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Environmental biodegradation of several chlorinated pesticides is limited by their low solubility and sorption to soil surfaces. To mitigate this problem we quantified the effect of three biosurfactant viz., rhamnolipid, sophorolipid and trehalose-containing lipid on the dissolution, bioavailability, and biodegradation of HCH-isomers in liquid culture and in contaminated soil. The effect of biosurfactants was evaluated through the critical micelle concentration (CMC) value as determined for each isomer. The surfactant increased the solubilization of HCH isomers by 3-9 folds with rhamnolipid and sophorolipid being more effective and showing maximum solubilization of HCH isomers at 40 μg/mL, compared to trehalose-containing lipid showing peak solubilization at 60 μg/mL. The degradation of HCH isomers by Sphingomonas sp. NM05 in surfactant-amended liquid mineral salts medium showed 30% enhancement in 2 days as compared to degradation in 10 days in the absence of surfactant. HCH-spiked soil slurry incubated with surfactant also showed around 30-50% enhanced degradation of HCH which was comparable to the corresponding batch culture experiments. Among the three surfactants, sophorolipid offered highest solubilization and enhanced degradation of HCH isomers both in liquid medium and soil culture. The results of this study suggest the effectiveness of surfactants in improving HCH degradation by increased bioaccessibility.  相似文献   

Soil pollution with hexachlorocyclohexane (HCH) has caused serious environmental problems. Here we describe the targeted degradation of all HCH isomers by applying the aerobic bacterium Sphingobium indicum B90A. In particular, we examined possibilities for large-scale cultivation of strain B90A, tested immobilization, storage and inoculation procedures, and determined the survival and HCH-degradation activity of inoculated cells in soil. Optimal growth of strain B90A was achieved in glucose-containing mineral medium and up to 65% culturability could be maintained after 60 days storage at 30°C by mixing cells with sterile dry corncob powder. B90A biomass produced in water supplemented with sugarcane molasses and immobilized on corncob powder retained 15–20% culturability after 30 days storage at 30°C, whereas full culturability was maintained when cells were stored frozen at −20°C. On the contrary, cells stored on corncob degraded γ-HCH faster than those that had been stored frozen, with between 15 and 85% of γ-HCH disappearance in microcosms within 20 h at 30°C. Soil microcosm tests at 25°C confirmed complete mineralization of [14C]-γ-HCH by corncob-immobilized strain B90A. Experiments conducted in small pits and at an HCH-contaminated agricultural site resulted in between 85 and 95% HCH degradation by strain B90A applied via corncob, depending on the type of HCH isomer and even at residual HCH concentrations. Up to 20% of the inoculated B90A cells survived under field conditions after 8 days and could be traced among other soil microorganisms by a combination of natural antibiotic resistance properties, unique pigmentation and PCR amplification of the linA genes. Neither the addition of corncob nor of corncob immobilized B90A did measurably change the microbial community structure as determined by T-RFLP analysis. Overall, these results indicate that on-site aerobic bioremediation of HCH exploiting the biodegradation activity of S. indicum B90A cells stored on corncob powder is a promising technology.  相似文献   



Sphingobium spp. are efficient degraders of a wide range of chlorinated and aromatic hydrocarbons. In particular, strains which harbour the lin pathway genes mediating the degradation of hexachlorocyclohexane (HCH) isomers are of interest due to the widespread persistence of this contaminant. Here, we examined the evolution and diversification of the lin pathway under the selective pressure of HCH, by comparing the draft genomes of six newly-sequenced Sphingobium spp. (strains LL03, DS20, IP26, HDIPO4, P25 and RL3) isolated from HCH dumpsites, with three existing genomes (S. indicum B90A, S. japonicum UT26S and Sphingobium sp. SYK6).


