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Ecosystems are often arranged in naturally patchy landscapes with habitat patches linked by dispersal of species in a metacommunity. The size of a metacommunity, or number of patches, is predicted to influence community dynamics and therefore the structure and function of local communities. However, such predictions have yet to be experimentally tested using full food webs in natural metacommunities. We used the natural mesocosm system of aquatic macroinvertebrates in bromeliad phytotelmata to test the effect of the number of patches in a metacommunity on species richness, abundance, and community composition. We created metacommunities of varying size using fine mesh cages to enclose a gradient from a single bromeliad up to the full forest. We found that species richness, abundance, and biomass increased from enclosed metacommunities to the full forest size and that diversity and evenness also increased in larger enclosures. Community composition was affected by metacommunity size across the full gradient, with a more even detritivore community in larger metacommunities, and taxonomic groups such as mosquitoes going locally extinct in smaller metacommunities. We were able to divide the effects of metacommunity size into aquatic and terrestrial habitat components and found that the importance of each varied by species; those with simple life cycles were only affected by local aquatic habitat whereas insects with complex life cycles were also affected by the amount of terrestrial matrix. This differential survival of obligate and non‐obligate dispersers allowed us to partition the beta‐diversity between metacommunities among functional groups. Our study is one of the first tests of metacommunity size in a natural metacommunity landscape and shows that both diversity and community composition are significantly affected by metacommunity size. Synthesis Natural food webs are sensitive to meta‐community size, i.e. the number of patches connected through dispersal. We provide an empirical test using the aquatic foodweb associated within bromeliads as a model system. When we reduced the number of bromeliad patches connect through dispersal, we found a clear change of the foodweb in terms of population sizes, beta diversity, community composition and predator‐prey ratios. The response of individual taxa was predictable based on species traits including dispersal modes, life cycle, and adult resource requirements. Our study demonstrates that community structure is strongly influenced by the interplay of species traits and landscape properties.  相似文献   

外来生物入侵是继生境破坏后造成生物多样性丧失的第二大威胁因素, 已对入侵地的生态安全、经济和社会发展及人类健康等造成严重负面影响, 成为21世纪五大全球性环境问题之一。作为水产养殖、航运和水生宠物交易大国, 我国水生生态系统的生物入侵问题尤为严重。研究表明, 系统地构建并应用早期监测预警技术是防控水生生态系统生物入侵最有效的途径。和陆生生物相比, 水生生物群落的物种繁多、群落结构复杂、生物形体微小且在入侵初期群体规模极小、隐匿于水下、可用于物种鉴定的外部形态缺乏, 使得在水生生态系统中构建并应用早期监测和预警体系在技术层面更具挑战。随着高通量测序技术的快速发展, 环境DNA-宏条形码技术成为构建水生生态系统入侵生物早期监测与预警技术的首选。本文主要综述了基于环境DNA-宏条形码技术的水生生态系统入侵生物的早期监测与预警技术方法; 解析了环境DNA-宏条形码监测系统的应用现状、技术优势; 着重探讨了影响监测结果准确性的I型和II型错误及其产生原因, 并为避免两类错误提供了可行的优化/改进方案; 最后对该方法在水生入侵生物监测中的应用前景进行了展望。  相似文献   

The extraction and characterization of DNA from aquatic environmental samples offers an alternative, noninvasive approach for the detection of rare species. Environmental DNA, coupled with PCR and next‐generation sequencing (“metabarcoding”), has proven to be very sensitive for the detection of rare aquatic species. Our study used a custom‐designed group‐specific primer set and next‐generation sequencing for the detection of three species at risk (Eastern Sand Darter, Ammocrypta pellucida; Northern Madtom, Noturus stigmosus; and Silver Shiner, Notropis photogenis), one invasive species (Round Goby, Neogobius melanostomus) and an additional 78 native species from two large Great Lakes tributary rivers in southern Ontario, Canada: the Grand River and the Sydenham River. Of 82 fish species detected in both rivers using capture‐based and eDNA methods, our eDNA method detected 86.2% and 72.0% of the fish species in the Grand River and the Sydenham River, respectively, which included our four target species. Our analyses also identified significant positive and negative species co‐occurrence patterns between our target species and other identified species. Our results demonstrate that eDNA metabarcoding that targets the fish community as well as individual species of interest provides a better understanding of factors affecting the target species spatial distribution in an ecosystem than possible with only target species data. Additionally, eDNA is easily implemented as an initial survey tool, or alongside capture‐based methods, for improved mapping of species distribution patterns.  相似文献   


Background and Aims

Wetlands are impacted by changes in hydrological regimes that can lead to periods of low water levels. During these periods, aquatic plants experience a drastic change in the mechanical conditions that they encounter, from low gravitational and tensile hydrodynamic forces when exposed to flow under aquatic conditions, to high gravitational and bending forces under terrestrial conditions. The objective of this study was to test the capacity of aquatic plants to produce self-supporting growth forms when growing under aerial conditions by assessing their resistance to terrestrial mechanical conditions and the associated morpho-anatomical changes.


