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The Nahan’s Francolin Francolinus nahani is a globally threatened species associated with remnant forests of the eastern equatorial lowlands of the Democratic Republic of the Congo and Uganda. We studied the species in the Budongo Forest Reserve during March 1998 to January 2000 in an attempt to document some aspects of breeding requirements. We located nests by physically searching the forest and through following radio‐tagged adults. We measured demographical and habitat parameters associated with each nest. Our data suggest that trees of large diameter at breast height with appropriate buttress formation are important for long‐time survival of Nahan’s Francolins.  相似文献   

Early studies of chimpanzees in the Budongo Forest, Uganda, reported only rough estimates for home range size. This study aimed to quantify home range size and habitat composition for chimpanzees of the Sonso community in this forest. Home range is the habitually used portion of the total area over which an animal travels, and for chimpanzees the home range is shared by the community. From data collected in 1994 and 1995, the home range for this community was estimated to cover an area of 6.78 km2 using the minimum convex polygon analysis technique and 6.89 km2 using fixed kernel analysis. Habitat was highly heterogeneous. The small home range and consequent high local population density (approximately 6.8 individuals km?1) suggests that the Sonso region is highly productive in chimpanzee foods, possibly in contrast to other parts of the forest. This estimate of home range size is among the smallest reported for habituated chimpanzees, but comparisons with other sites are confounded by methodological and analytical differences. Future studies of chimpanzee ranging patterns should endeavour to use precise locations and the latest analytical techniques to ensure accurate estimation of range size and structure, and intersite comparability.  相似文献   

The diet of chimpanzees in the Budongo Forest Reserve, Uganda   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
Chimpanzee diets are highly variable, but in all cases dominated by ripe fruit. Previous work has suggested that in the Budongo Forest Reserve, Uganda, ripe fruit remains available throughout the year, but dietary data for chimpanzees at this site remain sparse. This paper details the diet of a recently habituated community of Budongo chimpanzees living in the Sonso region. Chimpanzees of this community spent 64.5% of their feeding time eating fruit, and 19.7% eating arboreal leaves. Terrestrial herbaceous vegetation formed only a minor component of the diet. In these general dietary characteristics, Budongo chimpanzees show greater similarity to those of the Gombe National Park than they do to those in the geographically closer and floristically more similar Kibale Forest National Park. The diet was dominated by the fruit of four species and leaves of two species, although the composition of the diet varied from month to month, remaining diverse. Figs were consumed throughout much of the year, and in consequence, should perhaps be regarded as a staple, rather than fallback, food. A period of food scarcity was not apparent in this study and future comparative nutritional investigation will be required to determine whether these chimpanzees face a time of dietary hardship.  相似文献   

Pyrenacantha sylvestris S. Moore (Icacinaceae), locally known as Kateganende, has been extensively harvested by local people yet poorly managed. This has created a gap between its utilization and conservation. A study was therefore conducted to document its abundance and utilization in Budongo Forest Reserve. Abundance was assessed in ten systematically sampled plots of 20 × 50 m. Five of the plots were established in logged forest (compartment N2) and the other five in the nature reserve (compartment N15). Individual P. sylvestris and trellises were recorded and their respective diameter at breast height measured. Questionnaires designed to capture information on the utilization of P. sylvestris were administered to 40 systematically selected respondents adjacent to the forest reserve. Abundance was highest in logged areas of the forest (χ2 = 14.8, d.f. = 4, P < 0.01). Individuals in the diameter class 0.1–0.5 cm were the most abundant. Pyrenacantha sylvestris in the forest were mostly hosted in the trellises of the diameter class 1.0–10 cm. Over‐reliance and use of P. sylvestris threaten the survival of the species. There is a need to create awareness and regulate its harvesting. In addition, research needs to be conducted on the possibility of propagating and domesticating this plant.  相似文献   

This paper reports on the phenological patterns of figs in Budongo Forest, Uganda, and how it relates to chimpanzee food availability in different seasons. In addition, we analysed the dung of chimpanzees to understand the composition of fruits in their diet. The aim of our study was to assess Ficus phenology and how it affects chimpanzee diet. Fifteen species of figs were monitored for fruit (syconium) and leaf phenology between June 2000 and 2001. Ficus fruit production varied significantly between and within species, and also with tree trunk and crown diameters. Fig fruit production was asynchronous and individual fig trees produced crops from one to five times in a year. In addition to fruits, chimpanzees fed on young leaves of some Ficus species. Shedding of old Ficus leaves coincided with the dry season, followed by appearance of young leaves. The dry season in Budongo is a period of general fruit scarcity. The combination of fig fruits and young leaves make up the most important food in the diet of chimpanzees. From the chimpanzee dung, more than 78% of seeds comprised fig ‘seeds’ (nutlets) and the rest of the diaspores were from other tree species. Our findings suggest that chimpanzees disperse large number of diaspores in their dung, thereby serving as important agents of natural forest regeneration.  相似文献   

