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Since the publication of paraffin block extraction procedures, flow cytometric analysis of DNA ploidy and S-phase of tumor specimens has been widely applied. DNA aneuploidy, DNA tetraploid (elevated G2/M), and elevated S-phase are clinically significant in some tumor systems. True DNA tetraploid cell lines will contain a large 4c population and perhaps an 8c population; samples with cell aggregates will also contain a 6c population. Microscopic examination of samples having a 6c peak revealed nuclei with adhering debris and doublets, triplets, and larger nuclear aggregates. After sonication, a uniform suspension of single nuclei without adherent debris was seen. In addition to reducing the percent of G2/M cells, sonication also reduced S-phase percent such that it was closer to the bromodeoxyuridine labeling index. The DNA ploidy classification of specimens was also compared pre- and post-sonication. Four of 96 breast cancer samples changed classification; all were specimens in which the histogram became cleaner and a small DNA aneuploid peak became apparent after sonication.  相似文献   

A method is described for the preparation of monolayer smears from paraffin-embedded tissue suitable for automated image analysis and DNA measurements. The proposed technique uses enzyme treatment and syringing for cell dispersal. Slide preparation is performed by centrifugal cytology. After Feulgen staining the quality of the monolayer smears is sufficiently high to enable visual morphologic evaluation. Automated DNA measurements using the Leyden television analysis system (LEYTAS) show coefficients of variation (CV) of 4.5% for the diploid cell population of the suspended tissue. This is approximately the same as the CV in fresh material from the same tumor. Formalin fixed trout red blood cells are used as reference cells. By applying image cytometry to paraffin-embedded tissue this method allows retrospective studies of, for instance, the significance of DNA content with regard to the behavior of a tumor.  相似文献   

A method is described for the preparation of monolayer smears from paraffin-embedded tissue. The smears are suitable for automated image analysis and DNA measurements while still allowing interpretation of nuclear morphology. The proposed technique uses enzyme treatment and syringing for cell dispersal. The preparation of cell monolayers is performed by cytocentrifugation. After staining the specimens with gallocyanin, nuclear DNA can be measured. Automated DNA measurements using the Leyden Television Analysis System (LEYTAS) showed coefficients of variation of 4.5% for the diploid cell population of suspended benign tissue. After DNA measurements, the specimens are counterstained using orange G and eosin. Since gallocyanin has spectral properties similar to those of hematoxylin, the obtained end product is comparable to specimens stained according to the routinely used Papanicolaou procedure. Using this technique, image cytometry can be applied to paraffin-embedded tissue in combination with conventional cytomorphologic study of the cells.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Flow cytometry of single-cell suspensions prepared by enzymatic digestion from formalin-fixed, paraffin-embedded tissue suffers from several major drawbacks. The most important factors that influence the results are the high and unpredictable coefficients of variation (CVs) of the G0/G1 peak in the DNA histogram and reduction of propidium iodide (PI) intercalation with DNA, resulting from protein cross-linking by formalin. METHODS: In this study we introduce a heating step (2 h incubation in citrate solution at 80 degrees C) prior to a brief pepsin digestion of tissue sections in the protocol for DNA content analysis of formalin-fixed and paraffin-embedded tissue. This new method is compared with established methods for the preparation of cell suspensions from frozen and paraffin-embedded tissues with respect to cell yield, DNA histogram resolution, DNA dye saturation kinetics, cell cycle parameters, and antigen retrieval in various epithelial and nonepithelial tissues. RESULTS: The recovery of single cells from the paraffin sections was doubled by the heat treatment step, while the limited time of proteolysis resulted in decreased cell debris. Furthermore, an increased fraction of cells became cytokeratin-positive, while these immunocytochemically stained cells also exhibited a higher mean fluorescence intensity. The DNA histograms prepared from cell suspensions obtained according to this new protocol showed a significantly improved resolution, leading to a better identification of peridiploid cell populations. Heat pretreatment of paraffin-embedded archival tissue sections showed PI saturation kinetics similar to, or even better than, those of fresh unfixed tissues, independent of duration of fixation. CONCLUSIONS: This new method, making use of routinely available antigen retrieval principles, thus allows high-resolution DNA analysis of routinely fixed and paraffin-embedded tissue samples. Using external reference cells, inter- and intralaboratory standardization of DNA histograms can be achieved.  相似文献   