Plastic responses to aerial conditions were assessed by sampling Berula erecta, Hippuris vulgaris, Juncus articulatus, Lythrum salicaria, Mentha aquatica, Myosotis scorpioides, Nuphar lutea and Sparganium emersum under submerged and emergent conditions. The cross-sectional area and dry matter content (DMC) were measured in the plant organs that bear the mechanical forces, and their biomechanical properties in tension and bending were assessed.

Key Results

All of the species except for two had significantly higher stiffness in bending and thus an increased resistance to terrestrial mechanical conditions when growing under emergent conditions. This response was determined either by an increased allocation to strengthening tissues and thus a higher DMC, or by an increased cross-sectional area. These morpho-anatomical changes also resulted in increased strength and stiffness in tension.


The capacity of the studied species to colonize this fluctuating environment can be accounted for by a high degree of phenotypic plasticity in response to emersion. Further investigation is however needed to disentangle the finer mechanisms behind these responses (e.g. allometric relations, tissue make-up), their costs and adaptive value.  相似文献   

Invasive plants have aroused attention globally for causing ecological damage and having a negative impact on the economy and human health. However, it can be extremely challenging to rapidly and accurately identify invasive plants based on morphology because they are an assemblage of many different families and many plant materials lack sufficient diagnostic characteristics during border inspections. It is therefore urgent to evaluate candidate loci and build a reliable genetic library to prevent invasive plants from entering China. In this study, five common single markers (ITS, ITS2, matK, rbcL and trnH‐psbA) were evaluated using 634 species (including 469 invasive plant species in China, 10 new records to China, 16 potentially invasive plant species around the world but not introduced into China yet and 139 plant species native to China) based on three different methods. Our results indicated that ITS2 displayed largest intra‐ and interspecific divergence (1.72% and 91.46%). Based on NJ tree method, ITS2, ITS, matK, rbcL and trnH‐psbA provided 76.84%, 76.5%, 63.21%, 52.86% and 50.68% discrimination rates, respectively. The combination of ITS + matK performed best and provided 91.03% discriminatory power, followed by ITS2 + matK (85.78%). For identifying unknown individuals, ITS + matK had 100% correct identification rate based on our database, followed by ITS/ITS2 (both 93.33%) and ITS2 + matK (91.67%). Thus, we propose ITS/ITS2 + matK as the most suitable barcode for invasive plants in China. This study also demonstrated that DNA barcoding is an efficient tool for identifying invasive species.  相似文献   

环境DNA及其在水生生态系统保护中的应用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
环境DNA(environmental DNA,e DNA)是指可以从环境样品(如水、土壤、空气、冰芯等)中直接提取到的DNA片段总和。e DNA技术是在确定调查物种或种群的特异性基因识别片段的基础上,利用各种分子手段检测从环境介质中所提取e DNA包含识别片段的情况,进而确定取样环境中生物的分布状况,包括e DNA获取、e DNA分析和结果分析3个阶段,是近年来新出现的一种生物调查方法。与传统方法相比,e DNA技术具有灵敏度高、省时省力、对调查对象无损伤等优点,不要求调查者具有传统的生物识别及鉴定经验。目前e DNA技术已被应用于目标物种(如入侵物种、濒危物种及其他稀有物种)"有无"的检测、生物量的估测、水体生物多样性的调查等,在水生生态系统的保护中具有广泛的应用前景,但目前仅在少数发达国家展开应用,亟待进一步推广。目前研究者们所用的e DNA方法各不相同,有待对现有方法进行完善并建立技术标准;作为一种调查方法,其时间及空间精确度有待进一步评价;利用e DNA技术估测生物量的准确度还较低,建议首先提高对e DNA产生与降解动力学的认识,再进一步寻求提高其准确度的方法。  相似文献   

