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We studied the abnormalities in enamel microstructure associated with enamel hypoplasia in human teeth from the early medieval (5th-7th century AD) cemetery of Barbing, Germany, using light and scanning electron microscopy. The main aim of the study was to test the hypothesis that by analyzing the microstructure of fully formed enamel it is possible to reconstruct the reaction pattern of secretory ameloblasts to stress events leading to enamel hypoplasia. From the histological findings, a sequence of increasing impairment of secretory ameloblast function involving three thresholds was deduced. Surpassing of each of these thresholds is assumed to result in characteristic changes in enamel microstructure attributable to specific functional/morphological alterations of secretory ameloblasts. Based on our results we propose a model identifying the principal factors influencing the reaction of secretory ameloblasts to stress. The present study demonstrates that by including microscopic analysis in the study of enamel hypoplasia, it is possible to obtain a more complete picture of the formation of these developmental defects than is possible by inspection of crown surface features alone, and to draw more substantiated conclusions about the possible nature of developmental defects of enamel.  相似文献   

Imbricational crown formation times (ICFTs) estimated from the number of perikymata on tooth surfaces are error-prone because the number of days between adjacent perikymata varies across individuals and species, and is only visible within tooth microstructure. We investigated striae of Retzius (SR) numbers (analogous to perikymata numbers), SR periodicities (days between SR or perikymata), and ICFTs for a mandibular canine sample (n=49) from medieval Denmark. We tested the relationship between SR number and periodicity to determine whether regression formulae could be produced that would allow periodicity (and ICFTs) to be determined from surface perikymata numbers. Periodicities (range=7-11 days, mode=8) and SR numbers (range=142-257, mean=190.3, s.d.=27.5) were normally distributed; ICFTs were non-normal (mean=1,594 days, s.d.=65.7). We tested periodicity as a quadratic, linear, and log-log transform linear function of SR number and found an inverse relationship (quadratic: R2=0.9504; linear: R2=0.9138; log-log transform: R2=0.9418; all p<0.001) that allowed estimation of periodicity from SR or perikymata numbers in this population and tooth type. If periodicity and SR number are inversely related in other hominin taxa, studies that have estimated ICFT by multiplying perikymata number by a human modal periodicity value or made inferences about development based only on perikymata numbers may have introduced substantial error into their ICFT estimates and life history inferences. The inverse relationship is similar to that predicted by a model of SR formation in which the ICFT for a given tooth type and population is held constant and all combinations of periodicity and SR number result in the same ICFT. However, we found that lower periodicities had longer ICFTs and higher periodicities had shorter ICFTs than the model predicted, suggesting that the model may not reflect the real process, or that there are other factors (e.g., sample size, misclassification, sexual dimorphism) also affecting the relationship between periodicity and SR number.  相似文献   

A chronology of dental development in Pan troglodytes is arguably the best available model with which to compare and contrast reconstructed dental chronologies of the earliest fossil hominins. Establishing a time scale for growth is a requirement for being able to make further comparative observations about timing and rate during both dento-skeletal growth and brain growth. The absolute timing of anterior tooth crown and root formation appears not to reflect the period of somatic growth. In contrast, the molar dentition best reflects changes to the total growth period. Earlier initiation of molar mineralization, shorter crown formation times, less root length formed at gingival emergence into functional occlusion are cumulatively expressed as earlier ages at molar eruption. Things that are similar in modern humans and Pan, such as the total length of time taken to form individual teeth, raise expectations that these would also have been the same in fossil hominins. The best evidence there is from the youngest fossil hominin specimens suggests a close resemblance to the model for Pan but also hints that Gorilla may be a better developmental model for some. A mosaic of great ape-like features currently best describes the timing of early hominin dental development.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT. The periodicity of calling by female Platyptilia carduidactyla (Riley) is influenced by temperature and photoperiod. Both diurnal and nocturnal temperature changes shift the period of nocturnal calling, but in fundamentally different ways; lower daytime temperatures delay activity, while lower night temperatures result in earlier activity. Lengthening photoperiods result in activity earlier in the scotophase, but the period of activity does not maintain a constant phase relationship with either lights-on or lights-off. The periodicity of the behavioural response of males parallels that of calling by females, resulting in coordination of reproductive activities in the field. The result of these responses to environmental stimuli is that mating activity can occur throughout the year in coastal California.  相似文献   

