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Myosin isozyme pattern in adult rat cardiac ventricular muscle cells in long-term culture was investigated. The myosin isozymes profile of cultured cardiac myocytes underwent a change in a serum-containing medium from two weeks onward, showing an embryonic rat ventricular myosin isozymes pattern that contained predominant isozyme V3. When adult cardiac myocytes were grown in a serum-containing medium supplemented with T4, these cells contained a predominant V1 band whose electrophoretic mobility and Ca2+-ATPase activity were comparable to those of the adult rat ventricle in vivo. This study has demonstrated that the adult cardiac ventricular muscle cells in long-term culture contain a predominant myosin isozyme V3 unlike their counterparts in vivo. Supplemented T4 modulated the embryonic type isozyme V3 to the adult type V1.  相似文献   

DNA synthesis of adult mammalian cardiac muscle cells in long-term culture   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
A C Nag  M Cheng 《Tissue & cell》1986,18(4):491-497
Adult rat cardiac ventricular muscle cells were isolated and cultured in monolayer for 30-45 days. Most of the cardiac muscle cells undergo external and internal structural alterations, resembling embryonic/neonatal cardiac muscle cells in culture (Nag and Cheng, 1981; Nag et al., 1983). These cultured cells underwent DNA synthesis and mitosis as revealed by autoradiography studies that involved the exposure of the cells to [3H]-thymidine for 24 hr prior to the termination of the culture at selected intervals. During the first week of culture, cardiac muscle cells showed less than 5% labeled cells. The labeling index of myocytes attained a peak in the second week of culture, exhibiting approximately 23% labeled cells. The labeling indices of cardiac muscle cells declined over the period of 30 days of culture. During the end of the incubation period, approximately 4% of the myocytes were labeled. When the extent of the total cell population involved in DNA synthesis was examined by exposing the cells to [3H]-thymidine continuously for long periods of time, it was observed that approximately 26% of the cardiac muscle cells regained the capacity for DNA synthesis during 1-10 days of culture. From day 1 to day 14, approximately 29% of the total muscle cell population was labeled. When the cells were exposed to the radioactive isotope continuously for 30 days, approximately 31% of the cells incorporated radioactive isotope, showing their capacity for DNA synthesis. Approximately 90% of the cardiac muscle cells in long-term culture contained more than one nucleus. The nuclei were often observed in multiples of two. Labeled mitotic apparatus was observed in cardiac myocytes, indicating the replication of DNA, followed by karyokinesis.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

Adult mammalian cardiac muscle cells in culture   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
A C Nag  M Cheng 《Tissue & cell》1981,13(3):515-523
Adult rat cardiac muscle cells were isolated from the ventricle by a retrograde perfusion technique through the aorta (Nag and Zak, 1979). These single, isolated cardiac muscle cells were cultured for 4 weeks. Throughout the culture period, a small number of muscle cells retained their cylindrical shape, while the rest exhibited alterations in shape and size assuming a flattened body of irregular shape with pseudopodia-like processes and thereby resembling embryonic/neonatal cardiac muscle cells in culture. Transmission electron microscopy revealed that the cylindrical muscle cells contained compactly arranged myofibrils and cellular organelles, similar to those of freshly isolated and in vivo cells. A few irregularly shaped cardiac muscle cells were similar to the cylindrical cells in their internal structural organization. Most of the irregular cells exhibited less myofibrillar content than that of the freshly dissociated and in vivo cells. Myofibrils in the irregular cells were widely spaced and myofilament of some of the myofibrils were loosely bunched. In addition, scattered patches of myofibrils and free myofilaments were observed in many of these cells. The internal structural organization of these irregularly shaped cardiac muscle cells closely resembled the embryonic and neonatal cardiac muscle cells in vitro and in vivo. Most of the muscle cells in culture continued to contract spontaneously, and electron microscope studies clearly indicated that they underwent dedifferentiation. Autoradiography studies demonstrated that the cylindrical and irregularly shaped cardiac muscle cells underwent DNA synthesis and cell division in culture.  相似文献   

