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At least two adaptive processes can lead to the evolution of sexual dimorphism: sexual selection (e.g. male-male combat) or natural selection (e.g. dietary divergence). We investigated the adaptive significance of a distinctive pattern of sexual dimorphism in a south-eastern Australian frog, Adelotus brevis. Male Adelotus grow larger than female conspecifics, have larger heads relative to body size, and have large paired projections (‘tusks’) in the lower jaw. All of these traits are rare among anurans. We quantified the degree of dimorphism in Adelotus, and gathered data on diets and mating systems of this species to evaluate the possible roles of sexual selection and dietary divergence in favoring die evolution of these sexually dimorphic traits. Analysis of prey items in alimentary tracts revealed significant sex differences in prey types. For example, females ate proportionally more arthropods and fewer molluscs than did males. However, this difference is likely to be a secondary consequence of habitat differences between the sexes (due in turn to their different reproductive roles) rather than a selective force for the evolution of sexual dimorphism. Calling males spend their time in moist habitats where pondsnails are abundant, whereas females are more often encountered in the drier arthropod-rich woodlands. A three-year behavioural ecology study on a field population revealed that reproductive males engage in agonistic interactions, with the sexually dimorphic tusks used to attack rivals. Larger body size contributed to male reproductive success. Small males were excluded from calling sites and, among the calling males, larger animals had higher reproductive success (numbers of matings) than did smaller individuals. Hence, the atypical pattern of sexual dimorphism in Adelotus brevis seems to have resulted from sexual selection for larger body size and tusk size in males, in the context of male-male agonistic behaviour, rather than natural selection for ecological divergence between the sexes.  相似文献   

The evolution of sexual dimorphism in species with separate sexes is influenced by the resolution of sexual conflicts creating sex differences through genetic linkage or sex‐biased expression. Plants with different degrees of sexual dimorphism are thus ideal to study the genetic basis of sexual dimorphism. In this study we explore the genetic architecture of sexual dimorphism between Silene latifolia and Silene dioica. These species have chromosomal sex determination and differ in the extent of sexual dimorphism. To test whether QTL for sexually dimorphic traits have accumulated on the sex chromosomes and to quantify their contribution to species differences, we create a linkage map and performed QTL analysis of life history, flower and vegetative traits using an unidirectional interspecific F2 hybrid cross. We found support for an accumulation of QTL on the sex chromosomes and that sex differences explained a large proportion of the variance between species, suggesting that both natural and sexual selection contributed to species divergence. Sexually dimorphic traits that also differed between species displayed transgressive segregation. We observed a reversal in sexual dimorphism in the F2 population, where males tended to be larger than females, indicating that sexual dimorphism is constrained within populations but not in recombinant hybrids. This study contributes to the understanding of the genetic basis of sexual dimorphism and its evolution in Silene.  相似文献   

Sexual size dimorphism of adults proximately results from a combination of sexually dimorphic growth patterns and selection on growing individuals. Yet, most studies of the evolution of dimorphism have focused on correlates of only adult morphologies. Here we examined the ontogeny of sexual size dimorphism in an isolated population of the house finch (Carpodacus mexicanus). Sexes differed in growth rates and growth duration; in most traits, females grew faster than males, but males grew for a longer period. Sexual dimorphism in bill traits (bill length, width, depth) and in body traits (wing, tarsus, and tail length; mass) developed during different periods of ontogeny. Growth of bill traits was most different between sexes during the juvenile period (after leaving the nest), whereas growth of body traits was most sexually dimorphic during the first few days after hatching. Postgrowth selection on juveniles strongly influenced sexual dimorphism in all traits; in some traits, this selection canceled or reversed dimorphism patterns produced by growth differences between sexes. The net result was that adult sexual dimorphism, to a large degree, was an outcome of selection for survival during juvenile stages. We suggest that previously documented fast and extensive divergence of house finch populations in sexual size dimorphism may be partially produced by distinct environmental conditions during growth in these populations.  相似文献   

