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The strategies organisms use to decode synonymous codons in cytosolic protein synthesis are not uniform. The complete isoacceptor tRNA repertoire and the type of modified nucleoside found at the wobble position 34 of their anticodons were analyzed in all kingdoms of life. This led to the identification of four main decoding strategies that are diversely used in Bacteria, Archaea and Eukarya. Many of the modern tRNA modification enzymes acting at position 34 of tRNAs are present only in specific domains and obviously have arisen late during evolution. In an evolutionary fine-tuning process, these enzymes must have played an essential role in the progressive introduction of new amino acids, and in the refinement and standardization of the canonical nuclear genetic code observed in all extant organisms (functional convergent evolutionary hypothesis).  相似文献   

Studies focused upon the evolutionary transition from ancestral green algae to the earliest land plants are important from a range of ecological, molecular and evolutionary perspectives. A substantial suite of ultrastructural, biochemical and molecular data supports the concept that land plants (embryophytes) are monophyletically derived from an ancestral charophycean alga. However, the details of phylogenetic branching patterns linking extant charophytes and seedless embryophytes are currently unclear. Moreover, the fossil record has so far been mute regarding the algae-land plant transition. Nevertheless, an accurate reflection of major evolutionary events in the history of the earliest land plants can be obtained by comparative paleontological-neontological studies, and comparative molecular, cellular and developmental investigations of extant charophytes and bryophytes. This review focuses upon research progress toward understanding three clade-specific adaptations that were important in the successful colonization of land by plants: the histogenetic apical meristem, the matrotrophic embryo, and decay-resistant cell wall polymers.  相似文献   

Reconstructing evolutionary patterns and their underlying processes is a central goal in biology. Yet many analyses of deep evolutionary histories assume that data from the fossil record is too incomplete to include, and rely solely on databases of extant taxa. Excluding fossil taxa assumes that character state distributions across living taxa are faithful representations of a clade's entire evolutionary history. Many factors can make this assumption problematic. Fossil taxa do not simply lead‐up to extant taxa; they represent now‐extinct lineages that can substantially impact interpretations of character evolution for extant groups. Here, we analyze body mass data for extant and fossil canids (dogs, foxes, and relatives) for changes in mean and variance through time. AIC‐based model selection recovered distinct models for each of eight canid subgroups. We compared model fit of parameter estimates for (1) extant data alone and (2) extant and fossil data, demonstrating that the latter performs significantly better. Moreover, extant‐only analyses result in unrealistically low estimates of ancestral mass. Although fossil data are not always available, reconstructions of deep‐time organismal evolution in the absence of deep‐time data can be highly inaccurate, and we argue that every effort should be made to include fossil data in macroevolutionary studies.  相似文献   

The third variable loop (V3) of the human immunodeficiency virus type 1 (HIV-1) envelope is a principal determinant of antibody neutralization and progression to AIDS. Although it is undoubtedly an important target for vaccine research, extensive genetic variation in V3 remains an obstacle to the development of an effective vaccine. Comparative methods that exploit the abundance of sequence data can detect interactions between residues of rapidly evolving proteins such as the HIV-1 envelope, revealing biological constraints on their variability. However, previous studies have relied implicitly on two biologically unrealistic assumptions: (1) that founder effects in the evolutionary history of the sequences can be ignored, and; (2) that statistical associations between residues occur exclusively in pairs. We show that comparative methods that neglect the evolutionary history of extant sequences are susceptible to a high rate of false positives (20%–40%). Therefore, we propose a new method to detect interactions that relaxes both of these assumptions. First, we reconstruct the evolutionary history of extant sequences by maximum likelihood, shifting focus from extant sequence variation to the underlying substitution events. Second, we analyze the joint distribution of substitution events among positions in the sequence as a Bayesian graphical model, in which each branch in the phylogeny is a unit of observation. We perform extensive validation of our models using both simulations and a control case of known interactions in HIV-1 protease, and apply this method to detect interactions within V3 from a sample of 1,154 HIV-1 envelope sequences. Our method greatly reduces the number of false positives due to founder effects, while capturing several higher-order interactions among V3 residues. By mapping these interactions to a structural model of the V3 loop, we find that the loop is stratified into distinct evolutionary clusters. We extend our model to detect interactions between the V3 and C4 domains of the HIV-1 envelope, and account for the uncertainty in mapping substitutions to the tree with a parametric bootstrap.  相似文献   

