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本文研究与整理海峡两岸汉民族与南岛民族的肤纹数据,来比较与探讨目前他们的肤纹形态上的异同。研究群体包含台湾的汉人与原住民族群,以及大陆的汉族与海南的回辉人。研究结果显示两岸非官话(亦作北方方言)区汉族虽然在肤纹参数上有些许不同,但皆属于北方群。而南岛民族的回辉人和台湾原住民则分属南方和北方群,并且在肤纹参数上有非常显著的不同。这是第一个两岸南岛民族的肤纹比较研究,也是第一个非官话区汉人群体的肤纹比较研究。  相似文献   

Phylogenetic placement of bottlenose dolphins from Zanzibar, East Africa and putative population differentiation between animals found off southern and northern Zanzibar were examined using variation in mtDNA control region sequences. Samples (n= 45) from animals bycaught in fishing gear and skin biopsies collected during boat surveys were compared to published sequences (n= 173) of Indo‐Pacific bottlenose dolphin, Tursiops aduncus, from southeast Australian waters, Chinese/Indonesian waters, and South African waters (which recently was proposed as a new species) and to published sequences of common bottlenose dolphin, Tursiops truncatus. Bayesian and maximum parsimony analyses indicated a close relationship between Zanzibar and South African haplotypes, which are differentiated from both Chinese/Indonesian and Australian T. aduncus haplotypes. Our results suggest that the dolphins found off Zanzibar should be classified as T. aduncus alongside the South African animals. Further, analyses of genetic differentiation showed significant separation between the T. aduncus found off northern and southern Zanzibar despite the relatively short distance (approximately 80 km) between these areas. Much less differentiation was found between southern Zanzibar and South Africa, suggesting a more recent common evolutionary history for these populations than for the northern and southern Zanzibar populations.  相似文献   

Mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) polymorphisms in the D-loop region and the intergenic COII/tRNA(Lys) 9-bp deletion were examined in 180 individuals from all nine aboriginal Taiwanese groups: Atayal, Saisiat, Bunun, Tsou, Rukai, Paiwan, Ami, Puyuma, and Yami. A comparison of 563-bp sequences showed that there were 61 different sequence types, of which 42 types were specific to respective aboriginal groups. D-loop sequence variation and phylogenetic analysis enabled the 180 aboriginal lineages to be classified into eight monophyletic clusters (designated C1-C8). Phylogeographic analysis revealed that two (C2 and C4) of the eight clusters were new characteristic clusters of aboriginal Taiwanese and accounted for 8.3% and 13.9% of the aboriginal lineages, respectively. From the estimated coalescent times for the two unique clusters, the mtDNA lineages leading to such clusters were inferred to have been introduced into Taiwan approximately 11,000-26,000 years ago, suggesting ancient immigrations of the two mtDNA lineages. Genetic distances, based on net nucleotide diversities between populations, revealed three distinct clusters that were comprised of northern mountain (Atayal and Saisiat), southern mountain (Rukai and Paiwan), and middle mountain/east coast (Bunun, Tsou, Ami, Puyuma, and Yami) groups, respectively. Furthermore, phylogenetic analysis of 16 human populations (including six other Asian populations and one African population) confirmed that the three clusters for aboriginal Taiwanese had remained largely intact. Each of the clusters (north, south, and middle-east coast) was characterized by a high frequency of a particular lineage (C4, C2, and 9-bp deletion, respectively). This may result from random genetic drift among the aboriginal groups after a single introduction of all the mtDNA lineages into Taiwan, but another plausible explanation is that at least three genetically distinct ancestral populations have contributed to the maternal gene pool of aboriginal Taiwanese.  相似文献   

We analysed 74 wild boars from Tunisia with respect to patterns of genetic differentiation and diversity based on sequences of the mitochondrial control region and genotypes at eight nuclear microsatellite loci. Analysis of molecular variance for both marker systems and Bayesian structure analysis of our microsatellite data revealed a clear break between northern and southern populations. Southern wild boar were monomorphic for one of three mtDNA haplotypes; the other two (one of which only occurred in three individuals) were confined to the north. A comparison with published sequences showed all three haplotypes to belong to the major European clade E1. Microsatellite diversity was similar to that found in earlier studies of wild boar (expected heterozygosity of 0.695 and 0.597 for the north and south, respectively). Contrary to the mtDNA results, we did not find unequivocal evidence of a bottleneck in Tunisian wild boar based on our microsatellite data. The clear distinction between northern and southern populations may be due to an Algerian origin of the southern animals.  相似文献   

