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A revision of the genus Trixa Meigen (Diptera: Tachinidae)   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The genus Trixa Meigen, 1824 is revised. Dexiotrix Villeneuve, 1936 and Trixella Mesnil, 1980, each of which was sometimes treated as a distinct genus, are treated as junior synonyms of Trixa Meigen. Two species from Sichuan and Yunnan, China, are described as new to science, viz. Trixa chinensis sp. nov. and T. chaoi sp. nov. T. alpina Meigen is treated as a junior synonym of T. caerulescens Meigen. T. nox (Shima) and T.pubiseta (Mesnil) are newly recorded from China. Males of T. pubiseta (Mesnil) and T.longipensis (Villeneuve) are described for the first time. Diagnoses, figures and a key to twelve species in Trixa are given.  相似文献   

汪兴鉴  陈小琳 《昆虫学报》2002,45(4):507-515
对中国实蝇科的羽角实蝇属Gastrozona Bezzi 进行了全面概述和厘订,本属在我国现知共有8种, 其中包括一个新种:汉氏羽角实蝇G. hancochi sp. Nov.;一个中国新记录种:微连羽角实蝇G. soror (Schiner)。附脉羽角实蝇G. appendiculata Zia 以前曾被误作是笋黄羽角实蝇G. fasciventris(Macquart)的同物异名,现提出恢复其种的地位。 除描述新种外,还提供中国羽角实蝇属已知种类的鉴别特征、分种检索表及其特征图。  相似文献   

Trichieurina haladai sp. n. (Diptera, Chloropidae), is described from Zambia. All known Trichieurina species are keyed and main differential characters are illustrated.  相似文献   

A revision of the shore-fly genus Hydrochasma Hendel. The species of the genus Hydrochasma Hendel are revised, including 27 new species (type locality in parenthesis): H. andeum (Ecuador. Guayas: Boliche (02°07.7''S, 79°35.5''W)), H. annae (United States. Utah. Grand: Swasey Beach (15.3 km N Green River; 39°07''N, 110°06.6''W; Green River; 1255 m)), H. capsum (Ecuador. Orellana: RíoTiputini (0°38.2''S, 76°8.9''W)), H. castilloi (Ecuador. Loja: Catamayo (03°59''S, 79°21''W)), H. crenulum (Peru. Cuzco: Paucartambo, Atalaya (Río Alto Madre de Dios; 12°53.3''S, 71°21.6''W; 600 m)), H. denticum (Ecuador. Orellana: Río Tiputini (0°38.2''S, 76°8.9''W)), H. digitatum (Peru. Madre de Dios: Diamante (Río Alto Madre de Dios; 12°19.9''S, 70°57.5''W; 400 m)), H. distinctum (Costa Rica. Limón: Parque Nacional Barbilla, Sector Casas Negras, (10°0.8''N, 83°28.1''W; 300 m)), H. dolabrutum (Dominican Republic. Barahona: Barahona (18°12''N, 71°5.3''W)), H. edmistoni (Dominican Republic. Azua: near Pueblo Viejo (18°24.8''N, 70°44.7''W)), H. falcatum (Peru. Madre de Dios: Río Manu, Erika (near Salvación; 12°50.7''S, 71°23.3''W; 550 m)), H. glochium (Dominican Republic. Peravia: San José Ocoa (10 km NE; 18°35''N, 70°25.6''W)), H. kaieteur (Guyana. Kaieteur Falls (05°10.5''N, 59°26.9''W)), H. lineatum (Trinidad and Tobago. Trinidad. St. George: Filette (1 km SE; 10°47''N, 61°21''W)), H. miguelito (Honduras. Cortés: San Pedro Sula (8 km S; 15°25.7''N, 88°01.4''W)), H. octogonum (Ecuador. Manabí: Pichincha (01°02.7''S, 79°49.2''W)), H. parallelum (Trinidad and Tobago. Trinidad. St. Andrew: Lower Manzanilla (16 km S; 10°22''N, 61°01''W)), H. peniculum (Dominican Republic. Pedernales: Pedernales (18°01.8''N, 71°44.7''W)), H. rictum (Honduras. Cortés: San Pedro Sula (8 km S; 15°25.7''N, 88°01.4''W)), H. robustum (Brazil. São Paulo. Ubatuba, Praia Puruba (23°21''S, 44°55.6''W; beach)), H. sagittarium (Trinidad and Tobago. Tobago: St. John: Parlatuvier (creek; 11°17.9''N, 60°35''W)), H. simplicum (Costa Rica. Limón: Parque Nacional Barbilla, Sector Casas Negras, (10°01.2''N, 83°26.2''W; 300 m)), H. sinuatum (Belize. Stann Creek: Mullins Creek (17 km N Dangriga; 17°06.2''N, 88°17.8''W)), H. spinosum (Costa Rica. Limón: Westfalia (4 km S; 09°54.5''N, 82°59''W; beach)), H. urnulum (Dominican Republic. Puerto Plata: Río Camu (14 km E Puerto Plata; 19°41.9''N, 70°37.5''W)), H. viridum (Guyana. Karanambo, Rupununi River (ox bow; 03°45.1''N, 59°18.6''W)), H. williamsae (Belize. Stann Creek: Mullins River (17 km N Dangriga; 17°06.2''N, 88°17.8''W)). All known species are described with an emphasis on structures of the male terminalia, which are fully illustrated. Detailed locality data and distribution maps for all species are provided. A lectotype is designated for Discocerina incisum Coquillett and Hydrochasma zernyi Hendel. For perspective and to facilitate genus-group and species-group recognition, the tribe Discocerinini is diagnosed and a key to included genera in the New World is provided.  相似文献   

