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Old living oaks (Quercus robur) are known as a very species‐rich habitat for saproxylic beetles, but it is less clear to what extent such veteran trees differ from an even rarer feature: downed trunks of large oaks. In this study, we set out to sample this habitat, using window traps, with two aims: (1) to describe the variation of assemblages among downed trunks of different type and (2) to compare beetles on downed oaks with data from veteran standing trees. The results showed that trunk volume and sun exposure better explained assemblages as well as species numbers on downed trunks than did decay stage. Furthermore, species classified as facultative saproxylic species showed weak or no differentiation among downed trunks. Species with different feeding habits showed no apparent differentiation among downed trunks. Furthermore, species composition on dead, downed oak trunks differed sharply from that of living, veteran oaks. Wood or bark feeders were more common on veterans than downed trunks, but there was no difference for those species feeding on fungi or those feeding on insects and their remains. In conclusion, for a successful conservation of the saproxylic beetle fauna it is important to keep downed oak trunks, and particularly large ones, in forest and pastures as they constitute a saproxylic habitat that differs from that of living trees.  相似文献   

Biodiversity conservation of forest ecosystems strongly relies on effective dead wood management. However, the responses of saproxylic communities to variations in dead wood characteristics remains poorly documented, a lack of knowledge that may impede the development of efficient management strategies. We established the relationship between saproxylic beetles—at the species and community levels—and attributes of black spruce and balsam fir in old-growth boreal forests. The relationship was first evaluated for individual snag bole segments, and then for forest stands. A total of 168 bole sections were collected in summer 2006 along a compositional gradient ranging from black spruce-dominated stands to balsam fir-dominated ones, in a boreal forest dominated by >90-year-old stands. A total of 16,804 beetles belonging to 47 species emerged from bole segments, with 21% of the species being found exclusively in black spruce snags and 36% exclusively in balsam fir snags. Black spruce and balsam fir snags thus contributed differently to forest biodiversity by being inhabited by different saproxylic communities. Wood density was an important attribute in the host-use patterns for several species of saproxylic beetles, but no relationship was found between snag availability within stands and abundance of beetles strongly linked to either black spruce or balsam fir. Our study outlines the relative contribution of tree compositional diversity to saproxylic species, while highlighting the contribution of black spruce and balsam fir to animal diversity in old-growth boreal forests.  相似文献   

1 Saproxylic insects, a functional group dominated by beetles, are dependent on dead or moribund trees as habitat elements. 2 Although there are few studies of saproxylic insects from the North American boreal zone, European studies demonstrate that forest harvest can lead to a biologically significant decrease in saproxylic beetle diversity. 3 We studied saproxylic beetles in the North American boreal mixedwood forest using flight intercept traps established on naturally dead and girdled trembling aspen and spruce trees along a successional gradient of undisturbed stands from deciduous to coniferous overstory trees. 4 Composition and diversity of beetle assemblages differed among forest successional types. 5 Snag age class was an important determinant of composition for saproxylic beetle assemblages. 6 Multivariate regression analysis of these data indicated that saproxylic beetles are responding to changes in coarse woody debris, and not to the relative densities of canopy tree species, although these variables are strongly correlated. 7 Coarse woody debris management should be a primary concern in forest management plans seeking to conserve saproxylic organisms and the critical ecosystem functions (i.e. nutrient cycling) in which they participate.  相似文献   