As new technologies come within reach for the average cytogenetic laboratory, the study of chromosome structure has become increasingly more sophisticated. Resolution has improved from karyotyping (in which whole chromosomes are discernible) to fluorescence in situ hybridization and comparative genomic hybridization (CGH, with which specific megabase regions are visualized), array-based CGH (aCGH, examining hundreds of base pairs), and next-generation sequencing (providing single base pair resolution). Whole genome next-generation sequencing remains a cost-prohibitive method for many investigators. Meanwhile, the cost of aCGH has been reduced during recent years, even as resolution has increased and protocols have simplified. However, aCGH presents its own set of unique challenges. DNA of sufficient quantity and quality to hybridize to arrays and provide meaningful results is required. This is especially difficult for DNA from formalin-fixed paraffin-embedded (FFPE) tissues. Here, we compare three different methods for acquiring DNA of sufficient length, purity, and “amplifiability” for aCGH and other downstream applications. Phenol–chloroform extraction and column-based commercial kits were compared with adaptive focused acoustics (AFA). Of the three extraction methods, AFA samples showed increased amplicon length and decreased polymerase chain reaction (PCR) failure rate. These findings support AFA as an improvement over previous DNA extraction methods for FFPE tissues.  相似文献   

Flow cytometry: illuminating microbiology   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
By means of flow cytometry, a technique whereby a hydrodynamically directed stream of cells is passed through a focus of exciting light, one can measure cell size and the macromolecular content of individual bacteria. The sensitivity and versatility of the flow cytometer make it a powerful tool in studies of the bacterial cell cycle, in identifying and characterizing bacterial infections, and in selecting bacteria of desired qualities. We review some of these applications of flow cytometry and conclude that this method holds great promise in many other areas of microbiology.  相似文献   

A method has been developed that allows flow cytometry to be used for measuring the cellular DNA content of paraffin-embedded human tumors. Thick (i.e., 30 micron) sections were cut from tissue blocks using a microtome and dewaxed in xylene. The sections were then rehydrated by sequentially immersing them in 100, 95, 70, and 50% ethanol before finally washing in distilled water. Single cell suspensions were then prepared by incubation in 0.5% pepsin, pH 1.5, at 37 degrees C for 30 min. The cells were counted, washed, and stained with 1 microgram/ml 4',6'-diamidino-2-phenylindole for 30 min, and DNA content was measured using an ICP 22 flow cytometer. There was a good correlation between the DNA histograms produced using this method and those obtained using unfixed tissue from the same tumor stained with ethidium bromide plus mithramycin. This method allows the retrospective study of archival material where the clinical outcome is already known, and it should, therefore, be particularly useful for determining the prognostic significance of abnormal DNA content measured by flow cytometry.  相似文献   

Nuclei, isolated from paraffin-embedded tissue, were stained with propidium iodide (PI) and found suitable for DNA analysis by flow cytometry (FCM). DNA-derived fluorescence intensity, however, was always decreased and had a much higher intersample variability as compared to results obtained with fresh material. Using chicken red blood cells (CRBC) as a model system, we found the lower fluorescence intensity to be due to the formalin fixation step in tissue processing. The intersample variability was found to be at least partly caused by variations in the duration of fixation. Overnight trypsinization improved the fluorescence intensity but did not reduce the intersample variability. Under all conditions tested PI binding to CRBC appeared to be saturable. Since fresh diploid or red blood cells could not be used to standardize DNA histograms, an alternative approach was developed in which nuclei from paraffin-embedded normal and tumor tissue of the same specimen were mixed. With this method DNA indices (DI) of 24 colorectal cancers were found to be closely correlated (r = 0.9877, P less than 0.001) with DI obtained with fresh tumor tissue from the same patients. The correlation of the percentages of S-phase nuclei between paraffin-extracted and fresh samples (r = 0.5875, P less than 0.05) was as high as could be expected, taking sampling differences into account. This method is an important tool for the retrospective analysis of FCM-derived DNA parameters in relation to diagnosis and prognosis of neoplasms.  相似文献   

R Klein  P Pfitzer 《Cytometry》1984,5(6):636-643
From forty-seven autopsy cases of atherosclerosis flow cytometry (FCM) of DNA and histology of both testes are compared with the histological sections of their supplying vessels arteriae testiculares and arteriae ductus deferentis at different levels. By this method, changes of spermatogenesis are judged separately for each side and the results can be related to the local conditions of blood supply. Four young men, dead after traffic accidents, served as control. In the majority of cases, the computer-assisted evaluations of the meiotic DNA histograms show no differences between the right and left testis, even when differences of the arterial diameters are found by histology. On the other hand, cases with distinct differences in the histograms can show insignificant pathological alterations of the vessels. Though most excessive forms of macroscopic and microscopic atherosclerosis do not necessarily lead to a significant reduction in spermatogenesis, some cases with moderate forms show a strong reduction or even a total loss. This discrepancy can best be explained by superposition of other diseases.  相似文献   

