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This article engages with anthropological approaches to the study of global human rights discourses around reproductive and maternal health in India. Whether couched in the language of human rights or of other social justice frameworks, different forms of claims‐making in India exist in tandem and correspond to particular traditions of activism and struggle. Universal reproductive rights language remains a discourse aimed at the state in India, where the primary purpose is to demand greater accountability in the domain of policy and governance. Outside of these spheres, other languages are strategically chosen by activists for their greater resonance in addressing individual cases of women claiming reproductive violence within the context of the family as well as localized histories of feminist struggle and social justice. In focusing on the work of legal activists and the discourses which inform their interventions, this article seeks to understand how the language of reproductive rights is used in the context of India, not as a `Western import' which is adapted to local contexts, but rather as one of multiple frameworks of claims‐making drawn upon by legal activists emerging from distinct histories of struggle for gender equality and social justice.  相似文献   

We carried out a postrelease evaluation to determine predictors of habitat use and carrying capacity for the black rhinoceros (Diceros bicornis michaeli), which are critical for monitoring how the Ruma National Park sub-population may contribute to Kenya's meta-population strategy. We determined whether level of elevation, rockiness, shade, distance to fence, roads, and human settlements predict habitat use, differences in habitat and diet preference between female and male black rhinoceros, and the ecological carrying capacity (CC) of black rhinoceros in the park. We used standard ecological methods to collect data on predictors of habitat use, habitat preference and to estimate CC. Results show, first, that none of the environmental and anthropogenic factors evaluated predicted habitat use by black rhinoceros in the park. Second, although there was no significant difference in habitat preference between the sexes (U = 16.50, p = 0.306), there was a 60% difference in Jaccard's dissimilarity in diet selection between the sexes. Third, the park can support 65 black rhinoceros. Altogether, the findings suggest that the park has potential to support other sub-populations in Kenya. We recommend that future similar studies should incorporate population viability analysis and a community-based approach to forecast the species health and extinction risk.  相似文献   

Although fields such as industrial ecology have advanced our understanding of how cleaner technologies, recycling, and lifestyle changes can reduce the impacts of production and consumption on people and planet, environmental deterioration and social injustices stubbornly persist. New strategies are needed to achieve change in an era of increasing urgency. This paper proposes that academics study the supply chains of individual corporations and link them to environmental and social impacts in geographically specific areas. Nongovernmental organizations (NGOs) have used this approach successfully, issuing reports about corporate activity related to deforestation, sweatshops, and other issues of social concern. But academics, by and large, have studied generic products, industries, and sectors. To verify this, after reviewing approximately 11,000 studies on supply chains, we identified just 27 academic papers that focused on individual corporations. These were primarily by NGOs and social scientists, with no studies by industrial ecologists meeting our review criteria. To uncover corporate supply chains, researchers used two distinct methodological approaches: in situ (interviews, surveys, and surveillance) and ex situ (trade data, document analysis, and maps). In this paper, we explain why and how academics should study the supply chains of individual corporations. This is done by combining approaches from industrial ecology, with those from geography, sociology, and other social sciences to develop a political‐industrial ecology of supply chains. This both physically links actual product flows with their environmental impacts, and explores how they affect justice, equity, and welfare. The work we propose offers clear collaborative linkages with NGOs, industry, and the media.  相似文献   

