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Rasineni GK  Guha A  Reddy AR 《Plant science》2011,181(4):428-438
The photosynthetic response of trees to rising CO2 concentrations largely depends on source-sink relations, in addition to differences in responsiveness by species, genotype, and functional group. Previous studies on elevated CO2 responses in trees have either doubled the gas concentration (>700 μmol mol−1) or used single large addition of CO2 (500-600 μmol mol−1). In this study, Gmelina arborea, a fast growing tropical deciduous tree species, was selected to determine the photosynthetic efficiency, growth response and overall source-sink relations under near elevated atmospheric CO2 concentration (460 μmol mol−1). Net photosynthetic rate of Gmelina was ∼30% higher in plants grown in elevated CO2 compared with ambient CO2-grown plants. The elevated CO2 concentration also had significant effect on photochemical and biochemical capacities evidenced by changes in FV/FM, ABS/CSm, ET0/CSm and RuBPcase activity. The study also revealed that elevated CO2 conditions significantly increased absolute growth rate, above ground biomass and carbon sequestration potential in Gmelina which sequestered ∼2100 g tree−1 carbon after 120 days of treatment when compared to ambient CO2-grown plants. Our data indicate that young Gmelina could accumulate significant biomass and escape acclimatory down-regulation of photosynthesis due to high source-sink capacity even with an increase of 100 μmol mol−1 CO2.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to specify whether exercise hyperpnoea was related to the CO2 sensitivity of the respiratory centres measured during steady-state exercise of mild intensity. Thus, ventilation (VE), breathing pattern [tidal volume (VT), respiratory frequency (f), inspiratory time (TI), total time of the respiratory cycle (TTOT), VT/TI, TI/TTOT] and CO2 sensitivity of the respiratory centres determined by the rebreathing method were measured at rest (SCO2re) and during steady-state exercise (SCO2ex) of mild intensity [CO2 output (VCO2) = 20 ml.kg-1.min-1] in 11 sedentary male subjects (aged 20-34 years). The results showed that SCO2re and SCO2ex were not significantly different. During exercise, there was no correlation between VE and SCO2ex and, for the same VCO2, all subjects had very close VE values normalized for body mass (bm), regardless of their SCO2ex (VEbm0.75 = 1.44 l.min-1.kg-1 SD 0.10). A highly significant positive correlation between SCO2ex and VT (normalised for bm) (r = 0.80, P less than 0.01), TI (r = 0.77, P less than 0.01) and TTOT (r = 0.77, P less than 0.01) existed, as well as a highly significant negative correlation between SCO2ex and (normalised for bm-0.25) (r = -0.73, P less than 0.01). We conclude that the hyperpnoea during steady-state exercise of mild intensity is not related to the SCO2ex. The relationship between breathing pattern and SCO2ex suggests that the breathing pattern could influence the determination of the SCO2ex. This finding needs further investigation.  相似文献   

The problem of climate change arising mainly from CO2 emission is currently a critical environmental issue. Biofixation using microalgae has recently become an attractive approach to CO2 capture and recycling with additional benefits of downstream utilization and applications of the resulting microalgal biomass. This review summarizes the history and strategies of microalgal mitigation of CO2 emissions, photobioreactor systems used to cultivate microalgae for CO2 fixation, current microalgae harvesting methods, as well as applications of valuable by-products. It is of importance to select appropriate microalgal species to achieve an efficient and economically feasible CO2-emission mitigation process. The desired microalgae species should have a high growth rate, high CO2 fixation ability, low contamination risk, low operation cost, be easy to harvest and rich in valuable components in their biomass.  相似文献   

An experiment was conducted from May to November in Lake Hampen, Denmark, to study the effect of higher CO2 concentration on the biomass of filamentous algae. Three enclosures (1.5 m diameter) were enriched with free CO2 to ∼10 times atmospheric equilibrium (∼170 μM) and three enclosures were kept at atmospheric equilibrium (∼17 μM). The isoetid Littorella uniflora dominated the vegetation in the enclosures. Low concentrations of nitrate and phosphate in the water were observed, especially in the summer months. During the summer, a high biomass of filamentous algae (dominated by Zygnema sp.) developed in both types of enclosures (18–58 g dry wt. m−2 in July and August), but the biomass of algae was significantly higher (1.9–38 times) in the CO2 enriched enclosures than in enclosures with low CO2 concentration. L. uniflora biomass, especially leaf biomass, also showed a significant positive response to increased CO2 concentration (75.0 ± 10.4 and 133.3 ± 42.5 g dry wt. m−2 at low and high CO2 concentrations, respectively) even though the massive filamentous algal growth decreased the light intensity. Both filamentous algae (in August) and L. uniflora showed lower tissue concentrations of N and P at high CO2 concentration.  相似文献   



