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A taxonomic revision of Galliformes (Aves) from the Upper Miocene of Polgárdi has confirmed the presence of five taxa. A large pheasant originally described as Pavo aesculapi phasianoides Jánossy, 1991 is referred to the genus Syrmaticus as a valid species, S. phasianoides (Jánossy, 1991), comb. nov. Small phasianids are represented in Polgárdi by four taxa: Mioryaba magyarica gen. et sp. nov., Eurobambusicola turolicus gen. et sp. nov., Plioperdix hungarica (Jánossy, 1991), and a form similar in size to Mioryaba magyarica, but having a more primitive structure of the tarsometatarsus and carpometacarpus.  相似文献   

Beetle remains from the Triassic Khey-Yaga locality, Nenets National District, Korotaikha Basin, Nyadeita Formation, Olenekian-Anisian are described. Only isolated elytra have been found. Tetracoleus tshalyshevi gen. et sp. nov. and T. minimus sp. nov. are described and assigned to Tricoleidae, and six new species are described in formal taxa. Tetracoleus is close to Permian tricoleids just found in the Newcastle Group of Australia and the Vyatkian Aristovo locality of northern European Russia. The composition of elytra in the locality is closer to that of Lower Triassic localities than other Middle Triassic localities and characterizes the beginning of a recovery after the Permian-Triassic ecological crisis. Longxianocupes Hong in Liu, Liu et Hong, 1985 is shown to be a junior synonym of Sogdelytron Ponomarenko, 1969. The species Palademosyne ovum Ponomarenko, 2004, P. elongatum Ponomarenko, 2004, and P. latum Ponomarenko, 2004 are transferred to the genus Pseudochrysomelites Handlirsch, 1906.  相似文献   

Increased incidence of leaf spots on many tree species, up to the presence of peripheral importance only, including linden trees was noticed recently. First massive and continuous occurence of the fungus Cercospora microsora Sacc. [teleomorph Mycosphaerella millegrana (Cook.) Schröet., Mycosphaerella microsora Syd.], causal agent of anthracnose on linden trees (Tilia cordata Mill.) grown in urban plantings in Slovakia was reported. Along with this, certain of the important growth characteristics of this fungus were studied under laboratory conditions. To specify Cercospora biology mycelial growth of C. microsora in pure hyphal cultures was observed in relation to medium and locality. One-way ANOVA has confirmed a statistically significant influence of both factors, culture medium and locality on growth rate values of C. microsora. The effect of these factors has not proved unambiguously in all cases. In the case of one locality (Nitra), the significant influence of used media has not been proved (P > 0.05). PDAg showed generally as the most suitable medium, inducing the most intensive growth in three localities (41.06 mm/week on average). Comparing three localities, the effect of this factor is not so unambiguous. Growth rate values from the localities Bratislava and Pribeta indicate unsuitability of medium A for the fast radial growth. A Tukey test separately conducted for the factors medium and the locality revealed the significant combinations of means (P ≤ 0.05).  相似文献   

