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原生动物与解磷微生物协同解磷作用   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
磷是农业生产重要的限制因素之一,土壤生物包括原生动物和微生物在土壤磷素转化过程中起着重要的作用。通过纯培养和土壤培养试验发现,供试的原生动物能够提高磷矿粉的有效磷,土壤有效磷含量也显著增加。所溶解出来的磷很大一部分以无机磷酸盐的形式贮藏在细胞内,熏蒸时才释放出来,少部分磷转化为生物量磷。原生动物与解磷菌之间没有显著的相互促进作用。  相似文献   

This work describes integrated nutrient management for cultivation of Allium hookeri by using phosphate solubilizing bacteria (PSB) applied in rhizosphere, along with tricalcium phosphate (TCP). Arthrobacter luteolus S4C7, Enterobacter asburiae S5C7, Klebsiella pneumoniae S4C9, S4C10 and S6C1, and K. quasipneumoniae S6C2, were isolated from rhizosphere of Allium hookeri Thwaites, and were found to release substantial amount of soluble phosphate (124.8–266.4?μg/mL) from TCP in vitro conditions. These isolates were experimented for plant growth promoting attributes, including IAA, siderophore, and nitrogen-fixation. Treatment with PSB resulted in enhanced growth of A. hookeri Th., which was even better with TCP amendment with PSB. K.quasipneumoniae  S6C2 resulted in 39.1% and 533.3% increase (p?≤?0.05) of root length and weight respectively. The treatment with these isolates, in TCP amended soil also resulted in 200–250% increase in available P in soil, which was maximum for K. quasipneumoniae (1.866?mg/g).  相似文献   

【背景】植物根际土壤含有多种溶磷微生物,但是具有溶磷能力的肠膜明串珠菌未见报道。【目的】从脐橙根际土壤分离高效解磷菌,研究其解磷应用。【方法】通过初筛和复筛从23株菌中筛选解磷能力较强的菌株,同时采用钼蓝比色法测定磷含量。通过测定发酵液中小分子有机酸含量、磷酸酯酶酶活及pH值的变化,探究菌株的解磷机理。【结果】经过筛选得到9株具有一定解磷能力的菌株。通过菌种16S rRNA基因序列分析和生理生化实验确定其中一株菌为肠膜明串珠菌,命名为肠膜明串珠菌G7。培养基初始pH6.0、碳源为葡萄糖、氮源为硫酸铵时G7的解磷能力较佳。G7发酵过程中产生大量有机酸,而其酸性磷酸酯酶活性高于碱性磷酸酯酶。【结论】碳源、氮源以及初始pH值都能影响G7的解磷能力,其解磷能力主要缘于在发酵过程中产生了大量小分子有机酸,关于G7的解磷机理还需要更深入的研究。  相似文献   

Bioprecipitation of uranium (U) into uranyl phosphate (U-P) mediated by soluble ortho-phosphate is an attractive proposition for U bioremediation. As an alternative to the microbial phosphatase, we have investigated the dissolution of phosphate by the organic acids produced by bacteria to aid in U precipitation. The bacterium Acinetobacter sp. YU-SS-SB-29, isolated from monazite sand of natural background radiation site solubilized 952.0 ± 46.7 mg L−1 phosphate from tri-calcium phosphate (TCP) in the Pikovskaya's medium and showed tolerance to 120 ppm U(VI). U(VI) bioprecipitation was investigated by adding different concentrations of U(VI) to a cell-free culture supernatant containing ortho-phosphate released from TCP by the bacterium. A yellow precipitate was immediately formed following which there was a reduction in U(VI) concentration. A strong positive correlation (R2 = 0.98) was observed between % decrease in phosphate and U(VI) concentration (up to 750 ppm U) added. FTIR and EDX spectra of the yellow precipitate demonstrated the involvement of phosphate groups in U(VI) binding. Furthermore, the XRD pattern of the precipitate agrees well with that of chernikovite, a uranyl phosphate mineral. The results from this study demonstrate the potential of the U tolerant, phosphate solubilizing bacterium Acinetobacter sp. YU-SS-SB-29 for non-reductive in situ bioprecipitation of uranium.  相似文献   

