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Because plants are sessile and their flowers and fruits are aggregated, plant mimics are less likely to be mistaken for their models than animal mimics which are mobile and dispersed among their models. Therefore, operator species are more likely to be deceived by animal mimics than plant mimics. In addition, the autonomy of plant appendages implies that warning mimicry provides less advantage to plants than to animals because plants suffer less from sampling by naive operators. Therefore, the advantage of warning mimicry is much greater for animals than plants. These reasons may explain why plant mimicry is less common than animal mimicry, based on attraction of rather than avoidance by operator species, and limited to the class of aggressive mimicry.  相似文献   

昆虫拟态的历史发展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
昆虫的拟态理论是由英国自然学家Bates于1862年提出的,Fisher称其为"达尔文后自然选择最重要的依据之一".大量的科学研究表明,昆虫的拟态行为最晚出现在石炭纪,自那时起昆虫与捕食者、昆虫与植物之间开始出现了共同的演变和进化.拟态的模仿方式一般包括颜色、花纹以及形态,但是也可以单指行为方面,且拟态大部分情况下可能模仿的是一个动物群体或者只是另外一种动物身上的一部分.拟态包括多种定义,不同的定义之间用小同的标准来区分拟态现象和非拟态现象,如贝茨氏拟态、缪勒氏拟态、侵略性拟态和瓦曼氏拟态等.本文从其中广义拟态的角度,对当前不同类群昆虫化石中拟态现象的研究进展进行了简要总结.  相似文献   

Müllerian mimicry describes the close resemblance between aposematic prey species; it is thought to be beneficial because sharing a warning signal decreases the mortality caused by sampling by inexperienced predators learning to avoid the signal. It has been hypothesized that selection for mimicry is strongest in multi-species prey communities where predators are more prone to misidentify the prey than in simple communities. In this study, wild great tits (Parus major) foraged from either simple (few prey appearances) or complex (several prey appearances) artificial prey communities where a specific model prey was always present. Owing to slower learning, the model did suffer higher mortality in complex communities when the birds were inexperienced. However, in a subsequent generalization test to potential mimics of the model prey (a continuum of signal accuracy), only birds that had foraged from simple communities selected against inaccurate mimics. Therefore, accurate mimicry is more likely to evolve in simple communities even though predator avoidance learning is slower in complex communities. For mimicry to evolve, prey species must have a common predator; the effective community consists of the predator's diet. In diverse environments, the limited diets of specialist predators could create 'simple community pockets' where accurate mimicry is selected for.  相似文献   

Conspicuousness, or having high contrast relative to the surrounding background, is a common feature of unpalatable species. Several hypotheses have been proposed to explain the occurrence of conspicuousness, and while most involve the role of conspicuousness as a direct signal of unpalatability to potential predators, one hypothesis suggests that exaggerated conspicuousness may evolve in unpalatable species to reduce predator confusion with palatable species (potential Batesian mimics). This hypothesis of antagonistic coevolution between palatable and unpalatable species hinges on the ‘cost of conspicuousness’, in which conspicuousness increases the likelihood of predation more in palatable species than in unpalatable species. Under this mimicry scenario, four patterns are expected: (i) mimics will more closely resemble local models than models from other localities, (ii) there will be a positive relationship between mimic and model conspicuousness, (iii) models will be more conspicuous in the presence of mimics, and (iv) when models and mimics differ in conspicuousness, mimics will be less conspicuous than models. We tested these predictions in the salamander mimicry system involving Notophthalmus viridescens (model) and one colour morph of Plethodon cinereus (mimic). All predictions were supported, indicating that selection for Batesian mimicry not only influences the evolution of mimics, but also the evolution of the models they resemble. These findings indicate that mimicry plays a large role in the evolution of model warning signals, particularly influencing the evolution of conspicuousness.  相似文献   