  1. The spatial distribution of saproxylic beetles landing and climbing stems of 12 grown and healthy Scots pine trees (Pinus sylvestris L.) was examined in detail during a 3-year trial. The beetles were sampled using sticky traps attached to the tree trunk at three tree parts (i.e., the trunk base, middle part of the trunk, and trunk in crown). Each tree part was sampled using two sticky traps facing opposite cardinal directions (north and south).
  2. In total, 4063 individuals representing 169 taxa of saproxylic beetles were yielded in the 1405 obtained samples.
  3. Remarkable interstrata diversification of saproxylic beetle assemblages reflecting distribution of breeding substrates in the forest stand was observed. Overall, species richness decreased considerably from the trunk base to the crown, with intermediate values for the middle part of the trunk. However, the abundance of mycetophages and saproxylophages decreased from the trunk base to the crown, with xylophages being the most abundant in the tree crown.
  4. The cardinal direction exhibited overall weak effects on abundance, species richness, and composition, but the occurrence of a few particular species was significantly associated with the south (13 species) or north (3 species) facing part of the trunk.
  5. Our results suggest that primary attraction and random landing strategies are combined during the substrate selection by many species.
  6. High variability in the importance of the studied explanatory variables was observed among taxa, which shows how the species composition recorded in any study might alter its general outcomes.

In Fennoscandian boreal forests, aspen (Populus tremula) is one of the most important tree species for biodiversity. In this study we explore how occupancy and density of beetles associated with dead aspen are related to habitat patch size and connectedness in a 45,000 ha boreal managed forest landscape in central Sweden. Patch size was estimated as amount of breeding substrate and connectedness as crown cover of living aspen in the surrounding landscape. The beetles were sampled by sieving of bark or by inspection of species-characteristic galleries in 56 patches with dead aspen. Six of nine aspen-associated species (Xylotrechus rusticus, Ptilinus fuscus, Mycetophagus fulvicollis, Cyphaea curtula, Homalota plana and Endomychus coccineus) showed a positive significant relationship between habitat patch size and occupancy. For all these species, except C. curtula, there was also a significant positive relationship between patch size and density. Connectedness was not retained as a significant variable in the analyses. Species not defined as aspen-associated constituted a significantly larger proportion of the total density of individuals of saproxylic beetles in smaller habitat patches than in larger patches. Richness of aspen-associated species was positively related to habitat patch size. Efforts in the managed forest should be directed towards preserving and creating larger patches of living and dead aspen trees and increasing the amount of aspen at the landscape level.  相似文献   

We used dung beetles to evaluate the impact of urbanization on insect biodiversity in three Atlantic Forest fragments in Londrina, Paraná, Brazil. This study provides the first empirical evidence of the impact of urbanization on richness, abundance, composition and guild structure of dung beetle communities from the Brazilian Atlantic Forest. We evaluated the community aspects (abundance, richness, composition and food guilds) of dung beetles in fragments with different degrees of immersion in the urban matrix using pitfall traps with four alternative baits (rotten meat, rotten fish, pig dung and decaying banana). A total of 1 719 individuals were collected, belonging to 29 species from 11 genera and six Scarabaeinae tribes. The most urban‐immersed fragment showed a higher species dominance and the beetle community captured on dung presented the greatest evenness. The beetle communities were distinct with respect to the fragments and feeding habits. Except for the dung beetle assemblage in the most urbanized forest fragment, all others exhibited contrasting differences in species composition attracted to each bait type. Our results clearly show that the degree of urbanization affects Atlantic Forest dung beetle communities and that the preservation of forest fragments inside the cities, even small ones, can provide refuges for Scarabaeinae.  相似文献   

Facilitation is an important ecological mechanism with potential applications to forest restoration. We hypothesized that different facilitation treatments, distance from the forest edge and time since initiation of the experiment would affect forest restoration on abandoned pastures. Seed and seedling abundance, species richness and composition were recorded monthly during two years under isolated trees, bird perches and in open pasture. Seed arrival and seedling establishment were measured at 10 m and 300 m from the forest edge. We sampled a total of 131,826 seeds from 115 species and 487 seedlings from 46 species. Isolated trees and bird perches increased re-establishment of forest species; however, species richness was higher under isolated trees. Overall, abundance and richness of seeds and seedlings differed between sampling years, but was unaffected by distance from the forest edge. On the other hand, species composition of seeds and seedlings differed among facilitation treatments, distance from the forest edge and between years. Seedling establishment success rate was larger in large-seeded species than medium- and small-seeded species. Our results suggest that isolated trees enhance forest re-establishment, while bird perches provide a complementary effort to restore tree abundance in abandoned pastures. However, the importance of seed arrival facilitation shifts toward establishment facilitation over time. Arriving species may vary depending on the distance from the forest edge and disperser attractors. Efforts to restore tropical forests on abandoned pastures should take into account a combination of both restoration strategies, effects of time and proximity to forest edge to maximize regeneration.  相似文献   



