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According to materials of 1992–2002, data on the spatial-bathymetric distribution and size composition of the Japanese dog poacher Percis japonica in Pacific waters off the northern Kuril Islands and southeastern Kamchatka are provided. This comparatively scarce, medium-sized representative of the family Agonidae (maximum length of 46 cm) in the observation period was found in the lower part of the shelf and the upper bathyal over the entire study area from 47°50′ to 52°00′ N at depths of 76–770 m; however, its maximum catches (more than 200 individuals per hour of trawling) were constantly recorded in the spring and autumn months at the traverse of the Fourth Kuril Strait and at the eastern slope of the seamount of the northern link of the external Kuril Ridge, mainly in the range of 251–350 m at a temperature of 1.6–3.0°C. The relationship between the depth of catch and the average weight of P. japonica was analyzed. It was shown that the value of its catches in Pacific waters off the northern Kuril Islands and southeastern Kamchatka is subjected to some interannual, seasonal, and diurnal dynamics.  相似文献   

Evidence on occurrence in catches and characteristic of the spatial-bathymetric distribution and size indices of four species of Cottidae—frog sculpin Myoxocephalus stelleri, brightbelly sculpin Microcottus sellaris, antlered sculpin Enophrys diceraus, and furseal sculpin Stelgistrum stejnegeri—in summer-autumn months in the Okhotsk Sea waters off Kamchatka (site from 51°15′ to 57°20′ N, depths of 11–100 m) are provided. The first three species occur mainly in the northern part of the shelf above 54° N at depths smaller than 30–40 m within a comparatively well warmed surface water mass of seasonal modification at near-bottom temperature values above 6°C at various solid grounds. Maximum catches of S. stejnegeri were recorded only at a site of the western Kamchatka shelf from 54°00′ to 54°20′ N on pebbly-stony ground in a narrow bathy-metric range of 41–60 m on the boundary between the well warmed surface water mass of autumn modification and the cold intermediate water mass at a water temperature below 2°C. Evidence on the size-weight indices of the studied species of Cottidae in trawl catches in the Okhotsk Sea waters off Kamchatka in the study period is provided.  相似文献   

According to materials of 1997–2002, the characteristic of the spatial-bathymetric distribution, size and age composition, size and sex structure, and feeding of the Korean flounder Glyptocephalus stelleri in the summer period in waters off Kamchatka in the Sea of Okhotsk (the site from 51°15′ to 57°20′ N, depths of 10–300 m) is given. It is shown that throughout the observation period, maximum catches of this flatfish were constantly observed at two sites of the western Kamchatka shelf (51°20′–53°00′ N and 55°00′–56°00′ N) in the zone exposed to the effect of anticyclonic gyres in the range of depths 101–200 m at the near-bottom temperature below 2°C. Unlike other habitat areas, off the coast of western Kamchatka, G. stelleri in the summer time is quite frequently found at negative temperature values, which is obviously determined by the specifics of thermal conditions of the eastern part of the Sea of Okhotsk. It was established that, in this species of flatfish, sex dimorphism is distinctly pronounced in sizes—males are considerably smaller than females whose relative number among individuals with a length larger than 50 cm reaches 100%. The main items of feeding of G. stelleri at the western Kamchatka shelf in the summer period are oligochaetes.  相似文献   

Based on materials of 1992–2002, data on the spatial-bathymetric distribution and size-age composition of blotched snailfish Crystallichthys mirabilis and species accompanying it in catches in Pacific waters off the northern Kuril Islands and southeastern Kamchatka are presented. This relatively large representative of the family Liparidae (maximum length in catches 50 cm, body weight 2150 g) is found throughout the examined area in the depth interval of 76–755 m at near-bottom temperature of ?1.2 to +4.2°C. Maximum catches (over 200–500 individuals or 180–280 kg per hour trawling) year round are recorded off the southeastern extremity of Kamchatka, from the oceanic side of the Shumshu and Paramushir islands and on the beam of the Fourth Kuril Strait in the bathymetric range of 151–350 m. The magnitude of its catches in the examined area is subjected to interannual, seasonal, and diurnal dynamics.  相似文献   