Early Paleogene insectivore mammal associations of Asia include true insectivores (superorder Insectivora: order Lipotyphla: suborders Erinaceomorpha and Soricomorpha; orders Didymoconida and Leptictida) and insectivore-like placentals (superorder Ferae: order Cimolesta: suborders Didelphodonta, Palaeoryctida, and Pantolesta). The associations from Mongolia are the most taxonomically diverse. The Late Paleocene association from the Zhigden Member of the Naran-Bulak Formation of the Tsagan-Khushu and Naran-Bulak localities includes the following soricomorph insectivores: the micropternodontid Sarcodon pygmaeus Matthew et Granger and Hyracolestes ermineus Matthew et Granger (Sarcodontinae), the geolabidid Gobigeolabis verigranum Lopatin, the nyctitheriid Praolestes nanus Matthew, Granger et Simpson, P. maximus Kondrashov, Lopatin et Lucas (Praolestinae subfam. nov.), Jarveia erronea Kondrashov, Lopatin et Lucas (Asionyctiinae). Moreover, the Zhigden association includes the didymoconid Archaeoryctes euryalis Lopatin (Ardynictinae), the palaeoryctid Pinoryctes collector gen. et sp. nov., and the pantolestid Zhigdenia nemegetica gen. et sp. nov. (Pantolestinae). The Early Eocene association from the Bumban Member of the Naran-Bulak Formation of the Tsagan-Khushu locality includes the micropternodontid Prosarcodon maturus Lopatin et Kondrashov (Sarcodontinae); the nyctitheriids Bumbanius rarus Russell et Dashzeveg (Praolestinae), Oedolius perexiguus Russell et Dashzeveg, Edzenius lus gen. et sp. nov. (Asionyctiinae), and Eosoricodon terrigena Lopatin (Eosoricodontinae); the plesiosoricid Ordolestes ordinatus gen. et sp. nov. (Butseliinae); and the cimolestids Naranius infrequens Russell et Dashzeveg, Tsaganius ambiguus Russell et Dashzeveg, and Bagalestes trofimovi gen. et sp. nov. (Cimolestidae). The Middle Eocene association from the Khaychin Formation of the Khaychin-Ula 2 and Khaychin-Ula 3 localities includes the erinaceomorphs Eogalericius butleri Lopatin and Microgalericulus esuriens gen. et sp. nov. (Erinaceidae, Galericinae), the soricomorphs Metasarcodon reshetovi Lopatin et Kondrashov (Micropternodontidae, Sarcodontinae), Soricolestes soricavus Lopatin (Soricidae, Soricolestinae), and Asiapternodus mackennai Lopatin (Apternodontidae, Asiapternodontinae subfam. nov.); the didymoconids Ardynictis captor Lopatin (Ardynictinae), Khaichinula lupula gen. et sp. nov. (Didymoconinae), Kennatherium shirense Mellett et Szalay, and Erlikotherium edentatum gen. et sp. nov. (Kennatheriinae subfam. nov.); and the palaeoryctid Nuryctes gobiensis Lopatin et Averianov (Palaeoryctidae). Late Paleocene insectivores from the Dzhilga 1a locality (Kazakhstan) comprise the nyctitheriids Voltaia minuta Nessov and Jarveia minuscula Nessov (Asionyctiinae). The faunal assemblage dated terminal Early Eocene from the Andarak 2 locality (Kyrgyzstan) includes the micropternodontid Metasarcodon udovichenkoi (Averianov), the erinaceid Protogalericius averianovi gen. et sp. nov. (Galericinae), and the palaeoryctids Nuryctes alayensis Lopatin et Averianov and Palaeoryctidae gen. et sp. indet. From the end of the Paleocene to the onset of the Middle Eocene, the taxonomic composition and ecological structure of insectivore communities of Central Asia gradually changed, insectivore-like placentals and primitive soricomorph groups were replaced by the Recent families of Lipotyphla. The morphological and evolutionary study of Early Paleogene Asian insectivores has provided important data on phylogenetic relationships of the Insectivora. The family Micropternodontidae is divided into the subfamilies Sarcodontinae and Micropternodontinae. The earliest insectivore family Geolabididae is recorded in the Paleogene of Asia. A new classification of the family Nyctitheriidae, dividing it into the subfamilies Nyctitheriinae, Amphidozotheriinae, Asionyctiinae, Eosoricodontinae, and Praolestinae subfam. nov., is proposed. Based on the morphological continuity between Eosoricodontinae (Nyctitheriidae) and Soricolestinae (Soricidae), the family Soricidae is proposed to originate from eosoricodontine nyctitheriids. The family Plesiosoricidae is divided into the subfamilies Butseliinae and Plesiosoricinae. A new subfamily, Asiapternodontinae subfam. nov., is established in the family Apternodontidae. The analysis of evolutionary transformations of the dental system suggests the continuity of molar types in the suborder Soricomorpha, which supports the validity of the infraorders Tenrecomorpha and Soricota (the latter includes the superfamilies Micropternodontoidea, Nesophontoidea, Soricoidea, Talpoidea, and Solenodontoidea). The subfamily Galericinae (Erinaceidae) is recorded in Asia at the Early-Middle Eocene boundary. The family Didymoconidae is divided into the subfamilies Ardynictinae, Didymoconinae, and Kennatheriinae subfam. nov. Some members of the subfamily Kennatheriinae display a clear edentate functional pattern, which is atypical for insectivores and is interpreted as an adaptation for feeding on colonial insects. The following scenario of insectivore evolution, describing the major stages of their history, is proposed: (1) in the first half of the Late Cretaceous, the first occurrence of Insectivora (probably in North America); (2) in the second half of the Late Cretaceous, the primary radiation of Insectivora, establishment of Leptictida, Didymoconida, and Lipotyphla; detachment of Erinaceomorpha and Soricomorpha; (3) at the Cretaceous-Paleocene boundary, the primary radiation of Soricomorpha and establishment of Tenrecomorpha (Africa) and Soricota (North America); (4) in the Paleocene, expansion of Soricota in the Northern Hemisphere, the primary radiation of Erinaceomorpha, and emergence of Erinaceidae (North America); (5) at the Paleocene-Eocene boundary, radiation of Soricota and Erinaceidae; (6) at the Early-Middle Eocene boundary, appearance of Soricidae, Talpidae, and Galericinae; (7) in the Middle Eocene-Oligocene, replacement of primitive groups by Recent families and related groups and the formation of the Recent subfamilial diversity of the families Soricidae, Talpidae, Erinaceidae, and Tenrecidae; (8) in the Miocene-Pliocene, disappearance of primitive groups of the Recent families, a decrease in the diversity of Erinaceomorpha, extensive radiation of Soricidae and the formation of the Recent generic diversity of insectivores.  相似文献   

