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There are many examples of cryptic species that have been identified through DNA‐barcoding or other genetic techniques. There are, however, very few confirmations of cryptic species being reproductively isolated. This study presents one of the few cases of cryptic species that has been confirmed to be reproductively isolated and therefore true species according to the biological species concept. The cryptic species are of special interest because they were discovered within biological control agent populations. Two geographically isolated populations of Eccritotarsus catarinensis (Carvalho) [Hemiptera: Miridae], a biological control agent for the invasive aquatic macrophyte, water hyacinth, Eichhornia crassipes (Mart.) Solms [Pontederiaceae], in South Africa, were sampled from the native range of the species in South America. Morphological characteristics indicated that both populations were the same species according to the current taxonomy, but subsequent DNA analysis and breeding experiments revealed that the two populations are reproductively isolated. Crossbreeding experiments resulted in very few hybrid offspring when individuals were forced to interbreed with individuals of the other population, and no hybrid offspring were recorded when a choice of mate from either population was offered. The data indicate that the two populations are cryptic species that are reproductively incompatible. Subtle but reliable diagnostic characteristics were then identified to distinguish between the two species which would have been considered intraspecific variation without the data from the genetics and interbreeding experiments. These findings suggest that all consignments of biological control agents from allopatric populations should be screened for cryptic species using genetic techniques and that the importation of multiple consignments of the same species for biological control should be conducted with caution.  相似文献   

Pairings of monosporous isolates from five European and ten North American biological species ofArmillaria reveal that certain species from Europe are interfertile with certain species from North American. All other pairings between species are intersterile. These pairings of isolates derived from different continents reveal three interactions not observed in earlier studies with isolates exclusively from one continent or the other. One, pairings from species demonstrated to be interfertile have a reduced frequency of compatibility, i.e., some determinant, in addition to mating type, affects the compatibility of specific pairings. Two, the pairing of isolates from intersterile species occasionally results in an unexplained reduction in growth in one or both members of the pairing. Three, in a single case, members of a species from one continent are compatible with members oftwo different intersterile species from the other continent. In fact, individual strains from one European species are compatible with members of two rigorously intersterile North American species.  相似文献   

Pyrgulopsis gilae is a small springsnail that is narrowly distributed along the forks of the upper Gila River and currently being managed as a threatened and sensitive species by the State of New Mexico and United States Forest Service, respectively. A previous phylogeographic study of this species based on mitochondrial COI sequences delineated substantial divergence between several populations along the lower and upper reaches of the East Fork Gila River. The present study surveyed COI variation among a larger number of populations across the entire geographic range of P. gilae. Three haplotype groupings were delineated that were congruently resolved as clades by a Bayesian analysis. One of the clades was composed of populations along the lower East Fork and mainstem Gila River and corresponds to P. gilae as originally circumscribed. The other two clades were composed of populations along the Middle Fork and upper East Fork Gila River that were recently referred to P. gilae. These three geographically isolated clades do not share any haplotypes, have significant FST values, and are differentiated from each other by 3.9–6.3 % sequence divergence. Based on this evidence we suggest that the clades represent distinct species and should be managed as separate conservation units pending taxonomic revision of P. gilae. This study provides additional evidence that geographically disjunct subunits of Pyrgulopsis species often represent distinct monophyletic lineages that may warrant formal taxonomic recognition, and thus underscores the importance of fine-scale conservation genetics studies of these imperiled organisms.  相似文献   

A retrospective analysis shows that invasive, alien, free-floating and emergent aquatic weeds in Europe are good targets for classical biological control, and that genus-specific chrysomelid and curculionid beetles offer the most potential. Ludwigia spp., Azolla filiculoides, Lemna minuta, Crassula helmsii and Hydrocotyle ranunculoides should be prioritised as targets. Fungal pathogens have been under-utilised as classical agents but, whilst they may have some potential against free-floating weeds, they appear to be poor candidates against submerged species, although the suitability of arthropod agents against these difficult targets still merits investigation. The use of indigenous pathogens as inundative agents (mycoherbicides) shows some promise.  相似文献   

