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The presence of an antibody to the Cyno-EBV was studied with Cyno-EBV bearing cell line (Ts-B-9) as antigen in 186 domestically bred cynomolgus monkeys (Macaca fascicularis) ranging in age from birth to 18 yr as well as in 20 adult (older than 10 yr) cynomolgus monkeys of wild origin. The maternal antibody to Cyno-EBV persisted for less than four mo after birth in infant monkeys. After one yr of age, all the domestically bred monkeys were consistently positive for Cyno-EBV. In the monkeys of wild origin also, the anti-Cyno-EBV antibody was detected without exception. Antibody titers in adult monkeys varied from 1:80 to 1:640.  相似文献   

During a toxicology study in cynomolgus (long-tailed or crab-eating) monkeys (Macaca fascicularis), a randomly distributed incidence of significantly increased hepatic enzyme activity was observed. Premedication hepatic enzyme activity in all monkeys of this study was normal, but increased alanine aminotransferase (ALT) activity was found in 4 of the 24 animals 2 weeks after initiation of the study and in 10 of 24 at 4 weeks. A drug-related effect was considered unlikely initially because the increases were not doserelated, and a 3-year review of 655 cynomolgus monkeys revealed a 15–20% incidence of increased hepatic enzyme activity. Good correlation was subsequently established between increased hepatic enzyme activity, active hepatitis A virus (HAV) infection, and histomorphologic confirmation of hepatitis (chronic periportal inflammation). Follow-up viral serodiagnostic screening of resident macaques revealed an overall incidence of anti-HAV IgG in 80% (155/193) of cynomolgus and in 70% (14/20) of rhesus monkeys. Serial screening demonstrated that several initially negative monkeys became seropositive for anti-HAV IgG, and a few acquired active infection (anti-HAV IgM). Among newly acquired cynomolgus monkeys, 2.5% (2/80) had an acute HAV infection, and 35% (28/80) eventually tested positive for anti-HAV IgG while quarantined in the primate facility. The characterization of an enzootic HAV infection in incoming monkeys posed a significant risk for the primate colony and handlers. Rigorous sanitation, isolation, and quarantine procedures, including personnel training and additional protective clothing for personnel working in the primate colony, reduced tho potential for transmission and arrested the outbreak. Experimenters should be cautious in ascribing toxicity to a test article based solely on increased hepatic enzyme activity associated with chronic periportal inflammation.  相似文献   

We developed a two‐step extraction method for measuring fecal steroid concentrations. In the first step, distilled water was used to extract steroids from fecal samples. In the second step, a mixture of organic solvents (hexane and ether) was used to re‐extract water extracts that had been transferred to a glass tube. A portion of the upper layer of the organic solvents was transferred to separate assay‐tubes for measurement of estradiol (E2) or progesterone (P), and the organic solvents were evaporated in vacuo. After phosphate‐buffered saline was added to each tube, commercially supplied radioimmunoassay (RIA) kits were used to determine the steroids. We demonstrated the advantages and reliability of this method by using it to assay the steroid hormone concentrations in fecal samples and serum samples collected on the same day from female cynomolgus monkeys who showed normal menstrual cycles and from monkeys who had induced hyperfunction of ovarian steroidgenesis. Different fecal samples from each monkey were used to determine the recovery rate of each steroid in water extraction from the fecal samples and the reproductivity of hormone concentrations in the fecal samples. The results demonstrate that this two‐step method is simple and effective for measuring fecal steroids for monitoring the reproductive status of cynomolgus monkeys, without having to collect serum samples. Am. J. Primatol. 48:291–298, 1999. © 1999 Wiley‐Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

Cerebral artery structure has not been extensively studied in primates. The aim of this study was to examine the cerebrovascular anatomy of cynomolgus monkeys (Macaca fascicularis), which are one of the most commonly used primates in medical research on human diseases, such as cerebral infarction and subarachnoid hemorrhage. In this study, we investigated the anatomy and diameter of cerebral arteries from 48 cynomolgus monkey brain specimens. We found three anatomical differences in the vascular structure of this species compared to that in humans. First, the distal anterior cerebral artery is single. Second, the pattern in which both the anterior inferior cerebellar artery and posterior inferior cerebellar artery branch from the basilar artery is the most common. Third, the basilar artery has the largest diameter among the major arteries. We expect that this anatomical information will aid in furthering research on cerebrovascular disease using cynomolgus monkeys.  相似文献   

