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Models of sex‐allocation conflict are central to evolutionary biology but have mostly assumed static decisions, where resource allocation strategies are constant over colony lifespan. Here, we develop a model to study how the evolution of dynamic resource allocation strategies is affected by the queen‐worker conflict in annual eusocial insects. We demonstrate that the time of dispersal of sexuals affects the sex‐allocation ratio through sexual selection on males. Furthermore, our model provides three predictions that depart from established results of classic static allocation models. First, we find that the queen wins the sex‐allocation conflict, while the workers determine the maximum colony size and colony productivity. Second, male‐biased sex allocation and protandry evolve if sexuals disperse directly after eclosion. Third, when workers are more related to new queens, then the proportional investment into queens is expected to be lower, which results from the interacting effect of sexual selection (selecting for protandry) and sex‐allocation conflict (selecting for earlier switch to producing sexuals). Overall, we find that colony ontogeny crucially affects the outcome of sex‐allocation conflict because of the evolution of distinct colony growth phases, which decouples how queens and workers affect allocation decisions and can result in asymmetric control.  相似文献   

Metaphycus luteolus Timberlake (Hymenoptera: Encyrtidae) is a facultatively gregarious parasitoid of soft scale insects. We conducted behavioral experiments to better understand the mating structure of this species. Emergence of male and female offspring is synchronized, beginning at the onset of photoperiod. Both sexes are able to disperse, although dispersal of males from natal patches appears to take longer than dispersal of females. We demonstrated the presence of a female‐produced contact pheromone using open arena bioassays and motion tracking software, testing residues deposited by walking females, and extracts of females. Males responded to the females' ‘chemical footprints’ and to acetone and hexane extracts of females by searching and arrestment on the chemical residues. Responses of males were dose dependent and diminished with time since the stimulus was deposited. Our findings support the hypothesis that non‐local mating among wasps emerging from different hosts may be quite common in these parasitoids. The implications of our results for the mating structure and previously documented sex ratio patterns of these parasitoids are described.  相似文献   

Negative frequency‐dependent selection should result in equal sex ratios in large populations of dioecious flowering plants, but deviations from equality are commonly reported. A variety of ecological and genetic factors can explain biased sex ratios, although the mechanisms involved are not well understood. Most dioecious species are long‐lived and/or clonal complicating efforts to identify stages during the life cycle when biases develop. We investigated the demographic correlates of sex‐ratio variation in two chromosome races of Rumex hastatulus, an annual, wind‐pollinated colonizer of open habitats from the southern USA. We examined sex ratios in 46 populations and evaluated the hypothesis that the proximity of males in the local mating environment, through its influence on gametophytic selection, is the primary cause of female‐biased sex ratios. Female‐biased sex ratios characterized most populations of R.  hastatulus (mean sex ratio = 0.62), with significant female bias in 89% of populations. Large, high‐density populations had the highest proportion of females, whereas smaller, low‐density populations had sex ratios closer to equality. Progeny sex ratios were more female biased when males were in closer proximity to females, a result consistent with the gametophytic selection hypothesis. Our results suggest that interactions between demographic and genetic factors are probably the main cause of female‐biased sex ratios in R. hastatulus. The annual life cycle of this species may limit the scope for selection against males and may account for the weaker degree of bias in comparison with perennial Rumex species.  相似文献   

Insects typically spend the winter in a species‐specific diapause stage. The speckled wood butterfly, Pararge aegeria, is unique in having two alternative diapause stages, hibernating as larvae or pupae. In southern Sweden this creates a seasonal flight pattern with four annual adult flight periods: the first in May (pupal diapause), the second in June (larval diapause), and the third and fourth directly developing offspring generations in July and August, respectively. We address the raison d'être of the two diapause pathways by (1) outdoor rearing of cohorts, and (2) performing transect censuses throughout the season for 20 years. We contend that an early start of next season provides a benefit accruing to pupal diapause; conversely, a large proportion of the offspring from adults of the fourth flight peak are unable to reach the pupal stage before winter, providing a benefit accruing to larval winter diapause. The results obtained show that the two hibernation pathways are unlikely to be genetically distinct because of a strong overlap between the two offspring generations, and because sibling offspring from the third and fourth flight periods are likely to choose either of the two hibernation pathways, thereby resulting in a genetic mixing of the pathways. © 2011 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society, 2011, 102 , 635–649.  相似文献   

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