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Wittmann JG  Rudolph MG 《FEBS letters》2004,568(1-3):23-29
The small GTPase Rab9 is an essential regulator of vesicular transport from the late endosome to the trans-Golgi network, as monitored by the redirection of the mannose-6-phosphate receptors. The crystal structure of Rab9 complexed to GDP, Mg(2+), and Sr(2+) reveals a unique dimer formed by an intermolecular beta-sheet that buries the switch I regions. Surface area and shape complementarity calculations suggest that Rab9 dimers can form an inactive, membrane-bound pool of Rab9 . GDP that is independent of GDI. Mg(2+)-bound Rab9 represents an inactive state, but Sr(2+)-bound Rab9 . GDP displays activated switch region conformations, mimicking those of the GTP state. A hydrophobic tetrad is formed resembling an effector-discriminating epitope found only in GTP-bound Rab proteins.  相似文献   

Reef-building corals contain host pigments, termed pocilloporins, that function to regulate the light environment of their resident microalgae by acting as a photoprotectant in excessive sunlight. We have determined the crystal structure of an intensely blue, nonfluorescent pocilloporin to 2.2 A resolution and a genetically engineered fluorescent variant to 2.4 A resolution. The pocilloporin chromophore structure adopts a markedly different conformation in comparison with the DsRed chromophore, despite the chromophore sequences (Gln-Tyr-Gly) being identical; the tyrosine ring of the pocilloporin chromophore is noncoplanar and in the trans configuration. Furthermore, the fluorescent variant adopted a noncoplanar chromophore conformation. The data presented here demonstrates that the conformation of the chromophore is highly dependent on its immediate environment.  相似文献   

The regulation of the activity of Abl and Src family tyrosine kinases is mediated by intramolecular interactions between the SH3, SH2, and kinase (SH1) domains. We have determined the crystal structure of an unphosphorylated form of c-Src in which the SH2 domain is not bound to the C-terminal tail. This results in an open structure where the kinase domain adopts an active conformation and the C terminus binds within a hydrophobic pocket in the C-terminal lobe. NMR binding studies support the hypothesis that an N-terminal myristate could bind in this pocket, as observed for Abl, suggesting that c-Src may also be regulated by myristate binding. In addition, the structure contains a des-methyl analog of the antileukemia drug imatinib (STI571; Gleevec). This structure reveals why the drug shows a low affinity for active kinase conformations, contributing to its excellent kinase selectivity profile.  相似文献   

The PRL phosphatases, which constitute a subfamily of the protein tyrosine phosphatases (PTPs), are implicated in oncogenic and metastatic processes. Here, we report the crystal structure of human PRL-1 determined at 2.7A resolution. The crystal structure reveals the shallow active-site pocket with highly hydrophobic character. A structural comparison with the previously determined NMR structure of PRL-3 exhibits significant differences in the active-site region. In the PRL-1 structure, a sulfate ion is bound to the active-site, providing stabilizing interactions to maintain the canonically found active conformation of PTPs, whereas the NMR structure exhibits an open conformation of the active-site. We also found that PRL-1 forms a trimer in the crystal and the trimer exists in the membrane fraction of cells, suggesting the possible biological regulation of PRL-1 activity by oligomerization. The detailed structural information on the active enzyme conformation and regulation of PRL-1 provides the structural basis for the development of potential inhibitors of PRL enzymes.  相似文献   

Tyrosine phosphorylations are essential in signal transduction. Recently, a new type of phosphotyrosine binding protein, MEMO (Mediator of ErbB2-driven cell motility), has been reported to bind specifically to an ErbB2-derived phosphorylated peptide encompassing Tyr-1227 (PYD). Structural and functional analyses of variants of this peptide revealed the minimum sequence required for MEMO recognition. Using a docking approach we have generated a structural model for MEMO/PYD complex and compare this new phosphotyrosine motif to SH2 and PTB phosphotyrosine motives.  相似文献   