Open woodlands are biologically highly diverse habitats, and veteran (i.e., old, senescent) trees are key structures supporting their biodiversity. Open canopy structure had been maintained by both natural‐ and human‐induced disturbances. In the past two centuries, suppression of such disturbances, together with forestry intensification, has turned most lowland woodlands into closed‐canopy forests. We investigated the effect of increased canopy closure on veteran trees and several threatened beetles associated with them.


Floodplain woodlands along the lower Dyje and Morava rivers, Czech Republic.


We used an approach combining the study of aerial photographs with on‐ground survey of veteran trees and associated endangered beetles. The aerial images were used to obtain the information on historical (1938) and recent (2009) canopy closure in the area of 146 km2, where we mapped large oaks (d.b.h. >70 cm), hollow trees and three associated beetles including the hermit beetle (Osmoderma barnabita), the great capricorn beetle (Cerambyx cerdo) and the jewel beetle Eurythyrea quercus.


The presence of large oaks, hollow trees and their associated beetle species are negatively related to recent high canopy closure, and the historical level of canopy closure matters, as in nowadays closed‐canopy stands, the beetles and veteran trees are more common in places that were rather open in 1938 than in the places with closed canopy already in 1938. Moreover, the health state of veteran trees highly depends on the canopy closure.

Main conclusion

The negative effect of canopy closure on veteran trees and their endangered inhabitants is several decades delayed and may thus often go undetected. In the forests, however, large and hollow trees and their associated biodiversity are relics of the past, more open conditions. The restoration of open woodlands is therefore vital for preventing their further decline. Conservation management planning needs to take this into account wherever, veteran trees and associated biota are concerned.

This study examines the occurrence of saproxylic beetles in woodlands of different size and age and their potential to leave woodland areas and cross open grassland in northern Germany. The beetles were recorded by emergence traps and flight-intercept-traps. The investigated sites were dominated by beech, oak and alder, but other tree species also occurred in low abundance. Species richness showed a positive relation to stand size and age of woods. Both total and rarefaction species richness were the lowest in small and young woods and highest in old and large woods. Species richness decreased asymptotically from the inner-wood habitat to a distance greater than 80 m from the wood margin. 80 species were classified into 46 low mobile species found at a distance <30 m from wood margins and 34 high mobile species found >30 m from wood margins. The most mobile species were found the most frequently in all woods; but they contributed less to species richness in wood stands than did the species with low mobility. The contribution of the least mobile species to species richness in wood stands increased with the age and size of the stands, with the effect of stand size being the greater. We conclude that in our study region woods larger than 100 ha are necessary to maintain the highest richness of the least mobile saproxylic beetles.  相似文献   

Question: Can the biodiversity of fens in Europe and North America be maintained through the use of grazing (especially cattle grazing), fire, and/or cutting? Location: European and North American fens. Methods: This paper is a review of the literature on the effects of grazing, fire and cutting on fens, to explore the relationship between management and biodiversity in fens. Results: A reduction of cattle grazing, mowing and burning in fens has led to a reduction in biodiversity in fens. The vegetation of abandoned fens shifts to trees and shrubs after 10–15 years, which shade the smaller and rarer species of these wetlands. While careful use of fire is used to manage fens in North America, it is not widely used in European fens, perhaps because the peat of drained fens may catch fire. Cattle grazing cannot be considered a natural disturbance in North America, since cattle did not evolve on that continent. In Europe, cattle do not generally graze in unaltered fens, but they do use slightly drained fen meadows. Conclusions: Three approaches have been used to control the dominance of tall woody and herbaceous species in abandoned fens, including the re‐introduction of cattle, mowing, and burning. Overgrazing results in a permanent reduction in biodiversity, therefore cattle re‐introduction must be approached cautiously. In Europe, but not in North America, mowing has been an important management tool, and mowing has been successful in maintaining species richness, particularly in fens that have been mowed annually for centuries. Fire has been the most common and successful management tool in North America although it is not effective in removing shrubs that have become large. Because the problems and solutions are similar, the literature of both European and North American fen management can be analyzed to better assess the management of fens on both continents. Many management questions require further study and these are listed in the paper.  相似文献   

