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A new fumonisin has been isolated from Fusarium moniliforme isolate MRC826 grown on corn. It was shown by NMR and mass spectrometry to be an isomer of fumonisin B2 that has free hydroxyl groups at C-3 and C-10 instead of the normal C-3 and C-5. This new fumonisin was detected in cultures of most isolates of F. moniliforme that were examined and was usually present at concentrations similar to those of fumonisin B2. Two isolates of F. moniliforme that produce significantly higher levels of this new isomer were identified.Abbreviations ELEM equine leukoencephalomalacia Mention of companies or products by name does not imply their endorsement by the US Department of Agriculture over others not cited.  相似文献   

Fumonisins were readily produced in cultures of Fusarium moniliforme using a defined liquid medium. Addition of 200 mg of d3-methyl L-methionine to 100-ml cultures of F. moniliforme gave increased overall yields and high levels of deuterium (2H) incorporation into fumonisin B1. Approximately 90% of the resulting fumonisin B1 contained 6 deuterium atoms, while 9% of the product contained 3 deuterium atoms. Deuterium was shown to be incorporated exclusively in the methyl groups of the fumonisin backbone. The addition of as little as 5 mg of labeled methionine stimulated fumonisin production, but only about 5% of the fumonisin produced contained 3 deuterium atoms.Abbreviations ELEM equine leukoencephalomalacia Mention of companies or products by name does not imply their endorsement by the US Department of Agriculture over others not cited.  相似文献   

The species Fusarium verticillioides (= F. moniliforme) is often found in maize seeds, constituting an important source of inoculum in the field. Fusarium spp., associated with symptomatic and asymptomatic plants, may be a primary causal agent of disease, a secondary invader or an endophyte. In the present work, endophytic fungi were isolated from two populations of Zea mays (BR-105 and BR-106) and their respective inbred lines. Within different inbred lines of maize, Fusarium was found at a frequency of 0 to 100% relative to the number of total isolated fungi. The frequency with which the genus occurred was practically the same in the two field sites (around 60%). Twenty-one F. verticillioides strains were analysed using the random amplified polymorphic DNA (RAPD) technique, employing 10 random primers. Variability analysis of endophytic isolates via RAPD showed genome polymorphism taxa of species around 60%. Endophytic isolates were clustered by their sites of origin. RAPD analysis clustered the endophytic isolates by their maize inbred lines hosts (Mil-01 to Mil-06), whereas at site A they clustered into two major groups related to the maize gene pool (BR-105 or BR-106 population). All strains isolated from seeds collected in Site A, except strains L9 and L10, were sub-grouped according to maize inbred lines. The analysis showed a discrete sub-grouping at site B. Results obtained here could be explained by a co-evolution process involving endophytic isolates of F. verticillioides and maize inbred lines.  相似文献   

A strain of Fusarium moniliforme isolated from a tropical mangrove ecosystem near Mumbai, India and deposited in the National Collection of Industrial Microorganisms (NCIM) as F. moniliforme NCIM 1276. The organism produced a single extracellular polygalacturonase (PG I) [EC] at pH 5 and a single pectate lyase (PL) [EC] at pH 8 in liquid medium containing 1% citrus pectin. Growth on semi-solid medium containing wheat bran and orange pulp resulted in a three-fold increase in PG production and a two-fold increase in PL production in comparison with that in liquid medium. The increased production of PG on semi-solid media, as compared to production in liquid media was investigated. The increased production of PG was partly due to the expression of a second polygalacturonase (PG II) isoenzyme by the fungus which was biochemically different from the one produced in liquid medium. The second PG II was a 30.6kDa enzyme, had an alkaline pI of 8.6, the Km was 0.166mg ml(-1), Vmax 13.33 micromol min(-1) mg(-1) and the kcat was 403 min(-1). It had a specific activity of 18.66U mg(-1). The differences between the PGs (PG I and PG II) suggest that the two enzymes are the products of different genes. The fungus also produced the same two PGs when it infected Lycopersicon esculentum (tomato). Only one PL was produced irrespective of growth conditions.  相似文献   

Nonpolar methylene chloride-soluble extracts from the mycelia of Fusarium semitectum and Fusarium moniliforme var. subglutinans were toxic to Colorado potato beetles. The major toxic metabolite was isolated and found to be the cyclodepsipeptide, beauvericin. This is the first report of the isolation of beauvericin from the genus Fusarium.  相似文献   