We previously demonstrated that Treponema pallidum TroA is a periplasmic metal-binding protein (MBP) with a distinctive alpha-helical backbone. To better understand the mechanisms of metal binding and release by TroA, we determined the crystal structure of the apoprotein at a resolution of 2.5 A and compared it to that of the Zn(II)-bound form (Protein Data Bank accession code 1toa). apo-TroA shows a conformation even more closed than that of its Zn(II)-bound counterpart due to a 4 degrees tilt of the C-terminal domain (residues 190 through 308) about an axis parallel to the poorly flexible backbone helix. This domain tilting pushes two loops (residues 248 through 253 and 277 through 286) towards the metal-binding site by more than 1 A, resulting in an unfavorable interaction of I251 with D66. To avoid this contact, D66 shifts towards H68, one of the four Zn(II)-coordinating residues. The approach of this negative charge coincides with the flipping of the imidazole side chain of H68, resulting in the formation of a new hydrogen bond. The conformational change of H68, along with a slight rearrangement of D279, a C-terminal domain Zn(II)-coordinating residue, distorts the metal-binding site geometry, presumably causing the release of the bound metal ion. Ligand binding and release by TroA, and presumably by other members of the MBP cluster, differs from the "Venus flytrap" mechanism utilized by bacterial nonmetal solute-binding receptors.  相似文献   

The de novo biosynthesis of arginine in microorganisms and plants is accomplished via several enzymatic steps. The enzyme N-acetyl glutamate kinase (NAGK) catalyzes the phosphorylation of the γ-COO? group of N-acetyl-l-glutamate (NAG) by adenosine triphosphate (ATP) which is the second rate limiting step in arginine biosynthesis pathway. Here we report the crystal structure of putative N-acetyl glutamate kinase (NAGK) from Thermus thermophilus HB8 (TtNAGK) determined at 1.92 Å resolution. The structural analysis of TtNAGK suggests that the dimeric quaternary state of the enzyme and arginine insensitive nature are similar to mesophilic Escherichia coli NAGK. These features are significantly different from its thermophilic homolog Thermatoga maritima NAGK which is hexameric and arginine-sensitive. TtNAGK is devoid of its substrates but contains two sulfates at the active site. Very interestingly the active site of the enzyme adopts a conformation which is not completely open or closed and likely represents an intermediate stage in the catalytic cycle unlike its structural homologs, which all exist either in the open or closed conformation. Engineering arginine biosynthesis pathway enzymes for the production of l-arginine is an important industrial application. The structural comparison of TtNAGK with EcNAGK revealed the structural basis of thermostability of TtNAGK and this information could be very useful to generate mutants of NAGK with increased overall stability.  相似文献   

The structure of the recombinant (-) gamma-lactamase from an Aureobacterium species has been solved at 1.73A resolution in the cubic space group F23 with unit cell parameters a=b=c=240.6A. The trimeric enzyme has an alpha/beta hydrolase fold and closely resembles the cofactor free haloperoxidases. The structure has been solved in complex with a covalently bound ligand originating from the host cell and also in the unligated form. The associated density in the former structure has been interpreted as the two-ring ligand (3aR,7aS)-3a,4,7,7a-tetrahydro-benzo [1,3] dioxol-2-one which forms a tetrahedral complex with OG of the catalytic Ser98. Soaks of these crystals with the industrial substrate gamma-lactam or its structural analogue, norcamphor, result in the displacement of the ligand from the enzyme active site, thereby allowing determination of the unligated structure. The presence of the ligand in the active site protects the enzyme from serine hydrolase inhibitors. Cyclic ethylene carbonate, the first ring of the ligand, was shown to be a substrate of the enzyme.  相似文献   