Plasticity of tooth shape in mammals is of great adaptive value for the efficient exploitation of specific feeding niches and is a crucial mechanism for ecological diversification. In this study, we aimed to infer chewing effectiveness from the functional shape of different postcanine teeth within bovids, the most diverse extant group of large herbivorous mammals. We consider the postcanine dentition as a masticatory unit and test for differences related to food biomechanical properties, dietary abrasiveness, and chewing dynamics. We compare functional properties of the postcanine tooth row among species with well‐known dietary strategies by integrating digitalization of high‐resolution occlusal surface 3D‐models of upper postcanine dentitions and quantification of the indentation index (D), a structural parameter representing enamel complexity. We test for differences in the occlusal shape among tooth positions in the postcanine dentition using robust, heteroscedastic tests in a one‐way analysis of variance. Our results show three distinct patterns of enamel complexity along the tooth row: (1) D is more homogeneously distributed among tooth positions; (2) D increases gradually in the mesiodistal axis along the tooth row; and (3) D increases abruptly only at the transition between premolars and molars. We interpreted these patterns as different adaptive configurations of the postcanine tooth row relating to diet. Grass‐ and fruit‐eating bovids show the same abrupt increase in enamel complexity at the transition from premolars to molars. Intermediate feeding and leaf‐browsing species show the same gradual, mesiodistal increase in complexity along the tooth row. The absolute physical dietary resistance (biomechanical properties plus abrasiveness) and its relation to mechanical constraints of the chewing stroke are the likely selective factors leading to convergence of enamel complexity patterns along the tooth row among taxa with different diets. J. Morphol. 275:328–341, 2014. © 2013 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

Collagen fibrils represent a unique case of protein folding and self‐association. We have recently successfully developed triple‐helical peptides that can further self‐assemble into collagen‐mimetic mini‐fibrils. The 35 nm axially repeating structure of the mini‐fibrils, which is designated the d‐period, is highly reminiscent of the well‐known 67 nm D‐period of native collagens when examined using TEM and atomic force spectroscopy. We postulate that it is the pseudo‐identical repeating sequence units in the primary structure of the designed peptides that give rise to the d‐period of the quaternary structure of the mini‐fibrils. In this work, we characterize the self‐assembly of two additional designed peptides: peptide Col877 and peptide Col108rr. The triple‐helix domain of Col877 consists of three pseudo‐identical amino acid sequence units arranged in tandem, whereas that of Col108rr consists of three sequence units identical in amino acid composition but different in sequence. Both peptides form stable collagen triple helices, but only triple helices Col877 self‐associate laterally under fibril forming conditions to form mini‐fibrils having the predicted d‐period. The Co108rr triple helices, however, only form nonspecific aggregates having no identifiable structural features. These results further accentuate the critical involvement of the repeating sequence units in the self‐assembly of collagen mini‐fibrils; the actual amino acid sequence of each unit has only secondary effects. Collagen is essential for tissue development and function. This novel approach to creating collagen‐mimetic fibrils can potentially impact fundamental research and have a wide range of biomedical and industrial applications.  相似文献   

This study used neutron diffraction to investigate a ceramide-[NP] C24/[AP] C24 /[EOS]-br C30/cholesterol/lignoceric acid (0.6: 0.3: 0.1: 0.7: 1) based stratum corneum modelling system. By adding specifically deuterated ceramides-[NP]-D3, [AP]-D3, and [EOS]-br-D3, detailed information on the lamellar and the nanostructure of the system was obtained. For the short periodicity phase a natural-like lamellar repeat distance of 5.47?±?0.02?nm was observed, similar to the [NP]/[AP] base system without the [EOS]-br. Unlike in this system the ceramides here were slightly tilted, hinting towards a slightly less natural arrangement. Due to the deuteration it was possible to observe that the long ceramide chains were overlapping in the lamellar mid-plane. This is considered to be an important feature for the natural stratum corneum. Despite the presence of a ceramide [EOS] analogue – able to form a long phase arrangement – no distinct long periodicity phase was formed, despite a slightly higher than natural ω-acyl ceramide ratio of 10?mol%. The deuterated variant of this ceramide determined that the very long ceramide was integrated into the short periodicity phase, spanning multiple layers instead. The – compared to the base system – unchanged repeat distance highlights the stability of this structure. Furthermore, the localisation of the very long ceramide in the short periodicity phase indicates the possibility of a crosslinking effect and thus a multilayer stabilizing role for the ceramide [EOS]. It can be concluded, that additionally to the mere presence of ceramide-[EOS] more complex conditions have to be met in order to form this long phase. This has to be further investigated in the future.  相似文献   