Globally, populations of diverse taxa have altered phenology in response to climate change. However, most research has focused on a single population of a given taxon, which may be unrepresentative for comparative analyses, and few long‐term studies of phenology in ectothermic amniotes have been published. We test for climate‐altered phenology using long‐term studies (10–36 years) of nesting behavior in 14 populations representing six genera of freshwater turtles (Chelydra, Chrysemys, Kinosternon, Malaclemys, Sternotherus, and Trachemys). Nesting season initiation occurs earlier in more recent years, with 11 of the populations advancing phenology. The onset of nesting for nearly all populations correlated well with temperatures during the month preceding nesting. Still, certain populations of some species have not advanced phenology as might be expected from global patterns of climate change. This collection of findings suggests a proximate link between local climate and reproduction that is potentially caused by variation in spring emergence from hibernation, ability to process food, and thermoregulatory opportunities prior to nesting. However, even though all species had populations with at least some evidence of phenological advancement, geographic variation in phenology within and among turtle species underscores the critical importance of representative data for accurate comprehensive assessments of the biotic impacts of climate change.  相似文献   

长期大量实践说明,引进天敌防治外来入侵杂草的传统生物防治方法是治理外来入侵杂草的一条切实可行的有效途径,但对其潜在的生态风险——对本土生物的直接或间接不良影响不容忽视。利用传统评价方法预测候选天敌的生态风险存在缺陷,主要表现在:(1)寄主专一性测定过分依赖室内进行的生理寄主范围测定结果,对生态寄主范围(实际寄主范围)问题重视不够,后者指在新环境中的一系列物理和生物条件下的寄主利用预测;(2)在生理寄主范围测定中,过分依赖完成生长发育的可能性,对行为、遗传性状以及系统发育关系重视不够;(3)在风险评估中,过多强调对经济作物的风险,而对自然生态系统的风险重视不够。对此,建议:(1)鼓励对已释放的天敌进行回顾性跟踪研究,从而为杂草生物防治实践提供生态学理论支撑;(2)在运用生物防治手段对付外来入侵杂草实践中,建议采用“有害推论”的预防性原则,以避免在面临入侵生物重大威胁时草率做出释放天敌的决策;(3)在评估候选天敌风险中重视生态效应的风险评估。  相似文献   

Western lowland gorillas (Gorilla gorilla gorilla) were imported from across their geographical range to North American zoos from the late 1800s through 1974. The majority of these gorillas were imported with little or no information regarding their original provenance and no information on their genetic relatedness. Here, we analyze 32 microsatellite loci in 144 individuals using a Bayesian clustering method to delineate clusters of individuals among a sample of founders of the captive North American zoo gorilla collection. We infer that the majority of North American zoo founders sampled are distributed into two distinct clusters, and that some individuals are of admixed ancestry. This new information regarding the existence of ancestral genetic population structure in the North American zoo population lays the groundwork for enhanced efforts to conserve the evolutionary units of the western lowland gorilla gene pool. Our data also show that the genetic diversity estimates in the founder population were comparable to those in wild gorilla populations (Mondika and Cross River), and that pairwise relatedness among the founders is no different from that expected for a random mating population. However, the relatively high level of relatedness (R = 0.54) we discovered in a pair of known breeding pairs reveals the need for incorporating genetic relatedness estimates in the captive management of western lowland gorillas.  相似文献   