The term “environmental justice” is a relatively recent addition to the lexicon of public health and risk-based decision making. Although it is currently a prominent public policy issue, there is no consensus-derived definition, nor is there general agreement about viable mechanisms for putting worthwhile social goals (e.g., fairness, equity, and justice) into operation. Nevertheless, the concept of environmental justice has focused attention on important questions of whether economically and politically disadvantaged communities bear a disproportionate burden of environmental pollution, and whether past environmental policies, programs and practices have been fair and equitable. Among individuals and organizations involved with issues of environmental justice there is a spectrum of strong and often contradictory convictions about the nature and role of risk assessment. Critics are convinced it is part of the problem and are inclined to see it as an ethically suspect, resource-intensive, elitist, never-ending process used to maintain the status quo. Advocates, on the other hand, contend that risk assessment is an essential policy and regulatory tool for identifying, evaluating, and resolving instances of environmental injustice, and that it provides a unifying conceptual framework and a common language for constructive dialogue on the issue. This article argues that, in practice, risk assessment has contributed to both the reality and the perception of environmental justice problems because of the overly narrow and restricted manner in which it has been applied. In principle, however, risk assessment is part of the solution to environment injustices because it provides a beneficial construct for framing key questions and fostering constructive debate about how to answer them. Well-designed research studies and high-quality risk assessments are necessary to define the dimensions of the problem, to understand the root causes, and to identify effective, efficient, and equitable solutions. Ultimately, attaining the goal of environmental justice depends on putting risk assessment principles into practice.  相似文献   

邓晔也  王春连 《生态学报》2019,39(16):5988-6000
城市湿地公园是城市水环境保护和市民活动的共同载体。如何达到保护城市水环境和满足使用者社会需求的平衡是本研究的关键问题。以景观绩效评价为基础,对宜昌运河公园的社会绩效进行了详细量化,并在调查结果上分析研究了影响城市湿地公园使用者评价的原因,以及在城市湿地公园内使用者的行为偏好和季节变化下使用者满意度和行为模式的变化情况,并提出了设计建议。结果表明,城市湿地公园的水环境治理目标与城市居民的公园服务需求是统一的。但是在公园生态和社会效益之间还是存在着冲突关系,如湿地面积和活动空间面积的权衡,消减河流污染物和维持公园水景质量的权衡以及湿地生境冬季景观效果不佳降低使用者满意度的情况。  相似文献   

纪念公园位于海泽布鲁克村,是一个地方公园,由于它在高速公路升级工程期间被用作工厂仓库和储存区,而受到严重的影响。 因此,在伍德福德村和海泽布鲁克村之间进行“纪念公园”的恢复成为升级大西部高速公路的重要任务。公园的恢复工程于2014年成功完成,并为道路基础设施项目如何通过创建高质量的公共开放空间而使当地居民受益提供了一个很好的范例。  相似文献   

How can a single landscape, a shantytown on the US–Mexico border, symbolize environmental devastation for some and progress and ‘the good life’ for others? Our analysis of this landscape and the people who are a part of it highlights the complexities of the environmental justice movement in the current era of neo-liberal economic policies. Although the colonia that we studied, Derechos Humanos, is located on top of an abandoned landfill near an open sewage canal, living here represents a step forward for many residents. However, to many US environmentalists, this landscape represents a toxic wasteland and the people living here are simply victims of border industrialization. Contributing to critical environmental justice studies, our analysis of Derechos Humanos highlights the injustices of the global political economy, creative responses to these forces by individuals most adversely affected by them, and the potential limitations of conventional framings of environmental justice and mainstream Northern environmentalism.  相似文献   

Participation of local communities in the Measurement, Reporting and Verification (MRV) of forest changes has been promoted as a strategy that lowers the cost of MRV and increases their engagement with REDD+. This systematic review of literature assessed the claims of participatory MRV (PMRV) in achieving REDD+ outcomes. We identified 29 PMRV publications that consisted of 20 peer-reviewed and 9 non peer-reviewed publications, with 14 publications being empirically based studies. The evidence supporting PMRV claims was categorized into empirical finding, citation or assumption. Our analysis of the empirical studies showed that PMRV projects were conducted in 17 countries in three tropical continents and across various forest and land tenure types. Most of these projects tested the feasibility of participatory measurement or monitoring, which limited the participation of local communities to data gathering. PMRV claims of providing accurate local biomass measurements and lowering MRV cost were well-supported with empirical evidence. Claims that PMRV supports REDD+ social outcomes that affect local communities directly, such as increased environmental awareness and equity in benefit sharing, were supported with less empirical evidence than REDD+ technical outcomes. This may be due to the difficulties in measuring social outcomes and the slow progress in the development and implementation of REDD+ components outside of experimental research contexts. Although lessons from other monitoring contexts have been used to support PMRV claims, they are only applicable when the enabling conditions can be replicated in REDD+ contexts. There is a need for more empirical evidence to support PMRV claims on achieving REDD+ social outcomes, which may be addressed with more opportunities and rigorous methods for assessing REDD+ social outcomes. Integrating future PMRV studies into local REDD+ implementations may help create those opportunities, while increasing the participation of local communities as local REDD+ stakeholders. Further development and testing of participatory reporting framework are required to integrate PMRV data with the national database. Publication of empirical PMRV studies is encouraged to guide when, where and how PMRV should be implemented.  相似文献   