We provide data on the occurrence, spatial-bathymetric distribution, and size composition of twoline eelpout Bothrocara brunneum and species accompanying it in catches in Pacific waters of the northern Kuril Islands and southeastern Kamchatka. This comparatively numerous and relatively large representative of the fam. Zoarcidae (maximum length of 74 cm, body weight 2.98 kg) in the study period (1992?C2002) was found everywhere at depths 198 to 824 m at the near-bottom temperatures of 0.5?C4.2°C. However, its maximum by density concentrations with catches to 150?C160 kg per hour of trawling were constantly recorded on the beam of the Fourth Kuril Strait and at a site southward of it in two ranges of depths-400?C600 and 700?C800 m at near-bottom values of temperature 2.1?C3.0°C. The ratio between the depth of catches and sizes of the twoline eelpout was analyzed. It was shown that the amount of its catches in Pacific waters of the northern Kuril Islands and southeastern Kamchatka is subject to some interannual, seasonal, and diurnal dynamics.  相似文献   

On the basis of material for 1993–2002, data are provided on occurrence, spatial-bathymetric distribution, and size composition of Lycenchelys fedorovi, as well as on species that occur simultaneously with it in catches in Pacific waters off the northern Kuril Islands. This relatively scarce, medium-sized representative of the family Zoarcidae (maximum length of 42 cm, body weight 200 g) during the period of studies occurred only at the site to the south of the Fourth Kuril Strait in the range of depths 220–775 m at the near-bottom temperature of 1.6–4.2°C. The dependence between the depth of catch and sizes of L. fedorovi was analyzed. It was shown that the size of its catches in Pacific waters off the northern Kuril Islands is subjected to some interannual, seasonal, and diurnal dynamics.  相似文献   

According to materials of studies in 1992–2002, data on occurrence, spatial-bathymetric distribution, and size-weight composition of two species of sea poachers of the genus Podothecus (P. accipenserinus and P. sturioides) and species accompanying them in catches in Pacific waters off the northern Kuril Islands and southeastern Kamchatka are provided. The distribution of these relatively large representatives of the family Agonidae (maximum length of the first species is 38 and that of the second species is 33 cm, body weight of both 200 g) noticeably differ. In the period of observations, P. accipenserinus was found in catches only to the north of the Fourth Kuril Strait at depths of 80–570 m at near-bottom temperature of ?0.70 to +4.25°C, while P. sturioides was found over the entire studied area in a wider bathymetric range (85–786 m) exclusively at positive values of near-bottom water temperature (0.10–3.55°C). However, more frequently and in greater amounts, both species of sea poachers were recorded in catches off the southeastern extremity of Kamchatka and from the oceanic side of the Shumshu and Paramushir islands. The relationship between the depth of catch and sizes of P. accipenserinus and P. sturioides was analyzed. It is shown that their occurrence and the magnitude of catches in Pacific waters off the northern Kuril Islands and southeastern Kamchatka are subjected to some interannual, seasonal, and diurnal dynamics.  相似文献   

According to materials of 1992–2002, data on the occurrence, spatial-bathymetric distribution, and size-weight composition of sawback poacher Sarritor frenatus and species accompanying it in catches in Pacific waters of the northern Kuril Islands and southeastern Kamchatka are provided. This comparatively numerous and relatively small representative of the family Agonidae (maximum length 31 cm, body weight 103 g) in the period of studies was found uniformly at depths of 78-790 m at near-bottom temperature of ?1.2 to ?4.2°C. In spring, summer, and winter months, maximum catches (over 500–1000 ind./h of trawling) were recorded in the southernmost and northernmost sites of the study area in a bathymetric range of 101–500 m; increased concentrations of this poacher were recorded also on the beam of the Fourth Kuril Strait near the southeastern extremity of Paramushir Island only in the autumn period. The ratio between the depth of catch and the sizes of sawback poacher is analyzed, and the data on the composition of its food in waters of the northern Kuril Islands is given. It is shown that the occurrence and amount of catches of this poacher in Pacific waters of the northern Kuril Islands and southeastern Kamchatka are subjected to some interannual, seasonal, and diurnal dynamics.  相似文献   

