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Studies of herbivory and its consequences on the growth of native and exotic plants could help elucidate some processes involved in plant invasions. Introduced species are likely to experience reduced herbivory in their new range due to the absence of specialist enemies and, thus, may have higher benefits if they reduce the investment in resistance and increase their compensatory capacity. In order to evaluate the role of herbivory in disturbed areas within the Patagonian steppe, we quantified and compared the leaf levels of herbivory of four native and five exotic species and recorded the associated insect fauna. We also performed greenhouse experiments in which we simulated herbivory in order to evaluate the compensatory capacity of native and exotic species under different herbivory levels that resembled naturally occurring damage. Natural herbivory levels in the field were similar between the studied exotic and native plants. Field observations confirmed that they both shared some herbivore insects, most of which are generalists. In the greenhouse experiments, both exotic and native plants fully compensated for herbivory. Our results suggest that the studied exotic plants are not released from herbivory in the Patagonian steppe but are able to fully compensate for it. The capacity to recover from herbivory coupled with other potential adaptations, such as a better performance under disturbance and greater competitive ability than that of the native species, may represent some of the mechanisms responsible for the success of plant invasion in the Patagonian steppe.  相似文献   

The prey base for Patagonian carnivores has been altered greatly over the past 150 years due to widespread overgrazing by livestock, invasions by exotic wildlife, and hunting. On ranches in northern Patagonia carnivores consume mostly exotic species, and native herbivores are ecologically extinct in their role as prey. In this study we compare diets of the culpeo (Lycalopex culpaeus), chilla (L. griseus), puma (Puma concolor), Geoffroy's cat (Leopardus geoffroyi), colocolo (L. colocolo), and hog-nosed skunks (Conepatus chinga and C. humboldtii) in a reserve with a mostly native prey base to their diets on the ranches, and evaluate how differences in prey bases affect trophic interactions among carnivores. Carnivores in the reserve consumed mostly native prey. Dietary overlap among carnivores was not significant on the reserve, but was highly significant on the ranches. This homogenization of diets where densities of native species are reduced could lead to stronger negative interactions among carnivores, altering the composition of the carnivore assemblage to the detriment of the more specialized species. Study of carnivore diets may be a relatively quick way to evaluate the conservation status and ecological functionality of prey assemblages in Patagonia and other areas where these have been altered.  相似文献   

Human  K. G.  Gordon  D. M. 《Insectes Sociaux》1999,46(2):159-163
Summary: The Argentine ant, Linepithema humile, has invaded many areas of the world, displacing native ants. Its behavior may contribute to its competitive success. Staged and natural encounters were observed at food resources in the field, between Argentine ants and eight ant species native to northern California. There was no relation between the frequency of aggression by any ant species and the outcome of encounters, though Argentine ants were more likely than ants of native species to behave aggressively. When an ant of one species initiated an encounter of any kind with an ant of another species, the ant that did not initiate was likely to retreat. This was true of all species studied. Most encounters between ants were initiated by Argentine ants. Thus the native species tended to retreat more frequently than Argentine ants. Interactions between Argentine ants and native species at food resources, causing ants of native species to retreat, may help Argentine ants to displace native species from invaded areas.  相似文献   

1. Ants interact with a diversity of organisms. These interactions, coupled with their abundance, cause ants to have ecologically important effects across multiple trophic levels. 2. Empirical study of ant nutritional ecology has led to the prediction that a macronutrient imbalance will affect ant behaviour and interspecific interactions that underlie these broad‐scale effects. Excess carbohydrate relative to protein is predicted to increase ant aggressiveness, predatory tendency and foraging activity, and to decrease collection of hemipteran honeydew and plant nectar. 3. In field experiments conducted in 2009 and 2010, captive colony fragments of a native ant, Formica podzolica (Hymenoptera: Formicidae), were provided with either simulated prey or carbohydrate solution ad libitum. Foraging behaviours and interactions with flowers, myrmecophilous aphids and aphid natural enemies on wild‐grown plants were documented. 4. Strong effects of macronutrient imbalance on foraging manifested quickly and consistently across colonies; in accordance with predictions, prey‐fed foragers collected both honeydew and floral nectar, whereas carbohydrate‐fed ants ceased collecting these resources. Counter to predictions, carbohydrate‐fed ants dramatically lowered their activity levels and did not prey upon aphids. 5. Ants had no effect on aphid enemies in 2009, when the latter were relatively rare, but decreased their abundance in 2010. Despite this protection, the net effect of ants on aphids was negative (measured only in 2009). Prey‐fed ants demonstrated a strong preference for honeydew over floral nectar, thus demonstrating that a macronutrient imbalance may lead to different interactions with similar resources. 6. This study links ant nutrition and community ecology by demonstrating the rapid, asymmetric and multitrophic consequences of nutritionally mediated behaviour.  相似文献   