The evolution of sexual dimorphism is an important topic of evolutionary biology, but few studies have investigated the determinants of sexual dimorphism over broad phylogenetic scales. The number of vertebrae is a discrete character influencing multiple traits of individuals, and is particularly suitable to analyze processes determining morphological variation. We evaluated the support of multiple hypotheses concerning evolutionary processes that may cause sexual dimorphism in the number of caudal vertebrae in Urodela (tailed amphibians). We obtained counts of caudal vertebrae from >2,000 individuals representing 27 species of salamanders and newts from Europe and the Near East, and integrated these data with a molecular phylogeny and multiple information on species natural history. Per each species, we estimated sexual dimorphism in caudal vertebrae number. We then used phylogenetic least squares to relate this sexual dimorphism to natural history features (courtship complexity, body size dimorphism, sexual ornamentation, aquatic phenology) representing alternative hypotheses on processes that may explain sexual dimorphism. In 18 % of species, males had significantly more caudal vertebrae than females, while in no species did females have significantly more caudal vertebrae. Dimorphism was highest in species where males have more complex courtship behaviours, while the support of other candidate mechanisms was weak. In many species, males use the tail during courtship displays, and sexual selection probably favours tails with more vertebrae. Dimorphism for the number of tail vertebrae was unrelated to other forms of dimorphism, such as sexual ornamentation or body size differences. Multiple sexually dimorphic features may evolve independently because of the interplay between sexual selection, fecundity and natural selection.  相似文献   

Sexual dimorphism (SD) is a common feature of animals, and selection for sexually dimorphic traits may affect both functional morphological traits and organismal performance. Trait evolution through natural selection can also vary across environments. However, whether the evolution of organismal performance is distinct between the sexes is rarely tested in a phylogenetic comparative context. Anurans commonly exhibit sexual size dimorphism, which may affect jumping performance given the effects of body size on locomotion. They also live in a wide variety of microhabitats. Yet the relationships among dimorphism, performance, and ecology remain underexamined in anurans. Here, we explore relationships between microhabitat use, body size, and jumping performance in males and females to determine the drivers of dimorphic patterns in jumping performance. Using methods for predicting jumping performance through anatomical measurements, we describe how fecundity selection and natural selection associated with body size and microhabitat have likely shaped female jumping performance. We found that the magnitude of sexual size dimorphism (where females are about 14% larger than males) was much lower than dimorphism in muscle volume, where females had 42% more muscle than males (after accounting for body size). Despite these sometimes-large averages, phylogenetic t-tests failed to show the statistical significance of SD for any variable, indicating sexually dimorphic species tend to be closely related. While SD of jumping performance did not vary among microhabitats, we found female jumping velocity and energy differed across microhabitats. Overall, our findings indicate that differences in sex-specific reproductive roles, size, jumping-related morphology, and performance are all important determinants in how selection has led to the incredible ecophenotypic diversity of anurans.  相似文献   

Wing shape has been shown in a variety of species to be influenced by natural and sexual selection. In damselflies, front- and hind wings can beat independently, and functional differentiation may occur. Males of Calopteryx damselflies show species-specific nuptial flights that differ in colour signalling with the hind wings. Therefore, hind wing shape and colour may evolve in concert to improve colour display, independent of the front wings. We predicted that male hind wing shape evolves faster than front wing shape, due to sexual selection. Females do not engage in sexual displays, so we predicted that females do not show differences in divergence between front- and hind wing shape. We analysed the non-allometric component of wing shape of five European Calopteryx taxa using geometric morphometrics. We found a higher evolutionary divergence of hind wing shape in both sexes. Indeed, we found no significant differences in rate of evolution between the sexes, despite clear sex-specific differences in wing shape. We suggest that evolution of hind wing shape in males is accelerated by sexual selection on pre-copulatory displays and that this acceleration is reflected in females due to genetic correlations that somehow link the rates of wing shape evolution in the two sexes, but not the wing shapes themselves.  相似文献   

The bill is a sexually dimorphic structure in many bird species and implicated in numerous functions. Sexual differences may arise from sexual selection or ecological divergence. Here, we examined differences in bill size and shape between males and females and explored to what extent these relate to feeding ecology of each sex in Cory's shearwater (Calonectris diomedea). We applied linear measurements and geometric morphometric methods to examine sexual differences in bill size and shape. We investigated feeding ecology by tracking foraging movements during the breeding period and by analysing stable isotope signatures in blood during the breeding period and in feathers grown during the non-breeding period. Bill traits were all sexually dimorphic, both in absolute and relative terms, and scaled hypermetrically with body mass in several characters in males. However, males and females did not differ in their feeding areas or isotopic signatures and no significant correlation was observed between these traits and bill dimorphism. Therefore, we discard the foraging-niche divergence hypothesis, and suggest that sexual dimorphism in bill size in this species is more likely driven by sexual selection related to antagonistic interactions.  相似文献   

