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An assemblage of species of the genus Baylea (B. subpenea (Netchaev, 1894), B. vjatkensis Mazaev, 2015, B. praeburtasorum sp. nov., and B. shilovskyi sp. nov.) from the Lower Kazanian Substage (Middle Permian) is described. It is shown that this assemblage is phylogenetically connected with the Late Kazanian species B. rigida Mazaev, 2015, B. foraminata Mazaev, 2015, B. chimbulatiensis Mazaev, 2015, B. nemdaensis Mazaev, 2015, and B. burtasorum (Golowkinsky, 1868). Index species of three stratigraphic intervals are recognized: B. praeburtasorum sp. nov.–B. shilovskyi sp. nov., B. rigida–B. foraminata, and B. burtasorum. The morphology and polymorphism of the studied species are discussed.  相似文献   

This paper discusses the morphogenesis and evolutionary history of the genus Biarmeaspira in the Kazanian Paleobasin. Based on an analysis of variability, morphotypes are recognized for B. striata and B. jusupovi, and patterns in the changes of characters are established. The stratigraphic distribution and facies affinity of the species and morphotypes of Biarmeaspira in the Kazanian of the Volga-Urals Region are reviewed.  相似文献   

A new linoproductid genus is described from the provincial Terrakea arguta Zone (lower part of the Upper Kazanian Substage) of the key section of the Tsagan-Temete Horizon (Kazanian Stage-Lower Tatarian Substage) of northeastern Mongolia. The type species of the new genus was found in the middle layers of the Lower Uldza Subformation, which contains numerous diverse productids from the genus Terrakea.  相似文献   

Despite morphological and ecological inconsistencies among species, all plagioporine opecoelids with a pedunculate ventral sucker are currently considered to belong in the genus Podocotyloides Yamaguti, 1934. We revise the genus based on combined morphological and phylogenetic analyses of novel material collected from haemulid fishes in Queensland waters that we interpret to represent species congeneric with the type-species, Pod. petalophallus Yamaguti, 1934, also known from a haemulid, off Japan. Our phylogenetic analysis demonstrates polyphyly of Podocotyloides; prompts us to resurrect Pedunculacetabulum Yamaguti, 1934; and suggests that Pod. brevis Andres & Overstreet, 2013, from a deep-sea congrid in the Caribbean, and Pod. parupenei (Manter, 1963) Pritchard, 1966 and Pod. stenometra Pritchard, 1966, from mullids and chaetodontids, respectively, on the Great Barrier Reef, may each represent a distinct genus awaiting recognition. Our revised concept of Podocotyloides requires a pedunculate ventral sucker, but also a uterine sphincter prior to the genital atrium, a petalloid cirrus appendage, restriction of the vitelline follicles to the hindbody, and for the excretory vesicle to reach to the level of the ventral sucker. Of about 20 nominal species, we recognise just three in Podocotyloides (sensu stricto): Pod. petalophallus, Pod. gracilis (Yamaguti, 1952) Pritchard, 1966 and Pod. magnatestes Aleshkina & Gaevskaya, 1985. We provide new records for Pod. gracilis, and propose two new species of Podocotyloides, Pod. australis n. sp. and Pod. brevivesiculatus n. sp., and one new Pedunculacetabulum species, Ped. inopinipugnus n. sp., all from haemulids. Podocotyloides australis is morphologically indistinguishable from Pod. gracilis, and exploits the same definitive host, but is genetically and biogeographically distinct. It is thus a cryptic species, the first such opecoelid to be formally named.  相似文献   