A central issue in socioecology is the nature of the relationship between an organism's environment and its social structure. In chimpanzees, the fission-fusion social system is thought to minimize feeding competition for primary dietary components: ephemeral, dispersed patches of ripe fruit. Intragroup feeding competition is thought to force individuals into small parties. Informal observations in the Sonso region of the Budongo forest had suggested that in this habitat, food supply was such that feeding competition was less important in determining grouping patterns than elsewhere. We used data collected on food supply and party sizes over a 4-year period to investigate this suggestion. In accord with theoretical expectation, sizes of foraging parties fluctuated with the size of food patches. However, party sizes showed either negative or no relationship with habitat-wide measures of food abundance. Likewise party sizes showed little relationship to overall measures of food dispersion. For important dietary items, both fruit and leaves had patchy distributions, though the degree of clumping was not strong, and fruit was not more clumped than leaves. Generally, abundant food appeared to be less patchy, and chimpanzees appeared to use more patches as food became more abundant rather than forming larger parties. We suggest that both dispersal and abundance need to be considered when investigating the impact of food supply on grouping patterns, and that the importance of food as a factor in determining chimpanzee grouping patterns declines with increasing levels of abundance.  相似文献   

A study of the effects of gap size and age on climber abundance and diversity was carried out in Budongo Forest Reserve in Uganda. Data were collected from compartments N5, W21, B1 and B3. Stump records were used to locate and estimate the ages of 78 gaps. Sample plots 5 × 5 m were set up in the gaps to assess climber abundance and diversity.
Climbers were more abundant and diverse in gaps that were more than 400 m2, 15 months old and had more than 25% canopy opening. Momordica foetida was the most abundant climber species occurring on stems, branches and crowns of seedlings and saplings. Therefore, in order to keep natural regeneration free from climber tangles and produce good quality timber, climber control should be a major activity in tropical high forest management.  相似文献   

Wagner  Thomas 《Plant Ecology》2001,153(1-2):169-178
Arthropods were collected by insecticidal tree fogging on the understorey tree species Rinorea beniensis Engler (Violaceae) in Budongo Forest, a seasonal rain forest in Uganda. Eight trees were fogged in adjacent plots of primary, selectively logged and swamp forest during the wet season and again in the dry season. In all forest types, Psocoptera, parasitoid Hymenoptera, and especially Formicidae and Auchenorrhyncha were more abundant during the dry season, while Ensifera, Heteroptera, Lepidoptera, Diptera, and Coleoptera were more abundant during the wet season. Seasonal change in arthropod composition was very low in the swamp forest located near a stream, where permanent water supply is crucial for the development of the distinct swamp vegetation, with comparatively constant microclimatic conditions all over the year. Seasonal change increased in the primary forest, and shows most significant changes of athropod abundance between dry and wet season in the selectively logged forest which also had the highest heterogeneity in forest structures. Especially small and soft bodied arthropods probably accumulate along a humidity gradient in the dense canopies of Rinorea during the dry season, when the forest floor outside the swamp forest is dry. This effect, which is also strongest in the selectively logged forest, leads to a much higher density of canopy dwelling arthropods during the dry season.  相似文献   

Entropy-related biodiversity indices deriving their conceptual basis from Shannon’s information theory have a long history of use in ecology for quantifying community structure and diversity. In addition, in the last two decades, numerous information–theoretical indices, such as the landscape dominance index, have been extensively applied to characterize landscape diversity in space and time. In this contribution, we offer a simple analytical relation between Pielou’s evenness J and landscape dominance D within the broader context of Hill’s parametric diversity family. Within this context, we recommend the use of Hill’s diversity number evenness E1,0 to overcome the shortcomings both of Pielou’s evenness J and the landscape dominance index D.  相似文献   

Frugivory patterns of the chimpanzees in the Budongo Forest Reserve, Uganda were studied between June 2000 and August 2001. Chimpanzee feeding habitats, movement, group size and food eaten were assessed using focal and scan sampling. It was found that fruits were scarce during the dry season, when chimpanzees appeared and moved in large groups over long distances and raided farms at the forest edge. Chimpanzee movement out of the forest to forage was influenced by seasonal fluctuations in availability of preferred foods as some cultivated crops are perennial. Presence of chimpanzees in a specific feeding habitat was related to the availability of edible fruits both within and between months, suggesting that the presence of food may influence chimpanzee movement patterns. Therefore, a good understanding of patterns of frugivory is essential for making informed decisions about conservation of chimpanzees and other frugivores like birds and monkeys in Budongo as different forest habitats are under varying human pressure because of logging and other forms of utilization.  相似文献   

In the hope of future treatments to prevent or slow down the disease, there is a strong movement towards an ever‐earlier detection of Alzheimer’s disease (AD). In conjunction with scientific developments, this has prompted a reconceptualization of AD, as a slowly progressive pathological process with a long asymptomatic phase. New concepts such as ‘preclinical’ and ‘prodromal’ AD have been introduced, raising a number of conceptual and ethical questions. We evaluate whether these new concepts are theoretically defensible, in light of theories of health and disease, and whether they should be understood as disease or as an at‐risk state. We introduce a pragmatic view on disease concepts and argue that an evaluation of the reconceptualization of AD should also take its aims and effects into account, and assess their ethical acceptability. The reconceptualization of AD is useful to coordinate research into preventive strategies, and may potentially benefit future patients. However, in the short term, early detection and labelling of ‘preclinical AD’ can potentially harm people. Since there is no treatment available and the predictive value is unclear, it may only create a group of ‘patients‐in‐waiting’ who may suffer from anxiety, uncertainty and stigmatization, but will never actually develop dementia. We conclude that only if the promise of preventive medication materializes, will the reconceptualization of AD turn out unequivocally to be for the better. Otherwise, the reconceptualization may do more harm than good.  相似文献   

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