Cellobiose dehydrogenases (CDHs) are extracellular hemoflavoenzymes that are thought to be involved in the degradation of two of the most abundant biopolymers in the biosphere, cellulose and lignin. To date, these enzymes, consisting of a cytochrome domain and a flavin domain, have been detected and sequenced exclusively in the kingdom of fungi. Independent phylogenetic analyses of two distinct domains of CDH genes reveal that they evolved in parallel as fused genes. Whereas the cytochrome domains are unique sequence motifs, the flavin domains clearly belong to the glucose-methanol-choline (GMC) oxidoreductase family--an evolution line of widespread flavoproteins extending from the Archae to higher eukaryotes. The most probable unrooted phylogenetic tree obtained from our analysis of 52 selected GMC members reveals five principal evolutionary branches: cellobiose dehydrogenase, cholesterol oxidase (COX), hydroxynitrile lyase, alcohol oxidase (AOX)/glucose oxidase (GOX)/choline dehydrogenase, and a branch of dehydrogenases with various specificities containing also an Archaeon open reading frame (ORF). Cellobiose dehydrogenases cluster with cholesterol oxidases and the clade of various specificities, whereas hydroxynitrile lyases are closely related to glucose oxidases, alcohol oxidases, and choline dehydrogenases. The results indicate that the evolutionary line from a primordial GMC flavoprotein to extant cellobiose dehydrogenases was augmented after an early acquisition of the cytochrome domain to form two distinct branches for basidiomycetes and ascomycetes. One ascomycetous evolutionary line of CDHs has acquired a carbohydrate-binding module (CBM) of type 1, the sequence of which is similar to that of corresponding domains in several glycosidases. This is the first attempt towards a comprehensive phylogenetic analysis of cellobiose dehydrogenases.  相似文献   

Evolutionary transformations are recorded by fossils with transitional morphologies, and are key to understanding the history of life. Reconstructing these transformations requires interpreting functional attributes of extinct forms by exploring how similar features function in extant organisms. However, extinct-extant comparisons are often difficult, because extant adult forms frequently differ substantially from fossil material. Here, we illustrate how postnatal developmental transitions in extant birds can provide rich and novel insights into evolutionary transformations in theropod dinosaurs. Although juveniles have not been a focus of extinct-extant comparisons, developing juveniles in many groups transition through intermediate morphological, functional and behavioral stages that anatomically and conceptually parallel evolutionary transformations. Exploring developmental transitions may thus disclose observable, ecologically relevant answers to long puzzling evolutionary questions.  相似文献   

Change in body size within an evolutionary lineage over time has been under investigation since the synthesis of Cope's rule, which suggested that there is a tendency for mammals to evolve larger body size. Data from the fossil record have subsequently been examined for several other taxonomic groups to determine whether they also displayed an evolutionary increase in body size. However, we are not aware of any species-level study that has investigated the evolution of body size within an extant continental group. Data acquired from the fossil record and data derived from the evolutionary relationships of extant species are not similar, with each set exhibiting both strengths and weaknesses related to inferring evolutionary patterns. Consequently, expectation that general trends exhibited in the fossil record will correspond to patterns in extant groups is not necessarily warranted. Using phylogenetic relationships of extant species, we show that five of nine families of North American freshwater fishes exhibit an evolutionary trend of decreasing body size. These trends result from the basal position of large species and the more derived position of small species within families. Such trends may be caused by the invasion of small streams and subsequent isolation and speciation. This pattern, potentially influenced by size-biased dispersal rates and the high percentage of small streams in North America, suggests a scenario that could result in the generation of the size-frequency distribution of North American freshwater fishes.  相似文献   