Endophytic fungi (EPF) are an important contributor to fungal diversity. It is surmised that EPF colonizing plant roots have high diversity. This study aimed to alleviate the scarcity of information regarding EPF in tropical forests, by isolationg and identifying EPF from a tropical forests in Indonesia. Soils were collected from five forests: (1) Tectona grandis monoculture; (2) Swietenia macrophylla monoculture; (3) Gmelina sp., Artocarpus champeden, Dipterocarp mixed; (4) Dipterocarp primary; (5) Macaranga sp. secondary. Four trees (Calliandra calothyrsus, Paraserianthes falcataria, Sesbania grandiflora, and Cassia siamea) and three crops (Sorghum bicolor, Allium fistulosum, and Trifolium repens) were grown in the forest soils to trap EPF. EPF were isolated from roots and isolation rates were calculated. Based on the isolation rates, P. falcataria and S. bicolor were chosen and grown again in forest soils. EPF were isolated and identified by their rDNA ITS1 region. Twelve and 21 EPF were isolated from 250 roots of P. falcataria and 300 roots of S. bicolor, respectively. Identified EPF were from genera Acrocalymma, Fusarium, Tolypocladium, Penicillium, Talaromyces, Exophiala, Dictyosporium, Pseudochaetosphaeronema, Mariannaea, Trichoderma, and Mycoleptodiscus. Acrocalymma, Tolypocladium, Penicillium, Exophiala, Pseudochaetosphaeronema, Mariannaea, and Mycoleptodiscus spp. were isolated from only one forest. Fusarium, Talaromyces, and Trichoderma spp. were isolated from more than one forest. The numbers of EPF isolated from Gmelina sp., Artocarpus champeden, Dipterocarp mixed forest, and Macaranga sp. secondary forest were higher than those from other forests, suggesting that different plant species in forests affect the root EPF community.  相似文献   

We carried out an allozyme analysis to investigate polymorphism and genetic structure of the populations of D. incarnata and D. ochroleuca in regions of their joint growth in Russia and Belarus. We found that D. ochroleuca individuals in the populations of the Urals and Siberia, which are distant fragments from the main range of the species, do not differ significantly from individuals within the main part of the area (Belarus) on the basis of the allelic composition of eight gene loci. We revealed that D. ochroleuca and D. incarnata are differentiated by different alleles of the GDH locus. Thus, we established a genetic marker suitable to distinguish these closely related taxa. In addition to the GDH locus, D. ochroleuca and D. incarnata in the places of their joint growth, differ in the allelic structure of the PGI and NADHD loci. D. incarnata from the Urals and Siberia were polymorphic for both loci, and individuals from Belarus were polymorphic for one locus (PGI). In contrast, all D. ochroleuca individuals growing in sympatric populations with polymorphic D. incarnata were homozygous for the same alleles. Thus, comparison of the genetic structure of D. ochroleuca and D. incarnata points to the existence of a genetic isolation and a functioning isolation mechanism even under conditions of their joint growth. We found that the GDH locus in D. incarnata is polymorphic only in populations which grow together with D. ochroleuca, with exception a few examples. Thus, we conclude that variability of the GDH locus in D. incarnata is associated with hybridization with D. ochroleuca.  相似文献   

Endelus (Kubaniellus) indicus sp. n. from India, E. (K.) lao sp. n. and E. (K.) khnzoriani sp. n. from Laos, E. (s. str.) sausai sp. n. from China, and E. (s. str.) dembickyi sp. n. from India are described, the two latter species are included in the Endelus bicarinatus Théry, 1932 species-group recently established by the author. E. collinus Obenberger, 1922 is included in this group; lectotype of this species is designated. Keys to species of the subgenus Kubaniellus and of the E. collinus group are provided. E. (K.) kareni Kalashian is for the first time recorded for Shaanxi Prov., E. pacholatkoi Kalashian, E. smaragdinus Desc. et Vill., and E collinus Obenb., for Laos (the latter species, also for Myanmar).  相似文献   