During the last decade, the unbound glutathione content of cultured adherent cells has become a very important biological marker for many pharmacological and toxicologicalin vitro studies with regard to the protective role of the tripeptide in its reduced form (GSH). However, the literature does not provide extensive information on the influence of sample preparation on cellular GSH and thiol analyses. Using the fibroblast-like V79 cell line as model, we undertook a comparative study of the efficiency of different procedures reported in the literature with respect to GSH recovery. Depending on the preanalytical step, up to 10-fold discrepancies could be observed in the recovery of intracellular GSH. Different parameters that must be controlled in order to maximize GSH recovery are discussed. The optimal strategy consisted in rapid perchloric acid deproteinization performed directly in the dish, which was extremely valuable for preparing GSH samples from adherent cells, and especially from cells expressing elevated -glutamyl transferase activity.Abbreviations EDTA ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid - GGT -glytamyl transferase (EC - GSH reduced glutathione - HPLC high-performance liquid chromatography - PA perchloric acid - PBS Dulbecco's phosphate-buffered saline  相似文献   

Summary A long-term cell culture system for adult cardiomyopathic hamster cardiac muscle cells has been established. The diseased and control hearts were dissociated into single cell suspension with the modifications of our previous technique using collagenase and hyaluronidase as applied to the dissociation of the adult rat heart. The postperfusion of the diseased heart with Krebs-Ringer phosphate buffer and bovine serum albumin was very helpful in obtaining greater yield of viable diseased muscle cells; the cells were cultured for 4 wk. Approximately 60% of the myocytes from the diseased heart and 85% of the myocytes from the normal heart attached to the substrates and survived throughout the culture period. Approximately 60 to 70% of the cardiac myocytes from the diseased and control hearts were bi- or multinucleated; 30% of the diseased and 80% of the normal myocytes showed rhythmic contractility. Electron microscopy revealed the presence of two kinds of cardiac muscle cells in the diseased cell culture on the basis of their myofibril content: one with scanty myofibrils and another with abundant myofibrils. Myocytes with sparse myofibrils showed certain characteristic features that included autophagic vacuoles, amorphous matrix of fine filamentous texture, scattered strips of myofibrils, and abnormal organization of the Z-line. Cardiac muscle cells with abundant myofibrillar content contained unorganized myofibrils in certain sarcomeres. These studies demonstrate the feasibility of maintaining diseased cardiac muscle cells from adult cardiomyopathic hamsters for at least 4 wk in monolayer culture. This study was supported by a grant from the American Heart Association of Michigan, National Institutes of Health grant HL-25482, and by an Oakland University Biomedical Research Support Grant.  相似文献   

Summary This report describes in detail a method of enzymatic separation of adult mammalian muscle using papain. The procedure has proved valuable in the preparation of suspensions of muscle cell pieces from normal human skeletal muscle obtained from patients of all ages, from 3 months to 79 years. Muscle cultures have been successfully growth from biopsy material from boys with Duchenne’s muscular dystrophy and from their mothers. The procedure was initially established with adult canine skeletal muscle and has also been used for monkey muscle. Small pieces of skeletal muscle are chopped in a solution of 0.05% papain and 0.01% cysteine hydrochloride in Ca2+-and Mg2+-free balanced salt solution and transferred in the papain solution to a flask, in which they are incubated at 37°C for 10 min with occasional agitation. The resulting cell suspension is collected and the remaining pieces are treated with further portions of fresh papain until only connective tissue remains. The cell pellets obtained by centrifugation are resuspended in Eagle’s minimum essential medium (supplemented with 20% fetal calf serum) and transferred to culture chambers. The muscle can be observed at all times, during the separation procedure and subsequently in culture. The events occurring during skeletal muscle regeneration can be followed. Using the same papain preparation, myoblasts and myotubes may be subcultured and collected for indefinite frozen storage in dimethylsulfoxide. This work was supported by a grant-in-aid from the American Heart Association with funds contributed in part by the Chicago Heart Association, the Pharmaceutical Manufactures Association, and National Institutes of Health Research Grant NS 10385 from the Institute of Neurological Diseases and Stroke.  相似文献   

