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Summary A model of molecular evolution in which the parameter (intrinsic rate of amino acid substitution) fluctuates from time to time was investigated by simulating the process. It was found that the usual method of estimation such as Poisson fitting underestimates this variation of the parameter when remote comparisons are made. At the same time, four distance measures (minimum base difference, Poisson fitting, random nucleotide substitutions and negative binomial fitting) were tested for their accuracy. When the substitution rate is not uniform among the amino acid sites, the negative binomial fitting gives most satisfactory results, however, one needs to know the parameter beforehand in order to use this method. It was pointed out that the fluctuation of the evolutionary rate is expected if the nearly neutral but very slightly deleterious mutations play an important role on molecular evolution.Contribution No. 1087 from the National Institute of Genetics, Mishima, Shizuoka-ken, 411 Japan.  相似文献   

Hori  H.  Satow  Y. 《Hydrobiologia》1991,216(1):505-508
Using nucleotide sequences of 5S ribosomal RNAs from 2 hydrozoan jellyfishes, 3 scyphozoan jellyfishes and 2 sea anemones, a phylogenetic tree of Cnidaria has been constructed to elucidate the evolutionary relationships of radial and bilateral symmetries. The 3 classes of Cnidaria examined herein belong to one branch, which does not include other metazoan phyla such as the Platyhelminthes. The Hydrozoa (having radial symmetry without septa) and the Scyphozoa (having radial symmetry with septa) are more closely related to each other than to the Anthozoa (having bilateral symmetry with septa). In classical taxonomy, multicellular animals are considered to have evolved through organisms with radial symmetry (e.g., Cnidaria) to bilateral symmetry. Our results, however, indicate that the emergence of the Bilateria was earlier than that of the Radiata, suggesting (in opposition to Haeckel's view) that the radial symmetry of Cnidaria is an evolutionary dead end.  相似文献   

Summary Two P-elements (bif1 and bif2) were isolated from a genomic library ofDrosophila bifasciata. Both elements are internally deleted and have lost the coding capacity for a functional transposase. One of the elements (bif2) contains an insert consisting of a repetitive sequence. The terminal inverted repeats and the segments necessary for passive mobility are well conserved. Element bif2 has retained rudiments of the coding sequence of exon 0 and exon 3, but the reading frame is destroyed by insertions and deletions. The comparison of theD. bifasciata P-elements with P-elements ofDrosophila melanogaster andDrosophila nebulosa reveals that the two latter sequences are more similar to each other than either of them is to theD. bifasciata elements. This finding contradicts the phylogenetic relationship of the species and can be taken as an indirect but unequivocal evidence for recent horizontal gene transfer from a relative ofD. nebulosa to the gene pool ofD. melanogaster. The P-elements ofD. bifasciata are phylogenetically ancient and have evolved independently for about 50 million years. A higher substitution rate at the third codon position as well as a predominance of conservative replacements at the amino acid level indicates that the P-elements ofD. bifasciata have been under selective constraint over a long period and that immobilization has occurred only recently.  相似文献   

Summary Phylogenetic trees among eukaryotic kingdoms were inferred for large- and small-subunit rRNAs by using a maximum-likelihood method developed by Felsenstein. Although Felsenstein's method assumes equal evolutionary rates for transitions and transversions, this is apparently not the case for these data. Therefore, only transversiontype substitutions were taken into account. The molecules used were large-subunit rRNAs fromXenopus laevis (Animalia), rice (Plantae),Saccharomyces cerevisiae (Fungi),Dictyostelium discoideum (Protista), andPhysarum polycephalum (Protista); and small-subunit rRNAs from maize (Plantae),S. cerevisiae, X. laevis, rat (Animalia), andD. discoideum. Only conservative regions of the nucleotide sequences were considered for this study. In the maximum-likelihood trees for both large- and small-subunit rRNAs, Animalia and Fungi were the most closely related eukaryotic kingdoms, and Plantae is the next most closely related kingdom, although other branching orders among Plantae, Animalia, and Fungi were not excluded by this work. These three eukaryotic kingdoms apparently shared a common ancestor after the divergence of the two species of Protista,D. discoideum andP. polycephalum. These two species of Protista do not form a clade, andP. polycephalum diverged first andD. discoideum second from the line leading to the common ancestor of Plantae, Animalia, and Fungi. The sequence data indicate that a drastic change occurred in the nucleotide sequences of rRNAs during the evolutionary separation between prokaryote and eukaryote.  相似文献   