Delineating species boundaries in phylogenetic groups undergoing recent radiation is a daunting challenge akin to discretizing continuity. Here, we propose a general approach exemplified by American butterflies from the genus Junonia Hübner notorious for the variety of similar phenotypes, ease of hybridization, and the lack of consensus about their classification. We obtain whole-genome shotgun sequences of about 200 specimens. We reason that discreteness emerges from continuity by means of a small number of key players, and search for the proteins that diverged markedly between sympatric populations of different species, while keeping low polymorphism within these species. Being 0.25% of the total number, these three dozen ‘speciation’ proteins indeed partition pairs of Junonia populations into two clusters with a prominent break in between, while all proteins taken together fail to reveal this discontinuity. Populations with larger divergence from each other, comparable to that between two sympatric species, form the first cluster and correspond to different species. The other cluster is characterized by smaller divergence, similar to that between allopatric populations of the same species and comprise conspecific pairs. Using this method, we conclude that J. genoveva (Cramer), J. litoralis Brévignon, J. evarete (Cramer), and J. divaricata C. & R. Felder are restricted to South America. We find that six species of Junonia are present in the United States, one of which is new: Junonia stemosa Grishin, sp.n. (i), found in south Texas and phenotypically closest to J. nigrosuffusa W. Barnes & McDunnough (ii) in its dark appearance. In the pale nudum of the antennal club, these two species resemble J. zonalis C. & R. Felder (iii) from Florida and the Caribbean Islands. The pair of sister species, J. grisea Austin & J. Emmel (iv) and J. coenia Hübner (v), represent the classic west/east U.S.A. split. The mangrove feeder (as caterpillar), dark nudum J. neildi Brévignon (vi) enters south Texas as a new subspecies Junonia neildi varia Grishin ssp.n. characterized by more extensive hybridization with and introgression from J. coenia, and, as a consequence, more variable wing patterns compared with the nominal J. n. neildi in Florida. Furthermore, a new mangrove-feeding species from the Pacific Coast of Mexico is described as Junonia pacoma Grishin sp.n. Finally, genomic analysis suggests that J. nigrosuffusa may be a hybrid species formed by the ancestors of J. grisea and J. stemosa sp.n. This published work has been registered on Zoobank, http://zoobank.org/urn:lsid:zoobank.org:act:C6E70C96-463D-4E6A-95CC-B0384B0EEEBA .  相似文献   

Australia and South Africa have a long history of sharing successful biocontrol agents for cactus weeds but other countries, such as Namibia, could also benefit. There are four biological control agents that are widely utilised in South Africa and/or Australia for the control of 10 invasive alien Cactaceae in Namibia.  相似文献   

Reconstructing the invasion history of aquatic invasive species can enhance understanding of invasion risks by recognizing areas most susceptible to invasion and forecasting future spread based on past patterns of population expansion. Here we reconstruct the invasion history of the Japanese amphipod Grandidierella japonica Stephensen 1938 combining information from historical collection data with molecular genetic data to better understand post-invasion range expansion and anthropogenic connectivity across the Pacific coast of North America. Compilation of collection data from bays and estuaries of the Pacific North American coast show many new localities have been colonized in the last two decades, moving outward from harbors and bays with high commercial traffic into smaller coastal locations dominated by local recreational traffic. DNA barcode sequence data for G. japonica reveals two distinct clades: one found in San Francisco Bay and sites to the north, and one also found in San Francisco Bay and sites to the south. The two clades differ by an average 7.28 % genetic distance, large enough to consider these invasive amphipods two separate species. Both northern and southern clades exhibit low levels of genetic diversity, suggesting a single introduction event for each. The presence of cryptic diversity within this invasive amphipod highlights the need for more extensive study of the invasive and native populations of aquatic invasive invertebrates to address questions of taxonomy, diversity, and invasion history.  相似文献   

The paradox of successful invading species is that they are likely to be genetically depauperate compared to their source population. This study on Colorado potato beetles is one of the few studies of the genetic consequences of continent-scale invasion in an insect pest. Understanding gene flow, population structure and the potential for rapid evolution in native and invasive populations offers insights both into the dynamics of small populations that become successful invaders and for their management as pests. We used this approach to investigate the invasion of the Colorado potato beetle (Leptinotarsa decemlineata) from North America to Europe. The beetles invaded Europe at the beginning of the 20th century and expanded almost throughout the continent in about 30 years. From the analysis of mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) and amplified fragment length polymorphism (AFLP) markers, we found the highest genetic diversity in beetle populations from the central United States. The European populations clearly contained only a fraction of the genetic variability observed in North American populations. European populations show a significant reduction at nuclear markers (AFLPs) and are fixed for one mitochondrial haplotype, suggesting a single successful founder event. Despite the high vagility of the species and the reduction of genetic diversity in Europe, we found a similar, high level of population structure and low gene flow among populations on both continents. Founder events during range expansion, agricultural management with crop rotation, and selection due to insecticide applications are most likely the causes partitioning genetic diversity in this species.  相似文献   

