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Traditionally, male parental effort and mate attraction effortare expected to be in conflict as they compete for the sameresource budget. However, the quality of care provided by themale may be of a direct benefit to females and may provide animportant mate choice cue. In a laboratory experiment, we examinedhow males modified their parental behavior with respect to matingopportunity by allowing male sand gobies to mate with a singlefemale either in a big or small nest (a constraint on futuremating potential). We then exposed half of these males to thevisual stimulus from additional females and recorded male eggfanning and nest building (two components of care), courtshipbehavior, and reproductive success through out the brood cycle.We found that males fanned longer and more frequently and didmore nest construction in the presence of females and in bignests. Males guarding large nests courted females more thandid males guarding small nests. All males consumed eggs duringthe brood cycle, but complete clutch cannibalism was most frequentwhen males were guarding small nests in the absence of females.The pattern of filial cannibalism that we observed suggeststhat males prematurely terminated care when their reproductivepotential was low, that is, when there was little nest spacefor additional mating and no mates present. We found no supportfor a trade-off between mate attraction and parental care. Indeed,taken together our results suggest that males may use parentalcare as a courtship strategy and that males who invest in mateattraction also have higher parental effort.  相似文献   

DNA metabarcoding can contribute to improving cost‐effectiveness and accuracy of biological assessments of aquatic ecosystems, but significant optimization and standardization efforts are still required to mainstream its application into biomonitoring programmes. In assessments based on freshwater macroinvertebrates, a key challenge is that DNA is often extracted from cleaned, sorted and homogenized bulk samples, which is time‐consuming and may be incompatible with sample preservation requirements of regulatory agencies. Here, we optimize and evaluate metabarcoding procedures based on DNA recovered from 96% ethanol used to preserve field samples and thus including potential PCR inhibitors and nontarget organisms. We sampled macroinvertebrates at five sites and subsampled the preservative ethanol at 1 to 14 days thereafter. DNA was extracted using column‐based enzymatic (TISSUE) or mechanic (SOIL) protocols, or with a new magnetic‐based enzymatic protocol (BEAD), and a 313‐bp COI fragment was amplified. Metabarcoding detected at least 200 macroinvertebrate taxa, including most taxa detected through morphology and for which there was a reference barcode. Better results were obtained with BEAD than SOIL or TISSUE, and with subsamples taken 7–14 than 1–7 days after sampling, in terms of DNA concentration and integrity, taxa diversity and matching between metabarcoding and morphology. Most variation in community composition was explained by differences among sites, with small but significant contributions of subsampling day and extraction method, and negligible contributions of extraction and PCR replication. Our methods enhance reliability of preservative ethanol as a potential source of DNA for macroinvertebrate metabarcoding, with a strong potential application in freshwater biomonitoring.  相似文献   

Theory suggests that range edge populations of invading plants and animals may experience runaway selection for increased dispersal ability. This theory has been supported by field data for cane toads in Australia, and for Senecio inaequidens in Europe. In this study, we asked whether range edge populations of Senecio madagascariensis (Asteraceae), an invasive plant in eastern Australia, displayed higher dispersal ability that did populations from the established range. We measured 1363 diaspores from 33 populations. There was no significant difference in dispersal potential between populations from the range edge, and those from the established range (P = 0.19). We also used a glasshouse study to determine whether the range edge populations differed from populations in the established range in three critical life history traits: germination success, plant size and time to first reproduction. The only significant difference was for higher germination in range edge populations. The null result for dispersal ability is excellent news for land managers, as this is the first published evidence that selection for ever‐increasing dispersal rates is not ubiquitous in invading populations.  相似文献   

