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The spring to summer transition in a productive English lake is considered with respect to phytoplankton and its environmental conditions. Salient environmental changes include the onset of temperature/density stratification that is usually accompanied by a clear-water phase associated with a maximum of grazing Daphnia and a minimum of phytoplankton in the 0â€5 m zone. Below this zone, as thermal stratification progresses, a deep maximum of phytoplankton can develop under strong thermal/density gradients and enhanced light penetration. Examples are resolved by estimations of chlorophyll-a , beam attenuance in situ and cell counts. Attributed origins are by sedimentation of diatoms, migration of flagellates, and depth-adjusted buoyancy of a gas-vacuolate cyanophyte. The transition period involves a decline of spring-associated diatom populations and a rise of summer-associated species. The generally low algal abundance within the transition phase has at least four origins †prior nutrient (Si) depletion, sedimentation, grazing, and low inoculum levels of successor species. It can be augmented by the re-growth of species abundant in spring, by early extensions of normally summer species, by seasonally characteristic colonial chrysophytes, and by other phytoflagellates of small size that are seasonally less specific (opportunistic) and probably critical for Daphnia grazing with consequent generation of the clear-water phase.  相似文献   

The spring phytoplankton bloom and copepod grazing were studied at a coastal and offshore station in the western Irish Sea during 1997. Maximum chlorophyll standing stocks of 132.8 mg m-2 inshore and 199.4 mg m-2 offshore were measured in late April. At that time, mean water column temperatures were 10 and 8C at the coastal and offshore station, respectively. Spring bloom production at the coastal station was estimated as 31.2 g C m-2 and was dominated by the diatom Guinardia delicatula. Offshore, production was 28.2 g C m-2 and the bloom was composed of small (10 m) phytoflagellates and the silicoflagellate Dictyocha speculum. Maximum copepod abundance (189 and 544 x 103 individuals m-2, inshore and offshore, respectively) coincided with the spring bloom. Pseudocalanus and Temora ingestion rates were derived from measurements of gut pigment fluorescence, and were found to vary during the course of the spring bloom as a result of changes in gut content. Grazing by late copepodite and adult Pseudocalanus and Temora was variable inshore, but overall accounted for 17% of bloom production. Offshore, 22% of bloom production was grazed with maximum grazing (76% of daily production) occurring at the end of the bloom. Large copepod species were not major grazers of the spring bloom. Greater utilization of spring bloom production by copepods in the western Irish Sea compared to regions of the North Sea is attributed to differences in population size at the time of the bloom.   相似文献   

In summer-autumn of 2003–2004, the ichthyoplankton of the Sea of Okhotsk comprised 35 species. In this period the most widely distributed and numerous were larvae of the lord Hemilepidotus gilberti, the Pacific stout sand lance Ammodytes hexapterus, and the Sakhalin dab Limanda sakhalinensis. The maximum catches of fish larvae were attributed to coastal waters off eastern Sakhalin and to the shelf of the northern part of the Sea of Okhotsk. In November of 2003, the ichthyoplankton of the Sea of Japan was represented by fish larvae belonging mainly to the boreal ichthyocomplex. The catches consisted predominantly of larvae of the arabesque greenling Pleurogrammus azonus, the ronquil Bathymaster derjugini, and the rockfish Sebastes owstoni. Fish larvae and fry in the northwestern part of the Sea of Japan were caught principally within 43°–45° N and 137°–139° E above the depth 1500–2000 m. The food spectrum of fish larvae in the Sea of Okhotsk and the Sea of Japan comprised over 20 plankters of various size belonging to seven taxa. Irrespective of fish species, the food items common of all fish were copepods Pseudocalanus minutus and Oithona similis. The daily rations were calculated for mass species (Hemilepidotus gilberti, Ammodytes hexapterus, Hexagrammos stelleri, Pleurogrammus azonus, Bathymaster derjugini, and Sebastes owstoni). The larvae of all considered species in the Sea of Japan and in the Sea of Okhotsk fed predominantly in the light period of the day.  相似文献   