In the northwestern part of the Sea of Japan, skate Bathyraja parmifera in catches of the bottom trawl occurs at depths of 40 to 830 m at the near-bottom temperature of 0.4–4.9°C. Throughout the year, the skate performs migrations within the continental slope and, in the feeding period, inhabits mainly the depth range of 300 to 500 m. Maximal average density of aggregations of B. parmifera is observed in waters of northern Primorye; minimal average density is observed in Peter the Great Bay and on the Yamato Bank. In catches, skates with a length of 17–130 cm and a weight of 0.5–18.8 kg are recorded; however, fish with a length of 80–115 cm dominate. Individuals with a length of up to 40 cm feed mainly on amphipods, and larger immature and adult individuals feed on decapods, cephalopods, and fish. The value of the daily ration of B. parmifera with its growth decreases from 2.4 to 0.9% of the body weight. Specific ecological features of B. parmifera are a cause of its considerable underfishing by the bottom trawl; therefore, the total resource of this species in the considered region may be at the level of maximal estimates obtained during surveys and comprise no less than 20000 t.  相似文献   

According to data of integrated trawl surveys, specific features of distribution and some traits of biology of the two-line eelpout Bothrocara brunneum in the Sea of Okhotsk are shown. The species under investigation is spread over the entire sea, and the average density of its distribution averages 0.29 ind./km2 or 0.11 kg/km2. It is found at depths of 200–1995 m, mainly in the range of 300–900 m. Juveniles inhabit large depths, while large individuals are distributed over the entire slope. Optimal temperature of habitation is 1.5–2.3°C. The main center of reproduction is the slope of the northern part of the sea. In catches, individuals with a length of 6–71 (on average, 41) cm and a weight of 20–2600 (757) g occur. Sexual maturation takes place on reaching a length of 45–50 cm; at the same time, gravimetric increments begin to be ahead of linear ones. Sex ratio is 1 : 1. Sexual dimorphism with respect to sizes was not revealed. Spawning is extended: individuals with mature gonads are found in the summer-autumn period. In net catches, fish aged 4–8 years dominate, while fish aged 2–7 years dominate in trawl catches.  相似文献   

Data on the spatiotemporal distribution, size-age structure, individual fecundity, and food composition of the Pacific sand lance Ammodytes hexapterus in waters off Kamchatka in the Sea of Okhotsk in the summer months are provided. It is shown that, on the western Kamchatka shelf, this species is found uniformly at depths smaller than 100 m in the range of temperatures from ?0.83 to 9.45°C. Maximum catches (more than one to three thousand individuals per hour of trawling) are constantly recorded locally in the central part of the shelf (52°–56°N) in a comparatively narrow range of depths 20–60 m at temperatures of 1.5–8.0°C, mainly on sandy and sandy-pebbly grounds, which is related to a specific behavioral feature of A. hexapterus such as burrowing itself into the ground. It was established that in waters off Kamchatka in the Sea of Okhotsk, maximum sizes of A. hexapterus are 27 cm and 54 g (although its individuals with a length of 18–24 cm and a body weight of 20–40 g occur more frequently in catches); individual fecundity varies from 9.9 to 59.9 (on average, 29.7) thousand eggs. It was shown that, in waters off Kamchatka in the Sea of Okhotsk, unlike other habitats, the main food items of A. hexapterus (more than 95% by weight), besides copepods, are pelagic tunicates Oikopleura sp. and larval decapods at the megalope stage. With an increase in the size of A. hexapterus, the proportion of the former in its food decreases and, of the latter, increases.  相似文献   