Background Fasting is an important pre‐analytical factor that may affect clinical pathology parameters in toxicological and pharmacological studies. Little information is available on how fasting affects clinical pathology parameters in cynomolgus monkeys (Macaca fascicularis).The aim of this study was to evaluate the influence of fasting on clinical pathology parameters in healthy adult cynomolgus monkeys. Methods Five female and six male cynomolgus monkeys were fasted for 0, 8, 16, and 24 hours. Changes in body weight (BW), core hematologic, and serum clinical chemical parameters were evaluated. Results The BW significantly decreased after 24 hours of fasting. Significant decreases in red blood cell count, hemoglobin, hematocrit, and mean corpuscular volume and increases in mean cell hemoglobin and mean cell hemoglobin concentration were observed at 16 hours in males. In females, increasing the duration of fasting caused a significant time‐dependent increase in platelets. Blood urea nitrogen showed significant decreases in female and male monkeys after fasting. Alkaline phosphatase increased in females after fasting. Aspartate transaminase significantly increased both in females and males at 8 hours. In females, alanine transaminase and lactate dehydrogenase significantly increased at 8 hours. Albumin significantly decreased in males 24 hours, but increased in females 16 hours after fasting. Serum glucose and triglyceride were not affected by fasting. Serum calcium decreased and inorganic phosphorus increased in males after fasting. Conclusion These results suggested that clinical pathology data would vary after fasting. The decision to feed or fast before blood collection for clinical pathology tests should be made based on careful consideration.  相似文献   

Ejaculated spermatozoa from cynomolgus monkeys and rhesus monkeys were frozen in straws with six different extenders (TTE, DM, mDM, LG-DM, G-DM, and TCG) containing glycerol. Sperm motility and head membrane and acrosomal integrity were evaluated after freezing and thawing, and the cryoprotective effects were compared among the extenders and the two species studied. The results showed that sperm motility and motility recovery with the six extenders were comparable for the cynomolgus and rhesus monkeys. There was no significant difference in sperm motility and head membrane integrity among the six extenders in either the cynomolgus or rhesus monkeys (P>0.05). However, a slightly but statistically lower percentage of acrosomal integrity was found with TCG in both species compared to the other extenders (P<0.05). These findings demonstrate that TTE, DM, mDM, LG-DM, G-DM, and TCG are equally suitable extenders for the cryopreservation of spermatozoa from cynomolgus and rhesus monkeys.  相似文献   

Spontaneous diabetes mellitus was diagnosed in a cynomolgus monkey. Clinical and pathological features, such as abnormal glucose tolerance, loss of insulin response, or degeneration of pancreatic beta-cells, resemble human noninsulin-dependent diabetes mellitus. Two descendants of the monkey have developed impaired glucose tolerance and insulin response. Genetic factors seem involved in the appearance of carbohydrate intolerance in this family group of monkeys.  相似文献   

Urinary free cortisol responses to five cage sizes, cage level, room change, tethering adaptation, chronic catheterization, and ketamine sedation were measured in 14 female and 14 male wild-born adult Macaca fascicularis. Urinary free cortisol, a physiological measure of psychological well-being that can be collected unobtrusively, provided a measure of the animals' general adrenocortical response to various conditions over a time course of hours. Urinary free cortisol values in response to stimulation with adrenocorticotropic hormone (ACTH) validated the measure as a reflection of blood values. Cortisol values were expressed as a ratio to creatinine, which normalized for differences in urinary output and body weight (muscle mass). Cage size (20–140% of regulation floor area) and housing level (upper vs. lower cage) had no effect on stress, as measured by cortisol excretion. Room change elicited a slight increase in cortisol excretion for the first day, but not to a level suggesting stress. Sedation, surgery, some aspects of tethering adaptation, and chronic catheterization produced urinary cortisol evidence of stress. Even so, animals varied in their responses and all showed adaptation. Males and females did not differ in normal mean values but females tended to have higher cortisol levels in response to potential stressors investigated in this study. Cortisol levels continued to decline gradually throughout the study. © 1993 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

Spermatozoa mature during epididymal transit, acquiring the abilities to swim progressively, fertilize oocytes, and produce viable offspring. In this study, we investigate the capacity of spermatozoa retrieved from the midcorpus and distal cauda regions of the epididymis of the cynomolgus monkey to penetrate homologous zone pellucida. Successful in vitro fertilization by ejaculated macaque sperm is dependent upon the addition of caffeine and dbcAMP. Therefore, the effect of these cyclic nucleotide mediators was also examined in this study. Results of sperm motion analysis indicate no difference in baseline values (without stimulators) for any motion parameter. With the addition of caffeine and dbcAMP, curvilinear velocity significantly increased only for the distal cauda sperm (P = 0.05). Amplitude of the lateral head displacement was significantly increased for distal cauda sperm (P < 0.01); although elevated above baseline, the increase observed after activation by corpus sperm was significantly lower than that achieved by cauda sperm (P < 0.05). The addition of caffeine and dbcAMP was an absolute requirement for zona penetration by both midcorpus and distal cauda sperm. With activation, zona penetration was significantly decreased for corpus sperm compared to cauda sperm (P < 0.001). These results suggest that cynomolgus monkey sperm reaching the midcorpus region of the epididymis have not completed all of the maturational changes requisite for successful fertilization; this immaturity is evidenced by decreased sperm motion and by impedance at the level of zona penetration. © 1996 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

