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In response to nutrient limitations, Bacillus subtilis cells undergo a series of morphological and genetic changes that culminate in the formation of endospores. Conversely, excess catabolites inhibit sporulation. It has been demonstrated previously that excess catabolites caused a decrease in culture medium pH in a process that required functional AbrB. Culture medium acidification was also shown to inhibit ÏH-dependent sporulation gene expression. The studies reported here investigate the effects of AbrB-mediated pH sensing on B. subtilis developmental competence. We have found that neither addition of a pH stabilizer, MOPS (pH 7.5), nor null mutations in abrB blocked catabolite repression of sporulation. Moreover, catabolite-induced culture medium acidification was observed in cultures of catabolite-resistant sporulation mutants, crsA47, rvtA11, and hpr-16, despite their efficient sporulation. These results suggest that AbrB-mediated pH sensing is not the only mechanism regulating catabolite repression of sporulation. The AbrB pathway may function to channel cells toward genetic competence, as opposed to other postexponential differentiation pathways.  相似文献   

Sporulation in Bacillus subtilis can be triggered by carbon catabolite limitation. Conversely, carbon source excess can repress the production of extracellular enzymes, motility, and sporulation. Recent studies have implicated a pH-sensing mechanism, involving AbrB, the TCA cycle, Spo0K, and ÏH in controlling the catabolite repression of sporulation gene expression. In an accompanying paper, we demonstrate that the AbrB-dependent pH-sensing mechanism may not be the only means by which carbon catabolites affect sporulation. In the studies reported here, we have examined the molecular basis underlying the catabolite repression phenotype of mutations in the hpr (scoC), rpoD (crsA47), and spo0A (rvtA11) loci. Loss of function mutations in hpr (scoC) restored sporulation gene expression and sporulation in the presence of excess catabolite(s), suggesting that Hpr (ScoC) has a pivotal role in mediating catabolite repression. Moreover, hpr gene expression increased substantially in the presence of excess catabolite(s), further supporting the involvement of Hpr (ScoC) in the carbon catabolite response system. We suggest that alterations in the phosphorelay response to catabolites may be one mechanism by which catabolite-resistant mutants such as crsA and rvtA are able to sporulate in the presence of excess glucoseReceived: 12 November 2002 / Accepted: 13 December 2002  相似文献   

The nucleotide sequence of the ribC gene encoding the synthesis of bifunctional flavokinase/flavine adenine nucleotide (FAD) synthetase in Bacillus subtilis have been determined in a family of riboflavinconstitutive mutants. Two mutations have been found in the proximal region of the gene, which controls the transferase (FAD synthase) activity. Three point mutations and one double mutation have been found (in addition to the two mutations that were detected earlier) in the distal region of the gene, which controls the flavokinase (flavin mononucleotide (FMN) synthase) activity. On the basis of all data known to date, it has been concluded that the identified mutations affect riboflavin and ATP binding sites. No mutations have been found in the PTAN conserved sequence, which forms the magnesium and ATP common binding site and is identical for organisms of all organizational levels, from bacteria too humans.  相似文献   

Anomalous forms of Bacillus subtilis A32 produced by prolonged cultivation in a chemostat under nitrogen limitation are described. A change in the cultivation conditions brought about a transformation of these forms to bacillar rods. The transformation was gradual and lasted for several generations.  相似文献   

Mao L  Jiang S  Wang B  Chen L  Yao Q  Chen K 《Current microbiology》2011,63(2):198-205
Natural wild-type strains of Bacillus subtilis spore is regarded as a non-pathogenic for both human and animal, and has been classified as a novel food which is currently being used as probiotics added in the consumption. To identify B. subtilis spore proteins, we have accomplished a preliminary proteomic analysis of B. subtilis spore, with a combination of two-dimensional electrophoretic separations and matrix-assisted laser desorption ionization tandem time of flight mass spectrometry (MALDI–TOF–MS). In this article, we presented a reference map of 158 B. subtilis spore proteins with an isoelectric point (pI) between 4 and 7. Followed by mass spectrometry (MS) analysis, we identified 71 B. subtilis spore proteins with high level of confidence. Database searches, combined with hydropathy analysis and GO analysis revealed that most of the B. subtilis spore proteins were hydrophilic proteins related to catalytic function. These results should accelerate efforts to understand the resistance of spore to harsh conditions.  相似文献   

The effects of cortex-lysis related genes with the pdaA, sleB, and cwlD mutations of Bacillus subtilis (natto) NAFM5 on sporulation and germination were investigated. Single or double mutations did not prevent normal sporulation, but did affect germination. Germination was severely inhibited by the double mutation of sleB and cwlD. The quality of natto made with the sleB cwlD double mutant was tested, and the amounts of glutamic acid and ammonia were very similar to those in the wild type. The possibility of industrial development of natto containing a reduced number of viable spores is presented.  相似文献   