To investigate genetic diversity among populations of the sika deer, Cervus nippon, nucleotide sequences (705-824 bases) of the mitochondrial D-loop regions were determined in animals from 13 localities in the Japanese islands. Phylogenetic trees constructed by the sequences indicated that the Japanese sika deer is separated into two distinct lineages: the northern Japan group (the Hokkaido island and most of the Honshu mainland) and the southern Japan group (a part of the southern Honshu mainland, the Kyushu island, and small islands around the Kyushu island). All sika deer examined in this study shared four to seven units of repetitive sequences (37 to 40 bases each) within the D-loop sequences. The number of tandem repeats was different among the populations, and it was specific to each population. Six or seven repeats occurred in populations of the northern Japan group, while four or five repeats occurred in populations of the southern Japan group. Each repeat unit included several nucleotide substitutions, compared with others, and 26 types were identified from 31 animals. Sequences of the first, second, and third units in arrays were clearly different between the northern and the southern groups. Based on these D-loop data, colonization and separation of the sika deer populations in the Japanese islands were estimated to have occurred less than 0.5 million years before present. Our results provide an invaluable insight into better understanding the evolutionary history, phylogeny, taxonomy, and population genetics of the sika deer.  相似文献   

We estimated the latitudinal velocity (km/decade) of northern and southern boundaries of core distributions for 30 woody taxa over the last 16 000 years (biotic velocities) using networks of fossil pollen records, and compared these with climate velocities estimated from CCSM3 simulations. Biotic velocities were faster during periods of rapid temperature change (i.e. 16 to 7 ka) than times of relative stability (i.e. 7 to 1 ka), with a consistent northward movement of northern and southern boundaries. For most taxa, biotic velocities were faster for northern than for southern boundaries between 12 and 7 ka, resulting in expanding distributions. For individual time periods, biotic velocities were as fast or faster than climate velocities calculated using multivariate approaches. These results indicate that climate change paced the rate of distribution shifts in both northern and southern populations while suggesting that northern populations were more sensitive. A similar sensitivity and pacing is expected under 21st century climate change.  相似文献   

Previous research has suggested that northern populations of the euryhaline killifish (Fundulus heteroclitus) are better adapted to freshwater environments than their southern counterparts. In this study, we examined whether this adaptation has come at an ionoregulatory cost in seawater, by comparing published data for northern killifish to newly acquired data on the molecular responses of southern killifish to seawater transfer. After abrupt transfer from brackish water (10 per thousand) to seawater, Na,K-ATPase activity, Na,K-ATPase alpha(1a) mRNA expression, and NKCC1 mRNA expression increased 1 and 4 days after transfer in the gills of southern fish (by 2-3-fold), but increased at 1 day and not 4 days after transfer in northern fish. Small increases in mRNA expression were observed in both populations at 14 days. CFTR expression also increased in southern and northern fish at 1 and 4 days into seawater, and was also elevated at 14 days in northern fish. Because fish from both southern and northern populations maintained plasma Na(+) and Cl(-) balance after seawater transfer, the differences in activity and expression could not have been caused by differences in plasma ion levels. Instead, some other regulatory factor may account for the differences in expression between populations. This study shows that freshwater adaptation in northern populations of killifish has not necessarily come at a significant ionoregulatory cost in seawater, but has altered the molecular responses of their gills to seawater transfer compared to southern killifish.  相似文献   

To test if the high nutrient inputs of agroeosystems select for specialized agroecotypes or for phenotypic plasticity, Ontario populations of the northwardly migrating annual weed Solanum ptycanthum from ruderal (beach) and agricultural habitats were compared over a nutrient gradient. Temporal variation of total available nitrogen was determined in both types of habitats. As gene flow via seed contamination of tomato transplants from S. United States was detected, variation in response to nutrient (N) levels was also compared between agrestal populations from the northern (Ontario) and southern (Georgia) ends of the species range. Five families from six populations (two northern agrestal, two northern ruderal and two southern agrestal) were grown in the greenhouse at low, medium and high nutrient levels, and plant growth and traits associated with reproductive success measured. All populations displayed significant levels of plasticity in the majority of vegetative and reproductive traits. There were no detectable differences over the levels of nutrients tested between individuals sampled from northern agrestal and ruderal populations, even though variation in available nitrogen is greater in agroecosystems. Southern agrestal populations were genetically differentiated from the northern populations, and exhibited almost twice the overall plasticity of northern populations, measured by the Mahalanobis distance. Canonical discriminant analysis showed complete overlap in the northern populations over all nutrient levels, suggesting that colonization of new habitats is via a general-purpose genotype, rather than by selection for specialized agroeotypes.  相似文献   