高寒地区路堑边坡植被恢复效果   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
以大兴安岭地区阿荣旗至博客图段高速公路边坡作为研究对象,研究厚质基层喷附技术和植生混凝土喷附技术的植被恢复效果。结果表明:1)从植物群落组成情况和群落相似性系数来看,两种技术的总体恢复效果差别不明显,但植生混凝土喷附坡面植物群落更为接近自然水平。2)同样基于植物群落组成和群落相似性系数,两种技术在阴坡和阳坡上的恢复效果存在明显不同。3)土壤全氮和有机质含量的适当增长可以促进植物群落发展,而土壤速效磷含量的增长会抑制其发展。4)推荐较为合理的物种搭配为艾蒿、柳蒿、羊草、贝加尔针茅、兴安胡枝子、紫穗槐和兴安柳。研究可改善这两种生态恢复复方式在该地区的应用,优化物种配置,防止二次退化问题的出现,为后期养护、管理提供理论依据。  相似文献   

Sedláková  Iva  Chytrý  Milan 《Plant Ecology》1999,143(1):77-87
Vegetation development in dry heathlands was studied during a six-year period following experimental burning, sod-cutting and cutting in a continental area in the southern part of the Czech Republic (Podyjí National Park). Calluna vulgaris-dominated heathlands in the area were composed of uneven-aged stands and had been unmanaged for several decades. The aim of the study was testing the applicability of Western European management systems to nature conservation in a continental area. Species composition was recorded in 8 permanent plots using 25×25 cm grids, and vegetation recovery following different treatments was analysed. Calluna recovered successfully after burning. Burning dense heathlands, which contained a large amount of woody fuel, resulted in a medium-intensity fire that destroyed moss mats and litter and exposed patches of bare ground to facilitate Calluna regeneration by seed, in addition to vegetative regrowth. On the contrary, in open heathlands with patches of herbaceous vegetation, low-intensity fires which failed to expose mineral soil were more typical. Almost all Calluna regeneration was vegetative in this case, and regrowth was slower. Heathland recovery after sod-cutting to mineral soil depended on whether or not Calluna seed germination occurred in the plot. With germination, the community developed towards heathland; without towards grassland. Cutting promoted a striking increase in grass cover, which was followed by the slow recovery of Calluna. The experiments suggest that of these management systems, burning is perhaps the most appropriate in the study area. A nature conservation management system is proposed, based on sheep grazing combined with rotational burning of restricted patches.  相似文献   

We compared the efficiency of two mate-finding strategies exploited by representatives of the beetle families Cisidae and Anobiidae (genus Dorcatoma) that live inside fruiting bodies of wood-decaying fungi. In the Cisidae both sexes are attracted to host odour, but no pheromones seem to be present (nonpheromone strategy). In the Dorcatoma species only the females are attracted to host odour, but having found a host they attract males with a sexual pheromone (pheromone strategy). With a simulation model, we compared the efficiency of the two strategies at four densities of trees hosting fungal fruiting bodies and at three relative densities of insects. We found only small differences in efficiency between the two strategies at high relative densities of conspecific individuals, regardless of host tree density. The pheromone strategy was relatively more efficient when the relative density of insects or the density of host trees decreased. Thus, species adopting the nonpheromone strategy are probably more sensitive to habitat fragmentation and more likely to decline and go extinct at low population densities (because of Allee effects) than species using the pheromone strategy. Copyright 2003 Published by Elsevier Science Ltd on behalf of The Association for the Study of Animal Behaviour.   相似文献   