Classical (conventional) Müllerian mimicry theory predicts that two (or more) defended prey sharing the same signal always benefit each other despite the fact that one species can be more toxic than the other. The quasi‐Batesian (unconventional) mimicry theory, instead, predicts that the less defended partner of the mimetic relationship may act as a parasite of the signal, causing a fitness loss to the model. Here we clarify the conditions for parasitic or mutualistic relationships between aposematic prey, and build a model to examine the hypothesis that the availability of alternative prey is crucial to Müllerian and quasi‐Batesian mimicry. Our model is based on optimal behaviour of the predator. We ask if and when it is in the interest of the predator to learn to avoid certain species as prey when there is alternative (cryptic) prey available. Our model clearly shows that the role of alternative prey must be taken into consideration when studying model–mimic dynamics. When food is scarce it pays for the predator to test the models and mimics, whereas if food is abundant predators should leave the mimics and models untouched even if the mimics are quite edible. Dynamics of the mimicry tend to be classically Müllerian if mimics are well defended, while quasi‐Batesian dynamics are more likely when they are relatively edible. However, there is significant overlap: in extreme cases mimics can be harmful to models (a quasi‐Batesian case) even if the species are equally toxic. A crucial parameter explaining this overlap is the search efficiency with which indiscriminating vs. discriminating predators find cryptic prey. Quasi‐Batesian mimicry becomes much more likely if discrimination increases the efficiency with which the specialized predator finds cryptic prey, while the opposite case tends to predict Müllerian mimicry. Our model shows that both mutualistic and parasitic relationship between model and mimic are possible and the availability of alternative prey can easily alter this relationship.  相似文献   

The evolution of mimicry in similarly defended prey is well described by the Müllerian mimicry theory, which predicts the convergence of warning patterns in order to gain the most protection from predators. However, despite this prediction, we can find great diversity of color patterns among Müllerian mimics such as Heliconius butterflies in the neotropics. Furthermore, some species have evolved the ability to maintain multiple distinct warning patterns in single populations, a phenomenon known as polymorphic mimicry. The adaptive benefit of these polymorphisms is questionable since variation from the most common warning patterns is expected to be disadvantageous as novel signals are punished by predators naive to them. In this study, we use artificial butterfly models throughout Central and South America to characterize the selective pressures maintaining polymorphic mimicry in Heliconius doris. Our results highlight the complexity of positive frequency‐dependent selection, the principal selective pressure driving convergence among Müllerian mimics, and its impacts on interspecific variation of mimetic warning coloration. We further show how this selection regime can both limit and facilitate the diversification of mimetic traits.  相似文献   

Biological mimicry has served as a salient example of natural selection for over a century, providing us with a dazzling array of very different examples across many unrelated taxa. We provide a conceptual framework that brings together apparently disparate examples of mimicry in a single model for the purpose of comparing how natural selection affects models, mimics and signal receivers across different interactions. We first analyse how model–mimic resemblance likely affects the fitness of models, mimics and receivers across diverse examples. These include classic Batesian and Müllerian butterfly systems, nectarless orchids that mimic Hymenoptera or nectar‐producing plants, caterpillars that mimic inert objects unlikely to be perceived as food, plants that mimic abiotic objects like carrion or dung and aggressive mimicry where predators mimic food items of their own prey. From this, we construct a conceptual framework of the selective forces that form the basis of all mimetic interactions. These interactions between models, mimics and receivers may follow four possible evolutionary pathways in terms of the direction of selection resulting from model–mimic resemblance. Two of these pathways correspond to the selective pressures associated with what is widely regarded as Batesian and Müllerian mimicry. The other two pathways suggest mimetic interactions underpinned by distinct selective pressures that have largely remained unrecognized. Each pathway is characterized by theoretical differences in how model–mimic resemblance influences the direction of selection acting on mimics, models and signal receivers, and the potential for consequent (co)evolutionary relationships between these three protagonists. The final part of this review describes how selective forces generated through model–mimic resemblance can be opposed by the basic ecology of interacting organisms and how those forces may affect the symmetry, strength and likelihood of (co)evolution between the three protagonists within the confines of the four broad evolutionary possibilities. We provide a clear and pragmatic visualization of selection pressures that portrays how different mimicry types may evolve. This conceptual framework provides clarity on how different selective forces acting on mimics, models and receivers are likely to interact and ultimately shape the evolutionary pathways taken by mimetic interactions, as well as the constraints inherent within these interactions.  相似文献   

