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C3H/Sm mice have lost the exogenous milk-borne mouse mammary tumor virus (MMTV) characteristic of the C3H strain and have a very low (1.5%) incidence of spontaneous mammary tumors, yet they are highly susceptible to mammary carcinogenesis by either chemical carcinogens or infection with the milk-borne virus. We have analyzed the MMTV proviral DNA content of normal tissues and of spontaneous, virus-induced, and chemically induced mammary tumors by restriction endonuclease digestion and Southern blot analysis. Although the results clearly showed additional MMTV sequences in the virus-induced tumor which are not present in normal liver DNA, none of the spontaneous or chemically induced tumors could be shown to contain either newly acquired exogenous or amplified endogenous MMTV sequences. Interestingly, mammary tumors arising in C3H/Sm mice treated simultaneously with infectious MMTV (C3H) and dimethylbenz[a]anthracene (DMBA) possessed new exogenous MMTV DNA even though no quantitative change in tumor production was observed when these mice were compared with C3H/Sm mice treated with DMBA alone (Smith et al., Int. J. Cancer 26:373-379, 1980). Our data indicate that the endogenous MMTV proviral units are extensively methylated in normal tissues, such as livers and normal nonlactating mammary glands. In the absence of MMTV (C3H), we found that in the rare, spontaneously occurring C3H/Sm mammary tumors, certain endogenous MMTV sequences were specifically hypomethylated. Hypomethylation of endogenous MMTV sequences was also noted in the chemically induced mammary tumors, even though radioimmune competition assays for MMTV gp52 and p28 are negative (Smith et al., Int. J. Cancer 27:81-86, 1981). Our results support the conclusion that amplification of endogenous MMTV sequences is not intrinsic to C3H/Sm mouse mammary tumors arising spontaneously or after induction by chemicals. On the other hand, integration of exogenous MMTV DNA into the genome was a constant feature of mammary tumors developing in MMTV (C3H)-infected C3H/Sm mice, even when DMBA was used as the carcinogen. Hypomethylation of some endogenous MMTV sequences is characteristic of C3H/Sm mammary tumors, whether spontaneous or induced by chemicals, which suggests that these sequences are located in actively transcribing regions of the tumor cell genome.  相似文献   

The 3′ half of an endogenous mouse mammary tumor virus from a C3H mouse was cloned in the Charon 4A vector phage. A comparison of the proviral clone with previously published endogenous mouse mammary tumor virus restriction maps identified it as endogenous unit II (J. Cohen and H. Varmus, Nature [London] 278:418-423, 1979), which is present in all inbred mouse strains derived from the original Bagg albino × DBA cross. The nucleotide sequence of the unit II long terminal redundancy (LTR) was determined and compared with the sequence previously determined for the exogenous C3H virus LTR (Donehower et al., J. Virol. 37:226-238, 1981). Virtually all sequence differences between the two LTRs were base substitutions. The total amount of sequence divergence was 6.6%. The large open reading frame reported previously in the exogenous LTR was preserved in the endogenous LTR. In addition, the pattern of sequence divergence was highly nonrandom with respect to the putative amino acid codons of the two open reading frames. Most of the base substitutions in this region resulted in silent or conservative amino acid codon changes. The nonrandom divergence pattern indicates that selective forces are operating on this segment of DNA and argues that the putative protein is functional in the life cycle of mouse mammary tumor virus. Possible roles for the protein and its mode of expression are discussed.  相似文献   

In addition to the usual retroviral promoter, the mouse mammary tumor virus (MMTV) long terminal repeat carries a second promoter located in the U3 region. Here we show that both of these promoters are independently able to give rise to superantigen activity in transgenic mice. The ability of multiple MMTV promoters to drive superantigen expression underscores its importance in the virus life cycle.  相似文献   

We have cloned and characterized a novel endogenous murine mammary tumor virus proviral unit of the C3H/He strain of mice. The cloned proviral unit is 16 kilobase pairs (kbp) in size and is composed of a 5.6-kbp 5' EcoRI segment of an endogenous provirus with 10.4-kbp flanking cellular sequences. A comparison of the restriction map of the cloned proviral DNA with that of an endogenous provirus of the GR strain of mice has revealed minor differences in restriction sites on the two proviruses. The restriction enzyme SstI, which does not cleave the 5' EcoRI fragment of GR DNA, cleaves the C3H/He proviral sequences once; MspI has an additional site in the C3H/He proviral sequences. By using a subcloned fragment containing unique cellular sequences as a hybridization probe, we (i) mapped the C3H/He proviral unit to chromosome 14 by using mouse-hamster somatic cell hybrids, and (ii) demonstrated that this proviral unit is also present in the genome of DBA/2 mice. From these results we conclude that the C3H/He strain of mice acquired this proviral unit from DBA stock by genetic transmission. Our data also indicate that the murine mammary tumor virus sequences present in the gag-specific proviral unit of C3H/He mice extend at least 2.45 kbp downstream of the EcoRI site in the genomic DNA. Since the structural organization and chromosomal location of this proviral unit are distinct from those of previously reported proviral units represented by similar-sized (16.7-kbp) EcoRI fragments, we tentatively propose to designate this proviral unit Mtv-7a.  相似文献   