During vertebrate evolution there has been a shift in the way in which the heart varies cardiac output (the product of heart rate and stroke volume). While mammals, birds, and amphibians increase cardiac output through large increases in heart rate and only modest increases (approximately 30%) in stroke volume, fish and some reptiles use modest increases in heart rate and very large increases in stroke volume (up to 300%). The cellular mechanisms underlying these fundamentally different approaches to cardiac output modulation are unknown. We hypothesized that the divergence between volume modulation and frequency modulation lies in the response of different vertebrate myocardium to stretch. We tested this by progressively stretching individual cardiac myocytes from the fish heart while measuring sarcomere length (SL), developed tension, and intracellular Ca2+ ([Ca2+]i) transients. We show that in fish cardiac myocytes, active tension increases at SLs greater than those previously demonstrated for intact mammalian myocytes, representing a twofold increase in the functional ascending limb of the length-tension relationship. The mechanism of action is a length-dependent increase in myofilament Ca2+ sensitivity, rather than changes in the [Ca2+]i transient or actin filament length in the fish cell. The capacity for greater sarcomere extension in fish myocardium may be linked to the low resting tension that is developed during stretch. These adaptations allow the fish heart to volume modulate and thus underpin the fundamental difference between the way fish and higher vertebrates vary cardiac output.  相似文献   

The use of mathematical models to study cardiac electrophysiology has a long history, and numerous cellular scale models are now available, covering a range of species and cell types. Their use to study emergent properties in tissue is also widespread, typically using the monodomain or bidomain equations coupled to one or more cell models. Despite the relative maturity of this field, little has been written looking in detail at the interface between the cellular and tissue-level models. Mathematically this is relatively straightforward and well-defined. There are however many details and potential inconsistencies that need to be addressed, in order to ensure correct operation of a cellular model within a tissue simulation. This paper will describe these issues and how to address them.Simply having models available in a common format such as CellML is still of limited utility, with significant manual effort being required to integrate these models within a tissue simulation. We will thus also discuss the facilities available for automating this in a consistent fashion within Chaste, our robust and high-performance cardiac electrophysiology simulator.It will be seen that a common theme arising is the need to go beyond a representation of the model mathematics in a standard language, to include additional semantic information required in determining the model’s interface, and hence to enhance interoperability. Such information can be added as metadata, but agreement is needed on the terms to use, including development of appropriate ontologies, if reliable automated use of CellML models is to become common.  相似文献   

Reductions in cardiac sarcoplasmic reticulum calcium-ATPase (Serca2a) levels are thought to underlie the prolonged calcium (Ca(2+)) transients and consequent reduced contractile performance seen in human cardiac hypertrophy and heart failure. In freshly isolated cardiac myocytes from rats with monocrotaline-induced right ventricular hypertrophy we found reduced sarcoplasmic reticulum Serca2a expression and prolonged Ca(2+)transients, characteristic of hypertrophic cardiac disease.Modulation of intracellular Ca(2+)levels, Ca(2+) kinetics or Ca(2+)sensitivity is the focus of many current therapeutic approaches to improve contractile performance in the hypertrophic or failing heart. However, the functional effects of increasing Serca2a expression on Ca(2+) handling properties in myocytes from an animal model of cardiac hypertrophy are largely unknown. Here, we describe enhancement of the deficient Ca(2+) handling properties evident in myocytes from hypertrophied hearts following adenoviral-mediated transfer of the human Serca2a gene to these myocytes.These results highlight the importance of Serca2a deficiencies in the hypertrophic phenotype of cardiac muscle and suggest a simple, effective approach for manipulation of normal cardiac function.  相似文献   

