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Although there are populations of puku antelope Kobusvardoni (Livingstone) scattered throughout eastern and centralAfrica, it is estimated that 75% of the total population is now restricted tothe Kilombero Valley, Tanzania. The Kilombero Valley is an area rich inagricultural potential and natural resources; wildlife populations are also highand the inner valley is a Game Controlled Area, although this only provideslimited protection. Aerial surveys during the 1989, 1994 and 1998 dry seasonsshowed the puku population to be stable at around50000–60000 animals. Livestock populations fluctuated, butincreased from 17309 ± 6487 to 54047 ±17247 over the same period. Signs of human activity (e.g. huts, fieldsand livestock) were highest around the edge of the Game Controlled Area,indicating intense pressure on 'boundary-zone' habitats at thefloodplain–woodland interface. Puku use 'boundary-zone'habitats during the wet season when large areas of grassland are flooded.Potential threats to the puku population are therefore likely due to habitatdegradation through over-grazing by domestic herbivores, agriculturalencroachment, and the expansion of human settlements. Licensed trophyhunting probably has a negligible impact on puku because of very low off-take, but illegalhunting represents a serious threat near human settlements during thewet season and in accessible parts of the floodplain during the dry season.  相似文献   

There are few quantitative estimates of numbers of Africa's endangered grey crowned cranes (Balearica regulorum), yet conservation of this species will depend on such estimates. We used line-transect distance sampling on multiple 2-km segments of an existing road network to estimate the abundance of grey crowned cranes in a portion of the Ngorongoro Crater, Tanzania, during the wet (April) and dry (August) seasons of 2016. We analysed data from 106 transects on which we observed 174 groups of 1–61 cranes (median and mode = 2). Abundance and density estimates on the areas surveyed were best modelled without group size as a covariate and indicated that mean crane densities were significantly lower in the wet season (2.4/km2) than in the dry season (20.2 cranes/km2). Even based on survey areas of different size, minimum estimated numbers of cranes in the Crater (wet season: 108–133; dry season: 362–401) likely reflect the concentration of cranes in the nonbreeding (dry) season in the perennial wetlands of the Crater and reinforce the notion of the Crater being a key seasonal habitat for crane populations in northern Tanzania, as previously suggested in the literature.  相似文献   

Conventional surveys designed to monitor common and widespread species may fail to adequately track population changes of rare or patchily distributed species that are often of high conservation concern. We evaluated the performance of a new monitoring approach that employs both a spatially balanced sampling design and a targeted survey protocol designed to estimate population trends of one such patchily distributed species, the Golden‐winged Warbler (Vermivora chrysoptera), in the Appalachian Mountains Bird Conservation Region (BCR 28), USA. Our spatially balanced survey consisted of 105 sample quads (one‐quarter Delorme Atlas pages) across the current range of Golden‐winged Warblers within BCR 28, each with five sample points located in early successional habitat. From 2009 to 2013, collaborators visited each sample point once per year during the peak breeding season and conducted a 17‐min survey consisting of passive observation and playback of conspecific songs and mobbing vocalizations. We used multi‐season, single‐species occupancy models to estimate probability of quad occupancy, detection probability, and occupancy dynamics for Golden‐winged Warblers and closely related Blue‐winged Warblers (Vermivora cyanoptera). Our survey protocol resulted in high estimates of detection probability for Golden‐winged (92%) and Blue‐winged (79%) warblers, with 47% and 56% of quads estimated to be initially occupied, respectively. Derived population trend estimates (λ) indicated an average decline in population of 6% for Golden‐winged Warblers and 7% for Blue‐winged Warblers, resulting in estimated 21% and 22% declines, respectively, in quad occupancy after 5 yr. Our results demonstrate that coupling a spatially balanced survey design in appropriate habitat with a playback protocol to increase detection rates is a viable strategy for tracking populations of Golden‐winged Warblers in the Appalachian Mountains BCR. Similar survey methods should be considered for other rare, declining, or patchily distributed bird species that require targeted monitoring.  相似文献   