Molecular clones containing the 3' half of newly integrated mouse mammary tumor virus (MMTV) DNA with adjacent mouse cellular sequences were characterized. In addition, we cloned the long terminal redundancy joint from the unintegrated circular form of MMTV DNA. The entire nucleotide sequence of the integrated and part of the unintegrated terminal redundancy was determined; this allowed us to delineate the boundaries of the MMTV long terminal redundancy, which comprises 1,327 base pairs. The position of possible RNA polymerase II initiation and termination signals corresponded closely to the expected regions of viral RNA initiation and termination specified by current models. The MMTV long terminal redundancy also contained a large open reading frame with sufficient information for a protein of 198 amino acids. Initial comparison of flanking 3' cellular sequences from three independent integrated clones suggested there was no host sequence specificity in the MMTV integration event. However, specificity of integration with respect to viral sequences was precise.  相似文献   

Mouse mammary tumor virus (MMTV) has long been implicated in mouse mammary carcinogenesis, and it is now well established that the long terminal repeat (LTR) contains regulatory sequences responsible for glucocorticoid-mediated induction of viral RNA. However, we have demonstrated previously that androgens as well as glucocorticoids can regulate MMTV RNA in the S115 mouse mammary tumor cell line. To determine if androgens act directly on the LTR in these cells, plasmids were constructed with the MMTV LTR joined to the coding sequences of genes not normally expressed in the cells. Following transfection of these chimeric genes into S115 cells, we show that the expression of the genes is regulated by both androgens and glucocorticoids. Furthermore, hormonal regulation is also conferred by the LTR on the neighboring guanine phosphoribosyltransferase (gpt) gene. Thus, androgens can act on the LTR of MMTV when the appropriate receptors are present in the cells, and this interaction can influence the expression of additional adjacent genes.  相似文献   

The development of mouse mammary tumor virus (MMTV)-neutralizing antibodies in various strains of mice was measured by their ability to neutralize the focus-forming capacity of a Kirsten sarcoma virus (C3H MMTV) pseudotype containing the MMTV envelope glycoprotein gp52. C3H/HeN, but not GR/N and RIII, mammary tumor-bearing mice were found to develop neutralizing antibodies to this pseudotype. In addition, non-tumor-bearing C3H/HeN, GR/N, RIII, NIH Swiss, C57BL/6, and BALB/c mice and 13 feral mice were also negative for neutralizing antibodies. The neutralization was immunoglobulin G mediated, and the antibodies of C3H/HeN mammary tumor-bearing mice were type specific and capable of distinguishing C3H and GR/N MMTVs from RIII and C3H/HeNf MMTVs. Precipitating antibodies were detected in sera from RIII and GR/N tumor-bearing mice, GR/N non-tumor-bearing mice, and six of the feral mice, although these same sera did not neutralize the Kirsten sarcoma virus (C3H MMTV) pseudotype. The results of this study and of a previous study demonstrate that C3H/HeN mammary tumor-bearing mice develop three functionally distinct antibody populations: (i) group-specific virus-precipitating antibodies; (ii) type-specific virus-neutralizing antibodies; and (iii) type-specific cytotoxic antibodies.  相似文献   

RF/J mice are susceptible to the induction of thymic lymphomas by the carcinogens 3-methylcholanthrene and N-methyl-N-nitrosourea. Given the association of mouse mammary tumor virus (MMTV) with certain thymomas, we examined genomic DNA from chemically induced lymphomas of RF/J mice for new MMTV proviruses. Of 13 tissue culture lines derived from 3-methylcholanthrene-induced tumors, 5 had acquired new proviruses. MMTV amplification coincided with the appearance of viral mRNAs and proteins. However, no primary tumors or animal-passaged tumors contained new proviruses. These observations indicate that MMTV does not have a role in the tumor induction process, although it may become activated and amplified in tissue culture lines derived from tumors.  相似文献   