A total of 301 oocytes were recovered from crab-eating monkeys and subjected to insemination in vitro resulting in two fertilized ova. Sixteen monkeys in 24 cycles received 37.5 IU of hMG daily from the second day of the menstrual cycle for 7 to 10 days. Oocytes were recovered under laparotomy at 20 to 49 hr after administration of 1,000–1,500 IU of hCG. The maturation rate of the recovered oocytes was 24.2% as judged from morphological criteria under the light microscope. With additional maturation culture, the rate increased to 36.2%. The matured oocytes were inseminated at 3 to 4 hr after aspiration using homologous spermatozoa which had been capacitated in vitro. Two oocytes were judged as being fertilized based on the presence of 3 and 5 pronuclei, respectively, when examined 12 hr after the insemination. This is the first report of in vitro fertilized ova in nonhuman primates in Japan.  相似文献   

The relationships among social rank, basal cortisol concentrations, and social behavior were assessed in adult female cynomolgus monkeys (Macaca fascicularis). Subjects were 157 unrelated, reproductively intact animals housed in 30 small groups. Rank determinations were made monthly. Blood samples were collected on two occasions, 4.5 and 7.5 months following initial group formation. Regular behavioral observations were conducted on a subset of animals over a period of 4 weeks, 9 months following group formation. Analyses revealed that serum cortisol values were significantly correlated across the two sampling periods, with no significant change in absolute values. While social rank was positively correlated across both samples, there was no relationship between rank and cortisol. However, dominant and subordinate animals did differ in the rates of performance of aggressive and submissive behaviors. These data suggest that social rank does not influence baseline serum cortisol in adult female cynomolgus monkeys, despite stability in measures of rank and cortisol and the presence of the usual behavioral differences between dominants and subordinates.  相似文献   

Within the postpartum period, both mothers and infants are susceptible; but because PPD typically occurs for short durations and has moderate symptoms, there exists challenges in exploring and addressing the underlying cause of the depression. This fact highlights the need for relevant animal models. In the present study, postpartum adult female cynomolgus monkeys(Macaca fascicularis) living in breeding groups were observed for typical depressive behavior. The huddle posture behavior was utilized as an indicator of behavioral depression postpartum(BDP) as it has been established as the core depressive-like behavior in primates. Monkeys were divided into two groups: A BDP group(n=6), which were found to spend more time huddling over the first two weeks postpartum than other individuals that formed a non-depression control group(n=4). The two groups were then further analyzed for locomotive activity, stressful events, hair cortisol levels and for maternal interactive behaviors. No differences were found between the BDP and control groups in locomotive activity, in the frequencies of stressful events experienced and in hair cortisol levels. These findings suggested that the postpartum depression witnessed in the monkeys was not related to external factors other than puerperium period. Interestingly, the BDP monkeys displayed an abnormal maternal relationship consisting of increased infant grooming. Taken together, these findings suggest that the adult female cynomolgus monkeys provide a natural model of behavioral postpartum depression that holds a number of advantages over commonly used rodent systems in PPD modeling. The cynomolgus monkeys have a highly-organized social hierarchy and reproductive characteristics without seasonal restriction—similar to humans—as well as much greater homology to humans than rodents. As such, this model may provide a greater translational efficiency and research platform for systematically investigating the etiology, treatment, prevention of PPD.  相似文献   

Sperm motility is an important indicator of male reproductive function. An automated computerized system was used to measure the movement characteristics of cynomolgus monkey sperm. Swimming velocities were in good agreement with data derived from tracking sperm heads manually with a digitizer, but sperm counting by the system was erroneous. In some ejaculates, there were two subpopulations of sperm with different curvilinear velocities, linearities of swim-paths, and lateral movements of the heads.  相似文献   

正偏好行为被认为是研究大脑半球功能偏侧性调控表达的一种预测指标(Elias et al.,1998)。偏好行为与大脑解剖结构和功能不对称之间关系的研究表明人类明显偏爱使用右手,是由大脑左半球控制(Zhao et al.,2010;崔媛媛,2012;付卫伟,2012),而手偏好正是大脑皮层结构和功能不对称最基本的行为表现,是大脑半球特化的一个行为标  相似文献   