The substitution rate of the individual positions in an alignment of 750 eukaryotic small ribosomal subunit RNA sequences was estimated. From the resulting rate distribution, an equation was derived that gives a more precise relationship between sequence dissimilarity and evolutionary distance than hitherto available. Trees constructed on the basis of evolutionary distances computed by this new equation for small ribosomal subunit RNA sequences from ciliates, apicomplexans, dinoflagellates, oomycetes, hyphochytriomycetes, bicosoecids, labyrinthuloids, and heterokont algae show a more consistent tree topology than trees constructed in the absence of substitution rate calibration. In particular, they do not suffer from anomalies caused by the presence of extremely long branches.  相似文献   

Traditional classifications of agaric fungi involve gross morphology of their fruit bodies and meiospore print-colour. However, the phylogeny of these fungi and the evolution of their morphological and ecological traits are poorly understood. Phylogenetic analyses have already demonstrated that characters used in traditional classifications of basidiomycetes may be heavily affected by homoplasy, and that non-gilled taxa evolved within the agarics several times. By integrating molecular phylogenetic analyses including domains D1–D3 and D7–D8 of nucLSU rDNA and domains A–C of the RPB1 gene with morphological and chemical data from representative species of 88 genera, we were able to resolve higher groups of agarics. We found that the species with thick-walled and pigmented basidiospores constitute a derived group, and hypothesize that this specific combination of characters represents an evolutionary advantage by increasing the tolerance of the basidiospores to dehydration and solar radiation and so opened up new ecological niches, e.g. the colonization of dung substrates by enabling basidiospores to survive gut passages through herbivores. Our results confirm the validity of basidiospore morphology as a phylogenetic marker in the agarics.  相似文献   

Phylogenetic analyses based on partial sequences of the small subunit (SSU) ribosomal (r) RNA gene have shown that the planktic and benthic foraminifera form a distinct monophyletic group within the eukaryotes. In order to determine the evolutionary relationships between benthic and planktic foraminifers, representatives of spinose and non-spinose planktic genera have been placed within a molecular SSU rDNA phylogeny containing sequences of the benthic suborders available to date. Our phylogenetic analysis shows that the planktic foraminifers are polyphyletic in origin, not evolving solely from a single ‘globigerinid-like’ lineage in the Mid-Jurassic, but derived from at least two ancestral benthic lines. The benthic ancestor of Neogloboquadrina dutertrei may have entered the plankton later than the Mid-Jurassic, and further investigation of related extant species should provide an indication of the timing of this event. The evolutionary origin of the non-spinose species Globorotalia menardii remains unclear. The divergences of the planktic spinose species generally support recent phylogenies based on the fossil record, which infer a radiation from a globigerinid common ancestor in the Mid- to Late Oligocene. The branching pattern indicates that there are possibly four distinct groups within the main spinose clade, with large evolutionary distances being observed between them. Globigerinoides conglobatus clusters strongly with Globigerinoides ruber and are divergent from Globigerinella siphonifera, Orbulina universa and Globigerinoides sacculifer.Conserved regions of the SSU rRNA gene show sufficient variation to discriminate foraminifers at the species level. Large genetic differences have been observed between the pink and white forms of Gs. ruber and between Ge. siphonifera Type I and II. The two types of Ge. siphonifera cannot be discriminated by traditional palaeontological methods, which has considerable implications for tracing fossil lineages and for the estimation of molecular evolutionary rates based upon the fossil record. The conserved regions show a high degree of sequence identity within a species, providing signature sequences for species identification. The variable regions of the gene may prove informative for population level studies in some species although complete sequence identity was observed in G. sacculifer and O. universa between specimens collected from the Caribbean and Western Pacific.  相似文献   

Calibration of mitochondrial DNA evolution in geese   总被引:33,自引:0,他引:33  
Summary Mitochondrial DNA was purified from five American species of geese representing the generaAnser andBranta, which have fossil records. The results of electrophoretic comparisons of about 75 fragments per individual produced by 14 restriction enzymes imply that the mean extent of sequence divergence between species ofAnser andBranta is about 9%. Fossil evidence suggests that these two groups of geese had a common ancestor 4–5 million years ago. Thus, the mean rate of sequence divergence in goose mitochondiral DNA is not far from 2% per million years, the value in mammals.  相似文献   