Questions: How are leaf attributes and relative growth rate (RGR) of the dominant tree species of tropical deciduous forest (TDF) affected by seasonal changes in soil moisture content (SMC)? What is the relationship of functional attributes with each other? Can leaf attributes singly or in combination predict the growth rate of tree species of TDF? Location: Sonebhadra district of Uttar Pradesh, India. Methods: Eight leaf attributes, specific leaf area (SLA); leaf carbon concentration (LCC); leaf nitrogen concentration (LNC); leaf phosphorus concentration (LPC); chlorophyll concentration (Chl), mass‐based stomatal conductance (Gsmass); mass based photosynthetic rate (Amass); intrinsic water use efficiency (WUEi); and relative growth rate (RGR), of six dominant tree species of a dry tropical forest on four sites were analysed for species, site and season effects over a 2‐year period. Step‐wise multiple regression was performed for predicting RGR from mean values of SMC and leaf attributes. Path analysis was used to determine which leaf attributes influence RGR directly and which indirectly. Results: Species differed significantly in terms of all leaf attributes and RGR. The response of species varied across sites and seasons. The attributes were positively interrelated, except for WUEi, which was negatively related to all other attributes. The positive correlation was strongest between Gsmass and Amass and the negative correlation was strongest between Gsmass and WUEi. Differences in RGR due to site were not significant when soil moisture was controlled, but differences due to season remained significant. The attributes showed plasticity across moisture gradients, which differed among attributes and species. Gsmass was the most plastic attribute. Among the six species, Terminalia tomentosa exhibited the greatest plasticity in six functional attributes. In the step‐wise multiple regression, Amass, SLA and Chl among leaf attributes and SMC among environmental factors influenced the RGR of tree species. Path analysis indicated the importance of SLA, LNC, Chl and Amass in determining RGR. Conclusion: A mass, SMC, SLA and Chl in combination can be used to predict RGR but could explain only three‐quarters of the variability in RGR, indicating that other traits/factors, not studied here, are also important in modulating growth of tropical trees. RGR of tree species in the dry tropical environment is determined by soil moisture, whereas the response of mature trees of different species is modulated by alterations in key functional attributes such as SLA, LNC and Chl.  相似文献   

Detecting trends in species’ distribution and abundance are essential for conserving threatened species, and depend upon effective monitoring programmes. Despite this, monitoring programmes are often designed without explicit consideration of their ability to deliver the information required by managers, such as their power to detect population changes. Here, we demonstrate the use of existing data to support the design of monitoring programmes aimed at detecting declines in species occupancy. We used single‐season occupancy models and baseline data to gain information on variables affecting the occupancy and detectability of the threatened brush‐tailed rabbit‐rat Conilurus penicillatus (Gould 1842) on the Tiwi Islands, Australia. This information was then used to estimate the survey effort required to achieve sufficient power to detect changes in occupancy of different magnitudes. We found that occupancy varied spatially, driven primarily by habitat (canopy height and cover, distance to water) and fire history across the landscape. Detectability varied strongly among seasons, and was three times higher in the late dry season (July–September), compared to the early dry season (April–June). Evaluation of three monitoring scenarios showed that conducting surveys at times when detectability is highest can lead to a substantial improvement in our ability to detect declines, thus reducing the survey effort and costs. Our study highlights the need for careful consideration of survey design related to the ecology of a species, as it can lead to substantial cost savings and improved insight into species population change via monitoring.  相似文献   

Accurate detection of individual animals and estimation of ungulate population density might be a function of vegetation cover, animal size, observation radius or season. We assessed the effect of these factors on estimates of detection probability and density using five ungulate species in Western Serengeti National Park, Tanzania. Estimates were derived from information collected using ground surveys involving line transects targeting three resident species (impala, topi and buffalo) and two migrants (wildebeest and zebra) and analysed using DISTANCE, MANOVA, t‐test and Pearson correlation. Results showed that ground surveys that take observation radii of 100 m would appreciably estimate at least 80% of the available ungulates. Beyond 100 m radii, surveys would leave approximately 43% of individuals undetected, the reason being a substantial influence of animal size, vegetation cover and observation radius on the detection. Animal size and observation radius have interactive effects. On their own seasonal differences, they do not have any effect but in interaction with animal size have significant effects especially on the migrant species. As reliable estimates of detection and density are required for making reasonable inferences, we urge that surveys using DISTANCE approach should consider incorporating both ground and aerial survey methods and ensure adequate sample replication.  相似文献   