The southern Barents Sea is considered to be the most productive area in the Arctic Ocean; however, there are no assessments of daily production rates in the coastal waters. During the summer and autumn of 2007, we investigated the variation of mesozooplankton community structure relative to environmental conditions at 12 coastal stations. Copepods dominated the total zooplankton biomass and abundance during both periods. Diversity indices and the total biomass of zooplankton communities differed significantly between the two seasons. Cluster analyses revealed two distinct groups of stations which were associated with Ura Bay and the adjacent open sea, respectively. Daily production rates of the copepod species examined were calculated using three methods based on: (1) a temperature-dependent equation and (2) two multiple regressions that consider temperature, body weight, and chlorophyll a concentration. Significant seasonal differences for daily production rates were found using all three model equations (p?<?0.05): 358?±?188–1,775?±?791 versus 198?±?85–1,584?±?559?μg?dry?mass?m?3?day?1. Results of principal components analyses demonstrated that the abundance and biomass of herbivorous species were related to variation in chlorophyll a concentration while the abundance and biomass of other species (omnivorous copepods and Ctenophora) were related mainly with water temperature and salinity. Mesozooplankton biomass was higher during this study relative to previous studies. Computed copepod production rates were higher compared with other Arctic seas confirming a high productive potential of the coastal southern Barents Sea.  相似文献   

The spring–summer successions of phytoplankton and crustacean zooplankton were examined weekly in Meiliang Bay of the subtropical Lake Taihu in 2004 and 2005. During the study period, the ecosystem of Meiliang Bay was characterized by (i) clearly declined nitrogen compounds (nitrate, TN, and ammonium) and slowly increased phosphorus compounds (TP and SRP), (ii) increased total phytoplankton density and rapid replacement of chlorophyta (mainly Ulothrix) by cyanobacteria (mainly Microcystis), and (iii) rapid replacement of large-sized crustaceans (Daphnia and Moina) by small-sized ones (Bosmina, Limnoithona, and Ceriodaphnia). Results from the CCA and correlation analysis indicate that the spring-summer phytoplankton succession was primarily controlled by abiotic factors. Cyanobacteria were mainly promoted by increased temperature and decreased concentrations of nitrogen compounds. The pure contribution of crustacean was low for the variation of phytoplankton suggesting a weak top-down control by crustacean zooplankton in the subtropical Lake Taihu. Electronic supplementary material  The online version of this article (doi:) contains supplementary material, which is available to authorized users. Handling editor: L. Naselli-Flores  相似文献   

Red fox Vulpes vulpes predation on roe deer Capreolus capreolus fawns has the potential to strongly affect prey population dynamics, but it is unclear whether this relationship is symmetrical or not. We analysed the spring–summer diet of adult foxes and of their cubs in a fragmented agricultural area of southeastern Norway, where a parallel study showed that the predator kills annually 25% of the radio-monitored roe deer fawns. The overall diet was highly varied and was dominated by small mammals (33% volume), especially Microtus agrestis, and medium-large mammals (25%), largely represented by fawns. The frequency of occurrence (FO) of fawns in the diet of adult foxes was highest in early spring, thus, supporting previous studies showing that the predator started actively hunting for fawns from the very beginning of the birth season. During the summer, the FO of both fawns and small mammals markedly declined, while that of berries and invertebrates increased. As expected for central-place foragers, cubs consumed a higher proportion of large prey items compared to adults. In particular, 25% of scats from cubs—versus 9% from adults—contained roe deer remains, suggesting a high profitability of fawns for vixens raising offspring. However, considering the wide food spectrum and the availability of several large prey items in our study area, it seems unlikely that the importance of fawns to the diet and population dynamics of red foxes could be as great as the impact of the predator on roe deer populations. This asymmetrical relationship implies that there are unlikely to be any stabilising feedback mechanisms in the predator–prey relationship.  相似文献   