To investigate genetic diversity among populations of the sika deer, Cervus nippon, nucleotide sequences (705–824 bases) of the mitochondrial D-loop regions were determined in animals from 13 localities in the Japanese islands. Phylogenetic trees constructed by the sequences indicated that the Japanese sika deer is separated into two distinct lineages: the northern Japan group (the Hokkaido island and most of the Honshu mainland) and the southern Japan group (a part of the southern Honshu mainland, the Kyushu island, and small islands around the Kyushu island). All sika deer examined in this study shared four to seven units of repetitive sequences (37 to 40 bases each) within the D-loop sequences. The number of tandem repeats was different among the populations, and it was specific to each population. Six or seven repeats occurred in populations of the northern Japan group, while four or five repeats occurred in populations of the southern Japan group. Each repeat unit included several nucleotide substitutions, compared with others, and 26 types were identified from 31 animals. Sequences of the first, second, and third units in arrays were clearly different between the northern and the southern groups. Based on these D-loop data, colonization and separation of the sika deer populations in the Japanese islands were estimated to have occurred less than 0.5 million years before present. Our results provide an invaluable insight into better understanding the evolutionary history, phylogeny, taxonomy, and population genetics of the sika deer.  相似文献   

Molecular studies of plants from the Pacific Northwest of North America suggest a recurrent pattern of genetic differentiation and geographic structuring. In each of five angiosperms and one fern species representing diverse life histories, cpDNA data indicate two clades of populations that are geographically structured. A northern group comprises populations from Alaska to central or southern Oregon, whereas populations from central Oregon southward to northern California form a southern group. In several of these species, a few populations having southern genotypes may have survived in glacial refugia further north in the Olympic Peninsula, Queen Charlotte Islands, and Prince of Wales Island. Allozyme data reveal a similar pattern of differentiation in several other plants from the Pacific Northwest. North-south partitioning of genotypes has also been reported for several animal species from this region. On a broader geographic scale, northsouth partitioning of genotypes has also been observed in other plants from western North America having a variety of geographic distributions. Some species also display a reduction of genetic variability in the northern portion of their range compared to the south. The data suggest strongly that past glaciation profoundly influenced the genetic architecture of the flora and fauna of the Pacific Northwest. Two alternative hypotheses are advanced to explain the geographic structuring of genotypes. First, past glaciation may have created discontinuities in the geographic distributions of plant species, with populations surviving in several well-isolated northern and southern refugia. Following glaciation, migration of genetically differentiated, once-isolated populations resulted in the formation of a continuous geographic distribution with a major genetic discontinuity. Alternatively, plants survived and subsequently migrated northward from a southern refugium, and a genotype became fixed in one or a few populations at the leading edge of recolonization. Subsequent long-distance dispersal from this leading edge resulted in a relatively uniform northern genotype that differs from the southern genotype(s). Whatever the underlying mechanism, Pleistocence glaciation may have molded the intraspecific genetic architecture of both plants and animals from the Pacific Northwest in a geographically similar manner. Future studies should seek to obtain a comprehensive phylogeography for regions that includes a diversity of both plants and animals.Dedicated to emer. Univ.-Prof. DrFriedrich Ehrendorfer on the occasion of his 70th birthday  相似文献   

Materials are presented concerning the analysis of blood groups in the Yakutsk aboriginal cattle (n = 960) and its hybrids (n = 145) bred in Verkhoyansk and Yakutsk regions of Yakutskaya ASSR with respect to the problems of its origin. The genetic similarity of the Yakutsk cattle and its hybrids was evaluated; the cattle populations were studied in various years. The experiment also involved some hybrids bred in the northern part of the Soviet Union. The strongest similarity was found for the Yakutsk aboriginal breed and the cattle bred in Kalmytskaya and Buryatskaya Regions (0.841-0.839), i.e. those which are ascribed to the same group, according to their origin. Similarity with the Ashire and hybrids of Zebu and Black and White cattle was found to be less pronounced. The frequencies of antigens ranged from 0.2 (the antigen H") to 100% (the antigen F). The antigen frequencies were found to be higher in purebred animals, as compared to the hybrids almost within the whole antigen spectrum.  相似文献   

