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Comparisons of population genetic diversity between related rare and widespread species provide valuable insights to the consequences of rarity and are critical for conservation planning. Population genetic diversity of A. maritima, a rare species, was compared with its common, widespread congener A. serrulata to evaluate the impacts of small population size and high isolation on genetic diversity in A. maritima and to provide population genetic data to be used in conservation planning for A. maritima. Genetic data were also used to evaluate whether the disjunct distribution of A. maritima was due to range reduction or anthropogenic dispersal. Genetic diversity was lower in A. maritima (H(e) = 0.217) than in A. serrulata (H(e) = 0.268), and there is also higher inbreeding within A. maritima populations (f = 0.483) than A. serrulata populations (f = 0.269). The partitioning of genetic variation was also higher among A. maritima populations (Θ = 0.278), but not significantly different from that of A. serrulata (Θ = 0.197). Significant genetic differences among A. maritima populations support using local populations as seed sources for regional conservation efforts. The results also indicate that the highly disjunct distribution of A. maritima is due to natural range reduction in the past and not anthropogenic establishment of Oklahoma and Georgia populations.  相似文献   

The efforts to protect biological diversity must be prioritized because resources for nature conservation are limited. Conservation prioritization can be based on numerous criteria, from ecological integrity to species representation, but in this review I address only species-level prioritization. Criteria used for species prioritization range from aesthetical to evolutionary considerations, but I focus on the aspects that are biologically relevant. I distinguish between two main aspects of diversity that are used as objectives: Maintenance of biodiversity pattern, and maintenance of biodiversity process. I identify two additional criteria typically used in species prioritization that serve for achieving the objectives: The species’ need of protection, and cost and effectiveness of conservation actions. I discuss how these criteria could be combined with either of the objectives in a complementarity-based benefit function framework for conservation prioritization. But preserving evolutionary process versus current diversity pattern may turn out to be conflicting objectives that have to be traded-off with each other, if pursued simultaneously. Although many reasonable criteria and methods exist, species prioritization is hampered by uncertainties, most of which stem from the poor quality of data on what species exist, where they occur, and what are the costs and benefits of protecting them. Surrogate measures would be extremely useful but their performance is still largely unknown. Future challenges in species prioritization lie in finding ways to compensate for missing information.  相似文献   

Detailed information about the geographic distribution of genetic and genomic variation is necessary to better understand the organization and structure of biological diversity. In particular, spatial isolation within species and hybridization between them can blur species boundaries and create evolutionary relationships that are inconsistent with a strictly bifurcating tree model. Here, we analyse genome‐wide DNA sequence and genetic ancestry variation in Lycaeides butterflies to quantify the effects of admixture and spatial isolation on how biological diversity is organized in this group. We document geographically widespread and pervasive historical admixture, with more restricted recent hybridization. This includes evidence supporting previously known and unknown instances of admixture. The genome composition of admixed individuals varies much more among than within populations, and tree‐ and genetic ancestry‐based analyses indicate that multiple distinct admixed lineages or populations exist. We find that most genetic variants in Lycaeides are rare (minor allele frequency <0.5%). Because the spatial and taxonomic distributions of alleles reflect demographic and selective processes since mutation, rare alleles, which are presumably younger than common alleles, were spatially and taxonomically restricted compared with common variants. Thus, we show patterns of genetic variation in this group are multifaceted, and we argue that this complexity challenges simplistic notions concerning the organization of biological diversity into discrete, easily delineated and hierarchically structured entities.  相似文献   

