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Aim To analyse the distributional patterns of the Baja California Peninsula's resident avifauna, and to generate a regionalization based on a method that uses a parsimony analysis (parsimony analysis of endemicity, PAE) of point data and modelled potential distributions. Location The Baja California Peninsula, Mexico. Methods A data base was constructed containing records of 113 species of resident terrestrial birds present in the Baja California Peninsula. Records and localities were obtained from the literature and from specimens housed in scientific collections world‐wide. Raw data points and potential distribution maps obtained using the software Genetic Algorithms for Rule‐set Prediction (GARP), were analysed with PAE. Results The data base consisted of 4164 unique records (only one combination of species/locality) belonging to 113 terrestrial resident bird species, in a total of 809 localities. From the point distribution matrix, the analysis generated 500 equally parsimonious trees, from which a strict consensus cladogram with 967 steps was obtained. The cladogram shows a basal polytomy and some geographical correspondence of a few resolved groups obtained in the analysis. These results do not allow the recognition of areas defined by avifaunistic associations. From the potential distribution matrix, the analysis generated 501 equally parsimonious trees, and a strict consensus cladogram of 516 steps was obtained. The cladogram shows a higher resolution because of the number of resolved groups with better geographical correspondence and therefore regions are well‐defined. Main conclusions The correspondence of some groupings of species suggest their validity as areas with biogeographical (historical and/or ecological) meaning. This regionalization in the Baja California avifauna seems to be consistent with previous regionalizations for other groups. Hence, PAE is a useful tool for area categorization if reliable point records and prediction tools are available. Our results suggest that the geographical definition is much better using potential data generated by GARP, particularly when they are contrasted with the results from point data. Thus, this is an excellent alternative for developing biogeographical studies, as well as for improving the use of data from scientific collections and other sources of biodiversity information.  相似文献   

Aim To investigate the relationship between chiropteran species distributions and four fundamental environmental factors — temperature, precipitation, soil and vegetation — and to construct a species richness prediction map based on the environmental factors. Location The state of Michoacán, México. Methods Bat specimens collected during a 2‐year project were combined with museum specimens to form a dataset of over 3200 entries pertaining to 71 species of bats. Coordinates of the collection localities were recorded with GPS receivers or determined from maps. ArcView GIS was used to characterize the distribution of the species relative to the four environmental factors by projecting coordinates of the collection sites onto digitized maps of those factors. Correspondence analysis (CA) was used to evaluate the relationship between species distributions and the environmental factors. Results The CA results indicated that the order of importance of these factors is (from highest to lowest): temperature, vegetation, precipitation and soil. A predicted distribution map was constructed for each species of bat, based on the result of the CA analysis, using correspondences of each species to climate, vegetation and precipitation. Soil types were excluded from the prediction model because soil type does not appear to carry high predictive value for bat species in Michoacán. Distribution maps of the 71 bat species were then overlaid to generate a map of bat species richness for the state of Michoacán. Main conclusions Neither family membership nor feeding guild affiliation appear to play important roles in chiropteran species distributions in Michoacán. The bat species richness prediction map will be a useful tool for conservation works in the region.  相似文献   

基于层次分析法和GIS的秦岭地区魔芋潜在分布研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
高蓓  卫海燕  郭彦龙  顾蔚 《生态学报》2015,35(21):7108-7116
魔芋(Amorphophallusrivieri)为我国传统的食用与药用植物,主产于秦岭以南地区。依据陕西秦岭地区28个魔芋分布点信息,利用秦岭地区45个气象台站1961—2010年气候资料、土壤数据(分辨率1 km)和DEM高程数据(分辨率30 m),结合前人研究,通过魔芋产量与环境指标的相关性分析,获取相关性显著的20个评价指标,包括气候指标13个、土壤指标4个和地形指标3个,运用GIS技术和多元回归模型对气候指标进行栅格化处理,基于层次分析法和加权平均法获得评价指标权重,建立陕西秦岭地区魔芋潜在种植分布模型,确定魔芋潜在种植的空间分布。结果显示:陕西秦岭地区魔芋最适宜种植区面积1 214.42 km2,占可种植区面积的10.18%;适宜种植区面积2 015.60 km2,占可种植区面积的16.90%;次适宜种植区面积3 115.03 km2,占可种植区面积的26.12%;不适宜种植区面积5 580.02 km2占可种植区面积的46.80%。适宜魔芋潜在种植区域主要分布在陕西汉中中南部、安康中南部以及商洛东南部。  相似文献   