Aims Why invasive plants are more competitive in their introduced range than native range is still an unanswered question in plant invasion ecology. Here, we used the model invasive plant Solidago canadensis to test a hypothesis that enhanced production of allelopathic compounds results in greater competitive ability of invasive plants in the invaded range rather than in the native range. We also examined the degree to which the allelopathy contributes increased competitive ability of S. canadensis in the invaded range.Methods We compared allelochemical production by S. canadensis growing in its native area (the USA) and invaded area (China) and also by populations that were collected from the two countries and grown together in a 'common garden' greenhouse experiment. We also tested the allelopathic effects of S. canadensis collected from either the USA or China on the germination of Kummerowia striata (a native plant in China). Finally, we conducted a common garden, greenhouse experiment in which K. striata was grown in monoculture or with S. canadensis from the USA or China to test the effects of allelopathy on plant–plant competition with suitable controls such as adding activated carbon to the soil to absorb the allelochemicals and thereby eliminating any corresponding allopathic effects.Important findings Allelochemical contents (total phenolics, total flavones and total saponins) and allelopathic effects were greater in S. canadensis sampled from China than those from the USA as demonstrated in a field survey and a common garden experiment. Inhibition of K. striata germination using S. canadensis extracts or previously grown in soil was greater using samples from China than from the USA. The competitive ability of S. canadensis against K. striata was also greater for plants originating from China than those from the USA. Allelopathy could explain about 46% of the difference. These findings demonstrated that S. canadensis has evolved to be more allelopathic and competitive in the introduced range and that allelopathy significantly contributes to increased competitiveness for this invasive species.  相似文献   

Recent studies have reported conflicting evidence about correlations between seed size and plant species geographic range sizes. Using phylogenetically independent contrasts (PICs) within genera, we found no consistent differences in reserve mass between species with similar dispersal morphology and «wide>> versus «narrow>> geographic ranges. There was also no tendency within genera for broad ranged species to be those that allocate a larger percentage of the resources invested in each diaspora to dispersal structures. PICs were also constructed between species having a tenfold difference in seed size. In these PICs, the larger seeded species often occupied a greater number of regions than species with smaller seed sizes. This result was generated primarily through the comparison of species from different genera, families or higher level taxa which differed not only in seed mass but also in dispersal modes and growth forms. Finally, comparing species within Acacia and Eucalyptus having similar seed size but different dispersal modes, we found that bird dispersal (in Acacia ) and possession of a wing for wind dispersal (in Eucalyptus ) was associated with wider geographic range compared to lower-investment dispersal modes. Taken together, these comparisons indicate that seed size is not itself important as a factor influencing breadth of geographic range. Dispersal mode and growth form may have an influence, however, and seed size differences may be associated with contrasts in dispersal mode or growth form.  相似文献   

Background: Species undergoing range expansion adapt to novel and stressful environments at range fronts. These adaptations of the edge populations may incur fitness costs. These costs may play a crucial role in stopping range expansion before absolute physiological and evolutionary limits were reached. Costs however have proven to be elusive. These may be specifically expressed under competition.

Aims: Here, we assessed the costs of adaptation in range-edge populations of an invasive plant by evaluating plant responses under competition.

Methods: We grew plants from range-centre and edge populations under competition treatments in a glasshouse. We predicted that plants from the range-edge would express lower reproductive efficiency under competition compared with centre population plants, and this would indicate a potentially maladaptive response.

Results: Under high competition, plants from the range-edge expressed lower reproductive efficiency relative to range-centre plants which supported our prediction. In addition, they were more heavily affected by competition.

Conclusions: Adaptation to novel environments at the range-edge has incurred a cost as a potentially maladaptive response under competition, which may contribute to the formation of the range-edge. This finding suggests that these costs likely form part of the classic trade-offs involved with stress-tolerance and may have effects on range evolution.  相似文献   