Locally rare taxa are those that are rare or uncommon within a local geographical boundary while more common outside of that boundary. In addition to the rare taxa identified by global, national, and state/provincial levels, locally rare taxa are important for the preservation of species diversity and ecological processes, and therefore require effective and recognizable conservation status. Currently, there are no specific local rarity criteria in use to categorize taxa at regional jurisdictional levels. To address this need, we developed criteria for categorizing locally rare plant taxa by using the framework the Natural Heritage Network’s Element Ranking System combined with attributes of the World Conservation Union’s Red List Criteria. We then tested the efficacy of our classification system (called L-ranks) on the flora of Napa County using a geographic information system and available plant distribution data for the State of California. Results indicated that 89 taxa from 34 families met the area of occupancy criteria for local rarity status. Our findings demonstrated that with available geographic data, the proposed criteria for classifying locally rare plants can be usefully applied at the county level to identify significant peripheral plant populations. The proposed L-rank system was specifically designed to be compatible with existing multi-scale conservation programs and will augment the current systems in use by local organizations. By systematically classifying locally rare plants, current regulations that are applicable to locally rare taxa may be used more effectively in conservation planning and prioritizing at the county scale.  相似文献   

Genetic diversity is one of the key evolutionary variables that correlate with population size, being of critical importance for population viability and the persistence of species. Genetic diversity can also have important ecological consequences within populations, and in turn, ecological factors may drive patterns of genetic diversity. However, the relationship between the genetic diversity of a population and how this interacts with ecological processes has so far only been investigated in a few studies. Here, we investigate the link between ecological factors, local population size, and allelic diversity, using a field study of a common bird species, the house sparrow (Passer domesticus). We studied sparrows outside the breeding season in a confined small valley dominated by dispersed farms and small‐scale agriculture in southern France. Population surveys at 36 locations revealed that sparrows were more abundant in locations with high food availability. We then captured and genotyped 891 house sparrows at 10 microsatellite loci from a subset of these locations (N = 12). Population genetic analyses revealed weak genetic structure, where each locality represented a distinct substructure within the study area. We found that food availability was the main factor among others tested to influence the genetic structure between locations. These results suggest that ecological factors can have strong impacts on both population size per se and intrapopulation genetic variation even at a small scale. On a more general level, our data indicate that a patchy environment and low dispersal rate can result in fine‐scale patterns of genetic diversity. Given the importance of genetic diversity for population viability, combining ecological and genetic data can help to identify factors limiting population size and determine the conservation potential of populations.  相似文献   

濒危物种巴东木莲的等位酶遗传多样性及其保护策略   总被引:17,自引:0,他引:17  
为了确定中国特有濒危植物巴东木莲(Manglietia patungensis)的就地保护优先单元和制定迁地保护的取样策略,采用超薄平板聚丙烯酰胺等电聚焦电泳技术对巴东木莲的7个野生居群的等位酶遗传多样性及遗传结构进行了分析。通过对8个酶系统19个酶位点的分析结果来看,巴东木莲具有较高的遗传多样性和一定程度的遗传分化。每位点平均等位基因数(A)为1.57,多态位点百分率(P)为48.1%,平均预期杂合度(He)为0.192。巴东木莲居群间的遗传分化系数(GST)为0.165,说明其16.5%的遗传变异存在于居群间;基于遗传分化系数计算的基因流(Nm)为1.27,说明居群间存在适度的基因流;固定指数(F)为-0.191,显示巴东木莲居群杂合体轻微过量,纯合体略显不足。本研究表明,目前巴东木莲仍具有较高的遗传多样性并且在其适宜生境中可以完成自然更新,因此应采取以就地保护为主的综合保育策略。  相似文献   

Because some endemic plants appear to be adapted to a narrow setof environmental conditions with limited genetic diversity, an analysis ofpopulation genetic structure is necessary to fully evaluate the impact of rarityon genetic variation. Listed as endangered species in Korea, only fewpopulations of Abeliophyllum distichum, Leonticemicrorhyncha, Bupleurum euphorbioides, andBerchemia berchmiaefolia were found. A reduced level ofgenetic variation in B. berchemiaefolia is consistent withthe occurrence of a genetic bottleneck and inbreeding. Leonticemicrorhyncha differed dramatically from other taxa in its observed level of geneticvariation, probably due to its predominant selfing. The level ofallozyme variation maintained by A. distichum was high forendemic species. Compared to species with similar traits, A.distichum maintained a relatively higher genetic diversity, probably dueto floral heteromorphism and preferred outcrossing. Bupleurumeuphorbioides maintained a higher genetic diversity due to outcrossing,but at the individual locus, deficiency of heterozygosity prevailed. Probablyinbreeding between local neighborhoods was frequent because A.distichum and B. euphorbioides were pollinatedby small fly species which might be less effective as a pollen dispersal, andtheir visits were extremely scarce and controlled by the weather conditions.Since much of the species-to-species variation in genetic diversity is due tothe specific ecological and evolutionary history of a species, any managementplan developed should be based on historical changes in the population size anddistribution to better predict the amounts and patterns of genetic diversity.  相似文献   