Determination of CO2 diffusion rates in living cells revealed inconsistencies with existing models about the mechanisms of membrane gas transport. Mainly, these discrepancies exist in the determined CO2 diffusion rates of bio-membranes, which were orders of magnitudes below those for pure lipid bilayers or theoretical considerations as well as in the observation that membrane insertion of specific aquaporins was rescuing high CO2 transport rates. This effect was confirmed by functional aquaporin protein analysis in heterologous expression systems as well as in bacteria, plants and partly in mammals.

Scope of Review

This review summarizes the arguments in favor of and against aquaporin facilitated membrane diffusion of CO2 and reports about its importance for the physiology of living organisms.

Major Conclusions

Most likely, the aquaporin tetramer forming an additional fifth pore is required for CO2 diffusion facilitation. Aquaporin tetramer formation, membrane integration and disintegration could provide a mechanism for regulation of cellular CO2 exchange. The physiological importance of aquaporin mediated CO2 membrane diffusion could be shown for plants and cyanobacteria and partly for mammals.

General Significance

Taking the mentioned results into account, consequences for our current picture of cell membrane transport emerge. It appears that in some or many instances, membranes might not be as permeable as it was suggested by current bio-membrane models, opening an additional way of controlling the cellular influx or efflux of volatile substances like CO2. This article is part of a Special Issue entitled Aquaporins.  相似文献   

为了探讨CO2海底封存潜在的渗漏危险对于海洋生物的可能影响,以大型钙化藻类小珊瑚藻(Corallina pilulifera)为研究对象,在室内控光控温条件下,通过向培养海水充入CO2气体得到3种不同酸化程度的培养条件(pH 8.1、6.8和5.5),24h后比较藻体光合作用和钙化作用情况。结果显示:相对于自然海水培养条件(pH 8.1),在pH 6.8条件下培养的小珊瑚藻光合固碳速率得到了增强,而在pH 5.5条件下光合固碳速率则降低;随着酸化程度的增强,藻体的钙化固碳速率越来越低,在pH 5.5条件下甚至表现为负值[(-2.53±0.57)mg C g-1干重h-1];藻体颗粒无机碳(PIC)和颗粒有机碳(POC)含量的比值随着酸化程度的加强而降低,这反映了酸化对光合和钙化作用的综合效应。快速光反应曲线的测定结果显示:随着酸化程度的增强,强光引起的光抑制程度越来越强;在酸化条件下,藻体的光饱和点显著降低,但pH 6.8和5.5之间没有显著差异;低光下的电子传递速率在pH 8.1和6.8之间没有显著差异,pH 5.5培养条件下显著降低;最大电子传递速率在pH 6.8时最大,在pH 5.5时最低。以上结果说明,高浓度CO2引起的海水酸化显著地影响着小珊瑚藻的光合和钙化过程,不同的酸化程度下,藻体的光合、钙化反应不同,在较强的酸化程度下(pH 5.5),藻体的光合和钙化过程都将受到强烈的抑制,这些结果为认识CO2海底封存渗漏危险对海洋钙化藻类的可能影响提供了理论参考。  相似文献   

土壤CO2及岩溶碳循环影响因素综述   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
赵瑞一  吕现福  蒋建建  段逸凡 《生态学报》2015,35(13):4257-4264
全球碳循环已成为全球气候变化的核心问题之一,岩溶作用对大气CO2浓度的调节以及其与土壤CO2的密切关系也受到了国内外普遍关注。岩溶作用消耗土壤CO2对大气碳库起到了重要的减源作用,对土壤CO2进行研究将有利于进一步揭示岩溶碳循环过程。因此从气候条件、土壤理化性质、土地利用类型等方面综述了土壤CO2的影响因素以及其对岩溶碳循环的影响,并提出其它酸参与到岩溶碳循环中将会减弱岩溶碳汇效应。由于各个因素之间往往相互联系,共同影响土壤CO2和岩溶碳循环,在研究岩溶碳汇时,需以地球系统科学和岩溶动力系统理论为指导,综合考虑大气圈、水圈、岩石圈、生物圈中各种因素的影响。  相似文献   