The phylum Microsporidia comprises a species-rich group of minute, single-celled, and intra-cellular parasites. Lacking normal mitochondria and with unique cytology, microsporidians have sometimes been thought to be a lineage of ancient eukaryotes. Although phylogenetic analyses using small-subunit ribosomal RNA (SSU-rRNA) genes almost invariably place the Microsporidia among the earliest branches on the eukaryotic tree, many other molecules suggest instead a relationship with fungi. Using maximum likelihood methods and a diverse SSU-rRNA data set, we have re-evaluated the phylogenetic affiliations of Microsporidia. We demonstrate that tree topologies used to estimate likelihood model parameters can materially affect phylogenetic searches. We present a procedure for reducing this bias: "tree-based site partitioning," in which a comprehensive set of alternative topologies is used to estimate sequence data partitions based on inferred evolutionary rates. This hypothesis-driven approach appears to be capable of utilizing phylogenetic information that is not available to standard likelihood implementations (e.g., approximation to a gamma distribution); we have employed it in maximum likelihood and Bayesian analysis. Applying our method to a phylogenetically diverse SSU-rRNA data set revealed that the early diverging ("deep") placement of Microsporidia typically found in SSU-rRNA trees is no better than a fungal placement, and that the likeliest placement of Microsporidia among non-long-branch eukaryotic taxa is actually within fungi. These results illustrate the importance of hypothesis testing in parameter estimation, provide a way to address certain problems in difficult data sets, and support a fungal origin for the Microsporidia.  相似文献   

Summary The primary structures of pancreatic ribonucleases from 26 species (18 artiodactyls, horse, whale, 5 rodents and turtle) are known. Several species contain identical ribonucleases (cow/bison; sheep/goat), other species show polymorphism (arabian camel) or the presence of two structural gene loci (guinea pig pancreas contains two ribonucleases that differ at 31 positions). 26 different sequences (including the ribonuclease from bovine seminal plasma which is paralogous to the pancreatic ribonucleases) were used to construct a most parsimonious tree. A second tree that most closely approximates current biological opinion requires 402 whereas the most parsimonious tree requires 389 nucleotide substitutions. The artiodactyl part of the most parsimonious tree conforms quite well with the biological one of this order, except for the position of the giraffe which is placed with the pronghorn. Other parts of the most parsimonious tree agree less with the biological tree, probably as a result of the occurrence of many parallel and back substitutions. Bovine seminal ribonuclease was found to be the result of a gene duplication which occurred before the divergence of the true ruminants, but after the divergence of this group from the cameloids.The evolutionary rate of ribonuclease was found to be 390, 3.0 and 11 nucleotide substitutions per 109 yrs per ribonuclease gene, codon and covarion respectively. However, there is much variation in evolutionary rate in different taxa. Values ranging from about 100 (in the bovidae) to about 700 (in the rodents) nucleotide substitutions per 109 yrs per gene were found.A method for counting parallel and back mutations is presented. The 389 nucleotide substitutions in the most parsimonious tree occur at 88 codon positions; 154 of them are the result of parallel and back mutations. Parallel evolution to a similar structure, including the presence of 2 sites with carbohydrate, was demonstrated in an extensive region at the surface of pig and guinea pig ribonuclease B. The presence of carbohydrate probably is important in a number of species. A correlation between the presence of heavily glycosidated ribonucleases and coecal digestion was observed. Hypothetical sequences of ancestral ungulate ribonucleases contain many recognition sites for carbohydrate attachment; this suggests that herbivores with coecal digestion might have preceded the true ruminants in mammalian evolution.  相似文献   

Molecular evolutionary rate varies significantly among species and a strict global molecular clock has been rejected across the tree of life. Generation time is one primary life‐history trait that influences the molecular evolutionary rate. Theory predicts that organisms with shorter generation times evolve faster because of the accumulation of more DNA replication errors per unit time. Although the generation‐time effect has been demonstrated consistently in plants and animals, the evidence of its existence in bacteria is lacking. The bacterial phylum Firmicutes offers an excellent system for testing generation‐time effect because some of its members can enter a dormant, nonreproductive endospore state in response to harsh environmental conditions. It follows that spore‐forming bacteria would—with their longer generation times—evolve more slowly than their nonspore‐forming relatives. It is therefore surprising that a previous study found no generation‐time effect in Firmicutes. Using a phylogenetic comparative approach and leveraging on a large number of Firmicutes genomes, we found sporulation significantly reduces the genome‐wide spontaneous DNA mutation rate and protein evolutionary rate. Contrary to the previous study, our results provide strong evidence that the evolutionary rates of bacteria, like those of plants and animals, are influenced by generation time.  相似文献   