Aim Long‐distance dispersal is important for plant population dynamics at larger spatial scales, but our understanding of this phenomenon is mostly based on computer modelling rather than field data. This paper, by combining field data and a simulation model, quantifies the fraction of the seed of the alien species Heracleum mantegazzianum that needs to disperse over a long distance for successful invasion. Location Central Europe, Czech Republic. Methods To assess the role of random dispersal in long‐term population dynamics of the studied species, we combined longitudinal data covering 50 years of the invasion of this plant from its very start, inferred from a series of aerial photographs of 60‐ha plots, with data on population dynamics at a fine scale of 10‐m2 plots. Results A simulation model based on field data indicates that the fraction of seed that is dispersed from source plants not described by the short‐distance dispersal kernel ranges from 0.1 to 7.5% of the total seed set. The fraction of long‐distance dispersed seed that provides the best prediction of the observed spread was significantly negatively correlated with the percentage of habitats suitable for invasion. Main conclusions Our results indicate that the fraction of seeds that needed to be dispersed over long distances to account for the observed invasion dynamics decreased with increasing proportion of invasible habitats, indicating that the spatial pattern of propagule pressure differs in landscapes prone to invasion. Long‐distance dispersal is an important component of the population dynamics of an invasive species even at relatively small scales.  相似文献   

Seed dispersal by vertebrate animals is important for the establishment of many fleshy-fruited plant species. Different frugivorous species can provide different seed dispersal services according to their specific dietary preferences as well as behaviour and body traits (e.g. body size and beak size of birds). Our aim was to study redundancies and complementarities in seed dispersal and germination between the two main native seed disperser birds and the introduced silver pheasant Lophura nycthemera in the temperate Patagonian forests. For this, we collected fresh droppings from the studied species and analyzed seed content. We conducted germination trials for four plant species common in bird droppings; two native species (Aristotelia chilensis and Rhaphithamnus spinosus) and two invasive non-native species (Rubus ulmifolius and Rosa rubiginosa). Both native frugivorous birds and the silver pheasant dispersed fruits of non- native fleshy-fruited plants, but their roles were non-redundant in terms of species dispersed and effect on seed germination. The silver pheasant dispersed a proportionally high number of non-native seeds, while native birds dispersed a high number of native seeds. In addition, the effect of gut treatment in seed germination differed between seed dispersers. Native birds promoted the germination for the two native plant species studied, while the silver pheasant promoted the germination of one non-native plant. This suggests that seed dispersal by the silver pheasant may contribute to the spread of some invasive fleshy-fruited plants in the ecosystems that otherwise would not be dispersed by any other bird. The understanding of redundancies and complementarities on seed dispersal and germination between native and introduced birds will allow improving the management of fleshy-fruited non-native plants.  相似文献   

Abstract Cryptostegia grandiflora and Ziziphus mauritiana are exotic shrubs that are invading tropical woodlands of northern Australia. Although they are widespread, they currently occupy only small proportions of their respective potential ranges. Large C. grandiflora can produce more than 8000 wind-dispersed seeds in a single reproductive episode and can set seed at least twice per year. More than 90% of seeds will germinate within 10 days of moisture becoming available. Few, if any, seeds survive for more than 12 months in the soil. Large Z. mauritiana can produce more than 5000 fruits per year. The fruit is a drupe that contains a single seed (sometimes two) enclosed in a woody endocarp. Less than 10% of fresh seeds will germinate without removal of the endocarp. Removal of the endocarp increased germination to 56%. Less than 10% of seeds of Z. mauritiana remain viable after burial in the soil for 12 months. Seeds of Z. mauritiana are dispersed by several mammalian vectors, including wallabies and feral pigs, but domestic cattle are probably the major means by which large numbers of seeds reach new sites. Propagules pass intact through the digestive tract of cattle, feral pigs and wallabies and contain viable seeds that germinate more readily than seed in fresh intact fruits. Controlling movement of cattle that have had recent access to mature fruit of Z. mauritiana could significantly reduce the likelihood of new infestations. For both species, management that reduces seed production will be important for containing spread.  相似文献   

Boiga irregularis , a snake native to Australasia, is a biologically invasive species that has become established on Guam and threatens to spread to other Pacific Islands. In eastern Queensland, we found that the snake breeds seasonally and gonadal development of males and females is temporally dissociated in time. Although the period of mating in this snake is not known, these data suggest that obligatory sperm storage in the reproductive tract occurs during the reproductive cycle. Such sperm storage may partially explain the success of this species as a biological invader.  相似文献   