Aims: To study phosphate solubilization in Penicillium purpurogenum as function of medium pH, and carbon and nitrogen concentrations. Methods and Results: Tricalcium phosphate (CP) solubilization efficiency of P. purpurogenum was evaluated at acid or alkaline pH using different C and N sources. Glucose‐ and (NH4)2SO4‐based media showed the highest P solubilization values followed by fructose. P. purpurogenum solubilizing ability was higher in cultures grown at pH 6·5 than cultures at pH 8·5. Organic acids were detected in both alkaline and neutral media, but the relative percentages of each organic acid differed. Highest P release coincided with the highest organic acids production peak, especially gluconic acid. When P. purpurogenum grew in alkaline media, the nature and concentration of organic acids changed at different N and C concentrations. A factorial categorical experimental design showed that the highest P‐solubilizing activity, coinciding with the highest organic acid production, corresponded to the highest C concentration and lowest N concentration. Conclusions: The results described in the present study show that medium pH and carbon and nitrogen concentrations modulate the P solubilization efficiency of P. purpurogenum through the production of organic acids and particularly that of gluconic acid. In the P solubilization optimization studies, glucose and (NH4)2SO4 as C and N sources allowed a higher solubilization efficiency at high pH. Significance and Impact of the Study: This organism is a potentially proficient soil inoculant, especially in P‐poor alkaline soils where other P solubilizers fail to release soluble P. Further work is necessary to elucidate whether these results can be extrapolated to natural soil ecosystems, where different pH values are present. Penicillium purpurogenum could be used to develop a bioprocess for the manufacture of phosphatic fertilizer with phosphate calcium minerals.  相似文献   

Pal  Sudhansu S. 《Plant and Soil》1998,198(2):169-177
Phosphate solubilizing bacteria (PSB) were isolated from sixty soil samples of various soil classes and cropping histories in Himalayan regions of Uttar Pradesh, India by enrichment culture techniques. Phosphate solubilization and acid tolerance of each strain was estimated. A strain (PAS-2) isolated froma pasture and waste land of pH 4.8, organic matter 2.6% available N 265kg ha-1, available P2O5(Bray's II) 2.3kg ha-1 and available K2O 353 kg ha-1 had the highest P-solubilization (45 µg P per mL per day) and also highest acid tolerance rating 42. The strain was identified as Bacillus sp. Seed inoculation of this bacterial strain resulted in significant increases in grain and vegetative yield of fingermillet (Elosine coracana), maize (Zea mays), amaranth (Amaranthus hypochondriacus), buckwheat (Fagopyrium esculentum), frenchbean (Phaseolus vulgaris) with or without added P sources. The significant grain yield (quintol ha-1) with phosphate and seed inoculation ranged from 33.85 in maize, 26.33 in frenchbean, 22.41 in buckwheat, 20.71 in amaranth and 19.19 in fingermillet as compared to controls. The highest response was observed with frenchbean followed by fingermillet, buckwheat, amaranth and maize. Phosphate use efficiency was highest in frenchbean followed by maize and lowest and almost at par in buckwheat, amaranth and fingermillet. Available phosphate was also highest in frenchbean cultivated plot followed by amaranth, fingermillet, buckwheat and maize. The MPN count of phosphate solubilizing bacteria were also influenced by seed inoculation of strain PAS-2. Frenchbean exerted greaterrhizosphere effect followed by pseudocereals and cereals. Likewise, phosphate nutrition of crops were also improved through seed inoculation irrespective of added P sources. The study thus demonstrated that selection of efficient strain of PSB from acid soil and its seed inoculation in selected crop genotype is beneficial in boosting up crop yield in low productive hill soil. Seed inoculation also created greater rhizosphere effect over uninoculation which improved P-nutrition of crops and also available soil P.  相似文献   

滴水湖及其引水河道沉积物中磷细菌的生态调查   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
2010年对滴水湖及其引水河道沉积物中可培养有机磷细菌(OPB)、无机磷细菌(IPB)的分布变化规律进行了为期1年的调查.结果表明,闸外引水河沉积物中OPB、IPB年平均含量分别为2.76×104±1.31×104CFU·g-1和7.19×103±3.98×103CFU·g-1;闸内引水河中分别为1.05×104±3.56×103 CFU·g-1和2.54×103±8.77×102 CFU·g-1;滴水湖中则为6.69×103±2.63×103 CFU·g-1和1.66×103±5.83×102 CFU·g-1.滴水湖及其引水河道沉积物中OPB、IPB数量与水体中磷元素含量密切相关,各采样点OPB、IPB数量与总磷(TP)含量均呈极显著正相关,且均高于与总溶解性磷(TDP)、活性磷(AP)的相关系数.  相似文献   