Using yeast genome databases and literature data, phylogenetic analysis of pectinase PGU genes from 112 Saccharomyces strains assigned to the biological species S. arboricola, S. bayanus (var. uvarum), S. cariocanus, S. cerevisiae, S. kudriavzevii, S. mikatae, S. paradoxus, and the hybrid taxon S. pastorianus (syn. S. carlsbergensis) was carried out. A superfamily of divergent PGU genes was found. Natural interspecies transfer of the PGU gene both from S. cerevisiae to S. bayanus and from S. paradoxus to S. cerevisiae may, however, occur. Within the Saccharomyces species, identity of the PGU nucleotide sequences was 98.8–100% for S. cerevisiae, 86.1–95.7% for S. bayanus (var. uvarum), 94–98.3% for S. kudriavzevii, and 96.8–100% for S. paradoxus/S. cariocanus. For the first time, a family of polymeric PGU1b, PGU2b, PGU3b and PGU4b genes is documented for the yeast S. bayanus var. uvarum, a variety important for winemaking.  相似文献   

Two new species of hymenolepidid cestodes belonging to the genus Armadolepis Spassky, 1954 are described from dormice (Gliridae) from the southern East European Plain and the northwestern Caucasus, Russia. Armadolepis (Bremserilepis) longisoma n. sp., with a rudimentary, unarmed rostellar apparatus is described from the fat dormouse Glis glis (Linnaeus) from the Republic of Adygeya, Russia. Additionally, A. (Armadolepis) dryomi n. sp., characterised by a well-developed rostellar apparatus and armed rhynchus is described from the forest dormouse Dryomys nitedula Pallas from Rostov Oblast’, Russia. Armadolepis (Bremserilepis) longisoma n. sp. differs from A. (Bremserilepis) myoxi (Rudolphi, 1819) in having a substantially longer strobila and cirrus-sac, wider scolex and ovary and larger rostellar pouch and testes. Armadolepis (Armadolepis) dryomi n. sp. is distinguishable from A. (Armadolepis) spasskii Tenora & Baru?, 1958, A. (Armadolepis) jeanbaeri Makarikov, 2017 and A. (Armadolepis) tenorai Makarikov, 2017 in having a substantially longer and wider strobila, and larger rostellar pouch and cirrus-sac. Furthermore, A. dryomi n. sp. can be distinguished from its congeners by the number and size of rostellar hooks and the arrangement of the testes. Phylogenetic affinities of Armadolepis were studied for the first time using partial sequences of the nuclear ribosomal 28S DNA gene. Phylogenetic analysis strongly supported the status of Armadolepis as a separate genus belonging to the “Rodentolepis clade”.  相似文献   

Polar cod, Boreogadus saida, is a key species in Arctic marine ecosystems; however, its genetic population structure is largely undescribed. The population genetic structure of 472 B. saida specimens among nine locations in the north-east Atlantic was revealed using 12 microsatellite loci. Pairwise F ST comparisons showed significant population differentiation between B. saida sampled inside fjords in Svalbard and north-east Greenland, as compared to B. saida from the shelf. The observed genetic variation was not a function of isolation by distance, and it is speculated that B. saida populations inhabiting fjords may have become reproductively isolated from shelf-dwelling B. saida during the last post-glacial recolonization.  相似文献   

The aporocotylid fauna of the mottled spinefoot, Siganus fuscescens (Houttuyn), from Moreton Bay, Queensland, Australia, was characterised using a combined morphological and molecular approach. Four aporocotylid species were identified, three belonging to the genus Ankistromeces Nolan & Cribb, 2006 and one to Cardicola Short, 1953. Specimens of Cardicola matched an undescribed species from the same host and locality; this species is described as Cardicola mogilae n. sp. Phylogenetic analyses of ITS2 and 28S data showed that C. mogilae n. sp. forms a strongly supported clade with other Cardicola species from siganid fishes. We record Ankistromeces olsoni Nolan & Cribb, 2006 in Moreton Bay for the first time, redescribe A. dunwichensis Nolan & Cribb, 2006 on the basis of new specimens and sequence data and re-report Ankistromeces sp. X from Moreton Bay based on molecular data. We review the status of the ten putative species of aporocotylids reported from siganids. Small variation in ITS2 rDNA sequences, in association with different geographic localities, was previously used to separate Cardicola lafii Nolan & Cribb, 2006 from C. parilus Nolan & Cribb, 2006, C. bartolii Nolan & Cribb, 2006 from C. watsonensis Nolan & Cribb, 2006, C. tantabiddii Nolan & Cribb, 2006 from Cardicola sp. 2, Ankistromeces sp. Y from A. olsoni and Ankistromeces sp. X from Ankistromeces sp. Z. These five combinations are reinterpreted as each representing a single species; Cardicola lafii is recognised as the senior synonym of C. parilus and C. bartolii as the senior synonym of C. watsonensis. This study thus suggests that six, rather than ten, species should be recognised as infecting S. fuscescens. This richness remains greater than is known for any other fish species and siganids are, so far, unique among fishes in harbouring two strongly radiated lineages of aporocotylids.  相似文献   

