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Kelly  Liam A. 《Hydrobiologia》1992,(1):199-203
A 14-month study of bedload and suspended sediment generation in three gauged subcatchments of a small coniferous forested upland drainage basin in the Southern Pennines of the United Kingdom revealed considerable variations in sediment yield (7–124 t km–2 yr–1). Clockwise hysteresis relationships between suspended sediment and discharge variables were found during storm runoff events at all three sites. Scatter in this relationship was found to be high, and as a consequence, estimates of suspended sediment transport obtained by regression analysis of the two variables during the period of study were found to be imprecise. It is proposed that such estimation procedures are unsuitable in headwater streams. Instead, a simple lumped conceptual model is proposed as an alternative framework for future predictive work in similar hydrologic regimes. Using discharge as the only input variable, the model has an areally distributed sediment store which may be accessed during storm flows. The model was calibrated using data from a wide range of fully monitored storms. Outputs from a 10-month run of the model compared well with depositional fluxes measured in sediment traps maintained concurrently in a reservoir into which the three streams drain.  相似文献   

Studies of tidal flows in salt-marsh creeks in Essex, England, show large variations in water velocity during different tidal cycles, particularly between tides below, at, and above marsh level. Water level, velocity and suspended sediment concentration have been monitored at 5-min intervals during 700 tidal cycles during the year March 1982–March 1983, and the data are being used to calculate sediment budgets for the creek system studied. Completed analyses for two of the tidal cycles show a large positive sediment flux. Because of the importance of velocity in controlling total discharge through a creek cross-section, and hence its effect on total sediment movement, we cannot extrapolate from these two below-marsh tides to any general conclusions about marsh erosion or accretion. We use these preliminary data both to demonstrate our methods and to indicate some of the complexities involved in the analysis.Acknowledgements: This work has been supported by the Natural Environment Research Council. We thank the Philip Lake Fund for financial assistance and the Department of Geography, Cambridge University, for much material support. Mr D. J. Fisher kindly gave access to his land, and Mr W. Bailey helped us greatly. We also thank Mr A. St Joseph for his help, Mr M. Diver for practical support, and Dr J. S. Pethick for discussion.  相似文献   

Fish parasites have been repeatedly reported to be a major threat to the developing industry of finfish mariculture in Indonesia, due to severe parasite and disease outbreaks. The aim of this study was to identify the metazoan parasite fauna and trichodinid ciliates that infect Lates calcarifer in a representative mariculture farm in Indonesia. Examined were 105 L. calcarifer (seabass) for the metazoan parasite fauna and trichodinid ciliates. Thirty‐five specimens each from the net cages of the National Sea Farming Development Centre (Balai Budidaya Laut, BBL) in Lampung Bay, South Sumatra, Indonesia were investigated in three consecutive seasons (two dry and one rainy season from 2002 to 2003). Nineteen parasite species were identified; all fish specimens were infected with two to 10 parasite species, demonstrating a species‐rich parasite fauna. Protozoans (1 species), myxozoans (1), digeneans (3), monogeneans (5), cestodes (3), nematodes (5) and acanthocephalans (1) were found, including 11 new host records in cultured L. calcarifer from Indonesia. Larval and adult parasite stages were isolated, demonstrating that this fish species, although kept inside the net cages, still functions as an intermediate and final host for marine fish parasites. During all seasons, the six detected monoxenous (single host life cycle) parasite species showed a higher prevalence than the 13 heteroxenous (multiple hosts) species. Most abundant were the fish pathogenic monogeneans Pseudorhabdosynochus epinepheli, Pseudorhabdosynochus lantauensis, Benedenia epinepheli and Neobenedenia melleni with a high prevalence. Most heteroxenous parasites (Digenea, Cestoda, Nematoda and Acanthocephala) occurred with a low prevalence below 26%, caused by the specific culture conditions. Diversity of the heteroxenous parasites was higher in the dry seasons than in the rainy season. Though some seasonality could be observed for the fish pathogenic monogeneans, severe disease outbreaks of these ectoparasites cannot be excluded in either the dry or rainy season.  相似文献   