温带针阔混交林土壤碳氮气体通量的主控因子与耦合关系   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
中高纬度森林地区由于气候条件变化剧烈,土壤温室气体排放量的估算存在很大的不确定性,并且不同碳氮气体通量的主控因子与耦合关系尚不明确。以长白山温带针阔混交林为研究对象,采用静态箱-气相色谱法连续4a(2005—2009年)测定土壤二氧化碳(CO2)、甲烷(CH4)和氧化亚氮(N2O)净交换通量以及温度、水分等相关环境因子。研究结果表明:温带针阔混交林土壤整体上表现为CO2和N2O的排放源和CH4的吸收汇。土壤CH4、CO2和N2O通量的年均值分别为-1.3 kg CH4hm-2a-1、15102.2 kg CO2hm-2a-1和6.13 kg N2O hm-2a-1。土壤CO2通量呈现明显的季节性规律,主要受土壤温度的影响,水分次之;土壤CH4通量的季节变化不明显,与土壤水分显著正相关;土壤N2O通量季节变化与土壤CO2通量相似,与土壤水分、温度显著正相关。土壤CO2通量和CH4通量不存在任何类型的耦合关系,与N2O通量也不存在耦合关系;土壤CH4和N2O通量之间表现为消长型耦合关系。这项研究显示温带针阔混交林土壤碳氮气体通量主要受环境因子驱动,不同气体通量产生与消耗之间存在复杂的耦合关系,下一步研究需要深入探讨环境变化对其耦合关系的影响以及内在的生物驱动机制。  相似文献   

C4作物FACE(free-air CO2 enrichment)研究进展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
王云霞  杨连新  王余龙 《生态学报》2011,31(5):1450-1459
持续迅速上升的大气二氧化碳浓度([CO2])是全球变暖最大的驱动因子,但其作为光合作用底物直接增加了作物的生产力。相比C3作物,人们对未来高浓度CO2情形下C4作物的响应规律认识较少。与封闭或半封闭气室研究相比,FACE(free-air CO2 enrichment)试验在空气自由流动的大田条件下对作物表现进行研究,它提供了对未来作物生长环境的真实模拟,因此提供了评估CO2肥料效应以及揭示植物响应机制的最好机会。作为人类重要的粮食和饲料来源,高粱和玉米是最重要的C4作物。在简介美国玉米和高粱FACE系统的基础上,综述了FACE情形下高浓度CO2(模拟本世纪中叶大气CO2浓度,即550 μmol/mol)对两大作物生理、生长和产量以及土壤特性等方面的影响,同时比较了与气室研究结果的异同点。(1)FACE使干旱条件下两作物光合作用显著增强,但湿润条件下没有影响;FACE条件下高粱出现光合适应现象,而玉米没有;(2)FACE使两作物气孔导度大幅下降,导致叶温升高、蒸腾速率下降、蒸发蒸腾总量减少或没有变化、叶片总水势和水分利用效率增加或没有变化;(3)FACE对两作物物候期和化学组分影响很少;(4)FACE使干旱条件下两作物生长和产量略有增加,但湿润条件下没有影响;(5)FACE使高粱田土壤丛枝状菌根真菌的长度和易提取胶状物质浓度显著增加,导致水稳性土壤团聚体增加;FACE对高粱田N2O或含氮气体(N2O+N2)的排放没有影响;(6)高浓度CO2对两作物气孔导度的影响FACE试验明显大于气室试验,而对生长和产量的影响呈相反趋势。阐明CO2与基因型、土壤湿度和大气温度间的互作效应及其机制是下一轮C4作物FACE研究优先考虑的方向,技术的不断进步已为利用大型FACE系统来研究这些互作效应提供了可能。  相似文献   