Eight species of the trematode family Bucephalidae Poche, 1907 are reported from teleost fishes in Moreton Bay, Queensland, Australia. Heterobucephalopsis yongi n. sp. is described from Gymnothorax eurostus (Muraenidae); the new form is distinguished from its congeners in the possession of a tiny cirrus-sac relative to body length, the length of the caecum, the position of the mouth and pharynx, and the position of the testes and ovary. Two known species of Dollfustrema Eckmann, 1934, D. durum Nolan, Curran, Miller, Cutmore, Cantacessi & Cribb, 2015 and D. gibsoni Nolan & Cribb, 2010, are reported from Gymnothorax pseudothyrsoideus (Bleeker) (Muraenidae); although both species were described from Australian waters, this represents the first reports from Moreton Bay and G. pseudothyrsoideus. Four species of Prosorhynchus Odhner, 1905 are reported, including one new, P. brayi n. sp., which is described from Epinephelus coioides (Hamilton) (Serranidae); P. brayi n. sp. is distinguished from its congeners in the possession of vitelline follicles in a confluent arc distinctly posterior to a conical rhynchus, uterine coils that do not extend anterior to the vitelline arc, contiguous testes, a cirrus-sac that reaches anteriorly to at least the level of the posterior testis and a short excretory vesicle. Three known species of Prosorhynchus are reported from Australia, for the first time: P. luzonicus Velasquez, 1959 and P. maternus Bray & Justine, 2006 from E. coioides and Prosorhynchus platycephali (Yamaguti, 1934) Srivastava, 1938 from Ambiserrula jugosa (McCulloch) and Inegocia japonica (Cuvier) (Platycephalidae). Skrjabiniella Issaitschikow, 1928 is re-recognised for new specimens of Skrjabiniella uniporus (Ozaki, 1924) n. comb. collected from Conger cinereus Rüppell (Congridae); three additional species of Prosorhynchus are considered members of this genus, two of which are synonymised with S. uniporus.  相似文献   


Key message

An NB-LRR gene, TYNBS1, was isolated from Begomovirus-resistance locus Ty-2. Transgenic plant analysis revealed that TYNBS1 is a functional resistance gene. TYNBS1 is considered to be synonymous with Ty-2.


Tomato yellow leaf curl disease caused by Tomato yellow leaf curl virus (TYLCV) is a serious threat to tomato (Solanum lycopersicum L.) production worldwide. A Begomovirus resistance gene, Ty-2, was introduced into cultivated tomato from Solanum habrochaites by interspecific crossing. To identify the Ty-2 gene, we performed genetic analysis. Identification of recombinant line 3701 confirmed the occurrence of a chromosome inversion in the Ty-2 region of the resistant haplotype. Genetic analysis revealed that the Ty-2 gene is linked to an introgression encompassing two markers, SL11_25_54277 and repeat A (approximately 200 kb). Genomic sequences of the upper and lower border of the inversion section of susceptible and resistant haplotypes were determined. Two nucleotide-binding domain and leucine-rich repeat-containing (NB-LRR) genes, TYNBS1 and TYNBS2, were identified around the upper and lower ends of the inversion section, respectively. TYNBS1 strictly co-segregated with TYLCV resistance, whereas TYNBS2 did not. Genetic introduction of genomic fragments containing the TYNBS1 gene into susceptible tomato plants conferred TYLCV resistance. These results demonstrate that TYNBS1 is a functional resistance gene for TYLCV, and is synonymous with the Ty-2 gene.