Efficient HCH degraders phylogenetically clustered in a closely related group comprising of UT26S, B90A, HDIPO4 and IP26, where HDIPO4 and IP26 were classified as subspecies with ANI value >98%. Less than 10% of the total gene content was shared among all nine strains, but among the eight HCH-associated strains, that is all except SYK6, the shared gene content jumped to nearly 25%. Genes associated with nitrogen stress response and two-component systems were found to be enriched. The strains also housed many xenobiotic degradation pathways other than HCH, despite the absence of these xenobiotics from isolation sources. Additionally, these strains, although non-motile, but posses flagellar assembly genes. While strains HDIPO4 and IP26 contained the complete set of lin genes, DS20 was entirely devoid of lin genes (except linKLMN) whereas, LL03, P25 and RL3 were identified as lin deficient strains, as they housed incomplete lin pathways. Further, in HDIPO4, linA was found as a hybrid of two natural variants i.e., linA1 and linA2 known for their different enantioselectivity.


The bacteria isolated from HCH dumpsites provide a natural testing ground to study variations in the lin system and their effects on degradation efficacy. Further, the diversity in the lin gene sequences and copy number, their arrangement with respect to IS6100 and evidence for potential plasmid content elucidate possible evolutionary acquisition mechanisms for this pathway. This study further opens the horizon for selection of bacterial strains for inclusion in an HCH bioremediation consortium and suggests that HDIPO4, IP26 and B90A would be appropriate candidates for inclusion.

Electronic supplementary material

The online version of this article (doi:10.1186/1471-2164-15-1014) contains supplementary material, which is available to authorized users.  相似文献   

Fresh leaves of American grass and broad beans grown in pristine soil were naturally colonized with cultivable volatile oil hydrocarbon-utilizing bacteria, whose numbers increased significantly in plants grown in oily soil. According to their 16S rRNA gene sequences those bacteria were affiliated to various species of the genera Rhodococcus and Pseudomonas. Qualitative growth studies revealed that pure cultures of these phyllospheric bacteria could grow successfully on a solid mineral medium containing individual alkanes with chain lengths of C9 through C40 and the aromatics phenanthrene, naphthalene, and biphenyl as sole sources of carbon and energy. Quantitative measurements showed that the individual pure bacterial isolates degraded between about 20 and 30% of crude oil, n-hexadecane, or phenanthrene in batch culture after a one-week incubation. These results reflect the high hydrocarbon degradation potential of those bacteria. The isolates were diazotrophic (nitrogen fixers), meaning that they were self-dependent in covering their nitrogen requirements. Incubating fresh leaves in closed microcosms containing volatile oil hydrocarbons resulted in up to more than 80% attenuation of these compounds after two weeks. Experimental evidence was provided that the leaf tissues did not contribute to this attenuation, which was exclusively due to the bacterial activity.  相似文献   

In the present study, new applications of the transgenic technology in developing novel varieties of ornamental fish and bioreactor fish were explored in a model fish, the zebrafish (Danio rerio). Three "living color" fluorescent proteins, green fluorescent protein (GFP), yellow fluorescent protein (YFP), and red fluorescent protein (RFP or dsRed), were expressed under a strong muscle-specific mylz2 promoter in stable lines of transgenic zebrafish. These transgenic zebrafish display vivid fluorescent colors (green, red, yellow, or orange) visible to unaided eyes under both daylight and ultraviolet light in the dark. The level of foreign protein expression is estimated between 3% and 17% of total muscle proteins, equivalent to 4.8-27.2mg/g wet muscle tissue. Thus, the fish muscle may be explored as another useful bioreactor system for production of recombinant proteins. In spite of the high level of foreign protein expression, the expression of endogenous mylz2 mRNAs was not negatively affected. Furthermore, compared to the wild-type fish, these fluorescent transgenic fish have no advantage in survival and reproduction.  相似文献   

