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A set of eight simple ecological and social principles is proposed that could enhance the understanding of what constitutes fish 'habitat' and, if implemented, could contribute to improved management and conservation strategies. The habitat principles are a small, interrelated sub‐set that may be coupled with additional ones to formulate comprehensive guidelines for management and conservation strategies. It is proposed that: 1) habitat can be created by keystone species and interactions among species; 2) the productivity of aquatic and riparian habitat is interlinked by reciprocal exchanges of material; 3) the riparian zone is fish habitat; 4) fishless headwater streams are inseparable from fish‐bearing rivers downstream; 5) habitats can be coupled – in rivers, lakes, estuaries and oceans, and in time; 6) habitats change over hours to centuries; 7) fish production is dynamic due to biocomplexity, in species and in habitats; 8) management and conservation strategies must evolve in response to present conditions, but especially to the anticipated future. It is contended that the long‐term resilience of native fish communities in catchments shared by humans depends on incorporating these principles into management and conservation strategies. Further, traditional strategies poorly reflect the dynamic nature of habitat, the true extent of habitat, or the intrinsic complexity in societal perspectives. Forward‐thinking fish management and conservation plans view habitat as more than water. They are multilayered, ranging from pools to catchments to ecoregions, and from hours to seasons to centuries. They embrace, as a fundamental premise, that habitat evolves through both natural and anthropogenic processes, and that patterns of change may be as important as other habitat attributes.  相似文献   

Incidental capture in fisheries threatens many marine vertebrates, however, conservation cannot be effective without identifying major sources of mortality. For the critically endangered leatherback turtle (Dermochelys coriacea), a reliance on fisheries observer data and an absence of behavioural data sets corresponding to a large and diverse sample of animals have focused conservation efforts on a very limited part of the species marine habitat. Using the largest satellite telemetry data set for Atlantic leatherbacks, morphometrics from foraging animals and entanglement records, we show annual return migrations to key feeding areas by males, females and juveniles, and demonstrate the importance of northern latitudes to leatherbacks. We show that leatherbacks are vulnerable to entanglement in northern coastal and shelf waters, where turtle–fishery interactions represent a greater threat to this species than previously recognized. Unless conservation efforts expand to coastal and shelf areas, present efforts alone will not be sufficient to save the species.  相似文献   

Global assessment of conservation threats to several taxonomic groups are urgently needed for species living in regions of the world where field research is curtailed by logistic or economic constraints. For instance, it is now widely recognized that freshwater turtles represent one of the most endangered groups of vertebrates in the world. This situation has been particularly evident with Asian species. Although in Sub-Saharan Africa species are exposed to very similar threats (e.g., intense hunting for food and traditional medicine, habitat loss, collection for the pet trade, etc.), there is no comparable concern in the international conservation community simply because the African species are still too poorly known. Here, I propose a model for analyzing the threat levels to freshwater turtles of Sub-Saharan Africa and I test this model by taking into consideration a series of six risk variables of distribution and ecology. Each variable was categorized into five ranks (0–4) of increasing survival risk. The results, although preliminary, show a great sensitivity of most species. This strongly contrasts with the fact that apart from Malagasy endemics very few species are currently considered as threatened according to IUCN lists. There were clear differences among-families in the major threats. Softshell turtles are especially threatened because their large body size makes them a very good food source for native populations. The single podocnemidid species is also vulnerable, and is particularly sensitive to human hunting for domestic consumption. Concerning the Pelomedusidae, there are several species that are considered by the model as sensitive or highly sensitive to rarity. They are affected by a combination of threats (Extent of distribution in Sub-Saharan Africa, Habitat breadth, Habits, Likeliness of human direct/indirect persecution, and Habitat vulnerability). The conservation implications of these results are discussed.  相似文献   

