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Maspin (Mp) is a member of the serpin family with inhibitory functions against cell migration, metastasis and angiogenesis. To identify its role in embryonic development in vivo, we generated maspin knockout mice by gene targeting. In this study, we showed that homozygous loss of maspin expression was lethal at the peri-implantation stage. Maspin was specifically expressed in the visceral endoderm after implantation; deletion of maspin interfered with the formation of the endodermal cell layer, thereby disrupting the morphogenesis of the epiblast. In vitro, the ICM of the Mp(-/-) blastocysts failed to grow out appropriately. Data from embryoid body formation studies indicated that the Mp(-/-) EBs had a disorganized, endodermal cell mass and lacked a basement membrane layer. We showed that the embryonic ectoderm lineage was lost in the Mp(-/-) EBs, compared with that of the Mp(+/+) EBs. Re-expression of maspin partially rescued the defects observed in the Mp(-/-) EBs, as evidenced by the appearance of ectoderm cells and a layer of endoderm cells surrounding the ectoderm. In addition, a maspin antibody specifically blocked normal EB formation, indicating that maspin controls the process through a cell surface event. Furthermore, we showed that maspin directly increased endodermal cell adhesion to laminin matrix but not to fibronectin. Mp(+/-) endodermal cells grew significantly slower than Mp(+/+) endodermal cells on laminin substrate. We conclude that deletion of maspin affects VE function by reducing cell proliferation and adhesion, thereby controlling early embryonic development.  相似文献   

Several lines of evidence suggest that GATA6 has an integral role in controlling development of the mammalian liver. Unfortunately, this proposal has been impossible to address directly because mouse embryos lacking GATA6 die during gastrulation. Here we show that the early embryonic deficiency associated with GATA6-knockout mice can be overcome by providing GATA6-null embryos with a wild-type extraembryonic endoderm with the use of tetraploid embryo complementation. Analysis of rescued Gata6-/- embryos revealed that, although hepatic specification occurs normally, the specified cells fail to differentiate and the liver bud does not expand. Although GATA6 is expressed in multiple tissues that impact development of the liver, including the heart, septum transversum mesenchyme, and vasculature, all are relatively unaffected by loss of GATA6, which is consistent with a cell-autonomous requirement for GATA6 during hepatogenesis. We also demonstrate that a closely related GATA factor, GATA4, is expressed transiently in the prehepatic endoderm during hepatic specification and then lost during expansion of the hepatic primordium. Our data support the proposal that GATA4 and GATA6 are functionally redundant during hepatic specification but that GATA6 alone is available for liver bud growth and commitment of the endoderm to a hepatic cell fate.  相似文献   

The Notch signaling pathway is an evolutionarily conserved signaling system which has been shown to be essential in cell fate specification and in numerous aspects of embryonic development in all metazoans thus far studied. We recently demonstrated that several components of the Notch signaling pathway, including the four Notch receptors and their five ligands known in mammals, are expressed in mouse oocytes, in mouse preimplantation embryos, or both. This suggested a possible implication of the Notch pathway in the first cell fate specification of the dividing mouse embryo, which results in the formation of the blastocyst. To address this issue directly, we generated zygotes in which both the maternal and the zygotic expression of Rbpsuh, a key element of the core Notch signaling pathway, were abrogated. We find that such zygotes give rise to blastocysts which implant and develop normally. Nevertheless, after gastrulation, these embryos die around midgestation, similarly to Rbpsuh-null mutants. This demonstrates that the RBP-Jkappa-dependent pathway, otherwise called the canonical Notch pathway, is dispensable for blastocyst morphogenesis and the establishment of the three germ layers, ectoderm, endoderm, and mesoderm. These results are discussed in the light of recent observations which have challenged this conclusion.  相似文献   