The present paper is an argument in support of the continued importance of morphological systematics and a plea for improving molecular phylogenetic analyses by addressing explicit character transformations. We use here the inference of key innovations and adaptive radiations to demonstrate why morphological systematics is still relevant and necessary. After establishing that theories of phylogenetic relationship offer robust explanatory bases for discussing evolutionary diversification, the following topics are addressed: (1) the inference of key innovations grounded in phylogenetic analyses; (2) the epistemic distinction between character ‘mapping’ and relevant evidence in systematic and evolutionary studies; and (3) key innovations in molecular phylogenetics. We emphasize that the discovery of key innovations, in fossil or extant taxa, further strengthens the importance of morphology in systematic and evolutionary inferences, as they reveal scenarios of character transformation that have led to asymmetrical sister-group diversification. Our main conclusion is that understanding characters in and of themselves, when properly contextualized systematically, is what evolutionary biologists should be concerned with, whereas the analysis of tree topology alone, in which statistical nodal support measures are the sole indicators of phylogenetic affinity, does not lead to a fuller understanding of key innovations.  相似文献   

Understanding the origin of diversity is a fundamental problem in biology. Evolutionary diversification has been intensely explored during the last years due to the development of molecular tools and the comparative method. However, most studies are conducted using only information from extant species. This approach probably leads to misleading conclusions, especially because of inaccuracy in the estimation of extinction rates. It is critical to integrate the information generated by extant organisms with the information obtained from the fossil record. Unfortunately, this integrative approach has been seldom performed, and thus, our understanding of the factors fueling diversification is still deficient. Ecological interactions are a main factor shaping evolutionary diversification by influencing speciation and extinction rates. Most attention has focused on the effect of antagonistic interactions on evolutionary diversification. In contrast, the role of mutualistic interactions in shaping diversification has been much less explored. In this study, by combining phylogenetic, neontological, and paleontological information, we show that a facultative mutualistic plant-animal interaction emerging from frugivory and seed dispersal has most likely contributed to the diversification of our own lineage, the primates. We compiled diet and seed dispersal ability in 381 extant and 556 extinct primates. Using well-established molecular phylogenies, we demonstrated that mutualistic extant primates had higher speciation rates, lower extinction rates, and thereby higher diversification rates than nonmutualistic ones. Similarly, mutualistic fossil primates had higher geological durations and smaller per capita rates of extinction than nonmutualistic ones. As a mechanism underlying this pattern, we found that mutualistic extinct and extant primates have significantly larger geographic ranges, which promotes diversification by hampering extinction and increasing geographic speciation. All these outcomes together strongly suggest that the establishment of a facultative mutualism with plants has greatly benefited primate evolution and fueled its taxonomic diversification.  相似文献   

Recent palaeobotanical studies have greatly increased the quantity and quality of information available about the structure and relationships of Cretaceous angiosperms. Discoveries of extremely well preserved Cretaceous flowers have been especially informative and, combined with results from phylogenetic analyses of extant angiosperms (based mainly on molecular sequence data), have greatly clarified important aspects of early angiosperm diversification. Nevertheless, many questions still persist. The phylogenetic origin of the group itself remains as enigmatic as ever and, in some cases, newly introduced techniques from molecular biology have given confusing results. In particular, relationships between the five groups of extant seed plants remain uncertain, and it has sometimes proved difficult to reconcile estimates of the time of divergence between extant lineages made using a 'molecular clock' with the fossil record. One result, however, is becoming increasingly clear: a great deal of angiosperm diversity is extinct. Some groups of angiosperms were evidently more diverse in the past than they are today. In other cases, fossils defy assignment to extant groups at the family level or below. This raises the possibility that evolutionary conclusions based solely upon extant taxa that are merely relics of groups that were once much more diverse might be misled by the effects of extinction. It also introduces the possibility that some early enigmatic fossils might represent lineages that diverged from the main line of angiosperm evolution below the most recent common ancestor of all extant taxa. These, and other questions, are among those that need to be addressed by future palaeobotanical research.  相似文献   