The gene encoding for B. intermedius glutamyl endopeptidase (gseBi) has previously been cloned and its nucleotide sequence analyzed. In this study, the expression of this gene was explored in protease-deficient strain B. subtilis AJ73 during stationary phase of bacterial growth. We found that catabolite repression usually involved in control of endopeptidase expression during vegetative growth was not efficient at the late stationary phase. Testing of B. intermedius glutamyl endopeptidase gene expression with B. subtilis spo0-mutants revealed slight effect of these mutations on endopeptidase expression. Activity of glutamyl endopeptidase was partly left in B. subtilis ger-mutants. Probably, gseBi expression was not connected with sporulation. This enzyme might be involved in outgrowth of the spore, when germinating endospore converts into the vegetative cell. These data suggest complex regulation of B. intermedius glutamyl endopeptidase gene expression with contribution of several regulatory systems and demonstrate changes in control of enzyme biosynthesis at different stages of growth.  相似文献   

Chemotaxis is a process in which bacteria sense their chemical environment and move towards more favorable conditions. Since plant colonization by bacteria is a multifaceted process which requires a response to the complex chemical environment, a finely tuned and sensitive chemotaxis system is needed. Members of the Bacillus subtilis group including Bacillus amyloliquefaciens are industrially important, for example, as bio-pesticides. The group exhibits plant growth-promoting characteristics, with different specificity towards certain host plants. Therefore, we hypothesize that while the principal molecular mechanisms of bacterial chemotaxis may be conserved, the bacterial chemotaxis system may need an evolutionary tweaking to adapt it to specific requirements, particularly in the process of evolution of free-living soil organisms, towards plant colonization behaviour. To date, almost nothing is known about what parts of the chemotaxis proteins are subjected to positive amino acid substitutions, involved in adjusting the chemotaxis system of bacteria during speciation. In this novel study, positively selected and purified sites of chemotaxis proteins were calculated, and these residues were mapped onto homology models that were built for the chemotaxis proteins, in an attempt to understand the spatial evolution of the chemotaxis proteins. Various positively selected amino acids were identified in semi-conserved regions of the proteins away from the known active sites.  相似文献   

Bacillus subtilis strain IB exhibiting inhibitory activity against the Fusarium head blight disease fungus Fusarium graminearum was isolated and identified. The major inhibitory compound was purified from the culture broth through anion exchange, hydrophobic interaction, and reverse phase high-performance liquid chromatography (RP-HPLC) steps. It was a 1,463-Da lipopeptide and had an amino acid composition consisting of Ala, Glx, Ile, Orn, Pro, Thr, and Tyr at a molar ratio of 1:3:1:1:1:1:2. Electrospray ionization mass spectrometry/mass spectrometry (ESI MS/MS) analyses of the natural and the ring-opened peptides showed the antagonist was fengycin, a kind of macrolactone molecule with antifungal activity produced by several Bacillus strains. Fluorescence microscopic analysis indicated this peptide permeabilized and disrupted F. graminearum hyphae.  相似文献   

The divIVB operon of Bacillus subtilis includes the cell shape-associated mre genes, including the membrane-associated proteins MreC and MreD. TnphoA mutagenesis was utilized to analyze a topological model for MreC. MreC has a short cytoplasmic amino terminus, a single membrane-spanning domain, and a large carboxy terminal domain which lies externally to the outer leaflet of the cell membrane. Expression of the B. subtilis MreB protein, or the Mre C and D proteins, results in a morphological conversion of the Escherichia coli host cells from a rod to a roughly spherical cell, morphologically similar to mre-negative mutants of E. coli. Immunolocalization of the MreC protein in B. subtilis revealed that this protein is found at the midcell division site of the bacterial cells, consistent with the postulated role of the Mre proteins in the regulation of septum-specific peptidoglycan synthesis. RID= ID= <E5>Correspondence to: </E5>G.C. Stewart; <E5>email:</E5> stewart&commat;vet.ksu.edu Received: 5 August 2002 / Accepted: 7 October 2002  相似文献   

Conjugative transfer of 20-kb chromosomal fragment carrying genes encoding tetracycline (tet r ) and lincomycin (lin r ) resistance in the soil strain Bacillus subtilis 19 is described. Transfer was preceded by this fragment insertion into the large conjugative p19cat plasmid producing a hybrid plasmid. Insertion frequency was 10?4?10?5. Then genes tet r and lin r were transferred to the recipient strains. The transfer of chromosomal genes inserted into the plasmid and plasmid gene cat occurred sequentially and resembled sexduction, which represents chromosomal gene transfer by F′ and R′ plasmids during conjugation in Escherichia coli and other gram negative bacteria.  相似文献   

