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Five species of the genus Orbipora, including two new species, O. lynnensis sp. nov. and O. ukhakuensis sp. nov., are described from the Middle Ordovician of the Leningrad Region and Estonia. The colonies of the species O. acanthophora Bassler, 1911 and O. solida Bassler, 1911 are measured and figured for the first time. The stratigraphic range and geographic distribution of O. acanthophora are refined. A scheme of possible phylogenetic relationships and distribution maps of the species of the genus are presented.  相似文献   

Environmental sampling yielded two yeast species belonging to Microstromatales (Exobasidiomycetes, Ustilaginomycotina). The first species was collected from a leaf phylloplane infected by the rust fungus Coleosporium plumeriae, and represents a new species in the genus Jaminaea, for which the name Jaminaea rosea sp. nov. is proposed. The second species was isolated from air on 50% glucose media and is most similar to Microstroma phylloplanum. However, our phylogenetic analyses reveal that species currently placed in Microstroma are not monophyletic, and M. phylloplanum, M. juglandis and M. albiziae are not related to the type species of this genus, M. album. Thus, Pseudomicrostroma gen. nov. is proposed to accommodate the following species: P. glucosiphilum sp. nov., P. phylloplanum comb. nov. and P. juglandis comb. nov. We also propose Parajaminaea gen. nov. to accommodate P. albizii comb. nov. and P. phylloscopi sp. nov. based on phylogenetic analyses that show these are not congeneric with Jaminaea or Microstroma. In addition, we validate the genus Jaminaea, its respective species and two species of Sympodiomycopsis and provide a new combination, Microstroma bacarum comb. nov., for the anamorphic yeast Rhodotorula bacarum. Our results illustrate non-monophyly of Quambalariaceae and Microstromataceae as currently circumscribed. Taxonomy of Microstroma and the Microstromataceae is reviewed and discussed. Finally, analyses of all available small subunit rDNA sequences for Jaminaea species show that J. angkorensis is the only known species that possess a group I intron in this locus, once considered a potential feature indicating the basal placement of this genus in Microstromatales.  相似文献   

Middle Permian Inoceramus-like bivalves of the genera Kolymia Licharew and Cyrtokolymia Astafieva endemic to the East Boreal Biogeographic Realm are considered. Cyrtokolymia, previously regarded by the author as endemics of the Verkhoyansk–Okhotsk Province and including only the type species, are also recorded in the Kolyma–Omolon Province, where they are represented by the endemic species C. bobini sp. nov. An emended diagnosis of the genus Cyrtokolymia is provided. The genus Kolymia comprises about 30 species. The greatest diversity of Kolymia (24 species, 13 of which are endemic) is known from the Verkhoyansk–Okhotsk Province, which is the center of diversification of this genus. The Kolyma–Omolon Province is characterized by 12 species, only three of which are endemic. In other provinces of the East Boreal Realm, only individual members of Kolymia are known. From the Middle Permian of the Omolon Massif, northern Verkhoyansk Region, and Penzhinsky Ridge, the following new species are described: Kolymia posneri Muromzeva, Kusnezov et Biakov, sp. nov., K. pontoneica Biakov, sp. nov., K. simkiniformis Biakov, sp. nov., and Cyrtokolymia bobini Biakov, sp. nov.  相似文献   

Five new species of the genus Tornatellaea from the Lower Cretaceous of the Volga Region near Ulyanovsk, T. kabanovi sp. nov. (Hauterivian), T. densistriata sp. nov., T. gracilis sp. nov., T. volgensis sp. nov. (Barremian), and T. sinzovi sp. nov. (Aptian), are described. The data on geographical and stratigraphical distribution of new taxa are provided.  相似文献   

A new genus Lynnopora gen. nov. with the type species L. lunata sp. nov. and a new species Revalotrypa krestensis Koromyslova sp. nov. from the Arenigian Stage (Latorp and Volkhov horizons) of the Ordovician of the Leningrad Region are described. The positions of the genus Revalotrypa Bassler, 1952 and the family Revalotrypidae Gorjunova, 1988 in the order Cystoporida are substantiated. The problems of biogeography and ecological adaptations of bryozoans of the family Revalotrypidae are discussed.  相似文献   

