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Under the voltage clamp condition, the K inactivation was analyzed in cells bathed in the isosmotic KCl Lophius-Ringer solution. After conditioning hyperpolarization, the cells respond to depolarizations with increased K permeability, which in turn is decreased during maintained depolarizations. The steady-state levels of the K inactivation as a function of the membrane potential are related by an S-shaped curve similar to that which describes the steady-state Na inactivation in the squid giant axon. TEA reduced the K conductance by a factor which is independent of the potential, and without a shift of the inactivation curve along the voltage axis. The rapid phase of the K activation is less susceptible to TEA than the slow phase of the K activation. Hyperpolarizing steps remove the K inactivation, the rate of the removal being faster the larger the hyperpolarization from the standard potential of about -60 mv.  相似文献   

X-ray microprobe analysis was used to determine concentrations (millimoles of element per kilogram dry weight) of Na, P, Cl, K, and Ca in cellular compartments of frozen, unfixed sections of rat sciatic and tibial nerves and dorsal root ganglion (DRG). Five compartments were examined in peripheral nerve (axoplasm, mitochondria, myelin, extraaxonal space, and Schwann cell cytoplasm), and four were analyzed in DRG nerve cell bodies (cytoplasm, mitochondria, nucleus, and nucleolus). Each morphological compartment exhibited characteristic concentrations of elements. The extraaxonal space contained high concentrations of Na, Cl, and Ca, whereas intraaxonal compartments exhibited lower concentrations of these elements but relatively high K contents. Nerve axoplasm and axonal mitochondria had similar elemental profiles, and both compartments displayed proximodistal gradients of decreasing levels of K, Cl, and, to some extent, Na. Myelin had a selectively high P concentration with low levels of other elements. The elemental concentrations of Schwann cell cytoplasm and DRG were similar, but both were different from that of axoplasm, in that K and Cl were markedly lower whereas P was higher. DRG cell nuclei contained substantially higher K levels than cytoplasm. The subcellular distribution of elements was clearly shown by color-coded images generated by computer-directed digital x-ray imaging. The results of this study demonstrate characteristic elemental distributions for each anatomical compartment, which doubtless reflect nerve cell structure and function.  相似文献   

本研究利用MISA软件对四种河鲀全基因组中的微卫星进行筛选并分析.结果如下:在红鳍东方鲀(Takifugu rubripes)(391.49 Mb)、菊黄东方鲀(T.flavidus)(366.29 Mb)、双斑东方鲀(T.bimaculatus)(371.68 Mb)及黑青斑河鲀(Tetraodon nigroviridis)(342.40 Mb)全基因组中,分别筛选出142 885个、135 009个、147 549个和179 703个完整型微卫星.相对丰度分别为365个/Mb,369个/Mb,397个/Mb和525个/Mb.微卫星总长度分别为2 876 322 bp,2 689 710 bp,3 140 445 bp 和3 615 069 bp,分别占基因组序列总长度的0.73%,0.73%,0.84%和1.06%.在1~6个不同碱基重复类型完整型微卫星中,四种河鲀的6种碱基类型数目排序是一致的.均是单碱基重复数目最多,然后依次是二碱基、三碱基、四碱基、五碱基和六碱基.其中AC,A,C,AG,AGG,AT,AAT和AAC是四种河鲀共有的常见核心重复类别.东方鲀属(Takifugu)三种河鲀基因组微卫星分布特征极为相似,分析红鳍东方鲀和双斑东方鲀的遗传距离可能更为接近.鲀属(Tetraodon)黑青斑河鲀与其他三种东方鲀属河鲀除部分微卫星特征相似外,在微卫星总数、微卫星相对丰度和密度、部分碱基类型数目及类别方面和东方鲀属差距较大.这可能与两属鱼类地理分布及进行滑动复制的碱基组成有关,推测东方鲀属和鲀属基因组可能具有独特的进化机制.本研究为多种河鲀基因组特征分析、多种河鲀微卫星引物设计、不同属种河鲀遗传距离及亲缘关系的探究等奠定了基础.  相似文献   