Biological plant invasions pose a serious threat to native biodiversity and have received much attention, especially in terrestrial habitats. In freshwater ecosystems impacts of invasive plant species are less studied. We hypothesized an impact on organisms from the water column and from the sediment. We then assessed the impact of three aquatic invasive species on the plants and macroinvertebrates: Hydrocotyle ranunculoides, Ludwigia grandiflora and Myriophyllum aquaticum. Our research on 32 ponds in Belgium indicated that the reduction in the native plant species richness was a common pattern to invasion. However, the magnitude of impacts were species specific. A strong negative relationship to invasive species cover was found, with submerged vegetation the most vulnerable to the invasion. Invertebrate richness, diversity and abundance were measured in sediments of invaded and uninvaded ponds along a gradient of H. ranunculoides, L. grandiflora, and M. aquaticum species cover. We found a strong negative relationship between invasive species cover and invertebrate abundance, probably due to unsuitable conditions of the detritus for invertebrate colonization. Taxonomic compositions of aquatic invertebrate assemblages in invaded ponds differed from uninvaded ponds. Sensitive benthos, such as mayflies were completely absent in invaded ponds. The introduction of H. ranunculoides, L. grandiflora, and M. aquaticum in Belgian ponds has caused significant ecological alterations in the aquatic vegetation and the detritus community of ponds.  相似文献   

Miyazono  Seiji  Kodama  Takao  Akamatsu  Yoshihisa  Nakao  Ryohei  Saito  Minoru 《Limnology》2021,22(1):81-87
Limnology - Estimating the presence and abundance of non-native species in the early stage of invasion is important to prevent further spread of non-native species in aquatic systems. Environmental...  相似文献   

生物入侵对世界经济、环境造成了巨大的影响,已经成为世界关注的焦点。传统的海关检验方法存在鉴定缓慢、准确率低、鉴定专家稀缺等问题,因此急需一种鉴定率高、操作简单和快速的方法对入侵植物的繁殖体进行精确的鉴别。DNA条形码是一种基于DNA序列差异进行物种鉴定的技术,鉴定结果只受样品组织内DNA保存状况影响,不受形态学性状保存状态影响,只需掌握简单分子生物学技术的工作人员即可实现对未知样品的鉴定,在入侵植物检疫鉴定中有很大的应用潜力。根据入侵植物进化快、变异多的特点,可优先考虑种间、种内差异度高的ITS基因作为核心条形码,再以mat K和rbc L基因为辅助条形码。本文分析了植物DNA条形码技术及其衍生出的超级DNA条形码和metabarcoding技术在入侵植物鉴定中的应用潜力,提出构建入侵植物DNA条形码参考数据库与智能植物志(i Flora)相结合,为利用DNA条形码技术对入侵植物进行快速鉴定和相关研究提供参考。  相似文献   

The requirement for environmental risk assessment (ERA) of genetically engineered (GE) plants prior to large scale or commercial introduction into the environment is well established in national laws and regulations, as well as in international agreements. Since the first introductions of GE plants in commercial agriculture in the 1990s, a nearly universal paradigm has emerged for conducting these assessments based on a few guiding principles. These include the concept of case-by-case assessment, the use of comparative assessments, and a focus of the ERA on characteristics of the plant, the introduced trait, and the receiving environment as well as the intended use. In practice, however, ERAs for GE plants have frequently focused on achieving highly detailed characterizations of potential hazards at the expense of consideration of the relevant levels of exposure. This emphasis on exhaustive hazard characterization can lead to great difficulties when applied to ERA for GE plants under low-exposure conditions. This paper presents some relevant considerations for conducting an ERA for a GE plant in a low-exposure scenario in the context of the generalized ERA paradigm, building on discussions and case studies presented during a session at ISBGMO 12.  相似文献   

Dense mats of free floating plants (FFP) often produce severe underwater light attenuation and strong oxygen depletion in the water column. In this study, we experimentally assessed the zooplankton response to artificial shading using field mesocosms. During 30 days, we simulated three different light scenarios by mimicking the persistence, absence, and fluctuation of FFP typically encountered in vegetated shallow subtropical lakes. We used dark meshes to simulate the abiotic effects engineered by FFP. Both in the permanently covered and fluctuating situations, anoxia impaired zooplankton development. Anoxia constituted a major driving force in shaping the zooplankton response, whereas the feeding resource availability (phytoplankton) seemed to play a minor role; no top down effect on phytoplankton occurred in anoxic situations. In the fluctuating cover regime (periodic darkness and anoxia), the temporal variation of nanophytoplankton was not affected by zooplankton; once again oxygen availability seemed the main force shaping the zooplankton dynamics. Either periodical or permanent shading, associated to anoxic conditions, impaired the success of small herbivores. Large herbivores and microphytoplankton were negatively affected only under persistent shade and anoxia. In contrast, when neither light nor oxygen limitation occurred, such as in the scenario without shading, top-down control occurred. This study highlights the importance that the oxygen dynamics driven by the presence of FFP exert on the structure and dynamics of zooplankton assemblages and on the top down cascading effects on phytoplankton in warm temperate or subtropical shallow lakes.  相似文献   