We examined seed survival in exotic- and native-dominated grasslands by placing seeds of a once-pervasive native grass species, Nassella pulchra, and two of the most common, widespread exotic grass species, Avena fatua and Bromus hordeaceus, in mesh bags in the field for 3 months. Compared to germination of unexposed seeds not placed in the field, exotic species experienced an approximately 40% reduction in viability, whereas the mortality experienced by the native species was <20%. Despite these differences, germination rates of exposed seeds were similar between native and exotic species because native N. pulchra seeds had lower initial viability prior to entering the seed bank. Seed mortality did not differ based on whether seeds were placed in habitats dominated by exotic or native grasses. Rather, our results suggest that re-establishment of native N. pulchra must focus on maximizing seed viability and survival, and that A. fatua and B. hordeaceus overcome relatively higher losses of viable seeds in the seed bank, potentially by producing large numbers of highly viable seeds.  相似文献   

Dominant species are thought to regulate species composition and assemblage structure. Invasion by a dominant species is thus likely to alter assemblages and anthropogenic disturbance often facilitates such invasions. In this study we examined the association of a dominant ant, Iridomyrmex purpureus , native to south-eastern Australia, with fire trails in national parks and its effects on ant assemblages. Association with fire trails was examined by comparing the numbers of I. purpureus nests on transects along fire trails with those in transects through surrounding vegetation. Ant assemblages and habitat characteristics of eight sandstone outcrops that supported colonies of I. purpureus were compared with those on eight that did not in summer and autumn 2000. We examined ant species richness, abundance, composition and biomass using quadrats, and resource use with Acacia botrycephalus seeds placed on rock and in vegetation. I. purpureus nests were considerably more common along fire trails than in surrounding vegetation. Sites with I. purpureus had similar species richness to those without, but a lower abundance and biomass of other ants and a different assemblage composition. These differences could not be attributed to any differences in measured habitat characteristics. Ecologically similar species, particularly other species of Iridomyrmex , were less abundant in areas with I. purpureus . While the biomass of other species was suppressed in areas with I. purpureus , the biomass of the dominant was several times that of the assemblage of other ants, a pattern shared with assemblages invaded by exotic species. In areas with I. purpureus , seeds were removed more rapidly from rock, but not vegetation, indicating that resources on rock may be under-exploited by other species. Regulation of invaded ant assemblages by this dominant ant is thus limited to functionally similar species, and this may be due to its use of resources that are unexploited in its absence.  相似文献   

Question: What is the effect of vertical seed distribution (i.e. seeds on soil surface or buried) and the relative importance of vertical and horizontal seed distribution (i.e. seeds near established vegetation or near bare soil) for seedling emergence? Location: Patagonian arid steppe. Methods: To evaluate the effect of vertical seed distribution on seedling emergence, four sowing treatments were used in field and greenhouse experiments. Vertical vs. horizontal seed distribution and the occurrence of seedlings were analysed in the field. Effects of trampling and mechanical drilling on seedling emergence were investigated experimentally in the field. Results: In field and glasshouse experiments buried seeds showed a higher emergence and larger seedling size than seeds lying on the soil surface. The observational field study indicated that natural emergence was not associated with particular microsites or plant cover (horizontal distribution), but that most seedlings emerged from buried positions (vertical distribution). Buried seeds represented less than 10% of the sampled seed cohort but account for almost 60% of the seedlings. The trampling/drilling experiment showed that sheep trampling and mechanical drilling increased seedling emergence compared to non‐treated controls. Conclusions: The population dynamics of Bromus pictus is strongly constrained by the vertical position of seeds, which largely affects emergence, and seed horizontal distribution, which largely affects seedling survival. Our results showed that sheep trampling after seed dispersal may be a low‐input technique for increasing grass recruitment.  相似文献   