The distribution of the Karamoja Apalis Apalis karamojae, an East African endemic, has been sparsely documented in Uganda. In October 2011, a survey of the species was carried out near Iriiri in north-eastern Uganda. The main aim was to find out if there is a viable population of the species and to highlight the threats to its population. Sixteen 1-km transects in four sites were surveyed. The survey recorded nine individuals including a pair at an occupied nest, which is not conclusive for determining the viability of the population. The main threats to the species were cutting of the dominant shrub Vachellia drepanolobium (Acacia drepanolobium) in the area, farming and grazing. When we attempted luring the birds using the recorded song of the Karamoja Apalis from Tanzania, these individuals did not respond. We therefore recommend (1) to undertake a more detailed GIS survey to discover the extent of the suitable habitat, (2) to repeat the survey with improved effort to better estimate the viability of this population, (3) to conduct a study to ascertain the successful breeding of the species in the area, (4) to conduct a DNA analysis to compare the Iriiri population with the Tanzanian population, and (5) to record the song of the Ugandan birds for song analysis and to determine the response of Tanzanian birds.  相似文献   

This study (1994) examines the distribution and abundance of puku ( Kobus vardoni Livingstone) in Kasanka National Park (area=470 km2) Zambia, following five years of anti‐poaching control. The puku is an important 'flagship' species for the park. Most puku were confined to a limited number ( n =19) of river floodplains and dambos (total area=20·29 km2) towards the centre of the park. Large areas of 'suitable' habitat contained few, if any animals. The total population was estimated to be 613 (confidence limits=414–967) with an average density of 35·93 km−2 on occupied sites. The population sex ratio was markedly biased towards females (mean=3·4 females to 1 male), but group sizes were similar to those recorded in other African studies. Male groups were on average (2·6), smaller than those of females (7·3). Males appeared to be particularly vulnerable to poaching. The distribution of puku reflected a patchy distribution of resources and a flexible social system. Puku numbers have increased two fold since the previous (1989) survey. Other species have faired less well. Further work is required to clarify dispersal mechanisms. Taylor's power law may provide a useful model for describing population dispersion. Kasanka is an important local refuge for this increasingly threatened species in Zambia. Metapopulation theory may be applicable to puku because of their ability to move between patches, during seasonal flooding.  相似文献   

A line‐transect survey for the critically endangered vaquita, Phocoena sinus, was carried out in October–November 2008, in the northern Gulf of California, Mexico. Areas with deeper water were sampled visually from a large research vessel, while shallow water areas were covered by a sailboat towing an acoustic array. Total vaquita abundance in 2008 was estimated to be 245 animals (CV = 73%, 95% CI 68–884). The 2008 estimate was 57% lower than the 1997 estimate, an average rate of decline of 7.6%/yr. Bayesian analyses found an 89% probability of decline in total population size during the 11 yr period, and a 100% probability of decline in the central part of the range. Acoustic detections were assumed to represent porpoises with an average group size of 1.9, the same as visual sightings. Based on simultaneous visual and acoustic data in a calibration area, the probability of detecting vaquitas acoustically on the trackline was estimated to be 0.41 (CV = 108%). The Refuge Area for the Protection of the Vaquita, where gill net fishing is currently banned, contained approximately 50% of the population. While animals move in and out of the Refuge Area, on average half of the population remains exposed to bycatch in artisanal gill nets.  相似文献   