During autumn 2007, an unusual increase in an algal species belonging to the order Prymnesiales was observed throughout the Baltic Sea Proper during routine national monitoring. Electron microscopical examination of the blooming species showed two types of flat scales – small and large – that resembled those of the alternate stage of Prymnesium polylepis. No spine-bearing scales were found. The 18S rDNA sequence data (n?=?20, c. 1500?bp) verified the species identification as P. polylepis. There was up to 0.5% (7?bp) variability in the P. polylepis partial 18?S rDNA sequences from the Baltic Sea. These environmental sequences differed by 0–0.35% (0–4?bp) from cultured P. polylepis (isolate UIO036), and by 1.0–3.7% from other available Prymnesium sequences. The number of cells assumed to be P. polylepis began to increase in October 2007 coincidently with significantly calm and dry weather, and at their maximum the cells accounted for over 80% of the total phytoplankton biovolume in December–January. During February–April 2008, 95% of the Prymnesiales cells were in the size class of P. polylepis (>6?µm). The species attained bloom concentrations (>1?×?106?cells?l–1) from March to May 2008. The species was observed throughout the Baltic Sea, except the Bothnian Bay, Gulf of Riga and the Kattegat. No toxic effects of the bloom were observed.  相似文献   

During Italian expeditions, ichthyoplankton was collected in the Ross Sea and Terra Nova Bay, by BIONESS and Hamburg Plankton Net (250-µm and 500-µm mesh, respectively). A total of 394,453 fish larvae representing 46 species, 27 genera and 9 families were collected. Pleuragramma antarcticum dominated during three of the four cruises, whilst in 1994/1995 Trematomus lepidorhinus was also abundant. The most abundant icefish was Chionodraco myersi, which co-occurred with P. antarcticum. Macrouridae, Myctophidae and Bathylagidae were oceanic. Paralepididae occurred in all areas. Notothenioids, nearly 100% of the catch, occurred close to the coast and dominated the shelf ichthyoplankton community.  相似文献   

The data on the composition and abundance of nekton species and their interannual variations within the upper epipelagic layer (0–50 m) in the Aleutian and Commander basins in the western Bering Sea that are considered in the article were collected during complex surveys that were conducted by the Pacific Research Fisheries Center in September and October of 2002–2013. The core species structures of the nekton communities in these two areas were similar: the chum salmon Oncorhynchus keta and the boreopacific gonate squid Boreoteuthis borealis were the most abundant species. Simpson’s dominance index varied synchronously in both areas, with higher values in the Aleutian Basin, until 2009. In the subsequent years, the values of the index for the studied areas became equal and varied asynchronously. An analysis of abundance showed that two types of species structure most often prevailed (with the dominance of either chum salmon or squid); in some years the species structure differed from that in other years. Species of the low-boreal and low-boreal-subtropical complexes were more abundant in the Commander Basin, reaching particularly high proportions in 2006, 2008, and 2012. Certain species showed similarity in the year-to-year dynamics of their abundance; however, these coincidences were frequently accidental. After the climate regime shift in 2006–2007, the total biomass of nekton in the Aleutian Basin decreased from 3241 to 1736 kg/km2 (46%); in the Komandorskiye Basin it decreased from 2459 to 1976 kg/km2 (20%).  相似文献   

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Highlights► Rhizobacteria degrade a wide range of pollutants and efficiently colonize plant roots. ► Plants have an effect on the selection of their own rhizospheric microorganisms. ► Catabolic pathways can be induced by natural secondary plant products. ► Horizontal gene transfer has an important role in bioremediation. ► Manipulation of plant/microbe interactions could improve rhizoremediation outcomes.  相似文献   

Luminescent bacteria–based biosensors are widely used for fast and sensitive monitoring of food safety, water quality, and other environmental pollutions. Recent advancements in biomedical engineering technology have led to improved portability, integration, and intelligence of these biotoxicity assays. Moreover, genetic engineering has played a significant role in the development of recombinant luminescent bacterial biosensors, enhancing both detection accuracy and sensitivity. This review provides an overview of recent advances in the development and applications of novel luminescent bacteria–based biosensors, and future perspectives and challenges in the cutting-edge research, market translation, and practical applications of luminescent bacterial biosensing are discussed.  相似文献   

Faecal pellet production (FPP) and respiration rates of Calanus glacialis, C. hyperboreus and Metridia longa were measured under land-fast ice in the southeastern Beaufort Sea during the winter–spring transition (March–May 2004) prior to the phytoplankton spring bloom. Despite different overwintering and life cycle strategies and remaining low concentrations of suspended chlorophyll a and particulate organic matter, all species showed increasing FPP rates in spring. A corresponding increase in respiration was only observed in C. glacialis, while respiration remained constant in C. hyperboreus and M. longa. In C. glacialis and C. hyperboreus calculated ingestion covered respiratory expenditures. The constancy of the oil sac volume in M. longa suggests that the animals fed during winter-spring. Pre-bloom grazing as shown here seems to acclimate the copepod populations physiologically for the upcoming high feeding season, so that they are able to resume maximum grazing and reproduction as soon as the phytoplankton bloom is initiated.  相似文献   

