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The phenology of tree species in environments that are subject to strong climatic seasonality is mainly determined by water availability, which may vary as a function of wood density. The relationship among phenology, water potential, wood density and the capacity of water storage in the stem were determined for woody species of caatinga vegetation (dry forest) in the semiarid region of NE Brazil. Leaf flush and fall, flowering and fruiting events were recorded over a 31-month period, and the water potential was measured over a two-year period. These data were related to precipitation, water availability in the soil and photoperiod. Seven deciduous species exhibited low wood density (DLWD,?<0.5?g?cm?3), high capacity of water storage in the stem (until 250?% of the dry weight) and high water potential during the year, as opposed to 15 deciduous species that showed high wood density (DHWD,?≥0.5?g?cm?3). Leaf flush, flowering and the fruiting of DHWD species were related to precipitation, whereas these phenological events occurred at the end of the dry season and/or the beginning of the rainy season for DLWD species and were related to the photoperiod. The two evergreen species showed variations of water potential that were intermediate between those of DHWD and DLWD deciduous species, leaf flush during the dry season and flowering at the end of dry season. These results suggest the existence of three functional groups: evergreen species, DHWD deciduous species and DLWD deciduous species.  相似文献   

Tall fescue [Lolium arundinaceum (Schreb.) Darbysh.] often benefits in terms of productivity and persistence when infected with Neotyphodium coenophialum ([Morgan-Jones and Gams], Glenn, Bacon, and Hanlin) endophyte, but the influence of novel non-ergogenic endophytes is unclear. We conducted a field experiment using container-grown tall fescue plants to determine how plants allocated resources when clipped repeatedly in microsites differing in the amount of available light associated with open (full sun), and partially shaded (about 20 or 40% of full sun) conditions. Plants of the same tall fescue cultivar (Jesup) were host to either a native or novel non-ergogenic fungal endophyte (MaxQ™), or were devoid of endophyte. Seedlings of plants infected with the novel endophyte had slower germination, germinated later, and allocated more photosynthate to shoots than roots, when compared to J− or J+ plants. Herbage production of undisturbed canopies was not influenced by host–endophyte association within a microsite, with more herbage produced at the open than at the heavily shaded site. Clipping plants to a 5- or a 10-cm residue height tended to accentuate differences, with diminished productivity and greater variability occurring when plants were maintained at 5 cm. This trend was supported by allometric resource allocation patterns, and in terms of vegetative propagule mass relative to the number of propagules. Tall fescue, irrespective of host–endophyte association, grown as forage in silvopastoral situations should be managed to maintain no less than a 10-cm residual plant height. Trends in photosynthate allocation and plant size might influence persistence and should be investigated for more than two growing seasons.  相似文献   

Key recent developments in litter decomposition research are reviewed. Long-term inter-site experiments indicate that temperature and moisture influence early rates of litter decomposition primarily by determining the plants present, suggesting that climate change effects will be small unless they alter the plant forms present. Thresholds may exist at which single factors control decay rate. Litter decomposes faster where the litter type naturally occurs. Elevated CO2 concentrations have little effect on litter decomposition rates. Plant tissues are not decay-resistant; it is microbial and biochemical transformations of materials into novel recalcitrant compounds rather than selective preservation of recalcitrant compounds that creates stable organic matter. Altering single characteristics of litter will not substantially alter decomposition rates. Nitrogen addition frequently leads to greater stabilization into humus through a combination of chemical reactions and enzyme inhibition. To sequester more C in soil, we need to consider not how to slow decomposition, but rather how to divert more litter into humus through microbial and chemical reactions rather than allowing it to decompose. The optimal strategy is to have litter transformed into humic substances and then chemically or physically protected in mineral soil. Adding N through fertilization and N-fixing plants is a feasible means of stimulating humification.  相似文献   