A method for in vivo studying the fidelity of DNA double-strand break (DSB) repair in bacteriophage T4 has been developed. The frequency of reversion of rII mutations to the wild phenotype was measured in i segC + × i ets1 segCΔ crosses, where ets1 is an insertion in the initial part of the rIB gene carrying a sequence recognized by SegC endonuclease; i designates a rIIB or rIIA mutation located at some distance from ets1, and segCΔ is a deletion in the segC gene. In such cross, a DSB occurs in the site of ets1. Their repair involves genetic recombination and DNA replication in the neighborhood of ets1. In parallel, the frequency of reversion of the same i mutant in the absence of DSBs is measured in i × i self-crosses. Reversions of different types (base substitutions, deletions, insertions) can be studied with the use of structurally different i mutations located at varying distances from ets1. The reversion frequencies were determined for three rIIB mutations and one rIIA mutation. The results obtained suggest that DSB repair in bacteriophage T4 is a process of high fidelity with the rate of errors that does not essentially exceed that in the case of usual phage multiplication.  相似文献   

Environmental sampling yielded two yeast species belonging to Microstromatales (Exobasidiomycetes, Ustilaginomycotina). The first species was collected from a leaf phylloplane infected by the rust fungus Coleosporium plumeriae, and represents a new species in the genus Jaminaea, for which the name Jaminaea rosea sp. nov. is proposed. The second species was isolated from air on 50% glucose media and is most similar to Microstroma phylloplanum. However, our phylogenetic analyses reveal that species currently placed in Microstroma are not monophyletic, and M. phylloplanum, M. juglandis and M. albiziae are not related to the type species of this genus, M. album. Thus, Pseudomicrostroma gen. nov. is proposed to accommodate the following species: P. glucosiphilum sp. nov., P. phylloplanum comb. nov. and P. juglandis comb. nov. We also propose Parajaminaea gen. nov. to accommodate P. albizii comb. nov. and P. phylloscopi sp. nov. based on phylogenetic analyses that show these are not congeneric with Jaminaea or Microstroma. In addition, we validate the genus Jaminaea, its respective species and two species of Sympodiomycopsis and provide a new combination, Microstroma bacarum comb. nov., for the anamorphic yeast Rhodotorula bacarum. Our results illustrate non-monophyly of Quambalariaceae and Microstromataceae as currently circumscribed. Taxonomy of Microstroma and the Microstromataceae is reviewed and discussed. Finally, analyses of all available small subunit rDNA sequences for Jaminaea species show that J. angkorensis is the only known species that possess a group I intron in this locus, once considered a potential feature indicating the basal placement of this genus in Microstromatales.  相似文献   

Because of the strong morphological similarity of the powdery mildew fungi that infect papaveraceous hosts, a total of 39 samples were studied to reveal the phylogeny and host range of these fungi. ITS and 28S sequence analyses revealed that the isolates identified earlier as Erysiphe cruciferarum on papaveraceous hosts represent distinct lineages and differ from that of E. cruciferarum sensu stricto on brassicaceous hosts. The taxonomic status of the anamorph infecting Eschscholzia californica was revised, and therefore, a new species name, Erysiphe eschscholziae, is proposed. The taxonomic position of the Pseudoidium anamorphs infecting Glaucium flavum, Meconopsis cambrica, Papaver dubium, and Stylophorum diphyllum remain unclear. This study revealed that Erysiphe macleayae exhibits a specific host range different from that of E. cruciferarum, the common pathogen of papaveraceous hosts. Although E. macleayae occurred naturally on Macleaya cordata, Macleaya microcarpa, M. cambrica, and Chelidonium majus only, our inoculation tests revealed that the fungus was capable of infecting Argemone grandiflora, Glaucium corniculatum, Papaver rhoeas, and Papaver somniferum, indicating that these plant species may also be taken into account as potential hosts. Erysiphe cruciferarum originating from P. somniferum was not able to infect A. grandiflora, C. majus, E. californica, M. cordata, and P. rhoeas. The emergence of E. macleayae on M. microcarpa is reported here for the first time from the Czech Republic and Slovakia. The appearance of chasmothecia of E. macleayae on C. majus in Slovakia was reported, as well. Erysiphe cruciferarum was identified on G. corniculatum and reported here for the first time from Slovakia.  相似文献   