Results of trawl catches show that in the summer period, in the waters of Primorsky Krai, Russia, Sea of Japan, the purplegray sculpin Gymnocanthus detrisus occurs at depths of 20 to 411 m, preferring the range 80–250 m. The temperature of the species’ habitat varies from 0.8 to 8.6 ° C, and the optimal one is 1.2–2.2 °C. G. detrisus occurs at the preferred depths more frequently in the southern area—the Peter the Great Bay, which is more favorable for foraging; in the area of North Primorsky Krai it was found both at greater and lesser depths. The latter is probably determined by the more limited spreading of waters with unsuitable temperatures for the species there. The body size of the purplegray sculpin grows with depth. Juveniles avoid depths over 200 m, where inflow of low-temperature waters is recorded. G. detrisus, which inhabits waters of Primorsky Krai, is represented mainly by females; the proportion of males exceeds that of females only in the 21–27 cm size group. This may be related to the lower growth rate in males after maturation as compared to females.  相似文献   

Data on occurrence, spatial-bathymetric distribution, size-weight composition, size-sex structure, and food composition of butterfly sculpin Melletes papilio in the Sea of Okhotsk waters off the Kamchatka shores are given. This species is a relatively nonnumerous representative of fam. Cottidae with maximal length 42 cm and body weight to 960 g. In summer time, the species occurs practically over the whole study region at depths of 15 m to 285 m and water temperature near the bottom from ?0.9 to 10.7°C. However, the majority of individuals of this species occur within the depths range of 41–80 m in the cold intermediate water level at minimal positive (<2.0°C) and negative values of near-bottom water at sandy-silty grounds. The correlation between the harvesting depth and fish size has been analyzed. The variations of the feeding spectrum with growth of butterfly sculpin are described for the pre-Kamchatka waters of the Sea of Okhotsk.  相似文献   

Hook selectivity, sex ratio of catches and relative abundance (Catch Per Unit Effort – CPUE) were assessed for the pelagic stingray Pteroplatytrygon violacea (Bonaparte, 1872), caught by longline gear in the southwestern Atlantic Ocean over the continental slope and adjacent oceanic area. The catches were carried out at depths of 200–4000 m by research cruises in 2002 and 2003, from Cabo Frio (22°52′S) to Laguna (28°28′S); and by hook selectivity experiments from 2004 to 2008, from Itajaí (26°54′S) to Tramandaí (29°59′S). Hook selectivity experiments indicated higher catches of stingrays with ‘J’ hooks (9/0, 10° offset) commonly used by the pelagic longline fleet than with ‘circle’ hooks (18/0, 10° offset). ‘circle’ hooks reduce the longline by‐catches of this species. Most of the stingrays caught were males (6 : 1). One female aborted mid‐term embryos at the time of capture. CPUE was highest between spring and autumn and lowest during winter.  相似文献   

Length–weight relationship (LWR) was estimated for 12 elasmobranch species; five shark species, four species of rays and three species of guitar fishes from north‐eastern Arabian Sea, India. Five major landing centres of Maharashtra were selected; Satpati (Lat. 19°43′15″N, Long. 72°42′00″E), Naigaon (Lat. 19°19′32″N, Long. 72°48′54″E), Versova (Lat. 19°08′33″N, Long. 72°48′11″E), New ferry Wharf (Lat. 18°57′29″N Long. 72°51′01″E) and Sassoon dock (Lat. 18°54′42″N, Long. 72°49′33″E). Samples were collected fortnightly during August 2016 to October 2017 from various gears; drift gill nets (Hung length 114–143 m and #100–270 mm) off Satpati coast at 35–50 m depth, dol nets (length 50–65 m and cod end # 30–69 mm) in Naigaon at 38–50 m depth and trawl (length 33–72 m and cod end # 17–32 mm) in Versova, New ferry Wharf and Sassoon dock operated at 20–50 m depth. Multiday fishing was carried out with 2–3 fishing trips in a month, each trip with duration of 7–13 days. Soaking time of gill net and dol net varied from 4 to 8 hr while each trawl haul lasted for 3–4 hr. Length–weight/Disc‐width‐weight relationship showed good fit with r2 values varying from 0.818 to 0.999. In addition to information on LWR, new maximum size for three species of elasmobranchs is reported in this paper.  相似文献   