Summary In many ecosystems, increases in vegetation density and the resulting closure of forest canopies are threatening the viability of species that depend upon open, sunlight‐exposed habitats. Consequently, we need to develop management strategies that recreate open habitats while minimizing the impacts on non‐target areas. Selective logging creates canopy gaps, but may result in undesirable effects in other respects. Thus, chainsaws have not been a popular tool for conservation. We conducted a landscape‐scale experiment to test whether selective tree removal can restore patch‐level habitat quality for Australia’s most endangered snake (Hoplocephalus bungaroides) and its main prey (the lizard Oedura lesueurii). We selectively removed canopy trees surrounding 25 overgrown rock outcrops and compared the resultant habitat structure and abiotic conditions to 30 overgrown, shady outcrops and 20 open, sunny outcrops. Removing vegetation decreased canopy cover by 19% in experimental plots and increased incident radiation and thermal regimes. These changes increased the availability of suitable shelter sites for our target species by 131%. At the landscape scale, our manipulations had a trivial effect on forest habitat; by increasing the area of sun‐exposed outcrops, we decreased forest cover by <0.1%. Our results show that targeted canopy removal can increase the availability of sun‐exposed habitat patches for endangered species in biologically meaningful ways. Thus, selective tree felling may be an effective conservation tool for open‐habitat specialists threatened by vegetation overgrowth.  相似文献   

Biological Invasions - Invasive species can significantly impact native wildlife by structurally altering habitats and access to resources. Understanding how native species respond to habitat...  相似文献   

Aim Defining priority areas for conservation is essential to minimize biodiversity loss, but the adoption of different methods for describing species distributions influences the outcomes. In order to provide a robust basis for the conservation of freshwater turtles in Africa, we compared the effect that different species‐mapping approaches had on derived patterns of species richness, species vulnerability and protected‐area representativeness. Location Africa. Methods We adopted three different approaches with increasing complexity for generating species distribution maps. The first approach was based on the geographic intersection of species records and grid squares; the second on the union of local convex polygons; and the third on inductive distribution modelling techniques. We used distribution maps, generated using these three approaches, to determine conservation priorities based on geographic patterns of species richness and vulnerability, as well as for conducting gap and irreplaceability analyses. Results We obtained markedly different distribution maps using the three methods, which in turn caused differences in conservation priorities. The grid‐square approach underestimated range sizes and species richness, while the polygon approach overestimated these attributes. The distribution modelling approach provided the most realistic outcome in terms of diversity patterns, by minimizing both commission and omission errors. An integrated map of conservation priority – derived by combining individual measures of priority based on the distribution modelling approach – identified the Gulf of Guinea coast and the Albertine Rift as major priority areas. Main conclusions Each species‐mapping approach has both advantages and disadvantages. The choice of the most appropriate approach in any given situation depends on the availability of locality records and on the relative importance of mitigating omission and commission errors. Our findings suggest that in most circumstances, the use of distribution modelling has many advantages relative to the other approaches. The priority areas identified in this study should be considered for targeting efforts to conserve Africa freshwater turtles in the coming years.  相似文献   

Conservation of migratory shorebirds and waterfowl presents unique challenges due to extensive historic loss of wetland habitats, and current reliance on managed landscapes for wintering and migratory passage. We developed a spatially-explicit approach to estimate potential shorebird and waterfowl densities in California by integrating mapped habitat layers and statewide bird survey data with expert-based habitat rankings. Using these density estimates as inputs, we used the Marxan site-selection program to identify priority shorebird and waterfowl areas at the ecoregional level. We identified 3.7 million ha of habitat for shorebirds and waterfowl, of which 1.4 million ha would be required to conserve 50% of wintering populations. To achieve a conservation goal of 75%, more than twice as much habitat (3.1 million ha) would be necessary. Agricultural habitats comprised a substantial portion of priority areas, especially at the 75% level, suggesting that under current management conditions, large areas of agricultural land, much of it formerly wetland, are needed to provide the habitat availability and landscape connectivity required by shorebird and waterfowl populations. These habitats were found to be largely lacking recognized conservation status in California (96% un-conserved), with only slightly higher levels of conservation for priority shorebird and waterfowl areas. Freshwater habitats, including wetlands and ponds, were also found to have low levels of conservation (67% un-conserved), although priority shorebird and waterfowl areas had somewhat higher levels of conservation than the state as a whole. Conserving migratory waterfowl and shorebirds will require a diversity of conservation strategies executed at a variety of scales. Our modeled results are complementary with other approaches and can help prioritize areas for protection, restoration and other actions. Traditional habitat protection strategies such as conservation easements and fee acquisitions may be of limited utility for protecting and managing significant areas of agricultural lands. Instead, conservation strategies focused on incentive-based programs to support wildlife friendly management practices in agricultural settings may have greater utility and conservation effectiveness.  相似文献   

