenBank P. shumwayae entries, but one showed enough sequence difference (15 positions in a 454 bp amplicon) to suggest a possible new species. Three isolates were tested for toxicity, and one was found to kill fish in bioassays. Despite the widespread presence of both Pfiesteria species and demonstration of potential to harm fish, no blooms of these dinoflagellates have been observed, nor has there been evidence of Pfiesteria-related fish or human health problems in these waters, likely related to colder temperatures than optimal for Pfiesteria species.  相似文献   

Spring harvest rates of male wild turkeys (Meleagris gallapavo) influence the number and proportion of adult males in the population and turkey population models have treated harvest as additive to other sources of mortality. Therefore, hunting regulations and their effect on spring harvest rates have direct implications for hunter satisfaction. We used tag recovery models to estimate survival rates, investigate spatial, temporal, and demographic variability in harvest rates, and assess how harvest rates may be related to management strategies and landscape characteristics. We banded 3,266 male wild turkeys throughout New York, Ohio, and Pennsylvania during 2006–2009. We found little evidence that harvest rates varied by year or management zone. The proportion of the landscape that was forested within 6.5 km of the capture location was negatively related to harvest rates; however, even though the proportion forested ranged from 0.008 to 0.96 across our study area, this corresponded to differences in harvest rates of only 2–5%. Annual survival was approximately twice as high for juveniles as adults . In turn, spring harvest rates for adult turkeys were greater for adults than juveniles . We estimated the population of male turkeys in New York and Pennsylvania ranged from 104,000 to 132,000 in all years and ranged from 63,000 to 75,000 in Ohio. Because of greater harvest rates for adult males, the proportion of adult males in the population was less than in the harvest and ranged from 0.40 to 0.81 among all states and years. The high harvest rates observed for adults may be offset by greater recruitment of juveniles into the adult age class the following year such that these states can sustain high harvest rates yet still maintain a relative high proportion of adult males in the harvest and population. © 2011 The Wildlife Society.  相似文献   

Vogel, Klaus, Golubic, Stjepko & Brett, Carlton E. 1987 07 15: Endolith associations and their relation to facies distribution in the Middle Devonian of New York State, U.S.A.
Microborings of endolithic organisms (e.g. algae, fungi) provide valuable indicators of paleoenvironments. The present study documents the distribution of microborings in fossil skeletal substrates from a spectrum of shelf to basinal facies in the Middle Devonian of New York. Endolithic boring in brachiopod shells and corals were prepared using special embedding-casting method and were examined and photographed with SEM. About 13 distinct types of microborings were discovered, presumably produced by microorganisms (pro- and eukaryotic), sponges, bryozoans and worms. Brachiopod holdfast etchings are reported for the first time from Paleozoic rocks. Microborings are non-randomly distributed among Middle Devonian facies. The highest diversity and abundance of borings occurs in diverse brachiopod and coral-bearing calcareous mudstones; which appear to represent shallow, well-aerated and low turbidity environments. Microboring diversity and frequency decreases markedly into mudstones and siltstones recording higher turbidity as well as into dark gray to black basinal shale facies. 'Leiorhynchus' brachiopods from probable deeper water, dysaerobic environments display very low diversity of micro-boring assemblages. They include brachiopod pedicle borings and one endolith which shows similarities to a modem cyanobacterium. If the latter is correctly identified, it brackets all of the studied facies within the photic zone.  相似文献   

Aim The purposes of this study were to develop a Geographic Information System and spatial analytical methodology to reconstruct and represent the presettlement vegetation in a spatially continuous manner over large areas and to investigate vegetation–site relationships before widespread changes of the vegetation had taken place. Location The study area was the Holland Land Company Purchase in western New York, a 14,400 km2 area extending across the physiographic provinces of the Erie–Ontario Lowlands and the Appalachian Uplands. Methods Bearing‐tree records from the Holland Land Company township surveys of western New York in c. 1800 were collected and analysed. The geostatistical method of indicator kriging was used to map spatially continuous representations of individual tree species. Rule‐based and statistically clustered approaches were used to analyse and classify the reconstructed tree species distributions in order to obtain the vegetation association distribution. Contingency table analysis was conducted to quantify species relationships with soil conditions. Results The presettlement vegetation at both the tree species and the vegetation association levels were easier to interpret and visually more effective as a spatially continuous representation than as a discontinuous distribution of symbols. The results for tree species were probability occurrences of species distribution, showing spatial patterns that were not apparent in discrete maps of points or in summary tables of species frequencies. Analysis of the 8792 bearing trees suggested the dominance of American beech (Fagus grandifolia) and sugar maple (Acer saccharum) in the forest composition 200 years ago. Both soil drainage and texture were important site determinants of the vegetation in western New York. The rule‐based and statistically clustered approaches had the advantage of summarizing vegetation compositional patterns in a single image, thus avoiding the need to delineate manually and subjectively the location of boundaries between adjacent vegetation associations. Main conclusions The study offers more insights into the spatial pattern of presettlement forests in western New York than do prior studies. The spatially continuous representation could also enable the comparison of vegetation distribution from data sources that have different sampling schemes, for example the comparison of presettlement vegetation from the presettlement land survey records with current vegetation from modern forest inventories. The results are of value, providing a useful benchmark against which to examine vegetation change and the impacts of human land use.  相似文献   