Summary As a means to estimate potential oxygen consumption, profiles of elctron transport system (ETS) activity were made along three transects across the Weddell-Scotia Confluence zone (WSC) and the marginal ice zone (which overlapped in part) during the EPOS leg 2 cruise of the RV Polarstern. The integrated ETS activity between 0 and 100 m depth (referred to in situ temperatures) ranged from 261 meq (mili-electron equivalents) m–2 day–1 in the WSC to 45 meq m–2 day–1 in the southernmost stations at 62° S. The temporal changes in the overall distribution of ETS activity were small compared with the spatial variations. The main feature of the ETS activity distribution was the presence of maxima located in the WSC, coinciding with peaks of phytoplankton biomass. Different relationships between ETS and chlorophyll a concentration in these maxima appeared to be related to diatom or flagellate dominance. Vertically integrated ETS activities were significantly correlated with chlorophyll a and paniculate organic carbon concentrations, primary production and bacterial thymidine uptake.Data presented here were collected during the European Polarstern Study (EPOS) sponsored by the European Science Foundation  相似文献   

Composition of the metazoan plankton was studied during R.V. Dmitry Mendeleev cruise 43 (February to April, 1989) in the Atlantic sector of the Southern Ocean. Samples were collected from ten stations at six locations. Four of the locations were in open oceanic waters along the 15° W longitude. Two others were in the Bransfield Strait and in inshore waters near Elephant Island. At three locations at 15° W sampling was conducted twice or thrice. At all stations three different sampling gears were used to collect different size groups of Zooplankton: series of hauls were performed by 2001 water-bottle, mesoplankton net and macroplankton trawl for depths from 200 m to the surface. The average biomass of Zooplankton in open oceanic waters was 20.55 g · m–2 wet weight. Copepoda Calanoida dominated composing 54.8% of the total plankton, followed by Euphausiacea (19.8%), Ctenophora (9.7%) and Copepoda Cyclopoida (7.2%). Biomass of any other taxonomic group was less than 1g·m–2. The relative biomass of Calanoida had a tendency to decrease southward along 15°W from 86.1 to 68.1% in February and from 81.8 to 23.6% in March–April. The relative biomass of Euphausiacea increased in the same manner from 2.3 to 17.8% in February and from 3.7 to 41.6% in March–April. The average biomass of calanoids from February to March–April decreased from 77.3 to 31.2% and that of euphausiids increased from 6.2 to 33.8%. The contribution of copepods and euphausiids to the production of the plankton community in the Antarctic is discussed.  相似文献   

A comprehensive database, containing biological and chemical information, collected in the framework of the bilateral interdisciplinary MARS project (”biological indicators of natural and man-made changes in marine and coastal waters”) during the years 1995–1997 in the coastal environment of the North Sea, was subjected to a multivariate statistical evaluation. The MARS project was designated to combine a variety of approaches and to develop a set of methods for the employment of biological indicators in pollution monitoring and environmental quality assessment. In total, nine ship cruises to four coastal sampling sites were conducted; 765 fish and 384 mussel samples were analysed for biological and chemical parameters. Additional information on the chemical background at the sampling sites was derived from sediment samples, collected at each of the four sampling sites. Based on the available chemical data in sediments and black mussel (Mytilus edulis) a pollution gradient between the selected sites, was established. The chemical body burden of flounder (Platichthys flesus) from these sites, though, did not reflect this gradient equally clear. In contrast, the biological information derived from measurements in fish samples displayed significant a regional as well as a temporal pattern. A multivariate bioindicator data matrix was evaluated employing a factor analysis model to identify relations between selected biological indicators, and to improve the understanding of a regional and temporal component in the parameter response. In a second approach, applying the k-means algorithm on the data matrix, two significantly different clusters of samples, characterised by the current health status of the fish, were extracted. Using this classification a temporal, and in the second order, a less pronounced spatial effect was evident. In particular, during July 1996, a clear sign of deteriorating environmental conditions was extracted from the biological data matrix. Received: 20 June 1999 / Received in revised form: 8 November 1999 / Accepted: 8 November 1999  相似文献   