A new opecoelid trematode is reported from fishes of the Lethrinidae, Lutjanidae and Nemipteridae off Lizard Island on the northern Great Barrier Reef, Australia. The new species keys to Neolebouria Gibson, 1976 and shows strong similarity to several species of that genus, but is not consistent with the type-species, N. georgiensis Gibson, 1976, or others known from temperate/polar and/or deep-sea fishes. The new species is also phylogenetically distant from N. lanceolata (Price, 1934) Reimer, 1987, the only representative of the genus for which molecular data are available. A new genus, Trilobovarium n. g., is proposed for the new species, T. parvvatis n. sp. Eight morphologically similar species, previously recognised as belonging to Neolebouria, from shallow-water, mostly tropical/subtropical fishes, are transferred to Trilobovarium: T. diacopae (Nagaty & Abdel Aal, 1962) n. comb.; T. ira (Yamaguti, 1940) n. comb.; T. khalili (Ramadan, 1983) n. comb.; T. krusadaiense (Gupta, 1956) n. comb.; T. lineatum (Aken’Ova & Cribb, 2001) n. comb.; T. moretonense (Aken’Ova & Cribb, 2001) n. comb.; T. palauense (Machida, 2014) n. comb.; and T. truncatum (Linton, 1940) n. comb. Paramanteriella Li, Qiu & Zhang, 1988 is resurrected for five species of Neolebouria with a post-bifurcal genital pore: P. cantherini Li, Qiu & Zhang, 1988; P. capoori (Jaiswal, Upadhyay, Malhotra, Dronen & Malhotra, 2014) n. comb.; P. confusa (Overstreet, 1969) n. comb.; P. leiperi (Gupta, 1956) n. comb.; and P. pallenisca (Shipley & Hornell, 1905) n. comb. Neolebouria georgenascimentoi Bray, 2002, a species with an exceptionally long cirrus-sac, is transferred to Bentholebouria Andres, Pulis & Overstreet, 2004 as B. georgenascimentoi (Bray, 2002) n. comb., and N. maorum (Allison, 1966) Gibson 1976, an unusual species known from cephalopods, is designated a species incertae sedis. Eleven species are retained in a revised concept of Neolebouria.  相似文献   

Originally described as a monotypical genus with unclear taxonomic position from Sudan, Meroctenus Gemminger et Harold, 1868 is treated as a polytypical genus of the Selenophori genus group with two subgenera: Meroctenus s. str. and Xenodochus Andrewes, 1941, stat. n. (the latter was previously considered a distinct genus). Within Meroctenus, two species are recognized: M. (Meroctenus) crenulatus Chaudoir, 1843 (type species) and M. (M.) mediocris (Andrewes, 1936), comb, n., transferred to Meroctenus s. str. from Xenodochus. A new subspecies M. (M.) crenulatus orientalis subsp. n. is described from Pakistan. Diagnoses of the genus Meroctenus in new interpretation as well as of its two subgenera are discussed, and a taxonomic review of the subgenus Meroctenus s. str. with a key to the species and subspecies is provided. The following synonymy is proposed: Meroctenus Gemminger et Harold, 1868 = Paregaploa Müller, 1947, syn. n.; Meroctenus crenulatus (Chaudoir, 1843) = Egaploa (Paregaploa) conviva Müller, 1947, syn. n. Lectotypes are designated for Ctenomerus crenulatus Chaudoir, 1843 and Xenodus mediocris Andrewes, 1936.  相似文献   

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