杉木人工林不同深度土壤CO2通量   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
王超  黄群斌  杨智杰  黄蓉  陈光水 《生态学报》2011,31(19):5711-5719
土壤CO2通量具有明显的时间和空间变异性。土壤温度和含水量是影响土壤CO2通量的重要因素,同时,不同深度的土壤CO2通量对温度和含水量变化的响应差异较大,因此,研究土壤CO2通量和影响因素随土壤深度的变化,对于准确评估土壤碳排放具有重要意义。选择福建三明杉木人工林(Cunninghamia lanceolata)作为研究对象,利用非散射红外CO2浓度探头和Li-8100开路式土壤碳通量系统,并使用Fick扩散法计算了0-60cm深度土壤CO2的通量,结果表明:(1)5种扩散模型计算的表层(5cm)CO2通量与Li-8100测量结果均具有显著相关性(P<0.01),Moldrup气体扩散模型计算结果较好。(2)土壤CO2浓度随深度的增加而升高,但60cm深度以下土壤CO2浓度开始降低;不同深度土壤CO2浓度的日变化均呈现单峰型;0-60cm土壤CO2通量日通量均值变化范围为0.54-2.17μmol m-2 s-1;(3)指数拟合分析显示,5、10cm和60cm深度处土壤CO2通量与温度具有显著相关性,Q10值分别为1.35、2.01和4.95。不同深度土壤含水量与CO2通量的相关性不显著。  相似文献   

We examined how the freely floating macrophyte, Stratiotes aloides L., sampled from a CO2-supersaturated pond, changes leaf morphology, photosynthesis and inorganic carbon acquisition during its different submerged and emerged life stages in order to evaluate whether S. aloides requires consistently supersaturated CO2 conditions to grow and complete its life cycle. Submerged rosettes formed from over-wintering turions had typical traits of submerged plants with high specific leaf area and low chlorophyll a concentrations. Emergent leaf parts of mature, floating specimens had typical terrestrial traits with stomata, low specific leaf area and high chlorophyll a content, while offsets formed vegetatively and basal, submerged parts of mature plants showed traits in between. All submerged leaf types exhibited some ability to use HCO3 but only rosettes formed from turions had efficient HCO3 use. Rosettes also had the highest CO2 affinity and maximum CO2-saturated photosynthesis in water. Half-saturation constants for CO2 (21–74 μM CO2) were for all submerged leaf parts 5–140 times lower than the concentrations of free CO2 in the pond (350–2800 μM CO2). Emergent leaves were less efficient in water but had significantly higher photosynthesis than submerged, mature leaf parts in air, and rates of photosynthesis of emergent leaves in air were three to five times higher than rates of CO2-saturated photosynthesis of the three submerged leaf types in water. Underwater photosynthetic rates estimated at CO2 concentrations corresponding to air equilibrium were not sufficiently high to support any noticeable growth except for rosettes, in which bicarbonate utilization combined with high CO2 affinity resulted in photosynthetic rates corresponding to almost 34% of maximum rates at high free CO2. We conclude that S. aloides requires consistently high CO2-supersaturation to support high growth and to complete its life cycle, and we infer that this requirement explains why S. aloides mainly grows in ponds, ditches and reed zones that are characterized by strong CO2-supersaturation.  相似文献   

In this paper the utilization of the cyanobacteria Anabaena sp. in carbon dioxide removal processes is evaluated. For this, continuous cultures of this strain were performed at different dilution rates; alternatives for the recovery of the organic matter produced being also studied. A maximum CO2 fixation rate of 1.45 g CO2 L−1 day−1 was measured experimentally, but it can be increased up to 3.0 g CO2 L−1 day−1 outdoors. The CO2 is mainly transformed into exopolysaccharides, biomass representing one third of the total organic matter produced. Organic matter can be recovered by sedimentation with efficiencies higher than 90%, the velocity of sedimentation being 2 · 10−4 s−1. The major compounds were carbohydrates and proteins with productivities of 0.70 and 0.12 g L−1 day−1, respectively. The behaviour of the cultures of Anabaena sp. has been modelized, also the characteristics parameters requested to design separation units being reported. Finally, to valorizate the organic matter as biofertilizers and biofuels is proposed.  相似文献   