The invasive behaviour of exotic species is assumed to be due to the reduced impact of enemies on their performance, along with other possible mechanisms. I studied whether the seeds of exotics (6 species) are less impacted by seed predators and seed fungal pathogens than the seeds of their related natives (5 species). I also explored whether the co-occurrence of related natives and the time since introduction increased the percentage of lost seeds in exotics. Seeds were either left unprotected during a period of seven months or treated with fungicide, protected by seed predator exclosures or subjected to both treatments. Both treatments improved seed survival rate. Fungicide treatment had more positive effect on seeds of native than of exotic species but the fungicide-by-origin interaction was insignificant. When exotic species only were considered, fungicide had neutral effect on survival of their seeds, irrespective of the co-occurrence of related natives in the vegetation. Time since introduction was shown not to influence the proportion of seeds lost due to fungi or seed predators. Though the results of this study did not support enemy release as a possible mechanism causing the invasiveness of exotic species, it identified fungal pathogens as an enemy group with possibly differential impacts on native and exotic seeds, which thus deserves attention in future studies.  相似文献   

The Argentine ant (Linepithema humile) is an invasive species that disrupts the balance of natural ecosystems by displacing indigenous ant species throughout its introduced range. The mechanisms by which Argentine ants effectively compete against native ant species have been previously addressed in field studies that centered on interference and exploitation competition at baits and mainly examined the colony-level performance of Argentine ants. Detailed behavioral observations explaining the basis for the strong competitive ability of L. humile are comparatively rare. To gain a better understanding of the mechanisms by which Argentine ants displace native ants we examined the aggressive interactions between the Argentine ants and the odorous house ant, Tapinoma sessile in four different aggression assays: (1) worker dyad interactions, (2) symmetrical group interactions, (3) intruder introductions into an established resident colony, and (4) a resource competition assay which focused on competition for food and nesting space. Our results demonstrate a clear disparity between worker-level and colony-level fighting ability of Argentine ants and provide behavioral evidence to explain the superior interference ability of Argentine ants in group assays. Argentine ants experienced mixed success in fighting against odorous house ants in dyad interactions, but gradually gained a numerical advantage in symmetrical group interactions by active cooperation among nestmates. Results of the resource competition assay indicate that Argentine ants recruit rapidly, numerically dominate food and nesting sites, and aggressively displace T. sessile from baits. Taken together, the results of these assays allow us to pinpoint the behavioral mechanisms responsible for the remarkable competitive ability of Argentine ants.  相似文献   

1. Interspecific competition is a major structuring principle in ecological communities. Despite their prevalence, the outcome of competitive interactions is hard to predict, highly context-dependent, and multiple factors can modulate such interactions. 2. We tested predictions concerning how competitive interactions are modified by anthropogenic habitat disturbance in ground-foraging ant assemblages inhabiting fragmented Inter-Andean tropical dry forests in southwestern Colombia, and investigated ant assemblages recruiting to baits in 10 forest fragments exposed to varying level of human disturbance. 3. Specifically, we evaluated how different components of competitive interactions (patterns of species co-occurrence, resource partitioning, numerical dominance, and interspecific trade-offs between discovery and dominance competition) varied with level of habitat disturbance in a human-dominated ecosystem. 4. Multiple lines of evidence suggest that the role of competitive interactions in structuring ground-foraging ant communities at baits varied with respect to habitat disturbance. As disturbance increased, community structure was more likely to exhibit random co-occurrence patterns, higher levels of monopolization of food resources by dominant ants, and disproportionate dominance of a single species, the little fire ant (Wasmannia auropunctata). At a regional scale, we found evidence for a trade-off between dominance and discovery abilities of the 15 most common species at baits. 5. Together, these results suggest that human disturbance modifies the outcome of competitive interactions in ground-foraging ant assemblages and may promote dominant species that reduce diversity and coexistence in tropical ecosystems.  相似文献   