In response to novel selection pressures in an introduced range, non-native species may evolve more competitive phenotypes unique from those of their native range. We examined the existence of an invasive phenotype in the herbaceous perennial Artemisia vulgaris, a frequent invader of the Northeast and Mid-Atlantic US. Populations from both the native (European) and the introduced (North American) ranges were grown in intra-specific competition (same population), inter-specific competition with the native perennial herb Solidago canadensis, and alone in a common garden to quantify shifts in resource allocation and neighbor effects on performance and competitive ability. Without competition, introduced A. vulgaris populations were much shorter than native populations, but germinated earlier, produced more ramets, more belowground and total biomass, and maintained higher root-to-shoot ratios. Under inter- and intra-specific competitions, introduced A. vulgaris populations were shorter, but produced more ramets, belowground, and total biomass than native populations. S. canadensis belowground and total biomass were more highly suppressed by introduced than native A. vulgaris. Our data suggest that since the introduction to North America, A. vulgaris has evolved a more competitive invasive phenotype characterized by many short ramets with more extensive root/rhizome networks. This rapid evolutionary shift likely benefits A. vulgaris in its introduced range by allowing establishment and subsequent dominance in dense stands of existing vegetation.  相似文献   

Above- and below-ground enemies have prominent influence on plant invasions, and increasing evidence has shown that plant invasions are also affected by inter- or intraspecific interactions between individual plants. However, how these two factors interactively affect plant invasions has rarely been tested. Here, we examined the response of the invasive plant Alternanthera philoxeroides (Mart.) Griseb. to above- and below-ground enemies at varying plant densities in a greenhouse experiment in Wuhan, China. We found that both above- and below-ground enemies decreased the plant total and root mass at individual and population levels, but that of the two, below-ground enemies had a greater effect than above-ground enemies, and that the two guilds of enemies acted additively on the plant. However, their impacts decreased as the plant density increased, due to enhanced plant tolerance to both guilds of enemies. The increased plant tolerance may result from changes in plant resource allocation patterns, corresponding to a positive linear relationship between the ratio of fine root mass to total root mass and plant density. Given that forming dense monocultures in their new ranges is one of the most important characteristics of invasive plants, we propose that the high compensatory ability at dense monocultures may be an important mechanism underlying exotic species invasion.  相似文献   

Aim Species capable of vigorous growth under a wide range of environmental conditions should have a higher chance of becoming invasive after introduction into new regions. High performance across environments can be achieved either by constitutively expressed traits that allow for high resource uptake under different environmental conditions or by adaptive plasticity of traits. Here we test whether invasive and non‐invasive species differ in presumably adaptive plasticity. Location Europe (for native species); the rest of the world and North America in particular (for alien species). Methods We selected 14 congeneric pairs of European herbaceous species that have all been introduced elsewhere. One species of each pair is highly invasive elsewhere in the world, particularly so in North America, whereas the other species has not become invasive or has spread only to a limited degree. We grew native plant material of the 28 species under shaded and non‐shaded conditions in a common garden experiment, and measured biomass production and morphological traits that are frequently related to shade tolerance and avoidance. Results Invasive species had higher shoot–root ratios, tended to have longer leaf‐blades, and produced more biomass than congeneric non‐invasive species both under shaded and non‐shaded conditions. Plants responded to shading by increasing shoot–root ratios and specific leaf area. Surprisingly, these shade‐induced responses, which are widely considered to be adaptive, did not differ between invasive and non‐invasive species. Main conclusions We conclude that high biomass production across different light environments pre‐adapts species to become invasive, and that this is not mediated by plasticities of the morphological traits that we measured.  相似文献   