Sensitivity to habitat fragmentation often has been examined in terms of thresholds in landscape composition at which a species is likely to occur. Observed thresholds often have been low or absent, however, leaving much unexplained about habitat selection beyond initial thresholds of occurrence, even for species with strong habitat preferences. We examined responses to varying amounts of tree cover, a widely influential measure of habitat loss, for 40 woodland bird species in a mixed woodland/grassland landscape in eastern North Dakota, USA. We used LOESS smoothing to describe incidence for each species at three scales: within 200, 400, and 1200 m around sample locations. For the 200‐m scale, we also calculated the most‐preferred range of tree cover (within which at least half of observations were predicted to occur) for each species. Only 10 of 40 species had occurrence thresholds greater than about 10% tree cover. After initial occurrence, species showed three general patterns: some increased monotonically with tree cover; some increased up to an asymptote; some peaked at intermediate amounts of tree cover and then declined. These patterns approximate selection for interior woodlands and for edge‐rich environments, but incidence plots provide greater detail in landscape‐scale selection than do those categories. For most species, patterns persisted at larger scales, but for some, larger scales had distinctly different patterns than local scales. Preferred ranges of tree cover varied from <20% tree cover (common grackle, Quiscalus quiscula) to >60% (veery, Catharus fuscescens). We conclude that incidence patterns provide more information on habitat selection than do threshold measures for most species: in particular, they differentiate species preferring concentrated woodlands from those preferring mixed landscapes, and they show contrasting degrees of selectiveness. [Correction added on 16 October 2012, after first online publication: the Abstract section has been reworded].  相似文献   

Spatial patterns and associations of plant species are important for revealing how species interact with each other and with the environment, and hence have important implications for the understanding of species interaction and underlying ecological processes with apparent patterns in temperate desert vegetation. In this paper, the function g (r) was used to characterize the spatial patterns and associations of four dominant woody species in three 1-ha desert plant plots in the desert–oasis ecotone of South Junggar Basin, NW China. The complete spatial randomness null model showed four species exhibited significant aggregations at small scales (<20 m). Anabasis aphylla and Nitraria roborowskii, Haloxylon ammodendron and Reaumuria songarica were spatially positive associations at small scales with the independent null model, while A. aphylla and H. ammodendron, A. aphylla and R. songarica, R. songarica and N. roborowskii species pairs exhibited negative associations at small or moderate scales (20–60 m) in our study. The random labeling null model showed that dead standing plants of A. aphylla were largely determined by the combined effects of intra- and interspecific competition. In addition, the results also indicated that the two main factors of habitat heterogeneity and sandy desertification play important roles in determining spatial distribution patterns and associations of woody species in the desert–oasis ecotone of South Junggar Basin. Thus, the differences of species features in spatial patterns and associations should be paid more attention when planning afforestation and developing conservation strategies.  相似文献   

Size-selective harvesting, where the large individuals of a particular species are preferentially taken, is common in both marine and terrestrial habitats. Preferential removal of larger individuals of a species has been shown to have a negative effect on its demography, life history and ecology, and empirical studies are increasingly documenting such impacts. But determining whether the observed changes represent evolutionary response or phenotypic plasticity remains a challenge. In addition, the problem is not recognized in most management plans for fish and marine invertebrates that still mandate a minimum size restriction. We use examples from both aquatic and terrestrial habitats to illustrate some of the biological consequences of size-selective harvesting and discuss possible future directions of research as well as changes in management policy needed to mitigate its negative biological impacts.  相似文献   

Many plant communities show strong fine‐scale spatiotemporal dynamics due to frequent natality and mortality events. This process is often non‐random, implying that the community can be broken into groups within which species mutually replace each other in time and are distinct from the other such groups. We examined whether such groups fill separate niches and are functionally complementary in a species‐rich mountain grassland. We used cluster analysis of fine‐scale spatial data time series to discern which species were more likely to replace each other in space. Next, a four‐year removal experiment (removing one group in each experimental treatment, or similar amount of biomass across all groups) was used to determine whether simultaneous occurrence of all these groups would maintain a greater total biomass than if an entire group were eliminated. The results do not support the hypothesis that the simultaneous presence of groups of species that replace each other in space is necessary for the community to attain its maximum biomass. However, the experiment showed strong differences among the replacement groups in their capacity for opportunistic behaviour: some groups responded quickly to space made available by removal while others did not. Furthermore, there were strong differences between groups composed primarily of grasses and groups composed primarily of dicots. In spite of the large differences among these groups, they are not functionally complementary. We therefore conclude that replacement processes in this grassland community more closely resemble a neutral process with sets of species differing in the speed at which they fill empty spaces.  相似文献   