Small ubiquitin-like modifier (SUMO1–3) conjugation plays a critical role in embryogenesis. Embryos deficient in the SUMO-conjugating enzyme Ubc9 die at the early postimplantation stage. Sumo1−/− mice are viable, as SUMO2/3 can compensate for most SUMO1 functions. To uncover the role of SUMO2/3 in embryogenesis, we generated Sumo2- and Sumo3-null mutant mice. Here, we report that Sumo3−/− mice were viable, while Sumo2−/− embryos exhibited severe developmental delay and died at approximately embryonic day 10.5 (E10.5). We also provide evidence that SUMO2 is the predominantly expressed SUMO isoform. Furthermore, although Sumo2+/− and Sumo2+/−;Sumo3+/− mice lacked any overt phenotype, only 2 Sumo2+/−;Sumo3−/− mice were found at birth in 35 litters after crossing Sumo2+/−;Sumo3+/− with Sumo3−/− mice, and these rare mice were considerably smaller than littermates of the other genotypes. Thus, our findings suggest that expression levels and not functional differences between SUMO2 and SUMO3 are critical for normal embryogenesis.  相似文献   

Cse1l is essential for early embryonic growth and development   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
The CSE1L gene, the human homologue of the yeast chromosome segregation gene CSE1, is a nuclear transport factor that plays a role in proliferation as well as in apoptosis. CSE1 and CSE1L are essential genes in Saccharomyces cerevisiae and mammalian cells, as shown by conditional yeast mutants and mammalian cell culture experiments with antisense-mediated depletion of CSE1L. To analyze whether CSE1L is also essential in vivo and whether its absence can be compensated for by other genes or mechanisms, we have cloned the murine CSE1L gene (Cse1l) and analyzed its tissue- and development-specific expression: Cse1l was detected at embryonic day 7.0 (E7.0), E11.0, E15.0, and E17.0, and in adults, high expression was observed in proliferating tissues. Subsequently, we inactivated the Cse1l gene in embryonic stem cells to generate heterozygous and homozygous knockout mice. Mice heterozygous for Cse1l appear normal and are fertile. However, no homozygous pups were born after interbreeding of heterozygous mice. In 30 heterozygote interbreeding experiments, 50 Cse1l wild-type mice and 100 heterozygotes were born but no animal with both Cse1l alleles deleted was born. Embryo analyses showed that homozygous mutant embryos were already disorganized and degenerated by E5.5. This implicates with high significance (P < 0.0001, Pearson chi-square test) an embryonically lethal phenotype of homozygous murine CSE1 deficiency and suggests that Cse1l plays a critical role in early embryonic development.  相似文献   

Two distinct thioredoxin/thioredoxin reductase systems are present in the cytosol and the mitochondria of mammalian cells. Thioredoxins (Txn), the main substrates of thioredoxin reductases (Txnrd), are involved in numerous physiological processes, including cell-cell communication, redox metabolism, proliferation, and apoptosis. To investigate the individual contribution of mitochondrial (Txnrd2) and cytoplasmic (Txnrd1) thioredoxin reductases in vivo, we generated a mouse strain with a conditionally targeted deletion of Txnrd1. We show here that the ubiquitous Cre-mediated inactivation of Txnrd1 leads to early embryonic lethality. Homozygous mutant embryos display severe growth retardation and fail to turn. In accordance with the observed growth impairment in vivo, Txnrd1-deficient embryonic fibroblasts do not proliferate in vitro. In contrast, ex vivo-cultured embryonic Txnrd1-deficient cardiomyocytes are not affected, and mice with a heart-specific inactivation of Txnrd1 develop normally and appear healthy. Our results indicate that Txnrd1 plays an essential role during embryogenesis in most developing tissues except the heart.  相似文献   

The Drosophila protein DEAF-1 is a sequence-specific DNA binding protein that was isolated as a putative cofactor of the Hox protein Deformed (Dfd). In this study, we analyze the effects of loss or gain of DEAF-1 function on Drosophila development. Maternal/zygotic mutations of DEAF-1 largely result in early embryonic arrest prior to the expression of zygotic segmentation genes, although a few embryos develop into larvae with segmentation defects of variable severity. Overexpression of DEAF-1 protein in embryos can induce defects in migration/closure of the dorsal epidermis, and overexpression in adult primordia can strongly disrupt the development of eye or wing. The DEAF-1 protein associates with many discrete sites on polytene chromosomes, suggesting that DEAF-1 is a rather general regulator of gene expression.  相似文献   