The cytostatic analogue ribo-6-azauridine crystallizes in the orthorhombic space group P212121 with eight molecules per unit cell of dimensions a = 20.230, b = 7.709, c = 12.863 A?. A trial structure was obtained by direct methods. Least-squares refinement of co-ordinates and anisotropic thermal parameters based on 1998 reflections measured on a four-circle diffractometer led to a discrepancy index R = 4.0%. Like uridine, 6-azauridine has the anti conformation about the glycosidic bond and a C(3′)-endo sugar pucker. Unlike uridine, it exhibits a close approach of N(6) to C(2′) at only 2.814 and 2.844 Å in the two independent molecules, and a C(5′)(5′) bond that is gauche to C(4′)O(1′) but trans to C(4′)C(3′); this conformation about a C(4′)C(5′) bond has never been observed before for C(3′)-endo puckered riboses in the crystalline state. The crystal structure displays a pseudo-A face centering and very similar conformational parameters for the two independent molecules. Every OH and NH group in the structure serves as a proton donor in a hydrogen bond, including an unusual N(3)—H(3) … O(1′) link. Molecular orbital calculations by the extended Hückel method indicate that from uridine to 6-azauridine the net charge changes sign at ring positions 5 and 6 and disappears at 1.  相似文献   

Monopolar spindle 1 (Mps1) is a dual-specificity protein kinase, orchestrating faithful chromosome segregation during mitosis. All reported structures of the Mps1 kinase adopt the hallmarks of an inactive conformation, which includes a mostly disordered activation loop. Here, we present a 2.4 Å resolution crystal structure of an “extended” version of the Mps1 kinase domain, which shows an ordered activation loop. However, the other structural characteristics of an active kinase are not present. Our structure shows that the Mps1 activation loop can fit to the ATP binding pocket and interferes with ATP, but less so with inhibitors binding, partly explain the potency of various Mps1 inhibitors.  相似文献   

The crystal structure of d(CCCCGGGG) has been determined at a resolution of 2.25 A. The oligomers crystallize as A-DNA duplexes occupying crystallographic two-fold axes. The backbone conformation is, in general, similar to that observed in previously reported crystal structures of A-DNA fragments, except for the central linkage, where it adopts an extended structure resulting from all trans conformation at the P-O5'-C5'-C4' bonds. This type of conformation facilitates interstrand stacking between the guanines at the C-G site. The local helix twist at this step is very small (25 degrees) compared to an overall average of 33.5 degrees. The unique structure of the C-G base-pair step, namely the extended backbone and the distinct stacking geometry, may be an important feature in the recognition mechanism between double-stranded DNA molecules and restriction endonucleases such as Msp I, which cuts the sequence CCGG very specifically with a rate unaffected by neighboring base pairs.  相似文献   

The crystal structure of recombinant Dps2 (DRB0092, DNA protecting protein under starved conditions) from the Gram-positive, radiation-resistant bacterium Deinococcus radiodurans has been determined in its apo and iron loaded states. Like other members of the Dps family, the bacterial DrDps2 assembles as a spherical dodecamer with an outer shell diameter of 90 A and an interior diameter of 40 A. A total of five iron sites were located in the iron loaded structure, representing the first stages of iron biomineralisation. Each subunit contains a mononuclear iron ferroxidase centre coordinated by residues highly conserved amongst the Dps family of proteins. In the structures presented, a distinct iron site is observed 6.1 A from the ferroxidase centre with a unique ligand configuration of mono coordination by the protein and no bridging ligand to the ferroxidase centre. A non-specific metallic binding site, suspected to play a regulative role in iron uptake/release from the cage, was found in a pocket located near to the external edge of the C-terminal 3-fold channel.  相似文献   

The two Ca2+-dependent cysteine proteases, micro- and m-calpain, are involved in various Ca2+-linked signal pathways but differ markedly in their Ca2+ requirements for activation. We have determined the structure of a micro-like calpain, which has 85% micro-calpain sequence (the first 48 and the last 62 residues of the large subunit are those from m-calpain) and a low Ca2+ requirement. This construct was used because micro-calpain itself is too poorly expressed. The structure of micro-like calpain is very similar in overall fold to that of m-calpain as expected, but differs significantly in two aspects. In comparison with m-calpain, the catalytic triad residues in micro-like calpain, His and Cys, are much closer together in the absence of Ca2+, and significant portions of the Ca2+ binding EF-hand motifs are disordered and more flexible. These structural differences imply that Ca2+-free micro-calpain may represent a partially activated structure, requiring lower Ca2+ concentration to trigger its activation.  相似文献   