Considering the enormous diversity of living organisms, representing mostly untapped resources for studying ecological, ontogenetic and phylogenetic patterns and processes, why should evolutionary biologists concern themselves with the remains of animals and plants that died out tens or even hundreds of millions of years ago? The reason is that important new insights into some of the most vexing evolutionary questions are being revealed at the interfaces of palaeontology, developmental biology and molecular biology. Attempts to synthesise information from these disciplines, however, often encounter their greatest hurdles in considerations of the radiation of the Metazoa. Ongoing challenges relate to the origins of body plans, the relationships of the metazoan phyla and the timing of major evolutionary radiations. Palaeontology not only has its own unique contributions to the study of evolutionary processes, but provides a lynchpin for many of the emerging techniques.  相似文献   

Plant Ecology - Species–habitat associations can be used as a proxy for species niches. Previous research has shown that niche plasticity may increase diversity in plant communities, and that...  相似文献   

We examined the responses of a beetle assemblage to habitat complexity differences within a single habitat type, Sydney sandstone ridgetop woodland, using pitfall and flight‐intercept trapping. Six habitat characters (tree canopy cover, shrub canopy cover, ground herb cover, soil moisture, amount of leaf litter, and amount of logs, rocks and debris) were scored between 0 and 3 using ordinal scales to reflect habitat complexity at survey sites. Pitfall trapped beetles were more species rich and of different composition in high complexity sites, compared with low complexity sites. Species from the Staphylinidae (Aleocharinae sp. 1 and sp. 2), Carabidae (Pamborus alternans Latreille), Corticariidae (Cartodere Thomson sp. 1) and Anobiidae (Mysticephala Ford sp. 1) were most clearly responsible for the compositional differences, preferring high complexity habitat. Affinities between general functional groupings of pitfall‐trapped beetles and habitat variables were not clear at a low taxonomic resolution (family level). The composition and species richness of flight‐intercept‐trapped beetles were similar in high and low complexity sites. Our study demonstrates that discrete responses of the various functional groups of beetles are strongly associated with their feeding habits, indicated by differing habitat components from within overall composite habitat complexity measures. Although habitat preferences by beetle species may often reflect their foraging habits, clarification of the causal mechanisms underpinning the relationships between habitat complexity and beetles are critical for the development of general principles linking habitat, functional roles and diversity.  相似文献   

The behavioural determinants of male mating success play a pivotal role in sexual selection, but remain poorly known for most kinds of organisms, including most reptiles. In Manitoba, Canada, large numbers of red-sided garter snakes, Thamnophis sirtalis parietalis, court and mate in early spring near communal overwintering dens. To understand how a male's morphology and behaviour might influence his mating success, we videotaped 21 groups of snakes each comprising four males of varying body sizes plus a female. All males engaged in courtship, and mating occurred in all groups. Males with better body condition courted more vigorously and successfully than their smaller rivals did. The males that obtained matings were those that maintained their own cloaca closest to that of the female, aligned most of their body with the female, showed high rates of caudocephalic waving, chin pressing and tail searching, and did not allow other males to insert their body beside the female's. These behavioural differences between ‘winners’ and ‘losers’ were apparent from the beginning of each trial. Thus, male mating success in this ‘scramble’ system is determined not by chaotic, stochastic struggle (as has often been inferred) but instead is strongly linked to male courtship tactics. Energy stores (as evidenced by good body condition) may be critical determinants of mating success in these vigorous courtship episodes.  相似文献   