Actinobacteria are well-known degraders of toxic materials that have the ability to tolerate and remove organochloride pesticides; thus, they are used for bioremediation. The biodegradation of organochlorines by actinobacteria has been demonstrated in pure and mixed cultures with the concomitant production of metabolic intermediates including γ-pentachlorocyclohexene (γ-PCCH); 1,3,4,6-tetrachloro-1,4-cyclohexadiene (1,4-TCDN); 1,2-dichlorobenzene (1,2-DCB), 1,3-dichlorobenzene (1,3-DCB), or 1,4-dichlorobenzene (1,4-DCB); 1,2,3-trichlorobenzene (1,2,3-TCB), 1,2,4-trichlorobenzene (1,2,4-TCB), or 1,3,5-trichlorobenzene (1,3,5-TCB); 1,3-DCB; and 1,2-DCB. Chromatography coupled to mass spectrometric detection, especially GC–MS, is typically used to determine HCH-isomer metabolites. The important enzymes involved in HCH isomer degradation metabolic pathways include hexachlorocyclohexane dehydrochlorinase (LinA), haloalkane dehalogenase (LinB), and alcohol dehydrogenase (LinC). The metabolic versatility of these enzymes is known. Advances have been made in the identification of actinobacterial haloalkane dehydrogenase, which is encoded by linB. This knowledge will permit future improvements in biodegradation processes using Actinobacteria. The enzymatic and genetic characterizations of the molecular mechanisms involved in these processes have not been fully elucidated, necessitating further studies. New advances in this area suggest promising results. The scope of this paper encompasses the following: (i) the aerobic degradation pathways of hexachlorocyclohexane (HCH) isomers; (ii) the important genes and enzymes involved in the metabolic pathways of HCH isomer degradation; and (iii) the identification and quantification of intermediate metabolites through gas chromatography coupled to mass spectrometry (GC–MS).  相似文献   

A new method was developed to determine the mutagenic efficacy of a suspected mutagen by employing green fluorescent protein (GFP) as a direct biosensor for mutation detection. Alterations in target gene (AcGFP1) expression after mutagen [(±)-7p,8a-dihydroxy-9a,10a-epoxy-7,8,9,10-tetrahydrobenzo[a]pyrene (BPDE)] treatment were measured to detect the mutagenic efficacy of the carcinogen. In contrast to mutagen treatment of the entire plasmid or cell culture, the target AcGFP1gene devoid of the plasmid backbone was exposed to BPDE (10–500 μM) to eliminate the need for an additional fusion gene. Shuttle vectors (pAcGFP-N1) were religated to the AcGFP1 gene with BPDE adducts (0–8.59 μM) and replicated in the eukaryotic host. This approach eliminated false-negative errors in target gene expression that arose from BPDE adduct formation in the residual plasmid backbone rather than in the AcGFP1 gene. Determination of the BPDE–AcGFP1 adducts allowed the quantitative mutagenic effect of the BPDE adducts on AcGFP1 gene expression to be monitored. The results obtained with flow cytometry and confocal microscopy validate our method and demonstrate efficient and direct use of GFP as a biosensor for mutation detection.  相似文献   

Acremonium implicatum is a seed-transmitted endophytic fungus that forms symbiotic associations with the economically significant tropical forage grasses, Brachiaria species. To take advantage of the endophyte's plant protective properties, we developed an efficient Agrobacterium-mediated transformation system for Acremonium implicatum, using green fluorescent protein (GFP) expression and vector pSK1019 (trpC promoter) or pCAMBIA1300 (CaMV35S promoter). We found that transformation efficiency doubled for both mycelial and conidial transformation as the co-cultivation period for Agrobacterium tumefaciens and Acremonium implicatum was increased from 48 to 72 h. Significantly, optimal results were obtained for either mycelial or conidial transformation with Agrobacterium tumefaciens strain AGL-1 and vector pSK1019 under the control of the trpC promoter. However, mycelial transformation consistently generated a significantly higher number of transformants than did conidial transformation. The mitotic stability of the transferred DNA was confirmed by growing ten transformants in liquid and agar media for six generations. In all cases, resistance to the selection pressure (hygromycin B) was maintained. Fluorescence emission was retained by the transformants and also expressed in Brachiaria tissues from plants inoculated with GFP-transformed A. implicatum. This technology will help in the transfer and expression of agronomically important genes in host plants.  相似文献   