This study examined the effects of sedimentloadings from an abandoned hydraulic miningsite on potential trout spawning gravels, largeaquatic macroinvertebrates, and fish growth,survival and reproduction in the South YubaRiver (Nevada County) California. Effects ofsediment loadings, which are transported to theSouth Yuba River via Humbug Creek, wereinvestigated by comparing data from sites onthe South Yuba River upstream and downstream ofHumbug Creek. The study did not find anydeleterious effects of sediment loadings onfish survival and reproduction (based onsnorkel survey data), or large aquaticmacroinvertebrate populations. In addition,the lack of a significant difference in thepercentage of 0.30 to 3.35 mm material insubstrate samples suggests that sediment loadsare not affecting trout spawning gravels. Incontrast, Sacramento pikeminnow(Ptychocheilus grandis) growth appears to beaffected by both water temperatures andsediment loadings. Downstream of Humbug Creek,growth during the first year was significantlyfaster, based on calculated standard lengths atthe age 1 annulus, but condition factor wassignificantly lower than above Humbug Creek.  相似文献   

The macrobentic community in the Musi Estuary is very diverse. However, it has been showing a declining trend recently due to an increase in waste from human activities entering the waters. This study aimed to assess the macrobenthic diversity and community structure and correlated to the water quality parameters of the Musi Estuary, South Sumatra. The method used was a survey collecting water quality parameters at eight observation stations. The salinity is measured with a refractometer, temperature is measured with a digital thermometer, pH is measured with a pH meter. The dissolved oxygen (DO), brightness and current are measured with a DO meter, Seichii disk, and current meter, respectively. The Ekman grab was used to collect the samples, and then we used a diversity index, a similarity index, and principal components analysis (PCA) for analysis. The results show that the water quality is found in a good condition for macrobenthos growths. The salinity is ranging between 0 and 15 ppt, temperature is about 29–30.8 °C, pH is about 7.6–8.1, the dissolved oxygen is found to be 3.2–12.5 mg/L, the brightness is about 4.71–31.67% and the current speed is about 0.02–0.08 m.s−1. The analysis also indicates that the microbenthic compositions consist of 18 species, which is grouped into five classes, namely Gastropods 56%, Crustacea 22%, Bivalve 11%, Actinopterygii 6%, and Polychaeta 5%, with an abundance of 0,67 to 13,33 Ind.m−2. The diversity index is generally in low categories (H′ < 1), and the dominance index is more than 0.5. Based on the PCA analysis, it was found that the water quality parameters (e.g. dissolved oxygen and temperature) show significant correlation with similarity index at all observation stations. The macrobenthic diversity and community structure in the Musi Estuary is found to be increasing offshore and decreasing towards the river.  相似文献   

The end-to-end stretching of a duplex DNA oligonucleotide has been studied using potential of mean force (PMF) calculations based on molecular dynamics (MD) simulations and atomic force microscopy (AFM) experiments. Near quantitative agreement between the calculations and experiments was obtained for both the extension length and forces associated with strand separation. The PMF calculations show that the oligonucleotide extends without a significant energetic barrier from a length shorter than A-DNA to a length 2.4 times the contour length of B-DNA at which the barrier to strand separation is encountered. Calculated forces associated with the barrier are 0.09±0.03 nN, based on assumptions concerning tip and thermal-activated barrier crossing contributions to the forces. Direct AFM measurements show the oligonucleotide strands separating at 2.6±0.8 contour lengths with a force of 0.13±0.05 nN. Analysis of the energies from the MD simulations during extension reveals compensation between increases in the DNA-self energy and decreases in the DNA-solvent interaction energy, allowing for the barrierless extension of DNA beyond the canonical B form. The barrier to strand separation occurs when unfavorable DNA interstrand repulsion cannot be compensated for by favorable DNA-solvent interactions. The present combination of single molecule theoretical and experimental approaches produces a comprehensive picture of the free energy surface of biological macromolecular structural transitions. Received: 2 June 1998 / Revised version: 25 January 1999 / Accepted: 11 February 1999  相似文献   