Sesamol (3,4-methylenedioxyphenol) at 2.5 mM inhibited growth of Fusarium moniliforme by about 40% and lipid accumulation by 35%. Gibberellin (GA3) accumulation was increased by 20-fold, to 63 mg g–1 biomass, in the presence of sesamol indicating that the acetyl-CoA destined for fatty acid biosynthesis was now being switched into secondary metabolite (GA3) accumulation. Synthesis of other metabolites from acetyl-CoA, such as bikaverin and carotenoids, though were not increased in the presence of sesamol. Metabolic switching is therefore feasible by judicious use of selected inhibitors that can thus block primary metabolic routes but which do not affect secondary metabolites.  相似文献   

In a survey of the mycoflora and mycotoxins in foods and feeds, 66 samples of mixed poultry feeds and some component raw materials were investigated. Fungal counts ranged from < 102 to 1.3 × 106 CFU/g.Fusarium spp. counts ranged from 102 to 1.0 × 106 CFU/g. TheFusarium spp. strains isolated were screened for their potential to produce fumonisin B1 (FB1) and fumonisin B2 (FB2) in maize cultures. Samples and maize cultures were analysed for FB1 and FB2 using TLC and fluorescamine-derivative HPLC. No fumonisins were detected in the samples (<6 ppm).Fusarium moniliforme was isolated in 59.1% of samples, and 97.4% of the strains produced FB1 and 79.4% of strains produced FB2 in maize cultures. Some isolates produced higher FB1 and FB2 levels than the reference strainF. moniliforme MRC 826.  相似文献   

The production of gibberellic acid (GA3) by Fusarium moniliforme M-7121 in solid-state culture was evaluated in flask cultures as well as in 3-I horizontal rotary reactors. The highest production rate of GA3 was with 80% (w/v) maize flour mixed with wheat bran. The optimum initial moisture content was inversely dependent on the ambient relative humidity. The initial water activity range for optimal growth and GA3 accumulation was about 0.98 to 0.99, which is unusually high for a filamentous fungus. A low O2 concentration resulted in a much decreased GA3 yield and the appearance of a yellow to reddish pigmentation in the mycelium. The lag phase was short and rapid growth continued for up to 2 days in the rotary reactor, with a maximum specific growth rate of 0.12 h–1. The maximum rate of GA3 production occurred during the subsequent 3 to 10 days of incubation and the final GA3 concentration reached was 18.7 mg to 19.3 mg/g dry culture. The point of maximum GA3 accumulation after 10 to 12 days of incubation was usually marked by a sharp increase in pH.The authors are with the Department of Microbiology and Biochemistry, University of the Orange Free State, P.O. Box 339, 9300 Bioemfontein, Republic of South Africa  相似文献   

Fusarium moniliforme Sheldon is an economically important pathogen of corn (Zea mays L.) which causes stalk, root and ear rot. Several mycotoxins have also been isolated, identified and implicated in both animal and human toxicoses. The fungus can be disseminated in symptomless corn seed and can also survive in crop residues in the soil. Asymptomatic infection may be related to different corn cultivars, fungal strains, and environmental factors. Symptomatic expression of pathogenicity may vary, but usually the result of such infections is death of the plant. The greatest concern is the asymptomatic infection, since it is in this form that fungal toxins may surreptitiously enter animal and human food chains. F. moniliforme produces both fusaric acid, which is phytotoxic to corn and interferes with seed germination, and plant growth regulators that may affect pathogenicity of the fungus or be associated with the production of mycotoxins. Other metabolites, including fusarin C, moniliformin, and the fumonisins, may or may not be phytotoxic, but are associated with animal and human toxicoses. The control of F. moniliforme in corn is therefore quite important. One potential means to accomplish this reduction is biocontrol by the application of antagonistic rhizobacteria to corn kernels at planting. To be effective the bacteria must be able to colonize the corn root system and be able to prevent root infection by successful competing with F. moniliforme which may be accomplished by siderophore and or antibiotic activity.  相似文献   

Fusarium moniliforme has been associated with several diseases including equine leukoencephalomalacia, human esophageal cancer and hepatotoxicity/hepatocarcinogenicity in laboratory animals. The potential health risks to animals and humans posed by F. moniliforme contaminated grains cannot be assessed until the toxins are identified and toxicologically evaluated. As part of a systematic approach to identifying the hepatotoxins produced by F. moniliforme, diets containing aqueous and chloroform/methanol (11) extracts of F. moniliforme strain MRC 826 culture material (CM) and/or the extracted CM residues were fed to male Sprague-Dawley rats for four weeks. Serum alanine aminotransferase, aspartate aminotransferase and alkaline phosphatase activities were increased after two and four weeks and microscopic liver lesions were found in those animals fed aqueous CM extract and the CM residue after chloroform/ methanol extraction. Fumonisins B1 and B2 were extracted from the CM by water, but not chloroform/ methanol, and were present in the toxic diets at concentrations of 93–139 and 82–147 ppm, respectively. Nontoxic diets contained 22 ppm fumonisin B1 and 65 ppm fumonisin B2.Abbreviations CM culture material - ELEM equine leukoencephalomalacia Mention of a trademark, proprietory name or vendor does not imply its approval by the US Department of Agriculture to the exclusion of others that may also be suitable.  相似文献   