The extinct monotypic ant genus Fallomyrma was described by Dlussky and Radchenko in 2006 based on workers from Late Eocene Rovno (Ukraine), Scandinavian (Denmark), and Bitterfeld (Germany) ambers. Three new Fallomyrma species from the Rovno amber are here described based on workers: F. anodonta sp. nov., F. marginata sp. nov., and F. robusta sp. nov. A key to all known species of this genus is compiled. The quantity ratios (of the numbers of species and specimens) of Fallomyrma and other amber Myrmicinae genera are considered. The opinion of the autochthonous origin of the Rovno amber is confirmed.  相似文献   

Two new species of the genus Crassatella, C. imitatoris sp. nov. and C. pseudolamellosa sp. nov., from Upper Eocene detrital sands of the Rybal’sky quarry of Dnepropetrovsk are described. The species Crassatella oblongula Klushnikov, 1958 is redescribed as a variety.  相似文献   

A new genus, Tologuica, with two species (T. aurorae sp. nov. and T. karhui sp. nov.), from the Middle Miocene of the Sharga locality (western Mongolia) is described. The new genus shares some characters with the extinct genera Palaeocryptonyx, Palaeortyx, and Plioperdix and with extant Coturnix. The foot structure suggests that Tologuica resembled in ecology the European genus Palaeortyx and was probably adapted to an arboreal mode of life, in contrast to the terrestrial Coturnix and Plioperdix.  相似文献   

A new species of Hyperaspidini, Tenuisvalvae quadripunctata sp. nov. is described and illustrated. The genus is now represented by 11 species, all native of South America, and the new taxon is integrated into the existing key to species of the genus. Ecological data for T. quadripunctata sp. nov. and a list with prey and host plants to the species of the genus Tenuisvalvae are provided.  相似文献   

The new subtribes Palaeorhamphina subtrib. nov. of the tribe Rhamphini and Eocenesibiniina subtrib. nov. of the tribe Tychiini, new genera Archaeoeugnomus gen. nov. (type species A. balticus sp. nov.), Palaeorhamphus gen. nov. (type species P. primitivus sp. nov.), and Eocenesibinia gen. nov. (type species E. prussica sp. nov.), new subgenus Palaeoleiosoma subgen. nov. (type species L. klebsi sp. nov.) of the genus Leiosoma Stephens, and new species Leiosoma klebsi sp. nov., Caulophilus rarus sp. nov., C. squamosus sp. nov., Ceutorhynchus alekseevi sp. nov., C. electrinus sp. nov., Dorytomus nudus sp. nov., Pachytychius eocenicus sp. nov., Archaeoeugnomus balticus sp. nov., Palaeorhamphus primitivus sp. nov., Orchestes tatjanae sp. nov., and Eocenesibinia prussica sp. nov. are described. Electrotribus Hustache, 1942 placem. nov. is transferred from the tribe Derelomini of the subfamily Curculioninae to the tribe Acicnemidini of the subfamily Molytinae. Succinostyphlus erectosquamata (Rheinheimer, 2007) placem. nov. et comb. nov. is transferred from the genus Electrotribus Hustache, 1942 to the genus Succinostyphlus Ku?ka, 1996. These are the first records of representatives of the tribes Plinthini, Acicnemidini, Eugnomini, and Rhamphini in the Baltic amber.  相似文献   

New bryozoans of the suborder Ptilodictyina of the order Cryptostomida are described from the Upper Famennian of Transcaucasia: those of the family Worthenoporidae, i.e., a genus Geranopora gen. nov. comprising three species G. fabulosa sp. nov. (type species), G. fida sp. nov., and G. finitima sp. nov., and those of a new family Mysticellidae fam. nov., i.e., a genus Mysticella gen. nov. comprising four species M. labyrinthica sp. nov. (type species), M. laudativa sp. nov., M. sacrosancta sp. nov., and M. ortiva sp. nov. Thus, a Late Devonian part of the evolutionary line of ptilodictyines is revealed that shows their radiation at the levels of families, genera, and species.  相似文献   