This study seeks to understand children''s perceptions of their present and future environments in the highly biodiverse and rapidly changing landscapes of Kalimantan, Indonesian Borneo. We analyzed drawings by children (target age 10–15 years) from 22 villages, which show how children perceive the present conditions of forests and wildlife surrounding their villages and how they expect conditions to change over the next 15 years. Analyses of picture elements and their relationships to current landscape variables indicate that children have a sophisticated understanding of their environment and how different environmental factors interact, either positively or negatively. Children appear to have landscape-dependent environmental perceptions, showing awareness of past environmental conditions and many aspects of recent trends, and translating these into predictions for future environmental conditions. The further removed their present landscape is from the originally forested one, the more environmental change they expect in the future, particularly declines in forest cover, rivers, animal diversity and increases in temperature and natural disasters. This suggests that loss of past perceptions and associated “shifting environmental baselines” do not feature strongly among children on Borneo, at least not for the perceptions we investigated here. Our findings that children have negative expectations of their future environmental conditions have important political implications. More than other generations, children have a stake in ensuring that future environmental conditions support their long-term well-being. Understanding what drives environmental views among children, and how they consider trade-offs between economic development and social and environmental change, should inform optimal policies on land use. Our study illuminates part of the complex interplay between perceptions of land cover and land use change. Capturing the views of children through artistic expressions provides a potentially powerful tool to influence public and political opinions, as well as a valuable approach for developing localized education and nature conservation programs.  相似文献   

何思源  魏钰  苏杨  闵庆文 《生态学报》2020,40(7):2450-2462
建立国家公园旨在保护生态系统完整性并为民众提供多样化的使用机会,保障利益相关者利益分享的公平与可持续性。对国家公园社区居民的资源使用而言,需要他们认可保护地管理中的利益分享规则,从而规范行为,促进系统的稳健性。影响规则认可与相应行为的关键在于各个资源使用者如何评估资源价值,以及如何形成价值共识。基于社会-生态系统理论,研究利用一个界定资源价值与形成使用规则的分析框架,通过对资源价值界定的情境认知、对生态系统的意义认知和对可能规则的态度进行分析,研究武夷山国家公园体制试点建设进程中社区对"利益"的动态认知与形成原因、潜在行为变动对系统"稳健性"的影响和促进利益分享规则形成的路径。分析发现,①在保护地管理发展过程中,社区认为其以往存在和国家公园的出现有利于资源的生计带动;②武夷山生态系统的意义首先在于其多样化的物质供给,其次是作为文化遗产和商品所带来精神满足,同时具有生态保护价值;③社区对利益分享规则的态度取决于规则在时空上的应用是否影响他们对生态系统意义所认定的优先次序。因此,研究提出一个用于规则形成的协商空间,从不同资源使用者利益认知角度引导其认知趋同,最终提高社区对规则的接受程度与行为规范,保证社会-生态系统的稳健性。  相似文献   

This paper examines the indigenous land and forest management systems of the community of seven Iban longhouses whose territories comprise the area of Batang Ai National Park in Sarawak, Malaysia. It also discusses the integrated conservation and development program (ICDP) at the park. This project is attempting to work within the existing system of customary law to build on traditional legislative infrastructure and management practices, in order to enlist the cooperation of local people and their leaders in implementing a new conservation strategy. In addition to reinforcing local authority, park planners recognize the need for local people to be given strong incentives to participate in co-management of the protected area. This paper argues that, despite a history of conflict with indigenous peoples, State officials have in this instance demonstrated a willingness to work with local people and community leaders. At the same time, they are encouraging community development, helping people to find alternatives to activities that threaten the park's wildlife.  相似文献   