We analysed the spatial and temporal variability of benthic nitrogen fluxes and denitrification rates in a sub-alpine meromictic lake (Lake Idro, Italy), and compared in-lake nitrogen retention and loss with the net anthropogenic nitrogen inputs to the watershed. We hypothesized a low nitrogen retention and denitrification capacity due to meromixis. This results from nitrate supply from the epilimnion slowing down during stratification and oxygen deficiency inhibiting nitrification and promoting ammonium recycling and its accumulation. We also hypothesized a steep vertical gradient of sedimentary denitrification capacity, decreasing with depth and oxygen deficiency. These are important and understudied issues in inland waters, as climate change and direct anthropic pressures may increase the extent of meromixis. Nearshore sediments had high denitrification rates (87 mg m?2 day?1) and efficiency (~ 100%), while in the monimolimnion denitrification was negligible. The littoral zone, covering 10% of the lake surface, contributed ~50% of total denitrification, while the monimolimnion, which covered 70% of the sediment surface, contributed to < 13% of total denitrification. The persistent and expanding meromixis of Lake Idro is expected to further decrease its nitrogen removal capacity (31% of the incoming nitrogen load) compared to what has been measured in other temperate lakes. Values up to 60% are generally reported for other such lakes. Results of this study are relevant as the combination of anthropogenic pressures, climate change and meromixis may threaten the nitrogen processing capacity of lakes.  相似文献   

The remarkable biodiversity of the littoral zone of Lake Tanganyika appears to be at risk through increasing sediment input caused by anthropogenic pressures. An in-situ field experiment was done to investigate the effects of increased sediment loads on the size-structure of gastropod communities on a rocky shore site in the lake. Gastropods were removed prior to the addition of sediment, and subsequent further removals were done after seven days and six months. Relative to controls, mean size of individuals of both Lavigeria grandis (Smith) and Lavigeria sp. Q decreased following the addition of sediment, while that of Lavigeria sp. P increased. A subsequent laboratory experiment found that survivorship of larger individuals of Lavigeria grandis was less than smaller individuals in the sediment-impacted treatment. It is hypothesised that decreased algal availability on sediment-impacted rock surface increased starvation of larger snails. Alterations to the size-structure of Lavigeria sp. P populations appear related to intraspecific differences in competitive ability. These results highlight the complex and unpredictable effects of increases in sediment loads on aquatic ecosystems and have implications for the conservation of littoral communities in sediment-impacted areas.  相似文献   

The vegetation and physical and chemical characteristics of the water and sediment in ten temporary pools submitted to various anthropogenic disturbance were studied in Morocco over two hydrological cycles (1997-1998 and 1998-1999). Results of multivariate and parametric analyses show that disturbance has a significant impact on water and sediment. Agriculture in the catchment resulted in higher levels of N and the use of detergent to higher levels of phosphorus in both water and sediment. Mineral extraction resulted in higher depth and longer duration of flooding. Vegetation characteristics were better correlated to hydrology (water depth, duration of flooding) than to nutrient variables. These results suggest that although agriculture in the catchment contribute in modifying the sediment characteristics, the impact on vegetation and its conservation value is limited. However, care should be taken of the long-term effects of agriculture through cumulative effects and of the possible consequences of changing the agricultural practices.  相似文献   

Despite it being a component of the seston we know very little about fluvial (waterborne) pollen and spore (palynomorph) transport. This paper presents the results of a monitoring programme conducted over two years and at a catchment scale in South West England. A hierarchical monitoring network was established with flood peak samples taken at 9 sub-catchments, intra-hydrograph samples taken in two sub-catchments and time-integrated sampling undertaken at one location. In addition sampling was undertaken of probable palynomorph sources such as channel bed and bank sediments, and the airborne pollen flux was monitored using modified Tauber traps. The results support previous research in illustrating how the vast majority of fluvial pollen and spores are transported during floods (91%) and that the main control on waterborne palynomorph assemblages is the catchment vegetation and its spatial distribution but with a long-distance (extra-catchment) component. However, strong seasonal effects are also shown, and the importance of distinctive sources such as the riparian input, bed re-suspension and overland flow into drains and tributaries is revealed. Fine sediment in river pools appears to act as a selective store of damaged cereal type pollen grains derived from arable fields. Although pollen does form part of composite particles the data presented here suggest that the majority of the pollen is transported as single grains. Fluvial palynomorph loading is strongly dependant upon discharge and so concentrations in laminated or varved sediments could be regarded as a proxy for flood magnitude. Handling editor: J. Saros  相似文献   