In this study, we explored Bacillus subtilis biofilm growth under various conditions such as the use of substrates with different stiffnesses and nutrient levels using a well-developed optical imaging technique to spatially and temporally track biofilm growth. We also developed a quantitative method to characterize B. subtilis biofilm morphologies under various growth conditions. To determine biofilm rim irregularities, we used the dimensionless P2A ratio, defined as P2/4πA, where P is the perimeter and A is the area of the biofilm. To estimate biofilm thickness from transmission images, we developed a calibration procedure based on Beer- Lambert’s law and cross sectioning. Furthermore, to determine the distributions of different B. subtilis cell phenotypes during biofilm growth, we used a triple-fluorescence-labeled B. subtilis strain that expressed motility, matrix production, and sporulation. Based on this work, we are able to tune biofilm growth by changing its growing environment.  相似文献   


Purpose of work  

Undecylprodigiosin has antimicrobial, immunosuppressive and anticancer properties. Pure cultures of Streptomyces coelicolor produce only low concentrations of undecylprodigiosin. We have therefore sought to increase this by interacting the cells with a bacterium.  相似文献   

BIOCHEMICAL studies of chromosome replication have been hampered by the unavailability of an adequate in vitro system with the basic features of in vivo DNA replication. The criteria for such a system are: (1) semiconservative replication; (2) normal biological activity of newly synthesized DNA; (3) normal advancement of the original replication fork; (4) rate of DNA replication equivalent to in vivo; and (5) expected phenotypic behaviour of temperature-sensitive dna mutants. Systems in Escherichia coli, a membrane-DNA fraction1, an agar-embedded cell lysate2 and toluene-treated cells3 have met two or three of the requirements. Several laboratories have also reported the expected behaviour of ts-dna E. coli mutants in toluenized cells3–5.  相似文献   

We assess the microbial assay-dependent effect of AgNP on gram-negative Escherichia coli and gram-positive Bacillus subtilis. The experiment was conducted via three different assays: a growth inhibition assay, a colony forming unit assay, and a liquid-to-plate assay. AgNP were exposed either as liquid suspensions or in an agar state. Bacterial sensitivity to AgNP was found to be dependent on the microbial assay employed. E. coli was more sensitive than B. subtilis in the growth inhibition and CFU assays, but B. subtilis was more vulnerable than E. coli in the liquid-to-plate assay, ostensibly owing to the food stress mechanisms of B. subtilis in exposure medium. The dissolution of silver from AgNP could not explain the observed toxicity of AgNP. We detected clear evidence of AgNP uptake by cells. The results of this study showed that the microbial toxicity of AgNP and the effects of dissolved silver ions were influenced profoundly by the microbial test method employed.  相似文献   

Twenty-two Bacillus cereus strains were screened for phospholipase C (PLC, EC activity using p-nitrophenyl phosphorylcholine as a substrate. Two strains (B. cereus SBUG 318 and SBUG 516) showed high activity at elevated temperatures (>70°C) at acidic pH (pH 3.5–6) and were selected for cloning and functional expression using Bacillus subtilis. The genes were amplified from B. cereus DNA using primers based on a known PLC sequence and cloned into the expression vector pMSE3 followed by transformation into B. subtilis WB800. On the amino acid level, one protein (PLC318) was identical to a PLC described from B. cereus, whereas PLC516 contained an amino acid substitution (E173D). PLC production using the recombinant strains was performed by an acetoin-controlled expression system. For PLC516, 13.7 U g−1 wet cell weight was determined in the culture supernatant after 30 h cultivation time. Three purification steps resulted in pure PLC516 with a specific activity of 13,190 U mg−1 protein.  相似文献   

For the enhancement of lipase stability in organic solvent containing reaction, live immobilization method, using Bacillus subtilis spore as a display vehicle was attempted. Bacillus subtilis coat protein cotE was used as an anchoring motif for the display of lipA and lipB of Bacillus subtilis. Using this motif, lipolytic enzyme Lipase A and Lipase B were functionally displayed on the surface of Bacillus subtilis spore. Purified spore displaying CotE-LipB fusion protein showed higher lipolytic activity compared to that of CotE-LipA fusion protein. The surface localization of Lipase B was verified with flow cytometry and protease accessibility experiment. Spore displayed lipase retained its activity against acetone and benzene which completely deactivated free soluble lipase in the same reaction condition.  相似文献   

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