Knowledge on species’ breeding biology is the building blocks of avian life history theory. A review for the current status of the knowledge at a global scale is needed to highlight the priority for future research. We collected all available information on three critical nesting parameters (clutch size, incubation period and nestling period) for the close to 10 000 bird species in the world and identified taxonomic, geographic and habitat gaps in the distribution of knowledge on avian breeding biology. The results show that only one third of all extant species are well known regarding the three nesting parameters analyzed, while the rest are partly or poorly known. Most data deficient taxonomic groups are tropical forest nesters, particularly from the Amazon basin, southeast Asia, Equatorial Africa and Madagascar – the places that harbor the world's highest bird diversity. These knowledge gaps could be hampering our understanding of avian life histories. Ornithologists are encouraged to pay more efforts to explore the breeding biology of those poorly‐known species.  相似文献   

Aim To understand cross‐taxon spatial congruence patterns of bird and woody plant species richness. In particular, to test the relative roles of functional relationships between birds and woody plants, and the direct and indirect environmental effects on broad‐scale species richness of both groups. Location Kenya. Methods Based on comprehensive range maps of all birds and woody plants (native species > 2.5 m in height) in Kenya, we mapped species richness of both groups. We distinguished species richness of four different avian frugivore guilds (obligate, partial, opportunistic and non‐frugivores) and fleshy‐fruited and non‐fleshy‐fruited woody plants. We used structural equation modelling and spatial regressions to test for effects of functional relationships (resource–consumer interactions and vegetation structural complexity) and environment (climate and habitat heterogeneity) on the richness patterns. Results Path analyses suggested that bird and woody plant species richness are linked via functional relationships, probably driven by vegetation structural complexity rather than trophic interactions. Bird species richness was determined in our models by both environmental variables and the functional relationships with woody plants. Direct environmental effects on woody plant richness differed from those on bird richness, and different avian consumer guilds showed distinct responses to climatic factors when woody plant species richness was included in path models. Main conclusions Our results imply that bird and woody plant diversity are linked at this scale via vegetation structural complexity, and that environmental factors differ in their direct effects on plants and avian trophic guilds. We conclude that climatic factors influence broad‐scale tropical bird species richness in large part indirectly, via effects on plants, rather than only directly as often assumed. This could have important implications for future predictions of animal species richness in response to climate change.  相似文献   

In this review, we discuss our studies on the pathogenesis of collagen-induced arthritis (CIA) and related mouse models for rheumatoid arthritis. Of note, these models invariably rely on the use of complete Freund's adjuvant (CFA). Our analysis has focused on explaining the dichotomous - either protective or disease-promoting - role of endogenous IFN-γ. Induction of a myelopoietic burst by CFA was identified as an important and underestimated factor in mediating the role of IFN-γ and other cytokines (IL-6, IL-17, GCP-2, RANK-L). Myelopoiesis provides an excess in precursors for joint-infiltrating neutrophils and osteoclasts. We postulate that classical CIA is primarily an auto-inflammatory disease, in part because of a strong innate immune response to the adjuvant. Superimposed on this, collagen-specific auto-immunity reinforces inflammatory reactivity in joints.  相似文献   

Dietrich B  Wehner R 《Oecologia》2003,136(1):63-72
Two extremely morphologically similar sister species of desert ants, Cataglyphis bicolor and C. savignyi, exhibit broadly overlapping distributional ranges within Tunisia. In order to analyse the microhabitats of C. bicolor and C. savignyi within the sympatric and allopatric areas of both ant species, the plant species located at 113 different nest sites of the two ant species were determined. In the sympatric area, the two species exhibit a clear-cut nest site segregation. This is not the case in the allopatric areas. Hence the two species differentiate their microhabitat only when they are sympatric. The plant species associated mainly with the nest sites of C. bicolor indicate that this species prefers a type of vegetation that needs irrigation. This is in contrast to the nest sites of C. savignyi, which are usually found around plants that characterize typical dry steppe areas. As the ants' foraging paths recorded in the sympatric area reveal, C. bicolor performs significantly shorter foraging runs with respect to both length and time, and covers a much smaller foraging range than C. savignyi does. This result reflects the fact that the microhabitat occupied by the colonies of C. bicolor is richer in food abundance. When direct interspecific interactions were investigated by placing a bait midway between two heterospecific nests, C. bicolor foragers dominated over those of C. savignyi. The same dominance of C. bicolor over C. savignyi occurred in laboratory experiments. These results suggest that the dominant species drives the subordinate one out of the high quality microhabitats, and that the subordinate species is forced to survive in the less lucrative habitats. In conclusion, coexistence seems to be maintained by the asymmetric competitive relationship between the two species and the fact that the subordinate species has the ability to endure in the less favourable microhabitat.  相似文献   