New concepts of systematics and phylogeny of the Permian Inoceramus-like bivalve mollusks of the eastern part of the Boreal zone are discussed based on analysis of the group’s historical development. All taxa studied are referred to the family Kolymiidae Kusnezov, which is divided into two subfamilies, Kolymiinae and Atomodesmatinae. In the subfamily Kolymiinae, two new genera are described: Praekolymia with the type species P. archboldi sp. nov. and P. urbajtisae sp. nov., and Taimyrokolymia with the type species T. ustritskyi sp. nov. In the subfamily Atomodesmatinae, two new genera, Costatoaphanaia and Okhotodesma, are described. The development of the group is shown to be generally autochthonous with some invasions (genus Atomodesma and, probably, Trabeculatia) from extraboreal regions.  相似文献   

The genus Djanaliparkinsonia Kutuzova, 1975 was originally described as an endemic subgenus of the genus Parkinsonia (family Parkinsoniidae of the superfamily Perisphinctoidea) from the Upper Bajocian (middle member of the Degibadam Formation) of the Gissar Range (Uzbekistan). A new species D. alanica sp. nov. is established from the Upper Bajocian Garantiana garantiana Zone (upper member of the Djangura Formation) based on occurrences in the Northern Caucasus (Karachay-Cherkessia). Macroconchs and microconchs of the new species are described from the two localities on the Kuban and Kyafar rivers. Djanaliparkinsonia sp. is identified from the lower subzone of the Parkinsonia parkinsoni Zone of the Kyafar River. The species composition and geographic range of Djanaliparkinsonia are expanded: a species previously described from Germany as Garantiana bentzi Wetzel, 1954 also assigned to the genus. The genus Djanaliparkinsonia is assigned to the subfamily Garantianinae of the family Stephanoceratidae (superfamily Stephanoceratoidea).  相似文献   

This publication is based on recent studies of Lower Cretaceous leaf beetles from the Yixian Formation (Liaoning, China), which are represented by five new species of one new genus Mesolpinus gen. nov. (M. antenattus sp. nov. [type species], M. adapertilis sp. nov., M. angusticollis sp. nov., M. basicollis sp. nov., and M. trapezicollis sp. nov.) assigned to a new tribe, Mesolpinini trib. nov. of the subfamily Chrysomelinae. This tribe, which includes only species from the Jehol biota, is the oldest known group of the family in the fossil record. A key to species of the genus Mesolpinus gen. nov. is provided and the position of the new tribe is discussed. A brief overview of the Mesozoic data on the subfamily Chrysomeloidea is given.  相似文献   

This study focuses on the former Verticillium section Albo-erecta that included white or whitish species with verticillium-like, erect conidiophores. Its type species was Verticillium fungicola, which was transferred to Lecanicillium, a genus that otherwise contains species with prostrate conidiophores. Phylogenetic analysis of ITS, 18S and 28S rDNA sequences revealed that this group is heterogeneous and its members belong to at least three families. The present study is a first step to its resolution. Supported by analyses of 68 sequences of ITS, 23 sequences of 18S and 43 sequences of 28S ribosomal DNA, the species are distributed over three families. In the Cordycipitaceae, Leptobacillium gen. nov. is described with L. leptobactrum comb. nov. and its new variety, calidius. In the Hypocreaceae, Hypomyces is treated with one new combination from former Nectriopsis, H. tubariicola, and two new anamorphic species, H. ellipsosporus and H. subglobosus; in Sphaerostilbella, one new anamorphic species, S. parabroomeana, is described. In the Bionectriaceae, anamorphic isolates of Nectriopsis requiring a new combination, N. lindauiana, and a new species, N. fuliginicola, are described. Parsimony analysis of the LSU suggests that Ovicillium gen. nov. with four new species, O. attenuatum, O. oosporum, O. subglobosum and O. napiforme, is a member of the Bionectriaceae by 93 % bootstrap support. Of uncertain family classification are Chlamydocillium gen. nov. with one new soil-borne species, C. cyanophilum, and Chlorocillium gen. nov. based on Acremonium griseum Petch. A few further white verticillium-like anamorphs, particularly V. biguttatum, could not yet be reclassified.  相似文献   