Currently, sex differences in behavior are believed to result from sexually dimorphic neural circuits in the central nervous system (CNS). Drosophila melanogaster is a common model organism for studying the relationship between brain structure, behavior, and genes. Recent studies of sex‐specific reproductive behaviors in D. melanogaster have addressed the contribution of sexual differences in the CNS to the control of sex‐specific behaviors and the development of sexual dimorphism. For example, sexually dimorphic regions of the CNS are involved in the initiation of male courtship behavior, the generation of the courtship song, and the induction of male‐specific muscles in D. melanogaster. In this review, I discuss recent findings about the contribution of cell death to the formation of sexually dimorphic neural circuitry and the regulation of sex‐specific cell death by two sex determination factors, Fruitless and Doublesex, in Drosophila.  相似文献   

Sexual selection is thought to be a powerful diversifying force, based on large ornamental differences between sexually dimorphic species. This assumes that unornamented phenotypes represent evolution without sexual selection. If sexual selection is more powerful than other forms of selection, then two effects would be: rapid divergence of sexually selected traits and a correlation between these divergence rates and variance in mating success in the ornamented sex. I tested for these effects in grouse (Tetraonidae). For three species pairs, within and among polygynous clades, male courtship characters had significantly greater divergence than other characters. This was most pronounced for two species in Tympanuchus. In the Eurasian polygynous clade, relative courtship divergence gradually increased with nucleotide divergence, suggesting a less dramatic acceleration. Increase in relative courtship divergence was associated with mating systems having higher variance in male mating success. These results suggest that sexual selection has accelerated courtship evolution among grouse, although the microevolutionary details appear to vary among clades.  相似文献   

Winter geometrid moths exhibit sexual dimorphism in wing length and female‐specific flightlessness. Female‐specific flightlessness in insects is an interesting phenomenon in terms of sexual dimorphism and reproductive biology. In the winter geometrid moth, Protalcis concinnata (Wileman), adult females have short wings and adult males have fully developed wings. Although the developmental process for wing reduction in Lepidoptera is well studied, little is known about the morphology and the developmental pattern of short‐winged flightless morphs in Lepidoptera. To clarify the precise mechanisms and developmental processes that produce short‐winged morphs, we performed morphological and histological investigations of adult and pupal wing development in the winter geometrid moth P. concinnata. Our findings showed that (a) wing development in both sexes is similar until larval‐pupal metamorphosis, (b) the shape of the sexually dimorphic wings is determined by the position of the bordering lacuna (BL), (c) the BL is positioned farther inward in females than in males, and (d) after the short pupal diapause period, the female pupal wing epithelium degenerates to approximately two‐thirds its original size due to cell death. We propose that this developmental pattern is a previously unrecognized process among flightless Lepidoptera.  相似文献   

Contrary to an increasing number of papers that document sexual dimorphism in size (and/or shape) in adults, studies dealing with sex differences in newborn and juvenile snakes are surprisingly scarce. Data about ontogenetic shifts in sexual dimorphism are generally lacking and hence, it is unclear whether sex differences are set at birth or arise post‐natally. In this study, we analyzed patterns of sexual dimorphism in body size, head dimensions and tail length (TL) among newborn, subadult and adult meadow vipers (Vipera ursinii) from the Bjelasica Mt. in Montenegro. Patterns of sexual size dimorphisms differed among traits. There was no significant difference in head dimension of males and females, but adult snakes were sexually dimorphic in body size. Sexual differences in TL were evident since birth but changed in degree throughout ontogeny. Neonate meadow vipers presented highly significant inter‐litter variation in the sexual dimorphism of all traits we have measured. Such family effects may have an important influence on extent of inter‐sexual differences in snakes and should be included in analyses of sexual dimorphism.  相似文献   