In this work, we describe the occurrence of irregular shaped green aggregations in the mantle, gill filaments, adductor muscle, visceral mass and haemolymph of wild mussels (Mytilus galloprovincialis) collected from the Vigo estuary (Galicia, NW Spain). Microscopic examination of these masses revealed that they consist of intracellular green algae which are spherical to oval in shape, 5 μm in length and 3 μm in width, without flagella and with a smooth surface. The algal cells present a small single nucleus, a mitochondrion, 1-2 parietal chloroplasts and lack pyrenoids. Reproduction is by formation of 2-4 autospores or daughter cells. Pigment analysis reveals the presence of photopigments typical of green algae in addition to alloxanthin, diadinoxanthin and diatoxanthin. These carotenoids are noted for the first time in a parasitic chlorophyte. The signs of infection, together with the morphological observations, suggest that this parasitic algae may be Coccomyxa parasitica. However, further molecular studies are required for confirmation. This is the first report of Coccomyxa algae parasitizing the species M. galloprovincialis.  相似文献   

Transgenic Phytophthora palmivora strains that produce green fluorescent protein (GFP) or beta-glucuronidase (GUS) constitutively were obtained after stable DNA integration using a polyethylene-glycol and CaCl2-based transformation protocol. GFP and GUS production were monitored during several stages of the life cycle of P. palmivora to evaluate their use in molecular and physiological studies. 40% of the GFP transformants produced the GFP to a level detectable by a confocal laser scanning microscope, whereas 75% of the GUS transformants produced GUS. GFP could be visualised readily in swimming zoospores and other developmental stages of P. palmivora cells. For high magnification microscopic studies, GFP is better visualised and was superior to GUS. In contrast, for macroscopic examination, GUS was superior. Our findings indicate that both GFP and GUS can be used successfully as reporter genes in P. palmivora.  相似文献   

The fsbA gene controlling the first step of 4-chlorobenzoic acid (4CBA) metabolism in the Gram-positive soil bacterium Arthrobacter globiformis KZT1 has been cloned and analysed in Escherichia coli. The E. coli minicells analysis showed that a polypeptide(s) with Mr = 58 kDa (and/or Mr = 32 kDa) can be the fcbA product(s). Despite the gene dose amplification and control of the E. coli inducible Plac promoter, the level of functional expression of the fcbA gene in E. coli cells seems comparable only with that in the parental KZT1 strain. Effective 4CBA dechlorination by recombinant cells during growth in the presence of substrate within a range of concentrations 0.1 g/l to 0.7 g/l as well as a sudden reduction in the reaction efficiency at higher substrate concentrations were observed.  相似文献   

The development and fine structure of a Pleistophora sp. from larvae of Aedes sierrensis was investigated. The usual site of infection was the posterior midgut epithelium, and small uni- and binucleate forms were the first stages observed. There was no evidence of autogamy or the production of uninucleate sporonts. Binucleate sporonts produced prosporoblasts with two and four nuclei. Cellularization of the prosporoblasts resulted in sporoblasts which matured into spores. Heavily infected larvae have less fat body than healthy hosts and usually die when infected in the first or second instar. The pathogen could remain chronic and be carried into the adult host. Although natural infections were low, the pathogen could serve as a biological control agent.  相似文献   

An expression vector for Lactobacillus casei has been constructed containing the inducible lac promoter and the gene encoding ultraviolet visible green fluorescent protein (GFP(UV)) as reporter. Different conditions to grow L. casei were assayed and fluorescence as well as total protein synthesized were quantified. The maintenance of neutral pH had the greatest incidence on GFP(UV) expression, followed by aeration and a temperature of 30 degrees C. Environmental factors favoring GFP(UV) accumulation did not exactly correlate with those enhancing fluorescence. Therefore, oxygenation, by stirring the culture, had the greatest influence on the proportion of fluorescent protein, which is in accordance with the structural requirements of this protein. The highest yield obtained was 1.3 microg of GFP per mg of total protein, from which 55% was fluorescent.  相似文献   

目的研究外源绿色荧光蛋白(green fluorescent protein,简称GFP)基因在BALB/c绿色荧光裸鼠主要器官组织中的表达及其差异。方法小动物成像系统和RT-PCR方法检测GFP的组织分布以及荧光表达水平情况。结果经活体荧光影像系统观察及PCR方法检测发现GFP可以在裸鼠多个器官组织中表达,其中在胰腺、心脏、全脑、皮肤、睾丸中表达量较高。结论外源绿色荧光蛋白可以在模型动物体内成功表达且稳定遗传,其中在胰腺组织中高表达。  相似文献   