Mouse mammary tumor virus (MMTV) is a B-type retrovirus which induces predominantly mammary carcinomas after a relatively long latency period. To date, very little is known about the reasons for the strict tissue specificity of MMTV. The BALB/cf/Cd strain of mice, which was infected with milk-borne MMTV (C3H), shows a high incidence of kidney adenocarcinomas, and our data suggest that MMTV might be involved in the formation of these tumors. Newly integrated exogenous MMTV proviruses were found in the genome of transplanted tumor cells as well as in the DNA of a cell line derived from one tumor, but not in normal cells of BALB/cf/Cd mice. The MMTV DNA in these tumor cells was transcribed and viral RNA synthesis was strongly stimulated by glucocorticoid hormones. Viral structural polypeptides, comparable in size and antigenicity to MMTV polypeptides of infected mammary tumor cells were synthesized and processed normally in the cell line and were organized correctly into intracytoplasmic particles. Heteroduplex analysis of the molecularly cloned MMTV proviral DNAs of kidney and mammary tumor origin revealed a high degree of homology in the gag, pol, and env genes. A striking difference, however, was observed in the U3 region of the two LTRs that might relate to the different tissue specificity of the two viruses.  相似文献   

We analyzed two experimental situations to assess the role of endogenous mouse mammary tumor virus (MMTV) DNA in the genesis of mammary carcinomas. (i) GR mice carry in their germ line one or more proviruses indistinguishable by limited restriction mapping from the proviruses introduced into cells by experimental infection with the highly tumorigenic virus isolated from GR mouse milk, MMTV(GR). Most tumors arising in GR mice contain one or more proviruses at various sites in tumor DNA in addition to those present endogenously. Detection of these new proviruses is possible as a consequence of the clonal or quasiclonal character of the tumors. (ii) C3H/He mice carry three units of endogenous viral DNA, none of which resembles the DNA of the commonly encountered strains of milk-borne MMTV. Nevertheless, MMTV-associated tumors arise late in life when these animals are removed from the influence of milk-borne virus; the responsible agent, MMTV(C3Hf), can also produce tumors in BALB/c mice. We found that tumors arising in both C3Hf/He mice and BALB/c mice infected with MMTV(C3Hf) were clonal or quasiclonal and contained one or more new copies of proviral DNA at various sites in the host genome. These new proviruses were readily distinguished from the proviruses of the common milk-borne virus strains and closely resembled unit II of endogenous MMTV DNA (Cohen et al., J. Virol., 32:483-496). Thus, in both experimental systems, we found evidence for new proviruses in mammary tumors, despite the preexistence of similar or identical proviruses in the germ line. The results suggest that the repositioning of MMTV proviruses may be required for the full expression of the oncogenic potential of endogenous MMTV DNA.  相似文献   

Chronic energy intake restriction (CEIR) in virgin female mice is one of the most effective ways of reducing significantly mammary adenocarcinoma in C3H/Bi mice, a strain which develops mammary adenocarcinoma associated with the murine mammary tumor virus spontaneously and at high incidence. In this study, the influence of chronic energy intake restriction imposed on fully mature (4- to 5-month-old), breeding female C3H/Bi mice was addressed, and the influence of energy intake where energy was derived largely from fat versus diets in which energy was derived largely from carbohydrates on tumor development and survival rate was investigated. The results show that chronic energy intake restriction can be delayed until full maturation and successful reproduction and still reduce significantly the incidence of mammary tumor development in this relatively short-lived strain of mice. Our findings demonstrate that the overriding dietary factor controlling mammary tumor development in these experiments in C3H/Bi mice was the level of energy intake, regardless of the primary source of energy (fat or carbohydrates).  相似文献   

We used the mouse mammary tumor virus long terminal repeat to promote dexamethasone-regulated expression of the Moloney murine sarcoma virus (M-MSV) transforming gene, v-mos. A recombinant DNA vector containing the mouse mammary tumor virus long terminal repeat fused to the M-MSV 124 v-mos gene was cotransfected with a plasmid containing the herpes simplex virus thymidine kinase gene (tk) into 3T3TK- cells. Individual clones of cells which grew in hypoxanthine-aminopterin-thymidine medium were tested for dexamethasone-regulated expression of p37mos as well as several transformation-specific phenotypic parameters. In the absence of dexamethasone, the v-mos transfectants appeared morphologically similar to the control cells despite low basal levels of p37mos expression. Upon hormone treatment, the levels of p37mos increased 5- to 10-fold, coincident with morphological changes typical of M-MSV transformation of 3T3 cells. The ability to form foci in monolayers also correlated with p37mos induction. The extent of morphological changes varied in individual clones of cells with similar levels of induced p37mos. Although the induced levels of p37mos were comparable to those seen in stable M-MSV 124 virus-transformed NIH 3T3 cells, the transfectants were unable to grow in soft agar under conditions which support growth of the virus-transformed cells. Acute infection of the transfectants with M-MSV 124 virus, a situation which resulted in elevated levels of p37mos, allowed these cells to grow in soft agar. The results described in this paper suggest that different threshold levels of p37mos may be necessary for the expression of various parameters of the transformed phenotype and also that continued expression of p37mos is necessary for maintenance of the transformed state. However, it also appears that the sensitivity to given levels of p37mos varies among clonal cell lines.  相似文献   

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