In search of efficient salt-tolerant phosphate solubilizing bacteria (PSB), we conducted a survey of PSB that naturally colonize the rhizosphere of peanuts in Xinjiang, China, a typical inland saline area. A total of 23 PSB were isolated, which included 12 Bacillus strains, three Acinetobacter strains, two Pseudomonas strains, two Brevibacillus, and one strain of Gordonia terrae, Chryseobacterium lathyri, Ensifer sesbaniae, and Paenibacillus illinoisensis. All PSB have high potential for dissolving calcium phosphate [Ca3(PO4)2] within the range of 65–496?mg·L?1, but relatively weak ability to dissolve AlPO4 in amounts ranging from 0.4 to 11.4?mg·L?1, FePO4 ranging from 0.1 to 5.5?mg·L?1, and lecithin ranging from 2.1 to 10.3?mg·L?1. The maximum tolerance for pH is 10, and the maximum tolerance for Na2CO3 is 50?mm. Six isolates that can grow under the condition of 1.5?M NaCl (YMX5, YMX11, TPMX5, TPMX16, TPMX18, and TPMX19) were selected to determine their ability to dissolve Ca3(PO4)2 and tolerate pH changes. This study characterized salt-tolerant PSB isolates that can be used as bioinoculants to protect plants against salt stress. In addition, we describe the phosphate-solubilizing ability of Gordonia terrae at high NaCl concentrations.  相似文献   

Within rhizobia, two species nodulating chickpea, Mesorhizobium ciceri and Mesorhizobium mediterraneum, are known as good phosphate solubilizers. For this reason, we have analysed the ability to solubilize phosphate of a wide number of strains isolated from Cicer arietinum growing in several soils in Spain. The aim of this work was to analyse microbial populations nodulating chickpea, that are able to solubilize phosphates, using molecular techniques. In the present work we analyzed 19 strains isolated from effective nodules of C. arietinum growing in three soils from the North of Spain. Nineteen strains showed ability to solubilize phosphate in YED-P medium. These strains were separated into 4 groups according to the results obtained by 879F-RAPD fingerprinting. The 16S rDNA sequencing of a representative strain from each group allowed the identification of strains as belonging to the genus Mesorhizobium. Strains from groups I and II showed a 99.4% and 99.2% similarity with M. mediterraneum UPM-CA142T, respectively. The strains from group III were related to M. tianshanense USDA 3592T at a 99.4% similarity level. Finally, the strain from group IV was related to M. ciceri USDA 3383T with a 99.3% similarity. The LMW RNA profiles confirmed these results. Strains from groups I and II showed an identical LMW RNA profile to that of M. mediterraneum UPM-CA142T; the profile of strains from group III was identical to that of M.␣tianshanense USDA 3592T and the profile of strains from group IV was identical to that of M. ciceri USDA 3383T. Different 879F-RAPD patterns were obtained for strains of the group I, group II and the M.␣mediterraneum type strain (UPM-CA142T). The 879-RAPD patterns obtained for group III also differed from the pattern shown by M. tianshanense USDA 3592T. Finally, the patterns between group IV and M. ciceri USDA 3383T were also different. These results suggest that groups I and II may be subspecies of M. mediterraneum, group III a subspecies of M. tianshanense and group IV a subspecies of M. ciceri. Nevertheless, more studies are needed to establish the taxonomic status of strains isolated in this study.  相似文献   

磷是生物分子中的重要元素,是陆地生态系统初级生产的主要限制因子之一。全球粮食需求的增加和现代农业对磷肥的消耗导致集约农田中磷的过量输入,进而引起土壤磷流失的增加和地表水的持续富营养化。溶磷微生物(phosphate solubilizing microorganisms, PSMs)被认为是可以提高农业生产力的生态友好型肥料,在改善土壤肥力方面有重要意义。全面和深入理解PSMs功能及其在磷的土壤生物化学转化过程中的作用,对提高土壤磷有效性有至关重要的作用。本文系统综述了PSMs的种类和分布多样性,主要参与微生物磷循环的功能基因,以及PSMs如何参与土壤磷循环和这些过程背后的反应机制,以便更好地认识PSMs能力及其在土壤磷循环中的作用,以便于在未来的应用中发挥更大的潜力。  相似文献   