D-Alanyl-D-alanine carboxypeptidase/transpeptidases (DD-peptidases) are beta-lactam-sensitive enzymes that are responsible for the final peptidoglycan cross-linking step in bacterial cell wall biosynthesis. A highly specific tripeptide phosphonate inhibitor was designed with a side chain corresponding to a portion of the Streptomyces R61 peptidoglycan. This compound was found to be a slow, irreversible inactivator of the DD-peptidase. Molecular modeling suggested that although a pentacoordinated intermediate of the phosphonylation reaction would not interact strongly with the enzyme, a tetracoordinated phosphonyl enzyme might be analogous to a transition state in the reaction with peptide substrates. To investigate this possibility, the crystal structure of the phosphonyl enzyme was determined. The 1.1 A resolution structure shows that the inhibitor has phosphonylated the catalytic serine (Ser62). One of the phosphonyl oxygens is noncovalently bound in the oxyanion hole, while the other is solvated by two water molecules. The conserved hydroxyl group of Tyr159 forms a strong hydrogen bond with the latter oxygen atom (2.77 A). This arrangement is interpreted as being analogous to the transition state for the formation of the tetrahedral intermediate in the deacylation step of the carboxypeptidase reaction. The proximity of Tyr159 to the solvated phosphonyl oxygen suggests that the tyrosine anion acts as a general base for deacylation. This transition state analogue structure is compared to the structures of noncovalent DD-peptidase reaction intermediates and phosphonylated beta-lactamases. These comparisons show that specific substrate binding to the peptidase induces a conformational change in the active site that places Ser62 in an optimal position for catalysis. This activated conformation relaxes as the reaction proceeds.  相似文献   

Mouse Nkrp1a receptor is a C‐type lectin‐like receptor expressed on the surface of natural killer cells that play an important role against virally infected and tumor cells. The recently solved crystal structure of Nkrp1a raises questions about a long loop region which was uniquely extended from the central region in the crystal. To understand the functional significance of the loop, the solution structure of Nkrp1a using nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) spectroscopy was determined. A notable difference between the crystal and NMR structure of Nkrp1a appears in the conformation of the long loop region. While the extended loop points away from the central core and mediates formation of a domain swapped dimer in the crystal, the solution structure is monomeric with the loop tightly anchored to the central region. The findings described the first solution structure in the Nkrp1 family and revealed intriguing similarities and differences to the crystal structure. Proteins 2016; 84:1304–1311. © 2016 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

Aggretin is a C-type lectin purified from Calloselasma rhodostoma snake venom. It is a potent activator of platelets, resulting in a collagen-like response by binding and clustering platelet receptor CLEC-2. We present here the crystal structure of aggretin at 1.7 A which reveals a unique tetrameric quaternary structure. The two alphabeta heterodimers are arranged through 2-fold rotational symmetry, resulting in an antiparallel side-by-side arrangement. Aggretin thus presents two ligand binding sites on one surface and can therefore cluster ligands in a manner reminiscent of convulxin and flavocetin. To examine the molecular basis of the interaction with CLEC-2, we used a molecular modeling approach of docking the aggretin alphabeta structure with the CLEC-2 N-terminal domain (CLEC-2N). This model positions the CLEC-2N structure face down in the "saddle"-shaped binding site which lies between the aggretin alpha and beta lectin-like domains. A 2-fold rotation of this complex to generate the aggretin tetramer reveals dimer contacts for CLEC-2N which bring the N- and C-termini into the proximity of each other, and a series of contacts involving two interlocking beta-strands close to the N-terminus are described. A comparison with homologous lectin-like domains from the immunoreceptor family reveals a similar but not identical dimerization mode, suggesting this structure may represent the clustered form of CLEC-2 capable of signaling across the platelet membrane.  相似文献   