Mimicry, the resemblance of one species by another, is a complex phenomenon where the mimic (Batesian mimicry) or the model and the mimic (Mullerian mimicry) gain an advantage from this phenotypic convergence. Despite the expectation that mimics should closely resemble their models, many mimetic species appear to be poor mimics. This is particularly apparent in some systems in which there are multiple available models. However, the influence of model pattern diversity on the evolution of mimetic systems remains poorly understood. We tested whether the number of model patterns a predator learns to associate with a negative consequence affects their willingness to try imperfect, novel patterns. We exposed week‐old chickens to coral snake (Micrurus) color patterns representative of three South American areas that differ in model pattern richness, and then tested their response to the putative imperfect mimetic pattern of a widespread species of harmless colubrid snake (Oxyrhopus rhombifer) in different social contexts. Our results indicate that chicks have a great hesitation to attack when individually exposed to high model pattern diversity and a greater hesitation to attack when exposed as a group to low model pattern diversity. Individuals with a fast growth trajectory (measured by morphological traits) were also less reluctant to attack. We suggest that the evolution of new patterns could be favored by social learning in areas of low pattern diversity, while individual learning can reduce predation pressure on recently evolved mimics in areas of high model diversity. Our results could aid the development of ecological predictions about the evolution of imperfect mimicry and mimicry in general.  相似文献   

Batesian mimicry evolves when individuals of a palatable species gain the selective advantage of reduced predation because they resemble a toxic species that predators avoid. Here, we evaluated whether—and in which direction—Batesian mimicry has evolved in a natural population of mimics following extirpation of their model. We specifically asked whether the precision of coral snake mimicry has evolved among kingsnakes from a region where coral snakes recently (1960) went locally extinct. We found that these kingsnakes have evolved more precise mimicry; by contrast, no such change occurred in a sympatric non-mimetic species or in conspecifics from a region where coral snakes remain abundant. Presumably, more precise mimicry has continued to evolve after model extirpation, because relatively few predator generations have passed, and the fitness costs incurred by predators that mistook a deadly coral snake for a kingsnake were historically much greater than those incurred by predators that mistook a kingsnake for a coral snake. Indeed, these results are consistent with prior theoretical and empirical studies, which revealed that only the most precise mimics are favoured as their model becomes increasingly rare. Thus, highly noxious models can generate an ‘evolutionary momentum’ that drives the further evolution of more precise mimicry—even after models go extinct.  相似文献   

The phenology of aculeate Hymenoptera and of syrphids which are believed to mimic them has been investigated at three semi-natural ancient woodland sites in north-west England. It is concluded that the abundance and phenology of most of the hoverflies is consistent with their being Batesian mimics of particular species of bee or wasp. The main exceptions are Eristalis spp., Helophilus spp., Syrphus spp. and Episyrphus balteatus which are often much more abundant than their supposed models. These four taxa may still benefit from mimicry, but further research is needed to confirm this. With the possible exceptions of Eristalis pertinax and E. tenax , there is no strong evidence from north-west England in support of Waldbauer's hypothesis that mimics are rare when fledgling birds are abundant but may be commoner in autumn and spring. The data also indicate that mimics which closely resemble their models (specific mimics) are usually rarer than their models, whereas mimics with a less precise resemblance (non-specific mimics) are often commoner than models.  相似文献   

Batesian mimicry evolves when a palatable species (the ‘mimic’) co-opts a warning signal from a dangerous species (the ‘model’) and thereby deceives its potential predators. Longstanding theory predicts that this protection from predation should break down where the model is absent. Thus, mimics are expected to only co-occur with their model. Yet, many mimics violate this prediction and occur in areas where their model is absent. Here, we discuss the causes and consequences of such allopatric mimics. We also describe how these ‘rule-bending’ mimics provide critical insights into diverse topics ranging from how Batesian mimicry evolves to its possible role in speciation.  相似文献   

Mimicry often involves a protective element, whereby the risk of predation on mimics is reduced owing to their resemblance to unpalatable models. However, protection from predation has so far seemed unimportant in aggressive mimicry, where mimics are usually predators rather than prey. Here, we demonstrate that bluestriped fangblennies (Plagiotremus rhinorhynchos), which are aggressive mimics of juvenile bluestreak cleaner wrasse (Labroides dimidiatus), derive significant protection benefits from their resemblance to cleaner fish. Field observations revealed that mimetic fangblennies were chased by potential victims less often than individuals of a closely related, ecologically and behaviourally similar but non-mimetic species (Plagiotremus tapeinosoma). After attacks, proximity to models protected mimics from retaliation by victims, but the effect of colour similarity was less clear. Both colour resemblance and physical proximity to models thus appear to protect cleaner-fish mimics from aggression by potential and actual victims of their attacks. Our results suggest that the mimicry types observed in nature, which are usually distinguished on the basis of the benefits accrued to mimics, may in fact overlap greatly in the benefits provided.  相似文献   