Wood-inhabiting fungi and saproxylic beetles are threatened by habitat degradation. Our understanding of the importance of macroclimate and local factors determining their taxonomic diversity has increased, but determinants of functional and phylogenetic diversity are poorly understood. We investigated assemblages of wood-inhabiting fungi and saproxylic beetles along a 1000 m elevational gradient of a temperate low mountain range. We (i) tested the relative importance of macroclimate (i.e. elevation) and local variables (microclimate, i.e. canopy closure, amount and diversity of dead wood) in determining observed and rarefied diversities and (ii) explored whether determinants of observed functional and phylogenetic diversities match those of taxonomic diversity. For both taxa, the determinants of observed phylogenetic and functional diversities largely matched those of taxonomic diversity. The diversity of wood-inhabiting fungi was predominantly determined by local variables, whereas that of saproxylic beetles was determined by both local variables and elevation. Taxonomic and phylogenetic diversities of saproxylic beetles decreased with increasing elevation, but standardized functional richness and entropy of both groups increased with increasing elevation. Diversities of wood-inhabiting fungi increased with canopy closure, while diversities of saproxylic beetles decreased with increasing canopy closure. Microclimate and dead-wood amount and diversity affected the observed and rarefied diversity of both saproxylic taxa, which justifies conservation actions that focus on attributes of dead wood and canopy cover. The contrasting responses of fungi and beetles highlight the need for amounts of diverse dead wood in the various microclimates to preserve functional and phylogenetic diversities of saproxylic organisms.  相似文献   

We studied how two methods to promote biodiversity in managed forests, i.e. green tree retention and prescribed fire, affect the assemblages of carabid beetles. Our experiment consisted of 24 study sites, each 3–5 ha in size, which had been prepared according to factorial design. Each of the eight treatment combinations determined by the two factors explored – tree retention level (0, 10, 50 m3/ha?1 and uncut controls) and prescribed use of fire (yes/no) – was replicated three times. We sampled carabids using pitfall traps one year after the treatments. Significantly more individuals were caught in most of the burned sites, but this difference was partially reflective of the trap‐catches of Pterostichus adstrictus. The fire did not increase no. of P. adstrictus in the uncut sites as much as in the other sites. Species richness was significantly affected by both factors, being higher in the burned than in the unburned sites and in the harvested than in the unharvested sites. Many species were concentrated in the groups of retention trees in the burned sites, but only a few were in the unburned sites. The species turnover was greater in the burned than in the unburned sites, as indicated by the NMDS ordinations. Greater numbers of smaller sized species and proportion of brachypterous species were present in the burned sites. Fire‐favored species, and also the majority of other species that prefer open habitats were more abundantly caught in the burned sites than in the unburned sites. Dead wood or logging waste around the traps did not correlate with the occurrence of species. We conclude that carabids are well adapted to disturbances, and that frequent use of prescribed fire is essential for the maintenance of natural assemblages of carabid beetles in the boreal forest. Small retention tree groups can not maintain assemblages of uncut forest, but they can be important by providing food, shelter and breeding sites for many species, particularly in the burned sites.  相似文献   