We study the collapsible behaviour of a vessel conveying viscous flows subject to external pressure, a scenario that could occur in many physiological applications. The vessel is modelled as a three-dimensional cylindrical tube of nonlinear hyperelastic material. To solve the fully coupled fluid–structure interaction, we have developed a novel approach based on the Arbitrary Lagrangian–Eulerian (ALE) method and the frontal solver. The method of rotating spines is used to enable an automatic mesh adaptation. The numerical code is verified extensively with published results and those obtained using the commercial packages in simpler cases, e.g. ANSYS for the structure with the prescribed flow, and FLUENT for the fluid flow with prescribed structure deformation. We examine three different hyperelastic material models for the tube for the first time in this context and show that at the small strain, all three material models give similar results. However, for the large strain, results differ depending on the material model used. We further study the behaviour of the tube under a mode-3 buckling and reveal its complex flow patterns under various external pressures. To understand these flow patterns, we show how energy dissipation is associated with the boundary layers created at the narrowest collapsed section of the tube, and how the transverse flow forms a virtual sink to feed a strong axial jet. We found that the energy dissipation associated with the recirculation does not coincide with the flow separation zone itself, but overlaps with the streamlines that divide the three recirculation zones. Finally, we examine the bifurcation diagrams for both mode-3 and mode-2 collapses and reveal that multiple solutions exist for a range of the Reynolds number. Our work is a step towards modelling more realistic physiological flows in collapsible arteries and veins.  相似文献   

Spring water is the common source of public water supply in most rural communities of developing countries such as Kenya. The water quality and quantity may be altered due to catchments degradation. This study was carried out in Tongaren division, Nzoia River catchment. The aim of this study was to investigate and map the occurrence and distribution of springs and to determine their water quality and quantity. This study determined the spring water discharge, conductivity, turbidity, total and thermotolerant (faecal) coliforms to assess suitability and sustainability of spring water for safe drinking. Twenty-eight springs were identified and their locations mapped using Global Positioning System (GPS) geo-reference data. Discharge ranged from 0.1 to 3 l s−1, with some drying up during dry season. Total coliform was innumerable in most of the studied springs while thermotolerant (faecal) coliform counts occurred in eight springs, including four protected springs. This poses high risks of water-borne diseases. The water should be filtered and boiled prior to use for drinking. Facilitation of communities enabled development of seven springs to enhance water yield and quality. This study established high potential in the communities to develop springs and utilize the spring water as alternative source of livelihoods.  相似文献   

Samples of water, sediments and aquatic weeds were collected from 26 sites in the Nyando River catchment of the Lake Victoria basin in 2005–2006. The objective was to investigate levels of organochlorine pesticides that have either been banned or are restricted for use in Kenya. The pesticides investigated were lindane, aldrin, endosulfan, endrin, dieldrin, DDT, heptachlor and methoxychlor. These pesticides had previously found wide applications in public health and agriculture in Kenya for control of disease vectors and crop pests respectively. Results showed that mean concentrations were highest for methoxychlor (8.817 ± 0.020?µg l?1) in water, sediments (92.893 ± 3.039 µg kg?1), and weeds (39.641 ± 3.045?µg kg?1), the weeds also tended to accumulate aldrin (15.519 ± 3.756?µg kg?1). The results show that the pesticides are still in use and are detected in the catchment. Stringent management and public awareness measures are required to enforce the ban on the organochlorine pesticides in order to safeguard the environment and ecosystems of Lake Victoria.  相似文献   

