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1 Saproxylic insects, a functional group dominated by beetles, are dependent on dead or moribund trees as habitat elements. 2 Although there are few studies of saproxylic insects from the North American boreal zone, European studies demonstrate that forest harvest can lead to a biologically significant decrease in saproxylic beetle diversity. 3 We studied saproxylic beetles in the North American boreal mixedwood forest using flight intercept traps established on naturally dead and girdled trembling aspen and spruce trees along a successional gradient of undisturbed stands from deciduous to coniferous overstory trees. 4 Composition and diversity of beetle assemblages differed among forest successional types. 5 Snag age class was an important determinant of composition for saproxylic beetle assemblages. 6 Multivariate regression analysis of these data indicated that saproxylic beetles are responding to changes in coarse woody debris, and not to the relative densities of canopy tree species, although these variables are strongly correlated. 7 Coarse woody debris management should be a primary concern in forest management plans seeking to conserve saproxylic organisms and the critical ecosystem functions (i.e. nutrient cycling) in which they participate.  相似文献   



Comprehensive biodiversity protection necessitates the consideration of multiple indexes of diversity, and how the distribution patterns of priority areas may shift under climate change. Galliformes is a globally endangered avian order vulnerable to climate change that provide an important indicator for wildlife conservation effectiveness. Here, we identified priority areas for conserving Galliformes taxonomic, phylogenetic, and functional diversity in China and their spatial dynamics subject to climate change, and examined how well existing protected areas align with current and future priority areas.




We applied species distribution modelling and Zonation algorithms to identify conservation priority area dynamics for 47 galliform species across three biodiversity indexes subject to three future climate change scenarios to 2050s and 2070s. We overlaid these identified priority areas onto existing national nature reserves and national parks to assess and project their effectiveness.


Current priority areas proved spatially incongruent between indexes, with an optimal area overlap comprising just 10.3% of China's land area, lying largely outside of existing protected areas. Furthermore, over 80% of modelled optimal priority areas currently lacked formal conservation status. Future priority areas will shift substantially under climate change, to an extent dependent on greenhouse gas emission scenarios. Nevertheless, we identified five large regions where optimal Galliformes diversity indexes should remain stable under all scenarios, thus providing potential climatic refugia, if protected from human encroachment.

Main Conclusions

The current deficits we identified for Galliformes protection in China resonate with a broader need for hierarchical conservation strategic planning across regions and ecosystems to ensure long-term biodiversity protection, accommodating for climate change.  相似文献   

Coral Reefs - Biodiversity defines the variety of living organisms on this planet and is often quantified by the total number of species. However, species richness is insufficient in accounting for...  相似文献   

Old living oaks (Quercus robur) are known as a very species‐rich habitat for saproxylic beetles, but it is less clear to what extent such veteran trees differ from an even rarer feature: downed trunks of large oaks. In this study, we set out to sample this habitat, using window traps, with two aims: (1) to describe the variation of assemblages among downed trunks of different type and (2) to compare beetles on downed oaks with data from veteran standing trees. The results showed that trunk volume and sun exposure better explained assemblages as well as species numbers on downed trunks than did decay stage. Furthermore, species classified as facultative saproxylic species showed weak or no differentiation among downed trunks. Species with different feeding habits showed no apparent differentiation among downed trunks. Furthermore, species composition on dead, downed oak trunks differed sharply from that of living, veteran oaks. Wood or bark feeders were more common on veterans than downed trunks, but there was no difference for those species feeding on fungi or those feeding on insects and their remains. In conclusion, for a successful conservation of the saproxylic beetle fauna it is important to keep downed oak trunks, and particularly large ones, in forest and pastures as they constitute a saproxylic habitat that differs from that of living trees.  相似文献   

It is often suggested that fire acts as an environmental filter that selects species and functional traits, and reduces trait variability within communities, affecting ecosystem function and underlying services. This may be particularly important in fire‐sensitive ecosystems, such as the central European Alps, where fires are scarce. According to climate and land use change scenarios in Europe, fire risk will increase during the next decades, raising important questions about the maintenance of ecological and functional resilience in these regions. We used two families of saproxylic beetles (i.e. Cerambycidae and Buprestidae) as model group to test the combined effect of fire and altitude on species and trait composition in the central Alps of Switzerland. Trait response was based on weighted means and variation of 15 traits over the communities. Our results showed an overall positive effect of fire on taxonomic and functional diversity, while indicator species and community analyses revealed that the response to fire was also modulated by altitude. The positive effect of fire and the presence of large populations of pyrophilous species suggest co‐evolution with fire and adaptation to disturbance in the Alps. Biodiversity in the central Alps might thus be more resilient to fire than expected. In the light of climatic and land use changes, forest management and species conservation in the central Alps have to consider fire one of the major disruptive factors that have shaped and will shape species composition and ecosystem services.  相似文献   