Various abiotic and biotic parameters, including phytoplankton distribution, were studied to investigate seasonal changes within the fast-ice cover in Chupa Inlet, a freshwater-influenced Arctic-like fjord in Kandalaksha Bay (White Sea). Sea ice and under-ice water were collected along transects in the inlet in February and April 2002. Ice-texture analysis, salinity and 18O values indicated that the complete ice sheet had transformed within 2 months. This resulted from an upward growth of snow ice and subsequent melting at the underside of the ice, which makes a comparison between the two sampling periods difficult in terms of defining temporal developments within the ice. Nutrients, DOC and DON concentrations in the under-ice water were typical for Russian Arctic rivers. Concentrations of nitrate, silicate and DOC in the ice were lower, which is attributed to a loss as the ice forms. The concentrations were also modified by biological activity. In February, there was a strong correspondence between the distribution of biological parameters, including particulate and dissolved organic carbon and nitrogen (POC and PON, DOC and DON) and inorganic nutrients (nitrate, nitrite, phosphate and silicate), which was not the case in April. The correlation between both DOC and DON with ammonium indicates heterotrophic activity within the winter ice collected in February. Sea-ice organisms were distributed throughout the ice, and several assemblages were found in surface layers of the ice. In April, a more "typical" distribution of biomass in the ice was measured, with low values in the upper part and high algal concentrations in the lower sections of the ice, characteristic of a spring ice-algal bloom. In contrast to the February sampling, there was evidence that the ice-algal assemblage in April was nitrogen-limited, with total inorganic nitrogen concentrations being <1 µm and a mean inorganic nitrogen to phosphorus ratio of 2.8. The ice assemblages were dominated by diatoms (in particular, Nitzschia spp.). There were temporal shifts in the assemblage composition: in February, diatoms accounted for 40% and in April for >98% of all organisms counted.  相似文献   

In 1989–2005 the qualitative composition and seasonal and inter-annual dynamics of the total biomass of phytoplankton, chlorophyll a content, hydrological, and hydrochemical parameters were studied in the Russian zone of the Vistula Lagoon in the Baltic Sea. The results of these observations were compared to the data obtained in the 1950s and 1970s. The structural reorganization of phytoplankton was revealed, testifying to the negative changes in the ecosystem under conditions of anthropogenic pollution and eutrophication, climate warming, and increasing salinity.  相似文献   

Pyramimonas Schmarda is a genus of unicellular green flagellates, recorded in marine water and sea ice samples. Pyramimonas is within the prey size range of the most important protozoan grazers in Disko Bay, West Greenland, where this study took place. Despite the potential ecological importance, little is known about the occurrence of the genus. The aim of this study was to explore the biomass of Pyramimonas in developing stages of sea ice and in the water column. Pyramimonas colonized the early stages of sea ice, and the highest percent of Pyramimonas biomass was found in grease ice. The biomass of Pyramimonas was more than a magnitude higher within sea ice compared to the surface water. The results illustrate that Pyramimonas from the ice is an important contributor to the plankton community prior to the spring bloom. An undescribed species, Pyramimonas diskoicola sp. nov., was found. Based on morphology and ultrastructure, combined with molecular phylogeny inferred from the small-subunit SSU rDNA and the large-subunit chloroplast-encoded rbcL, the species was placed in subgenus Vestigifera. The cells possessed four flagella, measured 8.3 ± 2.6 μm in length and 5.1 ± 0.8 μm in width, and were characterized by an uplifted quadrant in the center of the box scales, not seen at any other Pyramimonas species. The phylogenetic analyses indicated P. diskoicola to be closely related to other polar sea ice species of Pyramimonas.  相似文献   

Russian Journal of Marine Biology - The dynamics of the Atka mackerel stock in the Olyutorsky–Navarin area in 1994–2019 is inferred from bottom-trawl surveys, fishery statistics,...  相似文献   

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