城市生态公园初探   总被引:21,自引:0,他引:21  
随着城市化的发展 ,城市原有的自然生境和自然景观逐渐消失 ,原生植被几乎消亡 ,人们很少有机会享受与野生动物相处的乐趣。公园是市民休闲、娱乐和身心再生的重要场所 ,不仅要满足市民游憩的需求 ,也要更好地发挥健全城市生态和恢复生物多样性的功能。而我国目前多数公园过于强调美化和造景 ,将公园等同于花园或旅游点 ,自然景观多被人工景观取代[2 ] 。因此 ,如何将更多的野生动植物引回城区 ,恢复和重建乡土动植物种群 ,满足住区居民与大自然接触的需求 ,建造生态公园是重要途径[8] 。1 生态公园的兴起与发展2 0世纪 2 0年代 ,面对迅猛…  相似文献   

Species‐level environmental niche modeling has been crucial in efforts to understand how species respond to climate variation and change. However, species often exhibit local adaptation and intraspecific niche differences that may be important to consider in predicting responses to climate. Here, we explore whether phylogeographic lineages of the bank vole originating from different glacial refugia (Carpathian, Western, Eastern, and Southern) show niche differentiation, which would suggest a role for local adaptation in biogeography of this widespread Eurasian small mammal. We first model the environmental requirements for the bank vole using species‐wide occurrences (210 filtered records) and then model each lineage separately to examine niche overlap and test for niche differentiation in geographic and environmental space. We then use the models to estimate past [Last Glacial Maximum (LGM) and mid‐Holocene] habitat suitability to compare with previously hypothesized glacial refugia for this species. Environmental niches are statistically significantly different from each other for all pairs of lineages in geographic and environmental space, and these differences cannot be explained by habitat availability within their respective ranges. Together with the inability of most of the lineages to correctly predict the distributions of other lineages, these results support intraspecific ecological differentiation in the bank vole. Model projections of habitat suitability during the LGM support glacial survival of the bank vole in the Mediterranean region and in central and western Europe. Niche differences between lineages and the resulting spatial segregation of habitat suitability suggest ecological differentiation has played a role in determining the present phylogeographic patterns in the bank vole. Our study illustrates that models pooling lineages within a species may obscure the potential for different responses to climate change among populations.  相似文献   

Given the sordid history of injustices linking genetics to race and ethnicity, considerations of justice are central to ensuring the responsible development of precision medicine programmes around the world. While considerations of justice may be in tension with other areas of concern, such as scientific value or privacy, there are also tensions between different aspects of justice. This paper focuses on three particular aspects of justice relevant to this precision medicine: social justice, distributive justice and human rights. We describe the implications of each for the use of race and ethnicity in precision medicine, and also how they intersect and potentially conflict with each another. By attending to these intersections, we aim to enrich and add nuance to debates over how best to proceed with precision medicine initiatives.  相似文献   

Ecological network approaches may contribute to conservation practices by quantifying within‐community importance of species. In mutualistic plant‐pollinator systems, such networks reflect potential pollination of the plants and a considerable portion of the energy consumption by the pollinators, two key components for each party. Here, we used two different sampling approaches to describe mutualistic plant‐hummingbird networks from a cloud forest in the Colombian Western Andes, home to the Colorful Puffleg Eriocnemis mirabilis, an endemic and critically endangered hummingbird. We contrast networks between two localities (a protected area inside a National park vs. its buffer zone) and across sampling methods (floral visitation vs. pollen loads) to assess how the network structure and the importance of each hummingbird species within the networks may change. Visitation networks were characterized as having higher sampling completeness, yet pollen load network recorded more pollen types than plant species recorded by visitation. Irrespective of the sampling methods, the Colorful Puffleg was one of the most important hummingbird species in the network within the protected area inside the National park, but not in the buffer zone. Moreover, most species‐level network indices were related to hummingbirds’ abundance. This suggests that conservation initiatives aimed at the endangered Colorful Puffleg may both help on the survival of this endangered hummingbird, as well as on maintaining its key role in the mutualistic interaction network inside the National Park. Our study illustrates how conservation practitioners could assess the local importance of endangered species using interaction network approaches.  相似文献   