It has been suggested that the 'right' biogeographic patterns will only arise with a species concept reflecting the finest splitting of terminal phylogenetic branches. The significance of taxonomic resolution was assessed using distributional data for all resident African land-birds, held at the Zoological Museum of Copenhagen. The primary database (in a one-degree geographical grid) served as a template for creating two new databases: one, where the distributional records were allocated to species according to the 'Speciation Atlases' for African birds (Hall and Moreau 1970, Snow 1978) and two, according to the finest taxonomic splitting that has since then been suggested in the literature. With this spatial resolution, the species richness pattern is almost exactly the same whether old or new taxonomy is used. The endemism follows another pattern with marked local aggregates. The location of principal aggregates are quite robust to recent splitting, although a slightly more complex structure appears. Also some small new areas of endemism emerge, each with 2–3 narrow endemics. However, large portions of African savannah and lowland rainforest are still characterised by a total lack of narrow endemism. Based on the current understanding of diversification processes and adaptive re-distribution it is suggested that the uneven distribution of narrowly endemic and widespread species will persist even if it were possible, in the future, to define terminal taxa in a consistent way.  相似文献   

Predel R  Gäde G 《Peptides》2005,26(1):3-9
The primary structures and molecular mass data of neuropeptides that are released from major neuroendocrine sites of the American cockroach, Periplaneta americana, are well known. In the current study we extensively surveyed neuropeptides of the corpora cardiaca, the corpora allata and the abdominal perisympathetic organs, from 14 related cockroach species belonging to the family Blattidae. Mainly, this survey was executed by using mass spectrometric methods (MALDI-TOF MS). Peptides which appeared to be modified, as judged from their mass data and comparison with known data from P. americana, were fragmented by means of the post-source decay technique to determine their amino acid sequence. Single organ preparations sufficed to reveal the peptide pattern in neurohemal organs and to identify species-specific modifications, making it possible to glean information also from tissues of less abundant species that were caught during field trips. The peptide inventory described in this study is very typical of cockroaches of the family Blattidae and clearly separates this taxon from other taxa of cockroaches. The majority of neuropeptides was identical in all investigated species. Some peptides, however, displayed remarkable variations in their sequence which hint to a differential rate of modification among peptides of the same neuropeptide family. These modifications serve to distinguish further relatedness of taxa within the Blattidae.  相似文献   

印度特莱东部林地-草地系统中非生物和空间变量对木本和草本物种丰度的影响 目前尚不清楚哪些环境因素决定了热带稀树草原特别是在潮湿地带的林地和草地镶嵌处的林地和草地的物种多度。基于此,本研究探究了非生物和空间变量对印度东北部的台拉河生态系统木本和草本物种分布的影响,评估了气候和非气候因素在整个景观中保持可变的树草比和空间连通性和分散性的相对重要性。在519 km2的受保护的特莱栖息地中随机建立了134个30 m × 30 m的抽样样方,并调查了每个样方的木本和草本植物的物种多度和气候,以及非气候环境因素。基于不同的地点空间连通性模型,通过构建变量检验气候和非气候环境因素对物种多度的影响。使用冗余分析和方差分解定量解析环境变量和空间结构对林地和草地物种多度的相对重要性。研究结果表明,降雨、火灾、水分胁迫、地形和土壤养分在内的环境变量对物种多度和林草比有显著的影响。空间结构显著,最佳空间模型为反距离加权模型(inverse distance-weighted model), 而且显示最大的空间扩散距离可以达到23.5 km,表明扩散限制较弱。约21%的物种多度变化能够被环境和空间因素解释。这些结果揭示了植物群落动态的决定因素,即环境因子的时空变化可能驱动物种分布和多度的随机性,并对植被镶嵌产生主导影响。  相似文献   

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