共享社会经济路径下中国2020—2100年碳排放预测研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
张帆  徐宁  吴锋 《生态学报》2021,41(24):9691-9704
碳排放和减碳经济代价研究日益受到学术界和决策者的关注,中国政府做出的关于争取在2060年前实现碳中和的表态引起了国际社会的热议。在此背景下,开展中国未来长时间序列碳排放的情景预测具有切实意义。基于可拓展的随机性环境影响评估模型(STIRPAT)评估了人口、经济和受教育程度对碳排放的影响,对比历史数据并验证了碳排放预测模型的准确性,结合共享社会经济路径(SSPs)情景的设定和模型参数,预测了5种情景下中国2020年至2100年的碳排放轨迹及经济代价。结果表明:(1)考虑碳排放达峰目标的实现,SSP3情景是中国未来发展的最佳情景,在此情景下,中国有望提前三年实现碳排放达峰目标;(2) SSP3情景可使中国年度总碳排放量和人均碳排放量处于相对其他四种情景的最低值,但需要付出累积GDP下降5.49%至8.80%的代价;(3)为完成在2060年前实现碳中和的承诺,中国政府在未来的40年需面对409.36-467.42 Gt的碳中和量;(4)2020年中国的碳排放强度将会较2005年水平下降40.52%至41.39%,2030年碳排放强度将会较2005年水平下降59.64%至60.75%。5种情境中,SSP5情景是降低碳排放强度的最佳情景,可最大程度地超额实现碳排放强度目标。未来,受经济发展、人口增长等重要因素影响,中国政府减碳压力将进一步加大。后疫情时代,考虑到能源供应的减少和高科技产业的发展,碳排放社会成本的上升将为中国创造一个使能源系统脱碳的机遇。中国应在"十四五"期间继续提升能源利用效率、升级产业结构、提倡低碳消费、实施隐含碳战略,以尽快实现碳减排目标。  相似文献   

石耀辉  周广胜  蒋延玲  王慧  许振柱 《生态学报》2013,33(14):4478-4485
关于二氧化碳(CO2)浓度和降水等单因子变化对植物生长的影响研究已很多,但多因子协同作用的影响研究仍较少,制约着植物对全球变化响应的综合理解与预测.利用开顶式生长箱(OTC)模拟研究了CO2浓度升高(450和550 μmol/mol)和降水量变化(-30%、-15%、对照、+15%和+30%)的协同作用对荒漠草原优势植物短花针茅(Stipa breviflora)生长特性的影响.结果表明:550 μmol/mol CO2浓度下短花针茅植株的生物量和叶面积较对照显著增加,但450 μmol/mol CO2浓度下的变化不明显;降水增多导致植株生物量、叶面积、叶数和株高显著增加;CO2浓度与降水协同作用显著影响短花针茅植株生物量.CO2浓度升高在一定程度上缓解了降水减少对短花针茅的胁迫效应,但降水量减少3O%则明显抑制了CO2浓度升高带来的效应.研究结果有助于增进荒漠草原植物对未来气候变化的适应性理解,可为制定荒漠草原应对气候变化的对策提供依据.  相似文献   

大气CO2浓度升高影响外来植物入侵,研究外来入侵植物和本地植物对大气CO2浓度升高响应的差异,有助于准确预测和管理外来植物入侵。基于封顶式CO2生长室,模拟大气CO2浓度变化(对照和700μmol/mol),比较研究了外来入侵植物飞机草(Chromolaena odorata)和本地植物异叶泽兰(Eupatorium heterophyllum)形态、生长、生物量分配和光合特性对大气CO2浓度升高响应的差异。结果表明:(1)在当前大气CO2浓度下,飞机草总生物量、株高、基径和总叶面积高于异叶泽兰,分枝数低于异叶泽兰;CO2浓度升高,飞机的总生物量、株高、基径、分枝数和总叶面积分别增加了92%、41%、60%、325%和148%,高于异叶泽兰的32%、14%、30%、64%和79%,飞机草生长优势进一步提高。(2)无论在高或低CO2浓度下,飞机草根生物量分数(RMF)都低于异叶泽兰,叶生物量分数(LMF)和茎生物量分数(SMF)都高于异叶泽兰;CO2倍增两种植物RMF均降低,LMF和SMF均升高,但这2个参数对CO2倍增响应的种间差异不显著。(3)无论在高或低CO2浓度下,飞机草和异叶泽兰的净光合速率差异均不显著,CO2倍增对两种植物的净光合速率的促进作用相似。上述结果表明,在未来大气CO2浓度升高的条件下,飞机草的入侵性可能提高,入侵危害将加剧。  相似文献   