Polo-like kinases (Plks) are serine/threonine kinases that are highly conserved in organisms from yeasts to humans. Previous reports have shown that Plk1 is critical for all stages of mitosis and may play a role in DNA replication during S phase. While much work has focused on Plk1, little is known about the physiological function of Plk1 in vivo. To address this question, we generated Plk1 knockout mice. Plk1 homozygous null mice were embryonic lethal, and early Plk1−/− embryos failed to survive after the eight-cell stage. Immunocytochemistry studies revealed that Plk1-null embryos were arrested outside the mitotic phase, suggesting that Plk1 is important for proper cell cycle progression. It has been postulated that Plk1 is a potential oncogene, due to its overexpression in a variety of tumors and tumor cell lines. While the Plk1 heterozygotes were healthy at birth, the incidence of tumors in these animals was threefold greater than that in their wild-type counterparts, demonstrating that the loss of one Plk1 allele accelerates tumor formation. Collectively, our data support that Plk1 is important for early embryonic development and may function as a haploinsufficient tumor suppressor.  相似文献   

Basement membranes are specialized extracellular matrices consisting of tissue-specific organizations of multiple matrix molecules and serve as structural barriers as well as substrates for cellular interactions. The network of collagen IV is thought to define the scaffold integrating other components such as, laminins, nidogens or perlecan, into highly organized supramolecular architectures. To analyze the functional roles of the major collagen IV isoform alpha1(IV)(2)alpha2(IV) for basement membrane assembly and embryonic development, we generated a null allele of the Col4a1/2 locus in mice, thereby ablating both alpha-chains. Unexpectedly, embryos developed up to E9.5 at the expected Mendelian ratio and showed a variable degree of growth retardation. Basement membrane proteins were deposited and assembled at expected sites in mutant embryos, indicating that this isoform is dispensable for matrix deposition and assembly during early development. However, lethality occurred between E10.5-E11.5, because of structural deficiencies in the basement membranes and finally by failure of the integrity of Reichert's membrane. These data demonstrate for the first time that collagen IV is fundamental for the maintenance of integrity and function of basement membranes under conditions of increasing mechanical demands, but dispensable for deposition and initial assembly of components. Taken together with other basement membrane protein knockouts, these data suggest that laminin is sufficient for basement membrane-like matrices during early development, but at later stages the specific composition of components including collagen IV defines integrity, stability and functionality.  相似文献   

Fibronectin (FN) is secreted as a disulfide-bonded FN dimer. Each subunit contains three types of repeating modules: FN-I, FN-II, and FN-III. The interactions of alpha5beta1 or alphav integrins with the RGD motif of FN-III repeat 10 (FN-III10) are considered an essential step in the assembly of FN fibrils. To test this hypothesis in vivo, we replaced the RGD motif with the inactive RGE in mice. FN-RGE homozygous embryos die at embryonic day 10 with shortened posterior trunk, absent tail bud-derived somites, and severe vascular defects resembling the phenotype of alpha5 integrin-deficient mice. Surprisingly, the absence of a functional RGD motif in FN did not compromise assembly of an FN matrix in mutant embryos or on mutant cells. Matrix assembly assays and solid-phase binding assays reveal that alphavbeta3 integrin assembles FN-RGE by binding an isoDGR motif in FN-I5, which is generated by the nonenzymatic rearrangement of asparagines (N) into an iso-aspartate (iso-D). Our findings demonstrate that FN contains a novel motif for integrin binding and fibril formation whose activity is controlled by amino acid modification.  相似文献   