Evolution of RNA secondary structure is studied using simulation techniques and statistical analysis of fitness landscapes. The transition from RNA sequence to RNA secondary structure leads to fitness landscapes that have local variations in their ruggedness. Evolution exploits these variations. In stable environments it moves the quasispecies toward relatively flat peaks, where not only the master sequence but also its mutants have a high fitness. In a rapidly changing environment, the situation is reversed; evolution moves the quasispecies to a region where the correlation between secondary structures of neighboring RNA sequences is relatively low. In selection for simple secondary structures the movement toward flat peaks leads to pattern generation in the RNA sequences. Patterns are generated at the level of polynucleotide frequencies and the distribution of purines and pyrimidines. The patterns increase the modularity of the sequence. They thereby prevent the formation of alternative secondary structures after mutations. The movement of the quasispecies toward relatively rugged parts of the landscape results in pattern generation at the level of the RNA secondary structure. The base-pairing frequency of the sequences increases. The patterns that are generated in the RNA sequences and the RNA secondary structures are not directly selected for and can be regarded as a side effect of the evolutionary dynamics of the system. Correspondence to: M.A. Huynen  相似文献   

小鲵科线粒体16S rRNA基因序列分析及其系统发育   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
李悦  吴敏  王秀玲 《动物学报》2004,50(3):464-469
To study the phylogeny of Hynobiidae, we amplified DNA fragments of 470 bp 16S ribosomal RNA (16S rRNA) gene on mitochondrial DNA from Ranodon sibiricus and Ranodon tsinpaensis. PCR products were cloned into PMD18 T vector after purification. These sequences were determined and deposited in the GenBank (accession numbers: AY373459 for Ranodon sibiricus, AY372534 for Ranodon tsinpaensis). By comparing the nucleotide differences of 16S ribosomal RNA sequences among Liua shihi, Pseudohynobius flavomaculatus and Batrachuperus genus from GenBank database, we analyzed the divergences and base substitution among these sequences with the MEGA software. The molecular results support that B. tibetanus, B. pinchonii and B. karlschmidti are classified into three valid species. Liua shihi has closer phylogenetic relationships to Ranodon tsinpaensis than to other species. More our results reveal that Pseudohynobius flavomaculatus is not a synonym of Ranodon tsinpaensis. [Acta Zoologica Sinica 50 (3) : 464 - 469,2004].  相似文献   

Different hypotheses have been proposed on the phylogenetic relationships of branchiobdellidans and aphanoneurans among the Annelida based on the anatomical and embryological characters. The 18S ribosomal RNA gene sequences have been analyzed from representatives of the three major taxa of the Annelida plus the branchiobdellidans and aphanoneurans to assess their phylogenetic relationships to each other. In this preliminary study, all of the phylogenetic analyses show the branchiobdellidans as a sister group to the leeches, rather than the oligochaetes. The position of the aphanoneurans is stable as an independent taxon that evolved after the polychaetes branched from the evolutionary stem, but before the ancestral oligochaetes emerged.  相似文献   

Summary Some simple formulae were obtained which enable us to estimate evolutionary distances in terms of the number of nucleotide substitutions (and, also, the evolutionary rates when the divergence times are known). In comparing a pair of nucleotide sequences, we distinguish two types of differences; if homologous sites are occupied by different nucleotide bases but both are purines or both pyrimidines, the difference is called type I (or transition type), while, if one of the two is a purine and the other is a pyrimidine, the difference is called type II (or transversion type). Letting P and Q be respectively the fractions of nucleotide sites showing type I and type II differences between two sequences compared, then the evolutionary distance per site is K = — (1/2) ln {(1 — 2P — Q) }. The evolutionary rate per year is then given by k = K/(2T), where T is the time since the divergence of the two sequences. If only the third codon positions are compared, the synonymous component of the evolutionary base substitutions per site is estimated by K'S = — (1/2) ln (1 — 2P — Q). Also, formulae for standard errors were obtained. Some examples were worked out using reported globin sequences to show that synonymous substitutions occur at much higher rates than amino acid-altering substitutions in evolution.Contribution No. 1330 from the National Institute of Genetics, Mishima, 411 Japan  相似文献   