Isolated muscle cells from adult rat heart were used to study myocardial degradation of insulin and the reactions after the initial binding event. After 60 min of association at 37 degrees C, 90% of specifically bound insulin could be dissociated from the cells; this fraction remained unaltered under steady-state conditions (up to 180 min). To assess the nature of cell-associated radioactivity, cardiocytes were solubilized and filtered on Sephadex G-50. After 5 min of association only intact insulin was observed, whereas under steady-state conditions 4% of 125I-labelled insulin bound to the cells was degraded to iodotyrosine-containing fragments. The Km for insulin degradation by isolated heart cells was estimated to be 1.75 x 10(-7)M. Receptor-mediated insulin degradation was studied by examination of the nature of radioactivity released by the cells after different times of association. After 5 min 83% of dissociating material consisted of intact insulin, whereas this fraction decreased to 50% under steady-state conditions. Treatment of cells with the lysosomotropic agent chloroquine (0.1 mM) significantly decreased the fraction that was eluted at the internal column volume. This study demonstrates that insulin degradation by the heart cell occurs by a receptor-independent and a receptor-dependent mechanism. The latter may involve internalization and a lysosomal pathway.  相似文献   

Summary Heparin (5 U/ml) induced the release of LPL into the incubation medium of cardiac myocytes isolated from adult rat hearts. The secretion of LPL occurred in two phases: a rapid release (5–10 min of incubation with heparin) that was independent of protein synthesis followed by a slower rate of release that was inhibited by cycloheximide. The rapid release of LPL induced by heparin likely occurs from sites that are at or near the cell surface. LPL secretion could also be stimulated by heparan sulfate and dermatan sulfate, but not by hyaluronic acid, chondroitin sulfate or keratan sulfate. Heparin-releasable LPL activity measured in short-term incubations represented a large fraction (40–50%) of the initial LPL activity associated with myocytes, but the fall in cellular LPL activity following heparin was less than the amount of LPL activity secreted into the incubation medium. This discrepancy was not due to latency of LPL in the pre-heparin cell homogenates, but in part could be due to a three-fold greater affinity of the heparin-released enzyme for substrate as compared to LPL in post-heparin myocyte homogenates.Abbreviations LPL lipoprotein lipase  相似文献   

The primary purpose of this article is to present a basic overview of some key teaching concepts that should be considered for inclusion in an six- to eight-lecture introductory block on the regulation of cardiac performance for graduate students. Within the context of cardiac excitation-contraction coupling, this review incorporates information on Ca(2+) microdomains and local control theory, with particular emphasis on the role of Ca(2+) sparks as a key regulatory component of ventricular myocyte contraction dynamics. Recent information pertaining to local Ca(2+) cycling in sinoatrial nodal cells (SANCs) as a mechanism underlying cardiac automaticity is also presented as part of the recently described coupled-clock pacemaker system. The details of this regulation are emerging; however, the notion that the sequestration and release of Ca(2+) from internal stores in SANCs (similar to that observed in ventricular myocytes) regulates the rhythmic excitation of the heart (i.e., membrane ion channels) is an important advancement in this area. The regulatory role of cardiac adrenergic receptors on cardiac rate and function is also included, and fundamental concepts related to intracellular signaling are discussed. An important point of emphasis is that whole organ cardiac dynamics can be traced back to cellular events regulating intracellular Ca(2+) homeostasis and, as such, provides an important conceptual framework from which students can begin to think about whole organ physiology in health and disease. Greater synchrony of Ca(2+)-regulatory mechanisms between ventricular and pacemaker cells should enhance student comprehension of complex regulatory phenomenon in cardiac muscle.  相似文献   

