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利用显微操作方法对南瓜单个花粉可溶蛋白成功地进行了等电聚焦,获得了清晰的电泳谱带。分析其谱带表明,同一植株同一朵花上的花粉之间存在着蛋白谱带的差异,统计结果显示其按1:1的孟德尔规律分离。单花粉蛋白等电聚焦结合显微镜操作技术对于遗传育种和发衣生物学研究具有重要的应用前景。  相似文献   

南瓜两性花的形态与结构研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
黄玉源  缪汝槐  张宏达   《广西植物》1999,19(2):136-142
对南瓜的两性花进行外部形态及结构的研究,结果表明:南瓜的两性花可有子房上位花、子房半下位花和子房下位花三种类型:花萼、花冠均为5,合瓣;雄蕊3,其中有两枚各由两个雄蕊合生而成,分离和部分联合,花药结构特殊,花粉发育正常;雌蕊具有单个或两个柱头及花柱。子房壁结构正常。上方的子房壁表皮发育完好,具气孔器。胚珠在外形上也发育正常。两性花与单性花同生长在一个植株上,可以连续多代稳定地遗传,萌生当代植株的种子来源于上一代雌花。这对探讨被子植物的系统进化关系有着重要的意义  相似文献   

应用超声提取与传统热溶剂回流法提取南瓜子油,通过正交实验法考察了料液比、提取时间和超声功率3个因素对提取率的影响,得到了最佳超声提取工艺条件:料液比为1∶15(w/v),提取时间为0.5 h,超声功率为250 W,优化条件下提取率为50.8%,对照热溶剂回流提取法的提取率49.9%(6.0 h);南瓜子油的GC-MS分析结果显示两种方法对南瓜子油成分无明显影响;超声提取的南瓜子油酸价(1.51 mg·g-1)低于热溶剂回流提取法(3.25 mg·g-1)。上述结果表明超声提取南瓜子油与热溶剂提取法比较具有操作简便、省时和低酸价的优点。  相似文献   

G. J. Lowenberg 《Oecologia》1997,109(2):279-285
Sexual expression in hermaphroditic plants is often a function of environmental factors affecting individuals before or during flowering. I tested for the effects of floral herbivory and lack of pollination in early umbels on the relative proportions of hermaphroditic and staminate (male) flowers produced on later umbels by Sanicula arctopoides, a monocarpic, andromonoecious perennial. Neither floral herbivory or lack of early pollination had a significant effect on the ratio of the two floral morphs, but the probability of producing staminate flowers on late umbels was strongly and positively related to plant size measured just prior to floral initiation and prior to herbivory. Plant size was also negatively correlated with flowering date. I suggest that producing staminate flowers on late umbels should benefit large early-blooming plants more than small late-blooming plants because more mating opportunities occur during the period when these flowers release pollen. Although herbivory did not cause labile changes of sex, whole plant phenotypic gender was still strongly affected by various forms of treatment. Sex-biased herbivory or lack of pollination rendered plants more or less phenotypically male, depending on which tissues were affected. Deer and pollen-feeding mites preferentially remove male tissues while hymenopteran seed predators preferentially remove female tissues. I conclude that combinations of herbivores could have counteracting or compounding effects on plant gender, and these effects may change the rankings of male and female reproductive success within populations. Received: 20 February 1996/Accepted: 30 July 1996  相似文献   

培养因子对艾西丝南瓜芽增殖及不定根形成的影响   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
以艾西丝南瓜带芽茎段为外植体 ,研究了基本培养基、激素、糖、光照、培养基支持物等因子对芽增殖及不定根形成的影响。结果表明 :艾西丝南瓜芽增殖的最佳培养条件为 :MS BA 0 .5~ 1 .0mg/L IAA 0 .1~ 0 .5mg/L 食用白糖 30g/L ,芽的月增殖系数稳定在 1 0左右 ;不定根诱导的适宜条件是 :1 /2MS 食用白糖 2 0g/L ,生根率达 86% ;且自然散射光条件 ( 1 0 0 0~ 50 0 0Lx)优于灯光 ( 1 0 0 0~2 0 0 0Lx) ;以脱脂棉作生根培养基支持物效果优于琼脂 ,其芽增殖系数和生根率分别提高 2 6%和 7%。  相似文献   

Aims Nitrogen enrichment may affect ‘community invertebrate herbivory’ (hereafter ‘herbivory’) directly by changing plant species’ specific herbivory, or indirectly by altering the composition of natural plant communities. Here, we investigated how community composition altered the community herbivory in natural ecosystems and compared the relative importance of direct and indirect effects of nitrogen addition on community herbivory.  相似文献   