Cumberland Plain grassy woodland in western Sydney has been reduced to less than 12% of its pre‐settlement distribution; efforts to restore it on cleared and grazed sites within its former distribution have met with mixed success. Elevated soil nitrate levels, coupled with propagule and establishment limitation, have been identified as barriers to restoration in other grasslands. Our study used a factorial combination of carbon addition, fire and native seed addition to test whether these barriers operated on a former Cumberland plain woodland site dominated by exotic perennial grasses. Replicate field plots were established in November 2004; fire plots were burnt in December 2004; carbon was then added as sugar every 3 months until September 2005; and seeds of five native grasses were added in January 2005. Carbon addition significantly reduced soil nitrate, the effect appearing in October 2005. Carbon addition and fire each reduced the total abundance of exotics; when combined, they halved the abundance of the two dominant exotic grasses. Total abundance of native species responded positively to carbon and seed addition, but significant responses to carbon were not detected for individual species. Abundance of two native grasses responded positively to fire; after treatment the native proportion of total abundance rose from 26% on controls to 44–65% on carbon and/or fire plots. Exotic species richness was decreased independently by carbon addition and fire. Native species richness was increased independently by fire and seed addition. All five native grasses established sporadically, but only on carbon and/or fire plots. The three treatments each significantly and independently affected species composition, which showed the greatest change when all three were applied. The three treatments collectively increased the proportion of natives in measures of both plant abundance and species richness. The study confirmed that elevated soil nitrate, plus propagule and recruitment limitation are barriers to restoring this grassy woodland on cleared and grazed sites.  相似文献   

In arid environments, the high availability of sunlight due to the scarcity of trees suggests that plant competition take place mainly belowground for water and nutrients. However, the occurrence of soil disturbances that increase nutrient availability and thereby promote plant growth may enhance shoot competition between neighboring plants. We conducted a greenhouse experiment to evaluate the influence of the enriched soil patches generated by the leaf-cutting ant, Acromyrmex lobicornis, on the performance of the alien forb Carduus thoermeri (Asteraceae) under different intraspecific competition scenarios. Our results showed that substrate type and competition scenario affected mainly aboveground plant growth. As expected, plants growing without neighbors and in nutrient-rich ant refuse dumps showed more aboveground biomass than plants growing with neighbors and in nutrient-poor steppe soils. However, aboveground competition was more intense in nutrient-poor substrates: plants under shoot and full competition growing in the nutrient-rich ant refuse dumps showed higher biomass than those growing on steppe soils. Belowground biomass was similar among focal plants growing under different substrate type. Our results support the traditional view that increments in resource availability reduce competition intensity. Moreover, the fact that seedlings in this sunny habitat mainly compete aboveground illustrates how limiting factors may be scale-dependent and change in importance as plants grow.  相似文献   

张景慧  黄永梅  陈慧颖  杨涵越 《生态学报》2016,36(18):5902-5911
以内蒙古典型草原为研究对象,选取放牧和割草、去除放牧、去除放牧和割草样地进行群落调查和叶片属性测量,比较分析各样地土壤性质、群落生产力及主要物种的比叶面积(SLA,Specific Leaf Area)、叶片干物质含量(LDMC,Leaf Dry Matter Content)、叶片氮含量(LNC,Leaf Nitrogen Concentration)在个体、功能群和群落水平对去除干扰的响应。结果表明,1)去除干扰处理在短期对土壤特性和群落生产力的影响不显著;2)多数物种在放牧和割草样地SLA较低,说明典型草原多数物种的SLA表现为放牧逃避;3)不同功能群植物叶片属性对去除干扰的响应不一致,去除放牧后,多年生杂类草的SLA和LDMC不受影响,但LNC变小;多年生禾草的SLA增加,而LDMC和LNC无显著变化。一年生植物在去除放牧和割草后,LNC显著增加。去除割草后,多年生禾草SLA减小,而多年生杂类草SLA、LNC增加,LDMC减小;4)在群落水平,放牧和割草样地由于较占优势的多年生禾草SLA较低,群落比叶面积最低,在去除放牧和割草样地,群落叶片氮含量显著增加;5)在内蒙古典型草原,LDMC能够很好地将多年生禾草和多年生杂类草区分,SLA在个体、功能群和群落水平均比LDMC敏感。  相似文献   