GLUT8 is a glucose transporter isoform expressed at high levels in testis; at intermediate levels in the brain, including the hippocampus; and at lower levels in the heart and several other tissues. GLUT8 is located in an intracellular compartment and does not appear to translocate to the cell surface, except in blastocysts, where insulin has been reported to induce its surface expression. Here, we generated mice with inactivation of the glut8 gene. We showed that expression of GLUT8 was not required for normal embryonic development and that glut8-/- mice had normal postnatal development, glucose homeostasis, and response to mild stress. Adult glut8-/- mice showed increased proliferation of hippocampal cells but no defect in memory acquisition and retention. Absence of GLUT8 from the heart did not alter heart size and morphology but led to an increase in P-wave duration, which was not associated with abnormal Nav1.5 Na+ channel or connexin expression. Thus, absence of GLUT8 expression in the mouse caused complex but mild physiological alterations.  相似文献   

Fibroblast Growth Factors play critical roles during development, tissue homeostasis and repair by controlling cell proliferation, survival, migration and differentiation. Of the 22 mammalian FGFs, FGF22, a member of the FGF7/10/22 subfamily, has been shown to have a clear role in synaptogenesis, but its roles in other tissues have not been studied. We have investigated the in vivo functions of FGF22 in mice. Fgf22 null animals were viable, fertile and did not display any obvious abnormalities. Despite the known expression profile of FGF22 in the skin, no differences in either skin or pelage were observed, demonstrating that FGF22 is dispensable during embryogenesis and in unchallenged adult skin. Mice lacking FGF22 were able to heal acute wounds just as efficiently as wild type mice. However, classical two-step skin carcinogenesis challenge revealed that FGF22 null mice developed fewer papillomas than wild type controls, suggesting a potential pro-oncogenic role for FGF22 in the skin.  相似文献   

ATP-dependent chromatin-remodeling complexes contribute to the proper temporal and spatial patterns of gene expression in mammalian embryos and therefore play important roles in a number of developmental processes. SWI/SNF-like chromatin-remodeling complexes use one of two different ATPases as their catalytic subunit: brahma (BRM, also known as SMARCA2) and brahma-related gene 1 (BRG1, also known as SMARCA4). We have conditionally deleted a floxed Brg1 allele with a Tie2-Cre transgene, which is expressed in developing hematopoietic and endothelial cells. Brg1(fl/fl):Tie2-Cre(+) embryos die at midgestation from anemia, as mutant primitive erythrocytes fail to transcribe embryonic alpha- and beta-globins, and subsequently undergo apoptosis. Additionally, vascular remodeling of the extraembryonic yolk sac is abnormal in Brg1(fl/fl):Tie2-Cre(+) embryos. Importantly, Brm deficiency does not exacerbate the erythropoietic or vascular abnormalities found in Brg1(fl/fl):Tie2-Cre(+) embryos, implying that Brg1-containing SWI/SNF-like complexes, rather than Brm-containing complexes, play a crucial role in primitive erythropoiesis and in early vascular development.  相似文献   

The SLC30 family of cation diffusion transporters includes at least nine members in mammals, most of which have been documented to play a role in zinc transport. The founding member of this family, Znt1, was discovered by virtue of its ability to efflux zinc from cells and to protect them from zinc toxicity. However, its physiological functions remain unknown. To address this issue, mice with targeted knockout of the Znt1 gene were generated by homologous recombination in embryonic stem cells. Heterozygous Znt1 mice were viable. In contrast, homozygous Znt1 mice died in utero soon after implantation due to a catastrophic failure of embryonic development. Although extraembryonic membranes formed around these embryos, the embryo proper failed to undergo morphogenesis past the egg cylinder stage and was amorphous by d9 of pregnancy. Expression of the Znt1 gene was detected predominantly in trophoblasts and in the maternal deciduum during the postimplantation period (d5 to d8). The failure of homozygous Znt1 embryos to develop could not be rescued by manipulating maternal dietary zinc (either excess or deficiency) during pregnancy. However, embryos in Znt1 heterozygous females were approximately 3 times more likely to develop abnormally when exposed to maternal dietary zinc deficiency during later pregnancy than were those in wildtype females. These studies suggest that Znt1 serves an essential function of transporting maternal zinc into the embryonic environment during the egg cylinder stage of development, and further suggest that Znt1 plays a role in zinc homeostasis in adult mice.  相似文献   

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