The casepase is considered to regulate the process of programmed cell death in the development of organisms. In this study, caspase 3-like protease was detected by immunohistochemistry and immunoelectron microscopy during the development of sieve element and tracheary element of stem in Cucurbita moschata Duch. Antibody with brown color (under light microscopy) and gold particles (under transmission electron microscopy) for detecting caspase 3-like protease was mainly displayed in inner phloem, extemal phloem and xylem in the region close to procambium. From the results it was considered that caspase 3-like protease did exist in vascular elements and played different roles during the development of sieve and tracheary elements, and different types of programmed cell death might be carried out. The caspase 3-like protease mainly participated in making cytoplasmic streaming cease and in degrading P-protein bodies; however, it rarely participated in the function for signal transferring in the developmental sieve element. However, it might induce calcium accumulation for rupturing the tonoplast in the signal of PCD in the developmental tracheary element.  相似文献   

单干、双干和三干3种整枝方式下的南瓜‘龙圆栗香’果实成熟过程中果胶含量在总体上均呈现先高后低的变化趋势。其中,单干和双干整枝的果实中,果胶含量先是急剧升高,30d后急剧下降,而三干整枝的变化趋势比较平缓。果实成熟过程中的戊糖和铬(Cr3 )含量变化趋势大体一致,都呈上升趋势。其中,双干和单干整枝的上升趋势明显。双干整枝的果实中果胶、戊糖和铬(Cr3 )含量都一直是最高。  相似文献   

Camellia pubipetala is an endemic and endangered species with small and isolated populations occurring only in karst regions in Guangxi of south China. To understand the reproductive biology of C. pubipetala and its possible influences upon its endangered status, its breeding system and pollination ecology were studied in the Longhushan (LHS) and Longzhao (LZ) populations of this species. The flowering duration of the C. pubipetala populations spanned from late January to early April and anthesis of a single flower usually lasted 5–7 days. This species is homogamous, and the pollen and stigma are viable throughout anthesis. Each bagged flower could secrete 141.5 μL of nectar at a sugar concentration of 25.0% during anthesis. The observed high pollen/ovule ratio, and the results of hand-pollination experiments indicated that this species obligately outcrosses. Open pollination resulted in a significantly decreased fruit set (6.7%) and seed set (38.9%) compared to supplementary pollination treatment (23.3% and 64.7%, respectively), which is indicative of a pollen limitation in the process of pollination. The primary pollinator of C. pubipetala is the sunbird Aethopyga christinae and its visiting frequency is quite low, whereas the honeybee Apis cerana is only an occasional pollinator in wild populations. Low reproductive rates in C. pubipetala were found to be a consequence of few species of pollinators and their low visiting frequency. Pollen limitation may be a crucial factor that contributes to the endangered nature of this species. Artificial pollination and the release of pollinators are effective ways to increase the fruit and seed yield of this species.  相似文献   

Severe incidence of a mosaic disease was observed on summer squash (Cucurbita pepo), commonly called pepo, grown in Varanasi during June–September of Khariff season 2007. Symptoms observed were mosaic, puckering on the leaves, wartiness on fruits, general stunting of plants and low yield. PCR amplification with degenerate primers designed to target the conserved sequences of coat protein gene of whitefly transmitted geminiviruses showed ~800 bp fragment in all symptomatic samples tested, indicating the association of a geminivirus with the disease. Nucleotide sequence analysis of the amplified fragment showed 99% identity with pumpkin isolate of squash leaf curl china virus (SLCCNV) from Lucknow. It showed 85–96.7% homology with other isolates of SLCCNV from India and abroad. Phylogenetic analysis revealed the isolate on pepo from Varanasi clustered with SLCCNV isolates on pumpkin from Lucknow and Coimbatore.  相似文献   