Abstract:  Isolated skeletal elements of three hesperornithiform taxa are recorded from marine strata of latest early Campanian ( sensu germanico ) age in the Kristianstad Basin, southern Sweden. The material comprises Hesperornis rossicus Nessov and Yarkov, one of the largest Mesozoic aquatic birds known to date, Hesperornis sp. and Baptornis sp. The holotype (a dorsal vertebra) of Parascaniornis stensioei Lambrecht is re-examined, and the nominal species is here considered as a nomen dubium because no diagnostic features can be found that separate the type from dorsals of Baptornis advenus . The distribution and palaeobiology of hesperornithiforms are reviewed.  相似文献   

A new subfamily of ichneumonids, Palaeoichneumoninae, is described from the Lower Cretaceous of Transbaikalia (Baisa locality) and Mongolia (Bon Tsagan and Kholbotu Gol localities). The new subfamily is intermediate between the archaic subfamily Tanychorinae and the Recent Ichneumonidae. It includes 12 new species, described in three new genera: Palaeoichneumon freja gen. et sp. nov., P. ornatus sp. nov., P. danu sp. nov., P. micron sp. nov., P. mirabilis sp. nov., P. tenebrosus sp. nov., P. townesi sp. nov., Rudimentifera mora gen. et sp. nov., R. suspecta sp. nov., Dischysma maculata gen. et sp. nov., D. similis sp. nov., and D. ramulata sp. nov.  相似文献   

The species list of fish of the Upper Oka basin is verified. Data on biology of rare species are presented (western brook lamprey Lampetra planeri, sterlet Acipenser ruthenus, bystryanka Alburnoides bipunctatus rossicus, asp Aspius aspius, undermouth Chondrostoma variabile, bitterling Rhodeus sericeus, and fresh-water sculpin Cottus gobio koshewnikowi). Their morphological characters, distribution in the Upper Oka basin relative abundances of these species, and its changes during recent decades are also commented.  相似文献   

The phasianid genera Perdix, Plioperdix, and Bantamyx from the Neogene of Mongolia and Transbaikalia are reviewed. Based on published data and new material, the diagnoses of Late Pliocene Perdix margaritae Kurochkin and Plioperdix ponticus (Tugarinov) and Late Miocene Bantamyx georgicus Kurochkin are emended. It is shown that a tarsometatarsus from the Upper Miocene of the Pavlodar locality belongs to the genus Palaeoperdix rather than Palaeortyx, as was proposed in the previous studies. Small Neogene Asian phasianids are compared in detail with Neogene taxa from Europe and extant genera.  相似文献   