The Neotropical genus Paraberismyia Woodley, 1995, is revised. Three new species, P. chiapassp. n., P. mathisisp. n., and P. triunfosp. n. are described, all having type localities in Chiapas, Mexico. A key to the four known species is provided.  相似文献   

Phylogenetic relations among selected Micropsectra (Diptera: Chironomidae) species are inferred using mitochondrial COII gene sequences and morphological characters. Both maximum parsimony and Bayesian analyses indicate a monophyletic atrofasciata species group. However, some species morphologically similar to M. atrofasciata (Kieffer) in the adult male, i.e. M. appendica sp. nov. and M. logani (Johannsen), are placed outside the atrofasciata group in the gene trees. The phylogenetic hypotheses based on parsimony analyses of the combined molecular and morphological data sets weakly support a monophyletic atrofasciata group including M. appendica sp. nov. and M. logani if third positions in the COII gene sequences are excluded. In the taxonomic part of this study, adult males, pupae and larvae of Micropsectra aristata Pinder, M. atrofasciata, M. bavarica sp. nov., M. klinki sp. nov., M. logani, M. pallidula (Meigen) and M. schrankelae sp. nov. , and adult males and pupae of M. appendica sp. nov. and M. sofiae sp. nov. as well as adult males of M. andalusiaca Marcuzzi, M. calcifontis sp. nov., M. freyi Storå, M. longicrista sp. nov., M. robusta sp. nov. , and M. zernyi Marcuzzi are described and diagnosed. Micropsectra bidentata (Goetghebuer), M. jokaquarta Sasa & Ogata, M. miki Marcuzzi, M. pallida Goetghebuer, M. subnitens Goetghebuer, M. suecica (Kieffer) and M. shouharasima Sasa are new junior synonyms of M. atrofasciata; Micropsectra groenlandica Andersen and M. utonaitertia Sasa are new junior synonyms of M. logani; Micropsectra candida Chaudhuri & Datta, M. franzi Goetghebuer and M. viridiscutellata Goetghebuer are new junior synonyms of M. pallidula. Comments on the ecology, distribution and systematics of each species are provided. Keys to all known life stages are presented, as well as an annotated list of species morphologically similar to species in the atrofasciata group and nomina dubia in the atrofasciata group. Chironomus mimulus Holmgren is transferred to the genus Micropsectra. © 2006 The Linnean Society of London, Zoological Journal of the Linnean Society, 2006, 146 , 165–225.  相似文献   

Abstract A key is provided to twenty-four western Palaearctic species of Urophora Robineau-Desvoidy. The hosts of twenty-three species which attack Asteraceae are listed, including those being used or investigated as possible weed biocontrol agents. The species are divided into four species groups and the differing host relationships and types of galls induced by these groups are discussed. U.lopholomae sp.n. and U.affinis ssp. calcitrapae ssp.n., associated with Centaurea (Lopholoma) spp. and C. (Calcitrapa) spp. respectively, are described. U. algerica (Hering) and U.sjumorum (Rohdendorf) are both treated as subspecies of U. quadrifasciata (Meigen). U.pontica is given full specific status and U.hispanica is removed from synonymy. The following new synonymies are made (junior synonyms in parentheses): U. angustifascia (Hering) (= Euribia phaeocera Hering); U. cardui (Linnaeus) (= U. reaumurii Robineau-Desvoidy, lectotype designated); U. jaceana (Hering) (= E.conyzae Hering); U.maura (Frauenfeld) (= E. tecta Hering); U. mauritanica Macquart (= U. lejura Rondani, Trypeta macrura Loew); U.solstitialis (Linnaeus) (= E.sonderupi Hering, U. veruata Rondani ); U.stylata (Fabricius) (= E.pia Hering, U. vulcaanica Rondani); U. terebrans (Loew) (= E. approximata Hering, T. eriolepidis Loew, E. manni Hendel). The possibility that U. quadrifasciata is a species complex is discussed; it is also suggested that U.affinis and U.jaceana represent the morphological extremes of a complex. The misuse of the name Musca stylata Fabricius in the genus Myopites Blot is noted.  相似文献   