A comparison of population dynamics of rotifers under natural conditions with those under intentionally-changed ones was carried out at one Lake and five outdoor pools. In Lake Numasawa, dominant rotifers under natural conditions for the past two years were Polyarthra trigla vulgaris, Kellicottia longispina, Ploesoma truncatum, Asplanchna priodonta and Filinia longiseta. Keratella hiemalis, K. cochlearis, K. valga tropica, Brachionus caudatus and Ascomorpha saltans appeared sporadically. Three months after the start of circulation of part of the lake water by a water power plant no remarkable changes were observed as far as the seasonal and vertical distribution of dominant rotifers are concerned. In five pools with different kinds and ratios of covering by such macrophytes as Eichornia and Lemna or reed screen, three types of rotifer communities were found. Type I: Liliferotrocha sp., Brachionus calyciflorus, (B. budapestinensis), B. angularis, K. valga tropica, etc., in which both densities and frequencies were generally reduced in proportion to the ratio of covering either with macrophytes or reed screens. Type II: Filinia longiseta, Polyarthra trigla vulgaris, Asplanchnella sieboldi, etc. in which densities and frequencies were increased by covering either with macrophytes or reed screens. Type III: Trichocerca pusilla, B. quadridentatus, B. leydigi rotundus, Scaridium longicaudum, Euchlanis dilatata, Dicranophorus sp., etc, in which no precise correlation was found between occurrences of the Rotifers and ratio of covering.  相似文献   

It is known that both natural and artificial electric fields (EF) affect plants physiological parameters as well as germination, growth and yield. The present article describes results of a preliminary experiment on the impact of electric field on aquatic plants biogeochemistry. The objective of the present study was the assessment of the influence exerted by the electric field on growth and trace metals content of Elodea canadensis. In a laboratory experiment plants were exposed to the field intensity of 54?kV m?1 for 7?days. The plants length was measured and the content of Fe, Mn, Ni, Pb, and Zn was determined using atomic absorption spectrometry (AAS). Results showed that the application of electric field slightly enhanced the growth of E. canadensis shoots. The content of Mn and Ni was significantly lower, and Pb and Zn significantly higher in plants exposed to the electric filed, while Fe content did not differ between control and EF treatment. This provides a rationale for further studies on biological effects of electric field in trace metal contaminated waters and application of an electrically enhanced phytoremediation.  相似文献   

Eleven independent transgenic canola (Brassica napus ssp. oleifera L. cv. Westar and Regent) lines were evaluated in the field. The plants carried a neomycin phosphotransferase (NPTII) gene for kanamycin resistance that was introduced via Agrobacterium-mediated transformation. NPTII enzyme assays, Southern blot by hybridizations and progeny analysis, confirmed the stable, heritable integration and expression of the introduced NPTII gene. A number of agronomic characteristics evaluated under field conditions, including maturity yield, and oil and protein content, were all statistically comparable between the transformed and nontransforemd platns. These results indicate that canola can be genetically engineered successfully, and that the Agrobacterium-based transformation system employed does not induced any adverse effects on the intrinsic agronomic and qualitative traits critical to the agricultural industry.  相似文献   

Abstract Gene transfer among microorganisms has been well demonstrated in laboratory microcosms and in situ, under non-limiting nutrient conditions. The literature contains conflicting opinions, however, as to whether such processes could occur in the absence of nutrients. This review summarises the evidence for the occurrence of gene transfer by conjugation, transformation and transduction among non-growing bacteria in nutrient depleted environments. Conjugation by selftransmissible, or by non-selftransmissible but mobilisable, plasmids has been shown to occur among environmental isolates of Escherichia coli, Enterobacter cloacae, Pseudomonas aeruginosa and marine Vibrio strains. Transduction and transformation have been demonstrated in isolates of P. aeruginosa and marine Vibrio strains, respectively. It is possible that the mechanisms of these processes may be different in non-growing cells in nutrient depleted conditions, compared to those occurring in cells growing in rich media.  相似文献   