Polymorphisms are common in the natural world and have played an important role in our understanding of how selection maintains multiple phenotypes within extant populations. Studying the evolutionary history of polymorphisms has revealed important features of this widespread form of phenotypic diversity, including its role in speciation, niche breadth, and range size. In the present study, we examined the evolutionary history of a ubiquitous colour polymorphism in the sulphur butterflies (subfamily: Coliadinae) termed the ‘alba’ polymorphism. We investigated the origin and stability of the ‘alba’ polymorphism using ancestral state reconstruction analysis. Our results indicate that the ancestor of the Coliadinae was polymorphic and that this polymorphism has undergone repeated transitions to monomorphism. Repeated loss of polymorphism suggests that the ‘alba’ polymorphism may be relatively unstable over evolutionary time. These results provide a framework for future studies on the origin and maintenance of the ‘alba’ polymorphism and guide the direction of future hypotheses. We discuss these results in light of current understandings of how the ‘alba’ polymorphism is maintained in extant populations.  相似文献   

Anthropogenic activities are having devastating impacts on marine systems with numerous knock-on effects on trophic functioning, species interactions and an accelerated loss of biodiversity. Establishing conservation areas can not only protect biodiversity, but also confer resilience against changes to coral reefs and their inhabitants. Planning for protection and conservation in marine systems is complex, but usually focuses on maintaining levels of biodiversity and protecting special and unique landscape features while avoiding negative impacts to socio-economic benefits. Conversely, the integration of evolutionary processes that have shaped extant species assemblages is rarely taken into account. However, it is as important to protect processes as it is to protect patterns for maintaining the evolutionary trajectories of populations and species. This review focuses on different approaches for integrating genetic analyses, such as phylogenetic diversity, phylogeography and the delineation of management units, temporal and spatial monitoring of genetic diversity and quantification of adaptive variation for protecting evolutionary resilience, into marine spatial planning, specifically for coral reef fishes. Many of these concepts are not yet readily applied to coral reef fish studies, but this synthesis highlights their potential and the importance of including historical processes into systematic biodiversity planning for conserving not only extant, but also future, biodiversity and its evolutionary potential.  相似文献   

Phylogeographic studies have merged different disciplines to explain speciation processes at both spatial and time scales. Although the number of phylogeographic extant studies has increased almost exponentially, few have been conducted in tropical countries, especially using plants. Plants are interesting models for such studies because their responses to different habitat conditions are reflected directly in the size and distribution of populations, enabling direct tests of alternative demographic scenarios. Here, we review phylogeographic studies using plant species occurring in different vegetation domains within Brazil, which has the greatest number of plant species in the world. Based on a detailed examination of 41 published articles, we synthesized the current knowledge and discussed the main processes driving the high levels of plant diversity within Brazilian domains. General patterns of diversification could be inferred due to the number of species studied, especially in the Cerrado and Atlantic Forest, the most intensively studied domains (34.1% and 17.1% of the studies, respectively). Distinct vegetation types within both biomes were affected differently by the Pleistocene climatic oscillations. Edaphic conditions and geographical barriers (rivers and mountains) have also influenced the phylogeographical patterns of plants species from Amazonia and the Atlantic Forest. Other Brazilian domains, such as the Caatinga, Pantanal, and Pampas, have been studied to a lesser extent and no common phylogeographic pattern across species could be inferred. Issues regarding past connections between distinct domains also remain unclear, including those affecting the two main forest domains in South America. Future research on plant species will fill these information gaps, improving our understanding of the complex diversification processes affecting the South American biota.  相似文献   

Summary. The Indian Ocean Islands are a most interesting region for evolutionary studies of terrestrial organisms and, among insects, the Drosophilidae family occupies a privileged position. The Comoros archipelago was, up to now, the least explored place among all the islands. We present here the results of a collection on one of the four main islands, Mayotte. From 4500 collected flies, 25 species were distinguished. The biology, ecology and biogeography of each species are discussed. Considering the extant known species from all islands, five evolutionary scenarios are proposed, ranging from the invasive, cosmopolitan, man-transported species to endemic species restricted to a single island. Some species raise a puzzling problem: despite having a very narrow and specialised ecological niche, they are broadly distributed on most islands and also on the African mainland.  相似文献   