A 35 year old female patient with acute lymphocytic leukemia developed fusariosis in which dissemination appeared to be limited to cutaneous and vascular invasion. The first evidence of fungemia occurred nearly seven months after initial hospitalization. The fungus was identified asFusarium sp. and was considered a contaminant. Two weeks later blood cultures were again positive forFusarium sp. and the patient was placed on amphotericin B and 5-fluorocytosine therapy. The following day developing lesions were noted on her forearms and face; lesions ultimately spread to her trunk, abdomen, and lower extremities. Skin lesion biopsy sections revealed abundant septate and branching hyphae throughout the dermis and within capillaries. Twenty-six days after the initial isolation the patient died. Post-mortem blood cultures gave rise to the same fungus, which was identified asFusarium monoliforme. Postmortem cultures and stains of spleen, liver, lung, and brain specimens were all negative for fungi. The primary source and portal of entry of the organism remained undetermined.  相似文献   

The incidence ofFusarium moniliforme in surface-sterilized kernels in two commercial South African white maize cultivars was 64% and 6%, respectively. Heat treatment completely eliminated seedborneF. moniliforme from kernels of both cultivars. Heat treated, uncontaminated maize germlings were pre-inoculated with different isolates ofF. moniliforme and planted in steam-treated soil containing inoculum of different isolates ofF. graminearum Group 1 and Group 2. Seedling weights of germlings pre-inoculated with some isolates ofF. moniliforme were significantly higher than those of controls when exposed to some isolates ofF. graminearum in the soil. The protective effect of pre-inoculation withF. moniliforme was particularly evident in maize seedlings exposed to inoculum of an aggressive isolate ofF. graminearum Group 1. This is the first report of the protection of maize seedlings byF. moniliforme against infection byF. graminearum in the soil.  相似文献   

The multifunctional cytochrome P450 monooxygenases P450-1 and P450-2 from Fusarium fujikuroi catalyze the formation of GA14 and GA4, respectively, in the gibberellin (GA)-biosynthetic pathway. However, the activity of these enzymes is qualitatively and quantitatively different in mutants lacking the NADPH:cytochrome P450 oxidoreductase (CPR) compared to CPR-containing strains. 3beta-Hydroxylation, a major P450-1 activity in wild-type strains, was strongly decreased in the mutants relative to oxidation at C-6 and C-7, while synthesis of C19-GAs as a result of oxidative cleavage of C-20 by P450-2 was almost absent whereas the C-20 alcohol, aldehyde and carboxylic acid derivatives accumulated. Interaction of the monooxygenases with alternative electron transport proteins could account for these different product distributions. In the absence of CPR, P450-1 activities were NADH-dependent, and stimulated by cytochrome b5 or by added FAD. These properties as well as the decreased efficiency of P450-1 and P450-2 in the mutants are consistent with the participation of cytochrome b5:NADH cytochrome b5 reductase as redox partner of the gibberellin monooxygenases in the absence of CPR. We provide evidence, from either incubations of GA12 (C-20 methyl) with cultures of the mutant suspended in [18O]H2O or maintained under an atmosphere of [18O]O2:N2 (20:80), that GA15 (C-20 alcohol) and GA24 (C-20 aldehyde) are formed directly from dioxygen and not from hydrolysis of covalently enzyme-bound intermediates. Thus these partially oxidized GAs correspond to intermediates of the sequential oxidation of C-20 catalyzed by P450-2.  相似文献   

Forty-three strains ofFusarium moniliforme isolated from infected maize and sorghum plants in Italy were assayed for their ability to produce fertile crosses with A and F mating population tester strains, in relation to their ability to produce fumonisins on maize substrate. Most of the strains isolated from maize (ear and stalk rot and maize-based feed), producing fumonisin B1 (FB1) and B2 (FB2) (up to 4,100 and 855 mg/kg, respectively), belonged to the A mating population. All of the strains isolated from sorghum belonged to the F mating population and produced little or no FB1 and FB2. This is the first report of the occurrence of mating population F in Europe. Our data on strains from Italy are consistent with previous studies from the United States that found significant differences in sexual fertility and fumonisin production between strains from maize and sorghum.  相似文献   