In this study we determined the complete sequence of the mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) control region of the Eurasian otter (Lutra lutra). We then compared these new sequences with orthologues of nine carnivores belonging to six families (Mustelidae, Mephitidae, Canidae, Hyaenidae, Ursidae, and Felidae). The comparative analyses identified all the conserved regions previously found in mammals. The Eurasian otter and seven other species have a single location with tandem repeats in the right domain, while the spotted hyena (Hyaenidae) and the tiger (Felidae) have repeated sequences in both the right and left domains. To assess the degree of genetic heterogeneity of the Eurasian otter in Italy we sequenced two fragments of the gene and analyzed length polymorphisms of repeated sequences and heteroplasmy in 32 specimens. The study includes 23 museum specimens collected in northern, central, and southern Italy; most of these specimens are from extinct populations, while the southern Italian samples belong to the sole extant Italian population of the Eurasian otter. The study also includes all the captive-reared animals living in the colony "Centro Lontra, Caramanico Terme" (Pescara, central Italy). The colony is maintained for reintroduction of the species. We found a low level of genetic polymorphism; a single haplotype is dominant, but our data indicate the presence in central and southern Italy of two slightly divergent haplotypes. One haplotype belongs to an extinct population, the other is present in the single extant Italian population. Analyses of length polymorphisms and heteroplasmy indicate that the autochthonous Italian samples are characterized by a distinct array of repeated sequences from captive-reared animals.  相似文献   

The Puerto Rican crested toad (Peltophryne lemur) is currently composed of a single wild population on the south coast of Puerto Rico and two captive populations founded by animals from the northern and southern coasts. The main factors contributing to its decline are habitat loss, inundation of breeding ponds during storms, and impacts of invasive species. Recovery efforts have been extensive, involving captive breeding and reintroductions, habitat restoration, construction of breeding ponds, and public education. To guide future conservation efforts, genetic variation and differentiation were assessed for the two captive colonies and the remaining wild population using the mitochondrial control region and six novel microsatellite loci. Only two moderately divergent mitochondrial haplotypes were found, with one fixed in each of the southern and northern lineages. Moderate genetic variation exists for microsatellite loci in all three groups. The captive southern population has not diverged substantially from the wild population at microsatellite loci (F ST = 0.03), whereas there is little allelic overlap between the northern and southern lineages at five of six loci (F ST > 0.3). Despite this differentiation, they are no more divergent than many populations of other amphibian species. As the northern breeding colony may not remain viable due to its small size and inbred nature, it is recommended that a third breeding colony be established in which northern and southern individuals are combined. This will preserve any northern adaptive traits that may exist, and provide animals for release in the event that the pure northern lineage becomes extirpated.  相似文献   

The chromosomal polymorphism of 13 European populations of Drosophila subobscura has been compared with that of the same populations collected 15–35 years ago. The chromosomal polymorphism of the old populations differs significantly from that of the new populations, mainly for chromosomes U and O. There is a very good agreement between the geographical space and the genetic space as shown by a graphical representation of the 26 statistical populations (13 old and 13 new) obtained by a principal coordinate analysis. This reflects both the existence of significant latitudinal clines for the frequencies of some chromosomal arrangements in the old and new samples and systematic changes that have taken place in these populations during the period that elapsed between the two surveys. An increase in the frequency of those arrangements typical of southern latitudes and a decrease for those common in northern latitudes is observed in all populations – Mediterranean, Atlantic and Central European. Furthermore, the genetic distances of the new populations to a southern population of reference have decreased in comparison with those of the old populations. These changes could be the result of climatic factors that are correlated with latitude. In particular, the assumption that global warming is responsible for all the changes observed appears rather likely. Whether these systematic changes of the chromosomal polymorphism are a consequence of local adaptations or have been produced by migration from the south remains an open question.  相似文献   