Cryptic species are present in many animal groups and they may be best detected through large sample sizes collected over broad geographic ranges. Fine‐scale local adaptation has been hypothesized to occur in armoured scale insects (Hemiptera: Diaspididae) and a consequence of this process may be multiple cryptic species. We estimate species diversity of pine‐feeding Chionaspis scale insects across North America by inferring species boundaries using genealogical concordance across allele genealogies of two nuclear loci and one mitochondrial locus. Our ingroup sample includes 366 individual insects from 320 localities and 51 host species within the Pinaceae. We also conducted a morphological survey of all insect specimens and assigned them as either one of the two currently recognized pine‐feeding species, Ch. heterophyllae, Ch. Pinifoliae, or with undescribed morphology. Using maximum likelihood allele genealogies in a majority‐rule consensus to assess congruence, we conservatively detect ten species in this group. Most of these species are robust to alternative methods of genealogical inference (Bayesian inference, maximum parsimony) and a few are robust to the use of strict consensus to assess congruence. Species show both narrow and more widespread ranges where almost half of the individuals sampled belong to a single very widespread polyphagous species. © 2011 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society, 2011, 104 , 47–62.  相似文献   

China has become one of the countries most seriously affected by invasive alien weeds in the world. Weeds impact agriculture, the environment and human health, and conventional control methods such as herbicides are expensive, damaging to human health and unsustainable. As the impacts and costs of weed control in China increase, there is an urgent need to manage some of the more important weeds through more sustainable methods. Classical biological control of invasive alien weeds is environmentally-friendly and sustainable. Biological control in China began in the 1930s with the introduction of two agents into Hong Kong for the control of Lantana camara. Since then, a further seven biological control agents have been introduced into China to control four weed species. In addition, 11 biological control agents targeting seven weed species have naturally spread into China. Together, these biological control agents are helping to control some of China's worst weeds. However, these efforts are only a small portion of the weeds that could be targeted for weed biological control. This paper reviews the current status of weed biological control efforts against introduced weeds in ten provinces and regions in southern China and provides a platform to identify the most effective and appropriate weed biological control opportunities and programmes to pursue in the future. Introducing additional safe and effective biological control agents into China to help manage some of the worst weeds in the region should reduce the use of herbicides and impacts on human health and the environment, while increasing productivity and food security.  相似文献   

The existence of aromatase activity in human breast carcinomas has been established for about 20 years but the clinical and biological importance of this remains unclear. A number of studies in clinical material suggest that aromatase activity may be a prerequisite of response to aromatase inhibitors and that aromatase activity may be enhanced in those tumours relapsing during treatment with one such inhibitor, aminoglutethimide. These results would carry more significance, however, if it was demonstrable that the growth of breast carcinomas is affected by the conversion of androgens to oestrogens by intratumoural aromatase. We have tried to address this by establishing model systems with aromatase-transfected MCF7 breast cancer cells. We have demonstrated that these cells can be stimulated mitogenically with androgen and that this proliferation is suppressible with aromatase inhibitors. Similarly the growth of aromatase transfected cells but not wild type cells as xenografts is supported by androstenedione and inhibitable by both the steroidal aromatase inhibitor, 4-hydroxyandrostenedione and the non-steroidal inhibitor, CGS 20267. Work with the former of these, which is a suicide inhibitor allowed us to demonstrate that growth can proceed with aromatase activity approximating to the highest level seen in breast carcinomas indicating that at least at this extreme level the intratumoural conversion of androgens to oestrogens may indeed be able to support tumour growth. Further work with this model system should allow us to define the minimal amount of intratumoural activity which can support tumour growth.  相似文献   

Traditional concepts of the Bering Land Bridge as a zone of predominantly eastward expansion from Eurasia and a staging area for subsequent colonization of lower latitudes in North America led to early inferences regarding biogeographic histories of North American faunas, many of which remain untested. Here we apply a host-parasite comparative phylogeographical (HPCP) approach to evaluate one such history, by testing competing biogeographic hypotheses for five lineages of host-specific parasites shared by the collared pika (Ochotona collaris) and American pika (Ochotona princeps) of North America. We determine whether the southern host species (O. princeps) was descended from a northern ancestor or vice versa. Three parasite phylogenies revealed patterns consistent with the hypothesis of a southern origin, which is corroborated by four additional parasite lineages restricted to O. princeps. This finding reverses the traditional narrative for the origins of North American pikas and highlights the role of dispersal from temperate North America into Beringia in structuring northern diversity considerably prior to the Holocene. By evaluating multiple parasite lineages simultaneously, the study demonstrates the power of HPCP for resolving complex biogeographic histories that are not revealed by characteristics of the host alone.  相似文献   

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