Based on materials of 1992?C2012, data on the occurrence, spatial-bathymetric distribution, and size-weight composition of armorhead sculpin Gymnocanthus galeatus and purplegray sculpin G. detrisus and species accompanying them in catches in Pacific waters of the northern Kuril Islands and southeastern Kamchatka are provided. These comparatively numerous, medium-sized representatives of the family Cottidae (maximal length of the former species 49 cm, weight 1400 g and that of the latter, 48 cm and 1140 g) in the period of study occurred uniformly at depths of 76 to 596 m at a near-bottom temperatures of ?1.2 to + 4.5°C. Their maximum by density concentrations were constantly recorded at the beam of the Fourth Kuril Strait, from the oceanic side of the Paramushir and Shumshu Islands, and off the southeastern extremity of Kamchatka mainly in the lower part of the shelf (depths of 80?C200 m) at temperatures of ?1.0 to +2.5°C. Regularities of spatial-bathymetric distribution of different size groups of these species were analyzed. It was shown that the occurrence and the size of catches of both armorhead sculpins in Pacific waters of the northern Kuril Islands and southeastern Kamchatka are subjected to some inrterannual, seasonal, and diurnal dynamics.  相似文献   

The distribution and biology of Stichaeus ochriamkini in the Peter the Great Bay was studied. Based on SCUBA diving observations and trawl catches, it was revealed that S. ochriamkini occurs at depths from 2 to 157 m, mostly on sand bottoms. The fish??s body length (TL) ranged from 20 to 162 mm. The juveniles (TL up to 60 mm) inhabited depths of 2?C9 m under water temperatures of 9.6?C22.0°C and the adults inhabited depths from 25 to 157 m at water temperatures of 1.1?C2.1°C. S. ochriamkini spawned in the Peter the Great Bay, probably in September?COctober.  相似文献   

Sediment trap data from water depths of 853 m and 3921 m retrieved from the eastern equatorial Atlantic (01 °47.5′N, 11 °07.6′W; sampling time March 1, 1989, to March 16, 1990) reveal seasonal changes in the vertical flux of opal. Biogenic opal constitutes 3–20% of the total flux at 853 m and 10–19% at 3921 m. Important contributors to the opal fraction are diatoms and, to a lesser extent, silicoflagellates. At 853 m, the fluxes of both siliceous groups show a distinct seasonal pattern related to upwelling and the location of the ITCZ. The flux values are highest between March and April, and in August/September. The seasonal pattern with the spring and summer peaks can be recognized in the samples from 3921 m in a modified form: The flux curve is smoother and the time lag varies between 0 and 95 days. Higher flux values for diatoms, silicoflagellates and total particles in the lower trap suggests an additional source of material. Lateral advection of particles from the coastal regime seems to be an important factor at 3921 m, adding material at depth and distorting the original record. Also, freshwater diatoms were relatively important in the spring and winter samples at 853 m, and throughout the year at 3921 m, suggesting continental influence. A total of 202 diatom taxa were identified at both depths; only a few were responsible for > 50% of the total diatom assemblage. Nitzschia bicapitata dominated the assemblage. Differences in the relative abundances of strongly and weakly silicified diatom taxa between trap levels indicate dissolution in the water column. However, comparison between trap and sediment surface assemblages point to extreme dissolution at the sediment/water interface; approximately 98% of the siliceous shells are lost to the sedimentary record. Despite this loss, the changes between the surface sediment assemblages reflect the overlying hydrographic conditions of the surface waters.  相似文献   