Adaptive phenotypic plasticity in the form of capacity to accelerate development as a response to pond drying risk is known from many amphibian species. However, very little is known about factors that might constrain the evolution of this type of plasticity, and few studies have explored to what degree plasticity might be constrained by trade-offs dictated by adaptation to different environmental conditions. We compared the ability of southern and northern Scandinavian common frog (Rana temporaria) larvae originating from 10 different populations to accelerate their development in response to simulated pond drying risk and the resulting costs in metamorphic size in a factorial laboratory experiment. We found that (i) northern larvae developed faster than the southern larvae in all treatments, (ii) a capacity to accelerate the response was present in all five southern and all five northern populations tested, but that the magnitude of the response was much larger (and less variable) in the southern than in the northern populations, and that (iii) significant plasticity costs in metamorphic size were present in the southern populations, the plastic genotypes having smaller metamorphic size in the absence of desiccation risk, but no evidence for plasticity costs was found in the northern populations. We suggest that the weaker response to pond drying risk in the northern populations is due to stronger selection on large metamorphic size as compared with southern populations. In other words, seasonal time constraints that have selected the northern larvae to be fast growing and developing, may also constrain their innate ability for adaptive phenotypic plasticity.  相似文献   

Genetic characterization of one European and three aboriginal populations from northern Ontario was undertaken to assess the utility of the D18S535 short tandem repeat locus (STR) as a genetic marker for forensic DNA typing in the region. The D18S535 locus was amplified using monoplex polymerase chain reaction (PCR), separated by denaturing polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis (PAGE), and visualized using the silver-stain detection method. The generated population data demonstrated that the D18S535 locus is highly polymorphic with a heterozygosity of > or = 0.75. The exact test showed violations of Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium in two of the aboriginal populations. Pairwise comparisons of allele-frequency distributions indicated that the four northern Ontario populations were significantly different from each other. This test also revealed that the northern Ontario populations differed significantly from ten European populations (from Germany, Spain, and Croatia) and one population from South America (from Argentina). Forensic parameters showed that the D18S535 locus is highly discriminating (power of discrimination > or = 0.85, chance of exclusion > or = 0.51); however, the lack of Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium in some of the populations must be taken into account in the application of these results to northern Ontario forensic casework.  相似文献   

The Sovanco Fracture Zone and Blanco Transform Fault separate the Explorer, Juan de Fuca, and Gorda ridge systems of the northeastern Pacific Ocean. To test whether such offsets in the ridge axis create barriers to along-axis dispersal of the endemic hydrothermal vent animals, we examined the genetic structure of limpet populations previously identified as Lepetodrilus fucensis McLean, 1988 (Gastropoda, Lepetodrilidae). Mitochondrial DNA sequences and patterns of allozyme variation revealed no evidence that the 150-km-long Sovanco Fracture Zone impeded gene flow between the Explorer and Juan de Fuca populations. In contrast, the 450-km-long Blanco Transform Fault separates the limpets into highly divergent northern and southern lineages that we recognize as distinct species. We describe southern populations from the Gorda Ridge (Seacliff) and Escanaba Trough as Lepetodrilus gordensis new species and refer northern populations from the Explorer and Juan de Fuca ridge systems to L. fucensis sensu stricto. The species are similar morphologically, but L. gordensis lacks a sensory neck papilla and has a more tightly coiled teleconch. To assess the degree of isolation between these closely related species, we used the Isolation with Migration method to estimate the time of population splitting, effective sizes of the ancestral and derived populations, and rates of migration across the Blanco Transform Fault.  相似文献   

Populations of the endangered giant kangaroo rat, Dipodomys ingens (Heteromyidae), have suffered increasing fragmentation and isolation over the recent past, and the distribution of this unique rodent has become restricted to 3% of its historical range. Such changes in population structure can significantly affect effective population size and dispersal, and ultimately increase the risk of extinction for endangered species. To assess the fine-scale population structure, gene flow, and genetic diversity of remnant populations of Dipodomys ingens, we examined variation at six microsatellite DNA loci in 95 animals from six populations. Genetic subdivision was significant for both the northern and southern part of the kangaroo rat’s range although there was considerable gene flow among southern populations. While regional gene diversity was relatively high for this endangered species, hierarchical F-statistics of northern populations in Fresno and San Benito counties suggested non-random mating and genetic drift within subpopulations. We conclude that effective dispersal, and therefore genetic distances between populations, is better predicted by ecological conditions and topography of the environment than linear geographic distance between populations. Our results are consistent with and complimentary to previous findings based on mtDNA variation of giant kangaroo rats. We suggest that management plans for this endangered rodent focus on protection of suitable habitat, maintenance of connectivity, and enhancement of effective dispersal between populations either through suitable dispersal corridors or translocations.  相似文献   

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