SYNOPSIS. The adult Tokophrya infusionum does not possess cilia, but has 20–30 barren basal bodies arranged in 6 short rows adjacent to the contractile vacuole pore. During reproduction, which is by internal budding, the contractile vacuole sinks into the parent along with the invaginating membranes that form the embryo and the wall of the brood pouch. The 6 rows of basal bodies radiate away from the pore and elongate to form 5 long ciliary rows, that encircle the anterior half of the embryo, and 1 short row at the posterior end. The contractile vacuole pore, along with several barren basal bodies, remains in the parent when the embryo is completed. The pore rises to the surface when the embryo is born. New basal bodies are then formed in the parent to replace those which were incorporated into the embryo, and formation of another embryo may begin. The cilia of the embryo are partially resorbed 10 min after the start of metamorphosis, with depolymerization of the ciliary microtubules. Later, the cilia and most of the basal bodies disappear completely, except for a group of barren basal bodies near the embryo's contractile vacuole pore, which form 6 rows and serve as an anlage for the basal bodies and cilia that arise during embryogenesis. There is, therefore, an organized infraciliature in Suctoria throughout their life cycle, and a distinct continuity of basal bodies across the generations.  相似文献   

Earlier weaning has often been suggested as a cause for population growth after the evolution of food production. However, evidence for weaning-time reduction is largely circumstantial. Collagen stable nitrogen- and carbon-isotope ratios from juvenile and adult burials from four sites in eastern North America were measured to estimate weaning onsets and durations before and after the appearance of intensive food production. Two preagricultural Late Archaic sites (Indian Knoll and Carlston Annis) are compared with two highly agricultural Middle Mississippian sites (Angel and Tinsley Hill). Isotopic data and paleodemographic measures of birth rates provide no evidence for changes in weaning behavior or fertility with the development of food production in the prehistoric Lower Ohio Valley. Birth rates and weaning behavior appear to have been roughly the same at all four sites. These results indicate that models attributing population growth after the appearance of food production to earlier weaning are not universally applicable.  相似文献   

Conventionally, the African continent has been partitioned in two evolutionary domains. One of them, the rainforest, is home to apes and covers central and West Africa. The other one extends through the woodlands and savannas of East and Southern Africa and has been traditionally perceived as home to humanity. The morphology of early humans is well‐adapted to open environments.1 In addition, food procurement in savannas is known to be easier and more reliable than is provisioning in the rainforest, with its dispersed and cryptic faunal resources and fickle carbohydrates and fat. In the late 1980s, human ecologists and socio‐cultural anthropologists demonstrated that full‐fledged foraging without some agricultural support has been virtually undocumented in tropical forests today or in the recent past.2 This research portrayed the present‐day rainforest ecosystem as an unfriendly environment that is unable to support purely foraging groups, and questioned whether hominids ever lived in it.2  相似文献   

Aluminium (Al) is associated with many clinical disorders in renal patients. Al accumulation in brain has also been related to the neurodegenerative processes in Alzheimer’s disease. In order to better understand Al transport in the human body, it is necessary to identify and quantify chemical species in which Al is present in body fluids and tissues. Among a variety of biological samples, Al speciation was the most frequently investigated in human serum. Improvements were made in the development of analytical techniques for the determination of the amount and composition of high molecular mass Al (HMM-Al) and low molecular mass Al (LMM-Al) species in human serum. However, due to the complex chemistry of Al in serum, its low total concentration and the high risk of contamination, speciation of Al in biological samples is still a difficult task for analytical chemists. In this work, problems related to speciation of Al in human serum are critically discussed. An overview of the progress that was made by the use of different analytical procedures, in order to propose analytical protocols for reliable speciation of Al in serum at low ng mL−1 concentration range, is presented.  相似文献   