Insects are a hyper-diverse group, comprising nearly three-quarters of all named animal species on the Earth, but the environmental drivers of their richness and the roles of ecological interactions and evolutionary innovations remain unclear. Previous studies have argued that family-level insect richness increased continuously over the evolutionary history of the group, but inclusion of extant family records artificially inflated the relative richness of younger time intervals. Here we apply sampling-standardization methods to a species-level database of fossil insect occurrences, removing biases present in previous richness curves. We show that insect family-richness peaked 125 Ma and that Recent values are only 1.5–3 times as high as the Late Palaeozoic. Rarefied species-richness data also tentatively suggest little or no net increase in richness over the past 125 Myr. The Cretaceous peak in family richness was coincident with major radiations within extant groups but occurred prior to extinctions within more basal groups. Those extinctions may in part be linked to mid-Cretaceous floral turnover following the evolution of flowering plants. Negligible net richness change over the past 125 Myr implies that major radiations within extant groups were offset by reduced richness within groups that are now relict or extinct.  相似文献   

Diverse fossil amoebae in German Mesozoic amber   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Fossil amoebae are very rare, although their evolutionary history extends back into the Proterozoic. The Cenomanian amber of Schliersee (southern Germany) is very rich in micro-organisms and contains the highest diversity of fossil freshwater rhizopods (Gymnamoebia and Testacealobosia) yet discovered. Altogether seven testate amoebae and one gymnamoebian species are recorded from this Mesozoic amber. The four newly discovered taxa described in this paper can be assigned to the extant species Centropyxis delicatula , Centropyxis hirsuta , Phryganella acropodia and Phryganella paradoxa . Over 200 individuals of Phryganella paradoxa are preserved. Together with their syninclusions, the amoebae are species of limnetic or limnetic–terrestrial microcoenoses. The presence of 100-myr-old fossils with extant representatives suggests evolutionary stasis of these freshwater amoebae. However, not all modern testacean families have been recorded from Mesozoic limnetic habitats. Our experimental studies verify that naked and testate amoebae can be embedded in resins.  相似文献   

Knowledge of the structure of ancestral genomes provides the basis of a new framework to better represent and interpret results from genomic and evolutionary studies. Because these ancestors lived tens of hundreds of million years ago, this knowledge will inevitably take the form of abstract representations, reconstructed on the basis both of experimental evidence collected on extant genomes and of our understanding of evolutionary processes. This is the field of Paleogenomics, a young discipline that is providing an increasingly precise picture of our ancestral vertebrate genomes based on cytogenetic data, genome sequences and new algorithmic developments. Many recent studies have focused on the ancestral placental mammal and teleost fish genomes, although the outlines of even more distant pre-vertebrate ancestors are being reported.  相似文献   

Molecular data regarding the diversity of plant loci involved in resistance to herbivores or pathogens are becoming increasingly available. These genes demonstrate variable patterns of diversity, suggesting that they differ in their evolutionary history. In parallel, the study of natural variation for resistance, generally conducted at the phenotypic level, has shown that resistance does not evolve solely under selection pressures exerted by enemies. Metapopulation dynamics and other ecological characteristics of interacting species also appear to have a large impact on resistance evolution. Until now, studies of resistance at the molecular level have been conducted separately from ecological studies in extant populations. Future progress requires an evolutionary approach integrating both molecular and ecological aspects of resistance evolution. Such an approach will contribute greatly to our understanding of the evolution of molecular diversity at loci involved in biotic stress.  相似文献   



Previous studies in Ascomycetes have shown that the function of gene families of which the size is considerably larger in extant pathogens than in non-pathogens could be related to pathogenicity traits. However, by only comparing gene inventories in extant species, no insights can be gained into the evolutionary process that gave rise to these larger family sizes in pathogens. Moreover, most studies which consider gene families in extant species only tend to explain observed differences in gene family sizes by gains rather than by losses, hereby largely underestimating the impact of gene loss during genome evolution.  相似文献   

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