Summary One of the foremost technical issues addressed in reintroduction and restoration projects is the feasibility of establishing living plants. To advance the recovery process, the germination requirements of 201 threatened Western Australian seed‐bearing taxa representing a range of life forms, families and ecophysiological characteristics were studied. Procedures used to stimulate germination in otherwise dormant seed involved pretreatment using thermal shock, scarification, seed coat removal, soaking in an aqueous smoke solution and/or additions of the growth hormone gibberellic acid (GA3). Sixty‐one taxa germinated under the basic trial conditions of light (12‐ h photoperiod), temperature (constant 15°C) and moisture, without additional pretreatments. These taxa were generally those with canopy‐stored seeds in the families Proteaceae and Casuarinaceae, and small‐seeded taxa in Myrtaceae. Taxa with soil‐stored seeds required single or multiple cues to stimulate germination. Seeds in the families Fabaceae and Mimosaceae were dependent on cracking of the seed coat, mechanically through nicking of the testa or through thermal shock, as were several non‐leguminous species of the Sterculiaceae and Liliaceae. Complete or partial removal of seed coats, in conjunction with GA3 enhanced germination percentage in some taxa of the Myoporaceae, Lamiaceae and Myrtaceae. Application of GA3 also enhanced germination percentage in members of the Epacridaceae. Several taxa previously stimulated by aqueous smoke solutions were equally responsive to additions of GA3 after complete seed coat removal. In general, species with seed weights greater than 10 mg germinated better under a range of conditions than those with lighter seeds. There was no difference in germinability between resprouter and seeder species, and no obvious relationship between seed weight and germination rate. In the light of previous studies these results indicate that the relationship between germination requirements and ecophysiological characteristics is similar for both threatened and common species. These data will enable better prediction of likely dormancy breaking cues for other related species and will greatly assist the process of recovery and restoration work for mining operations and community bushland regeneration as well as single species reintroductions.  相似文献   

Harris  Mark R.  Facelli  José M. 《Plant Ecology》2003,167(1):19-29
The last decade has seen spirited debates about how resource availability affect the intensity of competition. This paper examines the effect that a dominant introduced species, Carrichtera annua, has upon the winter annual community in the arid chenopod shrublands of South Australia. Manipulative field experiments were conducted to assess plant community response to changing below-ground resource levels and to the manipulation of the density of C. annua. Changes in the density of C. annua had little effect on the abundance of all other species in the guild. Nutrient addition produced an increase in the biomass of the most abundant native species, Crassula colorata. An analysis of the root distribution of the main species suggested that the areas of soil resource capture of C. annua and C. colorata are largely segregated. Our results suggest that intraspecific competition may be stronger than interspecific competition, controlling the species responses to increased resource availability. The results are consistent with a two-phase resource dynamics systems, with pulses of high resource availability triggering growth, followed by pulses of stress. Smaller plants were nutrient limited under natural field conditions, suggesting that stress experienced during long interpulse phases may override competitive effects after short pulse phases. The observed differences in root system structure will determine when plants of a different species are experiencing a pulse or an interpulse phase. We suggest that the limitations to plant recruitment and growth are the product of a complex interplay between the length and intensity of the pulse of resource availability, the duration and severity of the interpulse periods, and biological characters of the species.  相似文献   

A shift in the composition of the herbivore guild in the invasive range is expected to select for plants with a higher competitive ability, a lower regrowth capacity and a lower investment in defence. We show here that parallel evolution took place in three geographically distinct invasive regions that differed significantly in climatic conditions. This makes it most likely that indeed the shifts in herbivore guilds were causal to the evolutionary changes. We studied competitive ability and regrowth of invasive and native Jacobaea vulgaris using an intraspecific competition set‐up with and without herbivory. Without herbivores invasive genotypes have a higher competitive ability than native genotypes. The invasive genotypes were less preferred by the generalist Mamestra brassicae but more preferred by the specialist Tyria jacobaeae, consequently their competitive ability was significantly increased by the first and reduced by the latter. Invasive genotypes showed a lower regrowth ability in both herbivore treatments.  相似文献   

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