New caddisflies, reculid and eoblattid insects from the Mesozoic of Asia are described. Caddisflies of the families Philopotamidae (Mesoviatrix paradoxa gen. et sp. nov. and Kempia piotri gen. et sp. nov.) and Polycentropodidae (Polylongevus eskovi gen. et sp. nov.) from the Upper Jurassic–Lower Cretaceous of the Kempendyai locality in Yakutia are described. A short review and comparison of fossil members in these families are provided. New Gryllones insects, Shurabia tanga sp. nov., Sauk batkenicus gen. et sp. nov. from the Sauk Tan’ga locality (Lower Jurassic of Kyrgyzstan), Say kirgizicus gen. et sp. nov. from the Shurab III locality (Reculida: Geinitziidae; Lower or Middle Jurassic of Kyrgyzstan) Griphopteron iya sp. nov. (Eoblattida: Blattogryllidae) from Iya locality (Middle Jurassic of Russia) are described.  相似文献   

A new genus and four new species are described from the Upper Mesozoic locality of Khasurty, Western Transbaikalia: Mesobaetis crispa sp. nov. and Proameletus branchiatus sp. nov. from the family Siphlonuridae s. l., Furvoneta khasurtensis sp. nov. from Mesonetidae, and Baikalogenites firmus gen. et sp. nov. from the family Hexagenitidae. One poorly preserved specimen is identified as Mesogenesia from the family Mickoleitiidae. The unique mayfly generic assemblage of this locality, its possible age, and ecology are discussed.  相似文献   

Locustoblattina segmentata gen. et sp. nov. and L. marginata gen. et sp. nov., new members of the family Mesorthopteridae (Eoblattida) are described from the Middle Triassic of the Madygen locality (Ladinian Stage of the Kyrgyzstan). New members of the Alexarasniidae (Embiida), Alexarasnia limbata Aristov, sp. nov. and Nestorembia shcherbakovi sp. nov., are described from the Upper Permian Isady locality in the Vologda Region and the Madygen locality, respectively. Parastenaropodites fluxa Storozhenko, 1996 (Mesorthopteridae) is redescribed from Madygen. The origin of webspinners from within the Permian eoblattids and the composition of the superorder Blattidea are discussed.  相似文献   

Five new species of sepulcids (Hymenoptera: Sepulcidae) are described from the Lower Cretaceous of Transbaikalia and Mongolia (localities Khasurty, Baissa, and Bon-Tsagan). The new species belong to the subfamilies Ghilarellinae and Trematothoracinae: Ghilarella alexialis sp. nov., G. masculina sp. nov., Trematothorax zhangi sp. nov., T. brachyurus sp. nov., and T. extravenosus sp. nov. The genus Trematothoracoides Zhang et al., 2001 (syn. nov.) is synonymized with Trematothorax Rasnitsyn, 1988. A complete list of species of Sepulcidae is provided.  相似文献   

Research on the Morava River floodplain mosquito fauna was carried out from April to October in 2009 and 2010. Altogether, 5864 adults were collected and identified from 12 selected sites. The presence of 28 mosquito species belonging to 6 genera were confirmed in the study area. The floodplain of the Morava River is known for its frequent inundation every year. The floods are quite irregular and often followed by the mass production of mosquitoes. The most abundant species were Aedes vexans (41.4%), Ae. cinereus (7.5%), Ae. rossicus (16.7%), Ochlerotatus sticticus (20.5%), and Culex pipiens (3.1%). Ae. vexans and Oc. sticticus are typical outbreak species for the Morava River floodplain. The years 2009 and 2010 differed in the number of floods, which influenced the mosquito faunal composition and abundance during the year.  相似文献   

One new genus, two new subgenera, and eight new species from Ecuador, Brazil, and Venezuela are described. The former genus Hattersleya Nischk et Otte is considered as a subgenus of the genus Neoacla Des. Acla multivenosa Chop., A. reticulata Chop., A. vicina Chop., Selvacla choreutes Otte, S. salvator Otte, S. alsiosus Otte, and S. sophos Otte are transferred to the genus Neoacla, and Desutteria epiplatys Nischk et Otte, to the genus Silvastella Des.-Gr. New data on the geographical and ecological distribution of some species are given.  相似文献   