The decline in distribution and abundance of biodiversity requires evidence-based guidelines for cost-effective conservation management and systematic quantitative assessments of its effects. We investigated the efficiency of a habitat restoration programme aimed at reducing the risk of extinction of the Iolas blue Iolana iolas (Ochsenheimer, 1816), one of the rarest butterflies of Central Europe. Using occupancy and capture-mark-recapture (CMR) models accounting for probability of detection, we assessed habitat patch occupancy, habitat selection, demography and dispersal with the aim of testing and refining restoration measures. Count surveys performed at 38 plantations dedicated to the species’ unique host plant resulted in an occupancy rate of 50 %, with mostly very low relative abundance indices. The site-occupancy habitat analysis demonstrated that species abundance was best explained by host plant vitality, habitat patch connectivity, and solar radiation. CMR surveys yielded very high catchability (82 %), individual detectability (86 %) rates and limited dispersal capacity. These results form the basis for future efficient count surveys to assess species distribution and abundance. They also provide evidence-based recommendations for improving ongoing habitat restoration: (i) the attractiveness of host plant plantations must be enhanced by promoting mass blossoming, which can be achieved through systematic autumn pruning of the extant plantations; (ii) new plantations should be created in order to fill in the gaps in the landscape matrix, to increase meta-population capacity through improved habitat connectivity. Finally, this study demonstrates the relevance of efficiency tests as an integral, adaptive phase of any conservation research activity.  相似文献   



Balancing animal conservation and human use of the landscape is an ongoing scientific and practical challenge throughout the world. We investigated reproductive success in female greater sage-grouse (Centrocercus urophasianus) relative to seasonal patterns of resource selection, with the larger goal of developing a spatially-explicit framework for managing human activity and sage-grouse conservation at the landscape level.

Methodology/Principal Findings

We integrated field-observation, Global Positioning Systems telemetry, and statistical modeling to quantify the spatial pattern of occurrence and risk during nesting and brood-rearing. We linked occurrence and risk models to provide spatially-explicit indices of habitat-performance relationships. As part of the analysis, we offer novel biological information on resource selection during egg-laying, incubation, and night. The spatial pattern of occurrence during all reproductive phases was driven largely by selection or avoidance of terrain features and vegetation, with little variation explained by anthropogenic features. Specifically, sage-grouse consistently avoided rough terrain, selected for moderate shrub cover at the patch level (within 90 m2), and selected for mesic habitat in mid and late brood-rearing phases. In contrast, risk of nest and brood failure was structured by proximity to anthropogenic features including natural gas wells and human-created mesic areas, as well as vegetation features such as shrub cover.


Risk in this and perhaps other human-modified landscapes is a top-down (i.e., human-mediated) process that would most effectively be minimized by developing a better understanding of specific mechanisms (e.g., predator subsidization) driving observed patterns, and using habitat-performance indices such as those developed herein for spatially-explicit guidance of conservation intervention. Working under the hypothesis that industrial activity structures risk by enhancing predator abundance or effectiveness, we offer specific recommendations for maintaining high-performance habitat and reducing low-performance habitat, particularly relative to the nesting phase, by managing key high-risk anthropogenic features such as industrial infrastructure and water developments.  相似文献   

The distribution of ground beetle, rove beetle, spider and plant bug species assemblages, and the occurrence of other beetle species, was investigated in a five-year survey of a grouse moor in the Scottish borders, some of which was managed by burning, cutting and herbicide application. Multivariate analyses were used to assess the relationship between assemblage distribution and a number of environmental variables. The management of dry Calluna moor had a positive effect on the habitat diversity for ground beetles and plant bugs but had little effect on rove beetles and spiders. A total of 39 nationally rare and scarce species (38 beetle, 1 plant bug) was recorded in the survey. The most important habitat present was on streamside sites, especially sediment. A number of these rarer species were restricted to sites managed by burning and cutting but other species were only found on unmanaged wet Calluna moor. Molinia-dominated moor was generally of poorer quality than Calluna sites, with fewer rare and scarce species and lower site rarity values based on the ground beetle species recorded. The highest median site rarity scores were for dry, open, managed Calluna sites. In order to maximise both habitat diversity and the incidence of rare and scarce species on grouse moor, a mosaic of both managed and undisturbed patches differing in soil characteristics, plant composition and vegetation structure appears to be required.  相似文献   