JARVIS  S. C. 《Annals of botany》1982,49(2):199-206
The absorption and distribution of sodium were examined in threegrasses grown in flowing solution culture with different suppliesof potassium. There were marked differences between the speciesin the rate of absorption by their roots, timothy absorbingat a much slower rate than either ryegrass or cocksfoot. Inall species, the rate of Na absorption was greatest when therewas a maintained supply of K and/or when the K contents of theplants were high. Transport of Na from roots to shoots of timothywas restricted; it was less restricted in the other speciesand large proportions of the Na moved from roots to shoots whenK was not supplied to the plants. Sodium transported from theroots accumulated in old leaves and not in the younger leaves.When K was no longer supplied, the growth of ryegrass was maintainedin the plants previously grown with Na plus K; Na supplied insteadof K, however, did not maintain growth. Cocksfoot grown withNa grew less well than when grown without Na when plants wereno longer supplied with K; the growth of timothy was unaffectedby Na. Dactylis glomerata L., Lolium perenne L., Phleum pratense L., cocksfoot, ryegrass, timothy, absorption of ions, distribution of ions, potassium, sodium  相似文献   

目的:探讨食管鳞癌组织中神经纤维的分布情况.方法:应用免疫组化ABC法,探查手术切除的食管鳞癌组织里S100及GAP-43阳性神经纤维的分布情况,并分析其与患者临床病理参数的关系.结果:相对于正常组织,食管鳞癌组织中存在相当数量的S100及GAP-43阳性神经纤维(束)不规则地分布于肿瘤细胞之间,且S100阳性纤维密度大于GAP-43阳性纤维密度;统计分析显示肿瘤组织中纤维密度与患者的肿瘤大小、淋巴结转移相关.结论:食管鳞癌组织中确实存在神经纤维分布,并对肿瘤发展起一定作用.  相似文献   

目的:探讨食管鳞癌组织中神经纤维的分布情况。方法:应用免疫组化ABC法,探查手术切除的食管鳞癌组织里S100及GAP-43阳性神经纤维的分布情况,并分析其与患者临床病理参数的关系。结果:相对于正常组织,食管鳞癌组织中存在相当数量的S100及GAP-43阳性神经纤维(束)不规则地分布于肿瘤细胞之间,且S100阳性纤维密度大于GAP-43阳性纤维密度;统计分析显示肿瘤组织中纤维密度与患者的肿瘤大小、淋巴结转移相关。结论:食管鳞癌组织中确实存在神经纤维分布,并对肿瘤发展起一定作用。  相似文献   

A severe handicap in any study of the cellular biochemistry of the brain is the unavailability of sufficient amounts of pure neurones and glial cells. Many efforts to separate one from the other have been made1, but only four basic types of isolation procedures have been described for routine use: (1) brain is treated with a mixture of acetone-glycerol and water before mincing and centrifugation3–5; (2) brain mince is sieved and subjected to gradient centrifugation1,6–8—this separates neuronal cell bodies from neuropil6 or from intact but rather contaminated glial cells8; (3) whole brain is disrupted in a tissue press and zonal centrifugation is used to separate cellular and subcellular components as they leave the zonal centrifuge rotor9; and (4) chopped brain is incubated in oxygen at 37° C in the presence of 1 % (w/v) trypsin10, a treatment which, in our estimation, severely prejudices this technique's general usefulness, because it precludes meaningful comparative investigations of enzymes and non-enzymatic structural and/or soluble cell proteins. Since investigations of the latter type are the aim in our laboratory, we needed a technique in which brain is not subjected to deleterious treatments such as immersion in acetone-glycerol-water mixtures3–5 or trypsinization10 and in which no special instrumentation9, tissue presses9 or homogenizers8 are required. We now report a technique which successfully accomplishes this objective, for it makes possible the isolation of highly purified neuronal perikarya and of intact glial cells from a few grams of brain, in yields which permit the subsequent subcellular fractionation of the isolated cells. We also report two applications of the new technique which have enabled us to determine the in vivo time course of protein synthesis in and the uptake of the radioactive convulsant agent methionine sulphoximine11,12 by, the neurones and the glial cells of the immature rat brain cortex.  相似文献   