In a changing context, farmers adapt their cropping systems and, in this respect, the response time of the soil-crop system (changes in the soil resources and in the grapevine vegetative or reproductive development) has to be considered to maintain its agronomic performances. This is particularly true for perennial crops such as grapevine. This paper aims to analyse the short- and long-term effects of changes in soil surface management on grapevine performances. A vineyard in which bare soil inter-rows had been compared with a tall fescue intercrop since 2002 had each of these treatments split into two in 2007, with half of the intercrop being ploughed in and half of the bare soil being sown with fescue, resulting in four treatments whose effects were studied in 2008?C2009. Grapevine growth, yield formation and grape quality were assessed. After intercrop destruction, grapevine vegetative growth was enhanced by the mineralization of organic matter from the first year, whereas after intercrop introduction, the competition for soil resources affected growth only in the second year. The grape yield depended on the number of bunches, elaborated the year before. One year after the change in soil surface management, the ranking of yield was as follows: permanent intercrop < intercrop destroyed < intercrop introduced < bare soil. The second year, this ranking altered (still in relation to the number of bunches) to: intercrop introduced < permanent intercrop < bare soil?=?intercrop destroyed. This study shows that the response times of the processes of grapevine vegetative growth and yield formation to a change in the cropping system vary from one to two years, and therefore, have to be considered carefully to manage the cropping system well.  相似文献   

Intensive forestry practises in the Swedish landscape have led to the loss and fragmentation of stable old‐growth habitats. We investigated relationships between landscape composition at multiple scales and the composition of saproxylic beetle assemblages in nine clear‐cut, mature managed and old‐growth spruce‐dominated forest stands in the central boreal zone of Sweden. We set out fresh spruce and birch logs and created spruce snags in 2001–2002 to experimentally test the effects of coarse woody debris (CWD) type and forest management on the composition of early and late successional, and red‐listed saproxylic beetle assemblages. We examined effects of CWD availability at 100 m, and landscape composition at 1 and 10 km on saproxylic beetle abundances. Additionally, we tested whether assemblage similarity decreased with increasing distance between sites. We collected beetles from the experimental logs using eclector and window traps in four periods during 2003. CWD was measured and landscape composition data was obtained from maps of remotely sensed data. The composition of saproxylic beetles differed among different CWD substrates and between clear‐cuts and the older stand types, however differences between mature managed and old‐growth forests were significant only for red‐listed species. Assemblage similarities for red‐listed species on clear‐cuts were more different at greater distances apart, indicating that they have more localised distributions. CWD availability within 100 m of the study sites was rarely important in determining the abundance of species, suggesting that early successional saproxylic beetles can disperse further than this distance. At a larger scale, a large area of suitable stand types within both 1 and 10 km resulted in greater abundances in the study sites for several common and habitat‐specific species. The availability of suitable habitat at scales of 1–10 km is thus likely to be important in the survival of many saproxylic species in forestry‐fragmented areas.  相似文献   

Transgenic crops producing toxins from Bacillus thuringiensis (Bt) can be planted in the same field for many years, and many insects exploiting such crops must disperse to other habitats to persist. Accordingly, effects of transgenic crop farming could accumulate through time and affect insect populations across agricultural landscapes. We monitored the population density of seven ant genera and beetle families and of rare ants and beetles in 84 non-cultivated sites abutting agricultural fields in Central Arizona. We assessed the short-term (during planting year) and long-term (over 5–6 years) landscape effect of farming Cry1Ac cotton on ant and beetle density in non-cultivated sites, in addition to several local and regional variables. Landscape variables (e.g., sequence of crops planted in neighbouring fields, crop diversity, and abundance) were more frequently associated with insect density than local variables (e.g., plant productivity and diversity in non-cultivated sites). In the short-term, use of Bt relative to non-Bt cotton in neighbouring fields was positively associated with density of one ant and two beetle groups in non-cultivated sites. However, acreage of Bt cotton located within 1 km from non-cultivated sites had more negative effects than acreage of non-Bt cotton on density of one ant and one beetle group. In the long-term, the proportion of years that Bt cotton was planted in neighbouring fields was positively associated with ant density but not beetle density. Results suggest that the farming of Bt cotton in neighbouring fields frequently resulted in positive short- and long-term landscape effects on ants and beetles in non-cultivated sites, while Bt cotton planted farther away had less frequent negative short-term impacts.  相似文献   

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