Fifty commercial corn hybrids with different endosperm characteristics, vegetative cycle length and cross class grown in the same geographical area (Cordoba Province, Argentina) were analysed for fumonisin accumulation. All hybrids analysed showed fumonisin B1 and B2 contamination ranging from 185 to 27,050 ng/g for FB1 and from 40 to 9950 ng/g for FB2. Although most of the hybrids analysed had flint-type endosperm, two hybrids with dent-type endosperm (e.g. Prozea 10 and AX 746) showed the highest level of fumonisin (37,000 ng/g) and more FB2 than FB1 (FB2/FB1 ratio 2.42), respectively. There was no correlation between fumonisin concentration and length of the vegetative cycle. Among 18 hybrids examined for Fusarium species contamination there was also no correlation between fumonisin contamination and the level of infection with Fusarium species (Section Liseola). Eighteen hybrids showed fumonisin levels lower than 1000 ng/g. This result suggests that there is some possibility of selecting hybrids resistant or less susceptible to fumonisin and Fusarium contamination.  相似文献   

Pregnant Charles River CD1 mice were treated with a semipurified extract ofFusarium moniliforme culture containing 0, 12.5, 25, 50 or 100 mg FB1/kg each day orally (diluted in distilled water) between gestational days (GD) 7 and 15 to evaluate the developmental toxicity of FB1. Following sacrifice of dams on GD 18, litters were examined for gross abnormalities and divided equally for skeletal or visceral examination by routine techniques. Significant maternal mortality was observed at doses of 50 and 100 mg FB1/kg. Dose-dependant decreases in maternal body weight gains, number of live offsprings per litter, and mean body weight of the offspring were produced at FB1 doses of 25 mg/kg or higher. The percentage of implants resorbed increased at all doses in a dose-dependant manner. A dose-dependant increase, except at the lowest dose tested, in the incidence of ossification deficits involving digits and sternum, short and wavy ribs, and hydrocephalus of lateral and third ventricles was also evident. Cleft palate was seen only at the highest FB1 dose. Maternal intoxication manifested as a dose-dependant increase in the severity of ascites associated mainly with increased histopathologic scores reflecting hepatocellular damage at day 18. Concommittant increases in serum alanine amino transferase (ALT) on GD 12, reflecting parenchymal liver cell damage, was also observed at all doses above 12.5 mg of FB1/kg. These results suggest that FB1-containingF. moniliforme culture extract is developmentally toxic in mice, and that this toxicity may be mediated by maternal hepatotoxicity.  相似文献   

A low molecular mass pectate lyase from Fusarium moniliforme was unfolded reversibly by urea and Gdn-HCl at its optimum pH of 8.5, as monitored by intrinsic fluorescence, circular dichroism, and enzymatic activity measurements. Equilibrium unfolding studies yielded a deltaG(H(2)O) of 1.741 kcal/mol, D1/2 of 2.3M, and m value of 0.755kcal/molM with urea and a deltaG(H(2)O) of 1.927kcal/mol, D1/2 of 1.52M, and m value of 1.27 kcal/molM with Gdn-HCl as the denaturant. Thermal denaturation of the pectate lyase at, pH 8.5, was also reversible even after exposure to 75 degrees C for 10 min. Thermodynamic parameters calculated from thermal denaturation curves at pH values from 5.0 to 8.5 yielded a deltaCp of 0.864kcal/(molK). The deltaG(25 degrees C) at, pH 8.5, was 2.06kcal/mol and was in good agreement with the deltaG(H(2)O) values obtained from chemical denaturation curves. There was no exposure of hydrophobic pockets during chemical or thermal denaturation as indicated by the inability of ANS to bind the pectate lyase.  相似文献   

Fusarium moniliforme Sheldon (syn. F. verticillioides (Sacc.) Nirenberg) and F. subglutinans (Wollenweber & Reinking) Nelson Toussoun & Marasas comb. nov., two anamorphs of the so-called‘Gibberella fujikuroi species complex', are important maize pathogens. Together with F. proliferatum, F. culmorum, and F. graminearum (teleomorph: Gibberella zeae) they are involved in the stalk rot and ear rot disease of maize. All species produce secondary metabolites (mycotoxins) which are a potential health hazard for humans and animals that consume maize and maize products frequently. In this study the development of polymerase chain reaction (PCR) assays for an easy and sensitive identification of G. fujikuroi anamorphs in maize kernels are described. The primer pairs are based on sequences of randomly amplified polymorphic DNA (RAPD) fragments and are specific for F. moniliforme and F. subglutinans respectively. The PCR assays are independent of the high phenotypic variability of traits which may complicate classification by morphological characters. They detect approximately 100 to 200 fungal genomes in the presence of an excess of maize DNA. For the analysis of infected maize kernels a rapid and easy DNA extraction was used which does not introduce inhibitory substances into the PCR. Hence the assays enable an early identification and detection of the two pathogens in host tissue by plant breeders and plant health inspection services. The assays were successfully applied to identify field isolates from Poland and to detect the pathogens in maize ears of various hybrids in Germany.  相似文献   

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