Warning signals are a striking example of natural selection present in almost every ecological community – from Nordic meadows to tropical rainforests, defended prey species and their mimics ward off potential predators before they attack. Yet despite the wide distribution of warning signals, they are relatively scarce as a proportion of the total prey available, and more so in some biomes than others. Classically, warning signals are thought to be governed by positive density-dependent selection, i.e. they succeed better when they are more common. Therefore, after surmounting this initial barrier to their evolution, it is puzzling that they remain uncommon on the scale of the community. Here, we explore factors likely to determine the prevalence of warning signals in prey assemblages. These factors include the nature of prey defences and any constraints upon them, the behavioural interactions of predators with different prey defences, the numerical responses of predators governed by movement and reproduction, the diversity and abundance of undefended alternative prey and Batesian mimics in the community, and variability in other ecological circumstances. We also discuss the macroevolution of warning signals. Our review finds that we have a basic understanding of how many species in some taxonomic groups have warning signals, but very little information on the interrelationships among population abundances across prey communities, the diversity of signal phenotypes, and prey defences. We also have detailed knowledge of how a few generalist predator species forage in artificial laboratory environments, but we know much less about how predators forage in complex natural communities with variable prey defences. We describe how empirical work to address each of these knowledge gaps can test specific hypotheses for why warning signals exhibit their particular patterns of distribution. This will help us to understand how behavioural interactions shape ecological communities.  相似文献   

Batesian mimics typically dupe visual predators by resembling noxious or deadly model species. Ants are unpalatable and dangerous to many arthropod taxa, and are popular invertebrate models in mimicry studies. Ant mimicry by spiders, especially jumping spiders, has been studied and researchers have examined whether visual predators can distinguish between the ant model, spider mimic and spider non‐mimics. Tropical habitats harbour a diverse community of ants, their mimics and predators. In one such tripartite mimicry system, we investigated the response of an invertebrate visual predator, the ant‐mimicking praying mantis (Euantissa pulchra), to two related ant‐mimicking spider prey of the genus Myrmarachne, each closely mimicking its model ant species. We found that weaver ants (Oecophylla smaragdina) were much more aggressive than carpenter ants (Camponotus sericeus) towards the mantis. Additionally, mantids exhibited the same aversive response towards ants and their mimics. More importantly, mantids approached carpenter ant‐mimicking spiders significantly more than often that they approached weaver ant‐mimicking spiders. Thus, in this study, we show that an invertebrate predator, the praying mantis, can indeed discriminate between two closely related mimetic prey. The exact mechanism of the discrimination remains to be tested, but it is likely to depend on the level of mimetic accuracy by the spiders and on the aggressiveness of the ant model organism.  相似文献   

In order to further characterize the function of coloration in plants as defense against herbivory, two types of thorn mimicry are described: (1) A unique type of weapon (thorn) automimicry (within the same individual) that was previously known only in animals, and (2) mimicry of aposematic colorful thorns, by colorful elongated and pointed plant organs (buds, leaves and fruit) that, despite their appearance, are not sharp. Some thorny plants including dozens of species of Agave, one species of Aloe and a palm species have thorn-like imprints or colorations on their leaves, constituting thorn automimicry by giving the impression of more extensive thorns. The mimicry of aposematic colorful thorns is a typical case of Batesian mimicry, but the thorn automimicry is a special intra-organismic Batesian mimicry. I propose that both types of mimicry serve as anti-herbivore mechanisms.  相似文献   

  • Rewardless plants can attract pollinators by mimicking floral traits of rewarding heterospecific plants. This should result in the pollination success of floral mimics being dependent on the relative abundance of their models, as pollinator abundance and conditioning on model signals should be higher in the vicinity of the models. However, the attraction of pollinators to signals of the models may be partially innate, such that spatial isolation of mimics from model species may not strongly affect pollination success of mimics.
  • We tested whether pollination rates and fruit set of the rewardless orchid Disa pulchra were influenced by proximity and abundance of its rewarding model species, Watsonia lepida.
  • Pollination success of the orchid increased with proximity to the model species, while fruit set of the orchid increased with local abundance of the model species. Orchids that were experimentally translocated outside the model population experienced reduced pollinaria removal and increased pollinator‐mediated self‐pollination.
  • These results confirm predictions that the pollination success of floral mimics should be dependent on the proximity and abundance of model taxa, and thus highlight the importance of ecological facilitation among species involved in mimicry systems.