Agrobacterium-mediated barley transformation promises many advantages compared to alternative gene transfer methods, but has so far been established in only a few laboratories. We describe a protocol that facilitates rapid establishment and optimisation of Agrobacterium-mediated transformation for barley by instant monitoring of the transformation success. The synthetic green fluorescent protein (sgfpS65T) reporter gene was introduced in combination with thehpt selectable marker gene into immature embryos of barley (Hordeum vulgare L.) by cocultivation with Agrobacterium tumefaciens strain AGLO harboring binary vector pYF133. Using green fluorescent protein (GFP) as a non-destructive visual marker allowed us to identify single-cell recipients of T-DNA at an early stage, track their fate and evaluate factors that affect T-DNA delivery. GFP screening was combined with a low level hygromycin selection. Consequently, transgenic plantlets ready to transfer to soil were obtained within 50 days of explant culture. Southern blot- and progeny segregation analyses revealed a single copy T-DNA insert in more than half of the transgenic barley plants. T-DNA/barley genomic DNA junctions were amplified and sequenced. The right T-DNA ends were highly conserved and clustered around the first 4 nucleotides of the right 25 bp border repeat, while the left T-DNA ends were more variable, located either in the left 25 bp border repeat or within 13 bp from the left repeat. T-DNAs were transferred from Agrobacterium to barley with exclusion of vector sequence suggesting a similar molecular T-DNA transfer mechanism as in dicotyledonous plants.  相似文献   

(25S)-3-Oxocholesta-1,4-dien-26-oic acid (1) and a new (25S)-18-acetoxy-3-oxocholesta-1,4-dien-26-oic acid (2) were isolated from a soft coral Minabea sp. (cf. aldersladei) collected in North Sulawesi, Indonesia, together with two known cholic-acid-type compounds, 3-oxochol-1,4-dien-24-oic acid (3) and 3-oxochol-4-en-24-oic acid (4). The structures of these compounds were determined on the basis of their spectroscopic data. The absolute stereochemistry at C-25 of 2 was determined by comparative 1H NMR study using chiral anisotropic reagents [(S)- and (R)-phenylglycine methyl esters]. This is the first to report compound 1 as a natural product.  相似文献   

The first enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay for a microsporidian is described. The assay detects as little as 2 ng of spore homogenate protein and as few as 2000 intact spores. Several time-saving and reagent-conserving modifications of traditional ELISA protocols are employed.  相似文献   

PEG-mediated transformation of protoplasts in the presence of lipofectin was achieved in Phytophthora parasitica var. nicotianae, an oomycete pathogen of tobacco. Using oomycete promoter and terminator sequences, a plant-adapted green fluorescent protein (GFP) was introduced into the microorganism. The data show for the first time that this eukaryotic gene reporter can be used in an oomycete, both as a quantitative reporter of gene induction and as a vital marker allowing the study of development of Phytophthora in vitro and in the host plant.  相似文献   

Two new species of Gram-positive cocci were isolated from the uropygial glands of wild woodpeckers (Dendrocopos major) originating from different locations in Germany. A polyphasic approach confirmed the affiliation of the isolates to the genus Kocuria. Phylogenetic analysis based on the 16S rRNA gene showed high degree of similarity to Kocuria koreensis DSM 23367T (99.0% for both isolates). However, low ANIb values of <80% unequivocally separated the new species from K. koreensis. This finding was further corroborated by DNA fingerprinting and analysis of polar lipid profiles. Furthermore, growth characteristics, biochemical tests, MALDI-TOF MS analysis, and G + C contents clearly differentiated the isolates from their known relatives. Besides, the woodpecker isolates significantly differed from each other in their whole-cell protein profiles, DNA fingerprints, and ANIb values. In conclusion, the isolated microorganisms constitute members of two new species, for which the names Kocuria uropygioeca sp. nov. and Kocuria uropygialis sp. nov. are proposed. The type strains are 36T (DSM 101740T = LMG 29265T) and 257T (=DSM 101741T = LMG 29266T) for K. uropygialis sp. nov. and K. uropygioeca sp. nov., respectively.  相似文献   

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