Question: Does forest vegetation community structure reflect legislative land use designations? Location: Adirondack Park, New York, USA. Methods: The Adirondack Park, located in northern New York State, is a mixture of public and private lands, with state‐owned Forest Preserve lands comprising ca. 42% of the 2.4 million ha, on which timber harvesting and many other forms of anthropogenic disturbance are prohibited. A survey of vegetation communities was conducted in eighteen upland catchments with differing land use history (managed and Forest Preserve), including overstory, understory, and dead wood (snags and downed woody debris) using randomly placed plots. Results: Mean overstory density and basal area were not significantly different between land uses, although mean overstory tree size was greater in Preserve catchments. Sapling densities were greater in managed catchments, while mean herb/shrub coverage was not affected by land use. Densities of 25% of common species were affected by land use, determined by GIS coverages constructed using an Inverse Distance Weighted estimation procedure. Discriminant Analysis of per‐plot plant community data correctly classified 89% of both managed and Preserve plots. Conclusion: The success of the Discriminant Analysis in classifying land uses based on vegetation communities indicates its potential utility of this method in comparing forest vegetation to a reference condition in this and other areas. The analysis suggests that at least 85 years is required for Adirondack up‐land catchments to recover following harvesting. Uncertainty in classification was related to heterogenous management and disturbance patterns within catchments.  相似文献   

New Zealand has a rich and diverse macroalgal flora that has been studied since James Cook's first voyage to New Zealand in 1769. The New Zealand region ranges from cool temperate seas at southerly latitudes to subtropical waters in the north. Here we review the history of phycological research in New Zealand since 1900, and the current status of research in taxonomy, ecology, physiology and seaweed uses including aqua‐culture and seaweed extracts. Some 770 species of seaweed are known to New Zealand, of which 22 are alien. Few taxa have received monographic treatment and many remain to be described. Polysaccharides have been identified from over 80 New Zealand seaweeds and many of these compounds have commercial potential. In addition to urgent taxonomic work, future research should include a national program of long‐term (> 5 years) monitoring of macroalgal communities, rates of growth and primary production, and the contribution of seaweed‐based production to coastal food webs.  相似文献   

Gall wasps (Hymenoptera: Cynipidae) are phytophagous insects that often go unnoticed; however, when they are introduced to a new area or released from their natural enemies, they have the capacity to outbreak and cause extensive foliar damage. One such outbreaking pest, Zapatella davisae (Cynipidae: Cynipini), causes significant damage and mortality to black oak, Quercus velutina, in the northeastern United States. In this study, we aimed to identify the parasitoid community associated with Z. davisae, compare differences in percent parasitism of Z. davisae in Cape Cod and Long Island, and determine which parasitoid species contribute most to parasitism in each region. From both locations, we reared parasitoids, identified morphological groups, analyzed percent parasitism rates for each group, and used DNA barcoding to provide species‐level identifications. On Long Island, there was nearly 100% parasitism in 2015 followed by a near total collapse of the population in 2016. In contrast, parasitism rates were lower and remained consistent on Cape Cod between 2015 and 2016, which may explain the greater canopy damage observed in that region. Species of Sycophila were the dominant parasitoids, with one species Sycophila nr. novascotiae representing ~65% of reared parasitoids from Long Island, and two species of Sycophila (S. nr. novascotiae and S. foliatae) with near equal representations on Cape Cod. In order to manage an insect pest, it is important to understand factors that influence its mortality and survival. An understanding of how these infestations progress overtime can help predict the impact that newer infestations in Nantucket, MA, and coastal Rhode Island will have on black oak populations and will aid in the management of this rapidly spreading gall wasp pest.  相似文献   

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