The culturable aerobic heterotrophic benthic bacterial population and community structure in relation to the physico-chemical parameters in the continental slope of the Bay of Bengal was studied. In addition, diversity indices were calculated and pretsunami (in 2004) and post-tsunami (in 2005) diversity values were compared. Sediment samples were collected from two cruises in the depth zone of 214–1000 m (10°36′ N–20°01′ N and 79°59′ E–87°30′ E). The vertical distribution of the total heterotrophic bacterial population during both cruises was higher in the top section (0–3 cm) of the sediment. The average total heterotrophic bacterial population was in the range of 0.42–37.38 × 104 CFU/g to 1.66–19.73 × 104 CFU/g dry sediment weight during the two cruises, respectively. The limiting physico-chemical factors were sediment pH, sediment temperature, TOC, porosity, and clay as revealed from multiple regression (r = 0.75) and BIOENV (Partial Correlation ρω = 0.447) analyses. The shannon-Wiener index (H′ log e), Simpson index (D), Margalef index (d) and Pielou’s evenness index (J′) were found to be higher in the 1000 m depth stations. Cluster analysis showed that the 500 m depth stations clustered either with the 200 m or with the 1000 m stations. The 200 m depth stations never formed a cluster with the 1000 m stations. Pre-tsunami diversity indices at two depth ranges (200 m and 1000 m) were higher than those of the post-tsunami indices, which was quite evident from the cluster analysis as well. This study confirms the effect of the tsunami surge in the sediments of the continental slope of the Bay of Bengal in the marine ecosystem, which is also attributed to the temporal variation of the heterotrophic bacterial population and diversity.  相似文献   

Based on data sampled in 1992–2002, the occurrence, spatial distribution, bathymetry, bottom temperatures preferences, size composition, feeding, and some features of reproductive biology of mud skate Rhinoraja taranetzi in the Pacific waters off the northern Kuril Islands and southeastern Kamchatka are considered. Throughout the year, the mud skate was most abundant in the central part of the study area, from the coast of Onekotan Island to the southern tip of Kamchatka peninsula. The proportion of this species in bottom trawl catches in different seasons has changed slightly. However, maximum catch occurred in September–December. In April–May mud skates occupied shallower depths (mean 230–270 m), moving deeper in the summer period (mean 340–390 m). In December–March the skate occurred at lower bottom temperatures (mean 0.8–1.6°C) whereas the rest of the year it inhabited warmer waters with mean bottom temperatures of 2.5–3.1°C. Throughout the year decreasing body weight with depth was observed, indicating that adult and juvenile mud skates inhabit different depths. Total length of mud skates in catches ranged from 17 to 70 cm with a mean of 51.71 cm. Relation between total length (TL, cm) and body weight (W, g) was: W = 0.0029TL3.1614 (r2 = 0.978). Males were more abundant among small skates (<30 cm) only, whereas females predominated among larger skates (>30 cm) comprising about 70% in 60–70 cm length class. Female mud skates were longer and heavier than males (mean length 56.9 vs 51.2 cm and mean weight 1206 vs 807 g, respectively). This species is considered to be benthophagous, consuming mostly amphipods (34.9% by weight), polychaete worms (27.6%), decapod crustaceans (12.7%), and fishery discards (13.9%). Small skates (20–40 cm) fed mostly on amphipods (85.4%); medium‐sized (40–60 cm) ate amphipods (40.2%), polychaetes (29.1%) and decapods (19.3%); the largest individuals (>60 cm) consumed fishery offal (27.9%) and less amphipods (26.6%) and polychaetes (27.7%). Preliminary data on the maturation of the species in the western Bering Sea showed that males and females become mature at lengths above 61 cm TL.  相似文献   

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