Summary We present the ideas, and their motivation, at the basis of a simple model of nucleic acid evolution: thestationary Markov process, or Markov clock. After a brief review of its relevant mathematical properties, the Markov clock is applied to nucleotide sequences from mitochondrial and nuclear genes of different species. Particular emphasis is given to the necessity of carrying out a correct statistical analysis, which allows us to check quantitatively the applicability of our model. We find evidence that the Markov clock ticks in many different processes, and that its limitations can be understood in terms of a simple idea that we call the base-drift hypothesis. This hypothesis correlates the deviations from the stationarity of the Markov process to the evolutionary distanced AB (P) of two species A and B, relative to the processP. We conclude by discussing the implications of our findings for future work.  相似文献   

Summary The statistical properties of sample estimation and bootstrap estimation of phylogenetic variability from a sample of nucleotide sequences were studied by considering model trees of three taxa with an outgroup. The cases of constant and varying rates of nucleotide substitution were compared. From sequences obtained by simulation, phylogenetic trees were constructed by using the maximum parsimony (MP) and neighbor joining (NJ) methods. The effectiveness and consistency of the MP method were studied in terms of proportions of informative sites. The results of simulation showed that bootstrap estimation of the confidence level for an inferred phylogeny can be used even under unequal rates of evolution if the rate differences are not large so that the MP method is not misleading. The condition under which the MP method becomes misleading (inconsistent) is more stringent for slowly evolving sequences than for rapidly evolving ones, and it also depends on the length of the internal branch. If the rate differences are large so that the MP method becomes consistently misleading, then bootstrap estimation will reinforce an erroneous conclusion on topology. Similar conclusions apply to the NJ method with uncorrected distances. The NJ method with corrected distances performs poorly when the sequence length is short but can avoid the inconsistency problem if the sequence length is long and if the distances can be estimated accurately.Offprint requests to: W.-H. Li  相似文献   

Zika virus (ZIKV) is a mosquito‐transmitted flavivirus, linked to microcephaly and fetal death in humans. Here, we investigate whether host‐mediated RNA editing of adenosines (ADAR) plays a role in the molecular evolution of ZIKV. Using complete coding sequences for the ZIKV polyprotein, we show that potential ADAR substitutions are underrepresented at the ADAR‐resistant GA dinucleotides of both the positive and negative strands, that these changes are spatially and temporally clustered (as expected of ADAR editing) for three branches of the viral phylogeny, and that ADAR mutagenesis can be linked to its codon usage. Furthermore, resistant GA dinucleotides are enriched on the positive (but not negative) strand, indicating that the former is under stronger purifying selection than the latter. ADAR editing also affects the evolution of the rhabdovirus sigma. Our study now documents that host ADAR editing is a mutation and evolutionary force of positive‐ as well as negative‐strand RNA viruses.  相似文献   

On the rate of molecular evolution   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Summary There are at least two outstanding features that characterize the rate of evolution at the molecular level as compared with that at the phenotypic level. They are; (1) remarkable uniformity for each molecule, and (2) very high overall rate when extrapolated to the whole DNA content.The population dynamics for the rate of mutant substitution was developed, and it was shown that if mutant substitutions in the population are carried out mainly by natural selection, the rate of substitution is given byk = 4 N e s 1 v, whereN e is the effective population number,s 1 is the selective advantage of the mutants, andv is the mutation rate per gamete for such advantageous mutants (assuming that 4N e s 1 1). On the other hand, if the substitutions are mainly carried out by random fixation of selectively neutral or nearly neutral mutants, we havek = v, wherev is the mutation rate per gamete for such mutants.Reasons were presented for the view that evolutionary change of amino acids in proteins has been mainly caused by random fixation of neutral mutants rather than by natural selection.It was concluded that if this view is correct, we should expect that genes of living fossils have undergone almost as many DNA base replacements as the corresponding genes of more rapidly evolving species.Contribution No. 789 from the National Institute of Genetics, Mishima, Shizuokaken 411 Japan. Aided in part by a grant-in-aid from the Ministry of Education, Japan.  相似文献   

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