王苗苗  王绍强  陈斌  张心怡  赵健 《生态学报》2023,43(6):2408-2418
CO2施肥效应是全球变绿的主要原因,随着大气中CO2浓度的持续增加,预估未来气候变化条件下,CO2施肥效应对陆地生态系统的影响对减缓全球气候变化具有重大意义。基于未来气候情景数据和Farquhar模型,并结合生态过程模型BEPS(Boreal Ecosystem Productivity Simulator),定量化研究2020—2050年CO2施肥效应对全球叶面积指数(LAI)和总初级生产力(GPP)的影响。研究结果显示2020—2050年,在RCP2.6、RCP4.5和RCP8.5气候情景下,CO2施肥效应导致的LAI年际变化趋势分别为0.002、0.003和0.005 m-2m-2a-1;三个气候情景下CO2施肥效应对LAI的影响为CO2每增加0.1%,LAI平均增加约8.1%—9.2%,由此导致GPP对应增加7.9%—14.6%;由CO2施...  相似文献   

为了给大气CO2浓度逐渐升高背景下的毛竹林适应性经营管理提供理论依据,运用开顶式气室(OTCs)模拟大气CO2浓度升高(500、700 μmol/mol)情景,以目前环境背景大气为对照,研究了Na+、Fe2+-Fe3+、Ca2+、Mg2+等矿质离子在毛竹器官中吸收、运输和分配的变化规律.结果显示,除CO2浓度700 μmoL/mol对Ca2+浓度在毛竹器官中大小排序会产生影响外,CO2浓度500、700 μmol/mol并未改变毛竹器官中Na+、Fe2+,Fe3+、Mg2+、Ca2+浓度的大小排序.CO2浓度升高对竹叶Fe2+-Fe3+和竹枝Fe2+-Fe3+、Mg2+浓度无明显影响,但对器官的其它矿质离子浓度会有不同程度的影响,竹叶Ca2+和Mg2+、竹枝Na+和Ca2+、竹秆Na+和Ca2+及Mg2+、竹根Na+和Mg2+浓度明显提高,竹叶Na+、竹秆Fe2+-Fe3+、竹根Fe2+-Fe3+和Ca2+浓度明显降低;随着CO2浓度的升高,竹叶Fe2+-Fe3+/Na+、Mg2+/Na+和Ca2+/Na+,竹枝Ca2+/Mg2+及各器官Mg2+/Fe2+-Fe3+、Ca2+/Fe2+-Fe3+均逐渐增大,而竹枝、竹秆、竹根Fe2+-Fe3+/Na+、Mg2+/Na+、Ca2+/Na+和竹叶、竹秆、竹根Ca2+/Mg2+均逐渐减小;CO2浓度升高后除竹根-竹秆Sca.Na、竹秆-竹枝SMg,Fe和竹枝-竹叶Sca,Mg明显下降外,其余的毛竹器官矿质离子向上运输系数变化平缓或明显提高.研究表明CO2浓度升高增强了毛竹立竹根部积累Na+能力和Fe2+-Fe3+、Ca2+和Mg2+的向上选择性运输能力,提高了光合器官竹叶中矿质养分元素浓度,可维持体内矿质养分元素平衡,有利于提高毛竹对高浓度CO2环境的适应能力.  相似文献   

城市小型景观水体CO2与CH4排放特征及影响因素   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
淡水生态系统被认为是大气温室气体排放的重要来源,尤其在人类活动影响下,其排放强度可能进一步增强。城市小型景观水体是城市生态系统的重要组成,具有面积小、数量大以及人类干扰强的特征,其温室气体排放特征及影响因素尚不清楚。选择重庆市大学城8个景观水体和周边2个自然水体为对象,于2019年1、4、7、10月,利用漂浮箱和顶空法分析了水体CO2与CH4的溶存浓度及排放通量,旨在揭示城市小型景观水体CO2与CH4排放强度、时空变异特征以及影响因素。结果表明,10个小型水体CO2、CH4的溶存浓度范围分别为10.75-116.25 μmol/L和0.09-3.61 μmol/L(均值分别为(47.6±29.3)μmol/L、(1.13±0.56)μmol/L),均为过饱和状态;漂浮箱法实测的8个景观水体CO2和CH4排放通量均值分别为(72.7±65.9)mmol m-2 d-1和(2.31±3.48)mmol m-2 d-1(顶空法估算值为(69.7±82.0)mmol m-2 d-1和(3.69±2.92)mmol m-2 d-1),是2个自然水体的3.5-6.1和2.0-4.5倍,呈较强的CO2、CH4排放源;居民区景观水体CO2和CH4排放略高于校园区,均显著高于对照的自然水体;CO2排放夏季最高,秋季次之,冬、春季最低,CH4呈夏季>秋季≈春季>冬季的季节模式,温度和水体初级生产共同影响CO2和CH4排放的季节模式;水生植物分布对景观水体CO2、CH4排放有显著影响,有植物分布的水域比无植物水域平均高1.97和2.94倍;漂浮箱法和顶空法测得气体通量线性关系较好,但顶空法测得CO2通量在春季明显偏低,而CH4则普遍偏高。相关分析表明,景观水体碳、氮浓度、pH值以及DO等对CO2排放具有较好的指示性,CH4排放通量主要与水体中碳、磷浓度有关。城市小型景观水体CO2、CH4排放通量远高于大部分已有自然水体的研究结果,呈一种较强的大气温室气体排放源,在区域淡水系统温室气体排放清单中具有重要贡献,未来研究中应给以更多关注。  相似文献   