裴树文 《人类学学报》2021,40(3):349-362
中国境内分布着数千处古人类活动遗址,是早期人类演化与适应行为研究的重要区域.虽然以往的研究一直关注地学手段在解读遗址地貌和地层形成过程中的作用,然而,作为正确鉴别遗址完整性和早期人类生存行为研究的遗址形成过程(或遗址成因)分析,长期以来缺少系统性的研究和关键指标的选择.本文结合古人类活动遗址保存的地貌和主要沉积物类型,...  相似文献   

Lower respiratory tract infections are one of the leading causes of morbidity and mortality in children worldwide. Recent technological advances in the field of molecular biology have allowed virologists to detect many previously undetected viral pathogens. Two of these, human metapneumovirus (hMPV) and human bocavirus (HBoV), are of particular clinical interest to pediatric health care providers. This review discusses the most common viral respiratory infections in children, explores the role of newly discovered respiratory pathogens, and describes techniques for the diagnosis of viral respiratory infections.  相似文献   

The hypothesis that flower maintenance requires resources that would be used to support other plant functions (i.e. a cost of floral maintenance) was tested by experimentally manipulating floral longevity. Plants of Clarkia tembloriensis, a species with pollination-induced flower senescence, received either early or late pollinations (long and short longevities, respectively). We examined the effect of this manipulation on (1) per-flower allocation to nectar production and (2) flower, fruit and seed production per plant under two levels of resource availability. The direct costs of floral longevity measured in terms of nectar sugar were high: flowers that were maintained 35% longer invested proportionately more in nectar sugar (30%). At the whole-plant level, a cost of floral longevity was manifested as reduced seed production, but the magnitude of this cost varied with resource level. While plants with longer-lived flowers showed a 12% reduction in seed production, those that experienced reduced resource levels via partial defoliation, showed a decrement in seed production that was almost three times larger (34%). These differences were not brought about by changes in the number of flowers and fruits, but by significant alterations in their sizes. A model that expresses the cost of flower maintenance as a trade-off between floral longevity and seed production shows that an optimal flower longevity is determined by both the rate of fitness accrual and the cost of floral maintenance.  相似文献   

Schizophrenic patients who were receiving, or who had received chlorpromazine showed SCE levels similar to those in a normal control population. Of 8 normal individuals whose lymphocytes were exposed in vitro to chlorpromazine (0.05–2.00 μg/ml) for two cell cycles, 4 showed a significant increase in SCE, 3 showed no increase and 1 a decrease compared with untreated lymphocytes. Lymphocytes from a further 8 donors treated with 2.0 μg/ml chlorpromazine prior to mitogen stimulation (G0 lymphocytes) showed a similar SCE response. Only 3 of the 8 donors showed a significant increase in SCEs over the baseline level. When proliferating lymphocytes were exposed to chlorpromazine 38 h after culture initiation and prior to the addition of BrdUrd to the culture medium, metaphase chromosomes from only 3 of the 8 individuals studied showed increased levels of exchange. These results indicate that chlorpromazine can induce SCEs in vitro but that there is considerable variation in SCE response among individuals. Furthermore, our data emphasises the importance of using more than 1 or 2 donors when analysing SCE response in human chromosomes.  相似文献   

Although pregnant women are anecdotally said to “waddle” during gait, researchers have not quantified the kinematics of these gait alterations. The purpose of this study was to examine the effects of pregnancy on thoracic and pelvic kinematics during gait.  相似文献   

Three independent dielectric methods for the measurement of water of hydration (bound water) in a biological material are described and discussed comparatively. For well-defined aqueous solutions of biological molecules, hydration can be obtained from direct observations made on the δ dispersion or from measurement of the dielectric values of the β dispersion. For whole tissue, however, neither of these two methods is applicable, and to deduce the hydration, it is necessary to use the third technique in which the volume of the hydrated biological particle is obtained by measuring the effect of it on the known dielectric properties of pure water. The hydration can then be calculated by deducting the volume of the anhydrous particle from the experimentally determined volume of the hydrated particle. Owing to possible systemmatic errors the uncertainty in the absolute hydration value associated with this technique is rather larger than that obtained with the other two dielectric methods. For studying the differences between hydration in similar tissues, however, this objection disappears.  相似文献   

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