1. The relative effect of migration and local growth on the spatio‐temporal density‐distribution of two co‐existing herbivorous weevils, Cionus scrophulariae L. and C. tuberculosus Scop., in 32 host plant Scrophularia nodosa L. patches of varying sizes was investigated. 2. Predictions of the temporal development of the slope in the density‐patch size relationships were derived from a basic population model with scale‐dependent migration rates. The model indicated that the slopes in the density‐patch size relationships during the early season should be reflected by the net scaling of immigration and emigration rates, whereas the slopes during the later season should increase as a result of local growth. 3. Emigration rates of the weevils were estimated in a field experiment, were the weevils coexisted in space and time. These results were then combined with a previous estimate of immigration rates in order to determine the net scaling of migration rates. 4. The emigration rate differed between species, caused by different movement rates in small patches, which could explain differences in the general slope of the density‐patch size relationships of the weevils in the natural figwort patches throughout the summer. The slopes in the relationships in the early season were largely predicted by the net scaling of migration rates. The slope also increased in the later season for C. tuberculosus, whereas the slope decreased for C. scrophulariae. 5. It was concluded that the understanding of both inter‐ and intra‐specific variations in density‐patch size relationships of insect herbivores can be improved using population models incorporating scale‐dependent migration and local growth.  相似文献   

The study on the population status and structure of mountain nyala (Tragelaphus buxtoni) was carried out in the Bale Mountains National Park, Ethiopia during the wet and dry seasons of 2000/2001. Total counts were carried out in an area of 13.1 km2. The count ranged between 682 and 732 individuals. Females comprised 62.9% while males 27.4%. The calf ratio was 9.7%. The group structure of the animals varied with season. Large herds were frequently observed during the wet season and smaller groups during the dry season. Group size changed seasonally. In both seasons, 7–12 individuals were the frequent group size formation. The maximum group (62) was observed during the wet season. The population trend of the animal from 1975 to 1990 indicated a recovery and increase. But between 1990 and 1995 the population showed a continuous and steep decline. However, between 1995 and 2000 the population trend showed a better condition when compared with the previous years.  相似文献   

Reliable abundance estimates are critical for management and conservation of coastal small cetaceans. This is particularly important in developing countries where coastal human populations are increasing, the impacts of anthropogenic activities are often unknown, and the resources necessary to assess coastal cetaceans are limited. We adapted ship‐based line transect methods to small‐boat surveys to estimate the abundance of bottlenose dolphins (Tursiops truncatus) at Turneffe Atoll, Belize. Using a systematic survey design with random start and uniform coverage, 34 dolphin clusters were sighted during small‐boat line transect surveys conducted in 2005–2006. Distance sampling methods estimated abundance at 216 individuals (CV = 27.7%, 95% CI = 126–370). Due to species rarity in the Atoll, small sample size, and potential violations in line transect assumptions, the estimate should be considered preliminary. Nevertheless, it provides up‐to‐date information on the status of a regional population in an area under increasing threat of habitat loss and prey depletion via uncontrolled development and unsustainable fishing. This information will be useful as Belize develops a new conservation initiative to create a comprehensive and resilient marine protected area system. Our study illustrates the application of distance sampling methods to small‐boat surveys to obtain abundance estimates of coastal cetaceans in a region lacking resources.  相似文献   

Facilitating coexistence between people and wildlife is a major conservation challenge in East Africa. Some conservation models aim to balance the needs of people and wildlife, but the effectiveness of these models is rarely assessed. Using a case‐study approach, we assessed the ecological performance of a pastoral area in northern Tanzania (Manyara Ranch) and established a long‐term wildlife population monitoring program (carried out intermittently from 2003 to 2008 and regularly from 2011 to 2019) embedded in a distance sampling framework. By comparing density estimates of the road transect‐based long‐term monitoring to estimates derived from systematically distributed transects, we found that the bias associated with nonrandom placement of transects was nonsignificant. Overall, cattle and sheep and goat reached the greatest densities and several wildlife species occurred at densities similar (zebra, wildebeest, waterbuck, Kirk's dik‐dik) or possibly even greater (giraffe, eland, lesser kudu, Grant's gazelle, Thomson's gazelle) than in adjacent national parks in the same ecosystem. Generalized linear mixed models suggested that most wildlife species (8 out of 14) reached greatest densities during the dry season, that wildlife population densities either remained constant or increased over the 17‐year period, and that herbivorous livestock species remained constant, while domestic dog population decreased over time. Cross‐species correlations did not provide evidence for interference competition between grazing or mixed livestock species and wildlife species but indicate possible negative relationships between domestic dog and warthog populations. Overall, wildlife and livestock populations in Manyara Ranch appear to coexist over the 17‐year span. Most likely, this is facilitated by existing connectivity to adjacent protected areas, effective anti‐poaching efforts, spatio‐temporal grazing restrictions, favorable environmental conditions of the ranch, and spatial heterogeneity of surface water and habitats. This long‐term case study illustrates the potential of rangelands to simultaneously support wildlife conservation and human livelihood goals if livestock grazing is restricted in space, time, and numbers.  相似文献   