Potassium Substitution by Sodium in Plants   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Soil salinity is an ever-increasing constraint to crop productivity worldwide especially in countries with irrigated agriculture. In contrast to all the soil reclamation strategies to decrease salt concentrations in root zone, the use of sodium (Na+) in plant nutrition may be an interesting tactic. The roles of potassium (K+) and Na+ in plant nutrition suggest that K+ is the only monovalent cation which is essential for most higher plants and is involved in three important functions, i.e., enzyme activation, charge balance and osmoregulation. Plants need a small amount but high concentration of K+ for specific functions in the cytoplasm and a major portion (~90%) of it is localized in vacuoles, where it acts as an osmoticum. Maintenance of osmotic potential in vacuoles, a nonspecific function of K+, can be achieved by other cations such as Na+. For decades an ample amount of work has been done on the substitution of K+ by Na+ in plant nutrition. In this regard, Na+ has the potential to replace K+ for some of its functions. In some plants, supplementation of Na+ in reduced amounts can eliminate K+ deficiency symptoms under limited K+ supply. Thus, the question of K+ substitution by Na+ in plant physiology is not only of academic interest but has considerable practical implications in relation to fertilizer management and plant growth in salt-affected environments. In this review, we discuss the possibilities of K+ substitution by Na+ under specific soil and environmental conditions.  相似文献   

Desheathed frog (R. pipiens) sciatic nerves were soaked in Na-deficient solutions, and measurements were made of their Na and K contents and of the movements of K42. When a nerve is in Ringer's solution, the Na fluxes are equal to the K fluxes, and about 75 per cent of the K influx is due to active transport. The Na content and the Na efflux are linearly related to the Na concentration of the bathing solution, while the K content and the K fluxes are not so related. When a nerve is in a solution in which 75 per cent of the NaCl has been replaced by choline chloride or sucrose, the active K influx exceeds the active Na efflux, and the K content is maintained. When a nerve is soaked in a solution that contains Li, the K42 uptake is inhibited, and the nerve loses K and gains Li. When a Li-loaded nerve recovers in a Li-free solution, K is taken up in exchange for Li. This uptake of K requires Na in the external solution. It is concluded that the active transports of K and of Na may be due to different processes, that an accumulation of K occurs only in exchange for an intracellular cation, which need not be Na, and that Na plays a specific, but unknown, role in K transport.  相似文献   

Abstract: Cytosolic free Ca2+ concentration ([Ca2+]i) was measured in differentiated PC12 cells to test whether chemical hypoxia selectively alters intracellular Ca2+ in growth cones and cell bodies. Hypoxia increased [Ca2+]i and exaggerated its response to K+ depolarization in both parts of the cells. [Ca2+]i in the cell bodies was greater than that in the growth cones under resting conditions and in response to K+ or hypoxia. Ca2+-channel blockers selectively altered these responses. The L-channel blocker nifedipine reduced [Ca2+]i following K+ depolarization by 67% in the cell bodies but only 25% in the growth cones. In contrast, the N-channel blocker ω-conotoxin GVIA (ω-CgTX) diminished K+-induced changes in [Ca2+]i only in the growth cones. During hypoxia, nifedipine was more effective in the cell bodies than in the growth cones. During hypoxia, ω-CgTX diminished K+-induced changes by 50–75% in both parts of the cell, but only immediately after depolarization. The combination of nifedipine and ω-CgTX diminished the [Ca2+]i response to K+ with or without hypoxia by >90% in the cell body and 70% in the growth cones. Thus, the increased Ca2+ entry with K+ during hypoxia is primarily through L channels in the cell bodies, whereas in growth cones influx through L and N channels is about equal. The results show that chemical hypoxia selectively alters Ca2+ regulation in the growth cone and cell body of the same cell.  相似文献   

Fluxes of Sodium and Potassium in Acetabularia mediterranea   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Sodium efflux in Acetabularia mediterranea occurs against agradient of electrochemical potential and is a light-stimulated,temperature-sensitive process; it is not sensitive to the uncouplerCCCP. Sodium influx is stimulated in CCCP and at low temperature.Potassium influx is temperature- and uncoupler-sensitive, butis not light-stimulated. Tracer K efflux shows complex kinetics,which cannot be explained by any arrangement of intracellularcompartments; it appears to be stimulated at low temperatureand is insensitive to light and uncouplers. There is no evidencefor any chemical linkage between fluxes of Na+, K+, or Cl.It is concluded that Na efflux at the plasmalemma isan active process, but no consistent explanation can be advancedto account for the results of K+ flux measurements.  相似文献   