为解决我国大部分耕地土壤中可溶性磷含量不足、植物生长困难的问题,本研究对一株溶磷微生物(PB)进行了筛选鉴定及溶磷性能优化。结果表明: 菌株PB属于伯克霍尔德菌。该菌具有固氮和分泌吲哚-3-乙酸(IAA)等植物促生能力,对大肠杆菌也表现出一定的抑制效果;在pH 8.0~10.0范围内,菌株PB仍然能够保持较高的活性和溶磷能力,具有良好的耐碱性;溶磷性能优化结果表明,在30 ℃、pH 7.0、180 r·min-1条件下,以葡萄糖为碳源、硫酸铵为氮源、磷酸三钙为磷源和添加50 μmol·L-1赖氨酸时,菌株PB的溶磷能力达到最优,溶磷量为569.33 mg·L-1,是优化前的1.9倍。该菌代谢过程中主要分泌柠檬酸、丙二酸和葡萄糖醛酸,添加赖氨酸后其分泌的有机酸种类不变,含量明显增加。盆栽试验表明,施用 PB菌肥能够显著促进大蒜幼苗的生长,而添加赖氨酸后促进效果更明显。与对照相比,PB加赖氨酸处理苗高增长18.6%,苗直径增长16.7%,地上部分鲜重和干重分别增长15.7%和22.1%,地下部分鲜重和干重分别增长22.0%和28.7%。土壤磷含量检测结果表明,PB和PB加赖氨酸处理土壤速效磷含量分别为对照的2.1和2.3倍,表明施用PB菌肥能够提高土壤中可溶性磷含量,而添加赖氨酸可以进一步强化PB菌肥的溶磷性能。  相似文献   

Metal hyperaccumulator plants like Alyssum murale are used for phytoremediation of Ni contaminated soils. Soil microorganisms are known to play an important role in nutrient acquisition for plants, however, little is known about the rhizosphere microorganisms of hyperaccumulators. Fresh and dry weight, and Ni and Fe concentrations in plant shoots were higher when A. murale was grown in non-sterilized compared to sterilized soils. The analysis of microbial populations in the rhizosphere of A. murale and in bulk soils demonstrated that microbial numbers were affected by the presence of the plant. Significantly higher numbers of culturable actinomycetes, bacteria and fungi were found in the rhizosphere compared to bulk soil. A higher percent of Ni-resistant bacteria were also found in the rhizosphere compared to bulk soil. Percentage of acid producing bacteria was higher among the rhizosphere isolates compared to isolates from bulk soil. However, proportions of siderophore producing and phosphate solubilizing bacteria were not affected by the presence of the plant. We hypothesize that microbes in the rhizosphere of A. murale were capable of reducing soil pH leading to an increase in metal uptake by this hyperaccumulator.  相似文献   

Aims: To isolate and characterize phosphate‐solubilizing strains from a constrained environment such as the Salado River Basin and to assess their phosphate‐solubilizing mechanisms, to further selection of the most promising strains to inoculate and improve the implantation and persistence of Lotus tenuis in the most important area devoted to meat‐cow production in Argentina. Methods and Results: Fifty isolates were obtained and through BOX‐PCR analysis, 17 non‐redundant strains were identified. Subsequently, they were found to be related to Pantoea, Erwinia, Pseudomonas, Rhizobium and Enterobacter genera, via 16S rRNA gene sequence analysis. This was in agreement with the clusters obtained by antibiotic resistance analysis. All isolates were tested for their phosphate‐solubilizing activity and selected strains were inoculated onto L. tenuis plants. The most efficient isolate, was identified as Pantoea eucalypti, a novel species in terms of plant growth‐promoting rhizobacteria. Conclusions: The isolates obtained in this study showed a significant in vitro plant‐growth promoting activity onto Lotus tenuis and the best of them solubilizes phosphate mainly via induction of the metabolism through secretion and oxidation of gluconic acid. Singnificance and Impact of the Study: The use of these bacteria as bioinoculants, alone or in combination with nitrogen‐fixing micro‐organisms, could be a sustainable practice to facilitate the nutrient supply to Lotus tenuis plants and preventing negative side‐effects such as eutrophication.  相似文献   