In search of the relevant difference between mother rearing and surrogate rearing with respect to the emergence of neophobic behavior in macaques, we tested the hypothesis that mobility of surrogate mothers prevents the development of neophobic behavior in cynomolgus macaques. The experimental group consisted of ten surrogate-reared subjects which during their first year got rides on surrogate mothers moving through the cage. The control group consisted of nine subjects reared with immobile surrogate mothers. Between the age of 7 and 27 months the reactions to two different novel objects were tested. First exposure to one object occurred at 6 months of age and to the other object at 20 months. The kind of object and the age of first exposure made no difference. Contrary to our expectations mobility of surrogates did not affect the incidence of neophobia: most subjects in both groups persistently avoided the objects. This finding seems to support Hofer's hypothesis that the mother acts as a regulator of the infant's behavior and physiology.  相似文献   

In an attempt to examine possible associations between stages of agespecific mortality and various causes of death, vital records of 159 male and 192 female crab-eating monkeys (Macaca fascicularis), housed as a single group, were analyzed. Survival and hazard rates associated with each of five distinct categories of causes of death were estimated for males and females, using the nonparametric kernel method. The obtained overall survival and hazard functions were similar to those reported previously for rhesus monkeys. Among two stages identified in age-specific mortality, the first stage, characterized by rapidly decreasing hazard rates up to about 1.5–2 years of age, was discriminated by the occurrence of deaths due to unfitness for postnatal life. The second stage lasted up to the age of 10–15 years and was largely characterized by a high incidence of violent deaths. The respective hazard rates in males and females attained peaks during the early reproductive period of life and markedly decreased thereafter. This pattern was interpreted to indicate that second stage mortality is unlikely related to senescence, but rather, seems to depend on extrinsic environmental factors. Thus, when considering overall hazard rates in Macaca fascicularis, the onset of senescence, as a result of the specific aspects of simian reproduction, may be hidden from view, and mortality due to aging may only be appreciable after 10 to 15 years of age. © 1993 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

Summary Inhibin-like immunoreactivity was detected by immunocytochemistry in the pituitaries of untreated male crab-eating macaques (cynomolgus monkey) and rhesus monkeys, in rhesus monkeys actively immunized against FSH, and in one orchidectomized crab-cating macaque. Localizations were performed by the immunogold-silver staining with 5-nm colloidal gold-conjugated second or third antibodies and by the alkaline phosphatase-anti-alkaline-phosphatase technique. Two different inhibin-specific antisera, raised against the -subunit or the entire inhibin molecule, provided identical staining patterns. Positive label was confined to the pars distalis of the pituitary and occurred exclusively in the cytoplasm of morphologically different cell types throughout the pars distalis in all pituitaries. Staining was most prominent in clusters of chromophobic cells. The presence of inhibin-like activity in the pituitary of an orchidectomized monkey with undetectable serum inhibin levels suggests that inhibin is produced within the pituitary gland. Co-localization studies for the -subunits of the gonadotropic hormones revealed that on average 82% of the gonadotropes were bihormonal. Using the same protocol, co-localization of inhibin-like activity with gonadotropin-like immunoreactivity revealed only a small degree of common distribution (<15%). Inhibinpositive cells were frequently in close proximity to gonadotropic cells and, thus, paracrine effects of inhibin on gonadotropin-synthesizing cells are conceivable.  相似文献   

The effects of ketamine anesthesia (15 mg/kg body weight) on hematological and serum biochemical values were examined in six female cynomolgus monkeys (Macaca fascicularis) who were born in the wild. As control, another six female cynomolgus monkeys of the same origin were injected with physiological saline. The white blood cell count, total protein concentration, albumin concentration and calcium concentration decreased after the injection of ketamine, whereas the red blood cell count, hematocrit value, hemoglobin concentration, total cholesterol concentration, free cholesterol concentration, triglyceride concentration, transaminase activities (GOT, GPT) and alkaline phosphatase activity were not affected. A transient increase of the serum glucose level was observed within 10 minutes after ketamine injection. The relationship between these effects of ketamine anesthesia and serum cortisol levels measured by radioimmunoassay was discussed.  相似文献   

T Yoshida  A Katsuta  F Cho 《Jikken dobutsu》1989,38(3):259-262
Blood samples were collected from clinically healthy female cynomolgus monkeys imported from Indonesia, the Philippines and Malaysia. These animals were maintained under uniform environmental conditions for four to five years. The blood samples were examined for their hematological, serum biochemical and hormonal values. The ranges of the values as well as their arithmetic means and standard deviations have been tabulated with respect to each examination item.  相似文献   

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