Sexual selection is generally held responsible for the exceptional diversity in secondary sexual traits in animals. Mating system evolution is therefore expected to profoundly affect the covariation between secondary sexual traits and mating success. Whereas there is such evidence at the interspecific level, data within species remain scarce. We here investigate sexual selection acting on the exaggerated male fore femur and the male wing in the common and widespread dung flies Sepsis punctum and S. neocynipsea (Diptera: Sepsidae). Both species exhibit intraspecific differences in mating systems and variation in sexual size dimorphism (SSD) across continents that correlates with the extent of male–male competition. We predicted that populations subject to increased male–male competition will experience stronger directional selection on the sexually dimorphic male foreleg. Our results suggest that fore femur size, width and shape were indeed positively associated with mating success in populations with male‐biased SSD in both species, which was not evident in conspecific populations with female‐biased SSD. However, this was also the case for wing size and shape, a trait often assumed to be primarily under natural selection. After correcting for selection on overall body size by accounting for allometric scaling, we found little evidence for independent selection on any of these size or shape traits in legs or wings, irrespective of the mating system. Sexual dimorphism and (foreleg) trait exaggeration is therefore unlikely to be driven by direct precopulatory sexual selection, but more so by selection on overall size or possibly selection on allometric scaling.  相似文献   

Libellula luctuosa, a pond dragonfly found in eastern North America, is apparently sexually dimorphic. Previous studies of the mating behavior in this species suggested that both male-male competition and female mate choice are important influences. Males compete for territories, where they attract females and where mating occurs. Female behavior influences both the copulation success and the fertilization success of males. Because of temporal and spatial separation of these episodes of sexual selection, multivariate and nonparametric statistical techniques could be used to investigate the influence of components of sexual selection on various sexually dimorphic traits. Sexual dimorphism in L. luctuosa was first quantified; then the direct effects and the form of selection were estimated. Sexually dimorphic wing size, body size, wing coloration, and body coloration are distributed either continuously or discontinuously between the sexes in L. luctuosa. These traits have apparently diverged between the sexes as a result of directional sexual selection. Body size is further influenced by stabilizing selection. Intrasexual selection (success in gaining access to a territory) and intersexual selection (success in copulation and fertilization) can influence the same or different sexually dimorphic characters. Body size is influenced by directional selection during the intrasexual phase of sexual selection and is also influenced by stabilizing selection during intersexual selection. The size of the brown wing patch is influenced by directional selection, primarily during the intersexual phase of sexual selection. There is directional selection on the white wing patch during both phases. Thus, the different proximate mechanisms of sexual selection may jointly or separately affect the evolution of sexually dimorphic characters. Further empirical and theoretical investigations into the differences in the effects of intrasexual selection and intersexual selection are needed to clarify the circumstances leading to separate consequences of these two mechanisms of sexual selection.  相似文献   

Like the majority of Columbiformes, the Laughing Dove Spilopelia senegalensis is sexually monomorphic in plumage, but seems to be slightly dimorphic in size. However, due to the lack of studies little is known about the sexual size dimorphism in this species. In this work, we used morphometric data on a sample of 61 Laughing Doves from southern Tunisia, and sexed using a DNA-based method, to assess size differences between males and females and to determine a discriminant function useful for sex identification. The results showed that wing length was the most dimorphic trait, which could be due to the effects of sexual selection. The best function for the discrimination between sexes included wing length and head length, which is comparable with findings on other dove species. This discriminant function accurately classified 89% of birds, providing a rapid and accurate tool for sex identification in the studied population. Further data from different populations are needed for firmer conclusions about the extent of sexual size dimorphism and the reliability of the morphometric sexing approach in this dove species.  相似文献   

Butterfly wings harbor highly diverse phenotypes and are involved in many functions. Wing size and shape result from interactions between adaptive processes, phylogenetic history, and developmental constraints, which are complex to disentangle. Here, we focus on the genus Morpho (Nymphalidae: Satyrinae, 30 species), which presents a high diversity of sizes, shapes, and color patterns. First, we generate a comprehensive molecular phylogeny of these 30 species. Next, using 911 collection specimens, we quantify the variation of wing size and shape across species, to assess the importance of shared ancestry, microhabitat use, and sexual selection in the evolution of the wings. While accounting for phylogenetic and allometric effects, we detect a significant difference in wing shape but not size among microhabitats. Fore and hindwings covary at the individual and species levels, and the covariation differs among microhabitats. However, the microhabitat structure in covariation disappears when phylogenetic relationships are taken into account. Our results demonstrate that microhabitat has driven wing shape evolution, although it has not strongly affected forewing and hindwing integration. We also found that sexual dimorphism of forewing shape and color pattern are coupled, suggesting a common selective force.  相似文献   