In a context of land scarcity, food production and biodiversity conservation objectives compete for land. The shape of the relationship between these two objectives may be helpful to inform decision-making. However, the metrics used to evaluate this relationship have so far been restricted to species abundances and species richness, which give no information on possible consequences on ecosystem functioning or on evolution history. Indeed, the shapes of the relationship between food production and other diversity facets, such as functional diversity and phylogenetic diversity, have rarely been studied. We considered 3 diversity facets: taxonomic diversity, functional diversity and phylogenetic diversity. For each facet, several biodiversity metrics have been proposed. The objective of this work was to investigate whether the shape of the trade-off curve between food production and biodiversity metrics depended on the considered facet of biodiversity. Using data from the national agricultural statistics, we computed edible energy from crops and from livestock on a nation-wide gradient covering French agroecosystems. Using bird observation data provided by the French Breeding Bird Survey (FBBS), we computed 9 (3 for each facet) biodiversity metrics in 516 different sites of the FBBS. The trade-off curves were then computed using additive mixed models. All metrics decreased along a crop production gradient. For functional and taxonomic diversity metrics, the slope was steeper at high levels of production, suggesting that actions aiming at increasing local taxonomic or functional diversity may be more efficient in regions with highest crop production, if restoration follows the same trajectory as biodiversity loss. The decrease was steeper for functional diversity than for taxonomic diversity, suggesting that agriculture can reduce the functional diversity of birds more than their taxonomic diversity.  相似文献   

Understanding how different biodiversity components are related across different environmental conditions is a major goal in macroecology and conservation biogeography. We investigated correlations among alpha and beta taxonomic (TD), phylogenetic (PD), and functional diversity (FD) in ant communities in the five biogeographic regions most representative of western Europe; we also examined the degree of niche conservatism. We combined data from 349 ant communities composed of 154 total species, which were characterized by 10 functional traits and by phylogenetic relatedness. We computed TD, PD, and FD using the Rao quadratic entropy index, which allows each biodiversity component to be partitioned into α and β diversity within the same mathematical framework. We ran generalized least squares and multiple matrix regressions with randomization to investigate relationships among the diversity components. We used Pagel's λ test to explore niche conservatism in each biogeographic region. At the alpha scale, TD was consistently, positively related to PD and FD, although the strength and scatter of this relationship changed among the biogeographic regions. Meanwhile, PD and FD consistently matched up across regions. Accordingly, we found similar degrees of niche conservatism across regions. Nonetheless, these alpha‐scale relationships had low coefficients of determination. At the beta scale, the three diversity components were highly correlated across all regions (especially TD and FD, as well as PD and FD). Our results imply that the different diversity components, and especially PD and FD, are consistently related across biogeographic regions and analytical scale. However, the alpha‐scale relationships were quite weak, suggesting environmental factors might influence the degree of association among diversity components at the alpha level. In conclusion, conservation programs should seek to preserve functional and phylogenetic diversity in addition to species richness, and this approach should be applied universally, regardless of the biogeographic locations of the sites to be protected.  相似文献   

Biodiversity conservation of forest ecosystems strongly relies on effective dead wood management. However, the responses of saproxylic communities to variations in dead wood characteristics remains poorly documented, a lack of knowledge that may impede the development of efficient management strategies. We established the relationship between saproxylic beetles—at the species and community levels—and attributes of black spruce and balsam fir in old-growth boreal forests. The relationship was first evaluated for individual snag bole segments, and then for forest stands. A total of 168 bole sections were collected in summer 2006 along a compositional gradient ranging from black spruce-dominated stands to balsam fir-dominated ones, in a boreal forest dominated by >90-year-old stands. A total of 16,804 beetles belonging to 47 species emerged from bole segments, with 21% of the species being found exclusively in black spruce snags and 36% exclusively in balsam fir snags. Black spruce and balsam fir snags thus contributed differently to forest biodiversity by being inhabited by different saproxylic communities. Wood density was an important attribute in the host-use patterns for several species of saproxylic beetles, but no relationship was found between snag availability within stands and abundance of beetles strongly linked to either black spruce or balsam fir. Our study outlines the relative contribution of tree compositional diversity to saproxylic species, while highlighting the contribution of black spruce and balsam fir to animal diversity in old-growth boreal forests.  相似文献   