Ephippiger ephippiger is a tcltigoniid cricket that is fairly widespread in Europe. In southern France, between the Alps and the Pyrenees, it is geographically highly variable lor a number of different traits including morphology, allozymcs, behaviour and genetic markers. This variation has resulted in considerable confusion over the taxonomic and evolutionary status of forms of the organism. Through the use of geographical information systems (GIS) it has been possible to integrate both trait and environmental data sets from a variety of sources. The GIS is used to interpolate trait and environmental surfaces that are then examined for coincidence. Four general spatial patterns are identified. These can be explained through a combination of secondary contact, environmental adaptation and drift. Covariance between trait and environmental surfaces point to patterns which are primary in origin, whereas other dines probably reflect secondary contact following divergence in rcfugiae. Multivariate statistics support the validity of a major subdivision identified by GIS. This study is an example of the considerable potential for GIS as an investigative tool in evolutionary studies.  相似文献   

Aim To use published distributional and taxonomic information on Neotropical birds in a cladistic analysis of distributions and endemism (CADE) to generate a testable hypothesis of area‐relationships for the arid areas of endemism, particularly those of Central South America (the ‘arid diagonal’), and to clarify the different methodologies commonly associated with parsimony analysis of endemicity (PAE). Location South America. Methods Cladistic analysis of distributions and endemism. Results We obtain a tree where the relationships of most areas are resolved, and we find support for an exclusive clade of Central South American areas, with the Caatinga as sister to both the Chaco and Cerrado. Main conclusions There is a substantial amount of historical signal in avian distributions, when large numbers of taxa and multiple taxonomic levels are considered. Ecological noise and historical information are more easily distinguished in CADE analyses than they would be in PAE analyses. Based on our results we predict that among aridland birds, the Cerrado and Chaco species will be more closely related to each other than to Caatinga species.  相似文献   

The geographic distribution of Japanese primary and some secondary freshwater fishes was analyzed using parsimony analysis of endemicity (PAE). Analysis of 73 taxa (species and intraspecific forms) on the four main islands of Japan (divided into 25 geographic areas), produced 44 most parsimonious cladograms. In all of the latter, a total of eight single and compound areas were recognized as endemic areas in nested relationships. The area cladograms showed Japan as comprising a middle-eastern Hokkaido area plus southern areas, the latter containing mainly a northeastern-Honshu endemic area and more heterogeneous southwestern areas, including four endemic areas (western Kyushu, southeastern Chugoku, middle Kinki and Tokai around Ise Bay) and several peripheral areas. Some patterns, e.g., the distinction in fauna across Fossa Magna, noted by previous studies, were supported by these results. Even though the analysis had some problems (e.g., not all geographic ranges of taxa could be included), it provided evidence for the detection of general distribution patterns, because the relationships or similarities among areas were clearly defined by shared taxa. To demonstrate the historical implications of the analysis, the allopatric distribution of, four bagrid catfishes was reconsidered in the area cladogram. The general pattern implied secondary extinction ofPseudobagrus nudiceps around lse Bay, which was in keeping with the fossil record.  相似文献   

Aglaia bourdillonii is a plant narrowly endemic to the southern portion of the Western Ghats (WG), in peninsular India. To understand its ecological and geographic distribution, we used ecological niche modeling (ENM) based on detailed distributional information recently gathered, in relation to detailed climatic data sets. The ENMs successfully reconstructed key features of the species’ geographic distribution, focusing almost entirely on the southern WG. Much of the species’ distributional potential is already under protection, but our analysis allows identification of key zones for additional protection, all of which are adjacent to existing protected areas. ENM provides a useful tool for understanding the natural history of such rare and endangered species.
M. Irfan-UllahEmail: Email:

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