The crystal structure of an amphiphilic macrocycle [Velasco-Torrijos, T.; Murphy, P. V., Tetrahedron: Asymmetry2005, 16, 261-272] derived from saccharides shows extensive hydrogen-bonding networks, including participation of water, that may have relevance for the modelling of carbohydrate-carbohydrate recognition at cell-cell interfaces. The structure may provide a basis for understanding the binding of the macrocycle to hydrophobic probes.  相似文献   

Transient receptor potential (TRP) channels comprise a large family of tetrameric cation-selective ion channels that respond to diverse forms of sensory input. Earlier studies showed that members of the TRPM subclass possess a self-assembling tetrameric C-terminal cytoplasmic coiled-coil domain that underlies channel assembly and trafficking. Here, we present the high-resolution crystal structure of the coiled-coil domain of the channel enzyme TRPM7. The crystal structure, together with biochemical experiments, reveals an unexpected four-stranded antiparallel coiled-coil architecture that bears unique features relative to other antiparallel coiled-coils. Structural analysis indicates that a limited set of interactions encode assembly specificity determinants and uncovers a previously unnoticed segregation of TRPM assembly domains into two families that correspond with the phylogenetic divisions seen for the complete subunits. Together, the data provide a framework for understanding the mechanism of TRPM channel assembly and highlight the diversity of forms found in the coiled-coil fold.  相似文献   

The mRNA of Escherichia coli yedU gene is induced 31-fold upon heat shock. The 31-kD YedU protein, also calls Hsp31, is highly conserved in several human pathogens and has chaperone activity. We solved the crystal structure of YedU at 2.2 A resolution. YedU monomer has an alpha/beta/alpha sandwich domain and a small alpha/beta domain. YedU is a dimer in solution, and its crystal structure indicates that a significant amount of surface area is buried upon dimerization. There is an extended hydrophobic patch that crosses the dimer interface on the surface of the protein. This hydrophobic patch is likely the substrate-binding site responsible for the chaperone activity. The structure also reveals a potential protease-like catalytic triad composed of Cys184, His185, and Asp213, although no enzymatic activity could be identified. YedU coordinates a metal ion using His85, His122, and Glu90. This 2-His-1-carboxylate motif is present in carboxypeptidase A (a zinc enzyme), and a number of dioxygenases and hydroxylases that utilize iron as a cofactor, suggesting another potential function for YedU.  相似文献   

Monocyte chemotactic protein 2 (MCP-2) is a CC chemokine that utilizes multiple cellular receptors to attract and activate human leukocytes. MCP-2 is a potent inhibitor of HIV-1 by virtue of its high-affinity binding to the receptor CCR5, one of the major coreceptors for HIV-1. Although a few structures of CC chemokines have been reported, none of these was determined with the N-terminal pyroglutamic acid residue (pGlu1) and a complete C-terminus. pGlu1 is essential for the chemotactic activity of MCP-2. Recombinant MCP-2 has Gln1 at the N terminus, 12-15% of which cyclizes automatically and forms pGlu1. The chemotactic activity of such MCP-2 mixture, which contains 12-15% pGlu1-form and 85-88% Gln1-form protein, is approximately 10 times lower when compared with that of fully cyclized MCP-2 preparation. Therefore, this chemokine is practically inactive without pGlu1. We have determined the complete crystal structure of MCP-2 that contains both pGlu1 and an intact C-terminus. With the existence of pGlu1, the conformation of the N-terminus allows two additional interactions between the two subunits of MCP-2 dimer: a hydrogen bond between pGlu1 and Asn17 and a salt bridge between Asp3 and Arg18. Consequently, both pGlu1 are anchored and buried, and thereby, both N-terminal regions are protected against protease degradation. We have also observed not previously reported extended helical nature of the C terminal region, which covers residues 58-74.  相似文献   

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