神农架主要森林土壤CH4、CO2和N2O排放对降水减少的响应   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
研究降水格局改变后森林土壤温室气体排放格局,可为森林温室气体排放清单制定提供科学依据。以神农架典型森林类型常绿落叶阔叶混交林和2种人工林马尾松和杉木林为研究对象,研究了降水格局改变后,其土壤CH_4吸收、CO_2和N_2O的排放格局和可能机制。结果表明:常绿落叶阔叶混交林吸收CH_4通量为(-36.79±13.99)μg Cm~(-2)h~(-1),显著大于马尾松和杉木两种人工林的CH_4吸收通量,其吸收通量分别为(-14.10±3.38)μg Cm~(-2)h~(-1)和(-7.75±2.80)μg Cm~(-2)h~(-1)。马尾松和杉木两种人工林CO_2排放通量分别为(107.03±12.11)μg Cm~(-2)h~(-1)和(80.82±10.29)μg Cm~(-2)h~(-1),显著大于常绿落叶阔叶混交林(71.27±10.59)μg Cm~(-2)h~(-1)。常绿落叶阔叶混交林N_2O排放通量为(8.88±6.75)μg Nm~(-2)h~(-1),显著大于杉木人工林(5.93±2.79)μg Nm~(-2)h~(-1)和马尾松人工林(1.64±1.02)μg Nm~(-2)h~(-1)。分析3种森林土壤CH_4吸收量与其环境因子之间的关系发现,常绿落叶阔叶混交林的CH_4吸收通量与其土壤温度呈现显著的指数负相关关系(P0.01)。常绿落叶阔叶混交林、马尾松林和杉木林的土壤CO_2排放通量与其空气温度和土壤温度之间均呈现显著的指数正相关关系(P0.01)。常绿落叶阔叶混交林和马尾松林土壤N_2O排放通量与空气温度之间均呈现显著的指数正相关关系(P0.01),而马尾松林与土壤温度之间呈显著正相关(P0.05),与土壤湿度之间均无显著相关。降水减半后,减少降水对常绿落叶阔叶混交林和马尾松林土壤CH_4吸收通量均具有明显的促进作用,但对杉木林土壤CH_4吸收量具有抑制作用,对常绿落叶阔叶混交林和杉木林土壤CO_2平均排放通量均具有明显的促进作用,而对马尾松林土壤CO_2平均排放通量明显抑制作用,对常绿落叶阔叶混交林、马尾松和杉木林土壤N_2O排放量具有明显的抑制作用。  相似文献   

Photoautotrophic fatty acid production of a highly CO2‐tolerant green alga Chlorococcum littorale in the presence of inorganic carbon at 295 K and light intensity of 170 µmol‐photon m?2 s?1 was investigated. CO2 concentration in the bubbling gas was adjusted by mixing pure gas components of CO2 and N2 to avoid photorespiration and β‐oxidation of fatty acids under O2 surrounding conditions. Maximum content of total fatty acid showed pH‐dependence after nitrate depletion of the culture media and increased with the corresponding inorganic carbon ratio. Namely, [HCO3?]/([CO2]+n[ ]) ratio in the culture media was found to be a controlling factor for photoautotrophic fatty acid production after the nitrate limitation. At a CO2 concentration of 5% (vol/vol) and a pH of 6.7, the fatty acid content was 47.8 wt % (dry basis) at its maximum that is comparable with land plant seed oils. © 2015 American Institute of Chemical Engineers Biotechnol. Prog., 31:1053–1057, 2015  相似文献   

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