Optic Nerve Regeneration in Adult Fish and Apolipoprotein A-I   总被引:3,自引:2,他引:1  
Fish optic nerves, unlike mammalian optic nerves, are endowed with a high capacity to regenerate. Injury to fish optic nerves causes pronounced changes in the composition of pulse-labeled substances derived from the surrounding non-neuronal cells. The most prominent of these injury-induced changes is in a 28-kilodalton (kDa) polypeptide whose level increases after injury, as revealed by one-dimensional gel electrophoresis and autoradiography. The present study identified as apolipoprotein A-I (apo-A-I) a polypeptide of 28 kDa in media conditioned by regenerating fish optic nerves. The level of this polypeptide increased after injury by approximately 35%. Apo-A-I was isolated by gel-permeation chromatography from delipidated high-density lipoproteins (HDL) that had been obtained from carp plasma by sequential ultracentrifugation. Further identification of the purified protein as apo-A-I was based on its molecular mass (28 kDa) as determined by gel electrophoresis, amino acid composition, and microheterogeneity studies. The isolated protein was further analyzed by immunoblots of two-dimensional gels and was found to contain six isoforms. Western blot analysis using antibodies directed against the isolated plasma protein showed that the 28-kDa polypeptide in the preparation of soluble substances derived from the fish optic nerves (conditioned media, CM) cross-reacted immunologically with the isolated fish plasma apo-A-I. Immunoblots of two-dimensional gels revealed the presence of three apo-A-I isoforms in the CM of regenerating fish optic nerves (pIs: 6.49, 6.64, and 6.73). At least some of the apo-A-I found in the CM is derived from the nerve, as was shown by pulse labeling with [35S]methionine, followed by immunoprecipitation. The apo-A-I immunoactive polypeptides in the CM of the fish optic nerve were found in high molecular-weight, putative HDL-like particles. Immunocytochemical staining revealed that apo-A-I immunoreactive sites were present in the fish optic nerves. Higher labeling was found in injured nerves (between the site of injury and the brain) than in non-injured nerves. The accumulation of apo-A-I in nerves that are capable of regenerating may be similar to that of apo-E in sciatic nerves of mammals (a regenerative system); in contrast, although its synthesis is increased, apo-A-I does not accumulate in avian optic nerves nor does apo-E in rat optic nerves (two nonregenerative systems).  相似文献   

Ionic Blockage of Sodium Channels in Nerve   总被引:67,自引:73,他引:67       下载免费PDF全文
Increasing the hydrogen ion concentration of the bathing medium reversibly depresses the sodium permeability of voltage-clamped frog nerves. The depression depends on membrane voltage: changing from pH 7 to pH 5 causes a 60% reduction in sodium permeability at +20 mV, but only a 20% reduction at +180 mV. This voltage-dependent block of sodium channels by hydrogen ions is explained by assuming that hydrogen ions enter the open sodium channel and bind there, preventing sodium ion passage. The voltage dependence arises because the binding site is assumed to lie far enough across the membrane for bound ions to be affected by part of the potential difference across the membrane. Equations are derived for the general case where the blocking ion enters the channel from either side of the membrane. For H+ ion blockage, a simpler model, in which H+ enters the channel only from the bathing medium, is found to be sufficient. The dissociation constant of H+ ions from the channel site, 3.9 x 10-6 M (pKa 5.4), is like that of a carboxylic acid. From the voltage dependence of the block, this acid site is about one-quarter of the way across the membrane potential from the outside. In addition to blocking as described by the model, hydrogen ions also shift the responses of sodium channel "gates" to voltage, probably by altering the surface potential of the nerve. Evidence for voltage-dependent blockage by calcium ions is also presented.  相似文献   

Data are presented on the urinary excretion of sodium and potassium in 40 obese patients subjected to therapeutic starvation. Two patterns of sodium loss were observed: either a uniform low-level loss or a fluctuating loss leading in some cases to marked sodium depletion. In three patients the response was a combination of these two patterns.  相似文献   

马春燕  刘松  陆豫  余勃 《天然产物研究与开发》2012,24(12):1766-1771,1776
从中国鄱阳湖捕获的暗纹东方鲀卵巢中分离到4株菌,通过小鼠实验、薄层色谱、质谱分析及荧光分光光度法确认TL-1菌株发酵液中含河豚毒素。24℃培养5 d,通过活性炭柱、凝胶柱从TL-1发酵液中分离河豚毒素粗毒液。经形态、生理生化及16S rRNA分析鉴定,表明该菌属于花域芽孢杆菌属。本研究首次报道从鄱阳湖河豚鱼中分离到产毒菌。  相似文献   

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