O P Kallioniemi 《Cytometry》1988,9(2):164-169
Flow cytometric analysis of DNA ploidy and S-phase fraction (SPF) from paraffin-embedded tumors has become an important diagnostic and prognostic tool in clinical pathology and investigative oncology. The present study aimed at elucidating the reliability of the method. About 90% of the 1,400 paraffin-embedded tumors analyzed were evaluable for DNA index and about 70% for SPF, although considerable differences between various tumor types were detected. The within-assay coefficients of variation for determination of tumor DNA index and SPF were 2% and 6%, respectively. Intratumor variation in DNA index was observed in 24% of breast and in 21% of ovarian carcinomas and variation in SPF in 36% and 29% of the respective tumors. Intratumor variation in SPF was greatest in DNA-diploid tumors, which may indicate that SPF values in these tumors may be less reliable owing to variations in the proportions of tumor and nontumor cells. If the methodological variation and the intratumor variation were taken into account, there was a good correlation between DNA indices (r = 0.980) and between SPF values (r = 0.794) obtained from fresh and paraffin-embedded tumors. It is concluded that accurate determination of DNA index and SPF from paraffin-embedded tumors is possible in the majority of cases. Regardless of the type of starting material used for DNA flow cytometry it is advantageous to study several samples from each tumor to account for the intratumor heterogeneity.  相似文献   

In previous work, we clarified the relationship between the productivity and stability of gene-amplified cells and the location of the amplified gene. The location of the amplified gene enabled us to classify resistant cells into two types. One type of resistant cell group, in which the amplified genes were observed near the telomeric region, was named the "telomere type." The other type of cell group, in which the amplified genes were observed in other chromosomal regions, was named the "other type." The phenotypes of these two types of cells are very different. In this experiment, using a fluorescein isothiocyanate-labeled methotrexate (F-MTX) reagent with flow cytometry, we were easily able to distinguish between highly productive cells and the other types of cells. The level of fluorescence differed according to the difference in resistance to MTX. Based on this new finding, highly productive gene-amplified cells could be isolated from heterogeneous gene-amplified cell pools more easily than by the method of limiting-dilution assay. The limiting-dilution method requires several months to obtain highly productive gene-amplified cells, while our flow-cytometry-based method of selection requires only a few weeks.  相似文献   

Flow cytometry and phytoplankton   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
D A Phinney  T L Cucci 《Cytometry》1989,10(5):511-521
Flow cytometry and sorting are now an important technology in aquatic research. Simultaneous measurements of individual particle cell size, fluorescence, and light scatter properties are directly applicable to current topics in aquatic research. Flow sorting may be employed to obtain subsets of cells for analysis by conventional methods. The manner in which rapid, precise measurements of single cells are made is complex, and the application of this technology to aquatic samples is subject to many analytical constraints. Flow cytometric measurements of algal cell size and pigment autofluorescence are relative and are therefore dependent on the optical configuration and variability of the instrument. Specific types of reference materials are used to establish the validity of analyses: 1) instrument standards, 2) fluorescence controls, and 3) internal stain standards. The selection and application of standards and controls are discussed in the context of allometric (cell size versus pigment fluorescence) and ataxonomic (pigment color groups) methods. The widespread acceptance of particular reference materials among research groups will result in comparable data sets describing aquatic particle distributions.  相似文献   

Flow cytometry is a sophisticated instrument measuring multiple physical characteristics of a single cell such as size and granularity simultaneously as the cell flows in suspension through a measuring device. Its working depends on the light scattering features of the cells under investigation, which may be derived from dyes or monoclonal antibodies targeting either extracellular molecules located on the surface or intracellular molecules inside the cell. This approach makes flow cytometry a powerful tool for detailed analysis of complex populations in a short period of time. This review covers the general principles and selected applications of flow cytometry such as immunophenotyping of peripheral blood cells, analysis of apoptosis and detection of cytokines. Additionally, this report provides a basic understanding of flow cytometry technology essential for all users as well as the methods used to analyze and interpret the data. Moreover, recent progresses in flow cytometry have been discussed in order to give an opinion about the future importance of this technology.  相似文献   

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