We used spatial autocorrelation of allele frequencies to examine local structure in a population of bannertailed kangaroo rats for which Wright's isolation-by-distance model seems applicable, and for which we can estimate neighborhood size based on 10 years of data on demography and dispersal. The uniform dispersion and strong philopatric tendencies of this species provide a test case for the idea that restricted dispersal can lead to local genetic structure in small mammals. Whether we considered such complications as nonnormal dispersal distances, variation in lifetime reproductive success, fluctuating population density, and adult as well as juvenile dispersal, our estimate of effective population size was fewer than 15 animals. Nevertheless, data from four polymorphic allozyme loci analyzed over a range of separations between 50 m (approximately one home range diameter) and 1,000 m detected no evidence for spatial clustering of alleles. One resolution of this apparent paradox is that “gamete dispersal,” caused by the movements of males away from their residences during the breeding season, may be a significant (and unmeasured) component of gene dispersal. Our analyses also demonstrate that a decline in population density may actually increase neighborhood size. A more general implication is that even extremely philopatric mammals have effective population sizes large enough to prevent the development of local genetic structure.  相似文献   

The phenological stages, dry matter allocation and relative growth rate (RGR) of natural populations of European field pansy (Viola arvensis) were studied under field conditions for 3 years. The species exhibited an annual life cycle of 78–100 calendar days, depending on the growing season. The life cycle was initiated in early spring and ended by early summer, with an average accumulation of 1100 growing degree days. The initiation of emergence occurred in early spring at a range of maximum air temperatures between 15 and 20°C, coupled with a range of minimum air temperatures between 5 and 10°C. With increasing temperatures in mid‐spring, there was a rapid transition to the reproductive stage. Time to flowering was shortened considerably in the warm growing season. After flowering, the species appeared to allocate a relatively large proportion of biomass to the reproductive parts than dry matter allocation to the vegetative parts during juvenile stages. The maximum value of RGR was observed in the vegetative stage, whereas RGR values decreased sharply with plant age. Overall, the species showed a short life cycle and a reproductive strategy that directs resources to reproductive rather than vegetative output, thus increasing the likelihood of persistence in systematically disturbed environments that are characterized by limited growth time as a result of major events in the field, such as mechanical cultivation or herbicide application.  相似文献   

The increasing use of camera trapping coupled to occupancy analysis to study terrestrial mammals has opened the way to inferential studies that besides estimating the probability of presence explicitly consider detectability. This in turn allows considering factors that can potentially confound the estimation of occupancy and detection probability, including seasonal variations in rainfall. To address this, we conducted a systematic camera trapping survey in the Udzungwa Mountains of Tanzania by deploying twenty camera traps for 30 days in dry and wet seasons and used dynamic occupancy modelling to determine the effect of season on estimated occupancy and detection probability for species with >10 capture events. The sampling yielded 7657 and 6015 images in dry and wet seasons, respectively, belonging to 21 mammal species. Models with no season dependency and with season‐dependent detectability were best supported, indicating that neither colonization nor extinction varied with seasons and hence occupancy did not vary. Only bush pig (Potamochoerus larvatus) showed a significant decrease in detectability from dry to wet seasons. Our study indicates that seasonal variation in rainfall may have limited effect on occupancy and detectability of resident mammals in Udzungwa rainforests; however, it remains a factor to consider when designing future studies.  相似文献   