浙江省珍稀濒危植物物种多样性保护的关键区域   总被引:29,自引:0,他引:29  
浙江省植物资源丰富,有野生维管植物215科1196属3283种,其中包含了我国特有属49个,浙江省特有植物约200余种,许多物种十分稀少,并受到严重威胁,亟待保护。但浙江省需优先保护的植物物种的分布并不是均匀的,有些地区的重要保护对象比较集中,对这些地区我们应该给予更多的保护。本文根据维管植物物种多样性、珍稀濒危植物的物种数量及个体数量特征、受威胁状况以及浙江省特有植物的分布情况,提出了浙江省珍稀濒危植物保护的7个关键区域:以西天目山为中心的浙西北山区,以古田山为中心的浙西山区,以九龙山为中心的浙西南山区,以凤阳山-百山祖为中心的浙南山区,以括苍山为中心的浙东山区,以天台山为中心的浙东丘陵,以普陀山为中心的舟山群岛。最后提出了浙江省植物物种多样性保护的几点建议。  相似文献   

基于ZONATION的岷山山系多物种保护规划   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
肖静  崔莉  李俊清 《生态学报》2016,36(2):420-429
空间布局不尽合理是我国的自然保护区发展面临的问题之一,优化现有的自然保护区体系是在资源有限的情况下实现自然保护区的保护效益最大化的最佳途径。以岷山地区为主要研究区域,以25种珍稀濒危物种为主要研究对象,通过MAXENT与ZONATION模型模拟,鉴别出岷山地区珍稀濒危物种保护优先区,并提出了自然保护区空间选址的优化方案。研究结果表明,(1)在物种出现点记录较少的情况下,MAXENT模型依然能够比较准确地预测出物种的分布状况;(2)目前建立的保护区对25个物种的平均保护比例为51.8%;(3)通过ZONATION鉴定的优先区总面积为19958.7 km~2,岷山地区现有的29个自然保护区只保护了目标优先区的47.1%,九寨沟中部与南部,平武北部,平武与北川的交界处,北川西北部等地都存在保护空缺。建议在保护空缺的6个地方新建或扩建自然保护区,并在规划时考虑这些区域内部的优先次序。新提出的保护体系能将物种栖息地的保护比例提高至77.9%。研究结果对于岷山及全国其他生物多样性保护关键地区保护体系的规划都具有重要的借鉴意义。  相似文献   

Tropical rain forests harbor a high diversity of tree species, a large portion of which are considered rare and threatened by anthropogenic factors such as land-use change. Addressing the global need for ex situ rescue populations of such species, we investigated whether certain methods of wild-source seed collection harvest greater amounts of genetic variation from the source population while minimizing the costs expended. We used an individual-based computer program (NEWGARDEN) to conduct simulation trials examining which aspects of seed procurement provided the most cost-effective methods for maximal rare allele capture for single isolated populations of rare tropical tree species. Aspects examined included the geometric pattern of harvesting, location of seed collections within the spatial distribution of the population (central vs. peripheral), geometric partitioning of sampling regions (contiguous vs. subdivided), gene dispersal distance, linear travelling costs, and ratio of seeds collected to plants sampled. Results demonstrated that ratio of seeds collected to plants sampled had the highest effect on genetic diversity harvested relative to sampling location or geometric pattern of collection, explaining 82 and 79% of the variance in alleles harvested, respectively. Collecting from subdivided peripheral sampling regions and populations having long distance gene dispersal led to increases of up to 39 and 51% in the amount of genetic variation conserved respectively. These results suggest that ex situ conservation efforts for rare tropical trees can benefit by collecting fewer seeds from each of a larger number of trees, sampling from peripheral subdivided regions of the population rather than in a contiguous centrally located one under the transect or nearest neighbor strategies, and adjusting harvesting based on the dispersal biology of the source population. This study underscores the need for more information regarding the dispersal characteristics of the target species and demonstrates the value of predictive modeling for planning seed collection projects.  相似文献   