Life history theory provides a framework to understand environmental change based on species strategies for survival and reproduction under stable, cyclical, or stochastic environmental conditions. We evaluated environmental predictors of fish life history strategies in 20 streams intersecting a national park within the Potomac River basin in eastern North America. We sampled stream sites during 2018–2019 and collected 3801 individuals representing 51 species within 10 taxonomic families. We quantified life history strategies for species from their coordinates in an ordination space defined by trade‐offs in spawning season duration, fecundity, and parental care characteristic of opportunistic, periodic, and equilibrium strategies. Our analysis revealed important environmental predictors: Abundance of opportunistic strategists increased with low‐permeability soils that produce flashy runoff dynamics and decreased with karst terrain (carbonate bedrock) where groundwater inputs stabilize stream flow and temperature. Conversely, abundance of equilibrium strategists increased in karst terrain indicating a response to more stable environmental conditions. Our study indicated that fish community responses to groundwater and runoff processes may be explained by species traits for survival and reproduction. Our findings also suggest the utility of life history theory for understanding ecological responses to destabilized environmental conditions under global climate change.  相似文献   

钱江源国家公园红外相机监测平台由钱江源国家公园管理局与中国科学院植物研究所、北京大学合作建立, 覆盖了钱江源国家公园全域和毗邻的安徽及江西省的部分区域。其中, 钱江源国家公园古田山片区的监测始于2014年5月, 其他区域的监测始于2018年7月; 毗邻的江西、安徽区域的监测分别始于2017年11月和2018年3月。截至2020年5月, 共在343个公里网格内完成了1,033个有效位点的调查, 总有效相机工作日331,834 d, 共获得兽类、鸟类的照片和视频718,515份, 独立有效探测数151,221次。其中, 658,644份照片和视频可鉴定到物种, 对应133,204次独立有效探测。记录到分属7目15科的野生兽类23种, 分属9目27科的野生鸟类75种。通过覆盖全域的长期监测, 完成了钱江源国家公园大中型兽类的本底调查, 开展了关键物种栖息地利用和种群动态等研究, 为国家公园的规划、保护管理措施的制定和保护管理成效的评估提供了数据支持。今后, 本监测平台将在时间和空间尺度上进一步拓展, 以服务于国家公园主要保护目标和生态系统的完整性保护, 并将研究成果转化为国家公园自然教育的案例和素材。  相似文献   

Biological communities are shaped by complex interactions between organisms and their environment as well as interactions with other species. Humans are rapidly changing the marine environment through increasing greenhouse gas emissions, resulting in ocean warming and acidification. The first response by animals to environmental change is predominantly through modification of their behaviour, which in turn affects species interactions and ecological processes. Yet, many climate change studies ignore animal behaviour. Furthermore, our current knowledge of how global change alters animal behaviour is mostly restricted to single species, life phases and stressors, leading to an incomplete view of how coinciding climate stressors can affect the ecological interactions that structure biological communities. Here, we first review studies on the effects of warming and acidification on the behaviour of marine animals. We demonstrate how pervasive the effects of global change are on a wide range of critical behaviours that determine the persistence of species and their success in ecological communities. We then evaluate several approaches to studying the ecological effects of warming and acidification, and identify knowledge gaps that need to be filled, to better understand how global change will affect marine populations and communities through altered animal behaviours. Our review provides a synthesis of the far‐reaching consequences that behavioural changes could have for marine ecosystems in a rapidly changing environment. Without considering the pervasive effects of climate change on animal behaviour we will limit our ability to forecast the impacts of ocean change and provide insights that can aid management strategies.  相似文献   

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