This review considers interactive management of wild and zoo populations as a stratesy to support habitat preservation, help sustain key endangered species, and hasten the evolution of zoos and aquaria as proactive conservation organizations. Interactive management supports key species' subpopulations in an integrated fashion, using their study in nature as a way to understand wildlife habitats, ecological processes and conservation threats. In the face of human increase and habitat destruction, the survival of much wildlife will depend upon the utility of fragments of habitat and the survival of relatively small populations whose habitats are reduced or altered and whose numbers are capped. Under such conditions, interactive wild-captive metapopulation strategies may increase the security of key species.  相似文献   

With the recent progresses of the information and communication technologies, biosensors and nanotechnologies, the access to continuing health monitoring is becoming real. The development of efficient, accurate and interactive solutions integrating biomarkers for continuing health monitoring might contribute to an improved care of some chronic diseases like hypertension, diabetes or heart failure. Continuing health monitoring might also enhance the efficiency and safety of patient’s treatments.  相似文献   



Resolving threats to widely distributed marine megafauna requires definition of the geographic distributions of both the threats as well as the population unit(s) of interest. In turn, because individual threats can operate on varying spatial scales, their impacts can affect different segments of a population of the same species. Therefore, integration of multiple tools and techniques — including site-based monitoring, genetic analyses, mark-recapture studies and telemetry — can facilitate robust definitions of population segments at multiple biological and spatial scales to address different management and research challenges.

Methodology/Principal Findings

To address these issues for marine turtles, we collated all available studies on marine turtle biogeography, including nesting sites, population abundances and trends, population genetics, and satellite telemetry. We georeferenced this information to generate separate layers for nesting sites, genetic stocks, and core distributions of population segments of all marine turtle species. We then spatially integrated this information from fine- to coarse-spatial scales to develop nested envelope models, or Regional Management Units (RMUs), for marine turtles globally.


The RMU framework is a solution to the challenge of how to organize marine turtles into units of protection above the level of nesting populations, but below the level of species, within regional entities that might be on independent evolutionary trajectories. Among many potential applications, RMUs provide a framework for identifying data gaps, assessing high diversity areas for multiple species and genetic stocks, and evaluating conservation status of marine turtles. Furthermore, RMUs allow for identification of geographic barriers to gene flow, and can provide valuable guidance to marine spatial planning initiatives that integrate spatial distributions of protected species and human activities. In addition, the RMU framework — including maps and supporting metadata — will be an iterative, user-driven tool made publicly available in an online application for comments, improvements, download and analysis.  相似文献   

Monitoring protected areas and their surrounds at local to regional scales is essential given their vulnerability to anthropogenic pressures, including those associated with climatic fluctuation, and important for management and fulfilment of national and international directives and agreements. Whilst monitoring has commonly revolved around field data, remote sensing can play a key role in establishing baselines of the extent and condition of habitats and associated species diversity as well as quantifying losses, degradation or recovery associated with specific events or processes. Landsat images constitute a major data source for habitat monitoring, capturing broad scale information on changes in habitat extent and spatial patterns of fragmentation that allow disturbances in protected areas to be identified. These data are, however, less able to provide information on changes in habitat quality, species distribution and fine-scale disturbances, and hence data from other spaceborne optical sensors are increasingly being considered. Very High Resolution (VHR) optical datasets have been exploited to a lesser extent, partly because of the relative recency of spaceborne observations and challenges associated with obtaining and routinely extracting information from airborne multi-spectral and hyperspectral datasets. The lack of a shortwave infrared band in many VHR datasets and provision of too much detail (e.g., shadows within and from landscape objects) also present challenges in some cases. Light Detection and Ranging (LiDAR) and Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR) data, particularly when used synergistically with optical data, have benefited the detection of changes in the three-dimensional structure of habitats. This review shows that remote sensing has a strong, yet underexploited potential to assist in the monitoring of protected areas. However, the data generated need to be utilized more effectively to enable better management of the condition of protected areas and their surrounds, prepare for climate change, and assist planning for future landscape management.  相似文献   