Among the key drivers of the progressive transformation of biomes are mining activities, usually leading to the establishment of novel ecosystems, characterized by new species assemblages, combinations of habitats, and unprecedented functioning. It remains unknown how the composition of surrounding land cover may influence species composition, community assembly processes, and the phylogenetic relatedness structure of vegetation developing spontaneously on these de novo established biological systems. In this study, I investigated the influence of different landscape types in the proximity of 31 sand-gravel pits of pioneer successional stages on vegetation's taxonomical, functional, and phylogenetic diversity. Further, I accounted for the effects of the surrounding landscape on ten ecological groups of plant species, and biotic novelty indices as a supporting explanation of mechanisms shaping the species' co-occurrence patterns. I explored that plants' functional and phylogenetic diversity was higher in pits surrounded by riverine landscape, and lower if the contribution of settlements in the surrounding landscape was higher. Both landscape features promoted the occurrence of exotic species on sand-gravel pits, but only the settlements' proportion exerted a positive effect on biotic novelty indices. On the other hand, pits with a prevalence of forests in the surroundings were dominated by phylogenetically diverse, but functionally more homogenous native taxa, reflected, inter alia, in negative effects of forests on biotic novelty indices. Comprehensive assessment of the impacts of the surrounding landscape on different components of plant diversity may be used as a useful predictor in the exploration of successional trajectories, as well as a helpful tool in the formulation of strategies for mining-transformed ecosystems management.  相似文献   

We aim to assess the influence of phylogenetic scale on the relationships of taxonomic and phylogenetic turnovers with environment for angiosperms in China. Specifically, we quantify the effects of contemporary climate on β‐diversity at different phylogenetic scales representing different evolutionary depths of angiosperms. We sampled a latitudinal gradient and a longitudinal gradient of angiosperm assemblages across China (each ≥3400 km). Species composition in each assemblage was documented. Three metrics of β‐diversity (βsim.tax measuring taxonomic β‐diversity; βsim.phy and Dpw measuring tip‐ and basal‐weighted phylogenetic β‐diversity, respectively) were quantified among assemblages at sequential depths in the evolutionary history of angiosperms from the tips to deeper branches. This was done by slicing the angiosperm phylogenetic tree at six evolutionary depths (0, 15, 30, 45, 60, and 75 million years ago). β‐diversity at each evolutionary depth was related to geographic and climatic distances between assemblages. In general, the relationship between β‐diversity and climatic distance decreased from shallow to deep evolutionary time slice for all the three metrics. The slopes of the decreasing trends for βsim.tax and βsim.phy were much steeper for the latitudinal gradient than for the longitudinal gradient. The decreasing trend of the strength of the relationship was monotonic in all cases except for Dpw across the longitudinal gradient. Geographic distance between assemblages explained little variation in β‐diversity that was not explained by climatic distance. Our study shows that the strength of the relationship between β‐diversity and climatic distance decreases conspicuously from shallow to deep evolutionary depth for the latitudinal gradient, but this decreasing trend is less steep for the longitudinal gradient than for the latitudinal gradient, which likely reflects the influence of historical processes (e.g., the collision of the Indian plate with the Eurasian plate) on β‐diversity.  相似文献   

  1. The spatial distribution of saproxylic beetles landing and climbing stems of 12 grown and healthy Scots pine trees (Pinus sylvestris L.) was examined in detail during a 3-year trial. The beetles were sampled using sticky traps attached to the tree trunk at three tree parts (i.e., the trunk base, middle part of the trunk, and trunk in crown). Each tree part was sampled using two sticky traps facing opposite cardinal directions (north and south).
  2. In total, 4063 individuals representing 169 taxa of saproxylic beetles were yielded in the 1405 obtained samples.
  3. Remarkable interstrata diversification of saproxylic beetle assemblages reflecting distribution of breeding substrates in the forest stand was observed. Overall, species richness decreased considerably from the trunk base to the crown, with intermediate values for the middle part of the trunk. However, the abundance of mycetophages and saproxylophages decreased from the trunk base to the crown, with xylophages being the most abundant in the tree crown.
  4. The cardinal direction exhibited overall weak effects on abundance, species richness, and composition, but the occurrence of a few particular species was significantly associated with the south (13 species) or north (3 species) facing part of the trunk.
  5. Our results suggest that primary attraction and random landing strategies are combined during the substrate selection by many species.
  6. High variability in the importance of the studied explanatory variables was observed among taxa, which shows how the species composition recorded in any study might alter its general outcomes.

A phylogenetic analysis of plastid DNA sequences from the trn L-F region corroborates the hypothesis that Haemodoraceae, a small monocotyledonous family centred in southwestern Australia, are monophyletic with relationships to Philydraceae, Pontederiaceae and Comme–linaceae. It also supports the long-standing recognition of two subfamilies. In Conostylidoideae Tribonanthes falls in an isolated position, thus supporting its segregation as a recently recognized monogeneric tribe. Tribal status for Phlebocarya is not supported as this taxon is unexpectedly placed in Conostylideae as sister to Conostylis–Blancoa. Macropidia falls as sister to Anigozanthos . The DNA tree permits continued recognition of Macropidia and Blancoa as distinct genera, contrary to a recent morphological cladistic analysis. Haemodoroideae fall into two clades: ( Dilatris(Lachnanthes+Haemodorum )) and ( Xiphidium(Schiekia+Wachendofia )). It is unlikely that Haemodoraceae are of Gondwanan origin, and the phylogenetic pattern indicates a largely relictual distribution with a recent radiation in Western Australia.  相似文献   

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