Although there is a great deal of interest in the biological diversity of species and of genes, it is only recently that researchers have begun to investigate the processes that exert parallel influences on these different levels of diversity.  相似文献   

三峡库区稀有植物裸芸香的遗传多样性和保育策略   总被引:8,自引:2,他引:8  
采用随机扩增多态性DNA(RAPD)对采自长江三峡库区丰都(FD)、巫溪(WX)、巫山(WS)、巴东(BD)、兴山(XS)、秭归(ZG)6个自然居群的128份裸芸香(Psilopeganum sinense)样品进行了基因组DNA多态性分析。用13条引物,共扩增出85条谱带,其中57条多态带,多态位点占67.06%。6个居群的多态位点比率分别为25.97%(FD)、29.73%(WX)、24.32%(WC),43.21%(BD)、30.26%(XS)、39.19%(ZG)。用POPGENE 1.31版和NTSYS 2.10版软件对数据进行分析,结果显示:裸芸香具有较高的遗传多样性,居群总的Neis'基因多样性为0.2082,总Shannon信息多样性指数为0.3196;但各个居群内部遗传多样性较低,居群内平均Neis'基因多样性为0.1094,平均Shannon信息多样性指数为0.1641;居群间的基因分化系数Gst=0.5391,基因流Nm=0.4275,居群间基因分化大于居群内基因分化,居群间的基因交流相当少。UPGMA聚类可将6个居群分为两大类:丰都居群和以巴东居群为地理中心呈星散状分布的其他5个居群。居群间的遗传距离与地理距离呈显著正相关(r=0.93094,P=0.9861)。最后我们初步探讨了裸芸香的濒危原因,并提出了有效保护该物种的措施。  相似文献   

The eastern barred bandicoot, Perameles gunnii, has undergone a dramatic decline in distribution and abundance on the mainland of Australia during the twentieth century. In 1988 a captive breeding program was initiated to reduce the chance of extinction. With the extinction of the last wild mainland population in the early 1990s, reintroductions from captive-bred P. gunnii have met limited success, and currently only two extant populations persist in predator proof enclosures in the State of Victoria. With ~20 years of breeding, there are concerns that the genetic diversity within the breeding program has declined and may inhibit current and future success of the program. We have used ten nuclear microsatellite loci and sequencing of two partial mitochondrial genes (cytochrome oxidase I and ATPase 6) to determine genetic diversity within current Victorian P. gunnii. These diversity estimates are compared with historic samples from the captive breeding program dating back to 1995, historic samples from the last wild mainland population found at Hamilton in 1992 and contemporary Tasmanian wild populations. Results indicate that the captive P. gunnii population in the State of Victoria has lost significant genetic diversity through time. Genetic diversity is also reduced in populations at Hamilton Community Parklands and Mount Rothwell. Samples from the last wild population at Hamilton collected in 1992, along with samples from Tasmanian P. gunnii, had significantly greater genetic diversity than contemporary mainland populations. The results are discussed with reference to management options for maintaining genetic diversity within Victorian P. gunnii, including crossing Victorian and Tasmanian P. gunnii to increase genetic diversity, adaptability and evolutionary potential.  相似文献   