In Drosophila, hemolymph circulation in the wings is accomplished by a pair of wing hearts located in the thorax. The embryonic progenitors of these organs were only recently discovered and found to belong to the cardiac mesoderm. In this study, the functional morphology and the structure of mature organs were studied by light and electron microscopy to characterize the tissues arising from this new set of progenitors. Each wing heart consists of 7-8 muscle cells providing the pumping force, a thin layer of non-contractile mononucleated cells separating the muscle cells from the body cavity, and acellular suspending strands opposing the muscle contractions. The muscle cells are multinucleated syncytia attached to the cuticle via epidermal tendon cells. They have central nuclei and sarcomeres with discontinuous Z-discs, A-bands, and I-bands, whereas H-bands and M-bands are indiscernible. From 9 to 11 actin filaments surround each myosin filament. Mitochondria are abundantly interspersed between myofibrils and accumulated in characteristic outpockets of the plasma membrane. The analysis revealed that the wing heart muscles resemble in their ultrastructure and their mode of attachment adult somatic muscles. This suggests that, despite their origin in the cardiac mesoderm, wing heart progenitors are functionally related to somatic adult muscle precursors.  相似文献   

Summary We have carried out systematic studies to optimize and standardize methodology to isolate and culture the adult rat ventricular cardiac muscle cell. Four hearts were perfused simultaneously with a calcium-free medium containing collagenase. The ventricular tissue was then minced and further digested to liberate individual cells. Approximately 16 million rod-shaped muscle cells were obtained. The plating efficiency has been greatly improved by culturing the cells in a conditioned medium prepared from a rabbit corneal cell line. This medium also contained added fetal bovine serum, essential and nonessential amino acids, vitamins, insulin, transferrin, and 25 trace minerals. The culture flasks were precoated with rat-tail collagen. Fibroblast contamination was virtually eliminated by including cytosine arabinoside in the medium during the first 7 d of culture. After this time the cells could be cultured in the absence of serum in a chemically defined medium composed of MEM, vitamins, nonessential amino acids, and trace minerals. They continued to contract spontaneously and do well in this medium for at least 3 d thereafter. This improved methodology resulted in a reproducible culture system with improved plating efficiency. It provided a new and unique system to study the structure and function of the adult mammalian ventricular cardiac muscle cell. This investigation was supported by Grant HL 25873 from the National Institutes of Health, Bethesda, MD.  相似文献   

Treatment of adult rats with dexamethasone resulted in an increase in cardiac muscle weight but a decrease in skeletal muscle weight. The different response of skeletal and cardiac muscles to the glucocorticoid was also reflected by a dexamethasone-induced enhancement of myofibrillar protease activity in the gastrocnemius muscle and an inhibition of a similar proteolytic activity in the heart. Newborn rats also exhibit the same, tissue-specific response to the glucocorticoid hormone. Consequently, the difference between cardiac and skeletal muscle responsiveness to conditions of wasting was investigated in culture. Average rates of degradation of intracellular proteins were determined in cultured cells derived from rat skeletal and cardiac muscle by following the release of radioactivity from cells prelabelled with 14C-phenylalanine. The release of label into the TCA soluble medium as measured during 12 hours of incubation, conformed to a first-order reaction and both cell types were found to degrade intracellular proteins at a similar rate. After 12 hours of incubation in a complete Ham F-10 medium supplemented with serum approximately 18% of total cellular protein was degraded. Incubation in a minimal medium or serum-deprivation enhanced the average rate of proteolysis to a value of 29% degradation at 12 hours indicating that intracellular proteolysis in these cells is responding to nutritional deprivation by increased activity. However, addition of glucose (22.2 nM) or dexamethasone (10?6M) to the incubation medium failed to affect the rate of net protein degradation. Under no experimental condition could a difference be found between the proteolytic response of skeletal muscle cells to that of cardiac muscle cells and both cell types displayed similar changes in rates of protein degradation under various nutritional and hormonal conditions in culture. Thus, protein sparing in the heart of intact animals under catabolic conditions which enhance protein loss in skeletal muscle can probably not be ascribed to intrinsic differences in the direct response of cellular proteases to the tested hormones and nutrients. Rather, an extracellular factor(s) is apparently required for induction of the differential response of these tissues in the intact animal to protein wasting conditions. Alternatively, cells in culture might have lost the property of differential degradative response which operates in vivo.  相似文献   

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