Concentrations of zinc, cadmium, chromium, nickel, lead, copper and iron were measured in flowing water, riverbed sediments and tissues of sharptooth catfish Clarias gariepinus from three rivers in the upper Manyame catchment over seven months in 2008–2009. The Manyame and Mukuvisi rivers are severely polluted by industrial and domestic effluent, whilst the Gwebi River is not influenced by urban effluent. Key water quality parameters, including dissolved oxygen and conductivity, clearly showed a pollution gradient in the Mukuvisi and Manyame rivers, but water quality in the Gwebi River was good. Levels of zinc, iron, copper, nickel and lead in fish tissues from the three rivers sampled were unusually high, with zinc and iron concentrations being the highest in all the tissues. This was also positively correlated with the concentrations of these metals in water and sediments. Notable differences existed between the water (zinc and copper) and sediments (iron and zinc) of each river. The relatively high metal concentrations in the Gwebi River, as well as conductivity and dissolved ions, were explained by the geological influence of the Great Dyke in its subcatchment. Metals are bound in the sediment but these can be rapidly mobilised into water if environmental changes occur, therefore efforts to monitor and prevent further water quality deterioration are required. The results of this study may have significant negative implications for aquatic organisms and for human health through fish consumption and therefore risk assessment investigations are imperative.  相似文献   

The mechanical response under uniaxial compression of collagen discs, made from freeze-dried collagen reconstituted at acid pH, was investigated at 22, 29.5 and 35 degrees C. The pH during compression was maintained at the physiological level of 7.4. The fluid transport model developed by Bert (1970) was fitted to the data. Assumptions, made in the development of the model, were tested and the range of reliability of the model is discussed. The two fitting parameters of the model were found to be stronger functions of hydration than was previously reported. The compressive response of collagen was found to be only weakly influenced by temperature. At 35 degrees C there was evidence of thermal degradation. Some creep was noted at times greater than five half-times, but no attempt was made to quantify it.  相似文献   

A considerable amount of chemical data is available for surficial sediments in Port Jackson. Some of the highest concentrations of heavy metals, organochlorines and polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons of any capital port occur in sediments mantling shallow tributaries and embayments close to central Sydney. However, these data have limited ability to predict adverse effects on living resources and in the absence of toxicological data, sediment quality guidelines (SQG) have been used to assess the possible adverse biological effects of sedimentary contaminants in this estuary. Several SQGs are currently available for both fresh and marine environments, but the scheme used in the current study is based on empirical analysis of matching chemical and biological data compiled by the National Oceanographic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) in the U.S. The NOAA SQG can be used to assess individual chemicals, or to estimate the probability of acute sediment toxicity by calculating `mean quotients' for a large range of contaminants. Although many individual chemicals in sediment exceed SQG over extensive parts of Port Jackson, `mean quotient' results suggest that only a small proportion (1%) of the harbour may be highly toxic (74% probability of toxicity). However, sediment in a considerably larger proportion of the port (almost 25%) is estimated to have a 49% probability of being toxic using the `mean quotient' approach. These results are indicative at best and contemporaneous chemical/biological/ecotoxicological studies are needed to verify the applicability of SQG developed in the U.S. for use outside North America and site specific studies of this type are still required to determine the toxicity of sediments in Port Jackson.  相似文献   

The biotransformation of toluene, benzene and naphthalene was examined in anaerobic sediment columns. Five columns filled with a mixture of sediments were operated in the presence of bicarbonate, sulfate, iron, manganese, or nitrate as electron acceptor. The columns were continuously percolated with a mixture of the three organic compounds (individual concentrations 25–200 μM) at 20°C. Toluene was transformed readily (within 1 to 2 months) under all redox conditions tested. Benzene was recalcitrant over the test period of 375–525 days in all five columns. Naphthalene was partly transformed in the column with nitrate or manganese as electron acceptor present; the addition of benzoate had a positive effect in the column with nitrate. In the column with sulfate, the majority of the added naphthalene disappeared. No effect was observed after adding and omitting an easier degradable substrate. [14C]naphthalene was used to confirm this disappearance to be the result of degradation; two third of the naphthalene was converted to CO2.  相似文献   

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