遗传多样性与濒危植物保护生物学研究进展   总被引:37,自引:3,他引:37  
尽管对于濒危物种的遗传学人们已经进行了大量研究,但是种群遗传学在植物保护中的实际地位尚存在很大争议。濒危物种的遗传多样性可能会由于遗传漂变、近交的作用而丧失;但这种丧失更可能是濒危的结果而不是濒危的起因。遗传多样性水平与物种生存力之间没有任何必然的联系。但植物种群遗传结构如果由于自交不亲和等位基因的丧失和与亲缘种杂交造成的遗传同化而发生改变,那么它对物种生存力会产生明显负作用。  相似文献   

Namibia's extant mammal fauna of 250 species represents about 75% of the southern African region's species richness, 83% of generic richness and 98% of familial richness. Fourteen species are presently recognized as endemic (75% or more of the global population occurring within Namibian borders). These endemics occur in the Namib Desert, pro-Namib transition zone and adjoining escarpment, and are primarily rupicolous. The Namibian endemic mammal fauna is characterized by the monotypic Petromuridae, and the rodent genera Gerbillurus and Petromyscus. The distribution of smaller species has probably not changed significantly over the past 200 years, but species such as lion and plain zebra have undergone range reductions of 95% or more, and five species are listed as recently extinct. Approximately 50% of all Namibian mammal species are provisionally listed as 'secure'. However, due to patchy data, 94 species (38%) are classified as under possible or probable threat. Nineteen species (8%) are classified as under definite threat. Over 13% of Namibia is set aside by the state for conservation purposes. Ninety-five percent of mammal species occur in at least one park, over 80% occur in three or more parks, and 59 species (28%) occur in ten or more parks, although for most species nothing is known of their population viability there. Major threats to mammals in Namibia are invasive aliens, including the risk of genetic pollution, and habitat alteration, especially wetland degradation.  相似文献   

植物的繁育系统、遗传结构和遗传多样性保护   总被引:23,自引:2,他引:23  
达尔文和最早的群体遗传学理论,都认为繁育系统对生物的遗传多样性和进化起重要作用。本文首先介绍用蛋白质电泳检测植物繁育系统的优点,然后讨论中外学者的实验结果,表明在植物众多特征中,如生活型、是有性繁殖还是无性繁殖等都能影响群体遗传结构,但最显著的是繁育系统和群体遗传分化两者间的关系。因此我们能从植物的繁育系统推测群体遗传结构,进而提出监测遗传多样性的取样策略,这对就地保护和移地保护都是十分重要的  相似文献   

Patterns of genetic variation in rare and widespread plant congeners   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Rare species are typically considered to maintain low levels of genetic variation, and this view has been supported by several reviews of large numbers of isozyme studies. Although these reviews have provided valuable data on levels of variability in plant species in general, and rare species in particular, these broad overviews involve comparisons that may confound the effects of rarity with a multitude of other factors that affect genetic variability. Additionally, the statistical analyses employed assume the data to be independent, which is not the case for organisms that share a common phylogenetic history. As the role of evolutionary history and historical constraints has become better understood, more researchers have studied widespread congeners when investigating the genetic diversity of rare species in an effort to control for these effects. We summarize the available data from such studies, comparing for rare and widespread congeners (1) the levels of genetic variability at the population and species levels and (2) measures of population substructuring. At the population level, we summarized data for percentage polymorphic loci (%P(pop)), mean number of alleles per locus (A(pop)), and observed heterozygosity (H(o)). Species-level measures used were percentage polymorphic loci (%P(spp)), mean number of alleles per locus (A(spp)), and total genetic diversity (H(T)). Indices of population subdivision (either F(ST) or G(ST)) were also examined. Using Wilcoxon signed rank tests, we found significant, but small, differences between rare and widespread species for all diversity measures except H(T). However, there does not appear to be a difference between rare and widespread congeners in terms of how genetic variation is partitioned within and among populations. Levels of diversity, for all measures examined, between rare and widespread congeners are highly correlated.  相似文献   

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