Wing polymorphism has been reported for several carabid beetles. Traditionally, a great number of ecological and evolutionary studies have focused on this peculiarity, which has implications on dispersal power. Research based on Orthomus berytensis specimens from two sampling areas of Tenerife (Canary Islands, Spain) has shown that this species exhibits a wing dimorphism, instead of being brachypterous. This makes O. berytensis the first Orthomus wing dimorphic species to date. Statistical differences in macropterous percentage between both sexes and localities were found. Also, a sexual dimorphism in elytra length and width was found, both being higher in females.  相似文献   

Adaptive divergence of phenotypes, such as sexual dimorphism or adaptive speciation, can result from disruptive selection via competition for limited resources. Theory indicates that speciation and sexual dimorphism can result from identical ecological conditions, but co-occurrence is unlikely because whichever evolves first should dissipate the disruptive selection necessary to drive evolution of the other. Here, we consider ecological conditions in which disruptive selection can act along multiple ecological axes. Speciation in lake populations of threespine sticklebacks (Gasterosteus aculeatus) has been attributed to disruptive selection due to competition for resources. Head shape in sticklebacks is thought to reflect adaptation to different resource acquisition strategies. We measure sexual dimorphism and species variation in head shape and body size in stickleback populations in two lakes in British Columbia, Canada. We find that sexual dimorphism in head shape is greater than interspecific differences. Using a numerical simulation model that contains two axes of ecological variation, we show that speciation and sexual dimorphism can readily co-occur when the effects of loci underlying sexually dimorphic traits are orthogonal to those underlying sexually selected traits.  相似文献   

Previous studies of the highly polygynous and strikingly sexually dimorphic Red Bishop, Euplectes orix (Ploceinae, weaverbirds), have suggested random female settlement patterns and no correlates of male reproductive success except the number of nest frames (‘cock's nests’) built by the male. Although this confirms the central role of the nest in weaverbird courtship it also contrasts with demonstrated sexual selection on male morphology and behaviour in several closely related Euplectes species. Two major aspects of male sexual advertising have not been included in previous studies; display behaviour and territory size. In this study we use multivariate selection analysis, with the number of active nests in a territory as the fitness measure, to identify direct and indirect sexual selection on male sexual behaviour, territory size and nest building. In accor–dance with previous findings, mating success was not strongly skewed among the territorial males, and females appeared to settle randomly with respect to available nests. The number of cock𠀧s nest built was the only determinant of male breeding success, even when controlling for male display activity and territory size. We argue that, despite their conspicuous sexual dimorphism, females settle independently of both male or territory quality, and that variance in male reproductive success is a consequence of male–male competition.  相似文献   

The postcranial sample ofA. afarensis can be divided into two size groups. Among the best preserved elements which are represented by both morphs are the distal femur, proximal ulna, and capitate. The difference between the large and small fossil femora is similar to the difference between average male and femaleG. gorilla andP. pygmaeus. The distal femora ofH. sapiens are less sexually dimorphic while those ofP. paniscus, P. troglodytes, andH. lar are not significantly dimorphic at all. Large and small capitates and proximal ulnae ofA. afarensis differ slightly more than the highly dimorphic species of extant Hominoidea. In my sample of Amerindians, the capitate and proximal ulna are also strongly dimorphic. The two species ofPan have insignificant sexual dimorphism in these traits. There results imply that strong sexual dimorphism in body size is the primitive condition for the large bodied hominoids.  相似文献   


Among fishes, salmonids (family Salmonidae) have attracted a great deal of research attention focused on sexual dimorphism and associated selective forces. Most of this research has been directed toward anadromous and mostly semelparous salmon and trout (Oncorhynchus, Salmo), and comparatively little is known about intersexual variability in strictly iteroparous freshwater salmonids. We examined a comprehensive data set of 28 linear morphometric characters in 11 of 15 currently recognised species of grayling (Thymallinae, Thymallus), a genus consisting of iteroparous species only, to identify general patterns of intersexual morphological variability. Overall, we found that all grayling species show common sex-specific traits particularly relating to size dimensions of the dorsal, anal, pelvic and pectoral fins. Although the magnitude of sexual dimorphism differed among species, there was no significant phylogenetic signal associated with these differences across the genus. These results are discussed in terms of the assumed selection pressures driving sexual dimorphism in graylings and are compared to existing knowledge in Salmonidae as a whole where similarities and differences with both Salmoninae and Coregoninae exist. The present study provides the first detailed genus-wide comparison of sexually dimorphic phenotypic characters in graylings, and highlights the need for more large-scale comparative studies in multiple salmonid species to better understand general macroevolutionary trends among this important group of freshwater fishes.


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