Sutherland S 《Oecologia》2004,141(1):24-39
I compared ten life history traits (vegetative reproduction, breeding system, compatibility, pollination system, shade tolerance, habitat, life span, life form, morphology, and toxicity) from two existing databases for the 19,960 plant species that occur in the USA. I used two-way tests of independence to determine if there were significant life history traits that distinguish weeds from non-weeds, exotic weeds from native weeds, and invasive exotic weeds from non-invasive exotic weeds. Life span was the most significant life history trait for weeds in general; weeds were more likely to be annuals and biennials and less likely to perennials than non-weeds. In addition, vegetative reproduction, breeding system, compatibility, shade tolerance, and life form were related to life span. Annual and biennial weeds (whether native, exotic, or exotic invasives) were more likely to be wetland adapted, armed, and toxic than annual or biennial non-weeds. Perennial weeds (whether native, exotic, or exotic invasives) were less likely to be forbs or subshrubs, and more likely to be wetland adapted, toxic, shade intolerant, grasses, vines and trees than perennial non-weeds. Exotic annual and perennial weeds were less likely to be wetland species than native weeds, but more likely to be wetland species than non-weeds. Invasive exotic weeds, in contrast, were less likely to be forbs and more likely to be perennial, monoecious, self-incompatible, and trees and than non-invasive exotics.  相似文献   

The eastern Patagonian Shelf and continental slope of the south-west Atlantic Ocean support a high biodiversity and abundance of skates. In this study, meso-scale differences in the assemblages, spatial and seasonal distributions of skates are revealed among six habitat zones of the eastern Patagonian Shelf characterized by distinctive oceanographic conditions. Most skates belonged to temperate fauna, and their abundance was much greater in habitats occupied by temperate waters (north-western outer shelf) or mixed waters (northern slope) than in habitats occupied by sub-Antarctic waters (SASW) (south-eastern outer shelf and southern slope). Sub-Antarctic skates were not abundant on the shelf even in habitats occupied by SASW, occurring mainly in deep areas of the lower continental slope. The majority of temperate skates migrated seasonally, shifting northward in winter and spreading southward with warming waters in summer. Most temperate species had two peaks in female maturity (mainly spring and autumn) and spawned in the same habitats where they fed. It is hypothesized that the high biodiversity and abundance of skates on the Patagonian Shelf and Slope are due to the practical absence of their natural competitors, flatfishes, which occupy similar eco-niches elsewhere.  相似文献   

Identifying the factors that promote the success of biological invasions is a key pursuit in ecology. To date, the link between animal personality and invasiveness has rarely been studied. Here, we examined in the laboratory how Argentine ant populations from the species’ native and introduced ranges differed in a suite of behaviours related to species interactions and the use of space. We found correlations among specific behavioural traits that defined an explorative-aggressive syndrome. The Main “European” supercolony (introduced range) more readily explored novel environments, displayed more aggression, detected food resources more quickly, and occupied more space than the Catalonian supercolony (introduced range) and two other Argentine supercolonies (native range). The two native supercolonies also differed in their personalities; one harbouring the less invasive personality, while the other is intermediate between the two introduced supercolonies. Therefore, instead of a binary pattern, Argentine ant supercolonies display a behavioural continuum that is independent on their geographic origin (native/introduced ranges). Our results also suggest that variability in personality traits is correlated to differences in the ecological success of Argentine ant colonies. Differences in group personalities may facilitate the persistence and invasion of animals under novel selective pressures by promoting adaptive behaviours. We stress that the concept of animal personality should be taken into account when elucidating the mechanisms of invasiveness.  相似文献   

放牧干扰对荒漠草原植物叶性状及其相互关系的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
安慧 《应用生态学报》2012,23(11):2991-2996
以宁夏退化荒漠草原优势植物牛心朴子、乳浆大戟、甘草和牛枝子为对象,分析放牧干扰对植物的比叶面积(specific leaf area, SLA)、叶干物质含量(leaf dry matter content, LDMC)、叶面积和叶干质量等叶性状的影响,探讨荒漠草原生态系统中不同物种对环境改变的响应和适应对策.结果表明: 随着放牧强度的降低,牛心朴子、乳浆大戟、甘草和牛枝子的SLA总体呈显著降低的趋势;SLA在不同放牧强度间差异显著,而LDMC则无显著差异.不同植物的叶性状相关性存在差异,牛心朴子和甘草的SLA和LDMC呈显著负相关,而乳浆大戟和牛枝子的SLA和LDMC呈正相关.牛心朴子、甘草、乳浆大戟和牛枝子的SLA对生存环境改变的反应比LDMC更敏感.植物的SLA可以作为荒漠草原植物资源利用对策的指示指标.  相似文献   

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