All known extinct species of Mesozoic and Cenozoic weevils are listed. Ten species of Obrienioidea and 895 Curculionoidea species are recognized, including 88 Nemonychidae, 43 Anthribidae, 44 Ithyceridae, 65 Scolytidae, 12 Belidae, 67 Brentidae, 508 Curcuionidae, 45 Rhynchitidae, six Attelabidae, and 16 Platypodidae. The Triassic beds have yielded six fossil species; Jurassic, 64; Jurassic–Cretaceous boundary, 2; Cretaceous, 105; Paleogene, 510; Neogene, 190; and Pleistocene–Holocene, 22 (5 are synonyms). A new subfamily, Montsecbelinae Legalov, subfam. nov. (with the type genus Montsecbelus Zherikhin et Gratshev, 1997); the new tribes Cretochoragini Legalov, trib. nov. (with the type genus Cretochoragus Soriano et al., 2006), Montsecanomalini Legalov, trib. nov. (with the type genus Montsecanomalus Soriano et al., 2006), Montsecbelini Legalov, trib. nov. (with the type genus Montsecbelus Zherikhin et Gratshev, 1997), Gratshevibelini Legalov, trib. nov. (with the type genus Gratshevibelus Soriano, 2009), Davidibelini Legalov, trib. nov. (with the type genus Davidibelus Zherikhin et Gratshev, 2004); the new genera Allandroides Legalov, gen. nov. (with the type species Allandroides vossi Legalov, sp. nov.), Baissabrenthorhinus Legalov, gen. nov. (with the type species Baissabrenthorhinus mirabilis Legalov, sp. nov.), Ithyceroides Legalov, gen. nov. (with the type species Ithyceroides klondikensis Legalov, sp. nov.), Furhylobius Legalov, gen. nov. (with the type species Furhylobius troesteri Legalov, sp. nov.), Electrauletes Legalov, gen. nov. (with the type species Electrauletes unicus Legalov, sp. nov.); new species Allandroides vossi Legalov, sp. nov. (Baltic amber), Glaesotropis gusakovi Legalov, sp. nov. (Baltic amber), G. succiniferus Legalov, sp. nov. (Baltic amber), G. alleni Legalov, sp. nov. (Baltic amber), G. gratshevi Legalov, sp. nov. (Baltic amber), Baissabrenthorhinus mirabilis Legalov, sp. nov. (Baissa locality), Ithyceroides klondikensis Legalov, sp. nov. (Republic Graben locality), Melanapion poinari Legalov, sp. nov. (Baltic amber), M. gusakovi Legalov, sp. nov. (Baltic amber), Furhylobius troesteri Legalov, sp. nov. (Mors locality), Baltocar convexus Legalov, sp. nov. (Baltic amber), and Electrauletes unicus Legalov, sp. nov. (Baltic amber) are newly described.  相似文献   

The trend of species diversity and spatiotemporal distribution of spherical radiolarians of the genus Entactinia Foreman, 1963 in the Permian Period is analyzed. The center of origin of Permian entactinians in the Cis-Ural Paleobasin is established in the area of the modern interfluve of the Ural River and latitudinal current of the Belaya River on the Southern Urals. It is shown that the species composition of this genus almost completely changed in certain Permian epochs. Two forefather species of each new pleiad of Early, Middle, and Late Permian are revealed: Entactinia parapycnoclada and E. tyrrelli. Two new species of the Lower Permian radiolarians from the Southern Urals and Northern Mugodzhary, E. chernykhi sp. nov. and E. subquadrata sp. nov., are described.  相似文献   

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