A study of the dispersal of the sewage-filter Psychodids requires a knowledge of the breeding haunts and seasonal incidences of the local species of the genus. Field dung, decaying vegetable matter and organic mud form the breeding places to one of which some species confine themselves, whilst others, e.g. Psychoda seuerini Tonn., breed in a variety of materials. P. alternata Say is more restricted in its choice of breeding grounds and proved the best indicator of dispersal from sewage filters. With this fly, invasion of farms and woodland was apparent at a distance of 1/4 and 1 mile respectively from the filters, but not at a distance of 1 1/2 miles in the direction of the prevailing wind.  相似文献   

汪兴鉴  陈小琳 《昆虫学报》2004,47(4):490-498
检视和研究了东洋界肘角广口蝇属Loxoneura Macquart(双翅目:广口蝇科)的全部种类,确认目前该属共知12种。详细记述了其中的一新种:西藏肘角广口蝇L.tibetana sp. Nov.。记载了下列5种的地理分布新记录: 大斑肘角广口蝇L. fascialis Kertesz、三带肘角广口蝇L. livida Hendel和花翅肘角广口蝇L. pictipennis (Walker) 为中国新记录种;艳丽肘角广口蝇L. decora (Fabr icius) 为马来西亚和婆罗洲的新记录种;台湾肘角广口蝇L. formosae Kertesz为印度新记录种。讨论了肘角广口蝇属的属征,并提供全部已知种类(除老挝肘角广口蝇 L. vitalisiana Frey外)的鉴别特征、分种检索表及其有关特征图。  相似文献   

The genus Liancalus Loew is revised for the Nearctic Region. Seven species are documented from this region including two new species: Liancalus genualis Loew, Liancalus hydrophilus Aldrich, Liancalus limbatus Van Duzee, Liancalus pterodactyl sp. n., Liancalus querulus Osten Sacken, Liancalus similis Aldrich, and Liancalus sonorus sp. n. Lectotypes are designated for the following species: Liancalus genualis, Liancalus hydrophilus, Liancalus querulus, and Liancalus similis. The species are illustrated, a key to males and females is provided, and their distributions mapped. Adults of Liancalus are some of the largest species of Dolichopodidae and commonly occur on waterfalls and vertical seeps.  相似文献   

Phylogenetic relationships of the subgenera of Exorista Meigen (Diptera: Tachinidae) are inferred from morphological data. Our results show that the genus Exorista is not monophyletic and that members of the subgenus Spixomyia Crosskey are divided into two clades. Each subgenus is redefined based on male and female morphological features. The Japanese species of Exorista are revised and classified into five subgenera: Adenia Robineau‐Desvoidy, Exorista Meigen, Podotachina Brauer and Bergenstamm, Ptilotachina Brauer and Bergenstamm, and Spixomyia Crosskey. Thirteen species are recognized, including two newly recorded species, Exorista (Adenia) cuneata Herting and Exorista (Spixomyia) lepis Chao. Exorista cantans Mesnil is transferred to the subgenus Podotachina from Spixomyia.  相似文献   

Morphological variation among geographic populations of the New World sand fly Lutzomyia quinquefer (Diptera, Phlebotominae) was analyzed and patterns detected that are probably associated with species emergence. This was achieved by examining the relationships of size and shape components of morphological attributes, and their correlation with geographic parameters. Quantitative and qualitative morphological characters are described, showing in both sexes differences among local populations from four Departments of Bolivia. Four arguments are then developed to reject the hypothesis of environment as the unique source of morphological variation: (1) the persistence of differences after removing the allometric consequences of size variation, (2) the association of local metric properties with meristic and qualitative attributes, rather than with altitude, (3) the positive and significant correlation between metric and geographic distances, and (4) the absence of a significant correlation between altitude and general-size of the insects.  相似文献   

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