New data on the distribution and taxonomy of some species of click-beetles in Russia and adjacent countries are given. Several species are recorded for the first time for the following territories: Brachygonus bouyoni (Chass.), B. dubius (Plat. et Cate) and Zorochros lewisi (Schw.), for Russia; Sericus sulcipennis (Baudi), for Ukraine; Berninelsonius hyperboreus (Gyll.), Cidnopus parallelus (Motsch.), and Limonius poneli Les. et Mertl., for Kazakhstan. New interesting findings of Sericus sulcipennis and Selatosomus songoricus (Kr.) are reported. Comments on some erroneous faunistic records of several elaterids, including some species from Middle Asia, are made. The following new synonymy is established: Haterumelater fulvago (Marseul, {dy1868}) = Elater tauricola Gurjeva, 1957, syn. n. Notes on the variability of Selatosomus latus (F.) are given, and its conspecificity with S. corpulentus (Cand.) is confirmed. The external morphology and genitalia of the little known Selatosomus nanus Gur. are studied, and the systematic position of this species is discussed.  相似文献   

All known extinct species of Mesozoic and Cenozoic weevils are listed. Ten species of Obrienioidea and 895 Curculionoidea species are recognized, including 88 Nemonychidae, 43 Anthribidae, 44 Ithyceridae, 65 Scolytidae, 12 Belidae, 67 Brentidae, 508 Curcuionidae, 45 Rhynchitidae, six Attelabidae, and 16 Platypodidae. The Triassic beds have yielded six fossil species; Jurassic, 64; Jurassic–Cretaceous boundary, 2; Cretaceous, 105; Paleogene, 510; Neogene, 190; and Pleistocene–Holocene, 22 (5 are synonyms). A new subfamily, Montsecbelinae Legalov, subfam. nov. (with the type genus Montsecbelus Zherikhin et Gratshev, 1997); the new tribes Cretochoragini Legalov, trib. nov. (with the type genus Cretochoragus Soriano et al., 2006), Montsecanomalini Legalov, trib. nov. (with the type genus Montsecanomalus Soriano et al., 2006), Montsecbelini Legalov, trib. nov. (with the type genus Montsecbelus Zherikhin et Gratshev, 1997), Gratshevibelini Legalov, trib. nov. (with the type genus Gratshevibelus Soriano, 2009), Davidibelini Legalov, trib. nov. (with the type genus Davidibelus Zherikhin et Gratshev, 2004); the new genera Allandroides Legalov, gen. nov. (with the type species Allandroides vossi Legalov, sp. nov.), Baissabrenthorhinus Legalov, gen. nov. (with the type species Baissabrenthorhinus mirabilis Legalov, sp. nov.), Ithyceroides Legalov, gen. nov. (with the type species Ithyceroides klondikensis Legalov, sp. nov.), Furhylobius Legalov, gen. nov. (with the type species Furhylobius troesteri Legalov, sp. nov.), Electrauletes Legalov, gen. nov. (with the type species Electrauletes unicus Legalov, sp. nov.); new species Allandroides vossi Legalov, sp. nov. (Baltic amber), Glaesotropis gusakovi Legalov, sp. nov. (Baltic amber), G. succiniferus Legalov, sp. nov. (Baltic amber), G. alleni Legalov, sp. nov. (Baltic amber), G. gratshevi Legalov, sp. nov. (Baltic amber), Baissabrenthorhinus mirabilis Legalov, sp. nov. (Baissa locality), Ithyceroides klondikensis Legalov, sp. nov. (Republic Graben locality), Melanapion poinari Legalov, sp. nov. (Baltic amber), M. gusakovi Legalov, sp. nov. (Baltic amber), Furhylobius troesteri Legalov, sp. nov. (Mors locality), Baltocar convexus Legalov, sp. nov. (Baltic amber), and Electrauletes unicus Legalov, sp. nov. (Baltic amber) are newly described.  相似文献   

A new species, Dienerella kerzhneri, was described from Kazakhstan. Four species are recorded from new localities: Enicmus atriceps Hansen (recorded from Belarus), Melanophthalma sericea (Mann.) and Migneauxia crassiuscula (Aubé) (the Ukraine), and Corticarina obfuscata Strand (the Caucasus).  相似文献   

The lizard family Hodzhakuliidae (Scincomorpha) endemic to the Early Cretaceous of Central Asia is characterized in the light of finds from the Khoobur (Höövör) locality in Mongolia. Available material includes Hodzhakulia magna Nessov, 1985 described from the Upper Albian of Uzbekistan and three new genera and species. It is proposed that Hodzhakuliidae occupied the adaptive zone of small carnivorous predators before the appearance of Platynota.  相似文献   

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