自然入侵条件下黄顶菊丛枝菌根定殖及发育的研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
为探讨丛枝菌根(arbuscular mycorrhiza,AM)真菌在黄顶菊Flaveria bidentis入侵过程中可能发挥的作用,首先调查和研究了黄顶菊AM的侵入和生长表现。在黄顶菊入侵严重的河北省选择采样地点,分别从衡水地区的滨湖新区小北田村、冀州市漳下村、枣强县北王庄村、桃城区八里庄村、滨湖新区顺民庄村和滨湖新区刘家台村6个地点按黄顶菊重、中、轻3种盖度和不同生育期(苗期、花期和结籽期)采集根系和根区土样。分离根区土壤中AM真菌孢子、观察AM发育特征、测定孢子密度、AM真菌侵染率、丛枝着生率等,并与土壤理化性质进行了相关性分析。结果在各采样地点均观察到AM典型结构,不同样地菌丝侵染率、I型丛枝密度以及孢子密度的最大值均出现在八里庄村,泡囊密度和A型丛枝密度的最大值分别出现在小北田村和刘家台村;不同盖度下AM真菌侵染率最高值均出现在重度侵染区;不同生长时期黄顶菊的AM也有差异,除了丛枝密度最高值出现在花期和菌丝侵染率差异不显著外,菌丝侵染率、泡囊密度和孢子密度均在结籽期出现最大值。土壤理化特性也显著影响黄顶菊AM的发育,菌丝侵染率与土壤有机质呈显著正相关,与p H值呈显著负相关,与速效P含量呈极显著负相关;A型丛枝密度与p H含量呈显著负相关;I型丛枝密度与土壤全N含量呈极显著正相关;孢子密度与有机质含量和全N含量均呈显著正相关。因此,AM真菌侵染可能会促进黄顶菊的入侵。  相似文献   

Biological invasions are regarded as threats to global biodiversity. Among invasive aliens, a number of plant species belonging to the genera Myriophyllum, Ludwigia and Cabomba, and to the Hydrocharitaceae family pose a particular ecological threat to water bodies. Therefore, one would try to prevent them from entering a country. However, many related species are commercially traded, and distinguishing invasive from non‐invasive species based on morphology alone is often difficult for plants in a vegetative stage. In this regard, DNA barcoding could become a good alternative. In this study, 242 samples belonging to 26 species from 10 genera of aquatic plants were assessed using the chloroplast loci trnHpsbA, matK and rbcL. Despite testing a large number of primer sets and several PCR protocols, the matK locus could not be amplified or sequenced reliably and therefore was left out of the analysis. Using the other two loci, eight invasive species could be distinguished from their respective related species, a ninth one failed to produce sequences of sufficient quality. Based on the criteria of universal application, high sequence divergence and level of species discrimination, the trnH‐psbA noncoding spacer was the best performing barcode in the aquatic plant species studied. Thus, DNA barcoding may be helpful with enforcing a ban on trade of such invasive species, such as is already in place in the Netherlands. This will become even more so once DNA barcoding would be turned into machinery routinely operable by a nonspecialist in botany and molecular genetics.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to clarify the differences of the community structure and the diversity of aquatic organisms (i) among sampling sites that the distances from inlets or outlets were different each other, and (ii) between the floodwater and the irrigation water during the crop season in a paddy field. The irrigation water was sampled from one inlet. The taxonomical groups and the number of aquatic organisms ranging in size from 30µm to 2cm in the floodwater and the irrigation water were surveyed approximately every 10days during the growth period of the rice plant. Aquatic organisms were classified mainly at the order level. Thirty-eight taxonomical groups of aquatic organisms were found in the floodwater, while 18 groups were found in the irrigation water. We were not able to find the differences of the community structure of aquatic organisms among the sites. In the floodwater, the number of taxonomical group increased and the community structure changed during the late flooding period (over 50days after the onset of flooding) at any site, while those in the irrigation water hardly changed. Although the community structure of aquatic organisms differed between the floodwater and the irrigation water throughout the flooding period, the differences became especially bigger during the late flooding period. Principal component analysis showed that three groups (Pennales, Dinoflagellida, Choreotrichida) characterized the community structure in the irrigation water. Their population densities tended to be the highest at the site near inlets and the lowest at the site far from inlets.  相似文献   

Plants that accumulate a small percentage of metals in constructed treatment wetlands can contribute to remediation of acidic, metal contaminated runoff waters from coal mines or processing areas. We examined root and shoot concentrations of elements in four perennial wetland species over two seasons in mesocosm wetland systems designed to remediate water from a coal pile runoff basin. Deep wetlands in each system contained Myriophyllum aquaticum and Nymphaea odorata; shallow wetlands contained Juncus effusus and Pontederia cordata. Shoot elemental concentrations differed between plants of deep and shallow wetlands, with higher Zn, Al, and Fe concentrations in plants in shallow wetlands and higher Na, Mn, and P concentrations in plants in deep wetlands. Root and shoot concentrations of most elements differed between species in each wetland type. Over two seasons, these four common wetland plants did help remediate acidic, metal-contaminated runoff from a coal storage pile.  相似文献   

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