中国大陆沿海湿地是东亚-澳大利西亚候鸟迁徙的重要停歇地,自然湿地丧失与退化已经严重威胁到水鸟生物多样性的稳定性,急需开展物种及其栖息地的保护工作。识别中国大陆沿海水鸟保护优先区,针对保护优先区进行保护优先等级划分,确定目前尚存的保护空缺,是针对性开展水鸟栖息地保护的前提。以中国大陆沿海11省、自治区、直辖市沿岸湿地为研究区,整合鸟类网站、水鸟调查报告和文献中的水鸟调查数据,采用热点分析方法,确定水鸟保护优先区,将每个地块上满足水鸟保护优先区识别标准的物种数量占所有地块中满足标准的物种数量最大值的比例划分成0.5≤Pi≤1、 0.25≤Pi<0.5、0i<0.25三个区间,确定对应的I类、II类和III类水鸟保护优先区保护优先等级;结合国家自然保护地名录,确定水鸟保护优先区保护空缺。结果显示:共有65块中国大陆沿海水鸟保护优先区,记录到满足热点分析标准的水鸟物种共76种,其中受胁物种18种。水鸟保护优先区保护优先等级属于I、II、III类的分别有8块、10块、47块,且水鸟保护优先区保护优先等级属于I...  相似文献   

Many species of vertebrates require multiple habitats to obtain different resources at different stages of their life-cycles. Use of habitat mosaics takes place on a variety of spatial and temporal scales, from a daily requirement for adjacent habitats to seasonal use of geographically separated environments. Mosaics of habitats are also required in some species to allow ontogenetic habitat shifts, while in others each sex may have specific requirements that are met by different habitats. The extent and nature of animal movements are key (but generally poorly known) factors affecting the vulnerability of species to landscape change. The requirement by many species for multiple habitats suggests that their conservation will be most effective in a mosaic environment and that protection of certain high profile habitats alone, such as rainforest, will be insufficient to achieve conservation goals. Management regimes that result in homogenization of habitats should be avoided. Priority should be given to research that identifies the extent to which species can locate habitat mosaics, at different spatial scales and arrangements, in modified environments.  相似文献   

Biomolecule sequences and structures of land, air and water species are determined rapidly and the data entries are unevenly distributed for different organisms. It frequently leads to the BLAST results of homologous search containing undesirable entries from organisms living in different environments. To reduce irrelevant searching results, a separate database for comparative genomics is urgently required. A comprehensive bioinformatics tool set and an integrated database, named Bioinformatics tools for Marine and Freshwater Genomics (BiMFG), are constructed for comparative analyses among model species and underwater species. Novel matching techniques based on conserved motifs and/or secondary structure elements are designed for efficiently and effectively retrieving and aligning remote sequences through cross-species comparisons. It is especially helpful when sequences under analysis possess low similarities and unresolved structural information. In addition, the system provides core techniques of multiple sequence alignment, multiple second structure profile alignment and iteratively refined multiple structural alignments for biodiversity analysis and verification in marine and freshwater biology. The BiMFG web server is freely available for use at http://bimfg.cs.ntou.edu.tw/.  相似文献   

In response to ever-increasing anthropogenic changes to natural ecosystems, regional, national and international organizations have established guidelines for monitoring biological diversity. Most monitoring programs, however, do not take full advantage of the potential afforded by molecular genetic markers, which can provide information relevant to both ecological and evolutionary time frames, while costing less and being more sensitive and reliable than traditional monitoring approaches. As several molecular and computational approaches are relatively new, many technical and theoretical issues remain to be resolved. Here, we illustrate how DNA and population genetic data can provide valuable information, often unattainable via other approaches, for monitoring species of management, conservation and ecological interest.  相似文献   

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