Maternal-environmental effects on subsequent progeny life-history traits were evaluated in squash ( Cucurbita pepo L.) in terms of the amount of time available for seed development, and the timing of fruit production. Progeny arising from three kinds of fruit were compared. Plants from which fruits were removed 3 d post-pollination throughout the growing season developed only 'late' fruits (during 10–15 d) at the end of the growing season; on control plants both 'early' and 'late' fruits developed (both types allowed to ripen fully). Seed from each type of fruit was weighed individually and categorized into three size classes, then germinated and raised to maturity, including regular harvesting of all fruits 3 d post-pollination. Maternal effects were evident for both vegetative and reproductive traits and carried over to later stages. In contrast, effects due simply to seed size disappeared by day 30 for leaf variables and day 60 for male flower production. Within a seed-size class, progeny arising from fruit of treated plants produced significantly more leaves, with greater size, and more male flowers than those arising from fruit of control plants, while the reverse was true for fruit number and fruit mass. This result is discussed in terms of possible gibberellic acid involvement. In control plants, progeny arising from seeds in the large, fully mature 'early' fruits produced significantly more, and larger leaves by day 30 than did those from late fruits (suggesting differential provisioning in seeds during development). Male flower production had a highly significant positive correlation with vegetative mass and a significant negative correlation with fruit production.  相似文献   

While plant species respond differently to nutrient patches, the forces that drive this variability have not been extensively examined. In particular, the role of herbivory in modifying plant-resource interactions has been largely overlooked. We conducted a glasshouse study in which nutrient heterogeneity and root herbivory were manipulated, and used differences in foraging among plant species to predict the influence of root herbivores on these species in competition. We also tracked the influence of neighborhood composition, heterogeneity, and herbivory on whole-pot plant biomass. When herbivores were added to mixed-species neighborhoods, Eupatorium compositifolium, the most precise forager, was the only plant species to display a reduction in shoot biomass. Neighborhood composition had the greatest influence on whole-pot biomass, followed by nutrient heterogeneity; root herbivory had the smallest influence. These results suggest that root herbivory is a potential cost of morphological foraging in roots. Root herbivores reduced standing biomass and influenced the relative growth of species in mixed communities, but their effect was not strong enough at the density examined to overwhelm the bottom-up effects of resource distribution.  相似文献   

Effects of herbivory and competition on an introduced plant in decline   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Marianne Erneberg 《Oecologia》1999,118(2):203-209
Anthemiscotula was introduced to Denmark 500 years ago, and its distribution is presently limited and in decline. A manipulative field experiment was performed to investigate the effects of native plant competitors and native invertebrate herbivores on its performance. Generally, both herbivory and competition treatments had great impact, and when both factors were operating, the effects were additive for all variables except plant height. Although A. cotula showed plasticity in growth, resource allocation and flowering timing, it was unable to adjust to competition and compensate for losses due to herbivory sufficiently to ensure and restore its achene production. This vulnerability, combined with improved cereal cleaning techniques and thus fewer reintroductions of A. cotula seeds, may be the cause of its current decline. A. cotula responded to herbivory by prolonging its flowering period, a “bet-hedging” strategy. In Denmark this strategy is unreliable since risks of sub-optimal conditions are much greater in August–October. Received: 12 December 1997 / Accepted: 14 October 1998  相似文献   

Summary The effects of root herbivory by larvae of the scarabaeid, Phyllopertha horticola, on the growth of Capsella bursa-pastoris were examined. Individuals of Aphis fabae were reared on the leaves to determine what effect, if any, root feeding has on the performance of this insect. The experiment was conducted under two watering regimes (low and high). Low watering and root feeding caused water stress in the plants and this was reflected in a reduction in vegetative biomass and an increase in the proportion of material allocated to reproduction. Supplying plants with ample water in the high treatment enabled the water stress caused by root herbivory to be offset, but not completely overcome. Low watering and root feeding caused an increase in aphid weight and growth rate, while root feeding also increased fecundity and adult longevity. These effects are attributed to an improvement in food quality, measured by total soluble nitrogen, and caused by amino acid mobilization due to the water stress. The implications of these results in agricultural and ecological situations are discussed.  相似文献   

Abiotic stress factors can interfere with the emission of herbivore-induced plant volatile organic compounds (VOCs) and thus disrupt chemical communication channels between plants and other organisms. We investigated whether copper (Cu) stress alone or in conjunction with insect damage modifies the kinetics of (1) VOCs, (2) the VOC-inducing phytohormone jasmonic acid (JA) and (3) its putative antagonist salicylic acid (SA). Hydroponically grown Zea mays exposed to 10 and 80 µM of Cu showed no increases in JA or VOC levels in the absence of herbivory. However when challenged by herbivores, Cu (80 µM) caused ROS generation in root tissues and primed for increased JA accumulation and VOC emission in leaves. SA synthesis was equally primed but higher concentrations were also apparent before insects started feeding. In contrast, plants grown at 10 µM Cu did not differ from controls. These results show that abiotic and biotic stresses result in concentration-dependent, non-additive defense responses. Further support is given to the notion that JA-SA antagonism is absent in Z. mays.  相似文献   

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