Impact of phosphate solubilizing bacteria along with soil phosphatase activity on phosphorous cycle was found to be quiet interesting in the Sundarban mangrove ecosystem. Soil phosphatase activity showed a decreasing pattern with increase in depth [soil phosphatase activity (μg pnp produced g?1 dry wt of soil) = 906.85 – 5.6316 Depth (cm)] from the deep forest region of the Sundarban forest ecosystem. Soil salinity showed a very little effect on soil phosphatase activity whereas soil temperature and pH was found to show significant impact on the soil phosphatase activity. This ensured that the microbes associated with phosphate mineralization present in the Sundarban forest ecosystem are more tolerant to fluctuation in salinity than that of temperature and pH. A direct correlation was perceptible between the number of phosphate solubilizing bacteria and phosphatase activity in the soil during the study period from 2007 to 2012. Soil phosphate concentration was found to be directly governed by the soil phosphatase activity [The regression equation is: avg PO4?3-P (μg g?1 dry wt of soil) = 0.0311 + 0.000606 soil phosphatase activity (μg pnp produced g?1 dry wt of soil); R2 = 63.2%, p < 0.001, n = 62].  相似文献   

为了筛选出能适应青海省冷凉气候环境的解磷菌株,以磷酸钙、卵磷脂、植酸为单一磷源,对胶冻样芽孢杆菌、巨大芽孢杆菌、蜡状芽孢杆菌、紫变异链霉菌、肉桂褐链霉菌、黄团孢链霉菌进行固体平板培养基初筛和液体培养基复筛,通过综合比较固体平板培养基中解磷圈的大小和液体培养基可溶性磷含量,初步筛选出解磷效果较好的3株解磷菌,分别为紫变异链霉菌、肉桂褐链霉菌和胶冻样芽孢杆菌。将这3株解磷菌制成液体菌剂,在9月冷凉气候下采用两种不同肥力土壤进行小油菜盆栽试验。结果表明:与对照相比,施加紫变异链霉菌剂后,高肥力耕地土的小油菜收获时株高、鲜重、根长、根重分别增加了35.5%、191.0%、26.2%、282.7%,植株磷吸收量、根际土壤全磷、速效磷分别增加了968.9%、5.1%、2.1%;低肥力自然土的小油菜收获时株高和鲜重分别增加了45.8%和61.3%,根长和根重分别减少了2.6%和4.4%,植株磷吸收量、根际土壤全磷、速效磷分别增加了91.5%、29.1%和213.7%。其他两种解磷菌剂效果不如紫变异链霉菌明显,表明紫变异链霉菌为适合青海地区冷凉气候环境的解磷菌株。  相似文献   

It is generally assumed that phosphorus (P) availability for plant growth on highly weathered and P-deficient tropical soils may depend more on biologically mediated organic P (Po) turnover processes than on the release of adsorbed inorganic P (Pi). However, experimental evidence showing the linkages between Po, microbial activity, P cycling and soil P availability is scarce. To test whether land-use systems with higher soil Po are characterized by greater soil biological activity and increased P mineralization, we analyzed the partitioning of P among various organic and inorganic P fractions in soils of contrasting agricultural land-use systems and related it to biological soil properties. Isotopic labeling was used to obtain information on the turnover of P held in the microbial biomass. Soil samples were taken from grass–legume pasture (GL), continuous rice (CR) and native savanna (SAV) which served as reference. In agreement with estimated P budgets (+277, +70 and 0 kg P ha–1 for CR, GL and SAV, respectively), available P estimated using Bray-2 and resin extraction declined in the order CR > GL > SAV. Increases in Bray-2 and resin Pi were greater in CR than GL relative to total soil P increase. Organic P fractions were significantly less affected by P inputs than inorganic fractions, but were a more important sink in GL than CR soils. Extractable microbial P (Pchl) was slightly higher in GL (6.6 mg P kg–1) than SAV soils (5.4 mg P kg–1), and significantly lowest in CR (2.6 mg P kg–1). Two days after labeling the soil with carrier free 33P, 25, 10 and 2% of the added 33P were found in Pchl in GL, SAV and CR soils, respectively, suggesting a high and rapid microbial P turnover that was highest in GL soils. Indicators of P mineralization were higher in GL than CR soils, suggesting a greater transformation potential to render Po available. Legume-based pastures (GL) can be considered as an important land-use option as they stimulate P cycling. However, it remains to be investigated whether crops planted in pasture–crop rotations could benefit from the enhanced Po cycling in grass–legume soils. Furthermore, there is need to develop and test a direct method to quantify Po mineralization in these systems.  相似文献   