Population‐level data are urgently needed for amphibians in light of the ongoing amphibian extinction crisis. Studies focused on population dynamics are not only important for rare species but also for common species which shape ecosystems to a greater degree than those that are rare. Some of the greatest global amphibian species diversity is found in Madagascar, yet there are few studies on the ecology of frog species on the island. We carried out a mark‐recapture study on the widespread frog Mantidactylus betsileanus (Mantellidae: Mantellinae: Mantidactylus) at two adjacent rainforest sites in east‐central Madagascar to assess its population size and structure. To do so, we validated and implemented an individual identification protocol using photographs of the ventral patterns of frogs and identified individuals with photographic‐matching software. Using this rapid, non‐invasive survey method, we were able to estimate a density of 26 and 28 frogs per 100 m2 at each of the two sites sampled. Our results show the rainforests near the village of Andasibe, Madagascar support remarkably high amphibian abundance, helping illustrate the significant ecological role of frogs in this ecosystem. Further, individual frog markings allowed us to develop more precise estimates than traditional survey methods. This study provides a blueprint to augment existing population studies or develop new monitoring programs in Madagascar and beyond.  相似文献   

We investigated breeding seasonality and population dynamics of three rodent species, Lophuromys flavopuncatus, Grammomys dolichurus and Praomys delectorum, in the Magamba Forest, Western Usambara Mountains, north‐east Tanzania. Capture–mark–recapture studies were conducted in 2002–2004. Reproductive conditions of males and females showed temporal variations, an indication of breeding seasonality. Animals were reproductively active between February and May. Rainfall in November–January was instrumental for the onset of breeding and continued throughout the wet season. The recruitment of new individuals born during the season led to highest population densities between end of May and August. Populations declined progressively towards the end of the dry season (September–October). Only P. delectorum showed a marked density increase during January–February, indicating greater survival and/or recruitment during the November–January rains. The study shows that despite a relatively stable environment of the forest reserve, rainfall has strong influence on reproduction and population dynamics, probably because of its effect on primary food resources.  相似文献   

Calopteryx exul is an endemic endangered damselfly that suffers considerable habitat degradation and local extinctions throughout its geographic range. Although recent studies have investigated its distribution, ecology and larval systematics, the life history of the species is still unknown. In this study, a field survey was conducted to determine larval development, temporal pattern of emergence and teneral spatial distribution of the species in the Seybouse watershed, north‐east Algeria. Larval growth was investigated in two populations: one at about 200 m (low‐elevation population) and the second at 600 m of elevation (high‐elevation population). The species showed partial bivoltine life cycle in both low‐ and high‐elevation population. The temporal pattern of emergence of the first flight season of the year at low‐elevation population was asynchronous with an emergence season lasting 46 days and half of the population emerging in 15 days. The second flight season was shorter with a most likely smaller population size. Sex ratio at emergence was slightly male biased. After ecdysis, tenerals stayed next to the water within a mean distance of 4.76 ± 4.35 m (± SD) with no significant difference between sexes. Conservation measures that should be taken into account in the elaboration of future management plans for the species are discussed.  相似文献   

Population size and distribution data for wildlife species play an important role in conservation and management, especially for endangered species. However, scientists seriously lack data on the population status of many species. The northern yellow-cheeked gibbon (Nomascus annamensis) is found in southern Lao PDR, central Vietnam, and northeastern Cambodia. The population of the species has significantly declined due to hunting, habitat loss, and the wildlife trade. To examine the population size and distribution of N. annamensis, we conducted a field survey in Song Thanh Nature Reserve, Quang Nam Province, central Vietnam from February to April 2019 using the audio point count method. We combined Distance Sampling and Ecological Niche Modeling to estimate the population of the gibbons. Results showed that the total suitable area for the gibbons was about 302.32 km2, with the two most important variables of the habitat model being the distance-to-villages and forest type. We detected 36 gibbon groups through field surveys and estimated 443 (95% CI, 278–707) gibbon groups in Song Thanh Nature Reserve. Our results indicate that the gibbon population in Song Thanh Nature Reserve is the largest known population of N. annamensis in Vietnam. In addition, our study was the first to combine species distribution modeling with distance sampling to estimate gibbon density and population size. This approach might be useful in surveying and monitoring gibbon populations because it takes imperfect detection probability into account in estimating gibbon population density while estimating the area of potential habitat using environmental variables.  相似文献   

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