The nature of signal mimicry between defended prey (known as Müllerian mimicry) is controversial. Some authors assert that it is always mutualistic and beneficial, whilst others speculate that less well defended prey may be parasitic and degrade the protection of their better defended co-mimics (quasi-Batesian mimicry). Using great tits (Parus major) as predators of artificial prey, we show that mimicry between unequally defended co-mimics is not mutualistic, and can be parasitic and quasi-Batesian. We presented a fixed abundance of a highly defended model and a moderately defended dimorphic (mimic and distinct non-mimetic) species, and varied the relative frequency of the two forms of the moderately defended prey. As the mimic form increased in abundance, per capita predation on the model-mimic pair increased. Furthermore, when mimics were rare they gained protection from predation but imposed no co-evolutionary pressure on models. We found that the feeding decisions of the birds were affected by their individual toxic burdens, consistent with the idea that predators make foraging decisions which trade-off toxicity and nutrition. This result suggests that many prey species that are currently assumed to be in a simple mutualistic mimetic relationship with their co-mimic species may actually be engaged in an antagonistic co-evolutionary process.  相似文献   

Batesian mimicry is seen as an example of evolution by natural selection, with predation as the main driving force. The mimic is under selective pressure to resemble its model, whereas it is disadvantageous for the model to be associated with the palatable mimic. In consequence one might expect there to be an evolutionary arms race, similar to the one involving host-parasite coevolution. In this study, the evolutionary dynamics of a Batesian mimicry system of model ants and ant-mimicking salticids is investigated by comparing the phylogenies of the two groups. Although Batesian mimics are expected to coevolve with their models, we found the phylogenetic patterns of the models and the mimics to be indicative of adaptive radiation by the mimic rather than co-speciation between the mimic and the model. This shows that there is strong selection pressure on Myrmarachne, leading to a high degree of polymorphism. There is also evidence of sympatric speciation in Myrmarachne, the reproductive isolation possibly driven by female mate choice in polymorphic species.  相似文献   

Summary Differential predation pressure and the probability of predation on a Batesian mimicry complex and on alternative prey were estimatedin a field experiment. The mimicry complex was composed of a noxious model (Eleodes obscura (Say)) and a palatable mimic (Stenomorpha marginata (LeConte)). House crickets (Acheta domesticus) (Linn.) were used as alternative prey. The experiment was conducted for 23 nights in August and September to approximate the peak seasonal activity time period during which both models and mimics normally are exposed to predation while foraging and depositing eggs. Each night thirty prey in ratios of 16 models: 7 mimics: 7 crickets were exposed for 2.5 h to a suite of predators consisting of pallid bats (Antrozous pallidus), striped skunks (Mephitis mephitis) and ringtails (Bassariscus astutus) that had free access to the prey. The model-mimic ratio was similar to that found in nature. Predators obtained prey on 11 of the 23 nights and preferred the alternative prey (crickets) in proportions higher than was expected from a predation rate that was equal on all species of prey. Mimics were taken by predators at a rate proportional to their abundance, while models were taken at a rate considerably lower than their relative abundance. This suggests that at least some of the predators could distinguish between models and mimics and were willing to eat the mimics at higher frequencies than they were willing to eat the models. However, although the mimicry is not perfect with respect to the entire predator suite, the mimics still gain an advantage by resembling the models, compared to the predation levels on the alternate prey.  相似文献   

Abstract. According to anecdotal evidence, some spiders are inaccurate mimics of ants, that is, they resemble one or several ant models in coloration, but not in body form. Here, we studied the mimetic accuracy of individuals of three myrmecomorphic species, Liophrurillus flavitarsis, Phrurolithus festivus, and Micaria sociabilis, and their association with ant models to find evidence in support of hypotheses suggested to explain the maintenance of inaccurate mimicry. We found that all three species occur together with their models. Individuals of L. flavitarsis and P. festivus associated with a few ant species, while specimens of M. sociabilis only associated with a single species. The density of spiders was several hundred times lower than that of their models. The myrmecomorphs resembled their models in color, body length, and speed of movement but not in some aspects of behavior (specifically, gait and opisthosoma bobbing). Behavioral resemblance might markedly improve the inaccurate static visual resemblance, resulting in overall high accuracy. However, the constant movement of mimics and models may not allow operators to discriminate between them, thus relaxing selection for more accurate visual mimicry.  相似文献   

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