棉花根际解磷菌的解磷能力和分泌有机酸的初步测定   总被引:9,自引:1,他引:9  
利用特殊培养基对盐碱地棉花根际解磷菌进行了分离以及pH值和分泌有机酸能力的初步测定。利用溶磷圈法筛选出10个解磷能力较高的菌株进行深入研究,其中液体培养条件下测定了菌株的溶磷能力,有效磷在4.04~185.63 mg/L,其中wpL2溶磷量达到185.63 mg/L;测定了培养液pH值,下降到5.12~6.67,但是pH与溶磷量之间没有线性关系,测定了培养液的有机酸含量,菌株溶磷量与有机酸总量没有线性相关性,其中所分离到的解无机磷菌株均可以分泌酒石酸,除此之外,wpc1还分泌乙酸,wpc2和wpL2还分泌柠檬酸;分离到的解有机磷菌株均可分泌乙酸,除此之外,ypL1和ypc2分泌酒石酸,ypL3分泌柠檬酸,ypL2和ypc3分泌柠檬酸和丁二酸,均不能产生苹果酸。  相似文献   

The exopolysaccharide produced by the bacterium Alteromonas sp. strain 1644 originating from deep sea hydrothermal vents was shown to contain a novel glucuronic acid derivatives: acid. The structure of this compound was established on the basis of mass spectrometric data, methylation analysis, preparation of derivatives, and chemical synthesis of references compounds.  相似文献   

Phosphorus deficiencies are limiting crop production in agricultural soils worldwide. Locally available sources of raw phosphate rock (PR) are being recognized for their potential role in soil fertility improvement. Phosphorus bioavailability is essential for the efficiency of PRs and can be increased by acid treatments. The utilization of organic acid producing micro-organisms, notably Aspergillus niger , presents a sustainable alternative to the use of strong inorganic acids, but acid production of A. niger strongly depends on the mineral content of the growth media. This study compared the phosphorus mobilization efficiency of two biological treatments, namely addition of acidic cell-free supernatants from A. niger cultivations to PRs and the direct cultivation of A. niger with PRs. The results show that addition of PR to cultivations leads to significant differences in the profile of organic acids produced by A. niger . Additions of PR, especially igneous rocks containing high amounts of iron and manganese, lead to reduced citric acid concentrations. In spite of these differences, phosphorus mobilization was similar between treatments, suggesting that the simpler direct cultivation method was not inferior. In addition to citric acid, it is suggested that oxalic acid contributes to PR solubilization in direct cultivations with A. niger , which would benefit farmers in developing countries where conventional fertilizers are not adequately accessible.  相似文献   

Barley plants were grown in nutrient solutions, which were maintained at either 0 (-P) or 15 μ M orthophosphate (+P). After 11 days phosphate influx into the intact roots of the -P plants began to increase by comparison with +P plants. During this period differences became apparent between the treatments in absolute growth rates, as well as in the root:shoot ratios. Phosphate influx in the -P plants continued to increase as a function of time, to a maximum value of 2.4 μmol (g fresh wt)-1h-1 at 16 days after germination. This rate was 6 times higher than influx values for +P plants of the same age. During the period of enhanced uptake phosphate was strongly correlated (r2= 0.77) with root organic phosphate concentration. – The enhancement of inorganic phosphate influx into intact roots of -P plants was rapidly reduced by the provision of 15 μ M orthophosphate. Typically, within 4 h of exposure to this concentration of phosphate, influx values fell from 1.80 ± 0.20 to 0.75 ± 0.03 μmol (g fresh wt)-1 h-1, while inorganic phosphate concentrations of the roots increased from 0.12 to 1.15 μmol (g fresh wt)-1 during the same period. Hill plots of the influx data obtained during this period, treating root inorganic phosphate as an inhibitor of influx, gave Hill coefficients close to 2. The rapidity of the reduction of influx associated with increased root inorganic phosphate together with the Hill plot data provide evidence for an allosteric inhibition of influx by internal inorganic phosphate.  相似文献   

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